RET Problem Solving

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Renewable Energy Technology MJ2411


Brijesh Mainali, PhD

Division of Energy and Climate Studies
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
Brinellvägen 68, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: +46 8 790 7431; cell: +46 73 654 81 14
23rd Nov 2015

Problem 1
A river with the flow exceedance of 0.37 m3/s throughout the year passes nearby a
village in Nepal. Assume that you have been hired as a consultant to help the village
for developing a hydropower. There is a requirement to leave 15% water in the river
for the downstream irrigation and some other environmental reason. The length of
the penstock required is 300 m and gross head is 35m.
Assume that the turbine efficiency is 80% and generator efficiency is 90%. The
average energy demand is 100 watt peak per household and average operating
hours is 10 hours a day. The total household in the village is 600. And 10% of the
power is lost in transmission and distribution. Assume the velocity of water in
the penstock is 1.8 m/s and the manning’s roughness coefficient of the mild steel
pipe is 0.012. Assume other losses viz. bend loss and contraction/expansion loss
is negligible. Estimate:
(a) diameter of the penstock pipe?
(b) net head of the project?
(c) power output of the plant? Can the demand of the village be met with the
available head and flow?
(d) What type of turbine is suitable in this range? (assume turbine is to be coupled with
generator with 750 RPM)
Solution for Problem 1
A. Diameter of the penstock pipe

4∗𝑄 0.5
𝐷= … eq. 1
• Where Q= Design discharge = Q available – Q reserve
• = (0.37) -0.15*(0.37)= 0.314 m3/s
• V= 1.8m /s
• Using above equation 1
• D= 0.472 m
Solution for Problem 1
B. Net head of the project?
Head loss = 10.29 ∗ 𝑛2 ∗ 𝑄2 𝐷5.333 *L
• Where
– n is manning cofficient (0.012 for MS pipe)
– Q is design discharge = 0.314 m3/s
– D is the diameter of penstock = 0.472
– L is the length of penstock= 300 m
• Therefore Hloss = 2.404 m
• Head gross (Hgross)= 35 m
• Thus Net head is H gross-H loss = (35-2.404) m = 32.6 m
Solution for Problem 1
C. Power output of the plant? Can the demand of the village be
met with the available head and flow?
P = (Qa – Ql) · (Hgr – Hl) · η · ρ · g
 P is the power

 Qa is the amount of water available, (m3/sec) and Ql is water to be left in the river,

 Hgr (m) is the gross head

 Hl (m) is the hydraulic losses in water transport due to friction and velocity change,

 The efficiency in energy conversion in electromechanical equipment, η

 ρ is the density of water

Power output = 72.4 KW

Solution for Problem 1

Power demand in the village

– No of HH= 60 HH
– Demand of each HH= 100 Watt peak
– Power loss for Transmission Distribution is 10%
• So total power demand= 600*100/0.9= 66.67
• Thus the available head and flow is sufficient to
meet the local demand.
Solution for Problem 1
D. What type of turbine is suitable in this range?
Solution for Problem 1

Ns= 107 with Turbine speed of 750 RPM

Thus Cross-flow turbine is well suited.
Problem 2

In the above problem 1 if the village was earlier powered

by a diesel generator and was replaced by the hydropower
(a) Calculate the annual cost saving in terms of avoided
fuel cost and CO2 emission tax.
(b) Also estimate CO2 emission avoided.
Assume that the CO2 tax is 360 USD/m3 diesel fuel. Diesel
cost is $ 0.7 per liter and specific fuel consumption of
diesel engine is 0.5 liters per Kwh and 1 liter of diesel
produces 2.65 kg of CO2.
Solution for Problem 2
A. The annual cost saving in terms of avoided fuel cost
and CO2 emission tax
• If the power demand of the village is to meet by diesel plant
• Energy demand per year = (100/1000)*600*10*365= 219000
• Energy that need to be produced at Powerplant (considering
10% transmission loss) = 219000/0.9=243333 kWh
• Other given data
– Diesel cost $ 0.7 /liter
– specific fuel consumption 0.5 liters /Kwh and
– CO2 tax is 360 USD/m3 diesel fuel.
• Total diesel fuel needed is = 243333*0.5= 121666.6 liters
• Therefore avoded cost= 121666.6 *0.7+ 121666.6/1000*360
• The cost saving in terms of avoided fuel cost & tax is USD
Solution for Problem 2

B. Estimate CO2 emission avoided

• Given: 1 liter of diesel produces 2.65 kg of CO2
• Total emission avoided = 121666.6*2.65= 322416.5 kg of CO2
Problem 3
• Suggest type of turbine in the following cases
(using following chart)
– Net head of 300 m and flow of 0.1 m3/s
– Net head of 15 m and flow of 40 m3/s
– Net head of 18 m and flow of 0.6 m3/s
– Net Head of 35m and flow of 1 m3/s
Solution for Problem 3

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