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VAN WOENSEL Erik Gerard Megens and Lex Rutten

Acon. Aconitum napellus

Mind - FEAR AND PREDICTING - Fear of death; predicts the time of his
DEATH. Convinced they will die, death.
PREDICT THE TIME. Fear of death - Fear of dark, crowd.
during pregnancy, labor. - FEARS: - Sensitive to noise/touch/pain.
CROWD, NARROW PLACES, OPEN - Ailments from fright; fear remains
SPACES, darkness, elevator, tunnel, after the fright.
heart-disease, heart will stop, - Irritable.
brainstroke, fainting, air plane, - * Pains intolerable, grasps throat on
earthquake. - Fearful cough, - genitals on urinating.
RESTLESSNESS. - PANIC - Fear of death with palpitations and
STATES: Sudden, violent. Like internal redness face, fear of suffocation.
earthquake. With palpitations, red - Panic crises.
face, vertigo, one sided numbness, - Many fears: claustrofobia,
faintness, perspiration, trembling, agoraphobia, earthquake, in a crowd.
dyspnea. agg. Midnight to 4 a.m. - Hyperventilation.
agg. 15 to 30 minutes after falling - * One-sided redness face.
asleep. agg. On falling asleep (Lach). - Numbness one-sided: face, lips,
agg. Becoming warm in bed. agg. hands.
Twilight (until midnight). Calm in - Thirst for large quantities, cold drinks.
between the panic states. - - Everything tastes bitter except water.
Extroverted. Desire company. - - @ Heat-dry.
Anxiety about others. Sympathetic. - - Heat head with coldness of body.
Alternating moods. - Complains, - Burning pains.
reproaches. Quarrelsome. - Ailments from: dry-cold wind; fright
Misanthrophy. - Over-sensitive to (severe shocks with threatening death);
noise, light, touch. - Sad, indifferent; suppression of perspiration, coryza and
with aversion company. Generalities menses.
- Extreme excitability of nervous and - Agg.: dry/cold wind, warm room,
vascular system. - Desire open air. music, lying on affected side.
- agg. COLD DRY weather, dry COLD - Known for acute cases but also useful
WIND, east wind, agg. becoming in chronic cases.
cold when overheated. - agg. Motion; - Neuroses.
lying on affected side; touch (esp. - Mostly strong vital, extrovert,
during fever). - agg. FRIGHT, sympathetic.
SHOCK; experience of IMMINENT - Still very sensitive to mental shock,
DEATH. - agg. Twilight. - amel. especially fright, e.g. death-thread.
Discharges (vomiting, diarrhea). - Also effects from bad news.
Plethoric. local congestions. - - From this fright arises fear (of death),
Epilepsy or convulsions. - Numbness, vertigo, one-sided numbness, faintness,
tingling agg. left side. - Intolerable flushes and tachycardia.
pains; stinging, burning. Protects painful - The fear is very strong and he has the
part with hands. Vertigo - During unjust idea to die soon, at a specific
panic. - On rising, on attempting to sit time.
up in bed. Head - Tormenting - The fear is paroxysmal.
headaches, agg. occiput and forehead, - Fear of suffocation 10-15 min. after
with fear of death;after fright; exposure falling asleep (Lach.: when falling
to cold. - Congestion and fullness, asleep).
agg. evening; as if enlarged. - - On waking paralysis of limbs or
Sensation of boiling inside. Eye - sensation that the ceiling is falling.
Conjunctivitis from cold, dry wind, - Fear of dark and of crowds.
reflection of snow. Inflammations from - Retention of urine after fright; in new
injury (Symph.). - Hot and dry. Red born infants.
conjunctiva of lids. Profuse - Heat: the patient is dry and hot.
lachrymation. Lids hard and swollen. - Especially the head, a boiling
- PHOTOPHOBIA FROM SUNLIGHT. sensation in the head.
- Eyeballs feel enlarged. - Loss of
vision after fright, very cold or hot
weather. Ear - External ear hot and
red; painful sensitivity; noise
intolerable. Nose - Acute smell for
unpleasant odors. - Epistaxis; bright
red. Face - Anxious expression.
cold wind, agg. left side. - One cheek
red, one pale (Cham). - ONE-SIDED
with faintness. Mouth - Numbness
and tingling of tongue and lips. Burning.
- Everything tastes bitter except
water. Teeth - Grinding. - Pain
from dry, cold wind; during pregnancy.
Throat - Acute inflammations with
high fever, dark redness, burning and
stinging. - Swallowing difficult.
Stomach - Gastritis from drinking
cold water when overheated. -
THIRST for large quantities (cold
water). - Burning pain ext. to
mouth. - Pressure as from a stone,
ext. to back. Abdomen - Acute
hepatitis. Splenitis. - Severe colic
with green, watery stool, amel. after
stool. - Tympanitic swelling, burning
hot, painful to touch, agg. umbilical
region. Urinary - RETENTION of
urine in NEWBORNS, from FRIGHT;
from cold, esp. children, with crying and
restlessness. - Frequent urination
during crisis. Male genitalia -
Acute orchitis. Female genitalia -
Acute inflammation ovaries from
suppressed menses. - Suppressed
menses, dysmenorrhea from fright,
becoming cold. - Abortion from
fright. Larynx/trachea - CROUP, in
early stage; after cold, dry wind.
Larynx sensitive to touch, inspired air;
as if raw. Respiration -
Hyperventilating with a croupy sound,
agonizing, with fear of suffocation. -
Dyspnea from fright, cardiac
excitement. - PSYCHOGENIC
DYSPNEA (Lob.). Cough - Short,
dry, hoarse, barking, forcible; from
irritation in throat. Chest -
RESTLESSNESS; agg. lying. As if
boiling water in chest. As if heart will
explode. - ANGINA. Intense pain in
all directions, esp. down left arm; with
numbness and tingling. - Pneumonia,
pleurisy. - Stitches in right side, agg.
lying on right side, motion, coughing,
breathing. Extremities - Acute
rheumatism with sensation of
enlargement of the part. - Affections
often associated with NUMBNESS,
TINGLING. - Paralysis, from
exposure to cold, dry wind, from fright;
hysterical. - Paralysis on waking,
unable to move, gives panic. Sleep
- Restless. - Nervous sleeplessness,
with anxiety, restlessness. -
Nightmares, instead of panic-attack. -
Position: Left side. Fever - HIGH
FEVER. Skin - Jaundice in new-
borns. - Dry. - Erythema, agg. sun.
Erysipelas. Red rash. - Fine prickings
as from needles. Tingling. Compl.
Arn., Coff., Sulph. Dd Arg-n.,
Ars., Bell., Ferr-p., Op., Phos., Rhus-t.,

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