Phrasal Verb PULL

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Phrasal verb PULL

PULL AHEAD = overtake, move into the lead or in front

PULL APART = A. stop from fighting B. weaken an argument or theory

PULL AWAY = A. gain in distance B. vehicle leaving from a place

PULL BACK = A. score a goal or point when behind B. retreat to previous

position C. decide not to do something previously planned.

PULL DOWN = A. demolish B. depress someone C. earn (colloquial)

PULL FOR = support; especially teams

PULL IN = A. train or bus arrival at a station B. attract a crowd C. earn

PULL OFF = A. manage to do B. remove

PULL ON = A. put on clothes; dress B. pull something sticking out

PULL OUT = A. bus or train leaving station B. move into traffic C. withdraw

PULL OVER = stop a vehicle by the side of the road

PULL THROUGH = recover from and illness

PULL TOGETHER = work or compete as a team

PULL UP = draw up and stop a car

PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER = gain control of your emotions.

Phrasal Verbs with COME

COME ACROSS= find something by accident.

COME ALONG= accompany someone when going somewhere.

COME BACK= return.

COME OFF= when something becomes separated or unstuck from

another thing.
COME ON! The phrasal verb come on has multiple uses, but when
used as an exclamation, it can be encouragement for someone to do
something, or it can mean something like “Stop being ridiculous!”

COME OUT= appear or leave the inside of a place

COME OVER= come to someone’s house.

COME THROUGH= produce or deliver a result.

COME UP= appear. Often used for when a task/responsibility appears

unexpectedly, or when a topic appears in a discussion.

COME UP WITH= create or invent something.

Prefixes: are used to change the meaning of a word. A syllable word or group

of syllables added to the beginning of a word. Prefixes help to add meaning to
words and make it possible to create new words that are easily understood
everywhere. Understanding a few prefix examples will help you understand the
logic of new words and use them appropriately.

List of Prefixes: A-D


a-, an- without, not anesthetic, atheist

ab- away, from abject, abscess

ad-, a-, ac-, as- to, toward access, admit, assist

ante before antecedent, anterior

anti- against antibiotics, antioxidant

auto- self autoimmune, autonomous

ben- good benefit, benign

bi- two, both bifocals, bipolar

circum- around

co-, com-, con- with, together companion, concurrent*

contra-, counter- against contradict, counteract

de- down, undo, not degenerate, depress

di-, dis- lack of, not, apart

Prefixes E-M
eu- good, normal eugenics, eulogy

ex- (or e-) out (of), former expose, extract

exo-, ecto-, extra-,

outside exoskeleton, extraordinary

fore- before foresee, foreshadow

hemi- half hemisphere

hyper above, excessive hyperactive, hypertension

hypo- under, insufficient hypodermic, hypothetical

il-, im-, in-, ir- in, into, not, against illegitimate, inadequate

inter- among. between interpose, intervene

intra- within intramural, intravenous

macro- large macrobiotic, macrocosm

mal- bad malfunction, malignant

micro- small microbe, microscope

mis- wrong misfortune, mistake

mono- one monolingual, monopoly

multi- many multiple, multitask

Prefixes: N-U
non- not, lacking nonfat, nonsense

against, over,
ob-,o-, oc-, op- object, occur, omit, oppose

omni- all omnipotent, omnivorous

over- too much, general overall, overdone, overview

peri- around peripheral, periscope

poly- many polygamous, polygon

post- after postgraduate, postpone

pre- before precede, predict, prevent

pro- forward progress, promotion

quad- four quadriplegic, quadrangle

re- again, back reform, retain, regenerate

semi- half, partially semiannual, semiconscious

sub-, sup-, sus- under submarine, subtropical

super-, supra- above, excessive superlative, suprarenal

sym-, syn- with, together sympathy, synthetic

trans- across, beyond Transform, transportation

tri- three tricycle, triple

ultra- beyond. excessive ultraliberal, ultrasonic

un- not undeserved, unhappy

uni- one uniform, unilateral

Suffixes: A suffix is a letter added to the end of a word to create a new word or
to change the function of the original word.  It can also be a group of letters. In
other words, a suffix is put at the end of a word to change its meaning. 

Noun Suffixes
 -eer
Meaning: engaged in something, associated with something
Examples: auctioneer, volunteer, engineer, profiteer
 -er
Meaning: someone who performs an action
Examples: helper, teacher, preacher, dancer
 -ion
Meaning: the action or process of
Examples: celebration, opinion, decision, revision
 -ity
Meaning: the state or condition of
Examples: probability, equality, abnormality, civility
 -ment
Meaning: the action or result of
Examples: movement, retirement, abandonment, establishment
 -ness
Meaning: a state or quality
Examples: fondness, awareness, kindness, darkness
 -or
Meaning: a person who is something
Examples: distributor, investigator, translator, conductor
 -sion
Meaning: state or being
Examples: depression, confusion, tension, compulsion
 -ship
Meaning: position held
Examples: worship, ownership, courtship, internship
 -th
Meaning: state or quality
Examples: strength, labyrinth, depth, warmth

Adjective Suffixes
 -able, -ible
Meaning: capable of being
Examples: preventable, adaptable, predictable, credible
 -al
Meaning: pertaining to
Examples: theatrical, natural, criminal, seasonal
 -ant
Meaning: inclined to or tending to
Examples: vigilant, defiant, brilliant, reliant
 -ary
Meaning: of or relating to
Examples: budgetary, planetary, military, honorary
 -ful
Meaning: full of or notable of
Examples: grateful, beautiful, wonderful, fanciful
 -ic
Meaning: relating to
Examples: iconic, organic, heroic, poetic
 -ious, -ous
Meaning: having qualities of
Examples: gracious, cautious, humorous, fabulous
 -ive
Meaning: quality or nature of
Examples: creative, expensive, expressive, pensive
 -less
Meaning: without something
Examples: hopeless, faultless, fearless, restless
 -y
Meaning: made up of or characterized by
Examples: brainy, fruity, tasty, grouchy

Verb Suffixes
 -ed
Meaning: past-tense version of a verb
Examples: laughed, climbed, called, missed
 -en
Meaning: become
Examples: soften, fasten, lengthen, strengthen
 -er
Meaning: action or process, making an adjective comparative
Examples: faster, bigger, fuller, longer
 -ing
Meaning: verb form/present participle of an action
Examples: laughing, swimming, driving, writing
 -ize, -ise
Meaning: to cause or to become
Examples: memorialize, authorize, commercialize, advertise

Adverb Suffixes
 -ly
Meaning: in what manner something is being done
Examples: bravely, simply, honestly, gladly
 -ward
Meaning: in a certain direction
Examples: backward, wayward, awkward, afterward
 -wise
Meaning: in relation to
Examples: clockwise, edgewise, lengthwise, otherwise

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