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Part 2

As An Investment
Published: September 17, 2020

Author: Yassine Elmandjra, Analyst at ARK Invest

Authored in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Join the conversation on Twitter @ARKinvest

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics


I. Bitcoin’s Price History 3

II. Bitcoin’s Opportunity 5

A. Bitcoin As A Global Settlement Network 7
B. Bitcoin As Protection Against The Seizure Of Assets 8
C. Bitcoin As Digital Gold 8
D. Bitcoin As A Catalyst For Currency Demonetization In Emerging Markets 9

III. Bitcoin As A Strategic Allocation 10

IV. Bitcoin’s Maturity As An Institutional Asset 13

A. Bitcoin’s Trading Volume 13
B. Bitcoin’s Liquidity Profile 19

V. Asset Allocation To Bitcoin 20

VI. Risks 24
A. Custody 24
B. Regulation 25
C. Over-Institutionalization 25

VII. Conclusion 26

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics


In Part 1 of this research, we described how we believe Bitcoin, a novel economic institution, satisfies
the four assurances that maximize the probability of a robust and predictable financial system.
In Part 2, we explore bitcoin as an emerging asset. While many investors question its merit, in our
view bitcoin is the most compelling monetary asset since gold.

I. Bitcoin’s Price History

Bitcoin’s origin is tied to an unexpected email that pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto sent to an
obscure cryptography mailing list in late 2008.

Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper

Satoshi Nakamoto | Sat, 01 Nov 2008 16:16:33 -0700

I`ve been working on a new electronic cash system that`s fully

peer-to peer, with no trusted trird party.

The paper is available at:

An excerpt from Satoshi Nakomoto’s email introducing Bitcoin

Nakomoto’s email included a link to the Bitcoin whitepaper,1 which solved one of the biggest
computer science problems that had stumped scientists for years. On January 3, 2009, Bitcoin was
up and running.

In the absence of a market and a price, bitcoin attracted a limited group of cryptography
enthusiasts during its first few years. Early adopters mined bitcoin cost effectively with nothing
more than personal computers.

Toward the end of 2009, New Liberty Standard published the first bitcoin exchange rate: 1,309.03
BTC to 1 USD.2 With an established exchange rate, individuals could purchase bitcoin. In March
2010, a user put 10,000 BTC up for auction with a $50 minimum, 3 and got no bids.
A few months later, Laszlo Hanyecz, a programmer in Florida , purchased two pizzas for 10,000
BTC, or $25 at the time. A decade later, 10,000 BTC would be worth $100 million.

1 Nakamoto, Satoshi. Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Bitcoin,

2 Fiorillo, Steve. “Bitcoin History: Timeline, Origins and Founder.” TheStreet, 17 Aug. 2018,
3 Bitcoin Auction: 10,000.00 BTC --- Starting Bid 50.00 USD,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 1: Bitcoin USD Price History

$100, 000

$10, 000

$1, 000
Bitcoin USD Price (Log)





2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Coin Metrics

Bitcoin exchanges accelerated the distribution of bitcoin. The now infamous exchange, Mt. Gox,
opened for trading in July 20104 and three years later accounted for 70% of global bitcoin

In April 2013, the bitcoin price crossed $100 for the first time and then scaled 10-fold during the
next six months, before collapsing. In February 2014, shortly after breaking through $1,000, bitcoin
succumbed to Mt. Gox’s security lapses. Mt. Gox suspended withdrawals after “losing” ~850,000
bitcoin, more than 6% of the bitcoin in circulation at that time.6 Bitcoin then entered a severe bear
market and dropped below $200 in January 2015, not to surpass $1,000 again until February 2017.

From Mt.Gox’s ashes emerged a new generation of market infrastructure. Bitfinex and Huobi,
two of the largest crypto exchanges today, launched with better governance, processes, and
procedures, and Coinbase launched a U.S. based exchange, the first to attract institutional

Meanwhile in 2015, ether - the second largest cryptocurrency by network capitalization - ushered
in a new class of cryptoassets, making it simple for anyone to introduce a token using ERC-20, 7
a technical standard specific to the Ethereum protocol.

4 Fiorillo, Steve. “Bitcoin History: Timeline, Origins and Founder.” TheStreet, 17 Aug. 2018,
5 “Mt. Gox.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 June 2020,
6 Frankenfield, Jake. “Mt. Gox.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 28 Aug. 2020,
7 Reiff, Nathan. “What Is ERC-20 and What Does It Mean for Ethereum?” Investopedia, Investopedia, 6 Sept. 2020,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

By 2017, numerous cryptoassets had entered the market through initial coin offerings (ICOs),
loosely equivalent to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), circumventing traditional fundraising.
By the end of 2017, ICOs had raised more than $4.6 billion, attracting not only speculators but also
talent and capital.

As the ICO madness hit peak fever in December 2017 and January 2018, bitcoin’s price hit nearly
$20,000 and was on the threshold of a massive selloff and an incredible period of volatility.
By year-end 2018, it had dropped 80% and then, within six months, recovered to 70% of its all-
time high before a Chinese-led Ponzi scheme PlusToken8 triggered another massive sell-off in
2018, driving the price down to $3,000. During the coronavirus crisis in March, it collapsed again,
dropping briefly below $4,000. Within three months, it had returned to pre-crisis levels, buoyed
by a rapid recovery in other asset classes globally. As of this writing, bitcoin is hovering just above

Often informed by incorrect assumptions, mainstream media has cast doubt on Bitcoin’s viability9
during the last 10 years while institutional investors have begun to research it as the birth of a new
asset class. Since December 2010, the media has declared bitcoin “dead” more than 380 times,10
while institutions have zeroed in on its unique monetary properties,11 particularly its store of
value potential as digital gold, as well as the foundation it is laying for transparent finance and the
hedge it offers against the existing monetary world order.

II. Bitcoin’s Opportunity

With little more than a 10-year price history, bitcoin has been the best performing asset of the 21st
century. Five years ago, a $10,000 investment in bitcoin would have delivered a 119% compound
annual rate of return and would be worth roughly $500,000 today. In fact, during any yearly
holding period since inception through September 1, 2020, bitcoin’s return has been positive,
significantly so in most cases, as shown in Figure 2.

8 Canellis, David. “Bitcoin’s Failing Price Could Be Caused by $2B Chinese Ponzi Scheme Dumping Its Crypto.” Hard Fork | The Next Web, 17 Dec.
9 Carter, Nic. “Media Coverage of Bitcoin Is Still a Total Disaster.” Medium, Medium, 26 Feb. 2019,
10 “Bitcoin Obituaries - Bitcoin Declared Dead 350 Times (2020 Updated).” 99 Bitcoins,
11 Schatzker, Erik. “Paul Tudor Jones Buys Bitcoin With Reminder of Gold in 1970s.”, Bloomberg, 7 May 2020,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 2: Bitcoin Compound Annual Returns


120% 113%




40% 35%

Last 7 Years Last 6 Years Last 5 Years Last 4 Years Last 3 Years Last 2 Years Last Year

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2020

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Despite its run, our analysis suggests bitcoin is early on its path to monetization, with substantial
appreciation potential. In our view, Bitcoin’s $200 billion market capitalization - or network value -
will scale more than an order of magnitude to the trillions during the next decade.

In the next section, we will discuss bitcoin’s largest market opportunities. Consistent with these
opportunities, we estimate Bitcoin could reach a $3 trillion market cap by 2025.

Figure 3: Sizing Bitcoin’s Opportunity

$3,500 $160,000
$ 3 trillion
$3,000 $140,000
Market Capitalization (billions USD)

Price per bitcoin

$1,500 14x


$500 $20,000
$ 220 billion

$0 $0
Bitcoin Market Capitalization as of 9/1/2020 2025 Bitcoin Market Capitalization (ARK Estimate)

Note: TAM (Total Addressable Market)

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2020
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy,
sell or hold any particular security. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

A. Bitcoin As A Global Settlement Network

We believe Bitcoin could become a settlement system for banks and businesses. Unlike traditional
settlement systems, the Bitcoin network is global, it cannot censor transactions, and its money
cannot be inflated by institutions like central banks. Instead of facilitating a large volume of low-
value transactions at point of sale, Bitcoin could evolve to handle large transactions between and
among financial intermediaries. Today, most dollar-based international payments must settle
through the Federal Reserve’s Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS), or Fedwire.

Supporting both senders and receivers, the Bitcoin network obviates the need for counterparties
to mediate and settle transactions and is capable of settling high value transactions irrevocably
every few hours. It can facilitate 2,000 global settling transactions roughly every ten minutes from
anywhere at any time. As noted in Economics of Bitcoin as a Settlement Network,12 the Bitcoin
network could settle one transaction daily with every other bank in a global network of 850 banks.
In the United States alone, deposits totaling $14.7 trillion generate $1.3 quadrillion in settlement
volumes between and among banks each year. If it were to capture 10% of those settlement
volumes at a similar deposit velocity, we believe the Bitcoin network would scale more than 7-fold
from roughly $200 billion to $1.5 trillion in value, as shown below.

Figure 4: Hypothetical Value Of Bitcoin As A Settlement Network According To ARK’s Analysis

$1,600 $80,000

$1,400 $70,000
Market Capitalization (billions USD)

$1,200 $60,000

Price per bitcoin

$1,000 $50,000

$800 $40,000

$600 $30,000

$400 $20,000

$200 $10,000

$0 $0
Bitcoin as of 9/1/2020 1% of Settlements 5% of Settlements 10% of Settlements

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Swift Institute13

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

12 “Economics of Bitcoin as a Settlement Network.” Economics of Bitcoin as a Settlement Network | Satoshi Nakamoto Institute,
13 A Billion Here, A Billion There: The Statistics Of Payments.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

B. Bitcoin As Protection Against The Seizure Of Assets

As we explained in Part 1 to this paper, Bitcoin enables personal sovereignty, a useful - if not
crucial - characteristic in jurisdictions where property rights are not recognized or enforced.
With good public and private key management, we believe bitcoin cannot be seized.

In our view, a sensible allocation to bitcoin would approximate the probability that a corrupt or
misguided regime will confiscate assets - whether by fiat money inflation or by outright seizure
- during an individual’s lifetime. If that probability were 5% on average globally, bitcoin’s market
capitalization, or network value, could vault more than 10-fold from $200 billion to $2.5 trillion,
as shown below.

Figure 5: Hypothetical Value Of Bitcoin As Protection Against Asset Seizure

According To ARK’s Analysis
$6,000 $250,000

Market Capitalization (billions USD)



Price per bitcoin





$0 $0
Bitcoin as of 9/1/2020 1% Probability 5% Probability 10% Probability

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2020

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

C. Bitcoin As Digital Gold

As part of the transition toward a digital economy, bitcoin could challenge gold as a global store
of value. Economic history suggests that an asset accrues value as the demand for it increases
relative to the supply. Demand is a function of an asset’s ability to serve the three roles of money:
store of value, medium of exchange, and unit of account.

For thousands of years, the world has recognized gold as the most sustainable form of money.
Through a process of natural selection, goods competed with each other for dominance until
gold evolved as the global monetary standard. While gold has maintained its status as a store of

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

value, its limitations to serve as a medium of exchange and unit of account began to surface in
the 20th century.14

Supporters often refer to bitcoin as digital gold because it improves upon many of physical gold’s
characteristics. Not only is bitcoin scarce and durable, but it also is divisible, verifiable, portable,
and transferable, all of which protect from the threat of centralization. According to our research,
if it were to take 10% share of the physical gold market, bitcoin’s network value could increase
nearly $1 trillion, as shown below, 5 times its $200 billion base today.

Figure 6: Hypothetical Value Of Bitcoin As Digital Gold According To ARK’s Analysis

$1,000 $45,000

$900 $40,000

Market Capitaliztion (billions USD)


Price per bitcoin


$100 $5,000

$0 $0
Bitcoin as of 9/1/2020 1% Gold 5% Gold 10% Gold

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2020

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

D. Bitcoin As A Catalyst For Currency Demonetization In Emerging Markets

During a spike in inflation, not to mention hyperinflation, the loss of confidence in monetary
authorities typically encourages investors and savers to adopt hedges to cash and bonds
like physical gold and, now, bitcoin. Not subject to capital controls, bitcoin could become an
important savings vehicle in emerging markets, to such an extent that businesses might demand
payment in bitcoin instead of fiat. As a result, the velocity of fiat currencies would accelerate,
further exacerbating inflation. Taken to the extreme of hyperinflation, fiat-denominated debt
would become worthless and dollar-denominated bonds unpayable. Drained of deposits and
unable to custody bitcoin, the banking systems would collapse.

14 Because of its bulk and high value per unit weight, gold was vulnerable to the human intervention associated with centralization. Its lack
of portability and inefficient measurement tools allowed governments to centralize reserves, undermining its function as a medium of
exchange and unit of account.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

While Bitcoin has not evolved enough to service an entire economy, we believe demand for
bitcoin in emerging markets should increase as its infrastructure reaches critical mass. If bitcoin
were to capture 5% of the global monetary base outside of the four largest fiat currencies - US
dollar, yen, yuan, euro - its market cap could increase by $1 trillion, as shown below, a 6-fold
increase from $200 billion today to roughly $1.2 trillion.15

Figure 7: Hypothetical Value Of Bitcoin As Currency Demonetization Catalyst

According To ARK’s Analysis
$3,000 $120,000

$2,500 $100,000
Market Capitaliztion (billions USD)

$2,000 $80,000

Price per bitcoin

$1,500 $60,000

$1,000 $40,000

$500 $20,000

$0 $0
Bitcoin as of 9/1/2020 1% M2 5% M2 10% M2

Note: M2 is a measure of the money supply that includes cash, checking deposits, and easily convertible near money.
Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Trading Economics | For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment
advice,or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security. Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

III. Bitcoin As A Strategic Allocation

Many investors have resisted exposure to bitcoin because of its volatility. While distracting
perhaps, bitcoin’s volatility actually highlights its uniqueness. In contrast to modern central
banking, the Bitcoin network does not prioritize exchange rate stability, relying instead on
a quantity rule that limits the growth of money supply but allows the free flow of capital.16
As a result, bitcoin’s price is a function of demand relative to supply, the latter of which is
increasing only 1.8% per year.

Untethered from traditional rules and regulations and, generally uncorrelated to the behavior of other
asset classes, bitcoin could serve as a strategic allocation in well-diversified portfolios, despite its
volatility. We believe the low correlations among traditional asset classes and bitcoin, as shown below,
should minimize idiosyncratic risks and lower overall volatility, resulting in higher risk-adjusted returns.

15 “Money Supply M2.” Money Supply M2 - Countries - List,

16 “Debunking Bitcoin Myths for the Institutional Investment Community.” ARK Invest, 26 June 2020,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

To illustrate bitcoin’s low correlation relative to other asset classes, we calculated the 90-day
rolling correlation between bitcoin and nine other assets over the 10 years from May 2010 through
June 2020, as shown below. As suggested by this sample, for the most part bitcoin has been
uncorrelated to traditional asset classes and various stocks.

Figure 8: Bitcoin Correlation Distributions

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Coin Metrics, Data sourced from third party (Bloomberg)
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Each distribution represents over 2,500 data points over ten years. While they have oscillated
over the years, the correlations for each asset tend to center around zero, indicating little to no
correlation. Bitcoin’s mean correlation to the S&P 500 is roughly 0.03 and its mean correlation
to gold, -0.004. For the most part, the correlations have ranged between -0.2 and 0.2, as shown
below. The coronavirus spike in correlations was an exception, but 0.4-0.5 is only 40-50% of the
near 100% correlations among stocks in equity markets over the same time period. Even the
correlation between the S&P 500 (SPY) and physical gold (GLD) shot past 0.4, its highest since
2013.17 In the absence of pandemic-like shocks, however, we believe the correlations will revert
toward 0 until asset allocators routinely include bitcoin and until the traditional financial system
incorporates Bitcoin technology into its infrastructure.

17 Metrics, Coin. “Issue 46 - Investigating Bitcoin’s Changing Correlations.” Coin Metrics’ State of the Network, Coin Metrics’ State of the Network,
14 Apr. 2020,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 9: Bitcoin Correlation

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Coin Metrics, Data sourced from third party (Bloomberg)
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Even at extremes, bitcoin appears to be the only asset with consistently low correlations relative
to traditional asset classes. With the exception of Real Estate, its maximum one-year rolling
correlation - positive or negative – is considered low, as shown below.18

Figure 10: Correlations Chart

High correlation: coefficient value lies between ± 0.50 and ± 1
Moderate correlation: coefficient value lies between ± 0.30 and ± 0.49
Low correlation: coefficient value lies below ± .29

Bitcoin S&P 500 Bonds Gold Oil Emerging Market Currencies Real Estate TSLA AAPL BAC
S&P 500 0.26
Bonds -0.14 -0.62
Gold 0.24 0.37 0.61
Oil 0.19 0.59 -0.44 0.43
Emerging Market Currencies 0.13 0.52 -0.36 0.37 0.53
Real Estate 0.34 0.89 -0.49 0.26 0.48 0.45
TSLA 0.15 0.51 -0.30 0.22 0.42 0.29 0.47
AAPL 0.17 0.69 -0.29 -0.22 0.37 -0.22 0.57 0.40
BAC 0.25 0.89 -0.61 -0.55 0.53 0.42 0.77 0.42 0.49

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Data sourced from third party (Bloomberg)
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

18 For more information on the methodology for Figure 10, please see disclosure on page 28.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

IV. Bitcoin’s Maturity As An Institutional Asset

Buy-side and sell-side institutions are evaluating whether or not bitcoin is ready for prime time.
Buy-side institutions are analyzing whether the maturity of the cryptocurrency market structure is
sufficient to accommodate substantial allocations of capital. Sell-side institutions are evaluating
the depth of the market as they plan to offer products and services to buy-side institutions. In the
next section, we will delve into bitcoin’s volume and liquidity.

Bitcoin’s Trading Volume

As of this writing, while bitcoin’s free float is roughly $200 billion, the size of some of the largest
publicly traded stocks in the US, its trading volume does not have as clear cut an analogy. Bitcoin’s
market structure resembles that of foreign exchange markets quoted globally 24 hours a day, but
significant bitcoin trading takes place on centralized exchanges, not between and among banks.

Aggregated in different ways, bitcoin’s trading volume ranges from $200 million to $12.4 billion
per day, as shown below. For a buy-side institution deploying fresh capital, U.S Dollar Markets
on major exchanges is perhaps the most relevant. Given $200 million in daily trading, a buy-side
institution limited to 10% of the volume could deploy roughly $20 million per day. Including the
major fiat currencies, however, bitcoin’s daily trading volume triples to $600 million, the U.S. dollar
accounting for roughly half of the total. Stablecoins more than triple bitcoin’s daily trading volume
once again to $1.9 billion, thanks primarily to Tether. Adding cryptocurrencies to the mix increases
trading volume by $700 million. Finally, accounting for nearly 80% of the total, derivatives expand
bitcoin’s daily volume more than five-fold to $12.4 billion, giving institutions limited to 10% of the
volume an opportunity to deploy $1.2 billion per day.

Figure 11: Average Bitcoin Trading Volume On Major Exchanges (July 2020)

All U.S. Dollar Markets $ 0.2

All Fiat Markets $ 0.6

All Fiat and Stablecoin Markets $ 1.9

All Fiat, Stablecoin, $ 2.6

and Crypto Markets

All Fiat, Stablecoin, Crypto, $ 12.4

and Derivatives Markets

$0 $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14

Billions (USD)

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

While the Bitcoin trading ecosystem consists of hundreds of centralized exchanges as well as a
handful of decentralized exchanges and several OTC desks, the majority of trading occurs on the
major centralized exchanges.19 Distribution of the U.S. dollar quoted spot market volume follows a
power law: roughly 90% concentrated in the top four exchanges, Coinbase, Bitstamp, Bitfinex, and
Kraken, as shown below. Such fragmentation suggests that institutions will have to onboard with
multiple exchanges to execute bitcoin trades.

Figure 12: Average Spot Market U.S. Dollar Daily Volume On Major Exchanges (July 2020)

Coinbase $ 0.086
Bitstamp $ 0.052
Kraken $ 0.040
Bitfinex $ 0.035
Gemini $ 0.015
Bittrex $ 0.006
Binance.US $ 0.004
itBit $ 0.004
Liquid $ 0.003
CEX.IO $ 0.002
bitFlyer $ 0.001

$0.00 $0.04 $0.08 $0.12

Billions (USD)

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

The balance of trading of major fiat currencies takes place on smaller regional exchanges with low
volumes. With the U.S. dollar accounting for roughly half of the total trading volume, the Japanese
yen, the euro, the Korean won, and the British pound account for 57% of fiat currency trading
volume, as shown in Figure 13.

19 In this analysis, our volume figures are derived from a set of major exchanges consisting of Binance, Binance.US, Bitfinex, bitFlyer, Bithumb,
BitMEX, Bitstamp, Bittrex, Bybit, CEX.IO, Coinbase, FTX,, Gemini, Huobi, itBit, Kraken, Liquid, OKEX, Poloniex, and Upbit.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 13: Average U.S. Dollar Daily Volume of Major Fiat Currencies (July 2020)

US Dollar $ 0.246

Japanese Yen $ 0.222

Euro $ 0.076

Korean Won $ 0.021

British Pound $ 0.010

$ 0.000 $ 0.050 $ 0.100 $ 0.150 $ 0.200 $ 0.250 $ 0.300

Billions USD

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

Increasingly, tokenized fiat currencies - stablecoins - are gaining share in the trading of
cryptocurrencies, with Tether taking a majority of the share. Because Tether operates in a
regulatory gray zone, buy-side and sell-side institutions must decide whether or not the increased
liquidity associated with stablecoins outweighs the risks. Compared to Tether, stablecoins with
more regulatory oversight like USD Coin, Paxos Standard, or TrueUSD trade little on a daily basis as
shown below.

Figure 14: Average U.S. Dollar Daily Volume of Major Stablecoins (July 2020)

Tether $ 1.288

Binance USD $ 0.036

USD Coin $ 0.020

Paxos Standard $ 0.004

TrueUSD $ 0.003

HUSD $ 0.002

$ 0.000 $ 0.200 $ 0.400 $ 0.600 $ 0.800 $ 1.000 $ 1.200 $ 1.400

Billions USD

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Larger than spot markets, derivatives provide significant bitcoin liquidity relative to other markets,
as shown below. The majority of the market is comprised of a single instrument called the Bitcoin
Perpetual Swap, a type of derivative that follows the price of the underlying asset in close to real
time. Margin contracts can settle in bitcoin, stablecoins, and fiat but are evolving.
That said, different contract terms can be confusing and highlight market fragmentation.

Figure 15: Average Derivatives Market U.S. Dollar Daily Volume (July 2020)

Huobi BTC Perpetual $ 2.212

Binance BTC Perpetual $ 1.795

BitMEX BTC Perpetual $ 1.345

Bybit BTC Perpetual $ 0.641

OKEx BTC Perpetual $ 0.406

FTX BTC Perpetual $ 0.111

$0.0 $0.5 $1.0 $1.5 $2.0 $2.5

Billions USD

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

For perspective, we illustrate the spot volume of bitcoin compared to that of other asset classes below.

Figure 16: Average U.S. Dollar Daily Volume of Major Asset Classes (July 2020)

All Bitcoin Spot Markets $3

All U.S. Equity Spot Markets $ 496

All U.S. Bond Spot Markets $ 893

Global FX Spot Markets $1 987

$0 $ 500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000

Billions USD

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed, CBOE, Sifma, and BIS

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

With daily trading volume of $3 billion, bitcoin’s spot markets are di minimis compared to U.S.
equity markets, U.S. bond markets, and global foreign exchange markets. In other words, bitcoin
trading is comparable in size to a large cap stock rather than an entire asset class. As a result,
at this moment in time, large institutional investors like endowment funds, pension funds,
and sovereign wealth funds might consider a small allocation to bitcoin in their exposure to
alternative assets instead of a strategic allocation to a new asset class.

Compared to the “FANG” stocks, bitcoin’s trading volume is higher than that of Netflix and Google
but lower than that of Amazon and Facebook, as shown below.

Figure 17: BTC Spot Volume Versus “FANG“ Spot Volume

$16 000 000 000

$14 000 000 000

$12 000 000 000
Trading Volume (USD)

$10 000 000 000

$8 000 000 000

$6 000 000 000

$4 000 000 000

$2 000 000 000

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, Coin Metrics

For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

That said, bitcoin’s trading volume has been growing exponentially. Since early 2013, it has been
compounding at an annual rate of 215%, tripling volumes every year, as shown below.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 18: Bitcoin Spot Market U.S. Dollar Daily Volume In Billions
On Major Exchanges, 28-day Moving Average, 365-day Growth Rate

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

We believe that historical growth rates, bitcoin’s daily volume would exceed the volume of the US
equity market in fewer than 4 years, and the volume of the US bond market in fewer than 5 years, as
shown below.

Figure 19: Bitcoin Spot Market U.S. Dollar Daily Volume

In Billions On Major Exchanges, 28-day Moving Average

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Bitcoin’s Liquidity
Important to institutions when assessing an allocation to bitcoin is liquidity. Buy-side institutions
will monitor data on spreads and volumes to estimate trading costs and capacity. Sell-side
institutions will measure the risks of and rewards for providing liquidity across trading venues.

Liquidity as measured by bitcoin-US dollar bid-ask spreads is illuminating. Today, at the largest
trading venues globally, spreads can be di minimis at the top exchanges, as low as 0.0001%, as
shown below. For comparison, the average US equity bid-ask spread is roughly 0.035%, suggesting
that bitcoin often is more liquid than the average publicly traded equity.

Figure 20: Bid-Ask Spread In Bitcoin-U.S. Dollar Markets On Major Exchanges (July 2020)

Coinbase 0.0001% Average bid-ask spread for U.S. Equities

Average bid ask spread for U.S. Equities
Bitfinex 0.0011%

Kraken 0.0011%

itBit 0.0027%

Binance.US 0.0051%

Gemini 0.0073%

Bitstamp 0.0504%

Liquid 0.0511%

bitFlyer 0.0559%

Bittrex 0.0683%

CEX.IO 0.1069%

0.00% 0.02% 0.04% 0.06% 0.08% 0.10% 0.12% 0.14%

Bid-Ask Spread
Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

That said, while reliable at detecting its absence, bitcoin-US dollar spreads can be misleading
measures of liquidity, primarily because of low minimum tick sizes, or price movements,
compared to that of equities. Complicating the analysis are various tiered fee structures across
trading venues.

An alternative measure of liquidity is the depth of book orders. Book depth is measured by the
percentage price difference that a buyer or seller is likely to incur as the size of a trade increases. In
liquid markets like Coinbase, Kraken, and Bitfinex, the slippage associated with a $1,000,000 order is
below 0.30%, as shown below. Slippage can be much higher - up to 7% - on less liquid exchanges.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 21: Percent Change In Price As A Result Of A $1 Million Market Buy Or Sell Order
In Bitcoin-USD Markets For Major Exchanges (July 2020)
Sell Buy

Kraken 0.16%

Bitfinex 0.19%

Coinbase 0.27%

Bitstamp 0.33%

Gemini 0.45%

Binance.US 0.52%

Bittrex 2.24%

CEX.IO 2.00%

itBit 7.30%

0,00% 1,00% 2,00% 3,00% 4,00% 5,00% 6,00% 7,00% 8,00% 9,00%

Percent Change In Price

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed
For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice,
or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security.

V. Asset Allocation to Bitcoin

Because bitcoin’s liquidity and volume appear to approach those of mega-cap public equities, they
can inform institutional allocations to this new asset class. According to Modern Portfolio Theory,
diversification optimizes returns and volatility as measured by the Sharpe ratio, the return per unit
of risk. In this analysis, we use the three-month US Treasury Bill rate (0.15%) as the risk-free rate.

Based on daily returns during the past 10 years, we simulated 1,000,000 portfolios composed of
various asset classes, as shown below:20

•  Real Estate - The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) US Real Estate Investment
Trust Index (RMZ)
•  Commodities - The Crude Oil Futures (CL1 COMB)
•  Currencies - MSCI Global Currency Index
•  Bonds - Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index
•  Equities - S&P 500
•  Gold - GLD

20 For more information on the methodology, please see disclosure on page 28.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Based on its liquidity profile, in our first simulation we limited the allocation to bitcoin (BTC) to
1% of the portfolio. As shown below, the efficient frontier captures the highest returns possible
for a given level of volatility. The stars indicate allocations associated with the maximum Sharpe
Ratio and minimum volatility. According to this simulation, when limited to 1% bitcoin, institutions
optimizing for returns relative to volatility would allocate 0.27%, while those aiming for the highest
Sharpe Ratio would allocate 0.74%

Figure 22: Simulated Portfolio Optimization based on Efficient Frontier - 1% limit

Annualized Returns



Annualized Volatility

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Removing the 1% limit to allocation as bitcoin’s volume and liquidity approach those of a
separate asset class, allocations to bitcoin would range from 2.55% when maximizing returns and
minimizing volatility to 6.55% when maximizing Sharpe Ratios as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23: Simulated Portfolio Optimization based on Efficient Frontier - No Limit

Annualized Returns



Annualized Volatility

Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed

Simulating Allocations Based on Bitcoin’s Total Addressable Market (TAM)

With hindsight, to construct a portfolio with bitcoin while maximizing the Sharpe Ratio or
minimizing volatility at the efficient frontier, an investor would allocate between 0.27% and 6.55%
to bitcoin. Without hindsight, we have constructed predictive models including our 5-year forecast
for bitcoin’s total addressable market, while assuming that the historical volatility and correlations
between and among traditional asset classes remains intact.

According to three 5-year simulations, each a function of bitcoin’s total addressable market (TAM)
opportunities outlined in Section 2,
1. 1% of TAM, or $1.1 trillion
2. 5% of TAM, or $5.5 trillion
3. 10% of TAM, or $11 trillion
... the suggested bitcoin allocations range from 0.03% to 26%, as illustrated in Figures 24, 25, and 26.

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Based on this analysis, investors seeking to minimize volatility would allocate between 0.03% and
1.28% to bitcoin. Investors seeking to maximize Sharpe Ratio would allocate between 4.8% and
25.78% to bitcoin.

Figure 24: Simulated Portfolio Optimization based on Efficient Frontier - 1% TAM in 5 Years

Annualized Returns


Annualized Volatility
Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.

Figure 25: Simulated Portfolio Optimization based on Efficient Frontier - 5% TAM in 5 Years
Annualized Returns



Annualized Volatility
Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.
Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Figure 26: Simulated Portfolio Optimization based on Efficient Frontier - 10% TAM in 5 Years

Annualized Returns



Annualized Volatility
Source: Coin Metrics Market Data Feed
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon.


A. Custody
Compared to that of traditional assets like stocks and bonds, the safekeeping of bitcoin is
different. As discussed in Part 1, bitcoin adds a new dimension to custody and the ownership of
assets. Cryptography enforces bitcoin’s ownership: the possession of digital private keys equates
to ownership. The highly technical management of private keys requires solutions that do not
exist in traditional asset custody.

Institutional investors allocating funds to bitcoin should understand the security measures
necessary for its custody. In the last ten years, the mismanagement of private keys has cost
investors hundreds of millions of dollars, without legal recourse. Even the largest bitcoin players
have suffered from security breaches in the last two years, several retail exchanges losing $800
million collectively in client funds.21

While self-managed custody provides individuals with the optimal protection for their bitcoin,
fiduciary responsibilities preclude institutional investors from the custody of bitcoin.

21 Source: Wright, Turner. “$39M Of Bitcoin Stolen in 2016 Bitfinex Hack Is on the Move.” Cointelegraph, Cointelegraph, 28 July 2020,; Lam, Eric. “Binance Hack: 7,000 Bitcoin Worth $40
Million Stolen By Hackers.”, Bloomberg, 8 May 2019,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Under the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Custody Rule, for example, US institutions
must adopt full-service third-party solutions to custody bitcoin. Fortunately, an ecosystem is
evolving that should enable access to bitcoin with custodial services on par with traditional asset
management services.

B. Regulation
One of bitcoin’s primary value propositions is its ability to exchange and store value
“permissionlessly”. In other words, we believe it will not succumb to the arbitrary imposition of
financial regulations.

As a result, regulators are questioning how bitcoin can and should be regulated. As a borderless,
internet-native asset, bitcoin operates without regard to jurisdiction, though nation-states can
and do treat it differently. Some countries like Bolivia have banned it, while others like Malta have
created national strategies promoting it.22

In the US, bitcoin falls in the regulatory cracks between stocks and commodities. Potentially due
to concern that they would become obsolete in a fast-changing environment, the SEC has not
pioneered bitcoin-specific policies. Without FDIC insurance and formal depositor rights, bitcoin’s
infrastructure also is unregulated.

We believe investors have an opportunity to capitalize on the vacuum created by this regulatory
uncertainty. Like the Internet, because the Bitcoin blockchain and the bitcoin cryptocurrency are
here to stay, governments are likely to discover ways to deploy them to their advantage.

C. “Over-Institutionalization”
Ironically, institutional adoption could present an existential risk to bitcoin’s value proposition.
Specifically, bitcoin users and investors could fall prey to the custody of assets by third parties,
limiting the satisfaction of the first two economic assurances explained in Part 1: 1) Value should be
exchanged globally and freely, and 2) Wealth should be owned wholly and protected.

In our view, institutional adoption and Bitcoin’s core principles may be mutually exclusive.
Because institutions must custody bitcoin with third party services, a custodial “banking” layer
could result in just a few trusted parties dominating transactions. Users drawn to the most
cost-efficient solutions also could transact with IOUs, saving on transaction costs and further
diminishing Bitcoin’s ability to satisfy the first two economic assurances.

As noted in a recently published article by Deribit Insights Why Bitcoin Might Not Survive A Bitcoin
Standard, bitcoin could succumb to the fate of gold in 1933 and 1970, when the US government

22 Dumont, Jackson. “How Malta Is Becoming the Global Capital of Crypto: Cointelegraph Documentary.” Cointelegraph, Cointelegraph, 4 July

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

cancelled redemptions and abandoned the gold standard, eliminating its core value proposition.23
Today, more than 4 million BTC - 22% of bitcoin’s circulating supply – is in held in centralized
custodial solutions.

VII. Conclusion

In this paper, we explore bitcoin as an emerging monetary asset. We believe its rapid growth has
positioned bitcoin to earn an allocation in well diversified investment portfolios. Bitcoin offers
one of the most compelling risk-reward profiles among assets, as our analysis suggests it should
scale from roughly $200 billion today to $1-5 trillion network capitalization during the next five to
ten years. In our view, capital allocators must consider the opportunity cost that will be associated
with ignoring bitcoin as a new asset class.

Thank you for your interest. If you missed Part 1 of our white paper collaboration with
Coin Metrics, we recommend you download it here:

23 Zhu, Su, and Hasu. “Why Bitcoin Might Not Survive a Bitcoin Standard.” Deribit Insights, 21 Aug. 2020,

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

About the Author

Yassine joined ARK in July 2018. As ARK’s Blockchain/Cryptoasset Analyst,

his research focuses on cryptoasset portfolio allocation, cryptoasset
institutionalization, and Bitcoin mining.

Prior to ARK, Yassine was a Summer Analyst at Rembrandt Venture Partners, a

SaaS focused early stage venture capital firm; and Arena Investors, a registered
investment adviser that originates investments with borrowers and other
counterparties who need access to financing and are otherwise not able to access
conventional sources. Yassine graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with
a Bachelor of Science in Economics from Wharton and a Bachelor of Science in
Systems Engineering from The School of Engineering.

Yassine has been quoted on Yahoo, Yahoo Finance, Coindesk, Bitcoin Magazine,
and Asia Times, among other publications. Additionally, Yassine was a featured
speaker at The Fidelity Mining Summit and has been a guest on notable crypto-
focused podcasts, including Marty Bent’s Tales from the Crypt, Laura Shin’s
Unchained, Bitcoin Magazine, and Anthony Pompliano’s Off The Chain.

About Coin Metrics

Coin Metrics was founded in 2017 as an open-source project to determine the

economic significance of public blockchains. Today, we expand on that original
purpose to empower people and institutions to make informed crypto financial
decisions. We aim to onboard the world’s premier financial institutions into crypto
with the most trusted data and insights. Analysts involved in researching and
@coinmetrics writing this paper are Nate Maddrey, Kevin Lu, and Jon Geenty.

ARK Invest Management LLC Coin Metrics Inc. Join the conversation on Twitter
3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor 125 High Street, Suite 220 @ARKinvest
New York, NY 10016 Boston, MA 02110

[email protected] [email protected]

Part 2 | Bitcoin As An Investment
Yassine Elmandjra, in collaboration with Coin Metrics

Methodology: Figure 10 (Page 12)

In Figure 10, we take the maximum - positive or negative - one-year rolling correlation of listed assets since 2011. Our
correlation calculation uses a Pearson correlation of logarithmic price returns. To take the correlation, we selected
the following commonly used asset class benchmarks: Real Estate - The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI),
US Real Estate Investment Trust Index (RMZ), Commodities - The Crude Oil Futures (CL1 COMB), Currencies - MSCI
Global Currency Index, Bonds - Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index, Equities - S&P 500, Gold - GLD.

Methodology: Portfolio Simulation (Page 20)

To model the potential bitcoin weights in a portfolio, we use a Monte Carlo simulation method. The basis of using
this method is that the probability of varying outcomes is typically harder to determine given random variable
interference. A Monte Carlo simulation mitigates this interference by focusing on repeating random samples to
output a result. While typically more effective than relying on a single variable to forecast or estimate an outcome,
our simulation assumes perfectly efficient markets and does not account for factors that are not built into the price
movement, including macro trends and market sentiment. As a part of the simulation, we selected the following
commonly used asset class benchmarks, analyzing their price behavior since 2011: Real Estate - The Morgan Stanley
Capital International (MSCI), US Real Estate Investment Trust Index (RMZ), Commodities - The Crude Oil Futures (CL1
COMB), Currencies - MSCI Global Currency Index, Bonds - Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index, Equities -
S&P 500, Gold - GLD.

©2020, ARK Investment Management LLC. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred
to in any other publication, without the express written permission of ARK Investment Management LLC (“ARK”).
The information provided is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This report
does not constitute, either explicitly or implicitly, any provision of services or products by ARK, and investors should
determine for themselves whether a particular investment management service is suitable for their investment
needs. All statements made regarding companies or securities are strictly beliefs and points of view held by ARK
and are not endorsements by ARK of any company or security or recommendations by ARK to buy, sell or hold any
security. Historical results are not indications of future results.

Certain of the statements contained in this presentation may be statements of future expectations and other
forward-looking statements that are based on ARK’s current views and assumptions and involve known and
unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from
those expressed or implied in such statements. The matters discussed in this presentation may also involve risks
and uncertainties described from time to time in ARK’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
ARK assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking information contained in this presentation.

ARK and its clients as well as its related persons may (but do not necessarily) have financial interests in securities
or issuers that are discussed. Certain information was obtained from sources that ARK believes to be reliable;
however, ARK does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information obtained from any third party.

ARK Invest Management LLC Coin Metrics Inc. Join the conversation on Twitter
3 East 28th Street, 7th Floor 125 High Street, Suite 220 @ARKinvest
New York, NY 10016 Boston, MA 02110 @coinmetrics

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