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Group 3

1. How does technology helps in delivering the curriculum?

Technology has revolutionized the way we think, work, and play. Technology, when
integrated into the curriculum, revolutionizes the learning process. More and more
studies show that technology integration in the curriculum improves student’s learning
processes and outcomes. Teaches who recognize computers as problem-solving tools
change the way they teach. They move from behavioral approach to a more
constructivist approach.

2. As a teacher, how can you properly implement the curriculum?

Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary roles of the teacher. A teacher is a
curriculum maker. He/she writes the curriculum daily through a lesson plan, unit plan
or yearly plan. As a teacher, I will help my students to develop and engaged relationship
content. Active learning will increase the focus retention of the curriculum, resulting in
an exciting learning environment.

3. In implementing the curriculum, why is it important for a teacher to identify the desired
learning outcomes?
It is important for the teachers to identify the desired learning outcomes because this
will help them to make a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality

4. What are the role of the different stockholders in the implementation of the curriculum?

Stakeholders are individuals or institutions that are interested in the school curriculum.
Their interests vary in degree and complexity. They get involved in many ways in the
implementation, because the curriculum affects them directly or indirectly. These
stakeholders shape the school curriculum implementation.

Learners at the Center of the curriculum for a particular curriculum design mentioned
earlier, the learner is placed at the center. The learners are the very reason a curriculum
is developed. They are the ones who are directly influenced by it. Learners in all levels
make or unmake the curriculum by their active and direct involvement. How each
individual learner contributes to the realization of a planned curriculum would depend
on the interactions and internalization of the different learning experiences provided.

Teachers as curriculum developers and implementers in the teaching and learning

process, the other side of the coin is the teacher. Most curricula start to gain life from the
time it is conceived and written. Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary
roles of the teacher. A teacher is a curriculum maker. He/ she writes a curriculum daily
through a lesson plan, a unit plan or a yearly plan. The teacher designs, enriches, and

modifies the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics. Teachers are empowered to
develop their own curricula taking into consideration their own expertise, the context of
the school and the abilities of the learners. By so doing, teachers become architects of
school curriculum.

Curriculum managers and administrators in school organization, there is always a

curriculum manager or school administrator. In fact, for school principals, one of their
functions is being a curriculum manager. They supervise curriculum implementation,
select and recruit new teachers, admit students, and procure equipment and materials
needed for effective learning.

Parents as supporters to the curriculum. It simply means that the parents are the best
supporters of the school, especially because they are the ones paying for the child’s
education. Parent’s voices are very loud and clear. In our country, it is a general fact that
even in college the parents are responsible for their child’s education.

Community Members as curriculum resources. The success in the implementation of the

curriculum requires resources. However, most often teachers complain that resources
are very scarce. There are no books, materials nor facilities available. These are usual
complaints of teachers. The community members and materials in the existing local
community can very well substitute for what are needed to implement the curriculum.
Respected community members may be included in school boards as in some schools.

5. What are the different factors to consider to successfully implement the curriculum?

The Teacher

As Whitaker (1979) asserts that the teachers view their role in curriculum
implementation as an autonomous one. They select and decide what to teach from the
prescribed syllabus or curriculum. Since implementation takes place through the
interaction of the learner and the planned learning opportunities, the role and influence
of the teacher in the process is indisputable.

The Learners
Learners are also a critical element in curriculum implementation. While teachers are the
arbiters of the classroom practice, the learners hold the key to what is actually
transmitted and adopted from the official curriculum. The official curriculum can be
quite different from the curriculum that is actually implemented. The learner factor
influences teachers in their selection of learning experiences, hence the need to consider
the diverse characteristics of learners in curriculum implementation.

Resource Materials and Facilities.

This applies to curriculum implementation as well. For the officially designed
curriculum to be fully implemented as per plan, the government or Ministry of

Education should supply schools with adequate resource materials such as textbooks,
teaching aids and stationery in order to enable teachers and learners to play their role
satisfactorily in the curriculum implementation process. In Curriculum Implementation,
it is suggested that the central government must also provide physical facilities such as
classrooms, laboratories, workshops, libraries and sports fields in order to create an
environment in which implementation can take place. The availability and quality of
resource material and the availability of appropriate facilities have a great influence on
curriculum implementation.

Culture and Ideology

Cultural and ideological differences within a society or country can also influence
curriculum implementation. Some communities may resist a domineering culture or
government ideology and hence affect the implementation of the centrally planned

Instructional Supervision
Curriculum implementation cannot be achieved unless it has been made possible
through the supervisory function of the school head. The head does this through:
 Deploying staff,
 Allocating time to subjects taught at the school,
 Providing teaching and learning materials, and
 Creating an atmosphere conducive to effective teaching and learning.

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