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A3: CH 3--Quality Management-Abdulmajeed Alqahtani https://xlitemprod.pearsoncmg.


Instructor: John Bing

Student: Abdulmajeed Alqahtani Assignment: A3: CH 3--Quality
Course: BUA 345--Operations & Supply
Date: 06/03/19 Management
Chain Management

In an attempt to judge and monitor the quality of instruction, the administration of Mega-Byte Academy devised an
examination to test students on the basic concepts that all should have learned. Each year, a random sample of 10
graduating students is selected for the test. The average score is used to track the quality of the educational process. Test
results for the past 10 years are shown in the table below.
Click the icon to view test scores on exit exam data.

Use these data to estimate the center and standard deviation for this distribution. Then calculate the two-sigma control limits
for the process average. What comments would you make to the administration of the Mega-Byte Academy?

Start by estimating the center and the standard deviation of the process. Recall that the center line is either the average of
the past sample means or a target value set for the process. In this problem, no target mean is set; therefore, the center line
is found as the process average.

Find the center line. Note that we can rewrite the process average x as the sum of yearly averages.

x1 + x2 + ... + x10 69.7 + 74.4 + ... + 82.7

x= = = 77.6
10 10

Recall that the estimate of the process standard deviation based on a sample is given by:

x −x 2
= ,

where is the standard deviation of a sample, k is the total number of observations in a sample, x is the mean, and x is an
observation of a quality characteristic.

Estimate the process standard deviation.

x −x 2
= Note that the denominator contains the total number of observations decreased by 1.
x − 77.6 2
= Note that the found value of the mean has been substituted.
= 12.7

Having estimated the parameters of the process distribution, calculate the two-sigma control limits for the process average.
Recall that the z-sigma control limits are given by:

UCLx = x + z x and LCLx = x − z x ,

where x = is the standard deviation of sample means, n is the sample size, x is the center line of the chart, which here
is the average of the past sample means, and z stands for the normal deviate (number of standard deviations from the

First calculate the standard deviation of sample means.

x = Note that in the denominator is the square root of the size of a sample.
= Note that the found value of the process standard deviation has been substituted.

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A3: CH 3--Quality Management-Abdulmajeed Alqahtani https://xlitemprod.pearsoncmg.com/api/v1/print/om

Next calculate the two-sigma upper and lower control limits. Since the two-sigma controls are requested, the normal deviate
z = 2.

UCLx = 77.6 + 2(4) = 85.6

LCLx = 77.6 − 2(4) = 69.6

To interpret the results, visualize the data by plotting the control chart with the obtained control limits for the data given in
the table. The control chart is shown below.

Since all the data points are within the control limits, the process is considered to be in statistical control.

Although the process is in control, there is a certain increasing trend in the test scores. The following reasons could have
brought on such a trend:

1. There is corruption among instructors

2. Students are becoming more brighter and or motivated
3. Teaching methods are being improved
4. Admissions standards are being raised

Thus, Mega-Byte should explore for causes of corruption, which can give incentives for improved test scores. However,
other described situations are also probable.

1: More Info
Table 1. Test Scores on Exit Exam.

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average
1 63 57 92 87 70 61 75 58 63 71 69.7
2 90 77 59 88 48 83 63 94 72 70 74.4
3 67 81 88 55 71 71 86 98 65 90 77.2
4 62 67 78 60 89 93 71 59 93 84 75.6
5 85 88 77 69 56 90 97 72 64 60 75.8
6 60 57 79 83 64 97 86 64 92 74 75.6
7 94 85 56 77 89 72 76 61 92 97 79.9
8 97 86 78 88 65 87 76 81 81 71 81.0
9 94 90 76 88 80 93 86 87 85 63 84.2
10 75 91 71 89 97 80 93 87 69 75 82.7

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