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Am I a Bully??? Written by Gilchrist, H. (2018). Illustrated by Jordon. Z.

Independent Publishing Platform

“Am I a Bully??” Is about a little boy names Toby and how he makes his friends in class laugh
by teasing another little boy about his clothes. Toby doesn’t think he’s being a bully because he
isn’t physically harming the other student. Students with ED often talk out and can me impulsive
and challenge others. When they do this they might not think they are being a bully or harming
the other student. So it’s important to show how being a bully is more than just physically
harming someone else.
Somebody Cares: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Neglect Written by Straus, S.
(2018). Illustrated by Keay, C. American Psychological Association

“Somebody Cares” is about a child who is going through a hard time and their family has a
social worker and the child starts to go to therapy. The therapist works with them about who it’s
safe to talk to when they’re feeling upset or mad, they also have exercises to do to help them feel
better when they are feeling upset. Students with ED can feel lonely at times because they are
either left out or they are feeling different than the other kids. This book shows that no matter
what there will be people who care about you and it talks about mental health and seeing a
In My Heart: A Book of Feelings Written by Witek, J. (2014). Illustrated by Roussey, C.
Publishers Weekly.

“In My Heart” is a book about different feelings and they are explaining different ways the heart
is feeling. It talks about all different type of emotions the heart can go through. At the end it talks
about how to be proud of your heart and how it’s ok to have different emotions. Students with
ED often have a lot of different emotions and feelings throughout the day and this book talks
about how it’s ok. It also helps them when trying to express how they might be feeling when
they cant find the words.
When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry Written and Illustrated by Bang, M. (1999).
Scholastic Inc.

“Sophie Gets Angry” is about a little girl who gets really angry when her mother makes her share
the toy she was playing with. When Sophie gets angry she goes for a walk in the woods by her
house and sits in a tree to calm down. Students with ED often get really upset and angry when
they have to do things they don’t want to or something that seems small but is big to them makes
them upset. They just need to take a second to themselves to calm down.
Warp Speed Written by Yee, L. (2011). Scholastic Inc.
“Warp Speed” is a book about a young student named Marley and his struggle of going through
school. He gets picked on by a bully they call Gorn, who is named after a Star Trek character.
They chase him everyday after school and even beat him up on some occasion. He soon figures
out that he’s really fast from running away so often and the school track coach takes notices and
asks him to be apart of the team. This book teaches that if you’re feeling like an outcast that
you’re still good at things you might not even notice. Students with ED are often left out or can
be picked on because they are different. This book shows that it’s ok to be different.

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