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GE 122: Mathematical Methods in Geomatics

Solution to First Order Differential Equations

Laboratory Exercise No. 4

Objective: To outline the solution to a First Order Differential Equation (FODE)

To apply the solution outlined for each type of FODE example chosen

Materials: Any document creating software application

• Create an outline of the solutions to solving FODE using the format given below.
Type Differential Equation Solution Outline Actual Solution

Exact (Can also be not

• Use your own explanations and solution order.

• Provide at least one example for each type; input the example you chose in this link. Indicate that
you have already “taken” the example by writing your full name on the adjacent cell. No other
student may use the example already in the pool of differential equations. Use your email address
inputted in UVLe to access the link, anonymous input (based on the version history of the Google
Sheets) will not be considered, so make sure you are logged in when inputting your DEs

DOCX file with filename, “SURNAME_Lab4”

This laboratory exercises will be graded as follows:
0% The submission does not contain any information
The submission is greatly incomplete, mentioned and described only the types of FODE
discussed in class. Did not provide examples or solution outline.
The submission is incomplete, mentioned and described the types of FODE discussed in class.
Provided incomplete solution outline and no examples given.
The submission is incomplete, mentioned and described only the types of FODE discussed in
60% class demonstrating understanding of the topic. However, provided incomplete solution outline
and examples given are incomplete
The submission is incomplete, mentioned and described only the types of FODE discussed in
80% class demonstrating understanding of the topic. However, provided incomplete solution outline
but examples given are complete
The submission is complete, demonstrated understanding of the topic with the definitions of
each type of FODE. Provided complete solution outline and examples given are complete

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University of the Philippine Diliman
Department of Geodetic Engineering

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