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Marketing: Investors adapt to consumer trends

When the world’s biggest soft drink company starts changing its
marketing tactics, investors should ask why. Coca-Cola, which had
traditionally promoted itself via the coke brand, using slogans such as
‘coke is it’, now wants to inform consumers that coke is not the only
drink it sells. Its most recent campaign, called ‘make every drop count’,
says: ‘you’ve always known us as Coca-Cola, the soft drink. Now it’s
time you knew us as Coca-Cola the company.
The television, print and Internet advertisements in the UK come at a
time when consumers are ditching foods and drinks that are perceived
as unhealthy (such as sugar fizzy drinks and salty crisps) for products
that appear to offer some kind of health benefit.
Coke is using the new campaign to impress upon consumers the fact
that it sells all kinds of drinks including bottled water, juices and teas.
The campaign is important for the company, because it risks losing
money if it does not sell the kinds of drinks consumers now want to
Analysts say that growing demand for healthier kinds of foods and
drinks is not a fashion, but a long-term trend that increasingly affects
corporate profits. Companies which benefit are those that already
produce the kinds of products consumers want, or companies that are
taking steps to adapt existing products. These include Danone, the
French company Nestlé, which has made nutritional foods a core
strategic focus.
Companies that do not meet consumer needs are suffering. In
March, Asda took the juice drink Sunny D (previously known as Sunny
Delight) off its shelves after finding its customers did not want to buy it.
I. Reading Comprehension: (6 points)

1- Number the paragraph summaries in the correct order. (Two of the summaries are not
used). (2.5 pts)

a) Companies need to change, as healthy foods are here to stay.

b) Coke needs to inform customers about its whole product range.
c) Unfortunately, if companies do not change, they will find it very difficult to survive.
d) If customers fail to recognize coke’s whole range of products, the company will face
financial problems.
e) Advertisements for healthy products are very popular.
f) The campaign is well timed, as people want more healthy products?
g) Many companies are benefiting from a bigger market share.

1- … 2- … 3- … 4- … 5- …

2- Match the words and expressions (1-8) with their meanings (a-h). (3.5 pts)

1 tactics a) seen or believed to be

2 slogans b) make someone understand
3 perceived as something
4 impress upon c) change or modify something
5 adapt d) the center or heart of something
6 core e) a saying to catch your attention in
7 suffering an ad
f) doing badly, failing

g) approach

1- … 2- … 3- … 4- … 5- … 6- … 7- …
II. Language: (7points)

1. Circle the right alternative to complete the text: (3.5 pts)

The name game:
A brand can be defined as a name given to a product by a company so that the product can
easily be recognized by its name or its design. In our very competitive business world, a
good brand is one of the keys to the success of any company. It is often a powerful 1) ……...
However, the name is not everything. For a brand to be successful, marketers have to
know what the consumer 2) ……….….and wants, so a lot of market 3) …….….is necessary.
This gives them a ‘consumer 4)…………...’, that is to say a kind of picture of the typical
customer. It is a picture not only of the customer’s needs and wants, but also of their beliefs
and values. If the brand then clearly reflects those values, it is more likely to be successful.
The consumer has so much 5)…………………nowadays that a good brand is a necessity, so
that one product is clearly different from another in his or her mind.
A good brand of course has long-term benefits, as it will 6)………………….to many different
market 7)……………..and to people from different cultures.

1- A) sales b) sell c) sold

2- A) wishes b) needs c)orders
3- A) study b) research c) science
4- A) summary b) report c) profile
5- A) choice b) option c) suggestions
6- A) attract b) persuade c) appeal
7- A) shares b) portions c) segments

2. Put the words in the correct order: (3.5 pts)

1 - mean/does/what/launch/?
2 - like/manager/our/talk/you/to/to/would/marketing/?
3 - a/advertising/Do/lot/on/spend/they/?
4 - advertise/did/range/their/they/where/new/?
5 - targets/meet/Did/your/you/sales/?
6 - expecting/figures/sales/were/better/you/?
7 - for/Have/my/quarter/read/report/sales/the/you/?

III. Writing: (7 pts)

What, in your opinion, makes a product successful?
Use elements from the 4Ps. Illustrate your ideas, write clear examples.




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