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Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 2:

Stakeholder Analysis

Example of a Venn Diagram created for an ADB-financed project. Photo credit: Emma Walters.
Visual Associations Mapping, Stakeholder Mapping Matrices, and Venn
Diagrams can be used as stakeholder analysis tools for CSO engagement
in the Pacific.

Published: 02 May 2019

What you need to know

Engagement of key stakeholder groups in operations financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
promotes good governance, transparency, innovation, responsiveness, and development effectiveness.
Effective engagement of stakeholder groups, including civil society, project beneficiaries, and project-
affected people, requires the understanding and effective use of participatory tools throughout the
project cycle. However, while one participatory tool may work well in one context, it may not be
appropriate in another. This series of explainers provides a range of tools from which practitioners can
pick and choose, according to different phases of the ADB project cycle, context, and available
time/resources. Some tools may be specific to particular phases in the ADB project cycle, such as
monitoring and evaluation tools, while others may be used throughout the project cycle, such as
participatory assessment tools.

This piece focuses on Tools for Stakeholder Analysis.

Tools for Stakeholder Analysis

Identification and analysis of stakeholders in ADB-assisted activities is a basic and key component of
participatory approaches to engagement. Many stakeholder identification and analysis tools exist to
identify stakeholders relevant to a project or policy. Several of these tools are visual tools, as opposed to
text-heavy tools, which are often more readily understood and utilized in the Pacific.

Visual Associations Mapping (Tree Map)


Tree Maps illustrate associations and stakeholder groups and the relationships between them. They are
especially useful in working with low literacy populations and communities.

Understanding the associations and relationships between stakeholder groups and within communities
is key to building a sustainable community initiative. Mapping associations is also a process that
involves stakeholders and can create buy-in to a project or intervention. Similar to Venn diagrams, this
pictorial representation of stakeholder relationships is suitable to the Pacific, with its focus on pictures
and symbols, rather than text.

Associations mapping is most often performed in the project preparation and design stages.

A social development specialist or locally-engaged NGO can lead this process. It is important that key
stakeholder groups are included in the mapping process, to get a fuller picture of the important
associations, and their influence on each other.

1. Make a list of stakeholders and create different symbols that represent each stakeholder group.
Draw an outline of a tree on large paper.
2. Place the main organization or group being mapped at the center of the tree.
3. Place other organizations or stakeholder groups on other parts of the tree relative to the level of
engagement with the main stakeholder group (further away on the tree means a distant
relationship, while nearby on the tree means a close relationship). If the organization is large or
powerful (relative to the main organization) draw a large circle around it. If it is small or has low
influence, draw a smaller circle around it.
4. When the Tree Map is completed, review and ask:

What are the gaps between stakeholder groups?

What are the existing relationships that can be useful to the project or issue?
Example of a Tree Map created for an ADB-financed project. Photo credit: Emma Walters.

Source: N. Eliasov. 2013. Asset Based and Community Driven Development – Course
Materials, Ikhala Trust, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

References and Further Reading

Coady International Institute. (no date). An asset-based approach to community development

practitioner manual. Ahmedabad, India: Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA). p43.

N. Eliasov. 2013. Asset Based and Community Driven Development – Course Materials . Ikhala Trust,
Port Elizabeth, South Africa. pp34-35.

Stakeholder Mapping Matrices


Matrices as used to map stakeholders’ assets, strengths, motivations and constraints in relation to an
issue, to assist with project planning and design. Stakeholder matrices can be strengths-based and
focus on assets and strengths that stakeholders have or bring; or deficit-based or needs-based and
focus on how the stakeholders are affected by a problem, and what constraints they have. Or they may
combine the two approaches.

Analysing stakeholders and their assets, strengths, perception of the problem, interests, motivations,
and constraints is essential to ensure that the project design is targeted or that the policy communication
reaches those who have an interest or need to know.

Stakeholder analyses are conducted during the project design phase, but may be updated during

Stakeholder analyses can be prepared by a project leader or social development specialist, but should
not be undertaken in isolation. It is important that stakeholder analyses are conducted in a participatory
process with a range of stakeholders, particularly ADB staff, resident missions, developing member
country officials and other project stakeholder groups.

1. Confirm the key issue that the stakeholder matrix is addressing.

2. Make a list of stakeholder groups in relation to a central issue. Make sure to include all
stakeholder groups, across civil society, government and the private sector. Decide on the matrix
to be used. There is a range of matrices available, some of which are reproduced below.
3. In a participatory workshop, put each stakeholder group on a different row and answer the
questions on the chosen stakeholder matrix for each stakeholder group. Questions may include:

What are the stakeholder’s knowledge, experience, skills and resources that could help with the
What role could the stakeholder group have in the project?
How important is this stakeholder group to the success of the project?
How is this group affected by the problem or issue?
Why do they want to address the problem or issue (motivation)?
What stops them dealing with the problem or issue (constraints)?
What is their relationship to other stakeholders?
What is the impact of this on your planning?

These heavily text-based methods of stakeholder analysis should be used in conjunction with other
pictorial mapping tools in the Pacific, especially when involving communities and beneficiaries.
Example of an external stakeholder mapping matrix. Photo credit: Emma Walters

Click these links to download more samples.

ADB Stakeholder Analysis Template

AusAID Stakeholder Analysis Template

References and Further Reading

ADB. 2012. Strengthening Participation for Development Results . Manila. pp25-32.

ADB. 2019. Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework . Manila. p17.

Australian Government AusAID. 2005. AusGuideline 3.3 The Logical Framework Approach . Australia.

Pacific Research and Evaluation Associates. 2014. The Pacific Guide to Project Proposal Preparation
Using the Logical Framework Approach: Learner Guide. pp17-21.

Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment. 2005. Effective Engagement:

building relationships with community and other stakeholders – Book 3 The Engagement Toolkit .
Victorian Government. Melbourne. p87.

Venn Diagrams


Venn diagrams are useful for identifying relationships between stakeholder groups, the relative power or
influence of groups, how close or distant groups are to each other and the strength of relationships
between groups. They can be used to assess current or future (desired) relationships.

Venn diagrams offer a visual tool that is particularly suited to the Pacific, in comparison with heavily text-
based stakeholder analysis tools.

In the preparation stage of the ADB project cycle, although they can be updated during the project cycle
to track changes in relationships between stakeholder groups.

ADB Social Development Specialist; CSOs engaged to lead the stakeholder analysis; professional

1. Identify an organization or issue whose stakeholders you will map.

2. List each of the stakeholders relevant to that organization or issue.
3. Cut circles of different sizes and write the names of the stakeholder groups on each circle. The
size of the circle allocated to each stakeholder group indicates the relative power or influence of
that group (large circles indicate more power and influence, while smaller circles indicate less).
4. Using a large piece of paper place the circles on the paper based on the relationships between
groups: if two groups are closely connected, these circles may touch or overlap. If the relationship
is distant, they will be placed far away from each other on the paper.
5. When this process is completed, assess the Venn Diagram as a whole asking:

What is missing?
What do the gaps indicate?
What work needs to be done to engage with close and distant stakeholders?

The banner photo for this piece is the example.

References and Further Reading

ADB. 2012. Strengthening Participation for Development Results . Manila. pp25-32.

Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. EvnPHPS Assessment Toolkit. Stakeholder Mapping Venn

FAO. 2006. Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Manual. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the
United Nations. St Lucia. p21.

Victorian Government Department of Sustainability and Environment. 2005. Effective Engagement:

building relationships with community and other stakeholders – Book 3 The Engagement Toolkit .
Victorian Government. Melbourne. p89.
Wageningen University and Research. Managing for Sustainable Development Impact. Venn Diagram.

Key Questions to Ask

Have resident mission staff (e.g., the CSO Anchor) and other key informants helped identify
Are all relevant stakeholders identified and listed?

Marginalized and vulnerable groups (especially poorest groups, ethnic minorities, female-
headed households, and migrant groups)?
Main client/beneficiary groups?
Groups who will be negatively affected by the project?
All potential supporters and opponents of the project?
All different kinds of male and female stakeholders (using gender analysis if necessary)?

Should these stakeholders be divided into user, occupational, age, income, or ethnic groups?
Source: ADB. 2012. Strengthening Participation for Development Results. Manila. p28.

Related Links
Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 1: Engaging Pacific Civil Society Organizations

Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 3: Design and Monitoring Framework

Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 4: Assessment

Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 5: Implementation

Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 6: Monitoring and Evaluation

Downloadable Copy
Participation Tools for the Pacific - All Parts

Participation Tools for the Pacific - Part 2

Lainie C. Thomas
Senior Social Development Specialist (Civil Society & Participation), Sustainable Development and Climate
Change Department, Asian Development Bank

Lainie currently supports civil society participation in ADB’s operations through its
NGO and Civil Society Center. Prior to this assignment, she supported health and
education projects in Southeast Asia. Before joining ADB, she worked for a range of international and
local nongovernment organizations. With more than 25 years of development experience, she has also
worked in the field in Kenya, South Sudan, Azerbaijan, Somalia, Cambodia, and The Gambia.

Emma Walters
Management and Participatory Engagement Consultant, Asian Development Bank

Emma has 20 years’ experience working with Australian and international

organizations. Over the past eight years, she has worked on projects designed to
increase civil society participation in ADB work, with a focus on the Pacific. Her expertise includes
facilitation, training, and partnerships for international development. Since 2012, she has also worked
with the University of Sydney as a soft-skills trainer on Australian-government funded short course
programs on agricultural research in Africa.

Suzanne M. Nazal
Senior Social Development Officer (Civil Society and Participation), Sustainable Development and Climate
Change Department, Asian Development Bank

Suzanne organizes knowledge events, develops knowledge products, and provides

technical support related to strengthening civil society participation and engagement in
ADB’s operations. She also co-manages the social media platforms for ADB’s NGO and Civil Society
Center. Suzanne worked with several NGOs in the Philippines before joining ADB. She holds a master's
degree in urban and regional planning from the University of the Philippines.

Ninebeth S. Carandang
Senior Social Development Specialist, Pacific Department, Asian Development Bank

Ninebeth is in charge of ensuring safeguards compliance of ADB-funded projects in

the Pacific region, supporting the engagement of civil society organizations at various
stages of the project, and managing the resolution of project grievances including concerns raised by
civil society. She has over a decade of work experience in the field of social development, poverty, and

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The Asian Development Bank is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and
sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in
1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region. Its main instruments for helping its developing
member countries are policy dialogue, loans, equity investments, guarantees, grants, and technical

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