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For Immediate Release

November 4, 2020

Statement on Delay of CA Dungeness Crab Season Until Dec. 1 

Whale Migration Cause for Postponement 

Crescent City, CA – The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is set today to
announce a delay to the California Dungeness crab season until at least December 1, 2020. 

Here is the statement from Ben Platt, president of the California Coast Crab Association (CCCA) on
the season delay:

“We support any decision that will allow for the best commercial crab fishing season opportunities for
our fishermen. The Whale Working Group, which includes CCCA representatives, agreed with
CDFW that the presence of significant numbers of Humpback whales off our coast warranted a
delay for the start of the season, until whales migrate out of the area. Based on CDFW’s and the
Working Group consensus on a delayed opener, we support that decision. Since the new RAMP
rules, which went into effect a few days ago, could shut crab fishing down for even one whale
interaction with our gear, it’s a prudent decision to wait two weeks to prevent that possibility from

About the California Coast Crab Association

The CCCA is a non-profit 501(c)(6) trade organization composed of individual crab boat owners,
hired captains and Dungeness crab buyers. The CCCA board of directors is made up of nine
member fishermen and crab buyers with a combined 240 years of experience in the crab fishery.
Our diverse membership includes the smallest operators with skiffs up to the largest crab boats on
the West Coast, and our member-buyers range from small live crab peddlers to the largest
distributor of seafood on the West Coast.

The CCCA was formed in May of 2019 after the disastrous out-of-court settlement agreement in
CBD vs Bonham, which created new, highly restrictive, and unfair restrictions for the California
Dungeness crab fishery. Dungeness crab is the most widely shared and economically important
fishery to the West Coast commercial fishing industry, but the new ESA mandates created by CBD
vs Bonham are threatening the viability of the fishery and the economic health of California's coastal
Since formation, the CCCA has been working hard with the crab fishing industry and the CDFW to
find workable solutions to meet the mutually shared goals of protecting our most valuable fishery and
minimizing interaction between marine mammals and our fishing gear. In recent years, the
commercial fishing fleet has been proactive in addressing important issues by initiating legislation
through our Dungeness Crab Task Force to create new rules, including tiered trap limits, a Whale
Entanglement Working Group, a statewide Lost Gear Retrieval Program and Safe Practice
Guidelines for fishermen. More information at

Media Contacts:

Ray Young
Razor Sharp PR
[email protected] 

Ben Platt
President, CCCA
[email protected]


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