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JUNE - 2015

Duration: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 100

1. Define white collar crimes and explain socio-economic offences in India. (Refer
Page No.1 & 45)
2. Explain the official deviance. (Refer Page No. 94)
3. Discuss the appointment, power and procedure of Lokpal Institution. (Refer Page
No. 153)
4. Explain illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. (Refer Page
No. 199)
5. Discuss opinion of disciplinary committee of Bar Council of India. (Refer Page No.
6. Explain gender based deviance and guideline of the Supreme Court of India
referring to Vishaka Vs. State of Rajysthan. (Refer Page No. 265)
7. Discuss the salient features of Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1956. (Refer Page
No. 320)

8. Write short note on any two of the following:

a) Police deviance. (Refer Page No. 123)

b) Political corruption. (Refer Page No. 140)

c) Function of Bar Council of India. (Refer Page No. 224)

9. Solve any two of the following problems:

a. ‘A’ a government servant employed in Social Welfare Department. He

misappropriated Rs. 500 entrusted to him for distribution of scholarship. Can A
be prosecuted? (Refer Page No. 346)

b. ‘A’ medical practitioner received Rs. 2000 and issue false medical certificate. A
case is lodged against him. Decide the liability of ‘A’. (Refer Page No. 347)

c. In village the local MLA engaged ‘A’ a schedule caste woman for working under
bondage system. When woman demanded payment for services rendered ‘A’ was
beaten up. Now ‘A’ want to take legal action against MLA. Advise her. (Refer Page
No. 348)


1. Explain the nature, definition growth of white collar criminality. (Refer

Page No. )

2. Explain police deviance and accountability mechanisms. (Refer Page No.


3. Enumerate the crimes under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

(Refer Page No. )

4. Explain the salient features of Lokpal bill, 2011. (Refer Page No. )

5. Discuss the salient features of Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique

(Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994.

6. What is professional deviance? Explain the restrictions on Professional

deviance by an Advocate under Advocate Act, 1961. (Refer Page No. )

7. Discuss opinion of Disciplinary committee of Bar Council of India. (Refer

Page No. )

8. Write short note on any two of the following.

a. Cyber crimes. (Refer Page No. )

b. Background of Lentin Commission. (Refer Page No. )
c. Official deviance. (Refer Page No. )

9. Solve any two of the following problems.

(a) A on Advocate withdraws suit on oral instruction of associates of

the plaintiff and it was settled without the instruction from the
plaintiff whether this amounts to misconduct. (Refer White Collar
Crimes, Volume – II Separate Book)

(b) The police have arrested A on the ground that he has caused
grevious hurt to B. The police have beat him whole night While is
police custody and there after he is admitted to hospital A dies due
to the injuries causes by beating of police A’s wife claims that her
husband has died due to police torture But police denies the
allegation Is custodial torture police deviance. If yes give
suggestions to A’s wife for taking legal action against police. (Refer
White Collar Crimes, Volume – II Separate Book)

(c) A the husband of X is habitual drunkard and induced his wife to

share bed with B for Rs 5.000/- But she refuses and wants to take
legal action against him. Advice X. (Refer White Collar Crimes,
Volume – II Separate Book)


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