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cobas c111 system

Operator’s Manual
Version 4.0
cobas c111

Document information

Revision history Manual version Software version Revision date Changes

1.0 July 2006 First publication.
2.0 2.0 December 2007 Full mode added.
Improved calibration concept.
Additional maintenance and
troubleshooting information.
Additions, improvements, and
3.0 3.0 June 2009 Inventory, processing sequence,
and ratio functions added.
Improvements and corrections.
Layout upgraded.
4.0 4.0 April 2012 Hardware improvements.
Adjustments to reflect latest
software version (time indication
for running tests and disk space

Edition notice The cobas c111 instrument is a continuous random-access analyzer intended for the
in vitro determination of clinical chemistry and electrolyte parameters in serum,
plasma, urine or whole blood (HbA1c). It is optimized for small throughput
workloads of approximately 30 samples per day, utilizing photometric analysis and
an optional unit for ion selective electrodes (ISE).
This manual is for users of the cobas c111 instrument with software version 4.0.
Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this
manual is correct at the time of printing. However, Roche Diagnostics GmbH
reserves the right to make any changes necessary without notice as part of ongoing
product development.
Any customer modification to the instrument will render the warranty or service
agreement null and void.
Software updates are done by service representatives.

Intended use The cobas c111 instrument is a continuous random-access analyzer intended for the
in vitro determination of clinical chemistry and electrolyte parameters in serum,
plasma, urine or whole blood (HbA1c).
It is important that the operators read this manual thoroughly before using the

Copyrights © 2012, Roche Diagnostics GmbH. All rights reserved.

Trademarks The following trademarks are acknowledged:

COBAS, COBAS C and LIFE NEEDS ANSWERS are trademarks of Roche.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Roche Diagnostics
2 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111

Instrument approvals The cobas c111 instrument meets the protection requirements laid down in Directive
98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 1998 on In-
vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices. Compliance is provided by means of the
Declaration of Conformity.
Regulatory compliance is demonstrated by the following marks:

Complies with European Union (EU) Directive 98/79/EC.

Issued by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) for Canada and the

C ® US

Contact address

Roche Diagnostics GmbH

Sandhofer Strasse 116
D-68305 Mannheim

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 3
cobas c111

Roche Diagnostics
4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111

Table of contents

Document information 2
Contact address 3
Operation Part B
Table of contents 5
Preface 7 5 Daily operation
How to use this manual 7 Introduction B–5
Online Help system 7 Starting the shift B–10
Conventions used in this manual 8 Preparing the system B–12
Analyzing samples B–34
Validating sample results B–51
System Description Part A Performing calibrations B–59
Performing QC B–68
1 Safety Finishing the shift B–77
Safety classification A–5 Logging off B–88
Safety information A–5 Shutting down the system and switching off the
Data security A–10 instrument B–88
License notices A–11 Using the barcode scanner B–89
Legal liability A–11
Disposal recommendation A–12 6 Special operations
Safety labels A–13 Deleting sample orders B–93
Deleting sample results B–94
2 Introduction to the instrument Calibration B–95
Overview A–17 Deleting QC results B–96
User interface A–20 Lot handling B–98
Wizards A–21 Exporting data B–104
Daily operation A–22 Importing data B–111
Maintenance A–34 Preparing a new disk B–116
System status A–35 Assigning tests to test tabs B–119
Deleting bottle sets from the Inventory list B–120
3 Hardware Refilling printer paper B–122
Covers and panels A–39 Removing condensation water from the reagent
LEDs A–41 cooler B–124
Main components A–43 Replacing the probe B–125
Hardware overview A–44 Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid
Technical specifications A–66 containers B–127
Adjusting the touchscreen B–130
4 Software Cleaning the touchscreen B–131
Introduction A–71
Screen layout A–72 7 Configuration
Display items A–73 Introduction B–135
Workflows and wizards A–74 Applications B–137
Working with the user interface A–75 Configuration B–157
Key screens A–84
Color interpretation for LEDs A–122
Buttons A–124
Maintenance Part C

8 General maintenance
Overview C–5
Maintenance actions C–8

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 5
cobas c111

13 ISE operation
Troubleshooting Part D Daily operation E–17
Replacing ISE fluid bottles E–30
9 Messages and alarms Replacing electrodes E–32
About messages D–5 Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument E–36
Message screen D–5
Acoustic signals D–6 14 ISE maintenance
Alarm monitor D–6 Introduction E–41
List of alarm messages D–10 ISE maintenance actions E–42

10 Result flags 15 ISE troubleshooting

About flags D–25 Introduction E–69
Safety D–27 Safety E–70
List of flags D–28 List of ISE flags E–71
Reacting to error messages E–80
11 Troubleshooting
Introduction D–41
Dealing with exceptional situations D–42
Glossary and Index Part F
Reacting to messages D–44
Detailed procedures D–46 Glossary F–3
Index F–11
ISE Part E
Revisions Part G
12 ISE description
Overview E–5
Hardware E–9
Basic operation E–12
Technical specifications E–13

Roche Diagnostics
6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111


The cobas c111 instrument is a continuous random-access analyzer intended for the
in vitro determination of clinical chemistry and electrolyte parameters in serum,
plasma, urine or whole blood (HbA1c). It is optimized for small throughput
workloads of approximately 30 samples per day, utilizing photometric analysis and
an optional unit for ion selective electrodes (ISE).
This manual describes the cobas c111 features and general operational concepts, and
it provides operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures.

Parts B through D describe the instrument without using an ISE unit, ISE specific informa-
tion is given in part E.

How to use this manual

o Keep this Operator’s Manual in a safe place to ensure that it is not damaged and
remains available for use.
o This Operator’s Manual should be easily accessible at all times.

To help you find information quickly, there is a table of contents at the beginning of
the manual and each chapter. In addition, a complete index can be found at the end.

Online Help system

The cobas c111 instrument has a context-sensitive online Help feature to aid in its
operating. “Context-sensitive” means that wherever you are located within the
cobas c111 software, choosing Help ( ) displays Help text relating to that area of
the software. The online Help offers a quick and convenient way of finding
information, such as explanations of screens and dialog boxes and on how to perform
particular tasks.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 7
cobas c111

Conventions used in this manual

Visual cues are used to help locate and interpret information in this manual quickly.
This section explains the formatting conventions used in this manual.

Symbols The following symbols are used:

Symbol Used for

a Start of procedure
o List item
e Cross-reference
h Call-up (software navigation path)
Color of display item on the screen

Safety alert

Electrical and electronic equipment marked with this symbol are

covered by the European directive WEEE.
The symbol denotes that the equipment must not be disposed of in
the municipal waste system.

Buttons When used for identification purposes, a generic form of the buttons is used, without
color or navigation indicators.

Screenshots The screen representations shown in this publication are for illustrative purposes
only. The screens do not necessarily show valid data.

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8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111

Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used:

Abbreviation Definition
Cfas Calibrator for automated systems
DIL Diluent
DM Data management
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
e.g. Exempli gratia – for example
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EN European standard
i.e. Id est – that is to say
IEC International Electrical Commission
ISE Ion selective electrode
LED Light-emitting diode
LIS Laboratory information system
LLD Liquid level detection
n/a Not applicable
QC Quality control
REF Reference solution for ISE unit
ROM Read only memory
SD Standard deviation
SRAM Static random access memory

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 9
cobas c111

Units Abbreviation Description

°C degree centigrade
μL microliter
μm micrometer
A ampère
cm centimeter
h hour
Hz hertz
LB pound (weight)
in inch
kg kilogram
kVA kilo volt-ampere
L liter
m meter
MB megabytes
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
nm nanometer
s second
V volt
VA volt-ampère
V AC volt alternating current
V DC volt direct current
W watt

Roche Diagnostics
10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
System Description A

1 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3
2 Introduction to the instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-15
3 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-37
4 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-69
cobas c111 1 Safety
Table of contents

Protecting yourself and the environment

In this chapter, you will find information on the safe operation of the cobas c111

In this chapter Chapter 1

Safety classification .......................................................................................................... A-5
Safety information ............................................................................................................ A-5
Transport .................................................................................................................... A-5
Electrical safety ........................................................................................................... A-5
Optical safety .............................................................................................................. A-6
Mechanical safety ....................................................................................................... A-6
Instrument covers ...................................................................................................... A-6
Operation and maintenance ..................................................................................... A-6
Biohazardous materials ............................................................................................. A-6
Waste ........................................................................................................................... A-7
Reagents and other working solutions .................................................................... A-7
Installation .................................................................................................................. A-7
Environmental conditions ........................................................................................ A-7
Power interruption .................................................................................................... A-8
Electromagnetic devices ............................................................................................ A-8
Approved parts ........................................................................................................... A-8
Third-party software ................................................................................................. A-8
Operator qualification ............................................................................................... A-9
Operation over an extended period of time ........................................................... A-9
Cross contamination of sample ............................................................................... A-9
Insoluble contaminants in sample ........................................................................... A-9
Spillage ......................................................................................................................... A-9
Data security ................................................................................................................... A-10
License notices ................................................................................................................ A-11
Legal liability ................................................................................................................... A-11

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-3
1 Safety cobas c111
Table of contents

Disposal recommendation ............................................................................................ A-12

Disposal label ............................................................................................................ A-12
Disposal of external components .......................................................................... A-12
Disposal of the instrument ..................................................................................... A-12
Constraint ................................................................................................................. A-12
Safety labels ..................................................................................................................... A-13

Roche Diagnostics
A-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 1 Safety
Safety classification

Safety classification

Before you attempt to use the cobas c111 instrument, you must be fully familiar with
the following symbols and their meanings:

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
WARNING injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
CAUTION injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.

Safety information

Before operating the cobas c111 instrument, it is essential that you both read and
understand the safety information listed below.
Read all Roche safety notices carefully and make sure you understand them.


Injury from heavy loads

You may injure your hands, fingers, or back when putting the analyzer in place. Carry the
WARNING analyzer according to the transport instructions.

Electrical safety

Electrical shock by electronic equipment

Do not attempt to work in any electronic compartment. Installation, service, and repair
WARNING must only be performed by authorized and qualified personnel.

Electrical safety
Connect the analyzer to grounded power outlets only (IEC protection class 1). All periph-
eral devices that are connected to the cobas c111 instrument must comply with safety
standard IEC 60950 for information technology equipment, or with IEC 61010-1, UL 61010-
1 for laboratory use instruments.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-5
1 Safety cobas c111
Safety information

Optical safety

Loss of sight
The intense light of the LEDs may severely damage you eyes. Do not stare into the LEDs.
WARNING Scanning equipment using LED technology is covered by the international standard IEC
60825-1 LED Safety: Class 1.

Mechanical safety

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

WARNING Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.

Instrument covers

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

WARNING Keep all covers closed, operate them as instructed on the screen.

Operation and maintenance

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

WARNING Do not touch any parts of the instrument other than those specified. During operation and
maintenance of the instrument, proceed according to the instructions.

Biohazardous materials

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
WARNING rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Roche Diagnostics
A-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 1 Safety
Safety information


Infection by waste solution

Contact with waste solution may result in infection. All materials and mechanical compo-
WARNING nents associated with the waste systems are potentially biohazardous.
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Reagents and other working solutions

Injury through reagents and other working solutions

Direct contact with reagents, cleaning solutions, or other working solutions may cause
WARNING personal injury.
When handling reagents, exercise the precautions required for handling laboratory
reagents, observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information
given in the Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics reagents and cleaning

Skin inflammation caused by reagents

Direct contact with reagents may cause skin irritation, inflammation, or burns.
When handling reagents, be sure to wear protective equipment and observe the cautions
given in the package insert.


Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong installation

Follow the specified installation instructions carefully.

Environmental conditions

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to heat and humidity

Use the instrument indoor only.

e For details on the required environmental conditions, see Environmental conditions on

page A-66.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-7
1 Safety cobas c111
Safety information

Power interruption

NOTICE Data loss or damage to the system due to voltage drop

By a power failure or momentary voltage drop the operation unit or software of this system
may get damaged or data loss may occur. Use only uninterruptible power supply.

Electromagnetic devices

Malfunction of instrument and incorrect results due to interfering electromagnetic

WARNING Devices that emit electromagnetic waves may cause the instrument to malfunction. Do not
operate the following devices in the same room where the system is installed:
o Mobile phone
o Transceiver
o Cordless phone
o Other electrical devices that generate electromagnetic waves

NOTICE Instructions for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) equipment for professional use
The IVD equipment complies with the emission and immunity requirements described in
the particular requirements for IVD medical equipment of the EN/IEC 61326-2-6 standard.
The electromagnetic environment should be evaluated prior to operation of the device.

Class B FCC rule compliance

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reason-
able protection against harmful interferences when the equipment is operated in a resi-
dential area. However, this equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the present manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
The electromagnetic environment should be evaluated prior to operation of the device.

Approved parts

Malfunction of instrument and incorrect results due to nonapproved parts

Use of nonapproved parts or devices may result in malfunction of the instrument and may
WARNING render the warranty null and void. Only use parts and devices approved by Roche Diagnos-

Third-party software

Malfunction of instrument and incorrect results due to third-party software

Installation of any third-party software that is not approved by Roche Diagnostics may
WARNING result in incorrect behavior of the system. Do not install any nonapproved software.

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A-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 1 Safety
Safety information

Operator qualification

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
WARNING well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Operation over an extended period of time

Fatigue due to long hours of operation

Looking at the monitor screen over an extended period of time may lead to fatigue of your
CAUTION eyes or body. Take a rest for 10 to 15 minutes every hour to relax. Avoid spending more
than 6 hours per day looking at the monitor screen.

Cross contamination of sample

Incorrect results due to carryover

Traces of analytes or reagents may be carried over one test to the next. Take adequate
WARNING measures (e.g. sample aliquoting) to safeguard additional testing and to avoid potentially
false results.

Insoluble contaminants in sample

Incorrect results and interruption of analysis due to contaminated samples

Insoluble contaminants in samples may cause clogging or pipetting volume shortage and
WARNING deterioration in measurement accuracy. When loading samples on the instrument, make
sure that samples contain no insoluble contaminants such as fibrin or dust.


NOTICE Malfunction due to spilled liquid

Any liquid spilled on the instrument may result in malfunction of the instrument. If liquid
does spill on the instrument, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-9
1 Safety cobas c111
Data security

Data security

Unauthorized access and data loss due to malicious software and hacker attacks
Portable storage media can be infected with and transmit computer malware, which may
CAUTION be used to gain unauthorized access to data or cause unwanted changes to software.
The cobas c111 is not protected against malicious software and hacker attacks.
The customers are responsible for IT security of their IT infrastructure and for protecting it
against malicious software and hacker attacks. Failure to do so may result in data loss or
render the cobas c111 unusable.
Roche recommends the following precautions:
o Allow connection to authorized external devices only.
o Ensure that all external devices are protected by appropriate security software.
o Ensure that access to all external devices is protected by appropriate security equip-
o Do not copy or install any software on the cobas c111 unless it is part of the system
software or you are instructed to do so by a Roche service representative.
o If additional software is required, contact your Roche service representative to ensure
validation of the software in question.
o Do not use the USB ports to connect other storage devices unless you are instructed to
do so by official user documentation or a Roche service representative.
o Exercise utmost care when using external storage devices such as USB flash drives,
CDs, or DVDs. Do not use them on public or home computers while connecting to the
cobas c111.
o Keep all external storage devices in a secure place and ensure that they can be
accessed by authorized persons only.

e For further information, contact your Roche service representative.

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A-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 1 Safety
License notices

License notices

Malfunction of instrument and incorrect results due to software modifications by

the customer
WARNING The cobas c111 instrument uses open source software. For details see document c111
System License Notes.
The cobas c111 instrument has been designed to be operated with the unmodified soft-
ware as shipped. The user assumes full responsibility for changing any part of the open
source software, which excludes any liability of Roche Diagnostics Ltd.
This program is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. For details see document c111 System
License Notes.
The portions of used open source software are part of MIKRAPs CPU-X168LCD/NET board
support package and may be obtained from Mikrap AG ([email protected])

Legal liability

Roche Diagnostics Ltd. assumes only limited liability when using the cobas c111
instrument in conjunction with the cobas c111 Development Channel Programming
For detailed information on this matter refer to the latest version of the Development
Channel Registration Form cobas c111 and the cobas c111 Development Channel
Operator’s Manual.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-11
1 Safety cobas c111
Disposal recommendation

Disposal recommendation

All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of separately from the
municipal waste system. Proper disposal of your old appliance prevents potential
negative consequences for the environment and human health.

Disposal label

Electrical and electronic equipment marked with this symbol are covered by the European
directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) 2002/96/EC.
The symbol denotes that the equipment must not be disposed of in the municipal waste

Disposal of external components

External components such as the scanner and the ISE power supply, which are marked
with the crossed-out wheeled bin symbol, are covered by the European Directive
2002/96/EC (WEEE).
These items must be disposed of via designated collection facilities appointed by govern-
ment or local authorities.
For more information about disposal of your old products, contact your city office, waste
disposal service or your local service representative.

Disposal of the instrument

The instrument must be treated as biologically contaminated hazardous waste. Final dis-
posal must be organized in a way that does not endanger waste handlers. As a rule, such
WARNING equipment must be sterile before it is passed on for final disposal.
For more information contact your local service representative.


It is left to the responsible laboratory organization to determine whether control unit

components are contaminated or not. If contaminated, treat in the same way as the

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A-12 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 1 Safety
Safety labels

Safety labels

Read all safety labels on the instrument and equipment.

The following illustration shows where on the instrument labels are displayed.


A This label on the electrode block of the ISE unit indicates that B This label on the main cover indicates that there are potential bio-
there is a danger of hazardous situations arising within the vicinity hazards within the vicinity of this label, which may result in death
of this label, which may result in death or serious injury. The rele- or serious injury.
vant laboratory procedures on safe use must be observed. The relevant laboratory procedures on safe use must be observed.
(You will find this label only if an ISE unit is installed.)

Figure A-1 Safety labels on the cobas c111 instrument

In addition to safety labels on the instrument, there are safety notes in the
corresponding parts of the Operator’s Manual.
These safety notes give more detailed information about potentially hazardous
situations that may arise during daily operation or when carrying out maintenance
When working with the instrument, be sure to observe both the safety labels on the
instrument and the safety notes in the Operator’s Manual.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-13
1 Safety cobas c111
Safety labels

Roche Diagnostics
A-14 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument
Table of contents

Introduction to the instrument

What you need to know before you start

In this chapter, you will find basic information on the features that are relevant for
working with the cobas c111 instrument.

In this chapter Chapter 2

Overview .......................................................................................................................... A-17
Principles of operation ............................................................................................ A-19
User interface .................................................................................................................. A-20
Wizards ............................................................................................................................ A-21
Daily operation ............................................................................................................... A-22
Overview ................................................................................................................... A-22
Reagent and diluent handling ................................................................................ A-25
Calibration ................................................................................................................ A-26
Calibration type ................................................................................................. A-27
Calibration sequence ......................................................................................... A-28
Calibration status of a set .................................................................................. A-28
Calibration result storage ................................................................................. A-28
Validating calibration results ........................................................................... A-29
Calibration procedures ..................................................................................... A-29
Quality control (QC) ............................................................................................... A-30
Sample handling ....................................................................................................... A-31
Order handling ......................................................................................................... A-32
Results ........................................................................................................................ A-34
Maintenance ................................................................................................................... A-34
System status ................................................................................................................... A-35

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-15
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
A-16 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument


The cobas c111 instrument is a continuous random-access analyzer intended for the
in vitro determination of clinical chemistry and electrolyte parameters in serum,
plasma, urine or whole blood (HbA1c). It is optimized for small throughput
workloads of approximately 30 samples per day, utilizing photometric analysis and
an optional unit for ion selective electrodes (ISE).
Only trained personnel working in a professional laboratory environment may
operate the cobas c111 instrument.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
WARNING well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Features As part of the cobas family of instruments, the cobas c111 instrument offers small
laboratories the following advantages:
o High analytical performance
The same bulk reagents, 12-wavelength photometer and disposable cuvettes
generate results that are highly correlated to other cobas instruments.
o Efficient operation
Cooled, exchangeable reagent disks ensure economical reagent use; disposable
cuvette segments allow for easy cuvette loading and removal.
o High reliability, low maintenance
Innovative "low impact" instrument design and software-driven preventive
maintenance improves up-time and reduces maintenance costs.
o Adaptable user interface
The built-in color touchscreen, process-driven software, and reagent and sample
barcode entry adapts to users of different skills and access levels.
o High safety standards
Built-in safety devices, such as level detection, tube bottom detection, cuvette
quality control, and ISE clot detection anticipate potential hazards during
o Flexible sampling
Eight on-board sample positions accommodate virtually any type of sample
carrier, and enable continuous sample placing and removal during operation.
o Data management
Bidirectional RS-232 and USB ports, on-board thermal printer, and drivers offer
the latest in data management capabilities.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-17
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111

Measuring principles Measurements are performed by means of an absorbance photometer and optionally
an ISE (ion selective electrode) module that uses ion selective potentiometry.

A first look at the instrument A B C D


A Left service flap (covers wash station, ISE H Touchscreen

tower, tubing) I Fluid connectors
B Main cover (covers rotor, reagents, cuvettes, J Right service flap (covers photometer unit,
photometer unit) sample area)
C Main switch K Printer panel
D Transfer head (holds probe) L Main cover LED
E Rear service flap (covers computer boards, M Paper slot
power supply, degasser) N Release button for printer panel
F Sample area LED O USB connector (not shown)
G Sample area (space for 8 sample tubes)

Figure A-2 The cobas c111 instrument

Roche Diagnostics
A-18 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument

Principles of operation

The cobas c111 main instrument uses absorption photometry for determining the
amount of absorbance in a fluid. The absorbance is used to calculate the
concentration in the solution.

Loading the sample The operator identifies the sample, places it on the instrument, and defines the order.
(If you work with a host system, the order is defined automatically.)

Measuring process The measuring process for each test consists of forty regular cycles, each lasting 18
seconds. In each of these cycles, a measurement is taken, irrespective of what other
actions take place during this cycle. The application definitions determine what is
done in which cycle, and they also define which results are taken into account for the
result calculation.
With each cycle, a new test can be started.
The basic process works as follows:
1. Checking the cuvette.
A measurement is taken to check the quality of the cuvette.
2. Pipetting reagent (R1) to the cuvette.
After each pipetting action, the system performs a wash cycle to minimize carry-
over. During this cycle, the probe and tubing are flushed with water and cleaner.
3. Wait.
The fluid needs to reach the prescribed temperature. Such a phase can last several
During the wait cycles, activities for other tests are performed.
4. Pipetting the next fluid.
Typically, this would be the sample. The details are defined in the application
5. Wait.
6. Pipetting the next fluid.
7. Wait.
8. And so on.

Calculating the results The test result is calculated on the basis of the photometric measurement results.
During this process, various checks are performed to ensure that the whole
measuring process was technically correct. If values are above or below predefined
limits, the test result is flagged.
The results are stored on the system. This includes both the forty measurement
results (raw data) and the calculated test result.

Sequence of processing For a given sample, the tests are processed in the order defined by the time required
for their processing (number of cycles), starting with the one that takes the longest.
This order can be altered manually by defining a specific process sequence list.

Status of the measuring process At any stage of the measuring process, the user can check its status on the screen.

Result data management The system provides storage space for the results of one working day. For backup
purposes, the results must be exported to an external storage device once a day.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-19
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
User interface

User interface

The cobas c111 instrument is equipped with a touchscreen, an on-screen keyboard

and four global action buttons. LEDs and acoustic signals let you know when it is safe
to add or remove samples, reagents and other fluids.
With buttons and other display items, “traffic light” color coding is used: Green
means OK, yellow: watch out, you need to do something, and red means that your
intervention is required for processing to continue.
The screens have a clear and consistent layout and are easy to use. The topics are
divided in the proven work areas: Overview for order and fluid handling, Workplace
for result handling and details on orders, and Utilities for administration tasks.
e For details on the user interface, see Chapter 4 Software.

The following is an example of a screen. It contains the full range of display items.



A The status line displays the system status. F The Help button leads to concise information
B Tabs represent the major work areas. that is relevant to the current screen and
C The headline characterizes the content or situation.
function of the screen. If the screen is part of G The global action buttons represent the
a sequence of screens (wizard), the headline functions that are permanently available:
tells you where you are within this sequence. Start, Stop, Alarm, Line Feed. The LEDs next
D The working area displays the main content to them point to their status.
of the screen.
E The buttons vary depending on the content
of the working area and the screen position
within a series of steps (wizard).

Figure A-3 Example of a screen

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Screens help you perform your tasks. If not all steps of a task can be performed from
one screen, the workflow is realized as a sequence of screens, a so-called wizard.
cobas c111 wizards do not usually force you to perform a task at a certain stage, they
just make your work easier.
e For details on workflows, see Workflows and wizards on page A-74.

When intervention is required On the screen, there are several methods of telling when your intervention is
o Buttons and texts are color coded.

Everything is fine.

To ensure smooth operation, you need to perform some task.

The current process or action has not started yet or stopped. You need to
do something for it to start or continue.

o Screens can contain instructions. For example the text may ask you to place the
sample on the sample area or to remove a reagent bottle from the reagent disk.
o Messages inform you about the status of current actions.
o A permanent alarm monitor alerts you to events you should know about.

Wizards There are three major wizards: Prepare wizard, Orders wizard, and End Shift wizard.
With most tasks that involve more than one step, such as exchanging reagent or other
fluid bottles, you are supported by wizards.

Prepare wizard The Prepare wizard guides you through the tasks that need to be performed at the
beginning of a shift. When this wizard is done, the system is ready for processing

Orders wizard The Orders wizard guides you through the process of creating and changing orders.

End Shift wizard The End Shift wizard guides you through the tasks that need to be performed at the
end of the day or to prepare the instrument for handing over to another operator.

Individual tasks can be performed outside the wizards

Most tasks that make up a workflow can be performed without using a wizard.
If you perform a task independently, you first need to navigate to the appropriate screen
and then start the task from there; whereas if you use a wizard, the appropriate screen is
displayed automatically.
Using the wizards also ensures that all necessary steps are performed and in the right

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-21
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Daily operation


Daily operation includes the routine tasks that are required to prepare and monitor
the system, and to analyze samples.
When you switch on the system, it performs several checks to make sure that all
preconditions are met, for example that all covers are closed or that there are cuvettes
available. It then performs self-tests to ensure that all modules function properly.
At the end of the startup phase, the screen is updated to display the current status of
the system.
The following table gives an overview of the tasks you might need to perform during
daily operation.
Task Steps Navigation
With wizard As individual steps
1 Starting the system 1. Switch on the system.
2 Logging on the system Overview > Logon
3 Preparing the system Start the Prepare wizard. Overview > Prepare
1. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
2. Perform the maintenance actions Utilities > Maintenance
that are due.
3. Load the reagent disk. Overview >
4. Check the reagents. Overview >
5. Check the cuvettes. Overview >
6. Perform mixing Overview > > test >
7. Perform calibrations that are due. Workplace > Calibrations > >
4 Defining orders Start the Orders wizard. Overview > Order (or Overview > STAT)
1. Identify the sample. n/a
2. Select the tests. n/a
3. Place the sample. n/a
4. Start the run.
5 Monitoring the progress n/a Overview

6 Validating results 1. View results. n/a Workplace > Result Review

2. Handle flagged results. n/a Workplace > Result Review >
... > Repeat
... > Rerun
3. Accept results. n/a Workplace > Result Review > >
Table A-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

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A-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument
Daily operation

Task Steps Navigation

With wizard As individual steps
7 Performing calibrations
Performing individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
calibrations 2. Select the test. n/a
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
all due calibrations 2. Select all tests with due calibrations. n/a
Select all tests with calibration due
within the forecast period.
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
8 Performing controls
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order >
Default QC 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls. n/a
Performing an individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > QC Status >
QC measurement 2. Select a test. n/a
3. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
4. Start the QC measurement.
5. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
6. Remove the control.
Performing all 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order > >
due QC measurements 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls.
Table A-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-23
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Task Steps Navigation

With wizard As individual steps
9 Finishing the shift 1. Check for unfinished orders. Workplace > Orders
Choose > Not Finished
2. Check for non-validated results. Workplace > Result Review
Choose > Not Accepted
3. Check for non-transmitted results. Workplace > Result Review
(If working with a host system only.) Choose > Not Sent to Host
4. Start the End Shift wizard. Overview > End Shift
5. Perform the daily backup. Utilities > Export > Database
6. Export the full results. Utilities > Export > Results
7. Clean up the database. Workplace > Orders >
Workplace > Result Review>
Workplace > QC Status >
Workplace > QC History >
Workplace > Calibrations >
8. Perform the maintenance actions Utilities > Maintenance
that are due.
9. Replace cuvettes. Overview >
10. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
11. Remove the reagent disk (if last Overview > >
12. Log off the system. Overview > button with your user name
13. Shut down the system and switch off n/a n/a
the instrument (if last shift).
Table A-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

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A-24 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Daily operation

Reagent and diluent handling


A Reagent disk
B Reagent bottle with barcode
C Chimney

Figure A-4 Equipment for reagent handling

Reagent disk On the instrument, the reagents are stored on a reagent disk. It provides space for 27
bottles, allowing up to 14 reagent sets to be installed on the disk, assuming that most
tests need two reagents. Extra diluents and cleaners are also loaded on the reagent
You can work with up to eight different reagent disks on one cobas c111 instrument.
You always load and remove bottles while the disk is on the instrument. (The system
needs to know exactly what is loaded on the disk.)
When you finished running tests, you can remove the whole reagent disk, place it in a
reagent disk container, and store it in a refrigerator.

Bottles cobas c111 reagents, diluents and extra cleaners are provided in uniform bottles.
They are supplied with two dimensional barcodes and placed on the reagent disk
with their cap removed.

Chimneys Chimneys are bottle inserts that reduce evaporation. For reagents that are especially
sensitive to concentration changes, Roche recommend using chimneys on the
reagent bottles. (See the package inserts of the tests whether you should use chimneys
or not.)
To generally reduce evaporation, you may use chimneys on all reagent bottles.

Reagent set Up to three reagents can be required to perform a certain test. These reagents are
handled in reagent sets. You can define more than one reagent set for a test, but only
one can be active.
A reagent set is defined as soon as its first bottle is loaded. From this moment on,
whenever you remove or replace a reagent, you do so for all reagents of the set.
Each diluent or cleaner bottle is treated as a separate reagent set.

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2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Volume detection For each reagent set, the number of available tests is continuously calculated.

Figure A-5 Remaining tests indication

Periodic mixing Reagents may have a mixing interval defined. This interval is checked by the system
every 30 minutes, and mixing is performed without removing the reagent bottles
from the reagent disk.
For a reagent set that contains more than one reagent for which mixing is defined, the
shortest interval of all reagents of the set is used for all reagents.
Tests are blocked if any reagent they use requires mixing.

Diluents Both, system water and dedicated diluents are used. System water is kept in the
external water container, dedicated diluents are supplied in reagent bottles and
placed on the reagent disk.

Cleaners Both, a system cleaner and dedicated cleaners can be used. The system cleaner is kept
in the external cleaner bottle, dedicated cleaners are supplied in reagent bottles and
placed on the reagent disk.


Calibration is the process that establishes, under specified conditions, the

relationship between values indicated by the analytical instrument and the
corresponding known values of an analyte.
Periodic calibration is required because the concentration of reagents can change
over time.
Reagents are typically calibrated with a two-point calibration, measuring the
predefined value of a multicalibrator and of system water. Some reagents are
calibrated using a set of calibrators.
On the cobas c111 instrument, reagents are handled as sets of up to three reagents.
(You always load and unload all reagents of a set.) As a consequence, all reagents
(bottles) of a set are calibrated when performing calibration.
The system checks when calibration is due.

Each reagent set must have accepted calibration results to be available for use in tests.

When a calibration is due depends mainly on two definitions, the calibration type
and the calibration sequence.

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Daily operation

Calibration type
The calibration types Set and Lot define the manner in which the system determines
whether there is a valid calibration result for a particular reagent set.

Set calibration Set calibration results are valid for the calibrated set only. They can be generated from
any reagent set.

Lot calibration Lot calibration results are valid for the reagent set they were calibrated with and for
all subsequent reagent sets of the same lot. Usually, lot calibrations are generated by
calibrating the first reagent set of a new lot. There can only be one accepted lot
calibration result for the reagents of a given lot.
Let us suppose that you place the first reagent set of a new lot and calibrate it straight
away. Let us further assume that subsequent control measurements suggest that a
new calibration is required. Within the first 24 hours of placing a set on the system,
you can recalibrate it, and possibly existing lot calibration results of this set are
superseded. When this period has elapsed you can no longer change the lot
calibration results. (To generate new lot calibration results, you would have to delete
the existing results and then calibrate a new reagent set.)

Lot calibration is relevant if you work with the calibration sequence [Each Lot and Interval].

The following table illustrates the two calibration types in an example.

o Sequence: Each Lot and Interval.
o Interval: 5 days.
(Note that the interval (re)starts when a set is calibrated as a result of the interval
expiring or a new lot being started.)

Day Trigger/Event Task Result used Set Cal. type Cal. Usage
1 NA 1. Place first reagent set of new lot. Result 1 L1/1 Lot Current
2. Calibrate set L1/1.
2 Reagent empty. 1. Remove set L1/1. Result 1 L1/2 Set Current
2. Place new set L1/2. L1/1 Lot -
Reagent empty. Replace set whenever it is empty. Result 1 Set Current
5 Interval expired. Calibrate current set L1/n. Result 2 L1/n Set Current
L1/n-1 Set Obsolete
6 Reagent empty. Place new set L1/n+1. Result 1 L1/n+1 Set Current
L1/n Set Obsolete
8 Reagent empty. 1. Remove set L1/n+1. Result 3 L2/1 Lot Current
New lot. 2. Place new set, which is the first set of a new lot. L1/1 Lot Obsolete
3. Calibrate set L2/1.
L1/n+1 Set Obsolete
Reagent empty. Place new set L2/2. Result 3 L2/2 Set Current
L2/1 Lot -
10 Interval expired. Calibrate current set L2/n. Result 4 L2/n Set Current
L2/n-1 Set Obsolete
11 Reagent empty. Place new set L2/n+1. Result 3 L2/n+1 Set Current
L2/n Set Obsolete
Table A-2 Example for set change and calibration types

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-27
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Calibration sequence
The calibration sequence is an application definition. It defines the manner in which
the system determines when a calibration is due.

Roche recommend not to change the calibration sequence.

The calibration interval defines the on-board stability of a reagent.

One of the following sequences applies to each reagent set:

No Interval You perform calibration whenever you think fit. Use this value if you are sure that the
reagent is stable until it is empty and you replace it with a new one. Calibration is due
whenever a new reagent set is loaded on the instrument.

Interval Only You perform calibration only when the interval has expired.

Each Lot and Interval You perform calibration whenever the fist reagent of a new lot is loaded and then
each time the interval has expired.
In this case, the interval is related to the date when the lot calibration was generated,
and it (re)starts whenever you calibrate a reagent set (as a result of interval expiry or
starting a new lot).
You can turn off the interval check by defining its duration as 0 (zero).

Each Set and Interval You perform calibration whenever a new reagent is loaded and when the interval has
The interval starts again whenever you calibrate a reagent set because the interval had
expired or a new lot was started.
You can turn off the interval check by defining its duration as 0 (zero).

Calibration status of a set

Each reagent set has one of the following calibration statuses:

CU (current) denotes that the set is on board and that its calibration results are currently

OB (obsolete) denotes that the set’s calibration results are no longer used.
This status applies for example to the following situations:
o The set was removed and it is empty.
o The set was removed and it is not empty. It was removed more than 30 days ago.

SB (standby) indicates that the set’s calibration results are not currently used.
This status applies for example to the following situations:
o A new set was loaded and calibrated while an identical set was still in use (pre-
o The set was removed not more than 30 days ago and it is not empty.

Calibration result storage

The current and up to five obsolete calibration results are stored on the system. If
there are more than five obsolete calibration results, the oldest obsolete calibration
results are automatically deleted as part of the daily end of shift activities.
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A-28 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Daily operation

Validating calibration results

Applications define checks for ranges and limits. If these are exceeded, the results are
Each new calibration result has to be validated. If flags were generated, you must
determine their cause and decide whether to accept the result, rerun the calibration
or continue using the old calibration results.
You can automatically accept unflagged results and results with flags that are
contained in a specific list of flags that should be ignored.
e See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

Calibration procedures
There are three basic procedures for performing calibration:

o Calibrating all reagent sets that need calibrating

o Calibrating all reagent sets that will need calibrating during the forecast period

o Calibrating individual reagent sets


Forecast period The forecast period is a configurable period of time. Calibrations that fall due within
this period will be performed collectively.
e See Calibration on page B-167.

Typically you would set this period to fit your shift length, for example 8 hours. This
would enable you to prepare the instrument before the work shift starts and so avoid
having to interrupt sample processing for performing calibrations.

Precalibration At any given time, there is only one accepted calibration result for each test. You can,
however, install and precalibrate one reserve reagent set. This is done, for example, to
ensure continuous sample processing.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-29
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Quality control (QC)

QC is performed at regular intervals to check the integrity of the whole measuring

system. For each test, up to three controls are defined. The results are compared
against predefined ranges or values and then interpreted accordingly.

Control A control is a sample that has been measured using all tests it is associated with, in
order to define the ranges and values that determine the correct functioning of the
instrument. This is typically done both for the normal and the pathological analyte

When QC is due With regards to when it needs to be performed, QC is divided in the following types:
o QC After Cal
The QC measurement is due after calibration of the test.
o Interval QC
QC is due whenever its interval has expired. QC measurements of this type are
performed in a batch, typically once or twice a day.
o Default QC
QC is performed at certain times during routine operation. This is done to fit in
with laboratory processes and procedures.

Ways of performing QC With regards to how QC is performed, the following methods are provided:
o Default QC
Default QC is an automated process for performing multiple QC measurements
at the time when you define the QC orders. This is the ideal method if you want to
perform QC at certain times and days.
This method only applies to tests whose controls are defined to be performed as
part of Default QC. Therefore, if you intend to work with the Default QC
function, you need to configure the tests accordingly.
Default QC follows a streamlined procedure where the necessary QC orders are
automatically defined as soon as you identify a control. An order is defined for
each test for which this control is defined, provided the test is currently active on
the system. A wizard helps you select the controls, and a placement list supports
you in preparing and loading the controls.
o Interval QC
This method applies to tests whose controls have an interval defined.
Interval QC is a process that is suitable both for performing a single QC
measurement and for performing all QC measurements that are due. You can
select all tests that require QC simply by pressing a button. (This selection also
reflects QC of the type QC After Cal.) A wizard helps you select the controls, and
a placement list supports you in preparing and loading them.

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A-30 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Daily operation

Validating QC results Each new QC result has to be validated. If flags were generated, you must determine
their cause and decide whether to accept or ignore the result.
You can automatically accept unflagged results and results with flags that are
contained in a specific list of flags that should be ignored.
e See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

If you ignore a QC result you exclude the result from further QC result calculations
such as QC History statistics.

Sample handling

You can place up to eight sample tubes on the sample area.

A Sample area LED. A green LED indicates that you should place a tube, a blinking yellow LED
that you should keep clear of the sample area.

Figure A-6 Sample area with sample tubes

Sample types The cobas c111 instrument can process the following sample fluids:
o Serum
o Plasma
o Urine
o Whole blood for HbA1c

Incorrect results due to inadequate sample preparation

Specimen containing clots may obstruct the probe. Specimen containing bubbles or foam
WARNING may cause level detection errors and air pipetting. Consequently, incorrect results may be
Take adequate care when preparing the samples.

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
Always fill the tubes with enough fluid that at least the defined dead volume of fluid is left
when pipetting is complete.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-31
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
Daily operation

Sample tubes The cobas c111 instrument can use both primary and secondary tubes (cups).
You can use any type of primary tube, as long as their dimensions lay within
prescribed limits. Roche recommend using approved cups only.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

NOTICE Probe damage due to not removing primary tube caps

The probe is not designed to pierce tube caps. It can get damaged when trying to pierce
tube caps.
Always remove the caps of primary tubes before placing them on the instrument.

Sample ID The sample ID is an identifier of up to 23 alphanumeric characters that is unique

within a whole organization, for example the hospital. It identifies the sample and is
also used for host communication.
Sample IDs are defined either by scanning a barcode or by typing them manually.
Because there is limited space when displaying lists on screens, Roche recommend to
limit the ID to 13 characters.

Sample barcode You can use sample tubes with or without barcode.

Dilution Pre-dilution is used when performing calibration.

Post-dilution is used when measuring samples.
(The dilution factor is part of the application definition and therefore does not need
to be defined by the operator.)

Removing sample tubes You can remove sample tubes as soon as pipetting is complete.

Order handling

Order Mode The order mode reflects the way in which you organize the tests on the test selection
Choose Easy if the reagents fit on one or two reagent disks and you work with one
test panel on the screen (You can fit up to 25 tests and profiles on this panel).
Choose Full if you distribute the reagents across several (up to eight) reagent disks
and if you predominantly work with specific groups of tests, for example for
emergency situations or for testing diabetes. You can assign up to 20 tests and profiles
to each panel (tab).

Order ID The order ID is an identifier of up to 23 alphanumeric characters that is unique

within the laboratory. The order ID identifies the order and links it to the sample.
Order and sample IDs are often identical. Using separate IDs makes sense when
working with a host system.
Order IDs are defined either by scanning a barcode or by typing them manually.
Because there is limited space when displaying lists on screens, Roche recommend to
limit the ID to 13 characters.

Patient demographics The cobas c111 software does not support the handling of patient demographic data.

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A-32 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument
Daily operation

Host connectivity The cobas c111 instrument can be connected to an external laboratory information
system (LIS), a host computer for downloading order information and uploading
results, or a cobas c111 Printer Tool.
If the instrument is connected to a host system, the following setups can be
o Downloading order information
When you identify a sample using the barcode scanner, the appropriate order
information is automatically assigned to the order on the system. (The order
information was downloaded previously.)
o Performing host queries
When you identify a sample using the barcode scanner, a query is sent to the host,
asking for the order information of the sample in question. This information is
then downloaded to the cobas c111 instrument and automatically assigned to the
sample on the system.
o Transmitting results
You can have results automatically transmitted to the host as soon as they are
e For the setup when connecting to a cobas c111 Printer Tool, see the cobas c111 Printer
Tool Operator’s Manual.

Routine orders Routine orders are normally defined on the Overview tab. The software guides you
through the process of assigning the tests to the sample and placing the sample tube
on the instrument.

STAT orders STAT (short turn around time) orders are handled in the same way as routine orders,
except that their tests are processed next, irrespective of the scheduling of routine
order tests.

Defining orders There must be at least one free sample tube position when defining an order. You are
guided by the software when ordering the tests and placing the samples.
There can be only one order for each test and sample.

Modifying orders The process for changing an order is similar to that of defining it. You first identify
the sample and then change the tests. You can change an order as long as its
processing has not yet started.
It is always possible to add a further test to an existing order.

Deleting orders At the end of a shift, you should delete all orders that are defined on the system. This
is to free storage space for the next shift. Deleting the orders is an integral part of the
End Shift wizard. (Deleting an order also deletes the corresponding sample results.)
You can export the data to a USB stick and store them on a computer.

Controlling the run Controlling the execution of test runs is done via the global action buttons.
Press to start the run.
Press to stop the run.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-33
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111


You can check the results on the screen as soon as they are calculated.

Units Results are normally given in your lab units. The units can be configured.

Flags Result flags are test-specific. They indicate that the limit of an internal check was
exceeded or not reached.
System flags point to the status of the result within the process of analysis; for
example, they tell you that the result has not been accepted or that is has not been
transmitted to the host successfully.

Printing results You can print all or selected results on the built-in printer.

Validating results All results need to be validated (result accepted, test rerun or repeated).
Result flags help you identify critical results and point to possible actions that need to
be taken.
Each test must have accepted calibration results; tests whose associated calibration
results are not accepted cannot be performed.

Ratio results The user can manually define ratios. Ratio results are handled like any other sample
result, with the exception that they cannot be accepted by the user. They are
automatically accepted if all their constituent results are accepted.

Repeating and rerunning tests If a result is flagged, you may decide to run a test again. You can either perform
exactly the same test (Repeat) or perform it with a different predefined dilution

Storing results The cobas c111 instrument is designed to hold the sample results of one day’s
analyzing. Therefore, you need to back up the data regularly to an external medium.
(Backing up results is an integral part of the End Shift wizard.)
The QC results of the previous and the current months are stored on the system.
Up to five calibration results are stored on the system for each test.


Completing maintenance actions correctly and on time helps to ensure smooth and
uninterrupted operation of your instrument.

Maintenance scheduling The cobas c111 instrument facilitates performing the maintenance actions in bundles
at the times that suit your laboratory work processes. To that purpose, you can define
in the configuration settings one day of the week as your maintenance day.
e For information on scheduling maintenance actions, see Scheduling maintenance actions
on page B-158.

All maintenance actions can be performed any time.

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A-34 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 2 Introduction to the instrument
System status

Interval For most maintenance actions a fixed maintenance interval is defined. (You cannot
change this interval.) This is the basis upon which the system calculates the date when
the actions need to be performed.
The interval timers and counters are reset whenever you confirm that the
maintenance action has been performed.
Maintenance actions without predefined intervals are performed whenever
necessary, or they are triggered by another maintenance action.

Due date The due date is the last possible maintenance day. This is the date you see when you
check the status of maintenance actions.

Ensuring smooth operation Performing all due maintenance actions during the daily Prepare or End Shift phase
ensures that routine operation does not have to be interrupted for performing
maintenance actions.

System status

The cobas c111 instrument provides several means of indicating the status of the
various parts and processes:
o Color coded LEDs on the instrument inform you when and when not to open
covers or place sample tubes.
e See Color interpretation for LEDs on page A-122.
o The colors of buttons inform you whether you need to intervene.
e See Color concept on page A-74.

You can check the meaning of a button using the online Help .
o Buttons on the Overview tab lead to detailed information on the status of selected
processes and hardware items.
o Messages on the screen provide information on individual tasks and events.
o The text in the Status line provides information on the status and activities of the
analyzer and photometer unit.
The following system statuses are defined:

Status Comment
Standby The user and host interfaces remain active, as do the reagent
cooling system, fluid system, and the cuvette heating.
Maintenance A maintenance action is being performed. The system is not
available for performing tests.
Diagnostics A diagnostics action is being performed. The system is not
available for performing tests.
Operating Processing is in progress.
Powerup After switching on, the system performs initialization and
functional test.
Powerdown Regular shutdown is in progress.
E-Stopped Processing has stopped. User intervention is required to allow
the system to resume regular operation.
Table A-3 System statuses

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-35
2 Introduction to the instrument cobas c111
System status

Roche Diagnostics
A-36 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Table of contents

The parts and how they work

In this chapter, you will find information on the main hardware components of the
cobas c111 instrument.

In this chapter Chapter 3

Covers and panels .......................................................................................................... A-39
LEDs ................................................................................................................................. A-41
Main components .......................................................................................................... A-43
Hardware overview ........................................................................................................ A-44
Sample area ............................................................................................................... A-44
Fluid system .............................................................................................................. A-45
Probe and syringe .............................................................................................. A-46
Syringe assembly ................................................................................................ A-46
Wash station ....................................................................................................... A-47
External fluid connectors .................................................................................. A-47
Transfer unit ............................................................................................................. A-48
Fluid containers ........................................................................................................ A-50
Waste containers ................................................................................................ A-50
Water container ................................................................................................. A-51
Cleaner bottle ..................................................................................................... A-52
Reagent bottles ................................................................................................... A-53
Tubes ................................................................................................................... A-54
Cuvettes ............................................................................................................... A-55
Cuvette segments ............................................................................................... A-55
Handling cuvettes .............................................................................................. A-56
Reagent handling ............................................................................................... A-56
Rotor .......................................................................................................................... A-57
Reagent disk .............................................................................................................. A-58
Reagent disk container ............................................................................................ A-59
Reagent cooler .......................................................................................................... A-59
Cuvette ring .............................................................................................................. A-60
Barcode scanner ....................................................................................................... A-61
Printer ........................................................................................................................ A-62
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-37
3 Hardware cobas c111
Table of contents

Absorbance photometer ......................................................................................... A-63

Connectors ................................................................................................................ A-64
Fuses .......................................................................................................................... A-65
Technical specifications ................................................................................................ A-66

Roche Diagnostics
A-38 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Covers and panels

Covers and panels

The following figure shows the removable panels and the lids that can be opened.


A Left side panel E Rear service flap

B Left service flap F Right side panel
C Main cover G Right service flap
D Transfer head cover H Printer panel

Figure A-7 The cobas c111 instrument

Transfer head cover Provides access to:

o Transfer mechanism
o Probe
Shut down the system and switch off the instrument before you open this cover.

Left service flap Provides access to:

o Wash station
o Tubing
o Internal waste tank
o Initialization plate
Handle as instructed during maintenance actions, or shut down the system and
switch off the instrument before handling it.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-39
3 Hardware cobas c111
Covers and panels

Main cover Provides access to:

o Rotor
o Reagent disk
o Cuvettes
o Reagent bottles
o Photometer unit
You open this cover whenever you need to handle cuvettes, reagent bottles, or the
reagent disk. A green LED indicates that you should place an item, a yellow LED that
you should not open the main cover.
To open the cover, press the release button at the underside of the front of the cover.
When you should close the cover an acoustic signal is sounded and the system icon
on the System Status screen turns red.

Rear service flap Provides access to:

o Computer boards
o Power supply
o Transfer unit
o Degasser
This flap should be opened by service representatives only.
Shut down the system and switch off the instrument, remove the two side panels
before opening this flap.

Right side panel Provides access to:

o Syringe assembly
Remove this panel as instructed during maintenance actions, or shut down the
system and switch off the instrument before you remove it.

Right service flap Provides access to:

o Photometer unit
o Sample area
o Touchscreen
o Data management computer
Open this panel as instructed during maintenance actions or shut down the system
and switch off the instrument before you open it.

Printer panel Provides access to:

o Printer paper.
You can open this flap any time as long as the printer is not printing.
To open the panel, press the release button.

Roche Diagnostics
A-40 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware


LEDs are placed on key positions on the cobas c111 instrument. They inform you
whether you can perform certain actions.

A Sample area LED C Main cover LED

B Global button LEDs (from top: Start LED,
Stop LED, Alarm LED)

Figure A-8 The cobas c111 instrument

Interpreting the LED colors LED Color Meaning

Main cover LED Off No activities in this area. You can open the main
User intervention is required, for example you are
expected to place or remove a bottle.
The system is performing some action. Do not
handle the cover.
An acoustic signal is sounded when the cover is open while the system is
in Operating state. You can adjust the volume (Utilities >
Configuration > System > Volume).
Sample area LED Off No activities in this area. You can remove sample
You are expected to place a sample tube.
Blinking The transfer head is approaching. Do not place
your hand or any object in the sample area.
Start LED Off You cannot start the measuring process.
You can start the measuring process.

Table A-4 LEDs and their meaning

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-41
3 Hardware cobas c111

LED Color Meaning

Stop LED Off Pressing does not have any effect.
Pressing leads to the various stop options.
Alarm LED Off There are no unconfirmed alarm messages.
There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message.
You need to deal with it as soon as possible.
There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message.
You need to deal with it immediately, processing
may not be able to continue unless you do so.
An acoustic signal is sounded when an alarm is generated. You can
adjust the volume (Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume).
Table A-4 LEDs and their meaning

Roche Diagnostics
A-42 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Main components

Main components

The following figure illustrates the main components of the cobas c111 instrument.



A Rotor E Degasser I Front USB port

B Transfer unit F Sample area J External fluid rack
C Photometer unit G Display K Printer
D PCB main board H Syringe assembly

Figure A-9 Main hardware components

Rotor Provides a cooled area for reagents (cooling assembly) and a heated channel for
cuvettes. It moves the containers to the correct position for loading, removal,
pipetting, and measuring.

Transfer unit Pipettes sample, reagent, and other fluids from their source to target containers such
as cuvettes or the wash station.

Photometer unit Contains the absorbance photometer used for making absorbance measurements.

PCB main board Controls the instrument hardware.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-43
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Fluid system (not shown) Transports all fluids around the instrument, including sample, reagent, calibrator,
control, diluent, cleaner, system water, and waste.

Syringe assembly Performs the aspiration and dispensing of fluids. This includes the supply of water
and cleaner to clean the probes in the wash station after every pipetting action, which
prevents carry-over between tests.

Degasser Removes possible air bubbles from the system water.

Sample area Eight positions for holding sample tubes. This area is also used for placing
calibrators, controls, and auxiliary fluids.

Display The touchscreen provides the user interface for controlling and managing the
cobas c111 instrument.

Front USB port This port is used for the USB stick when backing up data or loading data on the

Hardware overview

Sample area

The sample area provides eight positions for placing sample tubes. You can place
primary and secondary tubes.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

A The LED indicates that the transfer tower is approaching or that you should place a sample

Figure A-10 Sample area with sample tubes

Place the samples when instructed by the system to do so. For calibrators, the system
tells you on which position to place them, with the other fluids, you can choose any
free position.

Roche Diagnostics
A-44 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Fluid system

The fluid system consists of all the valves, pumps, tubing, syringe, fluid sensors, water
and waste containers, the wash station, and the probe. It transports all fluids around
the instrument, including sample, reagent, calibrator, control, diluent, cleaner,
system water, and waste. The fluid system also delivers the correct amounts of fluids
to the cuvettes.



A Wash station F Internal waste tank

B Transfer head (with probe) G Cleaner bottle (red cap)
C Pumps H Water container (white)
D Degasser I Waste container (yellow)
E Syringe assembly

Figure A-11 Fluid system

NOTICE To prevent overflow of the internal waste tank when the system is in Standby status, the
waste is periodically pumped to the external waste container. (Condensation can build up
in the cooling assembly while the system is in Standby status.)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-45
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Probe and syringe


A Fluid sensor C Syringe

B Probe

Figure A-12 Probe and syringe

The probe is connected by tubing to:

o The syringe to ensure the pipetting of the required amounts of fluid.
o The external water container and cleaner bottle to ensure supply of fresh water
and cleaner.
e See maintenance action Clean the probe manually on page C-12.
See maintenance action Deproteinize the probe on page C-10.
See Replacing the probe on page B-125.

Syringe assembly
The syringe assembly controls the aspiration and dispensing of fluids. It also controls
the supply of water and cleaner to clean the probes in the wash station after every
pipetting action, which prevents carry-over between tests.

Roche Diagnostics
A-46 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Wash station

Figure A-13 Wash station

The probe is washed after each pipetting. It is lowered in the wash station and then
cleaner is pumped through the probe to wash it in and outside. Next water is pumped
through the probe to flush away the cleaner.
The wash station is connected by tubing to the internal waste container.

External fluid connectors

The three external fluid containers must be properly connected before you switch on
the cobas c111 instrument.


A Water connector C Waste connector

B Cleaner connector

Figure A-14 External fluid connectors

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-47
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Transfer unit

The transfer unit moves the probe to the correct positions for all pipetting and
cleaning actions.
The following figure shows the major parts of the transfer unit.

A Transfer head C Transfer X guide rail

B Probe holder carriage

Figure A-15 Major elements of the robotic transfer unit

Transfer head The transfer head moves horizontally (along the X-axis); the probe moves up and
down (Z-axis), and it performs a rotational movement for mixing the cuvette and
reagent bottle content.

Transfer head arrest When the transfer head is obstructed in its horizontal movement, it immediately
stops. All pipetting and processing actions stop.

Roche Diagnostics
A-48 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

A Mixing motor D Probe

B Transfer Z motor E Mixer movement axis
C Probe holder

Figure A-16 Transfer head

Mixing motor The mixing motor is mounted on the carriage. When running, it generates a circular
movement of the probe. This movement is used for mixing the content of cuvettes
and reagent bottles.

Probe The probe has a flat tip. This is required for tube bottom detection. Because such a
probe cannot pierce a bottle cap, all bottles must be placed on the instrument with
their caps removed.

Level detection A sensor detects when the probe enters a fluid. On the basis of this level, the system
establishes whether there is enough fluid to perform the scheduled pipetting action.

Tube Bottom detection A physical sensor is activated as soon as the probe touches the bottom of a sample
This mechanism also works when the probe touches an object outside the tube. In
both cases, probe action stops and an appropriate alarm message is generated.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-49
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Fluid containers

The following table shows which container is used for which fluid:

Fluid Container(s) Position

Sample Tube Sample area
Control Tube Sample area
Calibrator Tube Sample area
Diluent Reagent bottle Reagent disk
System cleaner External cleaner bottle External fluid rack
Cleaner Reagent bottle Reagent disk
Reagent Reagent bottle Reagent disk
Water Bottle External fluid rack
Waste Bottle External fluid rack
Table A-5 Fluid containers, what they are used for and where

The term tube includes all kinds of tubes, as long as their dimensions lay within prescribed
limits. It also includes secondary tubes (cups). See Tubes on page A-54.

Waste containers


A Tubing adapter C Internal waste tank

B External waste container

Figure A-17 Waste container

Internal waste tank The internal waste tank collects the waste from the wash station and the ISE unit, if
this is used. It also collects the condensation from the cooling assembly in the rotor.
The internal waste tank is connected by tubing to:
o External waste container
o Wash station
o Reagent cooler (condensation)
o ISE unit (if installed)

Roche Diagnostics
A-50 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

External waste container The yellow external waste container is placed on the external fluid rack. It is designed
to be washed and reused.
Because the system periodically performs wash actions, an external waste container
must be connected at all times. Therefore, when you empty the waste container, you
immediately replace it with the spare container and then empty the original
container. (The instrument is supplied with a spare waste container.)
There is no active level monitoring for the external waste container, but you are
notified if the external waste container has not been emptied for more than one day.
The external waste container is connected by tubing to the internal waste tank.
e See Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers on page B-127.
See Checking the status of the external fluid containers on page B-15.
See maintenance action Clean the water and waste containers on page C-16.

Water container
The white water container is positioned on the external fluid rack. Attached to the
cap is a suction tube, which is equipped with a water filter.
There is no active level monitoring for the water container, but you are notified if the
water container has not been refilled for more than one day.
The water container is designed to be washed and refilled.


A Tubing C Water inlet filter

B Container

Figure A-18 Water container

The water container is connected by tubing to:

o Wash pump
o Syringe assembly
o Probe
e See Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers on page B-127.
See Checking the status of the external fluid containers on page B-15.
See maintenance action Clean the water and waste containers on page C-16.
See maintenance action Replace water inlet filter on page C-19.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-51
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Cleaner bottle
The cleaner bottle is positioned on the external fluid rack. It is designed to be
replaced when empty.
Level monitoring for the cleaner bottle is based on the number of cleaning and
pipetting actions that were performed.

A Tubing adapter B Cleaner bottle

Figure A-19 Cleaner bottle

When delivered, the bottle has a white cap. During installation, this is replaced by a
red cap with tubing attached to it (tubing adapter).
The cleaner bottle is connected by tubing to:
o Syringe assembly
o Probe
e See Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers on page B-127.
See Checking the status of the external fluid containers on page B-15.

Roche Diagnostics
A-52 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Reagent bottles

The cobas c111 instrument works exclusively with reagent bottles

that are equipped with a two-dimensional barcode.
Each bottle holds up to 20 mL of fluid. The actual volume depends
on the test.
Place the bottles on the reagent disk as instructed by the software.
Reagents are handled in reagent sets. A set consists of up to three
reagents. You always load and replace all bottles of a set.

Chimneys Chimneys are bottle inserts that reduce evaporation.

For reagents that are especially sensitive to concentration changes,
Roche recommend using chimneys on the reagent bottles. (See the
package inserts of the tests whether you should use chimneys or
To generally reduce evaporation, you may use chimneys on all
reagent bottles.

Incorrect results due to declining reagent quality

If the application definitions (see package insert) recommend the use of chimneys, the
WARNING corresponding calibration intervals apply to conditions when working with chimneys.
Roche recommend using chimneys whenever this is recommended on the test insert.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-53
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

The cobas c111 instrument can use both primary and secondary tubes (cups).
You can use any type of primary tube, as long as their dimensions lay within
prescribed limits.
o Maximum height (including secondary tube): 102 mm
o Minimum height: 70 mm
o Maximum outside width: 16.3 mm
o Minimum outside width: 11.8 mm

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
WARNING Always fill the tubes with sufficient fluid that at the end of the pipetting process at least the
dead volume of fluid is left.
See Tubes on page A-54.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate tube and cup placement

Inappropriate tube and cup placement may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently
to incorrect results.
Make sure that the primary tubes are placed centrally and perfectly vertically in the holders
in the sample area and that they are inserted firmly.
Make sure that secondary tubes are placed centrally on the primary tubes and that they
rest fully on them.

NOTICE Probe damage due to not removing primary tube caps

The probe is not designed to pierce tube caps. It can get damaged when trying to pierce
tube caps.
Always remove the caps of primary tubes before placing them on the instrument.

The following table lists a few typical tubes that are suitable, and it gives the dead
volume for each of them.

Tube name Dead volume

13 x 75 mm 500 μL
13 x 100 mm 500 μL
16 x 75 mm 700 μL
16 x 100 mm 700 μL
Table A-6 Typical examples of suitable tubes

Roche recommend using approved cups only. The following table lists the approved

Cup name Dead volume Placement

Hitachi standard cup 75 μL for 2.5 mL sample Directly on sample area
Hitachi micro cup 50 μL for 1.5 mL sample Directly on sample area
Table A-7 Typical examples of suitable tubes

Roche Diagnostics
A-54 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Cup name Dead volume Placement

Roche Diagnostics Standard 75 μL for 2.5 mL sample Directly on sample area
false bottom tube volume
Roche Diagnostics Sample 50 μL for 1.5 mL sample On top of primary tubes
Cup Micro 13/16 volume.
Table A-7 Typical examples of suitable tubes

The Hitachi standard and micro cups can be placed on top of 16 x 75 mm tubes.
Cups with a rim can be placed directly on the sample area, whereas cups without rim
must be placed on top of primary tubes.


All optical measurements are made using the same transparent

plastic containers, called cuvettes. Samples are automatically
transferred from a sample tube to the cuvettes on the cuvette ring.
Cuvettes are disposable to eliminate carry-over.

Cuvette segments
Each segment holds 10 cuvettes.

A Segment handle C Cuvettes

B Cuvette segment holding individual cuvettes

Figure A-20 Cuvette segment

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-55
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Handling cuvettes
Cuvettes are supplied in boxes containing cuvette sets. Each set contains a number of
cuvette segments. This way, the cuvettes can easily be handled without touching
Loading and removing cuvettes is guided by the system software. When handling is
required, the rotor moves the cuvette segments to the cuvette port, where you can
load or remove them. You handle one segment at a time. Cuvette segments are placed
in the cuvette ring of the rotor.
e See Preparing cuvettes on page B-28.

Incorrect results due to scratched or soiled cuvettes

Scratches and impurities on the cuvettes distort the measurements.
WARNING Do not touch the cuvettes and make sure they do not touch other items when handling

A Hold the segment by its handle. Make sure not to touch the cuvettes.

Figure A-21 Handling a cuvette segment

Reagent handling
Loading and removing reagents is guided by the system software. When handling is
required, the rotor moves the bottles to the reagent port, where you can load or
remove them. You handle one reagent bottle at a time. Reagent bottles are placed on
the reagent disk.
e See Preparing the reagents on page B-22.

Figure A-22 Handling a reagent bottle

Roche Diagnostics
A-56 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview


The rotor provides the following features:

o Space for up to 27 reagent bottles (on the reagent disk)
o Space for up to 60 cuvettes (in the cuvette ring)
o A cooled environment for reagents (reagent cooler)
o A temperature controlled environment for samples (cuvette ring)
o A synchronized transport mechanism to move reagent bottles and cuvettes to the
pipetting, loading, and measuring positions.

A Reagent disk C Temperature controlled cuvette ring (not

B Reagent cooler visible)
D Cuvette segment

Figure A-23 Main rotor elements

Rotational movement The bottles and cuvettes are positioned in a manner that they can be moved to the
various positions by a rotational movement. There are positions for loading and
removal (reagent and cuvette ports), pipetting, and measuring.


A Pipetting positions B Reagent port

Figure A-24 Reagent port on the reagent disk

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-57
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Reagent disk

The reagent disk holds up to 27 reagent bottles. It is designed to be handled as one

unit, including the bottles. When not used on the instrument, the reagent disk is
placed in a container and stored in a refrigerated place.

Figure A-25 Reagent disk

NOTICE Damage to the reagent disk

The reagent disk is designed to handle reagents while it is loaded on the instrument. The
cover is equipped with a locking mechanism.
Always remove and load reagents while the reagent disk is on the instrument and by using
the software supported procedures.

e See Preparing the reagent disk on page B-21.

Reagent disk ID You can use up to eight different reagent disks on one cobas c111 instrument. Each
reagent disk is equipped with numbered tabs. For automatic disk identification by the
instrument, one—and only one—of these tabs is removed. The number of this
removed tab is the disk ID. When you label the disk, make sure that the number on
the label corresponds to that of the removed tab.



A Reagent disk IDs. There are eight possible C Identification tabs

IDs. D The tab has been removed for automatic
B Disk label. The number must correspond to disk recognition
the reagent disk ID.

Figure A-26 Reagent disk ID

Roche Diagnostics
A-58 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Reagent disk container

For storage outside the instrument, the reagent disk is placed in a container. This
reduces evaporation of reagents and prevents their contamination.

Reagent cooler

The reagent cooler holds the reagent disk with its reagent bottles. The temperature in
the cooler is kept within the range of 6 to 10°C.

A Reagent cooler

Figure A-27 Reagent cooler

e See maintenance action Clean reagent disk and sample area on page C-14.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-59
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Cuvette ring

The cuvette ring holds up to 6 cuvette segments, each containing 10 cuvettes.

A Cuvette ring B Cuvette segment

Figure A-28 Cuvette ring

Cuvettes fit neatly in the cuvette ring, without touching the walls when being moved
along the ring.
e See Preparing the reagents on page B-22.
See maintenance action Clean reagent disk and sample area on page C-14.

Roche Diagnostics
A-60 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Barcode scanner

A hand-held barcode scanner is used for reading barcoded labels.

Loss of sight
The intense light of the LEDs may severely damage you eyes. Do not stare into the LEDs.
WARNING Scanning equipment using LED technology is covered by the international standard IEC
60825-1 LED Safety: Class 1.


A Barcode scanner B Scanner connector on the instrument

Figure A-29 Hand-held barcode scanner

Connect to the lower COM2 port

Always connect the barcode scanner to the lower of the two serial communication con-
nectors (B).

e For information on how to use the barcode scanner, see Using the barcode scanner on
page B-89.

The following containers are always supplied with barcodes:

o Reagent bottles
o Diluent bottles
o Auxiliary fluids (diluents, cleaners etc.)
Sample tubes can be used with or without barcoded labels.

Reagent bottle barcode On the reagent bottles, barcode of the PDF417 format is used.
The barcode contains the following information:
o Part ID
o Lot number
o Expiration date
o Reagent volume
o Serial number of bottle
o Test data

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-61
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview

Sample barcode The following barcode types are supported for sample tube identification:
o Codabar
o Codabar 2 of 7
o Code 3 of 9
o Code 128
o Interleaved 2 of 5
o UPC (A, E)

A sample barcode must include a checksum at the end.


The cobas c111 instrument has a built-in thermal printer with a 112 mm paper roll.
The printer is used for example for printing placement lists, results, maintenance
action instructions, and status information on various items such as the loaded tests.


A Panel release button C Printer panel

B Paper slot

Figure A-30 Printer

e See maintenance action Refilling printer paper on page B-122.

See To clear the paper jam on page D-46.

Roche Diagnostics
A-62 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview

Absorbance photometer

The cobas c111 main instrument uses the absorbance photometry measuring

Absorbance photometer

A Photometer unit

Figure A-31 Photometer unit

The measurements are taken without removing the cuvette from the rotor.

Halogen lamp The Halogen lamp is mounted on a holder for easy replacement. The system informs
you when you need to replace the lamp.
e See maintenance action Replace photometer lamp on page C-24.

Wavelengths for the absorbance For each cuvette, the absorbance photometer measures light intensity at 12 different
photometer wavelengths:

340 nm 449 nm 520 nm 629 nm

378 nm 480 nm 552 nm 652 nm
409 nm 512 nm 583 nm 659 nm

Measurement principles e See Principles of operation on page A-19.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-63
3 Hardware cobas c111
Hardware overview





A Power supply G Maintenance connectors (Do not remove the

B Data and communication connectors cable.)
C Fluid connectors H USB 2 connector (for troubleshooting)
D Front USB port (not shown) I Water connector
E Serial communication connector J Cleaner connector
F Barcode scanner connector K Waste connector

Figure A-32 Connectors

Roche Diagnostics
A-64 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Hardware overview


Electrical shock by electronic equipment

Do not attempt to work in any electronic compartment. Installation, service, and repair
WARNING must only be performed by authorized and qualified personnel.

The mains fuses are situated at the rear of the instrument, above the power
connector; the internal fuses are situated on the right side of the instrument, at the
top of the connector panel.

A Power connector with T6.3 A H 250 V fuse B Low voltage fuses (T3.15 A)
F1: Heating system
F2: Motors
F3: Cooling assembly
F4: Photometer unit and LEDs

Figure A-33 Fuses

e See To change the mains fuses on page D-47.

See To change a low voltage fuse on page D-49.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-65
3 Hardware cobas c111
Technical specifications

Technical specifications

NOTICE Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in these specifica-
tions is correct at the time of printing. However, Roche Diagnostics reserves the right to
make any changes necessary without notice as part of ongoing product development.

Physical dimension Width (with ISE unit) 590 mm (720 mm)

Depth (with ISE unit) 550 mm (550 mm)
Height (with ISE unit) 480 mm (480 mm)
Weight (with ISE unit) Approximately 32 kg (35 kg)

Power requirements Line voltage 100-125 V and 200-240 V (-15%, +10%)

Line frequency 50 Hz (±5%) and 60 Hz (±5%)
Power consumption 250 VA
Insulation coordination Installation category II (IEC 61010-1)
Main fuse T6. 3 A H 250 V
Low voltage fuses T3. 15 A L 250 V
Battery Lithium 3.6 V 2.3 Ah SL-360/S

Power requirements ISE unit Line voltage 100-240 V (±10%)

(optional unit)
Line frequency 50 Hz (±5%) and 60 Hz (±5%)
Supply voltage 19-24 V DC, Min. 2A
Power consumption 70 VA
Insulation coordination Installation category II (IEC 61010-1)

Measurement principles Absorbance photometry (enzymes, substrates, drugs of abuse)

Potentiometry ISE (ion selective electrodes) Na+, K+, Cl-

Environmental conditions Temperature Running conditions: 15-32°C

Transport and storage: -25 to +60°C
Humidity Running conditions: 30-80% at 15-32°C, non
Transport and storage: 10-95%, non condensing
Pollution Degree 2 (IEC 61010-1)
Altitude Max. 2000 m above sea level

Throughput Photometric 85 tests/h max.; 60 tests/h consolidated (with typical test

ISE 180 tests/h max.; 60-100 tests/h consolidated
(photometric and ISE mixed)

Samples Sample handling Manually by operator

Time to first result 5-10 min (photometric measurements)
2 min (ISE measurements)

Roche Diagnostics
A-66 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 3 Hardware
Technical specifications

Water purity Minimum requirements Electrical resistivity [M*cm @ 25°C] >1

Electrical conductivity [μS/cm @ 25°C] <1
Silicate (SiO2) [mg/L] < 0.1
Particulate matter size [μm] n/a
Bacteria [CFU/mL] < 1000
Whenever the term "purified water" is used in this document, water of at least the quality
specified above must be used.
Roche recommends using Reagent Grade water.

Calibrators Roche calibrators See the package inserts of the reagents.

Reagent bottles Reagent bottles 20 mL maximum

Identification Barcode
Barcode 2-D, format PDF417
Number of tests 50-200 tests, depending on the test

Cuvettes Segments of 10 cuvettes Manual insertion and removal of segments

Single use Cuvettes are for single use only
Static incubation temperature in 37°C ±0.5°C

Photometer Absorbance photometer 20 W halogen lamp

12 wavelengths 340-659 nm
Sensor Photosensitive diode array

ISE unit Ion-selective electrode Indirect measurement

Sample volume 15 μL; Dilution 1:6 (1 part sample, 5 parts water)
3 Electrodes Na, K, Cl
1 ISE Reference Electrode

Software data handling Operating system o LINUX

o VX Works
CPUs Intel XScale
Memory system o Flash ROM

Mass storage External USB memory stick

Internal Flash ROM

Interfaces USB1.1/2.0 For backing up data or loading data on the system

(memory stick)
USB1.1/2.0 Modem
2 x RS232 Host, barcode scanner

Display Color touchscreen 5.7 inch active matrix (1/4 VGA, 320 x 240 pixels)

Printer Internal thermal printer Paper width 112 mm

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-67
3 Hardware cobas c111
Technical specifications

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cobas c111 4 Software
Table of contents

Getting the most out of the instrument

In this chapter, you will find information on how to operate the instrument by using
the touchscreen. You will find out about the concept of wizards and you are
introduced to the key screens.

In this chapter Chapter 4

Introduction .................................................................................................................... A-71
Screen layout ................................................................................................................... A-72
Display items .................................................................................................................. A-73
Color concept ........................................................................................................... A-74
Workflows and wizards ................................................................................................. A-74
Navigation ................................................................................................................. A-74
Working with the user interface .................................................................................. A-75
Adjusting the touchscreen ...................................................................................... A-75
Scrolling ..................................................................................................................... A-75
Expanding and collapsing lists ............................................................................... A-76
Typing text ................................................................................................................ A-76
Using the filter function .......................................................................................... A-78
Printing information ............................................................................................... A-80
Using online Help .................................................................................................... A-81
Messages .................................................................................................................... A-82
Message screen ................................................................................................... A-82
Alarm monitor ................................................................................................... A-82
Key screens ...................................................................................................................... A-84
Overview tab ............................................................................................................. A-84
Sample overview ................................................................................................ A-86
Orders .................................................................................................................. A-87
STAT ................................................................................................................... A-89
Tests ..................................................................................................................... A-90
Log off .................................................................................................................. A-92
Prepare ................................................................................................................ A-92
End shift .............................................................................................................. A-92
Cuvette status ..................................................................................................... A-92
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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-69
4 Software cobas c111
Table of contents

Disk and reagent status ..................................................................................... A-93

ISE status ............................................................................................................. A-94
System status ...................................................................................................... A-95
Workplace tab .......................................................................................................... A-97
Orders .................................................................................................................. A-98
Result list ............................................................................................................. A-99
QC status list .................................................................................................... A-101
QC history ........................................................................................................ A-102
Calibrations list ................................................................................................ A-104
Lot data .............................................................................................................. A-105
Lot list ................................................................................................................ A-106
Loadlist .............................................................................................................. A-107
Worklist ............................................................................................................ A-107
Utilities tab .............................................................................................................. A-108
Configuration ................................................................................................... A-109
Maintenance ..................................................................................................... A-110
Applications related functions ....................................................................... A-111
Applications ...................................................................................................... A-112
Extra wash cycles ............................................................................................. A-113
Host codes ......................................................................................................... A-113
Reagent mixing ................................................................................................ A-114
Process sequence .............................................................................................. A-115
Diagnostics ....................................................................................................... A-116
Inventory ........................................................................................................... A-117
Import ............................................................................................................... A-118
Users .................................................................................................................. A-119
Export ................................................................................................................ A-120
Stopping a run ........................................................................................................ A-121
Color interpretation for LEDs .................................................................................... A-122
Buttons ........................................................................................................................... A-124

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To operate the cobas c111 instrument, you use its touchscreen. The design and
functional concept of the touchscreen support you in the way you work.
The following table lists the major items and characteristics of a cobas c111 screen
and describes their impact on the operation of the instrument.

Screen item Impact on operation

Screen types Distinct screen types make it easy for you to find your way
around the user interface. For example, you immediately
know whether you are on a main screen or whether you are
reading a message.
Screen layout The consistent layout allows you to quickly find the required
information and to locate the various display items.
Buttons Press a button to open and close a screen or to start a func-
Colors The color of an item on the screen points to its own status or
that of the item it represents.
The "traffic light" color scheme is used:
o Green: Everything is OK.
o Yellow: The system is working, but you need to intervene
for it to continue to do so.
o Red: This item does not work, you need to intervene.
Wizards A wizard denotes a predefined sequence of screens (steps)
that represent a certain task, for example defining an order.
By following the suggested sequence of steps you ensure the
proper execution of the tasks and functions.
With some critical tasks, you need to follow the wizard
exactly, right through to the end. In other cases, you may skip
a step and perform it later.
Table A-8 The major items and characteristics of the touchscreen

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-71
4 Software cobas c111
Screen layout

Screen layout

All screens are based on the following layout:


A Status area D Global action area

B Tabs E Working area
C Headline F Buttons area

Figure A-34 Basic screen layout

The screen representations shown in this chapter and throughout this manual are for illus-
trative purposes only. The screens do not necessarily show valid data.

Depending on the function of a screen, some layout items may not be displayed.
The following is an example of a screen with the full range of display items.



A The status line displays the system status. E The buttons vary depending on the content
B Tabs represent the major work areas. You of the working area and the screen position
can switch to any of them any time. within a series of steps (wizard).
C The headline characterizes the content or F The Help button leads to concise information
function of the screen. If the screen is part of that is relevant to the current screen and sit-
a sequence of screens (wizard), the headline uation.
tells you where you are within this sequence. G The global action buttons represent the func-
D The working area displays the main content tions that are permanently available: Start,
of the screen. Stop, Alarm, Line Feed. The LEDs next to
them point to their status.

Figure A-35 Example of a screen

Roche Diagnostics
A-72 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Display items

Display items

The cobas c111 screens are made up of text areas and various kinds of display items
such as tabs and buttons.
The following table lists the major display items and describes their use.

Display item Use

1* Button Press a button to start a function. In addition, many

buttons also either open a new screen or close the
current screen.
A triangle in the top right corner of a button tells you
that a new screen will be displayed when you press
the button; a triangle in the bottom left corner that
the current screen will be closed.
Global action The global action buttons are positioned on the right
button side next to the screen. The LED next to each of the
buttons indicates whether the button is active or not.
List Press a list item to select it. (Its color turns blue.)
Use the scroll buttons to display the items that are
not visible.

Text Text usually provides information or instructions. It

can be color coded to indicate its importance level.

Tab Tabs are used to group information into units that

can be displayed on one screen.

Table A-9 Major display items

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-73
4 Software cobas c111
Workflows and wizards

Color concept

The color of buttons and other display items tells you about the status of the display
item or the item it represents.
The cobas c111 instrument uses the familiar "traffic light" color scheme.

Color Meaning for buttons

Green The element is OK.

Yellow Your intervention is required to ensure continuous operation.

Red Your immediate intervention is required. Operation has stopped.

Blue The item is selected.

Table A-10 Color concept

e For details on the meaning of LED colors, see Color interpretation for LEDs on
page A-122.
e For details on the meaning of button colors, see the explanations in the relevant operation

Workflows and wizards

Screens and sequences of screens help you perform your tasks. If not all steps of a task
can be performed from one screen, the workflow is realized as a sequence of screens,
a so-called wizard. cobas c111 wizards do not usually force you to perform a task at a
certain stage, they just make your work easier.


Moving from screen to screen You move from screen to screen with the help of buttons.

Knowing where you are Screens on which you perform tasks provide a headline that displays the navigation
path of the current screen.


A Button where you started C Headline

B Current position in the workflow

Figure A-36 Headline with navigation path

e For an overview of the navigation buttons, see Navigation functions on page A-126.

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Working with the user interface

Working with the user interface

Adjusting the touchscreen

With a touchscreen, it is important that the point where you press the screen
corresponds exactly with its hardware equivalent. If this were not the case, pressing a
screen item such as a button might not lead to the expected result.
e See Adjusting the touchscreen on page B-130.


If not all text or all list elements fit on one screen or display area, use the scrolling
function to display the hidden content.


A You are on the first page. You can scroll C You are on the last page. You can scroll up.
B There is text both before and after the
currently displayed text. You can scroll up
and down.

Figure A-37 Scroll bars

Scroll to the previous page.

Select the previous line and scroll if necessary.

Select the next line and scroll if necessary.

Scroll to the next page.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-75
4 Software cobas c111
Working with the user interface

Expanding and collapsing lists

In hierarchically structured lists, you initially see only the top level entries. List items
that contain (but hide) lower levels of entries are marked with . List items that
display lower levels of entries are marked with .

Figure A-38 Hierarchically structured list

a To expand a list
1 Select a list item marked with .
2 Press again or press .
3 Use the scrollbar, if required, to display the items you are interested in.

a To collapse a list
1 Select a list item marked with .
2 Press again or press .

Typing text

There are dedicated screens for typing alphanumeric and numeric characters.
You can choose from the following screens:
o Alphanumeric upper case
o Alphanumeric lower case
o Special characters
o Numeric characters

Roche Diagnostics
A-76 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Working with the user interface

Numeric keyboard

A Typed text

Figure A-39 Numeric keyboard screen

 Delete the last character displayed in the text line.

A-Z Switch to the uppercase alphanumeric keyboard.

Alphanumeric keyboards

A Typed text

Figure A-40 Upper and lowercase alphanumeric keyboard screens

Switch to the lowercase keyboard.

Switch to the uppercase keyboard.

 Delete the last character displayed in the text line.

$% Switch to the special characters keyboard.

Press to insert a space.


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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-77
4 Software cobas c111
Working with the user interface

Special characters keyboard

A Typed text

Figure A-41 Special characters keyboard screen

Switch to the lowercase alphanumeric keyboard.

A-Z Switch to the uppercase alphanumeric keyboard.

 Delete the last character displayed in the text line.

Press to insert a space.


Using the filter function

In many lists you can apply a filter, that is, you can select predefined criteria for
generating a selection of entries.
The way to apply a filter is the same in all screens where a filter is available. Here is an

a To apply a filter to a list

1 Display the list.

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Working with the user interface

2 Press .
A screen is displayed for selecting the filter criterion.

A In the status line, the screen is indicated where you pressed .

3 Choose one of the filter options.

4 Press .
The list is displayed again. It now contains only the entries that comply with the
criterion you just applied by pressing its button.

After you have applied a filter, the criterion name will appear as part of the List button, for
example on screens for deleting data. If you used the Not Accepted filter criterion, the
List button would be called List [Not Accepted].

Figure A-42 List button names

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-79
4 Software cobas c111
Working with the user interface

Printing information

On many screens, you can print the contents of the working area on the built-in
printer. In many cases, a screen is first displayed for selecting the kind of data you
want to print. In these cases, the print button is marked with a triangle in the top
right corner .

a To print information
1 Press .
If filter criteria are available, a screen is displayed for selecting what data you want
to print. For example:

A In the status line, the screen is indicated where you pressed .

2 Choose one of the print options.

The appropriate data is automatically selected and printed.

Choose > to terminate the printing task, if required.

Roche Diagnostics
A-80 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Working with the user interface

Using online Help

The Help button is a permanent feature of all screens.

A The Help button is always in the top right corner of the screen.

Figure A-43 Permanent Help button

a To display the Online Help

1 Press .

A The Legend tab describes the buttons and B The Workflow tab provides additional
their colors. information on items on the screen or on
actions you can perform.

Figure A-44

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-81
4 Software cobas c111
Working with the user interface

2 Use the scroll bar to display the hidden information.

e For details on scrolling, see Scrolling on page A-75.


Messages are displayed in two ways:

o Immediate feedback on user actions is displayed in a pop-up message screen.
o Information concerning a problem that occurred during operation is reported in
the alarm monitor.

Message screen
Message screens are displayed automatically as soon as the message is generated.

Figure A-45 Message screen

Read the message and press to close the screen.

Alarm monitor
Messages concerning an irregularity that occurred during operation can be viewed in
the alarm monitor. The alarm LED alerts you when such messages are generated. It is
turned off when all alarm messages are confirmed.
The Alarm button is always active, even if nobody is logged on the system.

Alarm button and LED

A Alarm LED B Alarm button

Figure A-46 Alarm LED

Roche Diagnostics
A-82 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Working with the user interface

Interpreting the alarm LED

No color, off There are no unconfirmed alarm messages.

Yellow There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message. You need to deal with it as soon as

Red There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message. You need to deal with it
immediately, processing may not be able to continue unless you do so.

Acoustic signal An acoustic signal is sounded when an alarm is generated. You can adjust the volume
(Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume).

a To display alarm messages

1 Press .
2 Use to limit the number of messages that are contained in the list.
3 Select the message you are interested in.

Alarm message A B

A Alarm ID D Problem description and short remedy

B Total number of messages in the list. suggestion
C Display the previous alarm message. E Display the next alarm message.

Figure A-47

4 Press to display the detailed message.

Detailed alarm message

e For details on handling alarm messages, see Reacting to alarm messages on page D-7.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-83
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Key screens

The screen representations shown in this chapter and throughout this manual are for illus-
trative purposes only. The screens do not necessarily show valid data.

The main screen is divided into tabs. These tabs represent distinct work areas.
f The Overview tab is your main work area when performing the daily routine tasks.
o Use the Workplace to gain information on orders and the corresponding results.
You can also start the lot handling functions from this tab.
o Use the Utilities tab to perform tasks that are not normally part of the routine
analysis workflow. Typically, these would be administration and maintenance
The following sections describe the key screens of these tabs and point out the main
tasks you can perform on them.

Overview tab

The Overview tab is your main work area when performing the daily routine tasks.

A Tube icons C Buttons

B Status of current order processing

Figure A-48 Overview tab

Show details about the order for this sample.

STAT Define STAT orders.

Order Define routine orders.

Tests Check the status of the currently installed tests.

Log off, (Log on) Log off or on the system.

If somebody is logged on, your user name is displayed, for example admin; if nobody
is logged on, Log on.

Prepare Perform the preliminary tasks at the beginning of a shift.

End Shift Perform the necessary tasks when ending the shift.
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Key screens

Check the status of the reagent disk.

The reagents are OK.

Fewer than 10% of tests are left for a reagent set, or its expiration date has passed.

No or unidentified disk on board.

A reagent set is not complete or a reagent is empty.

Check the status of the cuvette segments currently loaded on the rotor.

More than one segment is available.

The last available cuvette segment is in use.

No cuvettes are available.

System Status The System Status button displays both the icon and the color of one of the buttons
of the underlying system status screen (see System status on page A-95).
The icons are first prioritized by color, first priority being red, followed by yellow and
green, and then according to the sequence in which they are listed below.
This button can show either of the following icons.
Analyzer (main cover)
Reagent cooler and cuvette ring temperature
Sample area ventilation
External fluid containers

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-85
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Sample overview


A Sample tube buttons C Results

B Open orders

Figure A-49 Sample tube status on the Overview tab

1 The number in the button indicates the position on the sample area.

A sample tube button with a wide edge symbolizes a STAT order.

All tests are completed and their results are accepted.

All tests are pipetted.
10 The number below the sample tube button indicates the estimated time to
completion. You can remove the sample tube, the time to completion disappears
when you do so.

All tests are completed but not yet accepted.

All remaining tests are blocked for one of the following reasons:
o There is not enough sample fluid.
o The sample is not identified.

There is no sample on this position.

Tests are ordered. Processing has not yet started.

Tests are ordered, processing has started.
11 The number below the sample tube button indicates the estimated time to

The sample is identified, but no tests were ordered yet.
If working in Order Query Mode: The order could not be obtained from the host.

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A-86 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

f Overview > Order
Press Order to define routine orders.
The process of defining an order, and consequently which screens are displayed,
depends on how your cobas c111 instrument is integrated in your laboratory
infrastructure (barcodes, host connection).

Identifying samples

f Overview > Order

Figure A-50

Order Interval QC.

Order Default QC.

Typing the sample ID

f Overview > Order

(If you work with barcodes, additionally press .)

Figure A-51

e For information on how to use the keyboard screens, see Typing text on page A-76.

Order Interval QC.

Order Default QC.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-87
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Selecting tests, profiles, and


f Overview > Order > identify sample

A Easy mode test-board, all tests fit on one C Full mode test-board. The tests are grouped
screen. in tabs.
B Tabs marked with an asterisk contain
selected tests.

Figure A-52 Test selection screens

Tabs are used to group information into units that can be displayed on one screen.
The system administrator can define up to six test tabs, name them and assign tests,
profiles, and ratios to them.
The tests, profiles, and ratios are sorted alphabetically. Profiles and ratios precede the
tests, and they adopt the color of their tests.

The test is on board and ready for use.

The test has already been pipetted.

The test is blocked.

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A-88 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

The expiration date of the test has passed.

There are only few tests left.
A QC is due or its result has not been accepted.
A more recent version of the application has been imported.
For a development channel: An extra wash cycle is missing.
The test is defined but not on board.
A required diluent or cleaner is not on board.
Display a screen that contains information on the status of each test.

f Overview > STAT
Press STAT to define urgent (short turn-around time) orders.
The process of defining a STAT (short turn around time) order is identical to that of
defining a routine order. The difference lies in the scheduling of the tasks. When a
STAT order is defined, it will be the next order to be processed, irrespective of what
routine orders already exist. Existing STAT orders are finished first.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-89
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens


Displaying the test overview

f Overview > Tests

Tabs The tabs are displayed if you work with the order mode Full. They represent user-
defined test panels. If you work with the order mode Easy, all tests are on one panel
and there are no tabs.

A Test selection screen in order mode Easy. B Test selection screen in order mode Full.

Figure A-53 Test selection screen

The color of a test button represents its status:

The test is on board and ready for use.

The test is blocked for one of the following reasons:

o The calibration is due or failed.
o For the reagent set, the number of available tests is 0, or a reagent bottle is missing
(incomplete reagent set).
o Initial calibration is required.

The expiration date of the test has passed.

There are only few tests left.
A QC is due or its result has not been accepted.
A more recent version of the application has been imported.
For a development channel: An extra wash cycle is missing.

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A-90 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

The test is not on board.

A required diluent or cleaner is not on board.

Display detailed information on the status of this test.

Display a list of all defined tests, together with information on their status.

Handle the reagent disk that is currently on board.

Displaying test details

f Overview > Tests > test button

A Status description of the test

Figure A-54 Details on a test

The color of the text indicates whether you need to react to the information, and if so,
with which urgency you need to deal with the issue.

Calibration Information on the calibration status.

Quality control Information on the QC status.

Tests on disk Total number of tests that are currently available. (There might be more than one
reagent set for this test on board.)

Tests ready to run Number of tests that could be performed, taking into account all disks known to the
system. (The reagent sets have been calibrated and are ready for use.)

Print the test status information.

Show the fluids that were used for generating this result, together with their lot

Profiles are user defined sets of tests. They are represented like any other test.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-91
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Log off
f Overview > button with your user name
Log off the system.
You can log off any time, even while the system is processing orders.

f Overview > Prepare
Start the Prepare wizard to perform the preliminary tasks at the beginning of a shift.

End shift
f Overview > End Shift
Start the End Shift wizard to perform the tasks necessary for ending the shift.

Cuvette status
f Overview > .

A Overview of required and available cuvettes

Figure A-55 Cuvette status

The six cuvette segments are represented by buttons. The number in the button
indicates how many cuvettes are free to be used.
Press a segment button to exchange the corresponding segment.
The segment buttons are color coded:

All cuvettes are used.

Up to two cuvettes are free to be used.

More than two cuvettes are free to be used.

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A-92 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

Disk and reagent status

f Overview >

A A plus (+) indicates that there is already an active identical reagent set on board. (This icon is
displayed as soon as the first bottle of the set is loaded.)
B The number to the left of the button indicates the number of free positions on the disk.

Figure A-56 Reagent sets loaded on the reagent disk

The color of a reagent set button represents the status of the set:

The reagent set is on board, but it is blocked for one of the following reasons:
o The number of available tests is 0.
o The set is incomplete.
o The test needs calibrating.
o There is no application that uses this reagent set.

There are fewer than 10% of tests are left for this set.
The expiration date has passed.

The reagent set is on board and ready for use.

Display detailed information on the status of this test.

Load a reagent set. The number to the left of the button indicates the number of free
positions on the disk.

Display a list with all tests on board, together with information on their status. On the
list, the following abbreviations are used to indicate the status of the reagent set:
o C: Calibration missing
o E: Empty
o I: Incomplete
o N: Not used
o L: Low
o X: Expired

Handle the reagent disk.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-93
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

ISE status

This button is only active if your instrument is equipped with an ISE unit.

f Overview > .

Figure A-57 ISE status

Na, K, Cl, Ref Display detailed information on the status of the electrode.

The expiration date of an electrode has passed.

The electrode is ready for use.

Calibration required. (Does not apply to the reference electrode.)

After installing a new electrode, the Electrode Service maintenance action is due.

Cal, Ref Display detailed information on the status of the ISE fluid bottle.

No fluid registered by a sensor. (Operation has stopped.)

Calibration required.

The fluid level in the bottle is low. (Operation will proceed until one of the sensors
detects that there is no fluid.)

There is sufficient fluid.

Display the placement list for actions that are due, for example calibration or
electrode service.

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A-94 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

System status
f Overview > , or , or , or , or , or

The system status button on the Overview tab displays both the color and the icon of
one of buttons of the system status screen. (The icons are first prioritized by color,
first priority being red, followed by yellow and green, and then according to the
sequence in which they appear on the screen.)

Figure A-58 System status

Check the texts for the status of hardware items and on IDs of installed software.

Status of the instrument.

The main cover is open.

A development channel application is run without using extra wash cycles.

o Roche strongly recommends to always use extra wash cycles with development chan-
nel applications, and also to always load extra cleaner when tests with extra wash
cycles are used.
o Roche Diagnostics Ltd. assumes only limited liability when using the cobas c111
instrument in conjunction with the cobas c111 Development Channel Programming
Software. For detailed information on this matter refer to the latest version of the
Development Channel Registration Form cobas c111 and the cobas c111 Develop-
ment Channel Operator’s Manual.

Temperature status for reagent cooler and cuvette ring.

The temperature is outside the acceptable range.

Status of the sample area fan.

The fan is not running.

Display information on the fill status of each of the external bottles.

The color of the underlying buttons is displayed.
e See Checking the external bottles on page A-96.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-95
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Display the maintenance actions list.

The color of the most urgent maintenance action is displayed.
e See Maintenance on page A-110.

Status of the printer paper.

The printer is out of paper.

Checking the external bottles

f Overview > > .

Figure A-59 Status of external containers

Water button Press to confirm that you have refilled the external water container.

The water container was last filled up less than one day ago.

The water container was last filled up more than one day ago. (The system does not
monitor the filling level. It is up to the operator to fill up the water container

A fluid sensor detected that there is no water in the instrument tubing. No new tests
can be processed, started tests may have to be restarted after refill.

Waste button Press to confirm that you have emptied the external waste container.

The waste container was last emptied less than one day ago.

The waste container was last emptied more than one day ago. (The system does not
monitor the filling level. It is up to the operator to empty the waste container

Roche Diagnostics
A-96 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 4 Software
Key screens

Cleaner button Press to confirm that you have exchanged the external cleaner bottle.

The cleaner is OK.

The cleaner level is down to 10% or lower. See the % indication.

A fluid sensor detected that there is no cleaner in the instrument tubing. No new tests
can be processed, started tests may have to be restarted after replacing the bottle.

Workplace tab

The Workplace tab leads to information on orders and the corresponding results.

Figure A-60 Workplace tab

Orders View and handle orders.

Result Review View and validate sample results.

QC Status View and validate active QC results.

QC History View QC results—on individual screens—of the current or the previous calendar
month, or those generated before the previous month.

Calibrations View, validate and delete calibration results.

Lot Data Define and change calibration and QC lot data by reading barcodes or typing the

Loadlist List of tests that are ready to be performed.

Worklist Information on tubes currently placed on the sample area.

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4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

f Workplace > Orders

Figure A-61 Orders list

St column Status

A Accepted B All blocked

C Created D Deleted
F All calculated N No test order
O +Order time-out P All pipetted
R Ready S Some blocked
T Rerun time-out U Unknown
blank: Done (all tests measured and results accepted)

STAT orders are marked with an asterisk (*).

Dn column Number of tests done for this order.

# column Total number of tests required for this order.

Print the content of the orders list.

You can choose one of the following options:
o List (All orders in the list with their results. If a filter was applied, the list would
contain only the results that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter criterion
would be part of the button name.)
o Detail of Order (The currently selected order with its results.)

Change the selected order.

Define a new order.

Delete orders.
You can choose what kind of orders should be deleted:
o List (All orders in the list. If a filter was applied, the list would contain only the
orders that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter criterion would be part of the
button name.)
o Selected (Delete the selected order with its results.)

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Key screens

Apply filter criteria to the orders list.

You can choose one of the following criteria:
o All
o Incomplete
o Not Finished
o Not Today
o By ID

Result list
f Workplace > Result Review

Reviewing sample results

Figure A-62 Result list

This line contains result information.

This line contains sample information.

This line is selected.

S column Status
!: This result has not yet been accepted.

o STAT orders are marked with an asterisk (*).

o The time indication represents the time when the order was defined.

Print results. You can choose one of the following options:

o List (All results in the list. If a filter was applied, the list would contain only the
results that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter criterion would be part of the
button name.)
o Detail of Order (All results of the associated order)

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-99
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Validate the results.

You can choose one of the following options:
o Repeat (Perform the same test with identical dilution.)
o Rerun (Perform the same test with different dilution.)
o Accept
o Retransmit

Display details of the selected result.

Delete results.
You can choose what kind of result should be deleted:
o List (All results in the list. If a filter was applied, the list would contain only the
results that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter criterion would be part of the
button name.)
o Selected

Apply filter criteria to the results list.

You can choose one of the following criteria:
o All
o Flagged
o Not Accepted
o Not Today
o Not Sent to Host
o By ID

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Key screens

QC status list
f Workplace > QC Status

Figure A-63 QC status list

The entries are grouped first by test name, then by control.

S column Status
!: The result has not been accepted yet.
I: The result was ignored.
@: The result has not been transmitted yet.

Flag/Result column Result if no flag was generated.

Flag with highest priority, if flags were generated.
Order status if the control measurement has not been performed yet.
Previous Lot indicates that controls of more than one lot were used.

Print QC results.

Validate the QC results.

You can choose one of the following options:
o Accept
o Ignore
o Retransmit

Display details of the selected QC result.

Define a new QC order.

Delete QC results.
You can choose what kind of result should be deleted:
o All
o All Accepted
o Selected

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-101
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

QC history
The QC history provides—on individual screens—information on the QC results of
the current and the previous calendar month as well as on results generated before
the previous month.
A graphic representation of the results provides a convenient way for comparing
results over a period of time.
f Workplace > QC History

Figure A-64 QC history

The list contains, for each test and control, the latest QC result. The entries are
grouped first by test name, then by control.

Last Measurement column Date and time of the most recent result.
Previous Lot indicates that control was performed after a QC lot change.

Print QC results.

Display a graphic representation of the QC results.

Delete QC results.
You can choose what kind of result should be deleted:
o List (All results in the list. If a filter was applied, the list would contain only the
results that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter criterion would be part of the
button name.)
o Older than Previous Month
o Selected

Apply filter criteria to the QC results list.

You can choose one of the following criteria:
o All
o Current Lot
o Previous Lot

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Key screens

f Workplace > QC History >




A Calibrator lot change F +2s

B Reagent set change G Mean value
C QC target value change H -2s
D +3s I -2.5s
E +2.5s J -3s

Figure A-65 QC history graphic

Print the graphic.

Display the results in a table.

The results are sorted chronologically, relevant events (QC lot change, reagent set
change, QC target value change) precede the results.

Month button Display the results of the month indicated on the button.

Old Display the results generated before the beginning of the previous month.

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4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Calibrations list
f Workplace > Calibrations

Figure A-66 Calibrations list

U column Use of calibration

CU: Current calibration
SB: Standby calibration
OB: Obsolete calibration

T column Calibration type

L: Lot calibration
S: Set calibration

Status column The date indicates when the results were accepted. If flags were generated for the
result, the flag with the highest priority is displayed. In all other cases, the order status
is displayed.

Print calibration results.

You can choose one of the following options:
o List (If a filter was applied, the list would contain only the results that fulfill the
filter criterion, and the filter criterion would be part of the button name.)
o Detail of Calibration.

Display details of the selected calibration.

Validate the calibration.

You can choose one of the following options:
o Accept Set
o Accept Lot
o Repeat
o Use Old
Use Use Old to override and reset the calibration due date and to continue using
the old calibration results.

Define a new calibration order.

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Key screens

Delete the selected calibration result.

Apply filter criteria to the calibration results list.

You can choose one of the following criteria:
o All
o Current

Lot data
f Workplace > Lot Data

Figure A-67 Select lot type

Choose the kind of material for which you want to handle lot data.

Controls Handle control lots.

Calibrators Handle calibrator lots.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-105
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Lot list
f Workplace > Lot Data, then choose a lot type.
The content of this list depends on the selected lot type. The following screen is an
example of calibrator lot data.



A Calibrator name. B Calibrator lot

Asterisk: The lot data were changed by the C Expiration date
operator. D Associated test
Not installed: The associated application E Lot values
is not installed.

Figure A-68 Calibrator lot data

Print lot data.

With a calibrator selected: Expand or collapse the list.

With a test selected: Expand or collapse the list.
With a value selected: Change the value.

With a calibrator selected: Add a lot.

With a test selected: Assign a test to the lot.
With a value selected: Not active.

With a calibrator selected: Delete the lot values of the calibrator.

With a test selected: Delete the lot values of the test.
With a value selected: Not active.

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Key screens

List of tests that are ready to be performed.
f Workplace > Loadlist


A Number of due pipettings B Number of available pipettings

Figure A-69 Loadlist

Print the loadlist.

The worklist shows all tubes currently placed on the sample area.
f Workplace > Worklist


A Position on sample area E: ISE Etcher

B Fluid type: P: ISE Deproteinizer
A: Activator Q: Control
C: Calibrator S: Sample
D: Diluent U: Unknown

Figure A-70 Worklist

Print the worklist.

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4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Utilities tab

Use the Utilities tab to perform tasks that are not normally part of the routine
analysis workflow. Typically, these are administration and maintenance tasks.

Figure A-71 Utilities tab

Configuration View and change configuration values.

Maintenance Select and perform maintenance actions.

Applications o Handle applications and their definitions.

o Handle extra wash cycles
o Display, export and import the mapping table for test IDs of the cobas c111
instrument and the laboratory information system.

Diagnostics Perform diagnostics actions.

Inventory Display information on bottle sets that are currently defined on any disk used on the
cobas c111.

Import Import application data, software updates, the complete content of a database,
certificates, extra wash cycle definitions, reagent mixing rules, or a new user interface

Users Define users and manage their user rights.

Export Export the complete content of the database, the full results, and log files.

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Key screens

f Utilities > Configuration

Figure A-72 Configuration table

There are list items of a lower level. Select the item marked with and press
again to expand the list and display the items.

The list is expanded. Select the item marked with and press again to hide the

Print configuration data.

You can choose one of the following options:
o All
o Selected (Print the settings of the selected configuration group.)

With an item selected: configure the selected item.

With a group title selected: expand or collapse the list.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-109
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

f Utilities > Maintenance


A Maintenance action name D Use the scroll bar to display the

B Due dates, in ascending order maintenance actions that are currently
C This maintenance action is selected. hidden.

Figure A-73 Maintenance actions list

The maintenance actions are listed according to the urgency with which they need to
be performed.

No action is currently required.

This maintenance action should be performed on the next major maintenance day.

The defined maintenance interval has expired. Perform this maintenance action now.

Perform the selected maintenance action.

If you interrupt the performing of a maintenance action that was due, its status will remain
due, and you need to fully re-perform the action later.

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A-110 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

Applications related functions

f Utilities > Applications

Figure A-74 Applications functions

Laboratory Parameters Handle the definitions of the installed applications and import and install new

Extra Wash Cycles Handle and install extra wash cycles.

Host Codes Display, export and import the mapping table for test IDs of the cobas c111
instrument and the laboratory information system.

Reagent Mixing Display, print, and delete mixing rules.

Process Sequence Prioritize individual tests.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-111
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

f Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters

Figure A-75 Applications table

There are list items of a lower level. Select the item marked with and press
again to expand the list and display the items.

The list is expanded. Select the item marked with and press again to hide the

Print the application list.

With an item selected that is preceded by or : expand or collapse the list.

With any other item selected: change the selected item.

Import an application.
Define a new profile or a ratio.
Install an application

Uninstall an application.
Delete a profile or uninstalled application.

Roche Diagnostics
A-112 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

Extra wash cycles

f Utilities > Applications > Extra Wash Cycles

Figure A-76 Extra wash cycles table

Print the selected or all extra wash cycle definitions.

With an item selected that is preceded by or : expand or collapse the list.

With any other item selected: change the selected item.

Import a new extra wash cycle.

Delete the selected extra wash cycle.

Host codes
f Utilities > Applications > Host Codes

Figure A-77 Code mapping table

Print the mapping table.

Import the mapping table.

Export the mapping table as a text file.

Use the same test IDs for the cobas c111 instrument and the laboratory information

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-113
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

Reagent mixing
f Utilities > Applications > Reagent Mixing

Figure A-78 Reagent mixing rules table

Print the selected or all mixing rules.

Delete the selected mixing rule.

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Key screens

Process sequence
f Utilities > Applications > Process Sequence

Figure A-79 Processing priority table

Print the process sequence list.

In the Priority list, move the item up.

In the Priority list, move the item down.

Move the selected test to the Priority list.

Move the selected test to the Default list.

Move all tests from the Priority to the Default list.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-115
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

f Utilities > Diagnostics

Diagnostics actions are designed for use by Roche representatives or when instructed by
them to do so. Therefore, these functions are not described in this manual.
You need at least Lab Manager user rights to perform diagnostics functions.

Figure A-80 Diagnostics list

You can choose one of the following options:

o All
o Selected (Print the actions of the selected action group.)

With a topic selected: expand or select the list.

With a diagnostic action selected: Perform the selected action.

At the end of performing a diagnostics action (system status transition from Diagnostics
to Ready), the system checks that all modules are initialized, if they are not, initialization is

Roche Diagnostics
A-116 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Key screens

The inventory displays information on all bottle sets that are defined on any of the
disks used on this cobas c111 instrument, including sets that were removed from the
disk, as long as they were not empty or their expiration date had not passed yet.
(Bottle sets that have been removed from the disk and whose expiration date had
passed more than 30 days ago are automatically deleted from the Inventory list,
provided there is still a valid set for the same fluid on board. If this were not the case,
the set that was loaded last would remain in the inventory.)
f Utilities > Inventory

Figure A-81 Bottle set inventory

Print the bottle set list.

You can choose one of the following options:
o List
o Detail of Bottle Set

Display details on the selected bottle set.

Delete the selected bottle set from the list.

Bottle sets must be removed from the disk before you can delete them from the list.

Apply filter criteria to the Inventory list.

You can choose one of the following criteria:
o All
o By ID

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-117
4 Software cobas c111
Key screens

f Utilities > Import

Figure A-82 Importing data

Application Import application data.

Software Import software updates.

Database Import the complete content of the database.

Certificate Import certificates that authenticate reagent barcodes.

EWC/Mixing Import extra wash cycle or mixing information for a particular application.

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Key screens

f Utilities > Users

Figure A-83 User administration

There are list items of a lower level. Select the item marked with and press
again to expand the list and display the items.

The list is expanded. Select the item marked with and press again to hide the

Print the user data of the selected user.

With an item selected: change the selected item.

With any other item selected: expand or collapse the list.

Define a new user.

Delete the user.

(You cannot delete your own user data.)

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Key screens

f Utilities > Export

Figure A-84 Exporting data

Database Export the complete content of the database.

Full Results Export the full result data.

Log Files Export the system messages, alarm logs, and possibly trace logs.

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Key screens

Stopping a run

f Global action button

Figure A-85 Stop options

Abort When the system is in Operating status: Stop immediately all processing activities.
Pipettings that were not finished are considered not pipetted.
Measurements that have not yet yielded a valid result are considered not measured.

Recover When the system is in Standby or Stopped status: Initialize all systems and modules
that are currently not ready.

Sampling stop Finish the current pipetting action, but do not start a new one.
You can restart processing by pressing .

Stop printing Stop the current printing task. (It may take a few moments before printing actually

Shutdown Shut down the cobas c111 software and the operating system.
This option is active in Standby status only.

Restart Shut down the cobas c111 software and automatically restart it.
This option is active in Standby status only. It is used in cases where a configuration
change requires restarting the software for it to become effective.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-121
4 Software cobas c111
Color interpretation for LEDs

Color interpretation for LEDs

A Sample area LED C Main cover LED

B Global button LEDs (from top: Start LED,
Stop LED, Alarm LED)

Figure A-86 The cobas c111 instrument

The following table lists the LEDs and explains what their colors mean.
LED Color Meaning
Main cover LED Off No activities in this area. You can open the main
User intervention is required, for example you are
expected to place or remove a bottle.
The system is performing some action. Do not
handle the cover.
An acoustic signal is sounded when the cover is open while the system is
in Operating state. You can adjust the volume (Utilities >
Configuration > System > Volume).
Sample area LED Off No activities in this area. You can remove sample
You are expected to place a sample tube.
Blinking The transfer head is approaching. Do not place
your hand or any object in the sample area.
Start LED Off You cannot start the measuring process.
You can start the measuring process.

Table A-11 LEDs and their meaning

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A-122 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
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Color interpretation for LEDs

LED Color Meaning

Stop LED Off Pressing does not have any effect.
Pressing leads to the various stop options.
Alarm LED Off There are no unconfirmed alarm messages.
There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message.
You need to deal with it as soon as possible.
There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message.
You need to deal with it immediately, processing
may not be able to continue unless you do so.
An acoustic signal is sounded when an alarm is generated. You can
adjust the volume (Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume).
Table A-11 LEDs and their meaning

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-123
4 Software cobas c111


The following tables list the buttons used in cobas c111 screens and describe their
use. The buttons are grouped according to the kind of function they represent.

General functions Icon Name Use

Help Display concise information that is relevant to the current
screen and situation.
Start Start processing orders.

Stop Display Stop options.

Alarm Look at alarms.

Paper Feed Advance the printer paper.

Table A-12 Global action buttons

Interactive functions Icon Name Use

Add Add or define an item.

Delete Delete the selected item.

Cancel Abort the operation.

Do not use this button while the system is performing control
or calibration tests, this might lead to data loss.
Close Close the screen.
Print Print the content of the current screen’s working area.

List Display the content of the current screen’s working area in a

OK Confirm the operation, save the data and close the screen.
Detail Show detailed information on the selected item.

Filter Apply filter criteria to the current view.

Edit Modify the selected item.

Perform Perform the selected action.

Export Export data.

Import Import data.

Disk Status Handle the reagent disk and its reagents. Show the status of
the reagents.
Cuvette Status Show the status of the cuvette segments.
Handle cuvette segments.
Table A-13 Interactive buttons

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Icon Name Use

ISE Status Show the status of ISE electrodes and fluids.
Exchange ISE electrodes and fluids.
System Status Show the status of the main cover.

Container Status Show the status of the external fluid containers.

Handle the external fluid containers.
Temperature Show the status of the reagent cooler and cuvette ring
Status temperature.
Printer Status Show the printer status.

Fan Status Show whether the sample area fan is running.

Maintenance Display the maintenance actions list.

Keyboard Type information manually.

Exchange Reagent Handle the reagent disk.

Insert Bottle Place a reagent bottle.
The number to the left of the button indicates the number of
free positions on the disk.
Remove Bottle Remove a reagent bottle.

Mixing Perform reagent mixing.

Replace Cuvette Confirm replacement of the cuvette segment.

Remove Cuvette Confirm removal of the cuvette segment.

Due Calibrations Select all tests with due calibration or QC.

Forecast Select all calibrations that are due within the forecast period.
Default QC Perform Default QC.

Interval QC Perform Interval QC.

Related Show context information for the result. (Used fluids,

Information together with their lot information.)
Map Host Codes Use identical application codes on host and cobas c111
Exchange ISE Exchange an ISE fluid bottle.
Remove ISE Bottle Remove an ISE fluid bottle.

Remove Electrode Remove an ISE electrode.

Insert Electrode Insert an ISE electrode.

Table A-13 Interactive buttons (Continued)

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 A-125
4 Software cobas c111

Navigation functions Icon Name Use

Line Up Move one line up.
Select the previous line.
Line Down Move one line down.
Select the next line.
Page Up Move one page up.

Page Down Move one page down.

To Top Select the first item in a list.

To Bottom Select the last item in a list.

Forward Open the next screen in a wizard.

Next Step
Back Open the previous screen in a wizard.
Previous Step
Table A-14 Navigation buttons

Element moving functions Icon Name Use

Move Up Move selected element one line up.

Move Down Move selected element one line down.

Move Right Move selected element to the list on the right.

Move Left Move selected element to the list on the left.

Move All Left Move all elements in the list to the list on the left.

Table A-15 Element moving buttons

Roche Diagnostics
A-126 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
Operation B

5 Daily operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3

6 Special operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-91
7 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-133
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Table of contents

Daily operation
Performing routine tasks

In this chapter, you will find information on performing the routine tasks that are
required for processing orders and keeping the system running.

In this chapter Chapter 5

Introduction .......................................................................................................................B-5
Safety information ......................................................................................................B-5
Overview ......................................................................................................................B-7
Working with a host system ......................................................................................B-9
Starting the shift ............................................................................................................. B-10
Switching on the instrument .................................................................................. B-10
Preconditions ..................................................................................................... B-10
Logging on to the system ........................................................................................ B-11
Preparing the system ..................................................................................................... B-12
Short guide ................................................................................................................ B-13
Starting the Prepare wizard .................................................................................... B-15
Checking the status of the external fluid containers .......................................... B-15
Performing maintenance actions ........................................................................... B-19
Preparing the reagent disk ...................................................................................... B-21
Preparing the reagents ............................................................................................. B-22
Checking the status of reagent sets .................................................................. B-23
Preparing reagents ............................................................................................. B-25
Preparing cuvettes .................................................................................................... B-28
Performing reagent mixing .................................................................................... B-29
Performing the calibrations (Prepare phase) ....................................................... B-30
Analyzing samples ......................................................................................................... B-34
Safety information ................................................................................................... B-34
Short guide ................................................................................................................ B-35
System setup and order definition workflow ....................................................... B-37
Defining orders ........................................................................................................ B-38
Defining routine orders .................................................................................... B-39
Defining STAT orders ....................................................................................... B-41
Making changes to an order ................................................................................... B-42
Starting the run ........................................................................................................ B-44

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-3
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Table of contents

Monitoring the analysis progress .......................................................................... B-44

Checking the sample tube status ..................................................................... B-44
Checking the instrument status buttons ........................................................ B-46
Checking for alarm messages ........................................................................... B-48
Acoustic signal ................................................................................................... B-48
Stopping and restarting a run ................................................................................ B-49
Removing sample tubes .......................................................................................... B-50
Validating sample results .............................................................................................. B-51
Repeating tests .......................................................................................................... B-55
Rerunning tests ........................................................................................................ B-56
Accepting results ...................................................................................................... B-57
Printing sample results ............................................................................................ B-58
Performing calibrations ................................................................................................ B-59
Safety information ................................................................................................... B-59
Short guide ................................................................................................................ B-60
Process of performing calibrations ........................................................................ B-61
Deleting ordered calibrations ................................................................................. B-63
Validating calibration results ................................................................................. B-64
Performing QC ............................................................................................................... B-68
Safety information ................................................................................................... B-68
Short guide ................................................................................................................ B-69
Performing Default QC ........................................................................................... B-70
Performing interval QC measurements ................................................................ B-71
Validating QC results .............................................................................................. B-72
Interpreting the QC history .................................................................................... B-74
Performing reagent mixing .................................................................................... B-76
Finishing the shift .......................................................................................................... B-77
Safety information ................................................................................................... B-77
Short guide ................................................................................................................ B-78
Checking for unfinished tasks ................................................................................ B-80
Checking for unfinished orders ....................................................................... B-80
Checking for not accepted sample results ...................................................... B-80
Checking the transmission of results .............................................................. B-81
Starting the End Shift wizard ................................................................................. B-81
Performing the daily backup .................................................................................. B-82
Exporting the result data ......................................................................................... B-83
Cleaning up the database ........................................................................................ B-84
Performing maintenance actions ........................................................................... B-85
Replacing cuvettes .................................................................................................... B-85
Dealing with the external fluid bottles .................................................................. B-86
Emptying the waste container .......................................................................... B-86
Refilling the external water bottle ................................................................... B-86
Removing the reagent disk ..................................................................................... B-87
Logging off ...................................................................................................................... B-88
Shutting down the system and switching off the instrument .................................. B-88
Using the barcode scanner ............................................................................................ B-89
Reading reagent bottle barcodes ............................................................................ B-89
Reading barcodes from sheets ................................................................................ B-90
Reading sample tube barcodes ............................................................................... B-90

Roche Diagnostics
B-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation


Daily operation includes the routine tasks that are required to prepare and monitor
the system, and to analyze samples.

The screen representations shown in this chapter and throughout this manual are for illus-
trative purposes only. The screens do not necessarily show valid data.

Safety information

Before you start working with the cobas c111 instrument, it is essential that you both
read and understand the safety information listed below.
Read carefully all safety notices given in instructions and make sure you understand

Injury through reagents and other working solutions

Direct contact with reagents, cleaning solutions, or other working solutions may cause
WARNING personal injury.
When handling reagents, exercise the precautions required for handling laboratory
reagents, observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information
given in the Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics reagents and cleaning

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Infection by waste solution

Contact with waste solution may result in infection. All materials and mechanical compo-
nents associated with the waste systems are potentially biohazardous.
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.
Keep all covers closed, operate them as instructed on the screen.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-5
5 Daily operation cobas c111

Loss of sight
The intense light of the LEDs may severely damage you eyes. Do not stare into the LEDs.
WARNING Scanning equipment using LED technology is covered by the international standard IEC
60825-1 LED Safety: Class 1.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to a trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to dust and soiling

The user can leave the main cover open while the system is in Standby status or while the
instrument is shut down. This can cause dust and dirt being collected in the cuvette ring,
which in turn might decrease the quality of the cuvettes.
Keep all covers closed. Open them only to perform operation actions.

Roche Diagnostics
B-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation


The following table gives an overview of the tasks you might need to perform during
daily operation. Roche recommend using the sequence of steps in the way given
below; but you may perform the tasks differently. For details on the individual steps,
see the relevant sections in this chapter.
Task Steps Navigation
With wizard As individual steps
1 Starting the system 1. Switch on the system.
2 Logging on the system Overview > Logon
3 Preparing the system Start the Prepare wizard. Overview > Prepare
1. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
2. Perform the maintenance actions Utilities > Maintenance
that are due.
3. Load the reagent disk. Overview >
4. Check the reagents. Overview >
5. Check the cuvettes. Overview >
6. Perform mixing Overview > > test >
7. Perform calibrations that are due. Workplace > Calibrations > >
4 Defining orders Start the Orders wizard. Overview > Order (or Overview > STAT)
1. Identify the sample. n/a
2. Select the tests. n/a
3. Place the sample. n/a
4. Start the run.
5 Monitoring the progress n/a Overview

6 Validating results 1. View results. n/a Workplace > Result Review

2. Handle flagged results. n/a Workplace > Result Review >
... > Repeat
... > Rerun
3. Accept results. n/a Workplace > Result Review > >
Table B-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-7
5 Daily operation cobas c111

Task Steps Navigation

With wizard As individual steps
7 Performing calibrations
Performing individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
calibrations 2. Select the test. n/a
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
all due calibrations 2. Select all tests with due calibrations. n/a
Select all tests with calibration due
within the forecast period.
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
8 Performing controls
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order >
Default QC 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls. n/a
Performing an individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > QC Status >
QC measurement 2. Select a test. n/a
3. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
4. Start the QC measurement.
5. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
6. Remove the control.
Performing all 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order > >
due QC measurements 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls.
Table B-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

Roche Diagnostics
B-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation

Task Steps Navigation

With wizard As individual steps
9 Finishing the shift 1. Check for unfinished orders. Workplace > Orders
Choose > Not Finished
2. Check for non-validated results. Workplace > Result Review
Choose > Not Accepted
3. Check for non-transmitted results. Workplace > Result Review
(If working with a host system only.) Choose > Not Sent to Host
4. Start the End Shift wizard. Overview > End Shift
5. Perform the daily backup. Utilities > Export > Database
6. Export the full results. Utilities > Export > Results
7. Clean up the database. Workplace > Orders >
Workplace > Result Review>
Workplace > QC Status >
Workplace > QC History >
Workplace > Calibrations >
8. Perform the maintenance actions Utilities > Maintenance
that are due.
9. Replace cuvettes. Overview >
10. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
11. Remove the reagent disk (if last Overview > >
12. Log off the system. Overview > button with your user name
13. Shut down the system and switch off n/a n/a
the instrument (if last shift).
Table B-1 Overview of the daily operation tasks

Working with a host system

Communication with the instrument is defined during installation.

e For an overview on working with a host system, see Host connectivity on page A-33.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-9
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Starting the shift

Starting the shift

Starting the shift includes the tasks from switching on the instrument up to the
moment when you are logged on.
The various tasks are described in the order in which they should be performed.

Switching on the instrument

Before you switch on the instrument, make sure the following preconditions are met:
o All covers are closed.
o The external fluid containers are connected.
o The sample area is empty.

a To switch on the instrument

1 Press down I on the power toggle switch (A).

The system performs internal checks and routines.

The startup phase may take a few minutes. During this time, a splash screen is

Do not use the screen until the system is in Standby status.

When the system is ready to log on, the Overview tab is displayed.

Roche Diagnostics
B-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Starting the shift

Logging on to the system

a To log on the system

1 Press Log On.
A screen is displayed for typing your user name.
e For information on typing text, see Typing text on page A-76.

User name and password are case sensitive. This means that for example User and
user are two different names.

2 Type your user name.

Use characters of the alphanumeric keyboard (upper and lower case).
As soon as you type the first characters of your user name, the system looks for a
name that starts with these letters and, if it finds one, displays the complete name.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed for typing your password.
4 Type your password.
Use characters of the alphanumeric keyboard (upper and lower case).
(For security reasons, you cannot see the actual characters when typing.)
5 Press .
The Overview tab is displayed again.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-11
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

Preparing the system

Before you can start analyzing samples, you need to prepare the system. Preparing the
system includes both user actions and actions performed automatically by the system,
such as heating up the cuvette ring or cooling down the reagent cooler. The process is
designed in such a manner that user intervention is mainly required at the beginning
and at the end of the Prepare phase. This way, the operator does not have to stand by
the instrument the whole time.
The easiest way of performing the daily preparation tasks is to follow the Prepare

Preventing intervention during sample processing

Performing conscientiously all preparation steps reduces considerably the chances of you
having to intervene during routine operation.

Follow the steps suggested by the wizard

You are guided through the preparation process by the Prepare wizard. This sequence of
screens shows you which actions you should perform and in which order.

Skipping a step
You may skip a step. Before you do so, remind yourself of the consequences. In many
cases, skipping a step simply means postponing the task to a more convenient time. In
other cases, skipping a step could prevent the system from performing an analysis; for
example if you chose not to replace a reagent that is low, a test that uses this reagent may
not have enough reagent.

Roche Diagnostics
B-12 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Short guide

The following table provides an overview of the steps that make up the preparation
Step User action
1 Start the Prepare wizard. 1. On the Overview tab, press Prepare.

2 Check the status of the external 1. Refill the water container, if required, and con-
containers. firm by pressing the water button. (If you refill
the water, empty the waste as well.)
2. Empty the waste container, if required, and
confirm by pressing the waste button.
3. Replace the cleaner bottle, if required, and con-
firm by pressing the cleaner button.
4. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.
3 Perform the maintenance 1. Check which maintenance actions are due.
actions that are due. 2. Perform the maintenance actions.
Perform at least all red maintenance actions.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.

4 Prepare the reagent disk. 1. Open the main cover.

2. Remove the disk from its container.
3. Place the disk on the instrument.
4. Close the main cover.
A screen is displayed, showing the reagent sta-

Table B-2 Steps for preparing the system

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-13
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

Step User action

5 Prepare the reagents. Deal with at least all red and yellow buttons.
1. Press a reagent button to check the details.
Replace the empty reagents.
2. Press .
3. Open the main cover
4. Remove the bottle.
5. Press to confirm.
6. Remove the remaining bottles of the set.
7. Press .
8. Place the new bottle.
9. Press to confirm.
10. Load the remaining bottles of the set.
11. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.

6 Prepare the cuvettes. Replace all red cuvette segments.

1. Press the cuvette button.
2. Open the main cover.
3. Replace the cuvette segment.
4. Press to confirm the replacement.
5. Replace the remaining segments that need
6. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.
7 Perform reagent mixing. 1. Select the test(s).
2. Press .

8 Perform calibrations. Perform the calibrations.

1. Check the test selection.
2. Press .
3. Place the calibrators.
4. On the placement screen, press .
5. Press .
6. Validate the results.

Table B-2 Steps for preparing the system

Roche Diagnostics
B-14 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Starting the Prepare wizard

a To start the preparation process

1 Choose Overview > Prepare.

Checking the status of the external fluid containers

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Infection by waste solution on page B-5.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.

The external fluid containers are placed on a rack.


A Cleaner bottle (red cap) C Waste container (yellow)

B Water container (white)

Figure B-1 External fluid bottles

The status of all three containers is displayed on the same screen:

Figure B-2

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-15
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

a To check the water container

1 Check the water button.

There is no water left. (A fluid sensor detected that there is no water coming
from the water container.)
You need to refill the water now. No new tests can be processed, started tests
may have to be restarted after refill.

The water container was last filled up more than one day ago.
You should check the water level and refill if required.

No action is required.

The system does not monitor the filling level. It is up to the operator to fill up the water
container regularly.

2 Refill the water, if required.

Danger of poor measurement quality due to inadequate water quality

Inadequate water quality may lead to incorrect results. Always use purified water of the
WARNING quality specified in section Technical specifications.

o Remove the tubing adapter from the white water container and place it on a
clean surface.
o Refill the bottle with purified water.
o Insert the tubing adapter. Press down firmly.
3 On the screen that shows the container status, press the water button to confirm
that you have refilled the water.
4 Roche recommend to empty the waste container whenever you refill the water
e See To check the waste container on page B-17.

When refilling the water without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Overview > > .

Roche Diagnostics
B-16 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

a To check the waste container

1 Check the waste button.

The waste container was last emptied more than one day ago.
You should check the waste level and empty if required.

No action is required.

The system does not monitor the filling level. It is up to the operator to empty the waste
container regularly.

2 Empty the waste container, if required.

o Have the spare waste container ready.

The system periodically performs wash actions. Therefore, an external waste
container must be connected at all times.
o Remove the tubing adapter from the yellow waste container and insert it in the
spare container.
o Remove the bottle from the rack and place it on a firm and even surface.
o Place the spare container on the rack.
o Check that the tubing adapter is properly inserted.
o Empty the removed waste container. Treat the fluid as biohazardous waste.
o Rinse the container with water and leave it to dry.
3 On the screen that shows the container status, press the waste button to confirm
that you have emptied the container.

When emptying the waste without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Overview > > .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-17
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

a To check the cleaner bottle

1 Check the cleaner button.

A fluid sensor detected that there is no cleaner in the instrument tubing.

You need to replace the cleaner bottle now. No new tests can be processed,
started tests may have to be restarted after replacing the bottle.

The cleaner level is down to 10% or lower. See the % indication.

No action is required.

2 Replace the cleaner bottle, if required.

o Remove the tubing adapter from the cleaner bottle and place it on a clean
noncorrosive surface.
o Dispose of the bottle.
o Remove the cap from the new bottle.
o Place the new bottle on the rack.
o Insert the tubing adapter and press it down firmly.
3 On the screen that shows the container status, press the cleaner button to confirm
that you have exchanged the cleaner bottle.
Level monitoring for the cleaner bottle is based on the number of cleaning and
pipetting actions that were performed. The counter is reset when you press the
cleaner button. Make sure you only press the button when you actually have
replaced the bottle.
4 Press to proceed to the next stage in the Prepare wizard.

When replacing the cleaner bottle without using the Prepare wizard:
Choose Overview > > .

Roche Diagnostics
B-18 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Performing maintenance actions

Maintenance actions need to be performed periodically or after certain events.

To ensure the smooth running of the system, you should perform maintenance
actions either as part of the preparation or the end of shift activities.
e For information on scheduling maintenance actions, see Scheduling maintenance actions
on page B-158.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.

If you interrupt the performing of a maintenance action that was due, its status will remain
due, and you need to fully re-perform the action later.

a To perform maintenance actions

Checking what maintenance 1 Check the colors of the maintenance actions.

actions are due

A Maintenance action name. C Use the scroll bar to display the mainte-
B Due dates, in ascending order. nance actions that are currently hidden.

Figure B-3

The maintenance actions are sorted by the maintenance date by when they should
be performed. Use these dates for planning the maintenance actions, for example
for ordering the required materials.

Interpreting the colors The defined maintenance interval has expired. Perform this maintenance
action now. The system may not be able to operate until this action is per-

This maintenance action should be performed on the next major mainte-

nance day.

No action is currently required.

This maintenance action is selected.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-19
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

Performing the maintenance 2 Select the maintenance action you want to perform.
The selected line turns blue.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to skipping maintenance actions

Not performing maintenance actions that are due may lead to situations where the sys-
WARNING tem cannot continue processing orders, or it may lead to incorrect results. If at all pos-
sible, perform the maintenance actions when they are due.

3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
e For information on how to perform individual maintenance actions, see Chapter
8 General maintenance.

4 Press to start the action.

5 Follow the instructions on the screen.
6 Perform the next maintenance action that is due.
7 When you have finished performing maintenance actions, press to proceed
to the next stage in the wizard.

When performing maintenance actions without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Utilities > Maintenance.

Roche Diagnostics
B-20 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Preparing the reagent disk

The reagent disk holds the reagent and diluent bottles. During periods when you are
not performing tests, for example at night or during holidays, the disk is placed in a
reagent disk container and stored in a refrigerated place. Reagents should be stored at
temperatures in the range of 2 to 8°C.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.

Spillage through tipping reagent disk

The reagent disk container can slip off or tip over if it is not placed on an even horizontal
CAUTION surface.
When storing the reagent disk container, make sure to place it on a firm, even, horizontal
surface that is easily accessible.
When handling the reagent disk, make sure not to tilt it.

a To load the reagent disk

1 Get the reagent disk from the refrigerator and remove it from its container.
2 Open the main cover.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the disk.
3 Place the reagent disk in the reagent cooler.
Make sure the reagent port faces the front and align the cut-outs with their
counterparts on the reagent cooler.
The system automatically detects that a disk was inserted.
A screen is displayed, asking you to close the main cover.
4 Close the main cover.
At this stage, the system identifies the disk.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the reagent sets.

When handling the reagent disk without using the Prepare wizard:
Choose Overview > .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-21
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

Preparing the reagents

Reagents are handled in sets. A set consists of up to three reagents. If for example one
reagent bottle of a set is empty, all reagents of the set need to be replaced. The system
only uses reagents of complete sets.
On the screen, each set is represented by a separate button.

Use reagents of the same lot, if possible

When replacing a new reagent set, try to use one of the same lot as the old one. This way
you avoid having to perform a calibration.

Diluent and cleaner bottles

An extra diluent or cleaner bottle is considered one set. Extra cleaners and diluents are
handled in the same type of bottles that are used for reagents. Their handling works the
same way. In the following, the process is described for reagents.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Loss of sight on page B-6.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.

Incorrect results due to declining reagent quality

Due to the declining quality of reagents, the quality of measurement may decline. This may
WARNING cause incorrect results.
Make sure to use reagents whose expiration date has not passed yet.

Incorrect results due to reagent dilution through condensation

In ambient conditions of high temperature and humidity, condensation can build up inside
the reagent bottles. This leads to dilution of the reagent.
In such conditions and when not performing tests, especially if you observe condensation
on the reagent disk or in the reagent cooler, be sure to remove the reagent disk from the
instrument and place it in the reagent disk container. Close the container with its lid and
place it in a refrigerator.

Incorrect results due to condensation in the reagent cooler

In ambient conditions of high temperature and humidity, condensation can build up in the
reagent cooler. Water can spill on the analyzer unit and get into the cuvettes when remov-
ing the reagent disk.
In ambient conditions of high temperature and humidity, be sure to periodically wipe up
the condensation water in the reagent cooler.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate reagent handling

Removing and loading reagents while the reagent disk is outside the instrument may lead
to inconsistencies between the recorded and the physically loaded reagents and conse-
quently to incorrect results.
Always remove and load reagents while the reagent disk is on the instrument and by using
the software supported procedures.

Roche Diagnostics
B-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

NOTICE Damage to the reagent disk

The reagent disk is designed to handle reagents while it is loaded on the instrument. The
cover is equipped with a locking mechanism.
Always remove and load reagents while the reagent disk is on the instrument and by using
the software supported procedures.

Checking the status of reagent sets

There are two main ways of checking the status of reagent sets:
o To get a general overview of the status of all reagents that are defined on any disk,
use Utilities > Inventory.
e For information on deleting reagent sets from the Inventory list, see Deleting bottle
sets from the Inventory list on page B-120.
o To check the status of individual reagent sets, use Overview > Tests > test icon.

a To gain a general overview of the currently defined reagent sets

1 Choose Utilities > Inventory.
The Bottle sets list is displayed. It contains all bottle sets that are defined on any
of the disks used on this cobas c111 instrument, including sets that were removed
from the disk, as long as they were not empty or their expiration date has not
passed yet.


A Number of tests left C R indicates that the set was removed from
B ID of reagent disk on which the set is the disk.

Figure B-4

2 Select a set and press .

A dialog box is displayed that contains detailed set information.
3 Press .
A dialog box is displayed that contains set, calibration, and QC information.
4 Press to close the dialog boxes until the Utilities tab is displayed.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-23
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

a To check the status of individual reagent sets

1 Choose Overview > .
2 Check the colors of the reagent set buttons.


A Press to add a reagent set. C The number indicates the number of free
B Press to display the disk content in a table. positions on the disk.

Figure B-5

Interpreting the colors Color Meaning Possible actions

No tests can be performed with this
reagent set.
The number of available tests is 0. Replace the reagent set.
The set is incomplete. Add the missing reagent.
The test needs calibrating. Perform calibration.
There are fewer than 10% of tests left Load a new reagent set as soon as pos-
for this set. sible.
The expiration date has passed.
A QC is due or its result has not been Perform QC as soon as possible or
accepted. accept the result
A more recent version of the applica- Install the new version of the applica-
tion has been imported. tion to start working with it.
This development channel test is run Activate the extra wash cycle.
without extra wash cycles. Roche strongly recommends to always
use extra wash cycles with develop-
ment channel applications and also to
always load extra cleaner when tests
with extra wash cycles are used.
Ready for use. No action is currently required.

There is no application that uses this Add the missing application.

reagent set.
A required diluent or cleaner is not Load the missing fluid.
on board.

Roche Diagnostics
B-24 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Displaying detailed information 3 Press a reagent button.

on a reagent set
A screen is displayed that shows the details of the selected reagent.

A Status description

Figure B-6

Preparing reagents
During preparation, you typically replace reagents that are empty or whose
expiration date has passed, or you add new reagents.

Incorrect results due to impurities and carryover

Traces of analytes or reagents may be carried over one test to the next when reusing bottle
Do not remove reagent bottles that are not empty with the purpose of loading them again

a To prepare the reagents

1 Choose Overview > Tests.

Preparing the reagent set 2 Obtain the reagent sets you want do add or replace.
When replacing a reagent set, try to use one of the same lot as the old one. (This
way, if you work with the calibration sequence Each Lot and Interval, you avoid
having to perform a calibration.)

Removing a reagent set 3 Select the reagent you want to remove.

4 Press .
The system moves the first bottle of the set to the reagent port.
5 Wait for the main cover LED to turn green.
A message is displayed, asking you to open the main cover and remove the bottle.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-25
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

6 Open the main cover and remove the bottle.

7 Press to confirm the removal.

The system does not check whether you have actually removed the bottle.
8 Do one of the following:

If Do this
There is another bottle The system moves this bottle to the reagent port. A screen
belonging to the set: is displayed, asking you to remove the bottle.
1. Remove the bottle.
2. Press to confirm the removal.
3. Start adding the new reagent set.
All bottles of the set are 1. Start adding the new reagent set.

The screen with the reagent set buttons is displayed again. The button for the
removed set is no longer present. If you did not remove all bottles of the set, the
reagent set would be disabled, its button would be red.

Adding a reagent set

Before you add a set, check the number to the left of the button, it indicates the
number of free positions on the disk. If this number is smaller than the number of bot-
tles in the set you need to add, remove a set first. For the number of bottles in a set
refer to the respective package insert.

9 Open the main cover if required.

10 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the bottle barcode.
11 Scan the barcode on the bottle.

When scanning, bear this in mind:

o Scanning its barcode is the only way of identifying a reagent, diluent, and cleaner
o If there are not enough free positions for all bottles of the set, a message will inform
o You cannot re-insert empty bottles that were previously removed from the system.
If you scan such bottle, a message will inform you of this fact.

A screen is displayed, asking you to place the bottle on the reagent disk.
Roche Diagnostics
B-26 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Time limit for placing reagent bottles

o The system assumes that you place the bottle that you just scanned.
o You need to place the reagent bottle on the reagent disk within 15 seconds of
scanning the reagent barcode. Failing to confirm the placement within 15 seconds
cancels the current identification process. You will be asked to scan the bottle

Incorrect results due to not placing the identified reagent

The system assumes that the operator places the reagent that was just identified. Fail-
WARNING ing to do so might lead to wrong results.

12 Remove the cap from the bottle and place it in the reagent bay.
13 Press to confirm the insertion.
If you confirm without placing the bottle, the system assumes that the bottle is
If you press after placing the bottle, the position is deemed empty.
When the first reagent bottle is loaded, the reagent set is defined. From this
moment on, the reagents are handled as part of the set. You no longer handle
them as individual reagents.
14 Do one of the following:

If Do this
There is another bottle A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the bottle.
belonging to the set: 1. Scan the bottle
2. Insert the bottle.
3. Press to confirm the insertion.
All bottles of the set are 1. Close the main cover.
inserted: On the screen with the reagent set buttons, the button
for the new set is now present.

15 On the screen with the reagent set buttons, press the button for the set you just
A screen is displayed that shows details of the set.
The status description points to the action you need to take. If you just inserted a
reagent set, you may have to perform the initial calibration and QC.

A Status description

Figure B-7

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-27
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

16 Press .
17 When you have finished adding and replacing reagent sets, press to proceed
to the next stage in the Prepare wizard.

When handling the reagent sets without using the Prepare wizard:
Choose Overview > .

Preparing cuvettes

Cuvettes are supplied and handled in cuvette segments. Each segment contains ten
cuvettes. The segments are placed on the cuvette ring of the rotor.
e For information on cuvette segments, see Cuvette segments on page A-55.
For information on the cuvette ring, see Cuvette ring on page A-60.

Each segment on the cuvette ring is represented by a button on the screen.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.
o Infection by waste solution on page B-5.

a To prepare the cuvettes

Checking the cuvette status 1 Check the color of the cuvette segment buttons.
You can refresh the cuvette screen by pressing . (If there were pending orders,
this would also start their processing.)

Interpreting the screen The number in the button indicates how many cuvettes are free to be used.

Icon Meaning Possible actions

All cuvettes are used. Replace the segment.

Up to two cuvettes are free to be used.

More than two cuvettes are free to be No action is currently required.


Roche Diagnostics
B-28 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

Replacing cuvette segments 2 Press a segment button.

A screen is displayed, informing you that the system is ready for cuvette handling.
3 Wait for the main cover LED to turn green.
4 Open the main cover.
5 Remove the segment and treat it as biohazardous waste.

Incorrect results due to scratched or soiled cuvettes

Scratches and impurities on the cuvettes distort the measurements.
WARNING Do not touch the cuvettes and make sure they do not touch other items when handling

6 Insert a new cuvette segment.

7 Press to confirm the replacement.
(Press if you removed the segment without replacing it.)
8 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to exchange another segment: Perform steps 2 through 7.
This was the last segment you wanted to Close the main cover.

9 When you have finished replacing cuvettes, press to proceed to the next
stage in the Prepare wizard.

When handling cuvette segments without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Overview > . The system must be in Standby status.

Performing reagent mixing

Reagents that contain Latex granules, for example D-Dimer, require periodic mixing.
The mixing interval is part of the application definitions and cannot be changed or
deleted by the user. The system checks every 30 minutes for reagent sets that require
Within the Prepare phase a screen is displayed that lists all reagent sets for which a
mixing interval is defined.

a To perform the mixing

1 Select the reagent sets you want to mix.
If working with the Prepare wizard, the reagent sets that need mixing are
automatically selected.
2 Press .
Mixing starts. A screen is displayed informing you about the progress of the
mixing action.
(If there is more than one bottle in the set with a mixing interval defined, it will be
mixed as well, irrespective of being due or not.)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-29
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

3 When mixing is finished, press to close the screen.

4 Press to proceed to the next stage in the Prepare wizard.

When mixing reagents without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Overview > . Press the reagent set button and then . The system must
be in Standby status.

Performing the calibrations (Prepare phase)

At this stage, the system checks for all calibrations that are due.
e For an overview on calibration, see Calibration on page A-26.
For performing individual calibrations, see Performing calibrations on page B-59.

By default, all calibrations that are due or will be due within the forecast period are
taken into account during the Prepare phase.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.

Skin inflammation caused by reagents

Direct contact with reagents may cause skin irritation, inflammation, or burns.
WARNING When handling reagents, be sure to wear protective equipment and observe the cautions
given in the package insert.

Incorrect results due to expired calibration

Calibrations are performed to compensate for changes over time in reagents and in the
measurement systems. Failing to perform calibrations when they are due may lead to
incorrect results.
Make sure to perform calibrations when they are due.

Incorrect results due to wrong tube placement

Be sure to place the calibrators in the specified positions.

Roche Diagnostics
B-30 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

a To perform the calibrations

A screen is displayed that shows all active tests.

Checking which calibrations are 1 Check the colors of the test buttons.


A Press to cancel the selection of all tests B Press to cancel the selection of all tests
that need calibrating that need calibrating within the forecast

Figure B-8

Interpreting the colors Color Meaning Possible actions

No sample tests can be measured.
Possible reasons:
Initial calibration is required. Perform the calibration.
The calibration failed. Check the flag to find out why the cal-
ibration failed. Repeat the calibration
if necessary.
The calibration was successfully per- Validate the calibration results.
formed, but its results have not been
accepted yet.
QC is due. Perform QC as soon as possible.

The calibration is OK. Its results have No action is currently required.

been accepted.
The calibration is OK. It applies to a No action is currently required.
reagent set that is not active.

Modifying selections By default, all tests whose calibration is due or will be due within the forecast
period are automatically selected. You can cancel these selections by pressing
, or a test button.
If you do not perform a calibration that is due, the affected test is blocked; you
cannot perform this test.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-31
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Preparing the system

Performing calibrations 2 On the screen that shows the tests, press .

A screen is displayed that lists all required calibrators, and it shows on which
position to place them.



A Position on the sample area where to D There are not enough empty positions, the
place the calibrator. system suggests using occupied positions.
B Lot number E Calibrator with lowest concentration
C Calibrator with highest concentration

Figure B-9

o The system first uses the free positions, if there are not enough free positions,
occupied positions are suggested. For these you would have to replace the cur-
rently loaded tubes with calibrator tubes.
o With absorbance tests that require several calibrators, the calibrators are placed
according to their concentration, starting with the highest concentration.

Calibrators with several concentrations are listed according to their

concentration, starting with the one with the highest concentration. They are
displayed as follows:

Number of calibrators Displayed information

1 Position, name, lot number
2 1. Position, name, highest
2. Position, name, lot number
More than 2 1. Position, name, highest
2. Position, name, lot number
3. …
4. Position, name, lowest

3 Prepare the calibrators.

4 Place the calibrators on the sample area positions indicated on the placement list.
5 Press to confirm the placement.
6 Press to start the calibration.
7 Choose Workplace > Calibrations to check the status of the calibrations.

Validating the results 8 Validate the results.

e See Validating calibration results on page B-64.

Roche Diagnostics
B-32 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Preparing the system

When performing calibrations without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Workplace > Calibrations > .

End of Prepare phase The instrument is now ready for analyzing samples.
You may want to perform QC before analyzing samples.
e See Performing QC on page B-68.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-33
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Analyzing samples

Safety information

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.
o Loss of sight on page B-6.

Incorrect results due to inadequate sample preparation

Specimen containing clots may obstruct the probe. Specimen containing bubbles or foam
WARNING may cause level detection errors and air pipetting. Consequently, incorrect results may be
Take adequate care when preparing the samples.

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
Always fill the tubes with enough fluid that at least the defined dead volume of fluid is left
when pipetting is complete.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

Time limit for placing samples

The system assumes that you place the sample tube that you just identified.
You need to place the sample on the sample area within 10 seconds of confirming the test
selection. Failing to place the sample tube within 10 seconds cancels the current identifi-
cation process. You will be asked to identify the sample tube again.

Roche Diagnostics
B-34 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

Short guide

The following table gives an overview of the tasks you typically perform when
analyzing samples.
Step User action
1 Identify the sample. If working with sample barcodes:
1. Scan the barcode using the barcode scanner.

If working without sample barcodes, type the

sample ID by using the screen keyboards.
1. Press .
2. Type the ID.
3. Press .

2 Select the tests, ratios and 1. Press a tab to select the test panel (if required).
profiles. 2. Press an active test, ratio or profile to select it.
This step is not required if the Press a selected item to cancel its selection.
workflow setting Working 3. Press .
Mode is Host. (Utilities > Con-
figuration > Workflow.)

3 Place the sample. 1. Place the sample on any free position on the
sample area.
You need to place the sample within 10 seconds
of pressing . Failing to place the sample
tube within 10 seconds cancels the current iden-
tification process. You will again be asked to
identify the sample tube.

4 Start processing. Press .

Table B-3 Steps for analyzing samples

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-35
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Step User action

5 Validate the results. 1. Choose Workplace > Results.
2. Validate the result (You can accept the result or
perform the test again.)

6 Remove the samples. 1. Press the Overview tab.

2. Check the status of the sample tube button that
corresponds to the sample you want to remove.
3. If the sample tube button is green, remove the

Table B-3 Steps for analyzing samples

Roche Diagnostics
B-36 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

System setup and order definition workflow

The workflow for defining orders depends on a few configuration settings:

f Utilities > Configuration > Workflow

Working Mode The Working Mode defines the way you select tests when defining orders.
o Use Manual if you use the cobas c111 instrument as a stand-alone system.
During order definition, the test selection screen is displayed, allowing you to
select the tests or to make changes to the selection.
o Use Host if the cobas c111 instrument is connected to a host computer or to a
computer running the cobas c111 Printer Tool.
The orders are automatically defined, the test selection screen is not displayed.
After identifying the sample, you are asked to place the sample.

Sample Barcode Use On if you exclusively work with barcoded sample tubes. When defining orders,
the screen for typing the sample ID manually is skipped.

Order Mode The order mode reflects the way in which you organize the tests on the test selection
Use Easy if the reagents fit on one or two reagent disks and you work with one test
panel on the screen (You can fit up to 25 tests and profiles on this panel).
Use Full if you distribute the reagents across several (up to eight) reagent disks and if
you predominantly work with specific groups of tests, for example for emergency
situations or for testing diabetes. You can define up to 20 tests and profiles on each
panel (tab).
e See Assigning tests to test tabs on page B-119.

Sample ID Handling The sample ID is an identifier of up to 23 alphanumeric characters that is unique

within a whole organization, for example the hospital. It cannot be changed once the
order is saved. This ID is used for communication with a laboratory information
The order ID is an identifier of up to 23 alphanumeric characters that is unique
within the laboratory. In practice, this could for example be an autonumber followed
by the patient name.

Because there is limited space when displaying lists on screen, Roche recommend to limit
the IDs to 13 characters.

If you work with one ID only, the sample ID is used as the order ID as well. There
exists a fixed relation between the sample and order IDs. Make sure this ID is unique
within the cobas c111 instrument.
o Use Order ID = Sample ID to have the system automatically define the order ID
identical to the sample ID.
o Use Independent IDs to define the sample and order IDs independently of each
o Use Grouped Sample ID to use identical order and sample IDs as a constant part
of any order for a give sample, and to let the system automatically append a
running number to the ID for each order.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-37
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Auto Order-ID Use On to automatically increment the order ID number by one whenever you define
a new order. (You only need to define the number of the first order of your shift.)
If you use On for this feature, use Off for Order ID = Sample ID.

Defining orders

Preconditions o All preparation tasks are complete.

o The required tests are installed on the system and ready for use (calibration and
QC performed).
o The system status is either Standby or Operating.
o At least one sample position on the sample area is free.

o There can be only one order per test and sample.

o Possible post-dilution is predefined in the application definition.

Incorrect results due to declining sample quality

Evaporation of sample fluid may lead to incorrect results. In ambient temperatures of more
WARNING than 25°C, be sure to start processing immediately after placing the sample and defining
the order. When processing of the order is finished, be sure to immediately remove the
sample from the sample area.

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
WARNING Always fill the tubes with enough fluid that at least the defined dead volume of fluid is left
when pipetting is complete.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate tube and cup placement

Inappropriate tube and cup placement may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently
to incorrect results.
Make sure that the primary tubes are placed centrally and perfectly vertically in the holders
in the sample area and that they are inserted firmly.
Make sure that secondary tubes are placed centrally on the primary tubes and that they
rest fully on them.

NOTICE Probe damage and instrument malfunction due to not removing primary tube caps
The probe is not designed to pierce tube caps. It can get damaged when trying to pierce
tube caps, which can lead to instrument malfunction.
Always remove the caps of primary tubes before placing them on the instrument.

Roche Diagnostics
B-38 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

Defining routine orders

a To define an order
1 Choose Overview > Order.
A screen is displayed, asking you to identify the sample.
2 Identify the sample. Do one of the following:

If Do this
You work with sample barcodes: Use the barcode scanner to scan the bar-
You do not work with sample barcodes or if 1. Press .
the barcode could not be read for some rea- 2. Type the sample ID, then press .
son: 3. Type the order ID, then press .
Note: This step is only required if the
configuration setting Order ID = Sam-
ple ID is not selected.

A screen is displayed that shows all active tests, profiles, and ratios. Note that all
applications of a profile or ratio must be installed for it to be active.
(If the workflow setting Working Mode is Host, this screen will not be displayed.
Utilities > Configuration > Workflow.)

A Easy mode test-board, all tests fit on one C Full mode test-board. The tests are
screen. distributed across several panels (tabs).
B Tabs marked with an asterisk contain
selected tests.

Figure B-10

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-39
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Interpreting the colors The test is blocked for one of the following reasons:
o The calibration failed.
o Initial calibration is required.
o For the reagent set, the number of available tests is 0, or a reagent bottle is
missing (incomplete reagent set).

The expiration date of the test has passed.

There are only few tests left.
A QC is due or its result has not been accepted.
A more recent version of the application has been imported.
For a development channel: An extra wash cycle is missing.

The test is on board and ready for use.

The test is defined but not on board.

A required diluent or cleaner is not on board.

The tests are sorted alphabetically. Profiles precede the tests. Profiles display the
color of their tests.
3 Select one or several of the tests, profiles, and ratios.
You can select items from more than one tab. (An item can be contained in more
than one tab. If it is selected in one, it will automatically be selected in the others.)
Tabs with selected items are marked with an asterisk (*).
4 Press to confirm your selection.
5 Wait for the Sample Area LED to turn green. (Make sure to keep clear of the
sample area while the LED is yellow and blinking.)
A screen is displayed, asking you to place the sample on the instrument.
6 Place the sample on any free position on the sample area.

Time limit for placing samples

You need to place the sample on the sample area within 10 seconds of confirming the
test selection. Failing to place the sample tube within 10 seconds cancels the current
identification process. You will be asked to identify the sample tube again.

Incorrect results due to not placing the identified sample

The system assumes that the operator places the sample that was just identified. Fail-
WARNING ing to do so might lead to wrong results.

The system registers where you placed the sample and associates this position
with the order you just defined.
The screen for identifying samples is displayed again. You can now start defining
the next order. (If there were no free sample positions, the screen for selecting the
tests would be displayed instead.)
7 Do one of the following:

If Do this
There is another order to be defined: Identify the sample and repeat the order
definition process.
There are no more orders to define: Press to close the screen.

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B-40 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

8 Press the global action button to start processing.

e See Starting the run on page B-44.

If you defined the order while the system was processing orders, new orders will
automatically be processed, without pressing .

o Roche strongly recommends to always load extra cleaner when tests with extra wash
cycles are used.
o Roche Diagnostics Ltd. assumes only limited liability when using the cobas c111
instrument in conjunction with the cobas c111 Development Channel Programming
Software. For detailed information on this matter refer to the latest version of the
Development Channel Registration Form cobas c111 and the cobas c111 Develop-
ment Channel Operator’s Manual.

Order of processing When you first start processing orders, the order of the sample placed on the leftmost
position on the sample area is processed first. The others follow in sequence from left
to right. Once processing is in progress, the orders are processed according to the
sequence in which they were defined.
Repeats and reruns of routine orders are performed before routine orders.
e See Repeating tests on page B-55.
See Rerunning tests on page B-56.

Defining STAT orders

Short turn around time (STAT) orders are defined in the same way as routine orders.

a To define a STAT order

1 On the Overview tab, press STAT.
2 Continue as if defining a routine order.
e See Defining routine orders on page B-39.

If there is no space on the sample area

Remove any sample whose tube button is green .

Order of processing When you have defined a STAT order and started the run, the system reacts as
o Existing STAT orders are finished first.
o Started tests of routine orders are finished.
o Repeats and reruns of STAT orders are treated as normal STAT orders. (The
order that was defined first will be performed first.)
o Repeats and reruns of routine orders are performed before routine orders.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-41
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Recognizing STAT orders on the On the Overview tab, the sample buttons for STAT orders are marked with a wide
screens edge.

Figure B-11 Example of STAT order icon

In the orders list (Workplace > Orders), STAT orders are marked with an asterisk

Making changes to an order

You can make changes to orders that either have not yet been processed or that are
fully processed. (You can add further tests to an order any time.)
The process of changing an order depends on whether the sample tube is still on the
instrument or not.
Making a change to an order when the sample tube is no longer on the sample area is
basically the same as defining a new order.

a To change an order
1 Identify the sample.

If the sample is still on the o On the Overview tab, press the sample tube button of the order you want to
instrument change.
A screen is displayed, that shows details on the order and the sample.
o Press .
A screen for selecting tests is displayed.

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B-42 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

If the sample is no longer on the o Do one of the following:

If the Starting point was Perform these steps
Overview > Order A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the sample or
to type its ID manually.
1. Identify the sample either by scanning its barcode
or by typing the sample ID.
If the same barcode was scanned before (during the
current day) or you use the same sample ID as in
the original order, the system recognizes the origi-
nal order and displays its associated information.
2. Press .
A screen for selecting tests is displayed.
Workplace > Orders A screen is displayed that lists all orders.
1. Select the order you want to change.
2. Press .
A screen for selecting tests is displayed.

2 Select the tests.

o Press an available test to select it.
o Press a selected test to cancel its selection. (Tests that are already scheduled to
be performed cannot be cancelled.)
3 Press to confirm your selection.

If the sample is still on the A message is displayed showing the position the sample is placed on.
o Press to confirm the position
The screen with details on the order and the sample is displayed again.
o Press to close the screen.

If the sample is no longer on the A message is displayed, asking you to place the sample.
o Place the sample on the sample area.
The orders list is displayed again.
4 The system reschedules the order and processes it as normal.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-43
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Starting the run

a To start processing an order

1 Press the global action button.
The system checks whether there are enough cuvettes and whether all required
reagents are on the reagent disk.
If any of this is not the case, a screen is displayed informing you of what is

Order of processing When you first start processing orders, the order of the sample placed on the leftmost
position on the sample area is processed first. The others follow in sequence from left
to right. Once processing is in progress, the orders are processed according to
sequence in which they were defined.
Repeats and reruns of routine orders are performed before routine orders.

Monitoring the analysis progress

During operation, you should regularly check the following items:

o The status of the buttons on the Overview tab
o The Alarm Monitor LED

Checking the sample tube status

a To check the sample status

1 Press the Overview tab.


A Sample tube buttons C Information on results that are associated

B Information on tests that are associated with defined orders
with defined orders D Alarm Monitor LED

Figure B-12

Interpreting the sample tube Icon Meaning Possible action

buttons 1 The number in the button denotes n/a
the position on the sample area.
A sample tube button with a wide n/a
edge symbolizes a STAT order.
Roche Diagnostics
B-44 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

Icon Meaning Possible action

All tests are accepted. You can remove the sample tube.

All tests are pipetted. You can remove the sample tube, the
time to completion disappears when
you do so.
All tests are completed but not yet Validate the results.
All remaining tests are blocked
There is not enough sample fluid. 1. Remove the sample tube and add
Do not delete the old order!
2. Scan the sample barcode or type
the same sample ID as before.
3. Reinsert the sample tube.
Processing continues where it
(Removing a sample and then placing
it again means defining a new order.
The system does not remember where
the sample was placed in the previous
The sample is not identified. 1. Remove the sample.
2. Scan the sample barcode or type
the same sample ID as before.
3. Reinsert the sample on any posi-
(Removing a sample and then placing
it again means defining a new order.
The system does not remember where
the sample was placed in the previous
There is no sample on this position. You can place a sample tube on this
Tests are ordered. Processing has not You can still cancel ordered tests and
yet started. add additional tests to the order.
Tests are ordered. Processing has You can no longer cancel ordered
started. tests, but you can add additional tests
The number below the sample tube to the order.
button indicates the estimated time to
The sample is identified, but no tests This should be a temporary status. No
were ordered yet. action is required.
If working in Order Query Mode:
The order could not be obtained from
the host.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-45
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

2 Press the sample tube button.

A screen is displayed that shows details about the status of the sample tube.


A Test name C Press to add tests to the order

B Press to validate the results D Press to delete the order

Figure B-13

3 Take appropriate action.

After deleting a running order, cuvettes and reagents that were not used are released
again for future use.

Checking the instrument status buttons

a To check the instrument status

1 Press the Overview tab.

A Instrument status buttons

Figure B-14

Roche Diagnostics
B-46 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

Interpreting the instrument Icon Meaning Possible action

status buttons The reagents are OK. No action is required.
There is no disk on board. Load a disk.
Fewer than 10% of tests are left for Load a new reagent set.
a reagent set, or its expiration date
has passed.
A reagent set is not complete or a Complete the reagent set or
reagent is empty. replace it.
A reagent set is blocked because it Perform calibration or mixing.
requires calibration or mixing.
The disk could not be identified. Remove the disk and make sure
that one and only one ID tab is
removed. Reinsert the disk.
There is more than one segment No action is required.
The last available segment is in Replace the used cuvette segments
use. as soon as possible.
There are no empty cuvettes avail- Replace the cuvette segments.
System The system status button displays both the icon and the color of one of the
Status buttons of the underlying system status screen. (The icons are first prioritized
by color, first priority being red, followed by yellow and green, and then
according to the sequence in which they are listed below.)
Analyzer (main cover) Press the button and, on the Sys-
tem Status screen, check the text
about the status of the main cover.
Reagent cooler and cuvette ring Press the button and, on the Sys-
temperature tem Status screen, check the text
about the temperature.
Sample area ventilation Press the button and, on the Sys-
tem Status screen, check the text
about the ventilation status.
External fluid containers Press the button and, on the Sys-
tem Status screen, press it again to
display the screen for handling the
external fluid containers.
Maintenance Press the button and, on the Sys-
tem Status screen, press it again to
display the maintenance actions
Printer Press the button and, on the Sys-
tem Status screen, check the text
about the printer status.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-47
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Checking for alarm messages

a To check for problems during processing

1 Observe the Alarm LED.

LED Meaning Possible action

No color There are no unconfirmed alarm No action is required.
(off) messages.
Yellow There is at least one unconfirmed User intervention is required as
alarm message. soon as possible. Processing can
continue for the time being.
Check the details of the message.
Red There is at least one unconfirmed Immediate user intervention is
alarm message. required. Processing may not be
able to continue without it.
Check the details of the message.
An acoustic signal is sounded when an alarm is created. You can adjust the volume
(Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume).

2 Take appropriate action.

e For details on dealing with alarm messages, see Alarm monitor on page D-6.

Acoustic signal
An acoustic signal informs you of the fact that all tests are finished and the system
status has changed to Standby.

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B-48 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Analyzing samples

Stopping and restarting a run

a To stop a run
1 Press the global action button.
A screen is displayed that offers several kinds of stopping, each of them
representing a certain level of interrupt.

Figure B-15

Interpreting the screen Abort When the system is in Operating status: Stop immediately all pro-
cessing activities.
Pipettings that were not finished are considered not pipetted.
Measurements that have not yielded a valid result are considered not
Recover When in Standby or Stopped status: Initialize all systems and mod-
ules that are currently not ready.
Sampling stop Finish the current pipetting action, but do not start a new one.
You can restart processing by pressing the global action but-
Stop Printing Stop the current printing task. (It may take a few moments before
printing actually stops.)
Shutdown Shut down the cobas c111 software and the operating system.
This option can only be performed in Standby status.
Restart Shut down the cobas c111 software and automatically restart it.
This option is available in Standby status only. It is used in cases
where a configuration change requires restarting the software for it
to become effective.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-49
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Analyzing samples

Removing sample tubes

You can remove a sample when its tube button is green .

All tests are accepted.


All tests are pipetted.


If you remove a sample tube before the pipetting is complete, the tests that were pipetted
will be performed as normal. The order remains unfinished.
You can check the resulting order details in Workplace > Order > .

e See Checking the sample tube status on page B-44.

Roche Diagnostics
B-50 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Validating sample results

Validating sample results

The cobas c111 instrument provides several aids for validating results:
o In the results list, results that fall outside predefined technical ranges are flagged.
o You can display detailed result information that allows you to make a considered
o Non flagged results can be accepted automatically.
o You can print the results.
o You can export the results and process them on an external computer.
The following ways of dealing with results are available:
o Accept the result.
o Re-perform the identical test (Repeat).
o Re-perform the test using a predefined different dilution (Rerun).
Results must be accepted before they can be transmitted to a host or before they can
be automatically printed.

Results must be accepted before they can be transmitted to a host or before they can be
automatically printed.
Ratio results cannot be manually accepted. They are automatically accepted if their con-
stituent results are accepted.

The effect of flagged results depends on the configuration (Utilities > Configuration
> Result Handling). The following table shows how.

Configuration setting Effect

Sample Auto Accept: On Results that do not contain a flag are auto-
matically accepted. Results with flags that are
marked in a predefined list of flags that
should be ignored are accepted as well.
Sample Auto Accept: Off All results need to be manually accepted.
Sample Accept Flags Flags that are marked in this list will be
ignored by the system.
Table B-4 Sample flag configuration and its effect

e See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

There are two main approaches to validating results:

o To validate sample results of an order whose sample is still on board, press the
tube button on the Overview tab.
o In all other situations, choose Workplace > Result Review.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-51
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Validating sample results

a To validate sample results of on-board samples

1 On the Overview tab, press the sample button.
A screen is displayed that lists the results of the order that is associated with the



A Status C Results.
!: The result has not been accepted yet. D Press to validate the results.
@: The result has not been transmitted yet. E Press to add more tests to the order.
B Test name. F Press to delete the order and its results.
->-: Repeated.

Figure B-16

2 Select the result, if there is more than one test.

3 Continue with Validating the results on page B-53.

Roche Diagnostics
B-52 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Validating sample results

a To validate sample results from the results list

1 Choose Workplace > Result Review.
A screen is displayed that lists the results.


A Order number. F This test was performed again:
B Status ->-: Repeated.
!: The result has not been accepted yet. -v-: Rerun with dilution.
@: The result has not been transmitted yet. G Press to validate the selected result.
C Test name. H Press to display certain kinds of results
D Results. only (filter).
E Time when the order was defined.

Figure B-17

o To check when the result was generated press .

o For results, that were not generated on the current day, only their date of genera-
tion is displayed. You can look at the results by pressing .
o To display context information of the fluids used to arrive at this result, press ,
then on the detail screen press .

Interpreting flags e For detailed information on the flags, see List of flags on page D-28.

Displaying details of a result 2 Select the result.

3 Press to display detailed information on the selected result.
4 Press to close the screen.
The screen with the result list is displayed again.
5 Select a result.

Validating the results The system can be set up to automatically accept results that are not flagged. In
addition, it can be set up to accept results with flags that are marked in an editable
list of flags that should be ignored, which is particularly suitable if the flags are
assessed on the host system anyway.
e See Result handling on page B-167.
See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

6 Press .
A screen is displayed for selecting your reaction.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-53
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Validating sample results

7 Do one of the following:

o Press Repeat to re-perform the test using the same dilution.
e See Repeating tests on page B-55.
o Press Rerun to re-perform the test using a predefined (different) dilution.
e See Rerunning tests on page B-56.
o Press Accept to accept the result.
e See Accepting results on page B-57.
o Press Retransmit to send the result to the host again. Use this function if you
suspect that the result has not been stored properly on the host system, for
example because of a communication problem.

Roche Diagnostics
B-54 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Validating sample results

Repeating tests

Repeat Performing a repeat means reperforming the same test with identical dilution.
Typically, you perform repeats if the result is flagged and you want to confirm the

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
WARNING Always fill the tubes with enough fluid that at least the defined dead volume of fluid is left
when pipetting is complete.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

a To repeat a test
1 Validate the result.
e If the sample is still on board, see To validate sample results of on-board samples on
page B-52.
e If the sample is no longer on board, see To validate sample results from the results list
on page B-53.

2 Press Repeat.
The system automatically creates a new order and selects the test. It then performs
the test.
In the results list, the result of the repeat is shown on a separate line:


A First result B Repeat result (->-)

Figure B-18

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-55
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Validating sample results

Rerunning tests

Rerun Performing a rerun means reperforming the same test with a different predefined
dilution. Typically, you perform reruns if the result is outside the test range.

Incorrect results due to insufficient fluid

Insufficient fluid may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently to incorrect results.
WARNING Always fill the tubes with enough fluid that at least the defined dead volume of fluid is left
when pipetting is complete.
e See Tubes on page A-54.

a To rerun a test
1 Validate the result.
e If the sample is still on board, see To validate sample results of on-board samples on
page B-52.
e If the sample is no longer on board, see To validate sample results from the results list
on page B-53.

2 Press Rerun.
The system automatically creates a new order and selects the test. (The dilution
factor is part of the test definition and therefore automatically selected. It cannot
be changed.) It then performs the test.
In the results list, the result of the rerun is shown on a separate line:


A First measurement B Rerun result

-v-: Rerun with dilution.

Figure B-19

Roche Diagnostics
B-56 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Validating sample results

Accepting results

Results must be accepted before they can be printed, sent to the host, or deleted.

Automatic acceptance The system can be set up to automatically accept results that are not flagged. In
addition, it can be set up to accept results with flags that are marked in an editable list
of flags that should be ignored (Utilities > Configuration > Result Handling).
e See Result handling on page B-167.
See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

a To accept a result
1 Validate the result.
e If the sample is still on board, see To validate sample results of on-board samples on
page B-52.
e If the sample is no longer on board, see To validate sample results from the results list
on page B-53.

f Press Accept.
The result list is displayed again.

Ratio results cannot be manually accepted. They are automatically accepted if all their
constituent results are accepted.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-57
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Validating sample results

Printing sample results

a To print results:
1 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to print all results of an order: Choose Workplace > Orders.
You want to print individual results: Choose Workplace > Result Review.

2 Press .
A screen is displayed for selecting which results should be printed.
3 Press one of the buttons.
Press List to print the items currently displayed in the list. If a filter was applied,
the list would contain only the items that fulfill the filter criterion, and the filter
criterion would be part of the button name.
Press Detail of Order to print all results of the associated order.
For repeated or rerun orders, all results of this order are printed, including those
that were accepted earlier.

Automatic printing You can set up the system to automatically print results as soon as all results of an
order are accepted (Configuration > Workflow > Auto Print Results).

Choose > to terminate the printing task, if required.

Roche Diagnostics
B-58 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing calibrations

Performing calibrations

e For an overview on calibration concepts, see Calibration on page A-26.

For performing calibrations in the Prepare phase, see Performing the calibrations (Prepare
phase) on page B-30.
For information on configuring calibration, see Defining calibrator definitions and lots on
page B-150.

Tests with a due calibration are blocked.

e For validating calibration results see Validating calibration results on page B-64.

Safety information

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.

Skin inflammation caused by reagents

Direct contact with reagents may cause skin irritation, inflammation, or burns.
WARNING When handling reagents, be sure to wear protective equipment and observe the cautions
given in the package insert.

Incorrect results due to expired calibration

Calibrations are performed to compensate for changes over time in reagents and in the
measurement systems. Failing to perform calibrations when they are due may lead to
incorrect results.
Make sure to perform calibrations when they are due.

Incorrect results due to wrong tube placement

Be sure to place the calibrators in the specified positions.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate tube and cup placement

Inappropriate tube and cup placement may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently
to incorrect results.
Make sure that the primary tubes are placed centrally and perfectly vertically in the holders
in the sample area and that they are inserted firmly.
Make sure that secondary tubes are placed centrally on the primary tubes and that they
rest fully on them.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-59
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing calibrations

Short guide

The following table provides an overview on the steps that make up the calibration

Step User action

1 Perform the calibrations.
Perform all due calibrations. 1. Choose Workplace > Calibrations > .
2. Press to select all tests that currently need
3. Check and, if required, print the placement list.
4. Prepare and place the calibrators according to
the placement list.
5. Press .
Perform all calibrations that will 1. Choose Workplace > Calibrations > .
be due within the forecast 2. Press to select all tests that will require cal-
period. ibrating within the forecast period.
3. Check and, if required, print the placement list.
4. Prepare and place the calibrators according to
the placement list.
5. Press .
Perform an individual calibra- 1. Choose Workplace > Calibrations > .
tion. 2. Select the test.
3. If there is more than one reagent set on board
for this test, choose whether to calibrate the cur-
rent set or to precalibrate a standby set.
4. Check and, if required, print the placement list.
5. Prepare and place the calibrators according to
the placement list.
6. Press .
2 Validate the results. 1. Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
2. Select the calibration result.
3. Press to look at result details.
4. Press to validate the calibration.
5. Remove the calibrators.

Table B-5 Steps for performing calibrations

Roche Diagnostics
B-60 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing calibrations

Process of performing calibrations

The process of defining calibration orders depends on what you want to achieve:
o Calibrating all tests that need calibrating
o Calibrating all tests that will need calibrating during the forecast period
o Calibrating individual tests
O Calibrating the current set
O Pre-calibrating a standby set
e For information on performing calibrations in the Prepare phase, see Performing the
calibrations (Prepare phase) on page B-30.

a To perform calibrations
1 Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
A screen is displayed that lists all tests and their currently valid calibration.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed that shows all active tests.


A Press to select all tests that now need B Press to select all tests that need
calibrating. calibration within the forecast period.

Figure B-20

Interpreting the colors Color Meaning Possible actions

Calibration is due. Perform the calibration.
Calibration failed. Check the result flag to find out why
the calibration failed. Repeat the cali-
bration if necessary.
The calibration was successfully per- Validate the calibration results.
formed, but its result has not been
accepted yet.
Not relevant for calibration.

The calibration is OK. Its result has No action is currently required.

been accepted.
The calibration is OK. It applies to a No action is currently required.
reagent set that is not active.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-61
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing calibrations

3 To select the tests, do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to perform all due 1. Press .
calibrations: All tests with due calibrations are selected. (The cur-
rently active lots and sets are used for the calibration.)
2. Press .
You want to perform all 1. Press .
calibrations that fall due All tests are selected whose calibration will be due
during the forecast period: within the forecast period. (The currently active lots
and sets are used for the calibration.)
2. Press .
You want to calibrate the 1. Select the test.
current set: 2. Press .

A screen is displayed that lists the calibrators that are required for the ordered
calibrations, and it shows on which sample position to place them.



A Position on the sample area where to D There are not enough empty positions, the
place the calibrator. system suggests using occupied positions.
B Lot number E Calibrator with lowest concentration
C Calibrator with highest concentration

Figure B-21

o The system first uses the free positions, if there are not enough free positions,
occupied positions are suggested. For these you would have to replace the cur-
rently loaded tubes with calibrator tubes.
o With absorbance tests that require several calibrators, the calibrators are placed
according to their concentration, starting with the highest concentration.

4 Prepare the calibrators.

5 Place the calibrators on the sample area positions indicated on the placement list.
6 Press to confirm the placement.
7 Press to start the calibration.

You can delete a running calibration order. After deleting the order, the calibration
retains the Due status if it was due before

Roche Diagnostics
B-62 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing calibrations

8 Validate the calibration results.

e See Validating calibration results on page B-64.

9 Remove the calibrator tubes.

a To replace the current lot calibration

1 Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
A screen is displayed that lists all tests and their currently valid calibration.
2 Select the test whose lot calibration want to replace.
3 Press to delete the result.
4 Press to confirm the deletion.
5 Load the new reagent set. (See Adding a reagent set on page B-26.)
You can only generate a new lot calibration result when calibrating a new reagent
6 Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
7 Press .
8 Select the test.
9 Press .
If a screen is displayed for selecting the calibration type, choose Lot Master.
10 Prepare the calibrators.
11 Place the calibrators on the sample area positions indicated on the placement list.
12 Press to confirm the placement.
13 Press to start the calibration.

Deleting ordered calibrations

You can delete a calibration order while it is being processed.

a To delete an ordered calibration

1 Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
2 Select the order.
3 Press .

A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

4 Press to confirm the deletion.
The processing activities for this order are stopped. Measurements that have not
yielded a valid result are considered not measured.

After deleting the order, the calibration retains the Due status if it was due before.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-63
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing calibrations

Validating calibration results

For a calibration to become active, you need to accept its result.

Flagged calibration results If flags are generated, you must determine their cause and decide whether to accept
the result, continue working with the old results, or to rerun the calibration.
The effect of flagged calibration results depends on the configuration.

Configuration setting Effect

Cal Auto Accept: On Results that do not contain a flag are auto-
matically accepted. Results with flags that are
marked in a predefined list of flags that
should be ignored are also automatically
Cal Auto Accept: Off All results need to be manually accepted.
Cal Acceptable Flags Flags that are marked in this list will be
ignored by the system.
Table B-6 Calibration flag configuration and its effect

e See Result handling on page B-167.

See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

Roche Diagnostics
B-64 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing calibrations

a To validate the calibration results

1 Choose Workplace > Calibrations
A screen is displayed that lists all tests and their currently valid calibration.



A Test ID. E Press to validate the result.

B Calibration use. F Press to define a new calibration order.
C Calibration type. G Press to delete the selected calibration
D Status indication. and its results.
H Press to display all or only the current

Figure B-22

Interpreting the screen Item Value Interpretation

U (Use) CU Current.
The calibration results of this set are currently used.
SB Standby.
The calibration results of this set are not currently used.
(An identical set is currently in use or the set was removed
and is not empty.)
OB Obsolete.
The calibration results of this set are no longer used. (The
set was empty and removed or it was removed more than
30 days ago).
T (Type) L Lot calibration (first calibration of a lot, also applies to sub-
sequent sets of the lot).
S Set calibration (applies to calibrated set only).
Status The date indicates when the results were accepted. If flags
were generated for the result, the flag with the highest pri-
ority is displayed. In all other cases, the order status is dis-

e For details on calibration types, see Calibration type on page A-27.

2 Select the result.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-65
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing calibrations

3 Press to display information on the selected calibration and its results.




A Test ID. H Flags.

B Calibration use. I Calibration results.
C Calibration type. J Press to validate the results.
D Calibration status. K Press to display result details.
E Calculation date and time. L Press to display context information of the
F Calibrator, lot, expiration date. fluids used to arrive at this result.
G Accepted by: User name. $SYS$ means
automatically accepted.

Figure B-23

4 Press .
A screen is displayed for selecting your decision.
5 Do one of the following:
o Press Accept Set to accept the set calibration results for the selected test.
o Press Accept Lot to accept the lot calibration results for the selected test.
This button is only active if the calibration sequence Each Lot and Interval is
defined for the application and if no flags were generated for the result.
e For information on lot and set calibration, see Calibration type on page A-27.
o Press Repeat to have the calibration performed again.
o Press Use Old to discard the new result, reset the calibration due date, and to
continue using the old calibration results.
This possibility is available if you selected an accepted result. When you press
Use Old, a copy of the old result is made and a new entry is displayed in the
calibration results list. Note that the intervals are reset as if a new calibration
result were generated.

Incorrect results when using Use Old

Calibrations are performed to compensate for changes over time in reagents and in the
WARNING measurement systems. Failing to perform calibrations when they are due may lead to
incorrect results.
o Roche recommend performing a QC measurement before you continue working
with the old calibration results.
o In the application definitions, choose On for QC After Cal.
(Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters > Control > QC After Cal)

Roche Diagnostics
B-66 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing calibrations

Accepting calibration results

Calibration results will be used by the system only when you have accepted them.

There can be only one unaccepted calibration result for a test.

If there already exists a not accepted calibration for a test and you place another cali-
bration order for this test, the order will be blocked.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-67
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing QC

Performing QC

QC is performed at regular intervals to check the integrity of the whole measuring


Control A control is a sample that has been measured using all tests it is associated with, in
order to define the ranges and values that determine the correct functioning of the
instrument. This is typically done both for the normal and the pathological analyte
e For an overview on QC, see Quality control (QC) on page A-30.
For information on QC configuration, see Defining control definitions and lots on
page B-149.

There are two basic ways of performing QC on the cobas c111 instrument:

Default QC Default QC is an automated process for performing QC measurements in one

request. This is the ideal method if you want to perform QC on certain days or at
certain times.
This process only applies to tests whose controls are defined to be performed as part
of Default QC. Therefore, if you intend to work with Default QC, you need to
configure the tests accordingly.
e See Defining control definitions and lots on page B-149.

Performing Default QC follows a streamlined procedure whereby QC orders are

automatically defined as soon as you identify a control. An order is defined for all
tests for which this control is defined as the Default QC, provided the test is currently
active on the system.

Interval QC Interval QC is a process that is suitable both for performing a single QC

measurement and for performing all QC measurements that are due. You can select
all tests that require QC simply by pressing a button ( ). (This selection also
reflects QC of the type QC after Cal.) A wizard helps you select the controls, and a
placement list supports you in preparing and loading them.

Safety information

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate tube and cup placement

Inappropriate tube and cup placement may lead to inaccurate pipetting and consequently
WARNING to incorrect results.
Make sure that the primary tubes are placed centrally and perfectly vertically in the holders
in the sample area and that they are inserted firmly.
Make sure that secondary tubes are placed centrally on the primary tubes and that they
rest fully on them.

Roche Diagnostics
B-68 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing QC

Short guide

The following table provides an overview of the steps that make up the QC process.

Step User action

1 Perform QC
Perform Default QC. 1. Choose Overview > Order.
2. Press .
3. Select a control and place the tube. Repeat until
there are no controls left on the screen.
4. Press .

Perform all interval QC mea- 1. Choose Overview > Order > or

surements that are due. Workplace > QC Status > .
2. Press .
3. Press .
4. Select a control and place the tube. Repeat until
there are no controls left on the screen.
5. Press .

Perform a single interval QC 1. Choose Workplace > QC Status.

measurement. 2. Press .
3. Select the test.
4. Press .
5. Select a control and place the tube. Repeat until
there are no controls left on the screen.
6. Press .

2 Validate the results. 1. Choose Workplace > QC Status.

2. Press to look at result details. Close the
details screen.
3. Press and press a button to validate the
QC result.
4. Remove the controls.

Table B-7 Steps for performing QC

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-69
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing QC

Performing Default QC

Performing Default QC follows a streamlined procedure whereby QC orders are

automatically defined as soon as you identify a control. An order is defined for all
tests for which this control is defined as the Default QC, provided the test is currently
active on the system.

a To perform Default QC
1 Choose Overview > Order.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains a button for each of the controls that are
3 Prepare the controls.
4 Press a control button.
A screen is displayed, asking you to place the selected control.
5 Place the control tube on any free position on the sample area.
The system registers the position and automatically defines an order for each test
that has this control defined as its Default QC.
The screen with the control buttons is displayed again. The button for the control
you just loaded is no longer active.
6 Press the next active control button.
A screen is displayed, asking you to place the control.
7 Place the control on a free position on the sample area.
8 Select and place the remaining controls as described in steps 6 through 7.
When all controls are placed, the screen for identifying samples is displayed.
9 Press to close the screen.
10 Press to start processing the control orders.

Roche Diagnostics
B-70 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing QC

Performing interval QC measurements

a To define a QC order
1 To define a new order, do one of the following:
o Choose Overview > Order > .
o Choose Workplace > QC Status > .
A a test selection screen is displayed.

A Press to select all tests with due QC. Press again to cancel the selection.

Figure B-24

Interpreting the display The test is blocked for one of the following reasons:
o Calibration is required.
o The calibration failed.
o For the reagent set, the number of available tests is 0, or a reagent bottle is
missing (incomplete reagent set).

A QC is due or its result has not yet been accepted.

The reagent set is on board and ready for use.

The reagent set is not on board.

2 To select the tests, do one of the following:

o Press to select all tests with due QC.
This selection also applies to controls of the type QC after Cal.
o Press a test button.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains a button for each of the controls that are

If at this stage, the required controls are already loaded on the instrument, then the QC
orders are automatically created.

4 Prepare the controls.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-71
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing QC

5 Press a control button.

A screen is displayed, asking you to place the selected control.
6 Place the control tube on any free position on the sample area.
The system registers the position and automatically defines an order.
If there are more controls to place, the screen with the control buttons is displayed
again. The control you just placed is no longer active.
7 Select and place the remaining controls as described in steps 5 through 6.
When all controls have been selected and placed, the Overview tab is displayed.
8 Press to start processing the control orders.

Validating QC results

Flagged QC results If flags are generated, you must determine their cause and decide whether to accept
the result or to ignore it.
The effect of flagged QC results depends on the configuration.

Configuration setting Effect

QC Auto Accept: On Results that do not contain a flag are auto-
matically accepted. Results with flags that are
marked in a predefined list of flags that
should be ignored are also automatically
QC Auto Accept: Off All results need to be manually accepted.
QC Acceptable Flags Flags that are marked in this list will be
ignored by the system.
Table B-8 QC flag configuration and its effect

e See Result handling on page B-167.

See Editing the acceptable flags list on page B-162.

Roche Diagnostics
B-72 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing QC

a To validate the QC results

1 Choose Workplace > QC Status.
A screen is displayed that lists the most recent QC results for each test that is
installed on the system.


A Status D Result, if no flag was generated.

!: The result has not been accepted yet. Flag with highest priority, if a flag was
I: The result was ignored. generated.
@: The result has not been transmitted yet. Order status, if the control measurement
B Test name. has not been performed yet.
C Control ID.

Figure B-25

2 Select a result.
3 Press to look at result details.


A Test name D Result

B Control name E Calculation date and time.
C Accepted by: User name. $SYS$ means F Time when accepted.
automatically accepted. G Press to display context information of the
fluids used to perform QC for this test.

Figure B-26

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-73
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing QC

4 Press to close the screen.

If the QC result is outside the defined range, perform the QC again. If the results are
still outside the range, check for other causes. If all fails, perform a calibration.

5 Press .
6 Do one of the following:
o Press Accept to accept the QC results for the selected test.
o Press Ignore to exclude the result from further QC result calculations such as
QC history statistics.
When ignoring a result, the due status does not change.
In the QC results tables, ignored QC results are marked with "I".
Flags of ignored results are not inherited to dependent results.
o Press Retransmit to send the result again.
(This option is active if your instrument is connected to a host system.)

Interpreting the QC history

The QC history provides—on individual screens—information on the QC results of

the current and the previous calendar month as well as on results that were generated
before the previous month.
A graphic representation of the results provides a convenient way for comparing
results over a period of time.

a To interpret the QC history

1 Choose Workplace > QC History.
A screen is displayed that contains, one QC result entry for each lot of each test.


A Test name. C Date of most recent control. measure-

B Control ID. ment. If the control does not belong to
the current lot, Previous Lot is dis-
played instead of the date.

Figure B-27

Roche Diagnostics
B-74 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Performing QC

2 Press .
A graphic is displayed that shows either the QC results for the current or the
previous month, or those generated before the previous month.




A Calibrator change I -2.5s
B Reagent set change J -3s
C QC target value change K Press to print the graphic
D +3s L Press to display the results in a table
E +2.5s M Press to display the results of the previous
F +2s month
G Mean value N Press to display the results of the current
H -2s month
O Press to display the results that were gen-
erated before the last month

Figure B-28

o The date format in the month selection buttons is always month/year.

o Ignored QC results are not displayed in the graph, but they are included in the QC
History printout. Such results are marked with "I" at the end.
o Ignored QC results are not taken into account for QC history statistics.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-75
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Performing QC

3 Press to display the results in a table.

The results are sorted chronologically. An overview is followed by statistical data
for all stored results and for the results of the current month. (If a QC target value
change took place, only the results from this date onward are taken into account
for both statistics.)


A Date of QC measurement C Flag (if generated)

B Result or event

Figure B-29

4 Press to close the screen.

Performing reagent mixing

Reagents that contain Latex granules, for example D-Dimer, require periodic mixing.
The mixing interval is part of the application definitions and cannot be changed by
the user. The system checks every 30 minutes for reagent sets that require mixing.
e For mixing during the Prepare phase, see Performing reagent mixing on page B-29.

a To perform the mixing

1 Choose Overview > .
2 Press the button of the reagent set you want to mix.
A screen is displayed that contains details on the set.
3 Press .
(This button is available if there is a mixing interval defined for this reagent set.)
Mixing starts. A screen is displayed informing you about the progress of the
mixing action.
4 When mixing is finished, press to close the screen.
Closing the dialog box while mixing is in progress stops the mixing action.
Mixing would have to be performed anew.

Roche Diagnostics
B-76 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Finishing the shift

The typical end of shift activities are organized in a single wizard. By performing the
steps as suggested by this wizard, you put the instrument in a condition that allows
you to hand over operation to another operator or to shut down the system and
switch off the instrument.

Safety information

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following safety messages in particular are relevant:
Warning messages:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5

Skin inflammation caused by reagents

Direct contact with reagents may cause skin irritation, inflammation, or burns.
WARNING When handling reagents, be sure to wear protective equipment and observe the cautions
given in the package insert.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-77
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Finishing the shift

Short guide

The following table provides an overview of the steps that make up the end of shift
Step User action
1 Check for unfinished tasks. 1. Check for unfinished orders.
2. Check for nonvalidated results.
3. Check for results that were not transmitted.

2 Start the End Shift wizard. 1. On the Overview tab, press the End Shift but-

3 Perform data backup. 1. Press .

2. Insert the USB stick.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory.
5. Press .
6. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

4 Export support data. 1. Press .

2. Insert the USB stick, if you have removed it.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory.
5. Press .
6. Remove the USB stick.
7. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

5 Clean up the database. 1. Press .

2. Press to confirm the deletion.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

Table B-9 Steps for finishing the shift

Roche Diagnostics
B-78 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Step User action

6 Perform maintenance actions. 1. Check which maintenance actions are due.
2. Perform the maintenance actions.
Perform at least all red maintenance actions.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

7 Check the cuvette status. Replace at least all red cuvette segments.
1. Press the cuvette button.
2. Open the main cover.
3. Replace the cuvette segments.
4. Close the main cover.
5. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

8 Remove the reagent disk. 1. Choose Overview > .

2. Press
1. Open the main cover.
2. Lift the disk from the instrument.
3. Place the disk in its container.
4. Press .
5. Close the main cover.
6. Store the reagent disk in a cool place.

9 Empty the waste container. 1. Empty the waste container.

2. Press the Waste button to confirm.
3. Refill the water container.
4. Press the Water button to confirm.

10 Finish your shift. 1. Log off the system.

2. Shut down the system and switch off the main
instrument. (If there is no other shift.)

Table B-9 Steps for finishing the shift

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-79
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Finishing the shift

Checking for unfinished tasks

Checking for unfinished orders

a To check for unfinished orders

1 Choose Workplace > Orders.
2 Choose > Not Finished.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains all unfinished orders.
4 Do whatever is necessary to finish the orders.

Checking for not accepted sample results

Results must be accepted before they can be printed or transmitted to the host.

a To check for not accepted results

1 Choose Workplace > Result Review.
A screen is displayed that contains all sample results of the day.
2 Choose > Not Accepted.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains all sample results that have not been accepted
4 Select a result.
5 Press to validate the result.
A screen is displayed for selecting your decision.
e See Accepting results on page B-57.
See Repeating tests on page B-55.
See Rerunning tests on page B-56.

6 Press one of the buttons.

7 Select and validate the remaining results as described in Steps 4 through 6.
If you did not accept all results, deal with the not accepted ones and check for not
accepted results again.

Roche Diagnostics
B-80 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Checking the transmission of results

This step is only relevant if you work with a host system.
Before deleting the results, you must make sure they were properly transmitted to the

Results must be accepted before they can be transmitted to the host.

See also the information on Result handling on page B-167, in particular on the Auto
Accept settings.

a To check for results that were not transmitted

1 Choose Workplace > Result Review.
A screen is displayed that contains all sample results of the day.
2 Choose > Not Sent to Host.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains the sample results that have not been
successfully transmitted to the host.
4 Select a result.
5 Press .
A screen for validating results is displayed.
6 Press Retransmit.
The list with the results that were not transmitted successfully is displayed again.
The result you just retransmitted should no longer be present.
7 Select and retransmit the remaining results as described in Steps 4 through 6.
8 Choose > Not sent to Host.
The list should now be empty.
9 If the results were not successfully transmitted, contact the administrator of the
host computer.

Starting the End Shift wizard

The easiest way of performing the end of shift tasks is by following the End Shift

a To start the End Shift wizard

1 Choose Overview > End Shift.
A screen is displayed for performing daily backup.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-81
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Finishing the shift

Performing the daily backup

The cobas c111 instrument can store orders and result data for one working day. It is
therefore necessary to export to an external medium all data that you need to keep.
During a database export, the full content of the database is copied to the USB stick.
The database data can be restored to the instrument if required (Utilities > Import >
e For information on restoring the database, see Importing a database on page B-114.

a To perform the daily backup

1 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
2 Insert the USB stick.
A screen is displayed showing the directory structure of the USB stick.
3 Select the directory where you want the backup file to be copied.
4 Press to confirm the selection.
The data are copied to the stick.
Database files names have the following name format:
5 Press to proceed to the next stage in the End Shift wizard.
A screen is displayed for deleting sample results.

When performing backup without using the End Shift wizard:

Choose Utilities > Export > Database.

Roche Diagnostics
B-82 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Exporting the result data

When exporting results, the full result data are exported. The following results are
copied to the USB stick (each of the sets is contained in a separate file):

Data set File name

Sample results res_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
QC results qcs_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
QC history results qch_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
Calibration results cal_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
Process event log pev_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv

File format Result data are exported as comma-separated value (csv) files. The entries are
separated by semicolons (;).
e For details on csv definitions, see Exporting results on page B-105.

These files can be processed with any spreadsheet program that can import csv files.

a To export the results

1 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
2 Insert the USB stick.
A screen is displayed showing the directory structure of the USB stick.
3 Select the directory where you want the result files to be copied.
4 Press to confirm the selection.
The data are copied to the stick.
5 Press to proceed to the next stage in the End Shift wizard.
A screen is displayed for deleting sample results.

When performing backup without using the End Shift wizard:

Choose Utilities > Export > Full Results.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-83
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Finishing the shift

Cleaning up the database

The cobas c111 instrument can store orders and results data for one working day. It
is therefore necessary to delete results and orders to ensure that there is enough space
on the system for the next shift.

By deleting the sample results, you delete the corresponding orders as well.

a To clean up the database

1 Press .
The following results will be deleted:
o Accepted sample results.
o QC results that were accepted are deleted from the QC Status list (they remain
in the QC history).
o QC results that were generated before the first day of the previous month are
deleted from the QC history.
o Obsolete calibration results, provided there are more than five obsolete results
for the same test.
(Results become obsolete if the empty set was removed or if the set was
removed more than 30 days ago.)
2 Press to confirm the deletion.
The results are deleted.
3 Press to proceed to the next stage in the End Shift wizard.
A screen for handling cuvettes is displayed.

When deleting results outside the End Shift wizard:

You can delete accepted sample results, calibrations, orders, and accepted and ignored
QC results by pressing in the respective result lists.
e To delete orders on page B-93
e To delete sample results on page B-94
e To delete a calibration on page B-95
e To delete QC results from the QC Status list on page B-97
e To delete QC results from the QC History on page B-97

Maintenance action Cleanup Database

The maintenance action Cleanup Database is intended for situations where the system
does not work efficiently any more, it is not intended to clear up the data at the end of a

Roche Diagnostics
B-84 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Performing maintenance actions

To ensure the smooth running of the system, you should perform all due
maintenance actions. Performing these actions as part of the end of shift activities
ensures that at the beginning of the next shift, when there might be many tests to be
performed, the system is ready for processing quickly.

a To perform maintenance actions

1 Follow the instructions given in To perform maintenance actions on page B-19.
2 Press to proceed to the next stage in the End Shift wizard.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the cuvettes.

When performing maintenance actions without using the End Shift wizard:
Choose Utilities > Maintenance.

Replacing cuvettes

a To replace cuvettes
1 Follow the instructions given in To prepare the cuvettes on page B-28.
2 Press to proceed to the next stage in the End Shift wizard.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the external fluid bottles.

When replacing cuvettes without using the End Shift wizard:

Choose Overview > .

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-85
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Finishing the shift

Dealing with the external fluid bottles

Emptying the waste container

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Infection by waste solution on page B-5.

To prevent unpleasant smells and contamination of the environment, you need to

empty the waste at the end of your shift.

a To empty the waste container

1 Remove the tubing adapter from the yellow waste container and insert it in the
spare container.
2 Remove the bottle from the rack and place it on a firm and even surface.
3 Place the spare container on the rack.
4 Follow the instructions given in To check the waste container on page B-17.

Roche recommend to refill the water container whenever you empty the waste container.

When emptying the waste without using the End Shift wizard:
Choose Overview > > .

Refilling the external water bottle

Danger of poor measurement quality due to inadequate water quality

Inadequate water quality may lead to incorrect results. Always use purified water of the
WARNING quality specified in section Technical specifications.

a To refill the external water container

1 Remove the tubing adapter from the white water container and place it on a clean
2 Follow the instructions given in To check the water container on page B-16.

Roche recommend to empty the waste container whenever you refill the water container.

When refilling the water without using the End Shift wizard:
Choose Overview > > .

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B-86 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Finishing the shift

Removing the reagent disk

During periods when you do not perform tests, the disk should be stored in a clean
refrigerated place at temperatures in the range of 2 to 8°C.

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page B-5. The
following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page B-5.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page B-5.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page B-5.

Spillage through tipping reagent disk

The reagent disk container can slip off or tip over if it is not placed on an even horizontal
CAUTION surface.
When storing the reagent disk container, make sure to place it on a firm, even, horizontal
surface that is easily accessible.
When handling the reagent disk, make sure not to tilt it.

a To remove the reagent disk

1 Choose Overview > > .
A screen is displayed, asking you to remove the reagent disk.
2 Open the main cover.
3 Remove the reagent disk.
4 Place the reagent disk in the reagent disk container.
5 Close the main cover.
6 Store the reagent disk container in a refrigerated place.

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Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-87
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Logging off

Logging off

You should log off the system before you hand it over to another operator. (Only one
person can be logged on at any time.)
You can log off any time, even while the system is processing orders.

a To log off the system

1 Choose Overview > button with your user name.

Automatic logoff
You can configure the system to automatically log off the user after a configurable period
of inactivity (Utilities > Configuration > System > Screen Saver Wait  0; Utilities >
Configuration > System > Auto Log-off = On).

Viewing alarms while you are logged off

You can view alarms any time, even when you are logged off.

e For configuring automatic logoff, see System on page B-168.

If there is no other shift, you can now shut down the system and switch off the
main instrument.

Shutting down the system and switching off the instrument

When you switch off the system, reagent cooling stops. Therefore, you need to remove the
reagent disk and store it in a cool place before switching off the system.

Preconditions The system must be in Standby status.

a To shut down the system and switch off the main instrument
1 Press
2 The Stop screen is displayed.
3 Press Shutdown to shut down the system.

Wait until the screen is black.

4 Press O on the power toggle switch.

Roche Diagnostics
B-88 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 5 Daily operation
Using the barcode scanner

Using the barcode scanner

e For information on the barcodes, see Barcode scanner on page A-61.

Because the barcodes on reagent bottles and sample tubes are different, you use the
barcode scanner in a different way. The various procedures are described in the
following sections.

Loss of sight
The intense light of the LEDs may severely damage you eyes. Do not stare into the LEDs.
WARNING Scanning equipment using LED technology is covered by the international standard
IEC 60825-1 LED Safety: Class 1.

Injury through reagents and other working solutions

Direct contact with reagents, cleaning solutions, or other working solutions may cause
personal injury. When handling reagents, exercise the precautions required for handling
laboratory reagents, observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the
information given in the Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics reagents and
cleaning solutions.

Malfunction due to spilled liquid

Any liquid spilled on the instrument may result in malfunction of the instrument. If liquid
CAUTION does spill on the instrument, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
Make sure you do not tilt the bottle or sample tube when scanning its barcode.

Reading reagent bottle barcodes

a To use the barcode scanner for reading reagent bottle barcodes

1 When a screen is displayed, asking you to scan, use the barcode scanner and scan
the barcode.
2 Make sure not to tilt the bottle while scanning its barcode.
3 Hold the scanner at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 in) from the barcode,
pull the trigger on the scanner and point the red light just outside the barcode.
4 Move the light slowly across the barcode.
5 Wait until you hear a beep and release the trigger.
If the reading was successful, a screen is displayed, asking you to place the bottle
on the reagent disk.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-89
5 Daily operation cobas c111
Using the barcode scanner

Reading barcodes from sheets

a To use the barcode scanner for reading barcodes from sheets

1 When a screen is displayed, asking you to scan, use the barcode scanner and scan
the barcode.
2 Place the barcode transfer sheet on a flat surface and smooth it out.
3 Hold the scanner at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 in) from the barcode,
pull the trigger on the scanner and point the red light just outside the barcode.
4 Move the light slowly across the barcode.
5 Wait until you hear a beep and release the trigger.
If the reading was successful, a screen is displayed, asking you to place the item.

Reading sample tube barcodes

For safety reasons, the barcode scanner is set to only read barcodes that contain a check-

a To use the barcode scanner for reading sample tube barcodes

1 When a screen is displayed, asking you to scan, use the barcode scanner and scan
the barcode.
2 Make sure not to tilt the sample tube while scanning its barcode.
3 Hold the scanner at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 in) from the barcode,
pull the trigger on the scanner and point the red light at the barcode.
4 Wait until you hear a noise and release the trigger.
If the reading was successful, a screen for selecting tests is displayed.

Roche Diagnostics
B-90 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Table of contents

Special operations
The tasks you do not perform every day

In this chapter, you will find information on operator tasks that are not part of the
daily routine of analyzing samples.

In this chapter Chapter 6

Deleting sample orders .................................................................................................. B-93
Deleting sample results .................................................................................................. B-94
Calibration ...................................................................................................................... B-95
Deleting calibration results ..................................................................................... B-95
Setting up your calibration schedule ..................................................................... B-96
Deleting QC results ....................................................................................................... B-96
Lot handling .................................................................................................................... B-98
Viewing the current lot definitions ....................................................................... B-98
Calibrator and QC lots ...................................................................................... B-98
Reagent lots ......................................................................................................... B-99
Viewing the lot details of fluids that were used ................................................. B-101
Adding a new lot .................................................................................................... B-101
Exporting data .............................................................................................................. B-104
Exporting the database .......................................................................................... B-104
Exporting results .................................................................................................... B-105
Interpreting result data ......................................................................................... B-106
Exporting log files .................................................................................................. B-110
Importing data .............................................................................................................. B-111
Importing applications .......................................................................................... B-111
Importing software ................................................................................................ B-113
Importing a database ............................................................................................. B-114
Importing certificates ............................................................................................ B-115
Importing automatic mixing and extra wash cycle definitions ....................... B-116
Preparing a new disk .................................................................................................... B-116
Assigning tests to test tabs .......................................................................................... B-119
Deleting bottle sets from the Inventory list .............................................................. B-120
Refilling printer paper ................................................................................................. B-122
Removing condensation water from the reagent cooler ......................................... B-124
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-91
6 Special operations cobas c111
Table of contents

Replacing the probe ..................................................................................................... B-125

Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers ................................ B-127
Adjusting the touchscreen .......................................................................................... B-130
Cleaning the touchscreen ............................................................................................ B-131

Roche Diagnostics
B-92 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Deleting sample orders

Deleting sample orders

Sample orders are normally deleted as part of the daily end of shift activities. This
section describes how to proceed if you need to delete sample orders outside the
normal daily routine.
e For deleting orders at the end of a shift, see Cleaning up the database on page B-84.

Preconditions for deleting The orders should be fully processed before you delete them.

a To delete orders
1 Choose Workplace > Orders.
A screen is displayed that lists all currently defined sample orders.
2 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to delete an individual order: 1. Select the order entry in the list.
2. Press .
3. Press Selected.
You want to delete all or a specific group of 1. Press .
orders: 2. Press the appropriate filter button.
3. Press to confirm the selection.
4. Press .
5. Press List [filter criterion].

The orders are deleted. You cannot retrieve them any more from the system.

o By deleting a sample order, you delete the associated results as well.

o You can delete a running order. After deleting the order, cuvettes and reagents that
were not used are released again for future use

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-93
6 Special operations cobas c111
Deleting sample results

Deleting sample results

Sample results are normally deleted as part of the daily end of shift activities. This
section describes how to proceed if you need to delete sample results outside the
normal daily routine.
e For deleting results at the end of a shift, see Cleaning up the database on page B-84.

Preconditions for deleting Sample results should be accepted and printed or sent to the host before deleting.

a To delete sample results

1 Choose Workplace > Result Review.
A screen is displayed that lists all results.
2 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You want to delete an individual sample 1. Select the result entry in the list.
result: 2. Press .
3. Press Selected.
You want to delete all or a specific group 1. Press .
of sample results: 2. Press the appropriate filter button.
3. Press to confirm the selection.
4. Press .
5. Press List [filter criterion].

The results are deleted. You cannot retrieve them any more from the system.

By deleting all sample results of an order, you delete the corresponding order as well.

Roche Diagnostics
B-94 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations


Deleting calibration results

Obsolete calibration results are automatically deleted as part of the daily end of shift
activities if there are more than five obsolete calibration results for the test.
(Calibration results become obsolete when the empty set is removed or if it was
removed more than 30 days ago.)
This section describes how to proceed if you need to delete results outside the normal
daily routine.
e For deleting calibration results at the end of a shift, see Cleaning up the database on
page B-84.

a To delete a calibration
1 Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
2 Select the calibration entry.
3 Press .
A confirmation screen is displayed.
4 Press .
The order and the results are deleted. You cannot retrieve them any more from
the system.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-95
6 Special operations cobas c111
Deleting QC results

Setting up your calibration schedule

The cobas c111 instrument provides convenient software-supported procedures for

the following major calibration scenarios:
o Performing all calibrations that are currently due
o Performing all calibrations that fall due within a configurable forecast period
o Performing individual calibrations
Performing calibration as part of the Prepare wizard includes performing all
calibrations that are due and that will fall due during the forecast period.
The following table lists the configurable definitions and describes their effect.

Definition item Configuration path Effect

Forecast Hours Utilities > Period of time, starting with the current
Configuration > date, within which calibration falls due.
Calibration Defining a forecast period (value other than
zero) allows to concentrate calibration per-
formance to specific days.
Cal Auto Accept Utilities > If on, results that are not flagged are auto-
Configuration > Result matically accepted.
Handling Results with flags that are marked in a pre-
defined list of acceptable flags would also be
automatically accepted.
Cal Acceptable Utilities > List of calibration relevant flags. Flags that
Flags Configuration > Result are marked are automatically accepted if
Handling Cal Auto Accept is on.
Table B-10 Calibration definitions and their effect

Deleting QC results

o QC results are displayed in the QC Status list as soon as they are generated. A copy of
the results is also placed in the QC History list. This list keeps the results of the previ-
ous and the current months.
o Deleting QC results, deletes the associated orders as well.

Accepted QC results are normally deleted from the QC Status list as part of the daily
end of shift activities, at the same time, results that were generated before the first day
of the previous month are deleted from the QC History list.
This section describes how to proceed if you need to delete QC results outside the
normal daily routine.
e For deleting QC results at the end of a shift, see Cleaning up the database on page B-84.

Roche Diagnostics
B-96 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Deleting QC results

a To delete QC results from the QC Status list

1 Choose Workplace > QC Status.
2 Press .
A screen for selecting results is displayed.
3 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You want to delete all QC results: 1. Choose All.
2. Press to confirm the deletion.
You want to delete all accepted QC results: 1. Choose All Accepted.
2. Press to confirm the deletion.
You want to delete the selected result: 1. Choose Selected.

The results are deleted. You cannot retrieve them any more from the system.

a To delete QC results from the QC History

1 Choose Workplace > QC History.
2 Press .
A screen for selecting results is displayed.
3 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You want to delete all results in the list: 1. Choose List.
(If a filter was applied, this list would 2. Press to confirm the deletion.
contain only the results that fulfill the filter
criterion, and the filter criterion would be
part of the button name.)
You want to delete all results that were 1. Choose Older than Previous Month.
generated before the first day of the 2. Press to confirm the deletion.
previous month:

You want to delete the results of the 1. Choose Selected.

selected control:

The results are deleted. You cannot retrieve them any more from the system.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-97
6 Special operations cobas c111
Lot handling

Lot handling

Both the lot data and its handling depend on what item the lot refers to:
o Calibrators (calibrator lot)
o Controls (QC lot)
o Reagents, diluents (reagent lot)

Viewing the current lot definitions

Calibrator and QC lots

a To view calibrator or lot data

1 Choose Workplace > Lot Data.
2 Press either Controls or Calibrators.
A screen is displayed that lists all installed lots.

The following description shows an example of viewing a calibrator lot.


A Calibrator name. B Lot ID

Asterisk: The lot data were changed by the C Expiration date
[not installed]: The associated applica-
tion is not installed.

Figure B-30

3 Select the calibrator and expand the entry.

Roche Diagnostics
B-98 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Lot handling

4 Select a test and expand the entry.


A Calibrator name B Associated test

Asterisk: The lot data were changed by the C Lot values
[not installed]: The associated applica-
tion is not installed.

Figure B-31

Calibrators that were defined or changed manually are marked with an asterisk.

Reagent lots
You can view the lot number in the reagent set details.

a To check the status of an individual reagent set

1 Choose Overview > .
2 Press a reagent set icon.
A screen is displayed that contains information on the selected reagent set,
including its lot number.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-99
6 Special operations cobas c111
Lot handling

a To gain a general overview of the currently defined reagent sets

1 Choose Utilities > Inventory.
The Bottle sets list is displayed. It contains all bottle sets that are defined on any
of the disks used on this cobas c111 instrument, including sets that were removed
from the disk, as long as they were not empty or their expiration date has not
passed yet.


A Number of tests left C R indicates that the set was removed from
B ID of reagent disk on which the set is the disk.

Figure B-32

2 Select a set and press .

A dialog box is displayed that contains detailed set information.
3 Press .
A dialog box is displayed that contains set, calibration, and QC information.
4 Press to close the dialog boxes until the Utilities tab is displayed.

Roche Diagnostics
B-100 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Lot handling

Viewing the lot details of fluids that were used

For sample, calibration, and QC results, you can check to which lot the used fluids
belong (reagents, calibrators, controls).

a To check context information of a result

1 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to check the context information 1. Choose Workplace > Result Overview.
of a sample result: 2. Select a result.
3. Choose > .
You want to check the context information 1. Choose Workplace > QC Status.
of a QC result: 2. Select a result.
3. Choose > .
You want to check the context information 1. Choose Workplace > Calibrations.
of a calibration result: 2. Select a result.
3. Choose > .

A screen is displayed that lists the lot IDs for the used reagent set, calibrators, and
controls. (The following figure shows an example of sample-result lot-data.)

2 Scroll to display the information, if required.

3 Press to close the screen.

Adding a new lot

Lot data are usually contained in the barcode of the item, and you define them by
scanning the barcode. With the exception of reagent and diluent lots—they can be
defined by scanning their barcodes only—all lots can also be defined manually.

Defining lots manually requires utmost diligence

During lot definition you need to type data that are directly relevant to result generation.

You would for example define the lot data manually if you cannot read the barcode
for some reason, or in the case where you work with lab-specific controls or third-
party controls that do not include barcode transfer sheets for lot data.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-101
6 Special operations cobas c111
Lot handling

Preparation tasks Make sure that the controls and calibrators are assigned to the application.
e See Preparing applications on page B-140.

a To define a control lot

1 Choose Workplace > Lot Data.
2 Press Controls.
A screen is displayed that lists all installed control lots.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode transfer sheet or to type the
data manually.
4 Define the lot values.
Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
The lot data are 1. Scan the barcode.
available from a The screen is displayed again that lists all installed control lots.
barcode The new lot is selected.
You want to type 1. Press .
the data manually 2. Type the name and press .
3. Type the material code and press .
You find this code in Utilities > Applications > select a test >
> Control.
4. Type the Lot ID and press .
5. Type the expiration date. Use the date format as indicated on
the screen.
6. Press to confirm the definitions.
If a lot with the same ID already exists on the system, a screen is
displayed, asking you whether you want to replace the existing
Press to confirm the definitions.
7. Press *Add new test*.
8. Press .
A screen is displayed that contains all tests that use this control
and that have not yet been assigned to this lot.
9. Select a test and press .
10. Type the value for the mean concentration and press .
11. Type the value for the standard deviation.
12. Press to confirm the definitions.
The screen for handling control lot data is displayed again.
13. Perform steps 7 through 12 for all tests you want to use.

Roche Diagnostics
B-102 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Lot handling

a To define a calibrator lot

1 Choose Workplace > Lot Data.
2 Press Calibrators.
A screen is displayed that lists all installed calibrator lots.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode or to type the data manually.
4 Define the lot values. Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
The lot data are 1. Scan the barcode.
available from a bar- The screen is displayed again that lists all installed calibrator lots.
code The new lot is selected.
You want to type the 1. Press .
data manually 2. Type the name (up to 10 alphanumeric characters) and press .
3. Type the material code and press .
Refer to the package insert.
4. Type the lot ID (up to nine alphanumeric characters) and press .
5. Type the expiration date and press .
Use the date format as indicated on the screen.
6. Type the number of calibrators (cups) you need to place on the
instrument. Use the information given on the package insert.
(Exclude calibrators that use system water from this number. See
step 14.)
7. Press to confirm the definitions.
8. Press *Add new test*.
9. Press .
A screen is displayed that shows all tests that have this calibrator
defined for them and that are not yet assigned to this lot.
10. Press one of the test buttons.
11. Press .
12. Define the first calibration value (target value).
13. Define the next calibration value.
You can define up to six calibration values, and you must define
them in descending order.
14. Select the value for Last is Water.
Press On if you want to calibrate with system water as zero cali-
brator. (In this case, no cup needs to be placed on the system. (See
step 7).
Press Off if you want to use a special zero calibrator for the cali-
bration. (The special zero calibrator needs to be placed on the
sample area.)
15. Press to confirm the definitions.

Calibration values (target values) in method sheets may be defined in increasing order of
concentration. Always define the values in decreasing order on the cobas c111 instru-

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-103
6 Special operations cobas c111
Exporting data

Exporting data

f Utilities > Export

Exporting the database

The database is normally exported as part of the daily backup during the end of shift
e See Performing the daily backup on page B-82.

During a database export, the full content of the database is copied to the USB stick.
The database data can be restored to the instrument if required.
e See Importing a database on page B-114.

a To export the database

1 Choose Utilities > Export > Database.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
2 Insert the USB stick.
3 Press .
4 Select the directory.
5 Press to confirm the selection.
The data are copied to the USB stick.
Database files names have the following name format:

Roche Diagnostics
B-104 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Exporting data

Exporting results

When exporting results, the full result data are copied into an archive on the USB
The archive has the name format csv_yyyymmddhhmmss.tgz, and it contains the
following files:

Data set File name

Sample results res_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
QC results qcs_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
QC history results qch_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
Calibration results cal_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv
Process event log pev_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv

File format Result data are exported as line-oriented comma-separated value (csv) files.
The following definitions apply:
o Character set: ISO1LATIN1 - ANSI - ISO8859-1 - ISO Latin 1, Western
o Separator: Semicolon (;)
o Element qualifier: Quote (“) (ASCII-Code 34 (0x22)
o Empty element: Two quotes (“”) (ASCII-Code 34 (0x22)
o Line terminator: Standard Win Style (CRLF) ASCII-Code 13+10 (0x0D + 0x0A)
These files can be processed with any spreadsheet program that can import csv files.

a To export the support data

1 Choose Utilities > Export > Full Results.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
2 Insert the USB stick.
3 Press .
4 Select the directory.
A screen is displayed for selecting a directory.
Press <*.csv> to archive files only.
Press <*.*> to display all files and directories.
5 Press to confirm the selection.
The data are copied to the USB stick. The screen for exporting data is displayed

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-105
6 Special operations cobas c111
Exporting data

Interpreting result data

The following tables list, for the sample, calibration, and QC result files, the column
headings of the spreadsheet and provide information on the kind of information the
columns contain.

res_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv Column Title Description

Instr Instrument ID (always 30 for cobas c111)
Msg Message Type:
7 Result for sample, control, or calibration
Index 166 ID of the data set used
App Application code
Date Date when the result was calculated
Time Time when the result was calculated
SW-Version Software version installed on the instrument
Serial Serial number of the instrument
Test Short name of the application
User User name ($SYS$ if Auto Accept is on)
Sample Sample ID
Order-Time Time when the order was started
Result Results of the measurement
Unit Defined display unit
Flags Flag name
Rates Rate value calculated in Abs. (Last Calculation Point - First
Calculation Point)
Raw1 - Raw40 Absorbance value of cycle 1 through 40 in Abs. (one cycle = 18 s)
isSTAT Generated as part of a STAT order
Table 33 Explanations on test results

Roche Diagnostics
B-106 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Exporting data

cal_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv Column Title Description

Instr Instrument ID (always 30 for cobas c111)
Msg Message Type:
7 Result for sample, control, or calibration
Index 151 Calibration data
152 Std-1 value
153 Std-2 value
154 Std-3 value
155 Std-4 value
156 Std-5 value
157 Std-6 value
App Application code
Date Date when the result was generated
Time Time when the result was calculated
SW-Version Software version installed on the instrument
Serial Serial number of the instrument
Cal/Std Calibrator ID (C.f.a.s. = 401) and standard number
User User name ($SYS$ if Auto Accept is on)
Lot Lot number
LS/Value Calibration type/Target value of corresponding calibrator
L Lot calibration
S Set calibration
Unit Defined display unit
Flags Flag name
R0/Rate Offset and factor of the calibration curve
Kc/Raw01 Kc parameter value or absorbance value of cycle 1 in Abs.
A/Raw02 A parameter value or absorbance value of cycle 2 in Abs.
B/Raw03 B parameter value or absorbance value of cycle 3 in Abs.
C/Raw04 C parameter value or absorbance value of cycle 4 in Abs.
Raw05 - Raw40 Absorbance value of cycle 5 through 40 in Abs. (one cycle = 18 s)
Test Short name of the application
Table 34 Explanations on calibration results

If the calibration results were accepted using Use Old, "???" is displayed as the Date and
Time values, and the corresponding values for Raw1 - Raw40 are missing.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-107
6 Special operations cobas c111
Exporting data

qcs_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv Column Title Description

Instr Instrument ID (always 30 for cobas c111)
Msg Message Type:
7 Result for sample, control, or calibration
Index 161 Data values
App Application code
Date Date when the result was generated
Time Time when the result was calculated
SW-Version Software version installed on the instrument
Serial Serial number of the instrument
Ctrl Control ID
User User name ($SYS$ if Auto Accept is on)
Lot Lot ID
Mean Mean value
Result Result value
Unit Defined display unit
Flags Flag name
Rate Rate value calculated in Abs. (First Calculation Point - Last
Calculation Point)
Raw1 - Raw40 Absorbance value of cycle 1 through 40 in Abs. (one cycle = 18 s)
Test Short name of the application
Ignored "I" if the QC result was ignored
Table 35 Explanations on QC results

qch_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv Column Title Description

Instr Instrument ID (always 30 for cobas c111)
Msg Message Type:
8 QC history result
Index 151 Data values
App Application code
Date Date when the result was calculated
Time Time when the result was calculated
SW-Version Software version installed on the instrument
Serial Serial number of the instrument
Ctrl Control ID
User User name ($SYS$ if Auto Accept is on)
Lot Lot ID
Mean Mean value
Result Result value
Unit Defined display unit
Flags Flag name
SD Standard deviation
Test Short name of the application
Ignored "I" if the QC result was ignored
Table 36 Explanations on QC history results

Roche Diagnostics
B-108 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Exporting data

pev_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv Column Title Description

Instr Instrument ID (always 30 for cobas c111)
Msg Message Type:
9 Process event
Index 191 Reagent usage changed
192 Calibrator assigned valued changed
193 QC assigned valued changed
199 Other process event
App Application code
Date Date when the event took place
Time Time when the event took place
SW-Version Software version installed on the instrument
Serial Serial number of the instrument
Event Description of the event
User User name ($SYS$ "system user" = ??? if nobody is logged in)
Test Short name of the application
Table 37 Explanations on process events

The following figure is an example of a test result file that was opened in a
spreadsheet tool. Rows 11 and 12 represent the raw data of a development channel
application with the short name DCBLG.

Figure 3 Example of spreadsheet representation of a test result raw data file

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-109
6 Special operations cobas c111
Exporting data

Exporting log files

During troubleshooting, you may be asked to export the log files and to send them to
by the service representative for examination.
The log-files contain the alarm messages and system logs.

a To export the log files

1 Choose Utilities > Export > Log Files.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
2 Insert the USB stick.
3 Press to confirm the insertion.
A screen is displayed for selecting a directory.
Press *.tgz to display cobas c111system files only.
Press *.* to display all files and directories.
4 Select the directory.
5 Press to confirm the definitions.
The data are copied to the USB stick. The screen for exporting data is displayed

Roche Diagnostics
B-110 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Importing data

Importing data

f Utilities > Import

You can import the following kinds of data:
o Application data (application definitions)
o Software (software updates)
o Database (as exported using Utilities > Export > Database)
o Certificates (digital records that ensure the authenticity of reagent barcodes)
o Extra wash cycle and mixing rule definitions

Importing applications

Importing an application consists of two steps:

1. Importing the data to the instrument by reading a barcode or a data file. This step
stores the data on the instrument.
2. Installing the application. This step activates the application on the instrument
and so makes it available for use.

a To import application data

1 Do one of the following:
o Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters, then continue
with step 2.
o Choose Utilities > Import > Application, then continue with step 4.
2 Press .
3 Press Import Application.
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode or to import the data from
the USB stick.
4 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You intend to scan the barcode: 1. Scan the barcode from the barcode
You intend to import from the USB stick: 1. Press .
2. Insert the USB stick.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory that contains the
application file.
You recognize the application pack-
ages by their file extension .tsb.
5. Press to confirm the selection.

The system checks whether there is already an application on the system with
identical application code and short name.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-111
6 Special operations cobas c111
Importing data

The following table lists the basic situations.

If… This happens…

Both, the application code and The laboratory parameters, for example the short
the short name exist: name, are retained from the existing application.
The application definitions are replaced on the system
by the new ones.
The application code exists, and The laboratory parameters of the new application are
the short name does not exist for used, for example the short name.
any application on the system: The application definitions are replaced on the system
by the new ones.
The short name exists, but the A screen is displayed for changing the short name to a
application code does not: unique short name.
If you do not change the short name, the application
is not imported.

e For detailed information on possible conflicts when importing applications, see the
section on installing and configuring development channel applications in the
cobas c111 Development Channel Operator’s Manual.

If you want to replace both the laboratory parameters and the application definitions,
you first need to uninstall and delete the existing application and then to import the
new application.

If the application you are importing is a development channel application, note

the following possible exceptional situations:

Situation Explanation and possible actions

No crypto module is installed. A message is displayed, informing the operator of this
The system does not import the application.
The maximum number of devel- A message is displayed, informing the operator of this
opment channel applications is fact.
already installed. 1. Uninstall and then delete a development channel
2. Start the import process again.

The applications list (Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters) is

displayed. The application name is displayed in square brackets, for example
[GLU2], to indicate that the application is not installed yet.
To make the application available for performing tests, you now need to install it.

a To install an application
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select an application whose name is in square brackets.
3 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
B-112 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Importing data

4 Choose Install Application.

The system checks whether there is already an application installed on the system
with identical application code or short name.
In the applications list, the application name is displayed without brackets and in
the profile details the short name is displayed.
The profiles that use this application are included in the test selection screen,
provided that all applications of the profiles are installed.
5 Prepare the application.
e See Preparing applications on page B-140.

Importing software

This function is usually used for installing software updates.

a To import system software

1 Choose Utilities > Import > Software.
A screen is displayed, asking you whether you want forced download of controller
software, that is whether you want to overwrite the current controller firmware
irrespective of its current status.
2 Do one of the following:
o Press to overwrite the controller firmware .
o Press to perform standard import.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
3 Insert the USB stick.
4 Press .
5 Select the software package.
You recognize the software packages by their file extension .tar.
6 Press to confirm the selection.
The software is installed on the system. A message will inform you when the
installation is complete.
The system will automatically reboot.
When the import is complete, the Overview tab is displayed, and the system is in
Standby status.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-113
6 Special operations cobas c111
Importing data

Importing a database

Compatibility o If the version of the imported database is older than the one on the target system,
the imported database will be converted to the version on the system.
o If the version of the imported database is more recent than the one on the target
system, the database cannot be imported.

Typical situations Importing a database is mainly done in the following situations:

o You want to restore your existing system to a previous status, for example from a
backup version of the database that was generated on the same system.
o You want to install a known system setup on another system (cloning).
The following table illustrates the different effects in the two situations.

Data item Identical source and Different source and

target system target systems
Installed applications Overwrite Write, overwrite if present
System configuration Overwrite Write, overwrite if present
Bottle set inventory Overwrite Write, overwrite if present
Bottle sets Mark as removed Mark as removed
Lot information for calibra- Overwrite Write, overwrite if present
tors and controls
Sample orders and results Overwrite Delete if present
QC orders and results Overwrite Delete if present
QC history results Overwrite Delete if present
Calibration orders and Overwrite Delete if present
Abs. Air/Water Calibration Delete Delete if present
Administrator password Reset to default value Reset to default value
Electrode definitions Delete Delete if present
ISE fluid bottle definitions Delete Delete if present
Table B-11 Effects on existing data when importing a database

a To import the database

1 Remove all bottles of all bottle sets of all disks defined on the target system, using
the appropriate software features.
e See Preparing the reagents on page B-22.

2 Choose Utilities > Import > Database.

A confirmation screen is displayed, informing you about the major effects of the
e For details see Table B-11 on page B-114.

3 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
4 Insert the USB stick.
5 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
B-114 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Importing data

6 Select the database file.

Typically, the file format looks like this: dba_yyyymmddhhmmss.tgz.
Press *.tgz to display cobas c111system files only.
Press *.* to display all files and directories.
7 Press to confirm the selection.
When the data are imported, a message is displayed, asking you to restart the
8 Choose > Restart to restart the system.

After the database installation

o Load all bottle sets that are defined, using the appropriate software features.
o Perform Abs. Air/Water Calibration maintenance action.

Importing certificates

Certificates are digital records that ensure the authenticity of reagent barcodes. On
each cobas c111 instrument there must be a certificate installed.

a To import certificates
1 Choose Utilities > Import > Certificate.
A screen is displayed, that lists the currently installed certificates.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
3 Insert the USB stick.
4 Press .
5 Select the certificate.
You recognize a certificate by its file extension .prm.
6 Press to confirm the selection.
The certificates are installed on the system.
The screen is displayed again, that lists the currently installed certificates.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-115
6 Special operations cobas c111
Preparing a new disk

Importing automatic mixing and extra wash cycle definitions

Mixing and extra wash cycle information is contained in a separate barcode on a

barcode transfer sheet.

a To import mixing and extra wash cycle information

1 Choose Utilities > Import > EWC/Mixing.
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode.
2 Scan the barcode.
The data are installed on the system. A message will inform you when the
installation is complete. The screen for importing data is displayed again.
e For information on defining extra wash cycles see Defining extra wash cycles on
page B-170.

Preparing a new disk

Injury through reagents and other working solutions

Direct contact with reagents, cleaning solutions, or other working solutions may cause
WARNING personal injury.
When handling reagents, exercise the precautions required for handling laboratory
reagents, observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information
given in the Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics reagents and cleaning

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Contact with moving parts of the instrument may cause personal injuries, stop the instru-
ment from processing, and cause damage to instrument parts.
o Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.
o Keep all covers closed, operate them as instructed on the screen.

Roche Diagnostics
B-116 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Preparing a new disk

NOTICE Damage to the reagent disk

The reagent disk is designed to handle reagents while it is loaded on the instrument. The
cover is equipped with a locking mechanism.
Remove or insert bottles only when the reagent disk is loaded on the instrument and
always use the software functions to perform these tasks.

You can use up to eight different reagent disks on one cobas c111 instrument. Each
reagent disk is equipped with numbered tabs. For automatic disk identification by the
instrument, one—and only one—of these tabs is removed. The number of this
removed tab is the disk ID. When you label the disk, make sure that the number on
the label corresponds to that of the removed tab.



A Reagent disk IDs. There are eight possible C Identification tabs

IDs. D The tab has been removed for automatic
B Disk label. The number must correspond to disk recognition
the reagent disk ID.

Figure B-38 Reagent disk ID

a To prepare a new reagent disk

Defining the disk ID 1 Be sure to select an ID that is not used by any other reagent disk you intend to use
on this cobas c111 instrument.
You can choose a number between one and eight.
2 Print the number on a label and stick the label on the disk (A).
3 Using pliers, break off the ID tab (C, D) with the same number as the one printed
on the label.

Loading the disk 4 On the system, choose Overview > .

A disk overview screen is displayed.
5 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the disk.
6 Open the main cover.
7 Place the reagent disk in the reagent cooler.
Make sure the reagent port faces the front and align the cut-outs with their
counterparts on the reagent cooler.
The system automatically detects that a disk was inserted.
A screen is displayed, asking you to close the main cover.
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-117
6 Special operations cobas c111
Preparing a new disk

8 Close the main cover.

At this stage, the system identifies the disk.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the reagent sets.

Loading reagent sets 9 Press .

A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the bottle barcode.
10 Scan the barcode on the bottle.
11 Remove the cap from the bottle and place it in the reagent bay.
12 Press to confirm the insertion.
If you confirm without placing the bottle, the system assumes that the bottle is
If you press after placing the bottle, the position is deemed empty.
When the first reagent bottle of a set is loaded, the reagent set is defined. From
this moment on, the reagents are handled as part of the set. You no longer handle
them as individual reagents.
13 Do one of the following:

If Do this
There is another bottle A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the bottle.
belonging to the set: 1. Scan the bottle
2. Insert the bottle.
3. Press to confirm the insertion.
All bottles of the set are 1. Close the main cover.
inserted: On the screen with the reagent set buttons, the button
for the new set is now present.

14 Press .
15 On the disk overview screen, press to load the next reagent. Proceed as
described in steps 10 through 15.

Roche Diagnostics
B-118 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Assigning tests to test tabs

Assigning tests to test tabs

The system provides two order modes: Easy and Full. When working in Easy mode,
the test selection screen consists of one panel, if working in Full mode, the screen
contains up to six panels, each is identified by a tab.
To make a test available for selection from the test selection screen, you need to
assign it to a test tab. This is done in two steps:
1. Naming the tabs (if required).
2. Assigning the tests to the tabs.

You need Lab Manager or Administrator rights for assigning tests to tabs.

Assignment when importing When you import applications, the tests are assigned to the tabs as follows:
o If you work in Easy mode, the tests are added to the Easy panel. (If the panel is
full, they will not be displayed.)
o If you work in Full mode, the tests are added to the Easy panel (if there is space)
and to the first Full mode tab. If there is not enough space on the first Full mode
tab, the test is added to the next tab that has space available.

a To name a test tab

1 Choose Utilities > Configuration > Workflow.
2 Expand the Workflow entry, scroll down, and select Test Tab 1...6 Name.
3 Press .
A screen for typing text is displayed.
e For details on typing text see Typing text on page A-76.

4 Type up to four characters.

This is the name of the tab on the screen for assigning tests.
5 Press .
The tab name is now available on the screen for assigning tests. See below.

a To assign a test to a tab

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the test you want to assign to a tab.
3 Press .
4 Select General and expand the entry.
5 Select Test Tabs.
6 Press .
A screen is displayed that provides a button for each of the possible tabs.
The Easy button is always available. It is the standard panel for working in Easy
order mode. (You cannot rename it.)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-119
6 Special operations cobas c111
Deleting bottle sets from the Inventory list

7 Select the buttons for all the tabs where the test should be displayed.
8 Press .
The tests are now available on the corresponding tabs on the test selection screen.

a To remove a test from a tab

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the test you want to remove.
3 Press .
4 Select General and expand the entry.
5 Select Test Tabs.
6 Press .
7 Cancel the selection of the button of the tab to which the test is assigned to.
8 Press .
The test is no longer available from the corresponding tab on the test selection

To move a test from one tab to another, delete it from the original tab and assign it to the
new tab.

Deleting bottle sets from the Inventory list

The Inventory list serves to gain an overview on the status of all bottle sets that are
defined on any of the reagent disks used on the cobas c111 instrument.
You can delete bottle sets from the list; this would be appropriate if you removed a set
from the disk and did not intend to use it again.

o Before you can delete a bottle set from the Inventory list you need to remove it from
the disk.
o Bottle sets that have been removed from the disk and whose expiration date had
passed more than 30 days ago are automatically deleted from the Inventory list, pro-
vided there is still a valid set for the same fluid on board. If this were not the case, the
set that was loaded last would remain in the inventory.

a To delete a bottle set from the Inventory list

Removing the bottle set 1 Remove the bottle set from the disk.
e Removing a reagent set on page B-25.

If the bottle set that you want to delete is not on the currently installed disk, you
need to change the disk first.
e Removing the reagent disk on page B-87, Preparing the reagent disk on page B-21.

Roche Diagnostics
B-120 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Deleting bottle sets from the Inventory list

Deleting the bottle set 2 Choose Utilities > Inventory.

The Bottle sets list is displayed. It contains all bottle sets that are defined on any
of the disks used on this cobas c111 instrument, including sets that were removed
from the disk, as long as they were not empty or their expiration date has not
passed yet.

Figure B-39

In the D column, removed bottle sets are marked with R (A).

3 Select the bottle set you want to delete.
4 Press
A confirmation dialog box is displayed. If the set cannot be deleted a message will
inform you.
5 Press to confirm the deletion.

It is not possible to place a bottle set on a reagent disk again, once it was deleted from the
Bottle sets list.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-121
6 Special operations cobas c111
Refilling printer paper

Refilling printer paper

You can refill the printer paper any time, provided printing is not in progress.

a To check the printer status

1 On the Overview tab, press the System status button.
The printer button is red if the printer is out of paper.
2 Scroll to display the Printer entry and read the text.

a To replace the printer paper

1 Make sure the printer is not currently printing.
2 Open the printer panel.

Be sure to press down the release button (A) firmly before you pull the panel. The
panel should open without resistance.

3 Lift the empty printer paper roll from its holder.

4 Remove the pin from the roll.
5 Insert the pin in the new roll.
6 Place the new roll on the holder.
Make sure the paper unrolls at the top and towards you.

Roche Diagnostics
B-122 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Refilling printer paper

7 Insert the paper in the slot in the printer panel and pull some through.

8 Close the printer panel.

The system feeds some paper.
If the system ran out of paper during printing, it will resume printing.
9 On the Overview tab, press the System status button.
The printer button should now be green, and the status description should
be OK.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-123
6 Special operations cobas c111
Removing condensation water from the reagent cooler

Removing condensation water from the reagent cooler

a To remove water from the reagent cooler

1 Make sure the system is in Standby status.
2 Choose Overview > > .
3 Open the main cover.
4 Remove the reagent disk.
Be sure not to tilt it and place it on an even surface.
5 Wipe the inside of the reagent cooler with a cloth or paper to remove the water.

6 Insert the reagent disk.

7 Close the cover.

Roche Diagnostics
B-124 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Replacing the probe

Replacing the probe

If the probe is bent, broken, or corroded, you need to replace it.

Tools and materials required o Probe and tubing set

o Tube with ISE Deproteinizer
o Tube with Activator
o Glass beaker

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury. When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

a To remove the probe

1 Make sure the system is in Standby status.
2 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
3 Remove the transfer head cover.
Press the release buttons on both sides and lift.
4 Release the tube leading to the probe from all tubing clips.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-125
6 Special operations cobas c111
Replacing the probe

5 Remove the sensor tubing adapter (A).

A Sensor tubing adapter D Probe holder

B Example of tubing clip E Tube fixation screw on distribution block
C Tube fixation screw on holder

Figure B-40

6 Remove the probe holder (D) from the carriage.

Press the release button on the side of the probe holder carriage and lift the probe
holder with the probe.
7 Unscrew the probe from its holder and remove it from it.
8 Place the probe in the beaker and the probe holder on a clean surface.
9 Unscrew the tubing from the distribution block (E).
10 Lift the tubing and wait until all fluid has run into the beaker.
11 Dispose of the probe assembly. Treat it as biohazardous waste.

a To install the new probe

1 Carefully insert the probe in the probe holder and fasten the screw that fixes the
tubing to the holder (C).
2 Reinstall the probe holder with the probe.
Press the release button on the side of the probe holder carriage while you insert
the probe holder. Release the button when the holder is inserted.
Push the holder firmly down until the release button latches on.
3 Reinstall the sensor tubing adapter.
Push down until the clips engage.
4 Screw the tubing to the distributor block.
5 Fix the tube to all tubing clips. Start near the probe holder.
Roche Diagnostics
B-126 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers

6 Install the transfer head cover.

Push down until the release buttons latch on.
7 Switch on the system.
The system performs internal checks and routines.
The startup phase may take a few minutes.
When the instrument is ready for use, the Overview tab is displayed, and its status
is Standby.
8 Log on the system.
9 Perform the Deproteinize Probe maintenance action.
e See Deproteinize the probe on page C-10.

Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers

Before switching on the system, make sure that all external fluid containers are placed
on the rack and properly connected.

a To connect the water container

1 Place the white full water container on the tray. (Always use purified water of the
quality specified in section Technical specifications.)
2 Connect the water tubing to the connector on the instrument by pushing the plug
firmly in the socket.


A Water container C Water connector

B Tubing adapter

Figure B-41

3 Insert the tubing adapter in the container and push it down firmly.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-127
6 Special operations cobas c111
Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers

a To connect the waste container

1 Place the empty yellow waste container on the tray.
2 Connect the waste tubing by pushing the plug firmly in the socket.


A Waste container C Waste connector

B Tubing adapter

Figure B-42

3 Insert the tubing adapter in the container and push it down firmly.

a To connect the cleaner bottle

1 Place the bottle on the tray.
2 Screw the cleaner tubing to the connector on the instrument. Do not fasten the
screw too tight.


A Cleaner bottle C Cleaner connector

B Tubing adapter

Figure B-43

3 Insert the tubing adapter in the container and push it down firmly.

Roche Diagnostics
B-128 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Connecting and disconnecting the external fluid containers

a To disconnect a tube from the instrument

1 Remove the right side panel.
2 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to disconnect the water tubing: Press down the release clamp (A) on the
connecting socket and pull the connector
away from the socket.
You want to disconnect the diluent tubing: Turn the connecting screw (B) counter-
clockwise until the connector is released.
You want to disconnect the waste tubing: Press down the release clamp (C) on the
connector and pull the connector away
from the socket.


A Release clamp on water connecting socket C Waste connector release clamp.

B Diluent connector screw

Figure B-44

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-129
6 Special operations cobas c111
Adjusting the touchscreen

Adjusting the touchscreen

If a displayed screen item does not correspond exactly with its underlaying related
hardware and software elements, pressing a certain screen item may not show the
desired effect. Adjusting the touchscreen ensures that all parts correspond.

a To adjust the touchscreen

1 Press the global button.
A screen is displayed that offers several kinds of stopping. Ignore it.
2 Press the global button again.
A screen for adjusting the screen is displayed.

3 Press exactly in the center of the black cross.

When you have touched it properly, it turns yellow and the next cross turns black.
4 Do the same for all crosses.
5 When all crosses are yellow, a message is displayed, informing you that you need
to reboot the system before the new calibration values take effect.
6 Press to close the calibration screen.
7 Restart the system.
o Press .
o Press Restart.
The system shuts down and automatically restarts.
o Wait until the Overview tab is displayed and the system is in Standby status.

Roche Diagnostics
B-130 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 6 Special operations
Cleaning the touchscreen

Cleaning the touchscreen

Because the touchscreen gets easily soiled you should clean it regularly.

Tools and materials required m 70% ethyl alcohol

m Tissues
m Protective gloves

a To clean the touchscreen

1 Pour or spray some alcoholic solution on a tissue.
2 Wipe the screen.
Exert as little pressure as possible.
3 Wipe the screen with a clean tissue.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-131
6 Special operations cobas c111
Cleaning the touchscreen

Roche Diagnostics
B-132 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration
Table of contents

Integrating the system in your environment

In this chapter, you will find information on how to define the way you work with the
cobas c111 instrument.

In this chapter Chapter 7

Introduction .................................................................................................................. B-135
Viewing values ........................................................................................................ B-135
Changing values ..................................................................................................... B-135
Applications .................................................................................................................. B-137
Installing applications ........................................................................................... B-137
Activating and deactivating applications ............................................................ B-139
Preparing applications .......................................................................................... B-140
Uninstalling applications ...................................................................................... B-143
Deleting applications ............................................................................................. B-144
Defining the processing order .............................................................................. B-145
Defining ratio applications ................................................................................... B-146
Profiles ..................................................................................................................... B-148
Defining profiles .............................................................................................. B-148
Adding tests to a profile .................................................................................. B-148
Removing tests from a profile ........................................................................ B-149
Deleting profiles ............................................................................................... B-149
Defining control definitions and lots ................................................................. B-149
Defining calibrator definitions and lots .............................................................. B-150

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-133
7 Configuration cobas c111
Table of contents

Short guide to application definitions ................................................................. B-152

Version .............................................................................................................. B-152
Code ................................................................................................................... B-152
General application definitions ..................................................................... B-152
Calibration definitions .................................................................................... B-153
Control definitions .......................................................................................... B-154
Calculation definitions .................................................................................... B-155
Calculation definitions (ratio applications) ................................................. B-155
Laboratory correlations (ratio applications) ................................................ B-156
Reference range definitions (ratio applications) ......................................... B-156
Result conversion definitions ......................................................................... B-156
Configuration ............................................................................................................... B-157
Changing your password ...................................................................................... B-157
Scheduling maintenance actions ......................................................................... B-158
Handling user interface language ........................................................................ B-158
Uninstalling a language .................................................................................. B-160
User management .................................................................................................. B-161
Defining a user ................................................................................................. B-161
Deleting a user .................................................................................................. B-161
Editing the acceptable flags list ............................................................................ B-162
Mapping the host codes ........................................................................................ B-162
Short guide to configuration definitions ............................................................ B-164
Workflow definitions ...................................................................................... B-164
Host definitions ............................................................................................... B-165
Result handling ................................................................................................ B-167
Calibration ........................................................................................................ B-167
QC ...................................................................................................................... B-167
System ............................................................................................................... B-168
Date and time ................................................................................................... B-169
Maintenance ..................................................................................................... B-169
Abs adjustment ................................................................................................ B-169
Defining extra wash cycles .................................................................................... B-170
Activating, deactivating and deleting extra wash cycles ................................... B-171
Short guide to extra wash cycle definitions ........................................................ B-172
Extra wash cycle definitions ........................................................................... B-172
Short guide to reagent mixing rules .................................................................... B-173
Reagent mixing rule definitions .................................................................... B-173
Printing mixing rules ............................................................................................. B-173
Deleting mixing rules ............................................................................................ B-174

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B-134 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration


The process for viewing and changing configuration and application values is the
same. The following procedures use the example of a calibration value.

Viewing values

a To view values
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Expand the list.
o Select a list item marked with .
o Press .
o Select a sublist item marked with .
o Press .
o Use the scrollbar, if required, to display the items you are interested in.
The definition items and their current values are displayed.

Changing values

If the change of a value results in one or several other values needing to be changed, a
wizard is started when you change the first value. You recognize a wizard by the
presence of the and buttons.

a To change a value
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Expand the list to display the items and their values.
3 Select an item that shows a value.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-135
7 Configuration cobas c111

4 Press .
A screen is displayed where you either can type a new value or select one by
pressing its corresponding button.

5 Type the new value or press a value button.

6 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You are in a wizard and want to change a 1. Press .
further value: A screen is displayed for changing the
2. Type the new value or press a value
3. Continue with step 6.
4. When is no longer active, press
to confirm the changes.
This was the only value you want to change: 1. Press to confirm the changes.

Roche Diagnostics
B-136 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration


Installing applications

To make available a new application on a cobas c111 instrument, you need to

perform the following steps:
1. Import the data to the instrument by reading its barcode or by reading them from
a USB stick. This step saves the data on the instrument.
It is possible to import a new version of an application with identical application
code, but you cannot install it.
e To import application data on page B-137.
2. Install the application. This step activates the application on the instrument and
so makes it available for use.
e Installing applications on page B-137.
3. Prepare the application. This step associates the application with lot data and
auxiliary fluids such as calibrators and controls.
e To prepare an application on page B-140.

a To import application data

1 Do one of the following:
o Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters, then continue
with step 2.
o Choose Utilities > Import > Application, then continue with step 4.
2 Press .
3 Press Import Application.
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode or to import the data from
the USB stick.
4 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You intend to scan the barcode: 1. Scan the barcode from the barcode
You intend to import from the USB stick: 1. Press .
2. Insert the USB stick.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory that contains the
application file.
You recognize the application pack-
ages by their file extension .tsb.
5. Press to confirm the selection.

The system checks whether there is already an application on the system with
identical application code and short name.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-137
7 Configuration cobas c111

The following table lists the basic situations.

If… This happens…

Both, the application code and The laboratory parameters, for example the short
the short name exist: name, are retained from the existing application.
The application definitions are replaced on the system
by the new ones.
The application code exists, and The laboratory parameters of the new application are
the short name does not exist for used, for example the short name.
any application on the system: The application definitions are replaced on the system
by the new ones.
The short name exists, but the A screen is displayed for changing the short name to a
application code does not: unique short name.
If you do not change the short name, the application
is not imported.

e For detailed information on possible conflicts when importing applications, see the
section on installing and configuring development channel applications in the
cobas c111 Development Channel Operator’s Manual.

If you want to replace both the laboratory parameters and the application definitions,
you first need to uninstall and delete the existing application and then to import the
new application.

If the application you are importing is a development channel application, note

the following possible exceptional situations:

Situation Explanation and possible actions

No crypto module is installed. A message is displayed, informing the operator of this
The system does not import the application.
The maximum number of devel- A message is displayed, informing the operator of this
opment channel applications is fact.
already installed. 1. Uninstall and then delete a development channel
2. Start the import process again.

The applications list (Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters) is

displayed. The application name is displayed in square brackets, for example
[GLU2], to indicate that the application is not installed yet.
To make the application available for performing tests, you now need to install it.

a To install an application
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select an application whose name is in square brackets.
3 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
B-138 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

4 Choose Install Application.

The system checks whether there is already an application installed on the system
with identical application code or short name.
In the applications list, the application name is displayed without brackets and in
the profile details the short name is displayed.
The profiles that use this application are included in the test selection screen,
provided that all applications of the profiles are installed.
5 Prepare the applications.
e See Preparing applications on page B-140.

Activating and deactivating applications

When an application is installed on the system, it is automatically activated.

e Installing applications on page B-137.

You can deactivate an application to temporarily make unavailable the test on the test
panel. All associated fluids and data remain unchanged. You can activate the
application later again and continue using the test.

a To activate or deactivate an application

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Expand the application entry.
3 Expand the General entry.
4 Select Active.
5 Press .
6 Choose On if you want to use the application.
Choose Off if you do not want to use the application.
7 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-139
7 Configuration cobas c111

Preparing applications

Perform following steps for each new application. (Use the wizards to make the
e For the general procedure of making changes to definitions, see To change a value on
page B-135.

a To prepare an application
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Expand the application entry.

Code The Roche application code identifies the application. It is used for host
communication. If you work with a different code for a particular application, you
need to map the Roche application code to your own code.
e See Mapping the host codes on page B-162.

This code is also used on the cobas c111 Printer Tool. (The codes on the cobas c111
system and on the Printer Tool must correspond.)

Version The version uniquely identifies a particular set of application definitions.

The version number increases whenever there is a change to the application
definitions, for example from version 1.0 to 1.1.

General definitions 3 Expand the General entry, select Short Name, and press .
4 Change the short name (up to 5 alphanumeric characters) if required.
The short name affects the display of the test name in the user interface (for
example test buttons, or test names in the orders and results lists, and in all
5 Press and change the long name (up to 30 alphanumeric characters) of the
test, if required.
The long name is a telling description of the test. It is particularly useful if the
short name is not generally familiar in the laboratory environment.
6 Press and then On to activate the application.
If an application is not active, its associated tests are not available for use. You
cannot select them on the test selection screen. The application definitions remain
on the system.
7 Press and select the buttons of the tabs the test should be available from.
e For details, see Assigning tests to test tabs on page B-119.

8 Press to confirm the definitions.

Calibration definitions For Roche calibrators, recommended definitions are automatically defined for each
application. You can change the sequence, interval, and the replicate value, if

Roche recommend not to change the calibration definitions of Roche reagents.

9 Expand the Calibration entry, select Sequence, and press .

Roche Diagnostics
B-140 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

10 Change the sequence, if required. (The sequence values define when calibration
becomes due, and the system automatically informs you about due calibrations.)
No Interval: The system does not inform you about the due status. Use this value
if the reagent is stable enough over the whole period until it is empty and you
replace it. Calibration is due whenever a new reagent set is loaded on the
Interval only: Performed when the reagent interval has expired.
Each Lot and Interval: Performed whenever the first reagent of a new lot is loaded
and then each time the interval has expired.
Each set and Interval: Performed whenever a reagent is loaded or when the
reagent interval has expired.
11 Change the interval (number of days, hours for ISE applications), if required.
12 Change the number of replicates, if required.
Possible values: 1, 2, 3. (The default value is 2.)
13 Press to confirm the definitions.

Calibration definition changes require subsequent calibration of the tests.

Control definitions 14 Expand the Control entry, select Sequence, and press .
15 Define the sequence.
Choose No Interval for cases when, for example, you intend to perform QC as
part of standard sample testing and not as a separate task.
Choose Interval Only if QC should be performed whenever the reagent interval
has expired. The system automatically informs you about due QCs.
16 Define the interval in hours.
17 For each control, perform the following steps:
o Define the material code.
Unique identifier for the controls. Check the package insert of the control.
o Define whether QC should be performed after calibration of the test (QC
After Cal).
o Define whether the test should have QC performed as part of the Default QC
Default QC is an automated process for performing all QC measurements
that are currently due. This is the ideal method if you want to perform QC
periodically during routine operation
On: QC will be performed collectively for all tests that use a certain control.
Off: QC has to be ordered manually for each test.
18 Press to confirm the definitions.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-141
7 Configuration cobas c111

Ratio Calculation definitions 19 For applications that use a ratio, perform the following steps:
o Expand the Ratio Calculation entry, select Coefficient w, and press .
o Define one or two coefficients.
o Define the formula.

Incorrect results due to inappropriate formula

The formula defines how the values of the applications and coefficients are mathemat-
WARNING ically combined to generate a result.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the formula is appropriate for the appli-
cation that is being defined.

20 Press to confirm the definitions.

Calculation definitions 21 Expand the Calculation entry, select Factor, and press .
22 Change the factor and offset, if correlating two different methods.
23 Choose whether valuation (a reference range) should be employed or not.
If you choose Reference Range, you need to define an upper and lower limit and
decide which of them should be taken into account or whether both of them.
24 Define whether the lower limit is used, if required.
25 Define whether the higher limit is used, if required.
26 Change the lower limit value, if required.
27 Change the higher limit value, if required.
28 Define, for each control, whether sample results should be flagged that were
generated using a test whose QC results were marked with a flag.
29 Press to confirm the definitions.

Result Conversion definitions 30 Expand the Result Conversion entry, select Laboratory Unit, and press .
31 Change the laboratory unit if you intend to work with units that are different
from the currently specified units.
32 Type the conversion factor, if required.
This factor is required if lab units were defined.
33 Choose whether values should be displayed in standard or laboratory units.
This definition affects displays on screens as well as printouts.
34 Change the decimal position, if required.
This value corresponds to the number of digits after the decimal point that are
displayed on the screens.
35 Press to confirm the definitions.

Roche Diagnostics
B-142 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Uninstalling applications

Uninstalling an application means making the application unavailable for use in

You can reinstall an uninstalled application.
e See Installing applications on page B-137.

Before you can uninstall an application, you need to perform some preparation tasks:

a To prepare uninstalling an application

1 Delete all associated sample results.
e See Deleting sample results on page B-94.

2 Delete all associated QC results, both from the QC Status list and the QC
e See Deleting QC results on page B-96.

a To uninstall an application
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the application.

Select an application that is not in square brackets, for example ALTL. (Brackets indi-
cate that the application is not currently installed.)

3 Press .
A confirmation screen is displayed.
4 Press to confirm the action.
All associated calibration results and lot data are deleted.
In the applications list, the application name is enclosed in square brackets, for
example [GLU2], and in the profile details, instead of the short name its
application code is displayed.
The profiles that use this application are removed from the test selection screen. If
you still want to use these profiles, you need to remove the application from them.
e See Removing tests from a profile on page B-149.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-143
7 Configuration cobas c111

Deleting applications

Deleting an application means removing the data from the system.

The process of removing an application from the system consists of the following steps:
1. Delete all associated sample results.
e See Deleting sample results on page B-94.
2. Delete all associated QC results, both from the QC Status list and the QC
e See Deleting QC results on page B-96.
3. Uninstall the application. This process makes the application unavailable for use
in testing.
e See Uninstalling applications on page B-143.
4. Remove all associated reagent sets from any of the reagent disks. (The disk may be
off board, and you might need to load it in order to remove the reagents.)
e See To load the reagent disk on page B-21
See Removing a reagent set on page B-25.
5. Delete the application. This process removes the application data from the system.

a To delete an application
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the application.
3 Press .
The following table lists possible situations and how they affect the process of

Situation Proceed as follows

There is one entry for the application in the 1. Confirm to proceed with uninstalling.
list, and the application is currently 2. In the applications list, select the unin-
installed (not in brackets). stalled application (it is now contained
in brackets).
3. Press .
4. Confirm to proceed with deleting the
There is one entry for the application in the Confirm to proceed with deleting the appli-
list, and the application is currently not cation.
installed (in brackets).
There is a second entry for the application Confirm to proceed with deleting the appli-
in the list. The selected application is cation.
installed (not in brackets) Note: You can only delete the installed
The selected item is a profile. Confirm to proceed with deleting the pro-
There are still associated reagents on one of Remove the associated reagent set from the
the disks. disk.
(The disk may be off board, and you might
need to load it in order to remove the

A confirmation screen is displayed.

Roche Diagnostics
B-144 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

4 Press .
The application data are deleted.

Defining the processing order

For a given sample, the tests are processed in the order defined by the time required
to perform the tests (number of cycles), starting with the one that takes the longest.
This order can be altered manually by defining a specific process sequence list.

a To define the processing sequence

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Process Sequence.

2 In the Default list, select a test you want to be processed with high priority.
3 Press to move it to the Priority list.
The tests are processed in the order displayed in this list. When the tests
contained in this list are processed, the rest of the tests are processed in the
normal order.
4 Perform steps 2 and 3 to move the other tests you want to process with high
5 To move a test from the Priority to the Default list, select the test in the Priority
list and press . To move all tests to the Default lists, press .
6 In the Priority list, select a test and use and to move it up and down in
the list.
7 Press to save the processing sequence.

The processing sequence defined in the Priority list applies to all tests performed on
the current cobas c111 instrument.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-145
7 Configuration cobas c111

Defining ratio applications

The user can manually define ratio applications. Such applications yield results that
are mathematically arrived at, and are based on test results that were generated using
up to four different applications.
In the results list, both the results of the test or tests as well as the calculated ratio
result will be displayed.

a To define a ratio application

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Press .
3 Press Add Ratio.
4 Type the code and press .

The code is a number between 910 and 930 and identifies the application.
5 Type the short name and press .

The short name must be unique on the cobas c111 system and consists of up to 5
alphanumeric characters. It is used on the screens, for example on the test
selection screen or the results list.
6 Type the long name and press .

The long name must be unique on the cobas c111 system and consists of up to 30
alphanumeric characters. Use a name that is commonly known in your laboratory
7 Select the first application and press .

You can define between one and four applications.

8 Define the other applications, if required.
9 Type the first coefficient and press .
You can define between one and four coefficients.
10 Define the other coefficients, if required.
11 Type the formula and press .
The formula relates the applications with the coefficients. You can use the
following operands: +, -, *, /, (, ), space, and application subindex 1 and 2.

Roche Diagnostics
B-146 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Incorrect results due to inappropriate formula

The formula defines how the values of the applications and coefficients are mathemat-
WARNING ically combined to generate a result.
It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the formula is appropriate for the appli-
cation that is being defined.

12 Type the factor to compensate for differences in measuring methods of different

instruments, then press .

13 Type the offset and press .

14 Select whether the offset/correlation factor is going to be used or not, then press

15 Select the valuation type, then press .

No valuation means that no valuation will be performed.

Reference range means that the result will be compared with the defined
reference ranges.
16 Select whether the low range will be used or not, then press .

17 Select whether the high range will be used or not, then press .

18 Type the low limit, then press .

19 Type the high limit, then press .

20 Type the standard unit, then press .

21 Type the laboratory unit, then press .

22 Type the conversion factor, then press .

23 Select whether the standard or the laboratory unit will be displayed for the final
ratio result, then press .

(For the calculation of the individual results, the system uses standard units.)
24 Type how many decimal positions will be used in the displayed results.
25 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-147
7 Configuration cobas c111


Defining profiles
A profile is a set of tests that are frequently ordered in combination. When ordering a
profile all tests of the profile are performed.

a To define a profile
1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Press .
3 Press Add Profile.
4 Type the profile code. (For customer defined profiles, use the numbers 910
through 930.)
5 Type the short name (up to 5 characters).
The short name will appear on the test selection screens.
6 Type the long name (up to 30 characters).
7 Select the tests that should be included in the profile.
8 Press to confirm the selection.

Adding tests to a profile

a To add tests to a profile

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the profile.
3 Expand the entry.
4 Expand the General entry.
5 Select Applications.
6 Press .
A test selection screen is displayed.
7 Select the tests.
8 Press to confirm the selection.
e For information on assigning a profile to tabs on the test selection screen, see Assigning
tests to test tabs on page B-119.

Roche Diagnostics
B-148 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Removing tests from a profile

a To remove tests from a profile

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Laboratory Parameters.
2 Select the profile.
3 Expand the entry.
4 Expand the General entry.
5 Select Applications.
6 Press .
A test selection screen is displayed.
7 Clear the selection of the tests you want to remove.
8 Press to confirm the selection.

Deleting profiles
e See Deleting applications on page B-144.

Defining control definitions and lots

f Workplace > Lot Data

a To define control definitions and lots

Perform the following steps for all controls.
1 Choose Workplace > Lot Data.
2 Press Controls.
A screen is displayed that lists all installed control lots.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode transfer sheet or to type the
data manually.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-149
7 Configuration cobas c111

4 Define the lot values.

Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
The lot data are 1. Scan the barcode.
available from a The screen is displayed again that lists all installed control lots.
barcode The new lot is selected.
You want to type 1. Press .
the data manually 2. Type the name and press .
3. Type the material code and press .
You find this code in Utilities > Applications > select a test >
> Control.
4. Type the Lot ID and press .
5. Type the expiration date. Use the date format as indicated on
the screen.
6. Press to confirm the definitions.
If a lot with the same ID already exists on the system, a screen is
displayed, asking you whether you want to replace the existing
Press to confirm the definitions.
7. Press *Add new test*.
8. Press .
A screen is displayed that contains all tests that use this control
and that have not yet been assigned to this lot.
9. Select a test and press .
10. Type the value for the mean concentration and press .
11. Type the value for the standard deviation.
12. Press to confirm the definitions.
The screen for handling control lot data is displayed again.
13. Perform steps 7 through 12 for all tests you want to use.

Defining calibrator definitions and lots

You need to perform the definitions for all calibrators.

a To define a calibrator lot

1 Choose Workplace > Lot Data.
2 Press Calibrators.
A screen is displayed that lists all installed calibrator lots.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the barcode or to type the data manually.

Roche Diagnostics
B-150 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

4 Define the lot values. Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
The lot data are 1. Scan the barcode.
available from a bar- The screen is displayed again that lists all installed calibrator lots.
code The new lot is selected.
You want to type the 1. Press .
data manually 2. Type the name (up to 10 alphanumeric characters) and press .
3. Type the material code and press .
Refer to the package insert.
4. Type the lot ID (up to nine alphanumeric characters) and press .
5. Type the expiration date and press .
Use the date format as indicated on the screen.
6. Type the number of calibrators (cups) you need to place on the
instrument. Use the information given on the package insert.
(Exclude calibrators that use system water from this number. See
step 14.)
7. Press to confirm the definitions.
8. Press *Add new test*.
9. Press .
A screen is displayed that shows all tests that have this calibrator
defined for them and that are not yet assigned to this lot.
10. Press one of the test buttons.
11. Press .
12. Define the first calibration value (target value).
13. Define the next calibration value.
You can define up to six calibration values, and you must define
them in descending order.
14. Select the value for Last is Water.
Press On if you want to calibrate with system water as zero cali-
brator. (In this case, no cup needs to be placed on the system. (See
step 7).
Press Off if you want to use a special zero calibrator for the cali-
bration. (The special zero calibrator needs to be placed on the
sample area.)
15. Press to confirm the definitions.

Calibration values (target values) in method sheets may be defined in increasing order of
concentration. Always define the values in decreasing order on the cobas c111 instru-

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-151
7 Configuration cobas c111

Short guide to application definitions

The following tables provide reference information on the meaning and use of application
definitions the user might want to change.

The version uniquely identifies a particular set of application definitions.

The Roche application code identifies the application. If you work with a LIS you may
need to map the Roche application code with your own code. All applications,
profiles, and ratios must be identified with an application code. For profiles and
ratios, use a number between 910 and 930 for these codes.
e See Mapping the host codes on page B-162.

This code is also used on the cobas c111 Printer Tool. (The codes on the cobas c111
system and on the Printer Tool must correspond.)

General application definitions

Item Values Comment

Short Name Up to 5 alphanumeric The short name is used on the screens, for exam-
characters ple on the test selection screen or the results list.
Long Name Up to 30 alphanu- The long name is a telling description of the test.
meric characters It is particularly useful if the short name is not
generally familiar in the laboratory environ-
Active On, Off Tests that not active are not available for use.
You cannot see them on the screens. Their
application definitions remain on the system.
Test Tabs See Workflow Choose one or several of the buttons. The test
definitions on will be included in the corresponding test tabs.
page B-164. Choose Easy if you work with order mode Easy.
Clear all selections to prevent the test from being
selected in the test selection screens.
Table B-12 General application definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-152 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Calibration definitions

ISE applications do not have calibration definitions.

Item Values Comment

Sequence The sequence values define when calibration becomes due, and the sys-
tem automatically informs you about due calibrations.
No Interval The system does not inform you about the due
status. Use this value if the reagent is stable
enough over the whole period until it is empty
and you replace it.
Calibration is due whenever a new reagent set is
loaded on the instrument.
Interval Only Due whenever the reagent interval has expired.
Each Set and Interval Due whenever a new reagent is loaded and when
the interval has expired.
The interval starts again whenever you place a
new reagent set.
You can turn off the interval check by defining
its duration as 0 (zero).
Each Lot and Interval Due whenever the fist reagent of a new lot is
loaded and then each time the interval has
The interval (re)starts whenever you calibrate a
reagent set.
You can turn off the interval check by defining
its duration as 0 (zero).
If you install a reagent set of the same lot, no cal-
ibration is required. (The system uses the Lot
calibration result as the Set calibration result of
the new reagent set.)
Interval Number of days. Use 0 (zero) if the Sequence is set to No Inter-
(For ISE, 1 day fixed.) val.
Replicates 1, 2 Number of times each measurement should be
Table B-13 Calibration definitions

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-153
7 Configuration cobas c111

Control definitions

Item Values Comment

Sequence No Interval The system does not inform you about the due
Use this value if you intend to perform QC as
part of standard sample testing and not as a sep-
arate task, and if QC should be handled by a host
Note that an accepted QC result is required for a
test before it can be used.
Interval Only Due whenever the reagent interval has expired.
The system automatically informs you about
due QCs.
Interval Number of days Use 0 (zero) if the Sequence is set to No Interval.
(hours for ISE
For each of the controls:
Mat. Code 0 ... 999 Unique identification of the control material.
Numbers 801 through 999 are reserved for non
Roche controls.
You need to define this initially for every appli-
QC After Cal On, Off QC needs to be performed after each calibration
of the test.
Default QC On, Off Mark the test to have QC performed as part of
the Default QC function.
Default QC is an automated process for per-
forming all QC measurements that are currently
due. This is the ideal method if you want to per-
form QC periodically during routine operation.
Table B-14 Control definitions

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B-154 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Calculation definitions

Item Values Comment

Factor Used for sample and control results.
Final result = (result * Factor) + Offset
The correlation factor is used to compensate for
differences in measuring methods of different
instruments. By applying a factor, the final
results of the different instruments can be
directly compared.
Offset The offset is used to compensate for differences
in measuring methods of different instruments.
By adding the offset, the final results of the dif-
ferent instruments can be directly compared.
Valuation No Valuation
Reference Range Use the limits defined as Low Limit and High
Low Used On, Off Refers to Low Limit.
High Used On, Off Refers to High Limit.
Low Limit Results that are outside the limit are flagged.
High Limit Results that are outside the limit are flagged.
1...3:Flag QC Fail On, Off Choose On to ensure that all sample results are
flagged that were generated using a test whose
QC results were marked with a flag.
The initial number refers to the control that was
used for performing the QC. (See also Control
Table B-15 Calculation definitions

Calculation definitions (ratio applications)

Item Values Comment

Application A Up to 5 alphanumeric Short names of the installed applications.
through D characters
Coefficient w 000 … 999 Numeric variable for use in the formula.
through z
Formula Defined application The formula relates the defined applications
and coefficient letters. with the coefficients.
Operands: For example: (A * w + B) * A / B
+, -, *, /, (, ), and space
Table B-16 Calculation definitions for ratio applications

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-155
7 Configuration cobas c111

Laboratory correlations (ratio applications)

Item Values Comment

Factor Used for sample and control results.
Final result = (result * Factor) + Offset
The correlation factor is used to compensate for
differences in measuring methods of different
instruments. By applying a factor, the final
results of the different instruments can be
directly compared.
Offset The offset is used to compensate for differences
in measuring methods of different instruments.
By adding the offset, the final results of the dif-
ferent instruments can be directly compared.
Used On, Off Choose On to ensure that the defined factor and
offset are applied the final ratio result.
Table B-17 Laboratory correlation definitions for ratio applications

Reference range definitions (ratio applications)

Item Values Comment

Valuation No Valuation No valuation is performed by the system.
Reference Range Use the limits defined as Low Limit and High
Low Used On, Off Refers to Low Limit.
High Used On, Off Refers to High Limit.
Low Limit Values in standard Results that are outside the limit are flagged.
High Limit Values in standard Results that are outside the limit are flagged.
Table B-18 Reference range definitions for ratio applications

Result conversion definitions

Item Values Comment

Standard Unit
Laboratory Unit Alphanumeric Type the unit.
Factor Conversion factor for converting results from
one unit to another, for example from mg/dL to
Displayed Unit Standard Unit
Laboratory Unit
Dec. Position 0 ... 4 Number of digits after decimal point that are
displayed on the screens.
Table B-19 Result conversion definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-156 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration


Changing your password

NOTICE Damage to data and programs due to unauthorized access to the cobas c111
User access to the cobas c111 instrument is controlled by a login name and password.
Users are administered by a system administrator.
Roche recommend to periodically change the password of the system administrator and to
store the current password in a safe place with adequate access control.

User name and password are case sensitive. This means that for example Admin and
admin are two different names.

a To change you password

1 Do one of the following:

If… Do this…
You are logged off: 1. Press Log On.
You are logged on: 1. Press the button showing your user
2. Press Log On.

2 Type your user name.

As soon as you type the first characters of your user name, the system looks for a
name that starts with these letters and, if it finds one, displays the complete name.
3 Press .
4 Press Change Password.
5 Type your old password.
6 Press .

7 Type the new password

8 Press .

9 Type the new password a second time.

10 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-157
7 Configuration cobas c111

Scheduling maintenance actions

The cobas c111 instrument facilitates performing the maintenance actions in bundles
at times that suit your laboratory work processes. To that purpose, you can define one
day of the week as your maintenance day.

Concept of the main The main maintenance day is the day in the week when you want to perform the
maintenance day majority of the maintenance actions.
Let us suppose that you chose Monday as your main maintenance day. On the
Maintenance screen, actions that are due on Monday or an earlier day are marked in
red, actions that will fall due between Tuesday and Sunday will be marked in yellow.
The idea is to perform on the main maintenance day all red and yellow maintenance
actions. This way, between Tuesday and Sunday, you only need to perform
maintenance that need to be performed daily.

a To define the main maintenance day

1 Choose Utilities > Configuration > Maintenance.
2 Expand the main entry and select Major Maint. Day.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed for selecting a day of the week.
4 Press one of the weekday buttons.
5 Press .

The definition of the minor maintenance day has currently no practical influence on the
maintenance scheduling, because there are no maintenance actions with intervals of
between two and six days.

Handling user interface language

You can choose from up to six languages. (You could install more than six languages,
but only the first six in the alphabetic sequence are available for selection.)
In the software and the user interface, the languages are identified by their two-letter
abbreviation (ISO 639-1). The following languages are available:

Abbreviation Language Abbreviation Language

DE German EL Greek
EN English ES Spanish
FI Finnish FR French
HU Hungarian ID Indonesian
KO Korean PL Polish
PT Portuguese TR Turkish
ZH Chinese
Table B-20 Abbreviations for user interface languages

Roche Diagnostics
B-158 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Prerequisites o Make sure that there are no pending or unfinished orders.

o The system must be in Standby status.
o You need Lab Manager or Administrator user rights.

a To install a new language

1 Copy the language file (c111_xx.tar, where xx is the language code) to the Root
directory of a USB stick.
2 Choose Utilities > Import.
3 Press Software.
A screen is displayed, asking you whether you want forced download of controller
software, that is whether you want to overwrite the current controller firmware
irrespective of its current status.
4 Press to perform standard import.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
5 Insert the USB stick.
6 Press .
A screen is displayed that shows the file structure on the stick.
You should see the c111_xx.tar file, where xx stands for the language
abbreviation, for example c111_en.tar represents the English language file.
7 Select the c111_xx.tar file.
8 Press to confirm the selection.
The software is installed on the system. A message will inform you when the
installation is complete.
9 When the installation is complete, remove the USB stick.
For the language to become active you need to restart the system.
10 Press .
11 Press Restart.
The system will shut down and automatically restart.
When startup is complete, the Overview tab is displayed, and the system is in
Standby status.
12 Wait until the system is in Standby status.

a To change the user interface language

1 Choose Utilities > Configuration > System.
2 Expand the list.
3 Select Language.
4 Press .
A screen is displayed that contains a button for each of the currently installed
languages. The buttons are labelled with the two-letter language abbreviation.
e See Table B-20 on page B-158.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-159
7 Configuration cobas c111

5 Press the button for the required language.

6 Press .

For a language to become active you need to restart the system.

7 Press .

8 Press Restart.
The system will shut down and automatically restart.
When startup is complete, the Overview tab is displayed, and the system is in
Standby status.
9 Wait until the system is in Standby status.

Uninstalling a language
You can uninstall all languages except English.

Prerequisites o The current user interface language must be English.

e See To change the user interface language on page B-159.
o The system must be in Standby status.
o The uninstall language file c111_uninstall_languages.tar has been copied to a
USB stick.
o You need Lab Manager or Administrator user rights.

a To uninstall user interface languages

1 Choose Utilities > Import.
2 Press Software.
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
Insert the USB stick.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that shows the file structure on the stick.
4 Select the c111_uninstall_languages.tar file.
5 Press to confirm the selection.
All languages except English are deleted from the system. A message will inform
you when uninstalling is complete.
6 When the installation is complete, remove the USB stick.

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B-160 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

User management

You need Administrator user rights to define or delete a user.

Defining a user

a To define a user
1 Choose Utilities > Users.
A screen is displayed that lists all currently defined users.
2 Press .

3 Type the user name.

Make sure it is unique within your laboratory.
4 Press .

5 Type the password.

6 Press .

7 Press the appropriate user level button.

o Press Operator for users who should perform routine tests.
o Press Supervisor for users who should perform routine tests as well as
calibration and QC.
o Press Lab Manager for users who should perform all test actions and who
should be able to update or add applications and perform diagnostics tasks.
o Press Administrator to define the administrator of the cobas c111
instrument. The administrator can, in addition to all Lab Manager actions,
perform user administration.
8 Press .

Deleting a user

a To delete a user
1 Choose Utilities > Users.
A screen is displayed that lists all currently defined users.
2 Select the user you want to delete.
3 Press .

A confirmation screen is displayed.

4 Press to confirm the deletion.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-161
7 Configuration cobas c111

Editing the acceptable flags list

When working with automatic accepting of results, results that are not flagged are
automatically accepted. Results with flags that are marked in an acceptable flags list
are accepted as well. There is such a list for sample, QC, and calibration results.

a To add or remove a flag from an acceptable flags list

1 Choose Utilities > Configuration > Result Handling.
2 Expand the list.
3 Select one of the following entries:
o Sample Accept. Flags
o QC Acceptable Flags
o Cal Acceptable Flags
4 Press .

A list of relevant flags is displayed.

5 Press the square to the left of a flag name to select it or to cancel its selection.
A selected flag shows a check mark (l).
6 Press .

Mapping the host codes

Applications are delivered with a unique ID called code. Laboratories often use their
own codes for applications. By mapping the codes used by the laboratory (host codes)
to those defined by the application manufacturer, the laboratory can work with their
own accustomed codes. The cobas c111 instrument provides a mapping table that
can easily be edited.
The application, profile and ratio codes are also used on the cobas c111 Printer Tool.
(The codes on the cobas c111 system and on the Printer Tool must correspond.)
Editing a mapping table involves the following steps:
1. Exporting the mapping table to an USB stick. (The table is written as a text file.)
2. Editing the file on a computer and save it as a text file to the stick.
3. Importing the file to the cobas c111 instrument.

a To export the mapping table

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Host Codes.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
3 Insert the USB stick.
4 Press .
5 Select the directory where you want to save the mapping file.

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B-162 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

6 Press to confirm the selection.

The file is exported as a text file of the name format hct_yyyymmddhhmmss.txt.

a To re-import the mapping table

1 Choose Utilities > Host Codes.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
3 Insert the USB stick.
4 Press .
5 Select the mapping file.
Typically, mapping files have the name format hct_yyyymmddhhmmss.txt.
Press *.txt to display text files only.
Press *.* to display all files and directories.
6 Press to confirm the selection.
The file is installed on the system. The screen with the mapping table is displayed

a To use the manufacturer’s application codes

1 Choose Utilities > Host Codes.
2 Press .
The host codes are set to values that are identical to the application codes.
By pressing again, you can revert to the original values.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-163
7 Configuration cobas c111

Short guide to configuration definitions

Workflow definitions

Item Values Comment

Working Mode Defines the way in which you select tests during order
Manual Use this definition if the cobas c111 instrument is
used as a stand-alone system.
During order definition, the test selection screen is
displayed, allowing you to select the tests or to make
changes to the selection.
Host Use this definition if the cobas c111 instrument is
connected to a host computer or to a computer run-
ning the cobas c111 Printer Tool.
The orders are automatically defined, the test selec-
tion screen is not displayed. After identifying the
sample, you are asked to place the sample.
Sample Barcode On, Off You can work with or without barcodes on sample
tubes. Use Off only if you exclusively work without
If you use On, during order definition the option to
type the sample ID manually is skipped
Order Mode Easy You work with one test panel on the test selection
screen, containing up to 25 tests.
Typical situation for this mode: You work with one
or two reagent disks, manual order identification,
identical sample and order IDs, possibly but not nec-
essarily with host connection.
Full You can work with up to six test tabs on the test selec-
tion screen, each containing up to 20 tests.
Typical situation for this mode: You distribute the
reagents across several (up to eight) reagent disks and
you predominantly work with specific groups of tests,
for example for emergency situations or for testing
diabetes. You also work with a host connection with
automatic order identification and result upload.
Sample ID Order ID = The order ID is automatically defined when you iden-
Handling Sample ID tify the sample.
Independent IDs You define the sample ID and order ID indepen-
dently of each other.
Grouped Sample Order and sample ID are identical.
ID For a given sample, the same sample ID is used all the
time. A three digit number is appended and automat-
ically increased with each new order.
Examples: 789-001 for the first order, 789-002 for the
second order, and so on.
Table B-21 Workflow definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-164 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Item Values Comment

Sample ID One This definition is used in combination with Grouped
Separator alphanumeric Sample ID. It defines the character that separates the
character sample ID from the automatically appended number.
Examples: 789-001, 789.001, 789_001.
Auto Order-ID On, Off If you use On, the system automatically increments
the order ID number by one whenever you define a
new order.
If you use On, choose Off for Order ID = Sample ID.
Auto Print On, Off If you use On, sample results are printed as soon as all
Results results of the order are available and accepted.
Test Tab 1... 6 Up to four Display name for the test tab 1... 6
Name alphanumeric Test tabs are used to group tests that are usually used
characters together.
You can assign a test to more than one tab.
Test Tab 1... 6 On, Off Use On to make available the tab on the test selection
Visible screen.
Table B-21 Workflow definitions

Host definitions

Item Values Comment

Baud Rate Data transmission rate for host interface communica-
Select one of the predefined values.
Handshake Off An exchange of signals between two devices when
Hardware communication begins in order to ensure synchroni-
Line Mode Number of bits and stop bits used during data trans-
Select one of the predefined values.
Parity Check On, Off An error detection technique that tests the integrity
of digital data in memory or on disk.
Communication Off Download to the cobas c111instrument is possible,
Mode but upload to host is not.
Batch Only manual upload to the host is possible.
Realtime Results and queries are sent during processing.
Checksum On, Off A value used to ensure that data are stored or trans-
mitted without error. It is stored with the data. When
the data are retrieved from memory or received at the
other end of a network, a new checksum is computed
and matched against the existing checksum. A non-
match indicates an error.
Table B-22 Host definitions

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-165
7 Configuration cobas c111

Item Values Comment

Order Query Query mode allows real-time communication during
Mode order definition of regular, rerun, and repeated tests.
Off No queries are sent.
Test orders have to be defined either manually or by
downloading them from the host.
Once A query is sent only when the sample is identified the
first time.
Always A query is sent every time the sample is identified.
Timeout 10 ... 300 s Period of time the system will wait for a response
from the host when working in Order Query Mode.
This definition applies to routine, STAT and rerun
sample tests.
Send Result Off The results are sent to the host manually.
Mode Complete The results are automatically sent to the host when all
results of the order are available and accepted.
Immediate Each result is automatically sent to the host as soon as
it has been accepted.
Send Raw Data On, Off Raw data include all measurement results made dur-
ing the measuring cycles, not just the calculated test
Trace On, Off The Trace function records the content of the com-
munication with the host in a trace file.
This is a troubleshooting function. Do not work with
it during normal daily operation.
The trace file can be exported as a log file (Utilities >
Export > Log Files; file format: htryyyymmddh-
System Device Up to 10 The ID is used on reports and for communication
ID alphanumeric between the cobas c111 instrument and the host.
Host Device ID Up to 10 The ID is used on reports and for communication
alphanumeric between the cobas c111 instrument and the host.
Table B-22 Host definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-166 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Result handling

Item Values Comment

Sample Auto On, Off Results that do not contain a flag are automatically
Accept accepted. Results with flags that are marked in a list of
acceptable flags are accepted as well.
Sample Accept. List of possible flags. Results with marked flags are
Flags automatically accepted if Sample Auto Accept is on.
QC Auto Accept On, Off Results that do not contain a flag are automatically
accepted. Results with flags that are marked in a list of
acceptable flags are accepted as well.
QC Acceptable List of possible flags. Results with marked flags are
Flags automatically accepted if QC Auto Accept is on.
Cal Auto Accept On, Off Results that do not contain a flag are automatically
accepted. Results with flags that are marked in a list of
acceptable flags are accepted as well.
Cal Acceptable List of possible flags. Results with marked flags are
Flags automatically accepted if Cal Auto Accept is on.
Table B-23 Result handling definitions


Item Values Comment

Forecast Hours 0 ... 999 h Calibrations that fall due within this period will be
performed collectively.
0 means working without this feature.
The default value is 8.
Table B-24 Calibration definitions


Item Values Comment

Rule 1 Rule: A flag is generated if one result is outside a
s : Standard deviation. The value for the standard
deviation is defined in the QC lot.
Rule 2 Rule: A flag is generated if two consecutive results are
outside the same limit.
s : Standard deviation. The value for the standard
deviation is defined in the QC lot.
Table B-25 QC definitions

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-167
7 Configuration cobas c111


Item Values Comment

Language Language ID The language English is always included.
according to Choose one of the available languages. (The first five
ISO 639-1. languages in the alphabetical sequence of the installed
See Table B-20 on languages and English are displayed.)
page B-158.
Date Format Examples for June 14, 2006:
dd-mm-yyyy o 14.06.2006 o mm/dd/yyyy: 06/14/2006
Time Format 24 Hours
12 Hours
Screen Saver 0 ... 120 min Time after which the screen saver feature becomes
Wait active.
0 (zero) means that the screen saver function is off.
The screen saver time is linked to the Auto Log-off
feature. For example, if you define a Screen Saver
Wait time of 5 minutes, then after 5 minutes of inac-
tivity, the screen saver feature becomes active and the
user is automatically logged off, provided Auto Log-
off is on.
Auto Log-off On, Off If you work with On the user is automatically logged
off after a certain number minutes of inactivity on the
instrument. This number is defined in the Screen
Saver Wait definition.
Sound Effects On, Off Acoustic signals when handling instrument items,
e.g. clicking sound when typing. (Does not affect the
acoustic signals for alarms and warnings.)
Volume 0 ... 100 Volume of any acoustic signal generated by the
instrument, including alarm and warning signals.
0 (zero) means silent.
Host Server On The host interface of the instrument is enabled,
allowing it to communicate with a host.
Off The host interface of the instrument is disabled.
Communication with a host computer is not possible.
Host definitions have no effect.
Table B-26 System definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-168 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Date and time

Item Values Comment

Date Format: Date that is used for time records, for example with results. Example: 17.02.2006 for February 2, 2006.
This format is for entry purposes only. It does not
influence the format of displayed dates.
Time Format: hh:mm Time that is used for time records, for example with
results. Example: 08:32. This format is for entry pur-
poses only. It does not influence the format of dis-
played times.
Table B-27 Date and time definitions


Item Values Comment

Major Maint. Day in the week when you usually perform mainte-
Day nance actions.
Minor Maint. This definition has currently no effect.
Table B-28 Maintenance definitions

Abs adjustment
The absorbance adjustment values cannot be changed.

Item Values Comment

Adjustment On, Off
H2O Signal For each wave length, the adjustment value for the
cuvette filled with water is given.
H2O Cuv Signal For each wave length, the adjustment value for the
empty cuvette is given.
Table B-29 Absorbance adjustment definitions

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-169
7 Configuration cobas c111

Defining extra wash cycles

Extra wash cycles are used to minimize carry-over.

You can define an extra wash cycle either by reading a barcode or by defining the
values manually.

a To define an extra wash cycle

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Extra Wash Cycles.
A screen is displayed that lists the currently defined extra wash cycles.
2 Select Add new rule.
3 Press .
4 Do one of the following.

If… Do this…
The definitions are available 1. Read the barcode.
on a barcode: The definitions will be installed on the system.
You want to define the 1. Press .
values manually: 2. Choose when—in relation to the pipetting action from
the bottle defined in Trigger Bottle Code and Pipet-
ting Type—the extra wash cycle should be performed
(action), then press .
3. Type the trigger-bottle code and press .
The trigger-bottle code is the reagent set code. You
find it on the barcode sheet.
4. Choose the pipetting type. This defines the individual
bottle (bottle of the set or the sample tube) whose
pipetting triggers performance of the extra wash cycle.
5. Define whether the wash cycle should be active or not.
6. Type the cleaner bottle code to define which cleaner
should be used.
7. Type the volume of cleaner in μL that will be pipetted.
8. Press to confirm the definitions.

The new wash cycle is listed in the Extra Wash Cycles list. Its name is made up of
the action, the short name of the trigger bottle and the pipetting type.

Roche Diagnostics
B-170 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Activating, deactivating and deleting extra wash cycles

You can deactivate an extra wash cycle if you do not want to use it. (The definitions
remain on the system. You can activate the extra wash cycle later again.)

To ensure the highest effectiveness of probe cleaning, extra wash cycles are performed
automatically by the cobas c111 instrument when using development channel applica-
Roche strongly recommends to always use extra wash cycles with development channel
applications, and also to always load extra cleaner when tests with extra wash cycles are

Roche Diagnostics Ltd. assumes only limited liability when using the cobas c111 instru-
ment in conjunction with the cobas c111 Development Channel Programming Software.
For detailed information on this matter refer to the latest version of the Development Chan-
nel Registration Form cobas c111 and the cobas c111 Development Channel Operator’s

a To activate or deactivate an extra wash cycle

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Extra Wash Cycles.
A screen is displayed that lists the currently defined extra wash cycles.
2 Select and expand the extra wash cycle entry.
3 Press .
4 Choose On to activate the extra wash cycle.
Choose Off to deactivate the extra wash cycle.
5 Press .

A screen is displayed for entering your password.

6 Type your password and confirm by pressing .

a To delete an extra wash cycle

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Extra Wash Cycles.
A screen is displayed that lists the currently defined extra wash cycles.
2 Select the extra wash cycle entry.
3 Press .

A screen is displayed for entering your password.

4 Type your password and confirm by pressing .

The extra wash cycle definitions are deleted.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-171
7 Configuration cobas c111

Short guide to extra wash cycle definitions

f Utilities > Applications > Extra Wash Cycles >

Extra wash cycle definitions

Item Values Comment

Active On, Off Defines whether the extra wash cycle can be applied
or not.
Action None Defines when, in relation to the pipetting action from
Before the bottle defined in Trigger Bottle Code and Pipet-
After ting Type, the extra wash cycle should be performed.
Trigger-Bottle 0 ... 999 Bottle set code of the fluid that triggers performance
Code of the extra wash cycle.
If you use the pipetting type Sample, it defines the
bottle whose fluid will be prevented from being car-
ried over to the sample by using the extra wash cycle.
Pipetting Type Reagent 1 Defines the individual bottle (bottle of the set or a
Reagent 2 sample tube) whose pipetting triggers performance of
Start Reagent the extra wash cycle.
Cleaner-Bottle 0 ... 999 Material code of the cleaner.
Volume μL Amount of cleaner that will be pipetted during the
extra wash cycle.
Table B-30 Extra wash cycle definitions

Roche Diagnostics
B-172 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 7 Configuration

Short guide to reagent mixing rules

f Utilities > Applications > Reagent Mixing >

You can import and delete mixing rules, but cannot change them.

e For importing reagent mixing rules, see Importing automatic mixing and extra wash cycle
definitions on page B-116.

Reagent mixing rule definitions

You cannot change these definitions.

Item Values Comment

Active Defines whether this rule can be applied to an appli-
cation or not.
Initial Mixing Defines the duration of the mixing for the first mix-
Time ing.
Mixing Interval Defines the time after which mixing must be per-
formed again.
Periodic Mixing Defines the duration of the mixing for the second or
Time subsequent mixing.
Relaxing Time Defines the time after mixing before the reagent can
be used.
Table B-31 Reagent mixing rule definitions

Printing mixing rules

You can print mixing rules.

a To print mixing rules

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Reagent Mixing.
2 Select the mixing rule you want to print.
3 Press .
A printing screen is displayed.
4 Select whether you want to print the selected rule set or all defined rule sets.
The rules are printed on the built-in printer.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 B-173
7 Configuration cobas c111

Deleting mixing rules

Prerequisites You need Lab Manager or Administrator user rights to perform this task.

a To delete a mixing rule

1 Choose Utilities > Applications > Reagent Mixing.
A screen is displayed that lists the currently defined mixing rules.
2 Select the mixing rule.
3 Press .

A screen is displayed for entering your password.

4 Type your password and confirm by pressing .

The mixing rule definitions are deleted.

Roche Diagnostics
B-174 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
Maintenance C

8 General maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3

cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Table of contents

General maintenance
Keeping the instrument going

In this chapter, you will find step-by-step instructions of the maintenance actions
that you must perform to keep the instrument running smoothly and efficiently.

In this chapter Chapter 8

Overview ............................................................................................................................ C-5
Performing maintenance actions ............................................................................. C-6
Maintenance actions and their intervals ................................................................. C-7
Maintenance actions ........................................................................................................ C-8
Safety information ..................................................................................................... C-8
Deproteinize the probe ............................................................................................ C-10
Prime the fluid system ............................................................................................. C-11
Clean the probe manually ....................................................................................... C-12
Clean reagent disk and sample area ...................................................................... C-14
Clean the water and waste containers ................................................................... C-16
Replace water inlet filter .......................................................................................... C-19
Clean and disinfect housing ................................................................................... C-21
Clean up the database .............................................................................................. C-23
Replace photometer lamp ....................................................................................... C-24
Contact service representative ............................................................................... C-27
Perform an air/water calibration ........................................................................... C-28
Initialize degasser fluid sensor ............................................................................... C-30
Clean rotor and heating channel ........................................................................... C-32

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-3
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
C-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance


Completing maintenance actions correctly and on time helps to ensure smooth and
uninterrupted operation of your instrument.

Maintenance scheduling The cobas c111 instrument facilitates performing the maintenance actions in bundles
at the times that suit your laboratory work processes. To that purpose, you can define
in the configuration settings one day of the week as your maintenance day.
e For information on scheduling maintenance actions, see Scheduling maintenance actions
on page B-158.

All maintenance actions can be performed any time.

Interval For most maintenance actions a fixed maintenance interval is defined. (You cannot
change this interval.) This is the basis upon which the system calculates the date when
the actions need to be performed.
The interval timers and counters are reset whenever you confirm that the
maintenance action has been performed.
Maintenance actions without predefined intervals are performed whenever
necessary, or they are triggered by another maintenance action.

Due date The due date is the last possible maintenance day. This is the date you see when you
check the status of maintenance actions.

Ensuring smooth operation Performing all due maintenance actions during the daily Prepare or End Shift phase
ensures that routine operation does not have to be interrupted for performing
maintenance actions.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-5
8 General maintenance cobas c111

Performing maintenance actions

a To perform maintenance actions

Checking when maintenance 1 Choose Utilities > Maintenance

actions are due

A Maintenance action name. D Use the scroll bar to display the

B Due dates, in ascending order. maintenance actions that are currently
C This maintenance action is selected. hidden.

Figure C-1

Interpreting the colors The defined maintenance interval has expired. Perform this maintenance
action now.

This maintenance action should be performed on the next major

maintenance day.

No action is currently required.

This maintenance action is selected.

Preparing the maintenance The maintenance actions are sorted according to the date by when they should be
actions performed. Use these dates for planning the maintenance actions, for example for
ordering the required materials.

Performing the maintenance 2 Select the maintenance action you want to perform.
The selected line turns blue.
3 Press .
The first screen of the wizard for performing the selected maintenance action is
displayed. Usually, this is the maintenance description screen.
Press if you want to print the instructions before you start.

Roche Diagnostics
C-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance

4 Follow the instructions on the screen.

A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete. In addition,
with maintenance actions that take some time, an acoustic signal is sounded. This
allows you to do work away from the instrument while the maintenance action is
in progress.
e For information on how to perform individual maintenance actions, see Maintenance
actions on page C-8.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to incomplete maintenance actions

You can cancel a maintenance action any time by pressing .
WARNING If you interrupt the performing of a maintenance action that was due, its status will remain
due, and you need to fully re-perform the action later.
If at all possible, complete a maintenance action without interrupting it.

Maintenance actions and their intervals

The following table lists the maintenance actions and shows how frequently they
need to be performed.

Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this table is cor-
rect at the time of publication. However, Roche Diagnostics GmbH reserves the right to
make any changes necessary without notice as part of ongoing product development.

Maintenance actions with no defined interval need to be performed in particular situations,

for example during troubleshooting.

Interval Maintenance action

None Prime Fluid System
None Abs. Air/Water Calibration
None Clean Rotor And Heating Channel
None Cleanup Database
Daily Deproteinize Probe
Weekly Clean Probe Manually
Monthly Clean Reagent Disk
Three-monthly Clean Water and Waste
Three-monthly Replace Water Inlet Filter
Six-monthly Clean Housing
Six-monthly Replace Photometer Lamp
Yearly Call Service Rep.
Yearly Initialize Degasser Fluid Sensor
Table C-1 Periodicity of maintenance actions

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-7
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Maintenance actions

The following sections describe the maintenance actions of the main instrument.
e For ISE-specific maintenance actions, see ISE maintenance actions on page E-42.

Safety information

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury. When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Incorrect results due to build-up of contaminants

During use, contaminants may adhere to the probe. As a result, traces of analytes or
reagents may be carried over to the next. Make sure to perform the probe maintenance
actions as soon as they are due in order to prevent potentially false results.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to dust and soiling

The user can leave the main cover open while the system is in Standby status or while the
instrument is shut down. This can cause dust and dirt being collected in the heating chan-
nel, which in turn might decrease the quality of the cuvettes.
Keep all covers closed. Open them only to perform operation actions.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to skipping maintenance actions

Not performing maintenance actions that are due may lead to situations where the system
cannot continue processing orders, or it may lead to incorrect results. If at all possible, per-
form the maintenance actions when they are due.

Roche Diagnostics
C-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
WARNING well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to a trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to incomplete maintenance actions

You can cancel a maintenance action by pressing at the end of a step. Using
while the system is performing a maintenance action may lead to unexpected errors.
If you interrupt the performing of a maintenance action that was due, its status will remain
due, and you need to fully re-perform the action later.
o If at all possible, complete a maintenance action without interrupting it.
o If you need to interrupt the maintenance action, wait until you see confirmation on
screen that the current step has been completed.

Danger of poor measurement quality due to inadequate water quality

Inadequate water quality may lead to incorrect results. Always use purified water of the
quality specified in section Technical specifications.

Infection by waste solution

Contact with waste solution may result in infection. All materials and mechanical compo-
nents associated with the waste systems are potentially biohazardous.
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Whenever the term "purified water" is used in this document, water of at least the quality
specified in chapter Technical specifications must be used.

Malfunction due to inappropriate interrupt

Using while the system is performing a maintenance action may lead to unexpected
CAUTION errors.
o Do not use the button while the system performs maintenance actions. If you
need to interrupt the maintenance process, wait until you see confirmation on screen
that the current step has been completed.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-9
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Deproteinize the probe

f Utilities > Maintenance > Deproteinize Probe

To maintain the efficiency of the instrument, you must clean and deproteinize the
probe regularly to prevent the build-up of contaminants.

Operator time Approximately 5 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m ISE Deproteinizer

m Activator

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Incorrect results due to build-up of contaminants on page C-8.

a To deproteinize the probe

1 Prepare one tube with ISE Deproteinizer and one with Activator.
2 Select the maintenance action Deproteinize Probe.
3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
4 Press .
A placement list is displayed.
5 Place the ISE Deproteinizer and Activator on the positions indicated on the
6 Press to confirm the placing.
The system first deproteinizes and then activates the probe.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
7 Remove the tubes.
8 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
C-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Prime the fluid system

f Utilities > Maintenance > Prime Fluid System

Priming flushes the fluid system with water to ensure the paths in the fluid system
(including pipette, tubing, and probe) are filled with fluid and are free of air bubbles.
If air bubbles are present in the fluid system, your test results will be inaccurate.

Operator time Approximately 2 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Purified water.

a To prime the fluid system

1 Check the external water and waste containers. If required, refill the water and
empty the waste container.
2 Select the maintenance action Prime Fluid System.
3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
4 Press .
The system performs the priming actions automatically.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
5 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-11
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Clean the probe manually

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean Probe Manually

You must clean the probe regularly by hand to prevent any build up of deposits that
may affect results.

Operator time Approximately 1 minute.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m 70% ethyl alcohol

m Tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Incorrect results due to build-up of contaminants on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.

a To clean the probe

1 Select the maintenance action Clean Probe Manually.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
The system deactivates the transfer motors.
4 Remove the transfer head cover.
Press the release buttons on both sides and lift.
5 Remove the probe with its holder.
o Remove the tube from at least the first two tubing clips.
o Press the release button on the side of the probe holder carriage and lift the
probe holder with the probe. Be careful not to pull the tubing.

Roche Diagnostics
C-12 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

6 Hold the assembly by the probe holder and clean the probe using a tissue
moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol.
Wipe from top to bottom several times.

NOTICE Probe damage and instrument malfunction due to inappropriate probe

Applying unilateral side pressure on the probe can lead to its deformation and conse-
quently to instrument malfunction.
Make sure to apply equal pressure on both sides and to move exactly in the direction
of the probe when wiping it.

7 Wipe the side of the probe holder that faces the level detection contact. Use a
tissue moistened with 70% ethyl alcohol.

8 Reinstall the probe holder with the probe.

Press the release button on the side of the probe holder carriage before you insert
the probe holder. Release the button when the holder is inserted.
Push down firmly until the release button latches on.
9 Fix the tube to the tubing clips.
10 Reinstall the transfer head cover.
Press down until the release buttons latch on.
11 Press .
The system automatically initializes the transfer head and performs the Prime
Fluid System maintenance action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
12 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-13
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Clean reagent disk and sample area

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean Reagent Disk

To remove possible spillages you must clean the reagent disk and sample area
This maintenance action involves the following steps:
o Cleaning the reagent disk
o Cleaning the sample area

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Alcoholic cleansing tissues

m Tissues
m Commercial nonabrasive detergent

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page C-8.

a To clean the reagent disk

1 Select the maintenance action Clean Reagent Disk.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
4 Open the main cover.
5 Remove the reagent disk.
6 Remove spillages and stains on the disk with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
7 Wipe the inside of the reagent cooler with a cloth dampened with soapy water.
8 Reinsert the reagent disk.
e For information on inserting the reagent disk, see Preparing the reagent disk on
page B-21.

9 Open the right service flap.

Roche Diagnostics
C-14 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

10 Lift the sample tray from its fixture.

11 Wash the sample tray using detergent. (You can wash the tray in a dish washer.)

Do not disassemble the sample tray.

12 Leave the sample tray to dry or dry it using tissues.

13 Reinsert the sample tray.
Make sure to align the guides with the pins.

Press down firmly.

14 Close the right service flap and the main cover.
15 Press to confirm that you have performed the maintenance action.
The system initializes automatically.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
16 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-15
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Clean the water and waste containers

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean Water and Waste

You must clean the external water and fluid waste containers to prevent the build-up
of contaminants, which can affect the water quality and therefore the quality of the
results produced.
This maintenance action consists of the following steps:
o Cleaning the water container
o Cleaning the waste container
The water and waste containers are placed on the rack next to the cobas c111

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Spare waste container

m Purified water
m Hypochlorite solution (0.6%)
m Alcoholic cleansing issues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by waste solution on page C-9.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.

a To clean the water container

1 Select the maintenance action Clean Water and Waste.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
4 Lift the tubing adapter from the white water container.

5 Place the tubing adapter on a clean surface.

Roche Diagnostics
C-16 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

6 Dispose of any remaining water.

7 Pour 500 mL hypochlorite solution in the water container.
8 Clean the water container with a brush.
9 Dispose of the solution.
10 Clean the interior of the water container manually using tissues. Remove any
11 Rinse the water container with tap water at least four times.
12 Rinse the water container with purified water.
13 Wipe the suction pipe with a tissue.
14 Fill the water container with purified water.
15 Reinsert the tubing adapter into the water container. Press down firmly.

a To clean the waste container

1 Have the spare waste container ready.
The system periodically performs wash actions. Therefore, an external waste
container must be connected at all times.
2 Remove the tubing adapter from the yellow waste container and insert it in the
spare container.

3 Remove the bottle from the rack and place it on a firm and even surface.
4 Place the spare container on the rack.
5 Check that the tubing adapter is properly inserted.
6 Empty the removed waste container. Treat the fluid as biohazardous waste.
7 Pour 500 mL hypochlorite solution in the waste container.
8 Clean the container with a brush.
9 Dispose of the fluid. Treat it as biohazardous waste.
10 Clean the interior of the waste container manually using tissues. Remove any
11 Rinse the waste container with tap water.
12 Empty the container completely.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-17
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

13 Wipe the waste inlet with a tissue.

14 Reinsert the tubing adapter into the waste container. Press down firmly.
15 Press .
The maintenance action Prime Fluid System is automatically performed.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
16 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
C-18 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Replace water inlet filter

f Utilities > Maintenance > Replace Water Inlet Filter

The water inlet filter in the external water container removes particulate matter from
the water supply. You must replace this filter according to the maintenance action
The water container is placed on the rack next to the cobas c111 instrument.

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites None

Tools and materials required m Purified water

m Hypochlorite solution (0.6%)
m Tissues
m Water inlet filter

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.

a To replace the water inlet filter

1 Select the maintenance action Replace Water Inlet Filter.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
4 Remove the tubing adapter from the water container.
5 Place the tubing adapter on a clean surface.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-19
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

6 Replace the water inlet filter.



A Removing the retaining ring D Retaining ring

B Filter E Tab on retaining ring
C Filter casing

Figure C-2

o Remove the retaining ring by pulling it by its tab away from the filter casing
(A, D, E).
o Remove the filter (B) and replace it with a new one.
o Place the retaining ring.
Press it firmly on the filter casing by placing your thumb across it an applying
equal pressure all around.
7 Reinsert the tubing adapter into the water container. Press down firmly.
8 Press .
The maintenance action Prime Fluid System is automatically performed.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
9 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
C-20 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Clean and disinfect housing

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean Housing

You must clean the housing regularly to ensure that contaminants do not build up
and affect the efficiency of the instrument as a measuring system.

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites Instrument is switched off.

Tools and materials required m Ethyl alcohol

m Tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.

o To find out what steps are required, you can choose Utilities > Maintenance >
Clean Housing and then press . (The maintenance definition screen is dis-
o Do not press at this stage. You do this only when you have completed the main-
tenance action. Instead, press to close the screen.

a To clean the housing

1 Make sure the system is in Standby status.
2 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
3 Wipe all the outside of the instrument with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
4 Open the main cover and the right service flap.
5 Wipe all the inside of the cover and flap with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
6 Close the right service flap and then the main cover.
7 Push the transfer head to the rightmost position.
8 Open the main cover and the left service flap.
9 Wipe all the inside of the flap with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
10 Close the left service flap and the main cover.
11 Push the transfer head to its home position.
12 Remove the transfer head cover.
(Press the release buttons on both sides and lift.)
13 Wipe all the inside of the cover with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
14 Reinstall the transfer head cover.
(Push down until the release buttons latch on.)
15 Remove the left and right side panels.
16 Wipe the panels with alcoholic cleansing tissues.
17 Reinstall the left and right side panels.
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-21
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

18 Switch on the system.

The system performs internal checks and routines.
The startup phase may take a few minutes.
When the instrument is ready for use, the Overview tab is displayed, and its status
is Standby.
19 Log on the system.
20 Choose Utilities > Maintenance > Clean Housing.
21 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
22 Press .
A detailed maintenance definition screen is displayed.
23 Press to confirm the completion of the maintenance action.

Roche Diagnostics
C-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Clean up the database

f Utilities > Maintenance > Cleanup Database

This maintenance action restores the database to the condition where the instrument
can work at its optimum. You typically use this action when you think that the
instrument suddenly works slow, for example when displaying information on the
screen takes long or when it takes long until an action starts after you have initiated it.

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required None

a To clean up the database

1 Select the maintenance action Cleanup Database.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
An instructions screen is displayed while the database cleanup is performed.
4 When the maintenance action is complete, press to confirm the completion.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-23
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Replace photometer lamp

f Utilities > Maintenance > Replace Photometer Lamp

It is essential that the photometer lamp maintains a constant intensity in successive
absorbance measurements. After a certain time of use, the intensity of the light
emitted by the lamp deteriorates, and the accuracy of the measurements may no
longer meet the required standards. Therefore, the lamp must be periodically
replaced. The system alerts you when the lamp should be replaced by changing the
maintenance action status to due (entry turns red).

Operator time Approximately 20 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Paper tissue

m Photometer lamp assembly (Lamp, socket and cable are pre-assembled.)
m Cuvette segments
m Clean cloth

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page C-8.

a To replace the photometer lamp

1 Select the maintenance action Replace Photometer Lamp.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press .
The system switches off the lamp, and the transfer head moves to the home

Preparing the instrument 4 Open the main cover and the right service flap.
5 Remove the sample tray by lifting it.

Roche Diagnostics
C-24 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Injury through hot parts

Direct contact with hot parts may result in injury.
CAUTION Do not touch the lamp assembly with bare hands. Let the lamp cool down for about ten
minutes before touching any part of the lamp housing.

Removing the lamp 6 Unplug the power connector (A).

A Power connector C Cover

B Assembly screw

Figure C-3

7 Lift the photometer lamp housing cover (C).

8 Unscrew (B) the lamp assembly and remove it.

Installing the new lamp 9 Insert the new lamp assembly.

Incorrect results through soiled lamp

Touching the lamp with bare fingers reduces the life of the bulb and may affect the
WARNING consistency of measurements made with the absorbance photometer.
Hold the lamp assembly by its screw.

Hold the assembly by the screw and fit the lamp socket in the guides.
10 Fasten the screw of the lamp assembly.
11 Close the photometer lamp housing cover.
12 Plug the power connector into its socket.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-25
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Preparing the instrument 13 Reinsert the sample tray.

14 Close the right service flap and the main cover.

15 Press .
The system automatically initializes the instrument.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
16 Press .
17 Perform an air/water calibration.
You cannot process orders unless you perform this action.
e See Perform an air/water calibration on page C-28.

Roche Diagnostics
C-26 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Contact service representative

f Utilities > Maintenance > Call Service Rep.

To ensure smooth operation of the instrument, a service representative periodically
needs to perform some preventive maintenance tasks.
The system displays a message when this maintenance action is due.

Operator time Approximately 2 minutes.

(A service representative takes about 3 hours to perform preventive maintenance for
a system without an ISE unit, 4 hours including the ISE unit.)

Prerequisites None

a To initiate preventive maintenance

1 A message screen reminds you that you should contact your service
2 Select the maintenance action Call Service Rep.
3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
4 Press .
An instructions screen is displayed.
5 Contact your service representative to arrange for preventive maintenance.
6 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-27
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Perform an air/water calibration

f Utilities > Maintenance > Abs. Air/Water Calibration

The absorbance photometer calibration determines the air/water correction values
that are needed for result calculation. In addition, the obtained absorbance values for
an empty cuvette at each wavelength are used as a reference for the cuvette blank

Operator time Approximately 5 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m 2 cuvette segments with empty cuvettes

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page C-8.

a To perform an air/water calibration

1 Choose Utilities > Maintenance > Abs. Air/Water Calibration.
2 Press .
Your are asked to insert a cuvette segment with empty cuvettes.
3 Open the main cover.
4 If there is a segment in the cuvette ring remove it and check whether there are
used cuvettes.
If all cuvettes of this segment are empty, you can reinsert it.
5 Place a cuvette segment with empty cuvettes on the cuvette ring.
6 Press .
Your are asked to insert a second cuvette segment with empty cuvettes.
7 If there is a segment on in the cuvette ring remove it and check whether there are
used cuvettes.
If all cuvettes of this segment are empty, you can reinsert it.
8 Place the cuvette segment with empty cuvettes on the cuvette ring.
9 Close the main cover.
10 Press .
The system performs the calibration measurements. (It first measures all cuvettes
empty, pipettes water in the cuvettes, and measures them again.)
A message will inform you when the measurements are complete.
11 Scroll to display the results, if required.
12 Check the Outlier statistics.

Roche Diagnostics
C-28 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

13 Press to accept the results.

If at this stage, you press , the results are not stored and the maintenance action is
deemed not performed.

14 Remove the used cuvettes or replace them with empty ones.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-29
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Initialize degasser fluid sensor

f Utilities > Maintenance > Initialize Degasser Fluid Sensor

The degasser fluid sensor checks whether there is air in the water supply to the
syringe assembly. Air in the water supply may lead to inaccurate pipetting and
ultimately to incorrect results. Therefore, the sensor needs to be initialized to ensure
its proper functioning.

Operator time Approximately 5 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

All covers must be closed.

Tools and materials required m Full external water container

m Clean cloth

a To initialize the degasser fluid sensor

1 Make sure that all covers on the instrument are closed.
2 Choose Utilities > Maintenance > Initialize Degasser Fluid Sensor.
An instructions screen is displayed.
3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
4 Check whether the tube connecting the external water container with the
instrument is full of water or contains air bubbles.

5 Do one of the following:

If Do this
You cannot see any air bub- 1. Continue with step 6.
You can see air bubbles or the 1. Press to abort this maintenance action.
tube is empty 2. Perform the maintenance action Prime Fluid Sys-
3. Restart the maintenance action Initialize Degasser
Fluid Sensor.

Roche Diagnostics
C-30 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

6 Lift the tubing adapter from the white water container.

7 Place the tubing adapter on a clean surface.

Make sure the filter (A) is not obstructed and air can get to it.
8 Press to initialize the fluid sensor.
The system aspirates air through the tubing adapter and initializes the fluid
When initialization is complete, you will be asked to insert the tubing adapter.
9 Insert the tubing adapter in the water container.
10 Press .
The fluid system is primed.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
11 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-31
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

Clean rotor and heating channel

Perform this maintenance action whenever a message asks you to do so.

Operator time Approximately 15 minutes.

Tools and materials required m 95% ethyl alcohol

m Lint free tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page C-8.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page C-8.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page C-8.

a To clean the rotor and heating channel

1 Remove the reagent disk.
o Choose Overview > > .
A screen is displayed, asking you to remove the reagent disk.
o Open the main cover.
o Remove the reagent disk.
o Close the main cover.
2 Remove all cuvettes.
o Choose Overview > .
o Open the main cover.
o Press a segment button.
o Remove the segment.
o Press to confirm the removal.
Remove all segments as described above.
o Close the main cover.
3 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
4 Move the transfer head to the sample area.
5 Open and remove the main cover and left service flap.

6 Move the transfer head to its leftmost position.

Roche Diagnostics
C-32 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

7 Open and remove the right service flap.

8 Remove the sample tray.

Removing the rotor 9 Loosen the display fixation screw (A).

10 Tilt forward the display.

11 Move transfer head to its rightmost position.
12 Remove the upper rotor shell.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-33
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

13 For each of the two rotor bearings to the right, loosen slightly one of the fixation
screws and completely unscrew the other. (Use a screw driver to loosen the
screws, if required.) Then pull away from the rotor the side of the bearing that you
completely unscrewed.



A Retention pin of motor D Fixed rotor bearings

B Spring-loaded rotor bearing E Photometer lens (not shown)
C Rotor motor

Figure C-4

14 From the rotor motor, slightly lift the retention pin, move the motor away from
the rotor and engage the pin to fix the motor in the removed position.
Make sure to use the hole nearer to the front of the instrument for arresting the
bearing with the pin.
15 With one hand, release the spring-loaded bearing from the rotor, and with the
other hand lift the rotor.

Roche Diagnostics
C-34 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 8 General maintenance
Maintenance actions

Cleaning the rotor 16 Rinse the cuvette ring (A) under running water.

NOTICE Do not use any cloth to clean or dry the rotor. This could leave dust and lint on the Abs.
inspection holes and so prevent proper measurement.

17 Leave the rotor to dry.

Cleaning the heating channel 18 Clean the heating channel (B) with a lint free tissue or a cloth moistened with
ethyl alcohol.
Make sure not to touch the photometer lens (A).

Reinstallation 19 With one hand, pull the spring-loaded bearing away from the rotor position, and
with the other hand insert the rotor.
20 Engage the right rotor bearings and fasten the fixation screws.
21 Move the rotor to test its smooth running.
22 Hold the spring-loaded rotor motor in position, lift the retention pin and release
the motor gently.
23 Move the transfer head to its leftmost position.
24 Fit the upper rotor shell.
25 Fold down the display and fasten the fixation screw.
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 C-35
8 General maintenance cobas c111
Maintenance actions

26 Install the sample tray.

Make sure to align the guides with the pins.

Press down firmly.

27 Install and close the right service flap.
28 Move the transfer head to its rightmost position.
29 Install and close the left service flap and main cover.

Finishing the maintenance 30 Switch on the instrument.

31 Wait for initialization to finish.
32 Log on to the system.
33 Insert the reagent disk.
e See Preparing the reagent disk on page B-21

Roche Diagnostics
C-36 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
Troubleshooting D

9 Messages and alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3

10 Result flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-23
11 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-39
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
Table of contents

Messages and alarms

How to make the most of the available information

In this chapter, you will find information on messages generated by the cobas c111
instrument, and on how to use them and react to them.

In this chapter Chapter 9

About messages ................................................................................................................ D-5
Message screen ................................................................................................................. D-5
Acoustic signals ................................................................................................................ D-6
Alarm monitor .................................................................................................................. D-6
Reacting to alarm messages ...................................................................................... D-7
Printing alarm messages ........................................................................................... D-8
Confirming alarm messages ..................................................................................... D-9
Exporting the alarm message log ............................................................................. D-9
List of alarm messages ...................................................................................................D-10

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-3
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
D-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
About messages

About messages

The system performs numerous checks. When a certain event has occurred or when
an irregularity is detected, a message is generated. Messages are displayed in two
o Immediate feedback on user actions is displayed in a pop-up message screen.
o Information concerning a problem that occurred during operation is reported as
alarm messages in the alarm monitor.
Alarm messages are stored in a log file, which you can export.
e See Exporting the alarm message log on page D-9.

Message screen

Message screens are displayed automatically as soon as the message is generated.

Figure D-1 Message screen

Read the message and press to close the screen.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-5
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
Acoustic signals

Acoustic signals

The operator is alerted to certain events by an acoustic signal.

The following events trigger an acoustic signal.
o An alarm was generated.
o The Main cover is open while the system is in Operating status.
o A run is finished. (The system status has changed from Operating to Standby.)
o A maintenance action is complete (provided it is a longer maintenance action
where no user intervention is required).
You can adjust the volume of all generated acoustic signals (Utilities >
Configuration > System > Volume).
You can also turn on and off acoustic signals:
o Choose Utilities > Configuration > System > Sound Effects to turn on and off
the acoustic signals other than alarm and warning signals.
o Choose Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume and set the value to zero to
turn off all acoustic signals.
e System on page B-168.

Alarm monitor

Messages concerning an irregularity that occurred during operation can be viewed in

the alarm monitor. The alarm LED alerts you when such messages are generated.

Alarm button and LED

A Alarm LED B Alarm button

Figure D-2 Alarm LED

The alarm button is always active, even if you are not logged on the system.

Roche Diagnostics
D-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
Alarm monitor

Reacting to alarm messages

a To react to an alarm message

1 Observe the alarm LED.

No color There are no unconfirmed alarm messages.

Yellow There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message. You need to deal with
it as soon as possible.
Red There is at least one unconfirmed alarm message. You need to deal with
it immediately, processing may not be able to continue unless you do so.
An acoustic signal is sounded when an alarm is generated. You can adjust the volume
(Utilities > Configuration > System > Volume).

2 Press the Alarm button .

The most recently generated alarm message in this list is displayed. Which
messages are included in this list depends on the filter criteria that are applied to



A Alarm ID E Display the next alarm message.

B Total number of messages in the list. F Display additional information.
C Display the previous alarm message. G Display the filter options for the alarm list.
D Problem description and short remedy

Figure D-3

The alarm list can contain up to 250 messages. When this number is reached, the old-
est message is automatically deleted when a new one is generated.

3 To limit the number of messages that are contained in the list, press .
A list of filter options is displayed.
o Select Not confirmed to include in the list all alarm messages that have not yet
been confirmed by the user.
o Select Today’s alarms to include in the list all alarm messages that so far have
been generated on the current day.
o Select Complete list to include in the list all alarm messages that are stored in
the alarm database.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-7
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
Alarm monitor

4 Select the message you are interested in. Use and to display the previous
and next message respectively.
5 Do one of the following:
o Press to display more detailed information.
(If this button is not available there is no additional information.)
o Press to print alarm messages.
o Press to export the log file.
e See Exporting the alarm message log on page D-9.

6 When you have dealt with the issue, press to confirm that you have dealt
with the issue. The message is deleted from the Not confirmed list but it remains
in the other lists and the alarm messages log, which you can export.
e See Confirming alarm messages on page D-9.

Printing alarm messages

When you print alarm messages, their details are included in the printout.

a To print alarm messages

1 Press .
2 Press .
A screen is displayed for defining which alarm messages should be printed.
3 Do one of the following:
o Press All to print all messages that have not been dealt with.
o Press Selected to print the current message.

Roche Diagnostics
D-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
Alarm monitor

Confirming alarm messages

Confirming a message means that you have dealt with the issue mentioned in it.

a To confirm a message
1 Press .
2 Select the message. (Use and to display the previous and next message
3 Press .
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
o Press All to remove all messages from the list.
o Press Selected to remove the currently displayed message.
The message or messages are removed from the Not confirmed list, but they
remain in the other lists and the alarm messages log, which you can export.
When all messages are confirmed the Alarm LED is turned off (not lit).

Exporting the alarm message log

a To export the message log file

1 Press .
2 Press .
A screen is displayed asking you to insert a USB stick.
3 Insert the USB stick.
4 Press to confirm the insertion.
A screen is displayed for selecting a directory.
Press *.tgz to display log files only.
Press *.* to display all files and directories.
5 Select a directory for the error log.
6 Press to confirm the selection.
All log files are added to a file with the name format log_yyyymmddhhmmss.tgz
and copied to the stick. The error log file has the name format

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-9
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

List of alarm messages

In the following table, the variables %s and %d are used, they represent text and numbers.

ID Message Comment
0000 Unknown message, id=%d!
0001 A fatal system exception software error (%d) occurred. Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
while the system stays in the error condition. If the error
persists call service.
0002 An internal software error (%d) occurred while updating Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
the configuration. while the system stays in the error condition. If the error
persists call service.
0003 A software error occurred. Order (%d, %d) could not be Delete the orders that are not processed yet. If the error
processed. recurs export the log files while the system stays in the
error condition. If the error persists call service.
0004 A software error occurred. The unit is not ready, order Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
(%d) rejected. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0005 A mathematical exception arose. Repeat the order. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0006 Last calculation cycle (%d) too short. Repeat the order. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0007 Failed to calculate linear regression. Repeat the order. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0008 The cycle range (%d..%d) is not valid. Repeat the order. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0010 The reaction direction (%d) is invalid. Repeat the order. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0011 An internal communication error occurred. The received Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
IPC message (%d, %d) could not be interpreted. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
0012 A software error occurred. The status of an order is Delete and redefine the order. If the error recurs export
invalid (%d.%d). the log files with the system remaining in this error condi-
tion. If the error persists call service.
0017 The installed language version is out of date (%s, %s). Install the language version that belongs to the currently
installed system software version. If the error persists call
0018 The current system date and time are invalid. Correct the date and time settings in Configuration. If the
error persists call service.
0019 Printer controller revision %d is not supported. Call service.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages

Roche Diagnostics
D-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
0020 This reagent set has more bottles than there is space Load another disk or remove unused reagents.
available on the disk.
0021 Disk space problem.
0022 You are about to delete results that have been printed or
sent to host!
0023 Enter the A1c part.
0024 Now enter the A1c part.
5001 Air detected in the fluid system. Water container or
cleaner bottle is empty.
5002 [%d] Air detected in the fluid system. Refill the water container. Check the filling level of the
cleaner bottle. Replace the cleaner bottle if required. Per-
form <Prime Fluid System>. If the error persists call ser-
5003 [%s] An internal software error occurred. A parameter is Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
not valid.
5004 [%s] Error syringe motor. The syringe motor could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5010 [%s] Initialization of syringe failed. Switch off instrument. Remove right side panel. Check for
syringe mechanism jamming or blockage. Ensure correct
syringe installation. Restart the system. If the error per-
sists call service.
5013 [%s] Error mixer motor. The mixer motor could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5019 [%s] Initialization of the mixer motor failed. Switch off the instrument. Remove the transfer head
cover. Check if the mixing mechanism is jamming or
blocked. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
5022 [%s] Error temperature sensor analyzer heating system. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
The sensor does not react anymore.
5024 [%s] Error temperature sensor analyzer cooling system. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
The sensor does not react anymore.
5026 [%s] Error temperature sensor cooling system. The heat Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
sink temperature sensor does not react anymore.
5028 [%s] Error temperature sensor instrument. The ambient Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
temperature sensor does not react anymore.
5030 [%s] Error wash pump P1. The wash pump could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5032 [%s] Error waste pump P2. The waste pump could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5034 [%s] Error wash valve V1. The valve does not react Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5036 [%s] Error cleaner valve V2. The valve does not react Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5038 [%s] Error analyzer heating system. The heating system Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
does not react anymore.
5040 [%s] Error cooling system. One of the Peltier elements Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
does not react anymore.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-11
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
5044 [%s] Error main board fan. The fan could not be started or Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
the fan speed is not correct.
5047 [%s] Error cooling fan. The fan could not be started. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5049 [%s] Error sample area fan. Switch off the instrument. Remove the right side panel and check if the fan is jam-
ming or blocked. If possible eliminate the problem.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5052 [%s] Error cooling system. The cooling heat sink Ensure unrestricted cooling air circulation. Check the
overheated. cooling fan and make sure the external vent is not
blocked. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
5054 [%s] The analyzer heating system overheated. Switch off the instrument and wait 15 minutes to let cool
down the analyzer. Restart the system. If the error persists
call service.
5055 [%s] The analyzer temperature is outside the range. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
5056 [%s] The calibration of the transfer head fluid sensor Ensure that the sample probe tube is correctly installed.
failed. Ensure that the syringe is correctly installed. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
5058 [%s] Error fluid sensor transfer head. The sensor does not Restart the system. If the problem persists, call service.
react anymore.
5060 [%s] A not specified hardware error (%d) was reported by Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
the Multi-Slave control. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
5061 [%d] Air detected in the fluid system. Refill the water container. Check the filling level of the
cleaner bottle. Replace the cleaner bottle if required. Per-
form <Prime Fluid System>. If the error persists call ser-
5062 The degasser fluid sensor is not initialized. Perform <Initialize Degasser Fluid Sensor>. Follow the
instructions provided on the display. If the error persists
call service.
5063 [%s] Air bleed valve error. The air bleed valve does not Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
react anymore.
5064 [%s] Error fluid sensor degasser. The sensor does not Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
react anymore.
6001 [%s] Photometer error. Signal is invalid or unstable. Switch off the instrument. Remove and clean the rotor. In
case of a recurrence perform <Replace Photometer
Lamp> and <Abs Air/Water Calibration>. If the error
persists call service.
6002 [%s] Photometer error. The photometer has a wrong Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
status because initialization has not been successfully
performed yet.
6018 [%s] A not specified photometer hardware error (%d) was Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
reported by the photometer. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
6019 [%s] Photometer error. The photometer signals were Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
outside the range while performing a photometer
initialization or a photometer measurement.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
D-12 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
6020 [%s] Photometer lamp error. Perform <Clean Rotor and Heating Channel>. If the error
persists, replace the photometer lamp. Perform first the
maintenance action <Replace Photometer Lamp> and
then <Abs Air/Water Calibration>.
6021 [%s] Photometer error. The lamp voltage is outside the Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
6022 [%s] Photometer error. The internal photometer 15 V Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
power supply failed.
6023 [%s] Photometer error. The lamp current is outside the Perform first the maintenance action <Replace Photome-
range. ter Lamp> and then <Abs Air/Water Calibration>. Restart
the system. If the error persists call service.
6024 [%s] Photometer error. Either the lamp fan is not running Switch off the instrument. Open the main cover and check
or its speed is not correct. if the lamp fan is jamming or blocked. Restart the system.
If the error persists call service.
6025 [%s] Photometer error. Either the dark shutter motor Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
does not work or the shutter mechanism is jamming or
6026 [%s] Photometer error. A problem caused by the internal Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
circuitry has been detected.
6027 [%s] Photometer error. The photometer signals are Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
outside the range while performing a dark measurement.
6029 [%s] Photometer error. A problem caused by the internal Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
circuitry has been detected.
6030 [%s] Initialization of the rotor failed. Switch off the instrument. Remove the rotor and clean all
rotor measurement holes. Reinstall the rotor. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
6031 [%s] Photometer error. The photometer dark signal is not Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7001 [%d] An Instrument Control software exception error Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
occurred. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7002 [%d] A software error occurred. Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7004 [%d] An internal communication software error Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
occurred. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7006 [%s] A not specified hardware error (%d) was reported. Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7007 [%d] An internal communication error (%d) occurred. A Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
control unit could not be connected. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7008 [%d] A software error occurred that was caused by an Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
unexpected system situation. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-13
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7009 The LAN connection to the IC software failed. Check the external Ethernet cable. Restart the system. If
the error recurs export the log files with the system
remaining in this error condition. If the error persists call
7010 Instrument initialization failed. Check for previous errors. Switch off instr. Check transfer
mechanism. Restart system. If error recurs export the log
files with the system remaining in this error condition. If
the error persists call service.
7011 Failed to aspirate sample from tube on position %d. Tube Ensure that there is enough sample in the tube.
is empty or sample volume is not sufficient.
7012 Failed to identify the reagent disk. This is probably a Check for previous errors and eliminate the cause.
consequential error. Remove the reagent disk and check the ID tabs. Reinsert
the reagent disk correctly.
7013 [%s] Position error X-transfer. Switch off the instrument. Check if the X-transfer is blocked or jamming. Eliminate
the cause. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
7014 [%s] %s electrode is not stable during sample Perform restart. Perform <Electrode Service>. Check ISE
measurement. Ref solution tubing for obstructions. Replace electrode.
7015 [%s] %s electrode is not stable during calibrator Perform restart. Perform <Electrode Service>. Check ISE
measurement. Ref solution tubing for obstructions. Replace electrode.
7016 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect ISE Check the ISE Deproteinizer level, proper electrode
Deproteinizer. mounting, tube leakages and obstructions.
7017 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect ISE Etcher. Check the ISE tower and the ISE tubing for obstructions
and leaks. Ensure that the tubing is correctly inserted into
the sample sensor. If the error persists call service.
7018 [%d] The probe is not straight or not properly mounted. Check that the probe is properly mounted. Perform
<Replace Probe>.
7019 [%d] Transfer initialization failed due to a level detection Clean the transfer init plate. Ensure that the probe is not
problem. bent and installed correctly. Restart the system. If the
error persists call service.
7020 [%d] Transfer initialization failed due to an open main Ensure that all covers are closed. Restart the system.
7021 [%d] Instrument failed to initialize due to dirty init plate Perform <Clean Probe Manually> and restart the system.
or probe. If the problem persists, call service.
7022 [%s] Motor %d movement impeded. Perform restart. If the problem persists call service.
7033 [%s] Position error Z-transfer. Switch off the instrument. Check if the Z-transfer is
blocked or jamming. Eliminate the problem. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
7034 [%s] Either a rotor or an X-transfer or a Z-transfer motion Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
control error occurred.
7036 [%s] The level detection frequency is outside the range. Clean the probe and probe holder. Replace the water inlet
filter. Ensure that the system water meets the specifica-
tions. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7037 [%s] The level detection frequency is outside the range. Clean the probe and probe holder. Check the level detec-
tion cable for damage. Ensure that the cable is connected
correctly. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
D-14 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7038 [%s] Motor %d error (overheated). Switch off the instrument. Check for smooth transfer
movements. Restart the system. If the problem persists
call service.
7039 [%s] Power supply error. One or more internally used Switch off the instrument. Check the fuses F1 through F4
voltages are outside the range. and replace blown fuses. Restart the system. If the error
persists call service.
7042 [%s] Fuse F1 blown. Switch off the instrument. Check fuse F1. If necessary
replace fuse F1. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7043 [%s] Fuse F2 blown. Switch off the instrument. Check fuse F2. If necessary
replace fuse F2. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7044 [%s] Fuse F3 blown. Switch off the instrument. Check fuse F3. If necessary
replace fuse F3. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7045 [%s] Fuse F4 blown. Switch off the instrument. Check fuse F4. If necessary
replace fuse F4. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7046 [%s] The initialization of the rotor failed. Switch off the instrument. Check if the rotor is jamming
or blocked. Clean the rotor initialization light barrier.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7051 [%s] Error rotor motor. The motor could not be started. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7052 [%s] Error motor X-transfer. The motor could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7053 [%s] Error motor Z-transfer. The motor could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7057 [%s] The ISE sample sensor is not calibrated or no Perform <Initialize ISE Unit>. If the error persists call ser-
calibration data is available. vice.
7058 [%s] ISE sample sensor could not detect fluid. Check the ISE tower and the ISE tubing for obstructions
and leaks. Ensure that the electrodes are installed cor-
rectly. If the error persists call service.
7059 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect the end of Check the ISE tower and the ISE tubing for obstructions
the transported fluid segment. and leaks. If the error persists call service.
7060 [%s] The calibration of the ISE sample sensor failed. Check the filling level of the ISE Cal bottle. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions and leaks. Perform <Initialize ISE
Unit>. If the error persists call service.
7061 [%s] The calibration of the ISE sample sensor failed. Check the filling level of the ISE Cal bottle. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions and leaks. Perform <Initialize ISE
Unit>. If the error persists call service.
7062 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect calibrator. Check the filling level of the ISE Cal bottle. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions and leaks. Perform <Initialize ISE
Unit>. If the error persists call service.
7063 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect the end of Check the ISE tubing for obstructions and leaks. Perform
the calibrator segment. <Initialize ISE Unit>. If the error persists call service.
7064 [%s] The ISE sample sensor could not detect Activator Check the ISE tower and ISE tubing for obstructions and
during initialization. leaks. Perform <Initialize ISE Unit>. If the error persists
call service.
7065 [%s] Calibration of the ISE reference sensor failed, no Check the filling level of ISE Ref. Perform <Initialize ISE
valid calibration data are available. Reference Sensor>. If the error persists call service.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-15
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7066 An internal control unit (%d) reported a wrong firmware Reinstall the system software.
7067 An internal control unit (%d) reported a checksum or an Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
attach error. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7068 [%d] Wash aborted due to open cover. Close the cover and restart the system.
7069 [%d] Transfer initialization failed due to an open main Ensure that all covers are closed. Restart the system.
7070 The available reagent bottle volume in bottle set %s is not Replace the bottle set with a new one.
sufficient. The bottle set has been marked as empty.
7071 Photometer error. Signal is invalid or unstable. Switch off the instrument. Remove and clean the rotor. If
the error recurs perform <Replace Photometer Lamp>
and <Abs Air/Water Calibration>. If the error persists call
7072 [%d] The reagent mixing failed due to a level detection Check if the probe is obstructed. Check the filling level of
problem. the associated reagent bottle. If the error persists call ser-
7073 [%s] Peristaltic pump speed is outside the range. Check ISE tubing for obstructions and leaks. Ensure that
the electrode tension lever and the peristaltic pump cover
are closed. Perform <Initialize ISE Unit>. If the error per-
sists call service.
7074 [%s] The detected sample or calibrator segment is too Check the ISE tubing for obstructions and leaks. Ensure
short. that the electrodes are installed correctly. If the error per-
sists call service.
7075 [%s] A timeout error occurred while performing an ISE Restart the system and repeat the measurement. If the
measurement. error persists call service.
7076 [%s] Initialization of the ISE unit failed due to a fluid Check the ISE tower and the ISE tubing for obstructions
transport problem. and leaks. Check the electrodes. Perform <Initialize ISE
Unit>. If the error persists call service.
7083 [%s] The ISE bypass tubing is blocked. Perform <Replace ISE Unit Tubing>. Follow the instruc-
tions in the Operator's Manual. If the error persists call
7084 [%s] An ISE pinch valve is probably defective. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7086 [%s] The ISE air pressure is outside the range. Check the air tubing underneath the ISE tower for
obstructions. If the error persists call service.
7087 [%s] ISE air pressure sensor detected that the pressure is Restart the system. If the problem persists, call service.
too low.
7088 [%s] A failure of the internal ISE power supply has been Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7099 [%s] Weight sensors of the ISE Ref and ISE Cal bottle are In <Diagnostics> perform <Adjust ISE Ref Bottle Sensor>
not calibrated correctly. and <Adjust ISE Cal Bottle Sensor>. If the error persists
call service.
7100 A power fail has been detected and an automatic system
restart was performed.
7101 [%s] Rotor position error. Switch off the instrument. Check if the rotor is blocked or jamming. Eliminate the
cause. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7102 [%s] Transfer bumper init failed. Perform restart.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
D-16 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7103 [%s] Adjustment of the ISE Ref bottle or ISE Cal bottle Repeat the adjustment: In <Diagnostics> perform <Adjust
weight sensor failed. ISE Ref Bottle Sensor> and <Adjust ISE Cal Bottle Sen-
sor>. If the error persists call service.
7107 [%s] A not specified hardware error (%d) was reported by Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
the ISE Unit. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7108 [%s] A not specified hardware error (%d) was reported by Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
the DC-Slave control. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7109 [%d] The sample probe is bent or not properly aligned. Check the probe and replace it if necessary. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
7110 [%d] A timing error occurred while fluid is expelled into a Check for previous errors. Restart the system. If the error
cuvette. Probably the error was caused by a previous persists call service.
hardware problem.
7111 [%d] Transfer movement failed due to open cover. Keep covers closed while the system is in Operating status.
7112 [%s] The ISE reference sensor detected air when ISE Ref Check the ISE Ref bottle filling level. Perform <Prime ISE
solution was transported. Reference and Calib.> and check the fluid flow. If the
error persists call service.
7113 [%d] A prime cycle failed due to an open cover. Ensure that all covers are closed while the system is being
initialized, in the Operating or Maintenance status.
7114 [%d] An initialization error occurred. The X-transfer zero Check the X-transfer for obstructions. Ensure that all cov-
positions are invalid. ers are closed. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7115 [%d] Dispensing into the ISE tower stopped because the Check the ISE tower waste tubing. Check the ISE tower
ISE tower was not empty. outlet for obstructions. Check the pinch valves. If the
error persists call service.
7116 [%d] The needle crashed while the system was trying to Switch off the instrument. Check if the transfer or probe
dispense fluid. movement is obstructed. Restart the system. If the error
persists call service.
7117 [%d] Consequential error caused by a previous hardware Check previous errors. Restart the system. If the error
or software problem. recurs export the log files with the system remaining in
this error condition. If the error persists call service.
7118 [%s] Rotor initialization error. The light barrier did not Switch off the instrument. Remove the rotor and clean the
react. light barrier. Reinstall the rotor. Restart the system. If the
error persists call service.
7119 [%d] Consequential error caused by a previous hardware Check previous errors. Restart the system. If the error
or software problem. recurs export the log files with the system remaining in
this error condition. If the error persists call service.
7120 [%s] Either a rotor, an X-transfer or a Z-transfer position Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
error occurred. Maybe one of these devices has been
moved manually by accident.
7121 [%d] Consequential error caused by an internal Check previous errors. Restart the system. If the error
communication problem. recurs export the log files with the system remaining in
this error condition. If the error persists call service.
7122 [%d] The Prepare action has been stopped due to an open Ensure that all covers are closed while the system is being
cover. initialized, in the Operating or Maintenance status.
7123 Extra wash cycle after reagent pipetting failed. Perform <Deproteinize Probe> before next run.
7124 Analyzer temperature outside the range.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-17
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7125 [%s] Motion control error in rotor motor. Restart the system to correct the problem. If the error per-
sists call service.
7126 [%s] Motion control error X-transfer motor. Restart the system to correct the problem. If the error per-
sists call service.
7127 [%s] Motion control error Z-transfer motor. Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7128 [%s] Initialization error X-transfer. Switch off the instrument. Ensure that all covers are
closed. Check if the X-transfer is blocked or jamming.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7129 [%s] Initialization error Z-transfer. Switch off the instrument. Check if the Z-transfer is
blocked or jamming. Check the seating of the transfer
head cover. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7130 [%s] Rotor position error. Switch off the instrument and check if the rotor is blocked
or jamming. If the error recurs call service.
7131 [%s] Position error X-transfer. Switch off the instrument and check if the X-transfer is
blocked or jamming. If the error recurs call service.
7132 [%s] Initialization error Z-transfer. Switch off the instrument. Check if the Z-transfer is
blocked or jamming. Check the seating of the transfer
head cover. Restart the system. If the error persists call
7133 [%s] Rotor motor overheated. Switch off the instrument. Check if the rotor is blocked or
jamming. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
7134 [%s] Motor X-transfer overheated. Switch off the instrument. Check if the X-transfer is
blocked or jamming. Ensure that the X-transfer can be
moved smoothly. Restart the system. If the error persists
call service.
7135 [%s] Motor Z-transfer overheated. Switch off the instrument. Check if the Z-transfer is
blocked or jamming. Ensure that the Z-transfer can be
moved smoothly. Restart the system. If the error persists
call service.
7136 [%s] Tube bottom detector is blocked or jamming. Switch off the instrument. Remove the transfer head
cover. Check the tube bottom detector mechanism. Install
the transfer head cover. Restart the system. If the error
persists call service.
7137 [%s] Na sample measurement unstable. Check the expiry date of the Ref and Na electrodes.
Replace expired electrodes. Check the ISE tubing for
obstructions and leaks. Perform <Electrode Service>. If
the error persists call service.
7138 [%s] Cl sample measurement unstable. Check the expiry date of the Ref and Cl electrodes.
Replace expired electrodes. Check the ISE tubing for
obstructions and leaks. Perform <Electrode Service>. If
the error persists call service.
7139 [%s] K sample measurement unstable. Check the expiry date of the Ref and K electrodes. Replace
expired electrodes. Check the ISE tubing for obstructions
and leaks. Perform <Activate Electrodes>. If the error per-
sists call service.
7140 [%s] Na calibrator measurement unstable. Perform <Electrode Service> and <Prime ISE Reference
and Calib.>. Check ISE Cal and Ref flow. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions. If the error persists call service.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
D-18 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7141 [%s] Cl calibrator measurement unstable. Perform <Electrode Service> and <Prime ISE Reference
and Calib.>. Check ISE Cal and Ref flow. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions. If the error persists call service.
7142 [%s] K calibrator measurement unstable. Perform <Electrode Service> and <Prime ISE Reference
and Calib.>. Check ISE Cal and Ref flow. Check the ISE
tubing for obstructions. If the error persists call service.
7143 [%d] An internal software problem (%d) occurred. The Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
access to the internal EEPROM failed. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
7144 [%d] The instrument battery is low or not connected. The Call service.
date and time may no longer be valid. A replacement of
the battery is probably required.
7145 [%d] The action <Clean ISE> has been stopped due to an Ensure that all covers are closed while the system is being
open cover. initialized, or in the Operating or Maintenance status.
7146 [%d] The initialization of the system has been stopped due Ensure that all covers are closed while the system is being
to an open cover. initialized, or in the Operating or Maintenance status.
7147 [%d] The initialization of the ISE Unit has been stopped Ensure that all covers are closed while the system is being
due to an open cover. initialized, or in the Operating or Maintenance status.
7148 [%d] Initialization of the ISE Unit has been stopped due to Switch off the instrument. Check if the transfer is blocked
a blocked transfer. or jamming. Ensure that all covers are closed. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
7149 [%d] Initialization of the rotor failed. The calculated offset Switch off the instrument. Check if the rotor is blocked or
is outside the range. jamming. Restart the system. If the error persists call ser-
7150 [%d] Initialization of the transfer failed due a level Switch off the system. Clean the probe and probe holder
detection problem. and ensure that they are installed correctly. Restart the
system. If the error persists call service.
7151 [%d] Dispensing fluid into the ISE tower failed due to an Switch off the instrument. Check if the X- transfer and Z-
incorrect X-transfer or probe position. transfer are blocked or jamming. Restart the system. If the
error persists call service.
7152 [%d] A pipetting or dispensing cycle failed due to an Switch off the instrument. Check if the X- transfer and Z-
incorrect X-transfer or probe position. transfer are blocked or jamming. Restart the system. If the
error persists call service.
7153 [%d] A reagent mixing cycle failed because the probe Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
crashed. holder are correctly installed. Replace a bent probe.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7154 [%d] A probe wash cycle failed because the probe crashed. Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
holder are correctly installed. Replace a bent probe.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7155 [%d] Initialization of the transfer failed because the probe Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
crashed. holder are correctly installed. Replace a bent probe.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7156 [%d] A prime cycle failed because the probe crashed. Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
holder are correctly installed. Replace a bent probe.
Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
7157 [%d] Initialization of the Z-transfer failed due to a level Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
detection problem. holder are correctly installed. Clean the init plate. Restart
the system. If the error persists call service.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-19
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
7158 [%d] A tube bottom sensor problem was detected. Switch off the instrument. Check if the tube bottom sen-
sor mechanism can be moved freely. Restart the system. If
the error persists call service.
7159 [%d] Movement stopped because the probe crashed. Switch off the instrument. Check if the probe and probe
holder are correctly installed. Replace a bent probe. Check
the magnetic slider. Restart the system. If the error per-
sists call service.
7160 Sample pipetting on position %d was aborted due to an
unstable LD signal%s.
7161 Reagent pipetting of bottle set %s was aborted due to an
unstable level detection signal%s. The test is automatically
7162 The probe crashed due to a jamming main cover slider. Check the slider and ensure that it is operating correctly.
7163 The run aborted due to a jamming main cover slider. Check the slider and ensure that it is operating correctly.
7164 An internal communication error occurred. Controller %s Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
could not be connected.
12001 The host computer did not answer the order query for Check the communication and existing orders on the
sample %s within the time limit. host.
12002 The communication port is not accessible. Check the Host Settings and compare them with the host
Communication to the host server is not possible. server settings.
12003 Sending a message to the host computer failed. Enable the host trace file in the Host Settings in order to
record HIF communication activities.
12004 Receiving or processing a message from the host Enable the host trace file in the Host Settings in order to
computer failed. record HIF communication activities.
12005 Host server could not send message to the host. Select result and perform Retransmit. If the problem
recurs enable the host trace file in the Host Settings.
Retransmit again and export the log files. If the error per-
sists call service.
12006 Changes of the host communication settings could not be Restart the system. If the error persists call service.
13001 A software error (%d) occurred. The database could not Restart the system. If the error recurs export the log files
be opened. with the system remaining in this error condition. If the
error persists call service.
13002 A software error occurred. The calculated result for the Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
order (%d) could not be stored in the database.
13003 A software error occurred. Data of the order (%d) could Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
not be retrieved from the database.
13004 A software error occurred. The required parameters for Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
application (%d) could not be found.
13005 A software error occurred. The calibration result for order Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
(%d) could not be stored in the database.
13006 A software error occurred. A required parameter set for a Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
certain application (%d) could not be found.
13007 Reagent disc %d was replaced by disc %d while the system Ensure that the information provided in <Disk Status>
was switched off. corresponds to the actually loaded reagent bottle sets.
13008 The import of the database failed. The database version
does not correspond to the currently installed software
version. An old database version was provided (detected
V %d ; expected V %d ).
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)
Roche Diagnostics
D-20 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 9 Messages and alarms
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
13009 A software error occurred. An invalid database entry (%d) Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
for a control was detected.
13010 A software error occurred. An invalid database entry (%d) Export the log files. If the error persists call service.
for a control was detected.
13011 Validation of Development Channels failed. The number
of installed DC applications does not match the number
of available channels. (%d DC applications found, %d
channels installed).
13012 Auxiliary reagent (%d) not found. Ensure that the reagent bottle has been loaded. If the error
recurs export the log files with the system remaining in
this error condition. If the error persists call service.
13013 Reagent bottle %d not found. Ensure that the reagent bottle has been loaded. If the error
recurs export the log files with the system remaining in
this error condition. If the error persists call service.
13014 Calibrator lot definition for application %d inconsistent.
Check number of standards used with number of
calibrator cups and Last Is Water definition.
20001 <Replace Water Inlet Filter> completed.
20002 <Clean Water and Waste> completed.
20003 <Replace Photometer Lamp> completed.
20004 <Clean Probe Manually> completed.
20005 <Prime Fluid System> completed.
20006 <Clean Housing> completed.
20007 <Deproteinize Probe> completed.
20008 <Clean Reagent Disk> completed.
20009 <Database Backup> completed.
20010 <Call Service Rep.> completed.
20011 <Clean ISE Tower Manually> completed.
20012 <Replace ISE Unit Tubing> completed.
20013 <Replace ISE Pump Tubing> completed.
20014 <Replace ISE %s Electrode> completed.
20015 <Initialize ISE Reference Sensor> completed.
20016 <Clean ISE Tower Automatically> completed.
20017 <Initialize ISE Unit> completed.
20019 <Electrode Service> completed.
20020 <Activate Electrodes> completed.
20021 <Prime ISE Reference and Calibrator> completed.
20022 <Condition ISE Tubing> completed.
20023 An unknown action %d was completed successfully.
20024 Installation completed. The intervals of the maintenance
actions were reset successfully (except daily maintenance
20025 <Abs. Air/Water Calibration> completed.
20026 The external water reservoir was refilled.
20027 The external waste container was emptied.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-21
9 Messages and alarms cobas c111
List of alarm messages

ID Message Comment
20028 <Daily Prepare Actions> completed.
20029 Database cleanup completed.
20030 <Initialize Degaser Fluid Sensor> completed.
Table D-1 List of alarm messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
D-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
Table of contents

Result flags

In this chapter, you will find a list of the flags generated by the cobas c111
instrument, their associated error messages, and the possible user actions.

In this chapter Chapter 10

About flags ......................................................................................................................D-25
Safety ................................................................................................................................D-27
List of flags ......................................................................................................................D-28
> ..................................................................................................................................D-28
V .................................................................................................................................D-28
Ag Excess ...................................................................................................................D-28
? Cal ............................................................................................................................D-29
Cal Error ....................................................................................................................D-29
Calc Error ..................................................................................................................D-29
Curv Dir ....................................................................................................................D-30
Ep Unstab ..................................................................................................................D-30
High Abs ...................................................................................................................D-31
High Act ....................................................................................................................D-31
< Kin Read ................................................................................................................D-32
Low Act .....................................................................................................................D-32
Non Linear ...............................................................................................................D-33
Non Mono .................................................................................................................D-33
Out of Rng .................................................................................................................D-34
? QC ...........................................................................................................................D-34
R 1(2.5s) .....................................................................................................................D-34
R 1(3s) ........................................................................................................................D-35
>R 2(2s) .....................................................................................................................D-35
<R 2(2s) .....................................................................................................................D-35
>Reag Rng .................................................................................................................D-36
<Reag Rng .................................................................................................................D-36
> Repl Dev .................................................................................................................D-36
> RR ...........................................................................................................................D-37
< RR ...........................................................................................................................D-37
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-23
10 Result flags cobas c111
Table of contents

> Std Dev ...................................................................................................................D-37

> Test Rng .................................................................................................................D-38
< Test Rng .................................................................................................................D-38

Roche Diagnostics
D-24 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
About flags

About flags

Flags are automatically generated with results if during processing certain technical
checks were not passed or if the result exceeds or does not reach predefined limits.
Measurements that did not generate flags can be considered technically correct.
Flags are displayed and printed with the results.

a To display flag information

1 Display the result.
Do one of the following:

If Do this
You want to look at sample results: Choose Workplace > Result Review
You want to look at calibration results: Choose Workplace > Calibrations
You want to look at QC results: Choose Workplace > QC Status

A screen is displayed that lists the results. If flags were generated, the flag with the
highest priority is displayed. For ratio results, the flag with the highest priority of
all constituent test results is displayed.
2 Select the flagged result.
3 Press to display all flags that were generated for this test (A). They are sorted
according to their priority.

4 Look up the flag in section List of flags on page D-28 for detailed information on
the flag.

a To display flag information with the sample still on board

1 Choose Overview > tube button.
A screen is displayed that shows the result, together with the flag of the highest
e To view all flags that were possibly generated see To display flag information on
page D-25.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-25
10 Result flags cobas c111
About flags

Flags and error messages Some flags trigger error messages if they appear in consecutive measurements. Each
flag has its own counter. If one measurement does not generate the flag, the counter is
reset to zero.

Flag priority If the conditions in the cobas c111 instrument are such that multiple flags were
generated for a single measurement, only the flag with the highest priority is
displayed in the results lists.

Flags and user actions With each flag description contained in this chapter, the recommended user actions
are given.
e See List of flags on page D-28.

Roche Diagnostics
D-26 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags


Before you start troubleshooting, it is essential that you both read and understand the
safety information listed below.
Read carefully all safety notices given in instructions and make sure you understand

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury. When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Where a flag description gives a list of recommended actions, work through each step in
turn until you have solved the problem. Proceed to the next step only after you have com-
pleted the previous one.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-27
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

List of flags

This section lists the general flags and those that concern absorbance measurements
only, and it provides information on each of the flags.
e For information on ISE-specific flags, see List of ISE flags on page E-71.


Meaning Result generated by re-performing the test with the same running parameters

Message ID 120

Priority 32

Possible cause The user initiated the repeat.

Recommended actions No action required.

Meaning A rerun result with diluted sample.

Message ID 121

Priority 33

Possible cause The user initiated the rerun.

Recommended actions No action required.

Ag Excess

Meaning Antigen excess.

The sample contains an excess antigen and a valid result cannot be calculated.

Message ID 6

Priority 19

Recommended actions Rerun the test with postdilution.

Roche Diagnostics
D-28 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
List of flags

? Cal

Meaning A result where its calibration is flagged.

Message ID 110

Priority 29

Possible cause The calibration was in question and has been flagged, however the calibration could
be used to calculate the result (compare with Cal Error where the calibration did not
provide a usable result).

Recommended actions Check and redo calibration if needed.

Cal Error

Meaning No valid calibration data available.

Message ID 43

Priority 24

Possible cause Caused by an alarm that occurred during calibration because the calibration could
not provide a usable result.

Recommended actions Check the flags of the calibration and proceed to deal with the calibration first.

Calc Error

Meaning Calculation error.

o General calculation error.
o Slope or nonlinear standard curve cannot be calculated due to a calibration error.

Message ID 16

Priority 13

Possible cause o Calibrator outdated or deteriorated.

o Misplacement of the calibrator tubes.

Recommended actions o Repeat calibration with fresh calibrators.

o If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, replace the calibrators and repeat
the calibration.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-29
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

Curv Dir

Meaning Curve direction.

The direction of the calibration curve is incorrect or not as expected.

Message ID 14

Priority 10

Possible cause Misplacement of calibrator tubes

Recommended actions 1. Check the details of the calibration.

2. If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, replace the calibrators correctly and
rerun the calibration.

Ep Unstab

Meaning End point unstable.

The absorbance values near the endpoint show unacceptable fluctuation.

Message ID 9

Priority 8

Recommended actions CAL

1. Repeat with fresh calibrators if only calibration is flagged.
2. If the flag is on control, sample, or on calibration repeat results, replace the
reagent set.
1. If only one control is flagged, repeat with fresh control.
2. If more than one control and sample result is flagged, replace the reagent set.
1. Rerun diluted.
2. If only one sample result is flagged, repeat with fresh sample.
3. If more than one sample result is flagged or a repeat result, replace the reagent set.
4. If a serum protein test result is flagged, repeat with dilution.

Roche Diagnostics
D-30 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
List of flags

High Abs

Meaning Excessive absorbance.

The absorbance value to be used for calculation and checks is > 2.0 Abs.

Message ID 5

Priority 1

Recommended actions CAL

o Repeat with fresh calibrator.
o If a single control is flagged, rerun with a fresh control.
o If more than one control is flagged, perform a calibration.
o If a single sample result is flagged, rerun with dilution.
o If the problem persists, replace the reagent set.

High Act

Meaning High activity.

o The absorbance change during measurement is above the accepted limit, i.e. the
reaction has taken off too fast.

Message ID 56

Priority 9

Recommended actions CAL

1. Check if the correct calibrators are placed on the instrument.
2. Repeat with fresh calibrators.
1. Check control. Repeat with fresh control.
1. Rerun with dilution.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-31
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

< Kin Read

Meaning Insufficient kinetic reading points.

Message ID 11

Priority 11

Possible cause o Not enough kinetic readings.

o Insufficient absorbance readings were found in the linear part of the reaction to
be able to calculate a rate.
o Not enough readings in kinetic range for calc mode Kinetic.

Recommended actions CAL

1. Check reaction plot.
2. Repeat with fresh calibrator.
1. Check reaction plot.
2. Repeat with fresh control.
1. Check reaction plot.
2. Rerun with dilution or concentration if necessary.

Low Act

Meaning Low activity.

This check is used to identify zero pipetting for samples and reagents.
o The absorbance change during measurement is below the accepted limit, i.e. the
reaction has taken off too slowly. Possibility of substrate exhaustion.
o The absorbance change during the measurement is lower than the defined limit.

Message ID 56

Priority 9

Recommended actions CAL

1. Check if the correct calibrators are placed on the calibrator rack.
2. Repeat with fresh calibrators.
1. Check the control. Repeat with fresh control.
1. Rerun with dilution.

Roche Diagnostics
D-32 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
List of flags

Non Linear

Meaning Abnormal linearity.

Message ID 11

Priority 11

Possible cause o The slope changes between the first and last parts of the reaction curve.

Recommended actions CAL

1. Check reaction plot.
2. Repeat with fresh calibrator.
1. Check reaction plot.
2. Repeat with fresh control.
1. Check reaction plot.
2. Rerun with dilution or concentration if necessary.

Non Mono

Meaning Curve not monotonic.

No calibration curve could be calculated because the rates of the calibrators were

Message ID 80

Priority 14

Possible cause Misplacement of a series of calibrators, automatic dilution series failed.

Recommended actions 1. If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, re-place the calibrators correctly
and rerun the calibration.
2. Check the fluid system
3. Repeat the calibration

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-33
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

Out of Rng

Meaning Curve out of range.

The calibration curve is outside the acceptable/ programmed range.

Message ID 84

Priority 16

Possible cause Deteriorated or outdated calibrator or reagent.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh calibrators.

2. If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, re-place the calibrators correctly
and repeat the calibration.
3. If flag reoccurs, repeat with fresh reagent.

? QC

Meaning A result where the quality control measurement is flagged.

Message ID 111

Priority 30

Possible cause The last QC measurement before this measurement was flagged. The dependency is
derived from the time sequence.

Recommended actions Check QC measurement.

R 1(2.5s)

Meaning One control value is above 2.5 standard deviation or below -2.5 standard deviation.

Message ID 36

Priority 28

Possible cause o The reagent has deteriorated (linearity of working curve degraded).
o One control is concentrated or has deteriorated.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

Roche Diagnostics
D-34 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
List of flags

R 1(3s)

Meaning One control value is above 3 standard deviation or below -3 standard deviation.

Message ID 35

Priority 27

Possible cause o Improper control is set.

o Proper control values (mean value, standard deviation) are not specified.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

>R 2(2s)

Meaning Two sequential control measurements are above the 2 standard deviation.

Message ID 29

Priority 26

Possible cause o The controls are not properly prepared.

o The controls are not properly positioned on the instrument.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

<R 2(2s)

Meaning Two sequential control measurements are below the -2 standard deviation.

Message ID 29

Priority 26

Possible cause o The controls are not properly prepared.

o The controls are not properly positioned on the instrument.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-35
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

>Reag Rng

Meaning Absorbance above defined reagent range.

o During calibration, the absorbance value of the lowest calibrator is above the
upper defined range.

Message ID 12

Priority 7

Possible cause Deteriorated or outdated calibrator or reagent.

Recommended actions 1. Check the calibration and reagent expiry dates.

2. Repeat with fresh lowest calibrator.
3. If the flag reappears, replace reagent set (a reagent may be contaminated).

<Reag Rng

Meaning Absorbance below defined reagent range.

o During calibration, the absorbance value of the lowest calibrator is below the
lower defined range.

Message ID 12

Priority 7

Possible cause Deteriorated or outdated calibrator or reagent.

Recommended actions 1. Check the calibration and reagent expiry dates.

2. Repeat with fresh lowest calibrator.
3. If the flag reappears, replace reagent set (a reagent may be contaminated).

> Repl Dev

Meaning Greater than replicate deviation.

Deviation between replicates exceed programmed limit. One or more replicates are

Message ID 13

Priority 12

Possible cause Problems in air/water system, air bubbles, clogged probe.

Recommended actions 1. Check the calibrators for air bubbles and repeat the calibration.
2. If the flag reappears, repeat with fresh calibrators.
3. Check the probe.
4. Check the fluid system.

Roche Diagnostics
D-36 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 10 Result flags
List of flags

> RR

Meaning Above reference range.

For patient samples, the calculated concentration is greater than the upper limit of
the expected value range.
nnnnn is the actual value that was checked against.

Message ID 40

Priority 22

Recommended actions No action required.

< RR

Meaning Below reference range.

For patient samples, the calculated concentration is less than the lower limit of the
expected value range.
nnnnn is the actual value that was checked against.

Message ID 41

Priority 23

Recommended actions No action required.

> Std Dev

Meaning Greater than standard deviation.

A point in the calibration fell outside the defined limits.

Message ID 17

Priority 17

Recommended actions 1. Check calibration curve.

2. Repeat with fresh calibrators.
3. If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, replace the calibrators correctly.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-37
10 Result flags cobas c111
List of flags

> Test Rng

Meaning PANIC value over (upper) Technical Limit.

The result is higher than the upper limit for the test.

Message ID 26

Priority 20

< Test Rng

Meaning PANIC value below (lower) Technical Limit.

The result is lower than the lowest limit for the test.

Message ID 27

Priority 21

Roche Diagnostics
D-38 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Table of contents

Dealing with exceptional situations

In this chapter, you will find information on how to deal with selected exceptional

In this chapter Chapter 11

Introduction ....................................................................................................................D-41
Dealing with exceptional situations .............................................................................D-42
Reacting to messages .....................................................................................................D-44
Detailed procedures .......................................................................................................D-46
Checking the printer status ....................................................................................D-46
Clearing a paper jam ................................................................................................D-46
Changing the mains fuses .......................................................................................D-47
Changing the low voltage fuses ..............................................................................D-49
Realigning the reagent disk ....................................................................................D-50
Exporting diagnostics screens to USB ...................................................................D-51

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-39
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
D-40 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting


Effective troubleshooting requires a good understanding of all basic operating

procedures for the cobas c111 instrument and the system software.

Preventive maintenance You can avoid most unforeseen situations if you observe the recommended
procedures at all times and if the operating environment is effectively controlled by
performing all maintenance actions when they become due in the manner described
in the Operator’s Manual.
e See Maintenance actions on page C-8.

Information about the status of The system performs numerous checks. When a certain event has occurred or when
the system an irregularity is detected, a message is generated. Messages are displayed in two
o Immediate feedback on user actions is displayed in a pop-up message screen.
e See Message screen on page D-5.
o Information concerning a problem that occurred during operation is reported as
alarm messages in the alarm monitor.
e See Alarm monitor on page D-6.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-41
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Dealing with exceptional situations

Dealing with exceptional situations

The following table list possible exceptional situations, provides information on the
possible causes, and suggests ways of remedying the situation. (Subsequent sections
contain detailed procedures for selected remedies.)
Situation Affected Possible causes Comments
Measuring whole blood. Tube bottom Use of unsuitable tubes. With whole blood samples, pipetting is always per-
detection formed from near the tube bottom of the tube.
To ensure proper pipetting, only use primary tubes.
With other tubes, the bottom detector might register
and pipetting would stop.
The fluid connectors External fluid o Moving the instrument to To get easier access to the release clamps on the connec-
need to be disconnected connectors. another location. tors, remove the side panel before removing the connec-
from the instrument. o Removing blockages. tors.
e See To disconnect a tube from the instrument on
page B-129.
A service representative Diagnostics These features are usually used Follow the instructions given by the service representa-
asks you to perform diag- features. at the request of a service repre- tive.
nostics tasks. sentative. e See Exporting diagnostics screens to USB on
page D-51.
The system does not Instrument. No electricity. 1. Check that the instrument is connected to the mains
work or does not switch power supply.
on and the power switch 2. If the instrument is properly connected replace the
light is off. mains fuses.
e See Changing the mains fuses on page D-47.
No printing. Printer. Printer is out of paper. Load printer paper.
e Refilling printer paper on page B-122.
Printer jam. e To clear the paper jam on page D-46.
Reagent disk cannot be Reagent disk. The bottle storage assembly in The reagent disk is designed to handle reagents while it
inserted in the reagent the reagent disk was moved is loaded on the instrument. The cover is equipped with
cooler. while the latter was outside the a locking mechanism.
instrument. Always remove and load reagents while the reagent disk
is on the instrument and by using the software sup-
ported procedures.
1. Align the bottle storage assembly in the reagent
e See Realigning the reagent disk on page D-50.
2. Insert the reagent disk in the cooler.
Figure D-4 Troubleshooting overview

Roche Diagnostics
D-42 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Dealing with exceptional situations

Situation Affected Possible causes Comments

The system does not go System status There are not enough free Load empty cuvette segments.
to Operating status. cuvettes on the instrument. e See Preparing cuvettes on page B-28.
Air/water calibration is Perform Abs. Air/Water Calibration maintenance
required. action.
e See Perform an air/water calibration on page C-28.
In the corresponding calibrator The Last Is Water definition defines what is used as the
lot definitions of at least one of zero calibrator. It is either system water (On) or a stan-
the tests you want to perform, dard, usually water (Off), which would be placed in a
the value for Last Is Water is tube like any other calibrator.
Off. With some tests, calibration does not work with special
zero calibrators, they need the Last Is Water definition
Possible remedies:
1. Delete the current calibration order and redefine it.
2. If the Last Is Water definition is Off, make sure to
place a special zero calibrator on the instrument
when calibrating. (This is usually water.)
If this does not help change the Last Is Water value to
On. (Calibration for this test does not work with a spe-
cial zero calibrator.)
1. Choose Workplace > Lot Data > Calibrators.
2. Select the entry for the test and expand the entry.
3. Select the Last Is Water entry and press .
4. Press On.
5. Press .
6. Delete the current calibration order and redefine it.
A hardware error had occurred. Some hardware conditions prevent the system from
performing tests.
1. Press to check the alarm messages.
2. Follow the advise given in the messages.
3. Choose > Restart to restart the system.
Figure D-4 Troubleshooting overview (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-43
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Reacting to messages

Reacting to messages

A cobas c111 error message starts with a message ID, which consists of a number
followed by the date and time, for example:
7009. [25.08.2006 8:53]

Providing information to service Whenever you are asked to provide message information to a service representative,
representatives provide the error codes contained in the explanatory text, not the message ID of the
first line. If there are no error codes in the text, supply the complete message text.
Also keep in mind that an event may trigger several messages, therefore it is
important to provide the information for all messages that were generated within
about one minute.
Basically there are three kinds of error message texts:
o Messages that contain text only.
o Messages that contain an error code of the format, for example
o Messages that contain a nine digit error code, for example [104000551].
The following table lists selected messages and provides more detailed information
on how to react to them.

In the "Message or error code" column of the following table, the most relevant information
is the number, the texts may be different on the actual instrument.

Message or error code Affected items Possible causes Comments Instrument. Fuse F1, F2, or F4 is defective. Replace the low voltage fuse that is mentioned in the alarm message. e See Changing the low voltage fuses on

page D-49.
[109000572] code raised by Instrument. The probe is bent or the trans- 1. Check that the probe is mounted properly
IC software caused by an fer head is poorly adjusted. and replace it if necessary.
unexpected handling or sys- e See Replacing the probe on page B-125.
tem situation.
2. If the problem persists, contact your service
No connection to Instrument Instrument. Fuse F3 is defective. Check the LED of fuse F3. Replace the fuse if
Control. necessary. (If the fuse has blown, the LED is off.)
e See Changing the low voltage fuses on
page D-49.
The LAN cable is not or not Check that the LAN cable is properly connected:
properly connected. 1. Switch off the instrument.
2. If the cable was not connected, connect it.
If the cable was connected, remove it at both
ends and reconnect it.
3. Start the instrument.
Electronic problem If the above measures are not successful, contact
your service representative.
Figure D-5 Troubleshooting with the help of messages

Roche Diagnostics
D-44 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Reacting to messages

Message or error code Affected items Possible causes Comments

[] Level detection Level detection. o Poor water quality. 1. Make sure you use the correct water quality.
error (conductivity). o Contamination with e See Technical specifications on
cleaner (valve is leaking) page A-66.
2. Perform the Prime Fluid System mainte-
nance action.
e See Prime the fluid system on page C-11.
3. If the problem persists, contact your service
[] through [] Photometer. o Lamp defective. Do not attempt to clean the photometer lenses.
Various texts related to o Photometer lens soiled. 1. Replace the photometer lamp.
photometer Gc-0166807. 2. If the problem persists, contact your service
Figure D-5 Troubleshooting with the help of messages (Continued)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-45
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Detailed procedures

Detailed procedures

Checking the printer status

a To check the printer status

1 On the Overview tab, press the System status button.
The printer button is red.
2 Scroll to display the Printer entry.

Clearing a paper jam

a To clear the paper jam

1 Choose > Stop Printing, if required.
2 Open the printer panel.

Press down the release button (A) firmly before you pull the panel. The panel should
open without resistance.

3 Lift the printer paper roll from its holder.

4 Remove all loose paper. (Cut or tear it off).
5 Place the roll back on the holder.
Make sure the paper unrolls at the top and towards you.

Roche Diagnostics
D-46 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Detailed procedures

6 Insert the paper in the slot in the printer panel and pull some through.

7 Close the printer panel.

The system feeds some paper and then automatically resumes printing.
8 Choose Overview > .
9 The printer button should now be green, and the status description should be OK.

Changing the mains fuses

a To change the mains fuses

1 Press
2 The Stop screen is displayed.
3 Press Shutdown to shut down the system.
Wait until the screen is black.
4 Press O on the main power toggle switch to switch off the instrument.
5 Disconnect the mains cable from the instrument.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-47
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Detailed procedures

6 Using a screwdriver disengage the clips on both sides of the fuse box cover.

7 Remove the holder.

8 Remove the two fuses from the holder.

9 Replace both fuses.

Damage to the analyzer due to use of wrong fuses

Always replace fuses with new ones of the same type and specifications.
See Technical specifications on page A-66.

10 Insert the fuse holder in the fuse box.

Press it in firmly until the clips engage.
11 Connect the mains cable to the instrument.
12 The instrument switch should be illuminated.

Roche Diagnostics
D-48 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Detailed procedures

Changing the low voltage fuses

a To change a low voltage fuse

1 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
2 Using a screwdriver size 2 or 3, remove the fuse indicated in the alarm message.

A Low voltage fuses B Slot in low voltage fuse holder

Figure D-6

o Insert the screwdriver in the slot and turn anticlockwise until the holder
o Remove the holder with the fuse.

3 Remove the fuse from its holder.

4 Insert the new fuse in the holder.

NOTICE Damage to the analyzer due to use of wrong fuses

Always replace fuses with new ones of the same type and specifications.
See Technical specifications on page A-66.

5 Insert the holder in the socket.

6 Using the screwdriver, lock the holder in position by pressing it in and turning
the screwdriver clockwise until the slot is vertical.
7 Switch on the instrument.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-49
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Detailed procedures

Realigning the reagent disk

a To realign the reagent disk

1 Insert your fingers in the holes in the reagent disk cover an lift the reagent disk.

Spillage through tipping reagent disk

When handling the reagent disk, make sure not to tilt it.

2 Insert a pencil in the opening in the center of the underside of the reagent disk.
3 Turn the reagent disk until the arrows of the reagent disk and the cover face each


A Incorrect position: The two arrows do not B Correct position: The two arrows face each
face each other. other.

Figure D-7

Roche Diagnostics
D-50 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 11 Troubleshooting
Detailed procedures

Exporting diagnostics screens to USB

When performing diagnostics actions you can export the content of the screen to the
USB stick.

Prerequisites You need Lab Administrator or Administrator user rights to perform diagnostics
actions, and the system must be in Standby or Stopped status.

a To export the content of the screen

1 Press to start the diagnostics action.
2 Press .
3 Press Send to File.
As screen is displayed, asking you to insert the USB stick.
4 Insert the USB stick.
5 Press .
6 Select the directory.
7 Press to confirm the selection.
The data are copied to the USB stick. (File name format:

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 D-51
11 Troubleshooting cobas c111
Detailed procedures

Roche Diagnostics
D-52 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0

12 ISE description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-3

13 ISE operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-15
14 ISE maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-39
15 ISE troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-67
cobas c111 12 ISE description
Table of contents

ISE description
Overview of the ISE unit

In this chapter, you will find a general overview of the cobas c111 ISE unit. You also
will find a description of the main components and their principle operation.

In this chapter Chapter 12

Overview .............................................................................................................................E-5
Abbreviations ..............................................................................................................E-5
Measuring modes ........................................................................................................E-6
Principles of operation ...............................................................................................E-7
ISE solutions ................................................................................................................E-8
Hardware ............................................................................................................................E-9
Panels ............................................................................................................................E-9
ISE LED ......................................................................................................................E-10
Main components .....................................................................................................E-10
Fluid containers .........................................................................................................E-11
Basic operation ................................................................................................................E-12
Samples .......................................................................................................................E-12
Calibration .................................................................................................................E-12
ISE Standby ................................................................................................................E-12
Maintenance actions .................................................................................................E-13
Technical specifications .................................................................................................E-13

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-3
12 ISE description cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
E-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 12 ISE description


The Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE) module is a measurement system for electrolytes that
runs independently of the main instrument. The ISE unit uses the same samples and
sample tubes that are used for photometric measurements, and the samples are
transferred using the same probe. The ISE unit uses specific solutions, some of which
are kept in bottles on the ISE unit itself, the others are transferred to sample tubes and
placed on the sample area.


The following ISE specific abbreviations are used:

Abbreviation Definition
CL-I Chloride indirect
CL-U Chloride urine
F Solution 1 factor
K-I Potassium indirect
K-U Potassium urine
mV Measured voltage in millivolt
NA-I Sodium indirect
NA-U Sodium urine
S Slope in mV/dec
Std 1/1 First measurement of ISE Solution 1
Std 1/2 Second measurement of ISE Solution 1
Std 2 Measurement of ISE Solution 2

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-5
12 ISE description cobas c111

Measuring modes

The ISE unit makes, in serum, plasma and urine, quantitative determinations of the
following electrolytes:
o Sodium (Na+)
o Potassium (K+)
o Chloride (Cl-)
Measurements are done using indirect mode. The samples, controls, and standard
solutions are diluted with system water 1:6 (1+5). The dilution and mixing are
performed automatically in the ISE tower.

Pipetting volumes Sample: 15 μL

Diluent (H2O): 75 μL

ISE measurements ISE measurements and photometric measurements can be carried out at the same
time and are independent of each other. (ISE measurements do not use cuvettes, the
reagent rotor, or the photometer.) All requested ISE measurements on a specific
sample, control, or standard solution are performed in parallel, that is, measurements
are made at each electrode at the same time.

Roche Diagnostics
E-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 12 ISE description

Principles of operation

The ISE unit uses flow-through ion-selective electrodes and a reference electrode
with an open liquid junction. Each electrode has a membrane that is sensitive to a
particular type of ion.

Measuring process 1. The ISE maintenance and standard solutions (ISE Deproteinizer, ISE Etcher,
Activator, and ISE Solution 1 and 2) are pipetted from sample tubes on the
sample area to the ISE tower as required.
2. The sample is pipetted from the sample tube (located on the sample area) into the
ISE tower. The sample is diluted with system water. Mixing is performed with
four air jets arranged in a circle. These jets blow air into the tower to produce a
homogenous mixture.
3. The sample is divided into segments with the aid of a special arrangement of
valves. The first (shorter) segments are used for cleaning, these are followed by a
longer segment, on which the measurements are made.
4. The sample is passed to the ion-selective electrodes by the action of the peristaltic
The exact positioning of segments is ensured by the ISE sample sensor.
5. In the meantime, the ISE tower is washed with distilled water and dried.
6. ISE Reference Solution is passed through the ISE Reference Electrode and into the
measuring channel downstream of the electrodes. The ISE Reference Solution
completes the electrical circuits for each electrode so that measurements can be
made. While the measurements are made, the sample and ISE Reference Solution
are stationary.
7. A one-point calibration is performed after each sample measurement using the
ISE Calibrator indirect/urine, which is located on ISE unit.
8. The electrolyte concentration of the sample is calculated.


Ref Na Cl K


A ISE Reference Electrode F ISE Calibrator indirect/urine

B ISE Reference Solution sensor G Peristaltic pump
C ISE tower H Measuring channel
D Samples, controls, ISE Solution 1 and 2, I Ion-selective electrodes
Activator, ISE Etcher, and ISE Deproteinizer J Electrode block
E ISE Reference Solution K ISE sample sensor

Figure E-1 Main parts of the ISE measuring system

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-7
12 ISE description cobas c111

ISE solutions

The ISE unit requires several specific solutions for performing the analyses and
maintaining the system. They are listed in the following table.

Solution summary Solution Location Use

ISE Solution 1 Sample area Used in the two-point calibration of sodium, chloride,
and potassium.
ISE Solution 2 Sample area Used in the two-point calibration of sodium, chloride,
and potassium.
ISE Calibrator ISE unit Used in the one-point calibration after each measure-
indirect/urine ment. It is also used during ISE initialization and
standby, and for maintenance purposes.
ISE Reference ISE unit Used in all ISE measurements of sodium, potassium,
Solution and chloride.
Also used during ISE standby.
ISE Etcher Sample area Used as a cleaning solution for cleaning the ISE Sodium
Electrode during ISE maintenance.
ISE Sample area Used as a cleaning solution for cleaning the probe, ion-
Deproteinizer selective electrodes, ISE tower, and tubing during ISE
Activator Sample area Activates the electrodes, tubing, and the ISE tower dur-
ing ISE maintenance. It is also used for the initialization
of the ISE unit and for activating the probe.
Roche recommend using their Activator on the
cobas c111 instrument. (For details see the package
insert of the Activator.)
Water External water Used for diluting the samples, controls, and standard
container solutions, and for cleaning purposes. It is also used dur-
ing ISE initialization.
Sample Sample area Sample tubes are placed on the sample area of the main
instrument and pipetted by the main instrument probe.
Waste Internal waste The waste is first pumped into the internal waste tank
tank of the main instrument and then to the external waste
Table E-1 Solutions used with ISE analysis

Fluid stability For information on the stability of fluids see the package insert of the fluid in

Incorrect results due to changes in fluids

The chemical composition of ISE fluids changes over time. The assigned on-board stability
WARNING is the interval within which the quality of the fluid remains within the prescribed tolerances.
Using fluids whose interval has expired may lead to incorrect results.
Always exchange the fluids when an interval has expired. Follow the instructions given on
the screen.

Roche Diagnostics
E-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 12 ISE description


The ISE unit is designed as an add-on unit to the cobas c111 main instrument. (It will
be installed by your service representative.)


The ISE cover has two joints. The front cover provides access to the parts you may
need to handle during daily operation. Opening the back cover as well provides
access to the peristaltic pump and its tubing.


Figure E-2 ISE cover

Left side panel Provides access to:

o ISE power supply
o ISE connectors
Do not remove; this panel should be removed by your service representative only.

ISE cover Provides access to:

o Electrodes
o ISE unit tubing
o ISE fluid bottles
Do not open this cover when the system is in Operating status.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-9
12 ISE description cobas c111

Left service flap Provides access to:

o ISE tower
Remove this flap as instructed during maintenance actions, or shut down the system
and switch off the instrument before you remove it.


The ISE LED is color coded.

Power off (e.g. power supply disconnected.)

The ISE unit is OK and ready for use.

Blinking The fluid level in the ISE Reference or ISE Calibrator indirect/urine
bottle is low.

Error, processing stopped.

Main components




A Electrode block with ISE Sodium, Potassium, G Peristaltic pump with pump tubing
Chloride, and Reference Electrode H Exit-valve plate
B ISE Reference Solution sensor I Measuring channel
C ISE tower J ISE sample sensor
D Input-valve plate K Entry-valve plate with tubing
E ISE Reference Solution bottle (red label)
F ISE Calibrator indirect/urine bottle (blue

Figure E-3 Main components of the ISE unit

Peristaltic pump A fluid pump that draws the solutions through the electrode block and then pumps it
to the internal waste tank.

Roche Diagnostics
E-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 12 ISE description

Input-valve plate A set of valves to create cleaning segments and to control the flow of waste fluids.

Entry-valve plate A set of valves to control and monitor the flow of fluids.

Exit-valve plate A set of valves to control the aspiration action of the peristaltic pump.

Electrode block A block that contains the electrodes.

ISE tower A hollow, transparent cylinder with multiple inlets and outlets for air and solutions.
In the ISE tower, samples and diluents are mixed using an air stream.

Tubing Tubing is used for transporting the fluids. It connects the ISE unit with the water and
waste system, and also with the ISE Reference Solution and ISE Calibrator
indirect/urine bottles, which are placed on the ISE unit.

Sensors The ISE sample sensor detects the presence of liquid (sample, control, standard
solution, or ISE Calibrator indirect/urine) or air and enables the correct placing of
segments for measurement and cleaning.
The ISE Reference Solution sensor detects the presence of ISE Reference Solution.

ISE fluid bottles Two bottles are placed on the ISE unit:
o ISE Calibrator indirect/urine bottle (blue label)
o ISE Reference Solution bottle (red label)
Level monitoring is performed on the basis of weight, the bottles are placed on scales.

Fluid containers

The following table shows which container is used for which fluid:

Fluid Container(s) Position

Samples Tube Sample area
Controls Tube Sample area
ISE Solution 1 and 2 Tube Sample area
Cleaner External cleaner bottle External fluid rack
ISE Deproteinizer Tube Sample area
Activator Tube Sample area
ISE Etcher Tube Sample area
ISE Reference Solution Bottle ISE unit
ISE Calibrator indirect/urine Bottle ISE unit
Water External water container External fluid rack
Waste External waste container External fluid rack
Table E-2 Fluids, containers, and where they are used

The term tube includes all kinds of tubes, as long as their dimensions lay within prescribed
limits. It also includes secondary tubes (cups). See Tubes on page A-54.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-11
12 ISE description cobas c111
Basic operation

Basic operation

Operation of the ISE unit is integrated in the operation of the main instrument.
The following sections contain some ISE specific information on operation-related
e For general information on operating the main instrument, see the corresponding
sections in Chapter 2 Introduction to the instrument and Chapter 5 Daily operation.
For ISE-specific tasks, see Chapter 13 ISE operation.


The sample tubes are placed on the sample area of the main instrument.


The ISE unit requires frequent calibration to ensure the accuracy of the test results

Main calibration The electrodes are calibrated with a two-point calibration using ISE Solution 1 and 2.
The main calibration is typically performed during the Prepare phase.

One-point calibration The electrodes are calibrated after each ISE measurement using the on-board ISE
Calibrator indirect/urine. This calibration is an integral part of each ISE
measurement and is performed automatically.

ISE Standby

If there is no measurement for more than three minutes, the ISE unit switches to
Standby status. In this status, ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and ISE Reference
Solution are pumped into the measuring channel and moved a short distance at
regular intervals. Also, every two hours the ISE tubing is primed with ISE Calibrator
indirect/urine and ISE Reference Solution. This is done to prevent the following
o Flow of ISE Reference Solution backwards into the measuring channel, which can
damage the electrodes because of the high ion concentration of the ISE Reference
o Crystallization of salts in the tubing, causing blockages.
The ISE unit has a separate power supply. Therefore, the Standby status is
maintained even if the main instrument is switched off.

NOTICE Damage to electrodes and possible tubing blockage

o Do not unplug or switch off the ISE power supply. Periodic flow of solutions must be
performed at all times.
o If you intend not to use the ISE unit for more than one week, you should deactivate it.
This saves ISE fluids, reduces wear and tear of the tubing, and lowers the likelihood of
malfunctions and errors occurring. (See Deactivating the ISE unit on page E-64.)

Roche Diagnostics
E-12 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 12 ISE description
Technical specifications

Maintenance actions

Maintenance of the ISE unit is integrated in the maintenance of the main instrument.
The system software guides you through the maintenance procedures.
Maintenance actions are performed after a certain event or after a defined interval
has expired.
e For ISE-specific maintenance actions, see Chapter 14 ISE maintenance.

Technical specifications

e See Technical specifications on page A-66.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-13
12 ISE description cobas c111
Technical specifications

Roche Diagnostics
E-14 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Table of contents

ISE operation

In this chapter, you will find information on performing the routine tasks that are
required for processing tests using the ISE unit.

In this chapter Chapter 13

Daily operation ................................................................................................................E-17
Safety information ....................................................................................................E-19
Preparing the system ................................................................................................E-20
Short guide ...........................................................................................................E-20
Starting the Prepare wizard ...............................................................................E-21
Checking the status of the external fluid containers ......................................E-21
Checking the ISE status .....................................................................................E-21
Performing maintenance actions .....................................................................E-22
Completing the preparation tasks ....................................................................E-23
Performing calibrations .....................................................................................E-23
Defining orders .........................................................................................................E-23
Monitoring the progress ..........................................................................................E-24
Validating sample results .........................................................................................E-25
Main calibration ........................................................................................................E-26
Performing QC ..........................................................................................................E-26
Finishing the shift .....................................................................................................E-27
Short guide ...........................................................................................................E-28
Replacing ISE fluid bottles .............................................................................................E-30
Replacing electrodes .......................................................................................................E-32
Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument ..................................................................E-36

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-15
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
E-16 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Daily operation

Daily operation of the ISE unit is integrated in the daily operation of the main
e See Chapter 5 Daily operation.

The following table gives an overview of the tasks you might need to perform during
daily operation.
Task Steps Navigation
With wizard As individual steps
1 Starting the system 1. Switch on the system.
2 Logging on the system Overview > Logon
3 Preparing the system Start the Prepare wizard. Overview > Prepare
1. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
2. Check the ISE status. Overview >
3. Perform Daily Prepare Actions. Utilities > Maintenance
4 Defining orders Start the Orders wizard. Overview > Order (or Overview > STAT)
1. Identify the sample. n/a
2. Select the tests. n/a
3. Place the sample. n/a
4. Start the run.
5 Monitoring the progress n/a Overview

6 Validating results 1. View results. n/a Workplace > Result Review

2. Handle flagged results. n/a Workplace > Result Review >
... > Repeat
... > Rerun
3. Accept results. n/a Workplace > Result Review > >
7 Performing calibrations
Performing individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
calibrations 2. Select the test. n/a
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > Calibrations >
all due calibrations 2. Select all tests with due calibrations. n/a
Select all tests with calibration due
within the forecast period.
3. Prepare and place the calibrators. n/a
4. Start the calibration.
5. Validate the calibration results. Workplace > Calibrations >
6. Remove the calibrators.
Table E-3 Overview of the daily operation tasks
Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-17
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Task Steps Navigation

With wizard As individual steps
8 Performing controls
Performing 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order >
Default QC 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls. n/a
Performing an individual 1. Start the wizard. Workplace > QC Status >
QC measurement 2. Select a test. n/a
3. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
4. Start the QC measurement.
5. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
6. Remove the control.
Performing all 1. Start the wizard. Overview > Order > >
due QC measurements 2. Select a control and place the tube. n/a
Repeat until there are no controls left
on the screen.
3. Start the QC measurement.
4. Validate the QC results. Workplace > QC Status >
5. Remove the controls.
9 Finishing the shift 1. Check for unfinished orders. Workplace > Orders
Choose > Not Finished
2. Check for non-validated results. Workplace > Result Review
Choose > Not Accepted
3. Check for non-transmitted results. Workplace > Result Review
(If working with a host system only.) Choose > Not Sent to Host
4. Start the End Shift wizard. Overview > End Shift
5. Perform the daily backup. Utilities > Export > Database
6. Export the full results. Utilities > Export > Results
7. Clean up the database. Workplace > Orders >
Workplace > Result Review>
Workplace > QC Status >
Workplace > QC History >
Workplace > Calibrations >
8. Perform the maintenance actions Utilities > Maintenance
that are due.
9. Check the external fluid containers. Overview > >
10. Log off the system. Overview > button with your user name
11. Shut down the system and switch off n/a n/a
the instrument (if last shift).
Table E-3 Overview of the daily operation tasks

The following sections describe the ISE-specific operation tasks.

Roche Diagnostics
E-18 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Safety information

Injury through reagents and other working solutions

Direct contact with reagents, cleaning solutions, or other working solutions may cause
WARNING personal injury.
When handling reagents, exercise the precautions required for handling laboratory
reagents, observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information
given in the Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics reagents and cleaning

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Do not touch any parts of the instrument other than those specified. During operation and
maintenance of the instrument, proceed according to the instructions.
Keep all covers closed, operate them as instructed on the screen.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to trained Roche
support representative personnel.
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-19
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Preparing the system

Short guide
The following table provides an overview on the steps that make up the preparation
Step User action
1 Start the Prepare wizard. 1. On the Overview tab, press Prepare.

2 Check the status of the external 1. Refill the water container, if required, and con-
containers. firm by pressing the water button. (If you refill
the water, empty the waste as well.)
2. Empty the waste container, if required, and
confirm by pressing the waste button.
3. Replace the cleaner bottle, if required, and con-
firm by pressing the cleaner button.
4. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.
3 Check the onboard ISE fluids. 1. Replace the ISE fluid bottles, if required.
2. Replace the electrodes, if required.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
Prepare wizard.

4 Perform the maintenance 1. Perform the Daily Prepare Actions mainte-

actions that are due. nance action.
2. Perform the other ISE maintenance actions
that are due.
Perform at least all red maintenance actions.

Table E-4 Steps for preparing the system

e For non-ISE-specific tasks, see Preparing the system on page B-12.

Roche Diagnostics
E-20 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Starting the Prepare wizard

a To start the preparation process

1 Choose Overview > Prepare.

Checking the status of the external fluid containers

a To check the status of the external fluid containers

1 Follow the instructions given in Checking the status of the external fluid containers
on page B-15.
2 When you have finished with the fluid containers, press to proceed to the
next stage in the Prepare wizard.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the electrodes and the on-board ISE

When checking external fluid containers without using the Prepare wizard:
Choose Overview > > .

Checking the ISE status

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury.
When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Replacing electrodes

a To replace an electrode
1 Follow the instructions given in Replacing electrodes on page E-32.

o After replacing an electrode, the Electrode Service maintenance action needs to

be performed. This action will be performed as part of the maintenance procedure
of the Prepare wizard.
o After replacing an electrode, a main calibration needs to be performed. This action
will be performed as part of the Daily Prepare Actions maintenance action.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-21
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Replacing ISE fluid bottles A bottle with a blue label for ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and a bottle with a red
label for ISE Reference Solution are located on the ISE unit. The procedure for
exchanging these bottles is the same.

a To replace an on-board ISE fluid bottle

1 Follow the instructions given in Replacing ISE fluid bottles on page E-30.

o After replacing an ISE fluid bottle, the Prime ISE Reference and Calib. mainte-
nance action needs to be performed. This action will be performed as part of the
maintenance procedure of the Prepare wizard.
o After replacing an ISE fluid bottle, a main calibration needs to be performed. This
action will be performed as part of the Daily Prepare Actions.

2 When you have finished replacing electrodes and ISE fluid bottles, press to
proceed to the next stage in the Prepare wizard.
A screen is displayed that lists the maintenance actions.

Performing maintenance actions

The routine maintenance actions that are relevant for working with the ISE unit are
integrated in one single maintenance action: Daily Prepare Actions.
e For general information on performing maintenance actions, see Performing maintenance
actions on page B-19.
For details on how to perform individual ISE maintenance actions, see ISE maintenance
actions on page E-42.

a To perform maintenance actions

1 Select Daily Prepare Actions.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Follow the instructions given on the screen.
e See Daily prepare actions on page E-44.

4 Perform the non-routine ISE maintenance actions.

Follow the instructions given on the screen.

When performing maintenance actions without using the Prepare wizard:

Choose Utilities > Maintenance.

Roche Diagnostics
E-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Completing the preparation tasks

1 When you have finished performing maintenance actions, press to proceed
to the next stage in the Prepare wizard.
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the reagents on the reagent disk.
This is not relevant for ISE operation.
2 Press .
A screen is displayed that shows the status of the cuvettes that are on board. This
is not relevant for ISE operation.
3 Press .
A screen is displayed that shows the tests that need calibrating. Because the
calibrations have already been performed as part of the Daily Prepare Actions
maintenance action, this step is not relevant for ISE operation.
4 Press .
The Overview tab is displayed. The preparation tasks are completed.

Performing calibrations
The ISE calibrations are integrated in the Daily Prepare Actions maintenance action.
e See Daily prepare actions on page E-44.

Defining orders

ISE sample analysis is integrated in the operation of the main instrument. The
process of defining orders is the same.

a To define orders
1 Follow the instructions given in Defining orders on page B-38.

ISE tests are defined and requested as profiles. (There is hardly ever the need for elec-
trolytic measurements of just one electrode.)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-23
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Monitoring the progress

a To monitor the progress

1 Follow the instructions given in Monitoring the analysis progress on page B-44.

a To check the instrument status

1 Press the Overview tab.

A Relevant instrument status buttons

Figure E-4

Interpreting the instrument Icon Meaning Possible action

status buttons The ISE unit is in standby. No action is required.

The expiration date of an electrode 1. Check the details on the dedi-

has passed or an on-board ISE cated System Status screen.
fluid level is low. 2. Replace the electrode or ISE
fluid bottle as soon as possible.
The ISE unit is blocked. 1. Check the details on the dedi-
cated ISE status screen.
2. Act accordingly.

Roche Diagnostics
E-24 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Icon Meaning Possible action

System The System Status button displays both the icon and the color of one of the
Status buttons of the underlying System Status screen. (The icons are first priori-
tized by color, first priority being red, followed by yellow and green, and then
according to the sequence in which they are listed below.)
Analyzer (main cover) Press the button and on the Sys-
tem Status screen check the text
about the status of the main cover.
Reagent cooler and cuvette ring Press the button and on the Sys-
temperature tem Status screen check the text
about the temperature.
Sample area ventilation Press the button and on the System
Status screen check the text about
the ventilation status.
External fluid containers Press the button and on the Sys-
tem Status press it again to display
the screen for handling the exter-
nal fluid containers.
Maintenance Press the button and on the Sys-
tem Status press it again to display
the maintenance actions list.
Printer Press the button and on the Sys-
tem Status screen check the text
about the printer status.

Acoustic signal An acoustic signal informs you of the fact that all tests are finished and the system
status has changed to Standby.

Validating sample results

ISE result handling is integrated in the operation of the main instrument. The process
of reviewing results is the same.

a To validate sample results

1 Follow the instructions given in Validating sample results on page B-51.
e For information on ISE flags, see List of ISE flags on page E-71.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-25
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Main calibration

The main calibration of the electrodes must be performed periodically. It also needs
to be performed after certain maintenance actions.
For the indirect method, the sodium (NA-I), potassium (K-I), and chloride (CL-I)
tests are calibrated with a two-point calibration using ISE Solution 1 and 2.
For urine, the sodium (NA-U), potassium (K-U), and chloride (CL-U) tests are
calibrated with a two-point calibration using ISE Solution 1 and 2.
The main calibration is typically performed during the Prepare phase and, if there
follows a second shift, at the end of a shift. It is integrated in the Daily Prepare
Actions maintenance action.
e For details on performing the Daily Prepare Actions maintenance action, see Daily
prepare actions on page E-44.
For details on performing individual calibrations, see Process of performing calibrations on
page B-61.

Performing QC

ISE QC handling is integrated in the operation of the main instrument.

a To perform QC
e Follow the instructions given in Performing QC on page B-68.

Roche Diagnostics
E-26 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Finishing the shift

ISE Standby status If there is no measurement for more than three minutes, the ISE unit switches to
Standby status. In this status, ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and ISE Reference
Solution are pumped into the measuring channel and moved a short distance at
regular intervals. Also, every two hours, the ISE tubing is primed with ISE Calibrator
indirect/urine and ISE Reference Solution. This is done to prevent the following:
o Flow of ISE Reference Solution backwards into the measuring channel, which can
damage the electrodes because of the high ion concentration of the ISE Reference
o Crystallization of salts in the tubing, which can cause blockages.
The ISE unit has a separate power supply. Therefore, the Standby status is maintained
even if the main instrument is switched off.

NOTICE Damage to electrodes and possible tubing blockage

Do not unplug or switch off the ISE power supply. Periodic flow of solutions must be per-
formed at all times.

End Shift wizard The end of shift activities are organized in a single wizard. By performing the steps as
suggested by this wizard, you put the system in a condition that allows you to hand
over operation to another operator or to shut down the system and switch off the
The following table provides an overview on the steps that make up the end of shift
e For details on performing the individual tasks, see the instructions in Finishing the shift on
page B-77.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-27
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Daily operation

Short guide

Step User action

1 Check for unfinished tasks. 1. Check for unfinished orders.
2. Check for nonvalidated results.
3. Check for results that were not transmitted.

2 Start the End Shift wizard. 1. On the Overview tab, press the End Shift but-

3 Perform data backup. 1. Press .

2. Insert the USB stick.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory.
5. Press .
6. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

4 Export support data. 1. Press .

2. Insert the USB stick, if you have removed it.
3. Press .
4. Select the directory.
5. Press .
6. Remove the USB stick.
7. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

5 Clean up the database. 1. Press .

2. Press to confirm the deletion.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

Table E-5 Steps for finishing the shift

Roche Diagnostics
E-28 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Daily operation

Step User action

6 Perform maintenance actions. 1. Check which maintenance actions are due.
2. Perform the maintenance actions.
Perform at least all red maintenance actions.
3. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
End Shift wizard.

7 Check the cuvette status. 1. Press to proceed to the next stage in the
(Not relevant for ISE operation.) End Shift wizard.

8 Remove the reagent disk.

(Not relevant for ISE operation.)

9 Empty the waste container. 1. Empty the waste container.

2. Press the Waste button to confirm.
3. Refill the water container.
4. Press the Water button to confirm.

10 Finish your shift. 1. Log off the system.

2. Shut down the system and switch off the main
instrument. (If there is no other shift.)

Table E-5 Steps for finishing the shift

If you intend not to use the ISE unit for more than one week, you should deactivate it. This
saves ISE fluids, reduces wear and tear of the tubing, and lowers the likelihood of malfunc-
tions and errors occurring. (See Deactivating the ISE unit on page E-64.)

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-29
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Replacing ISE fluid bottles

Replacing ISE fluid bottles

ISE fluid bottles are supplied with a barcode that contains information on their
expiration date, which is monitored by the system.

Roche recommend replacing ISE fluid bottles as soon as their expiration date has passed.
(Their icon on the screen turns yellow.)
For information on the stability of fluids, see their package inserts.

Tools and materials required o ISE Calibrator indirect/urine or ISE Reference Solution bottle
o Tissues

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury.
When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

a To replace an on-board ISE fluid bottle

1 Check that the system is in Standby status.
2 Choose Overview > .
3 Check the status of the ISE bottles (A).

Interpreting the bottle status No fluid registered by an ISE fluid sensor. (Operation has stopped.)
You need to replace the bottle now.

The fluid level in the bottle is low. (Operation will proceed until one of the
sensors detects that there is no fluid.)
The fluid’s expiration date has passed.
You should replace the bottle as soon as possible.

No action is required.

4 Press Cal or Ref.

A screen is displayed that shows details about the bottle status.

Roche Diagnostics
E-30 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Replacing ISE fluid bottles

5 Press .
A screen is displayed, asking you to scan the bottle barcode or to type it manually.
6 Scan the bottle barcode.
7 Press .
8 Observe the messages on screen and react accordingly.
If the barcode cannot be read, type it manually.
When the scanning process is finished, a message is displayed, asking you to
replace the bottle.
9 Open the ISE cover.
10 Remove the tubing adapter by lifting it and placing it on a clean lint-free tissue.
11 Remove the bottle.
12 Remove the cap of the new bottle.
13 Place the new bottle.

Make sure to place a full bottle.

14 Insert the tubing adapter.

15 Close the ISE cover.
16 On the screen, press to confirm the placement.
The system performs the Prime ISE Reference and Calib. maintenance action.
17 Press to close the screen for reading barcodes.
Allow at least 15 seconds for priming the ISE bottle before continuing with any
other activity.

You need to perform a main calibration before you can process orders.

18 On the ISE status screen, press .

A placement list is displayed, telling you where to place ISE Solution 1 and 2.
19 Place ISE Solution 1 and ISE Solution 2 on the positions indicated on the screen.
20 Press .
The Overview tab is displayed.
21 Press to perform the main calibration.
22 When the system is in Standby status, remove ISE Solution 1, and ISE Solution 2
from the sample area.
23 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-31
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Replacing electrodes

Replacing electrodes

Roche recommend replacing electrodes when their expiration date is reached.

For information on the stability of the electrodes, see their package inserts.

There are up to three ion-selective electrodes and one ISE Reference Electrode on the
ISE unit. The replacement procedure is the same for all of them.
As part of replacing electrodes, the Electrode Service maintenance action and a main
calibration need to be performed.
Replacing an electrode takes about 15 minutes.

Tools and materials required o ISE Calibrator indirect/urine (on board)

o ISE Reference Solution (on board)
o ISE Deproteinizer
o ISE Etcher
o Activator
o ISE Solution 1
o ISE Solution 2
o ISE Sodium Electrode (if you intend to replace this type of electrode)
o ISE Potassium Electrode (if you intend to replace this type of electrode)
o ISE Chloride Electrode (if you intend to replace this type of electrode)
o ISE Reference Electrode (if you intend to replace this type of electrode)
o ISE Dummy Electrode (if you intend to replace this type of electrode or if you no
longer intend to use one of the ion-selective electrodes)

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-19.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page E-19.
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page E-19.

Roche Diagnostics
E-32 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Replacing electrodes

a To replace an electrode
1 Check that the system is in Standby status.
2 Choose Overview > .
The ISE status is displayed.

A Electrode buttons

Figure E-5

3 Press the button of the electrode you want to replace.

Details of the electrode status are displayed.
4 Press to start the exchange wizard.
The system rinses the electrodes with ISE Calibrator indirect/urine to remove any
sample residue and then drains all electrodes.
You are asked to remove the electrode. (Make sure to remove the electrode that is
marked on the screen.)
5 Open the ISE cover.
6 Open the electrode block lid.
7 Release the tension lever (A).

A Tension lever

Figure E-6

Turning the tension lever releases the electrodes. You may have to push the
anchoring piece towards the tension lever to create enough space for removing
the electrodes.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-33
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Replacing electrodes

8 Remove the electrode.

Lift it at the front to disengage, then remove it.

9 On the screen, press the electrode button to confirm that you have removed the
You are asked to scan the barcode of the new electrode or to type its ID manually.
10 Scan the electrode barcode on the package insert or type the ID manually.
(If you want to install a dummy electrode scan its barcode.)
You are asked to insert the new electrode.

Fixed electrode positions

Always replace an electrode with the same type or with an ISE Dummy Electrode. (The
ISE Reference Electrode must always be replaced with another ISE Reference Elec-
trode. ISE Dummy Electrode is not allowed on this position.)

Keeping the barcode

Keep the electrode barcode in a safe place. You will need it again in the case of a data-
base import.

11 Insert the new electrode.

Push it back towards the contacts and press it down until it clicks into place.
12 Fasten the tension lever.
13 Close the electrode block lid.
14 On the screen, press the electrode button to confirm that you inserted the
(If you inserted a dummy electrode, press the button of the electrode you replaced
with a dummy electrode.)
A screen is displayed that shows detailed information on the electrode.
15 Press .

At this stage, if you want to replace another electrode, press its button and continue
with step 7.

16 Close the ISE cover.

17 On the ISE status screen, press to continue the process.
A placement list is displayed.
Roche Diagnostics
E-34 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Replacing electrodes

18 Place the Activator, ISE Deproteinizer, ISE Etcher, ISE Solution 1, and ISE
Solution 2 on the sample area positions indicated on the screen.
19 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
The system performs the Electrode Service maintenance action.
20 Press to perform the main calibration.
A message will inform you when the action is complete.
21 When the system is in Standby status, remove the Activator, ISE Deproteinizer,
ISE Etcher, ISE Solution 1, and ISE Solution 2 from the sample area.
22 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-35
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument

Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument

If performing the Clean ISE Tower Manually maintenance action did not lead to the
desired results, you need to remove the ISE tower to clean it.
Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument consists of the following steps:
1. Removing the ISE tower
2. Soaking the ISE tower in ISE Deproteinizer
3. Cleaning and drying the ISE tower
4. Installing the ISE tower
5. Performing the maintenance action Clean ISE Tower Automatically.

Tools and materials required o Cotton swabs

o ISE Deproteinizer
o Small glass beaker

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-19.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-19.
o Injury through reagents and other working solutions on page E-19.

a To clean the ISE tower

Removing the ISE tower 1 Make sure the system is in Standby status.
2 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
3 Move the transfer head to its rightmost position.
4 Open the main cover and the left service flap.
5 Remove the ISE overflow collector by pulling it upwards and turning it from side
to side as you do so.


A ISE tower C Locking ring

B ISE overflow collector

Figure E-7

Place the collector behind the wash station.

Roche Diagnostics
E-36 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 13 ISE operation
Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument

6 Remove the locking ring from the base of the ISE tower by turning it counter-
clockwise one quarter of a turn and then lifting it over the ISE tower.
7 Lift the ISE tower and carefully disconnect the tubing.
Check whether any O-ring is stuck to the ISE tower. If so, remove it and place it
back in its position on the ISE tower base.

A O-ring positions

Figure E-8

Cleaning the ISE tower 8 Clean the inside of the ISE tower with a cotton swab to remove any visible clots.
9 Pour ISE Deproteinizer in the beaker.
10 Soak the ISE tower in the ISE Deproteinizer for about 5 minutes.
(If there are clots in the tower, you can extend the soaking time to 30 minutes.)
11 Rinse the ISE tower with deionized water and leave it to dry.

Reinstalling the ISE tower 12 Reconnect the tubing to the ISE tower.
13 Make sure that both O-rings are present and seated on the tower base.
14 Place the ISE tower on its base.
Align the two pins on the base with the two holes in the ISE tower.

A Alignment pins

Figure E-9

15 Reinstall the locking ring.

Make sure it is properly engaged and turn it firmly clockwise.
16 Reinstall the overflow collector.
17 Close the left service flap and the main cover.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-37
13 ISE operation cobas c111
Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument

Finishing the task 18 Switch on the instrument.

19 Wait for initialization to finish.
20 Log on to the system.
21 Perform the maintenance action Clean ISE Tower Automatically.
e See Clean ISE tower automatically on page E-50.

Roche Diagnostics
E-38 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
Table of contents

ISE maintenance

In this chapter, you will find step-by-step instructions of the ISE-specific

maintenance actions that you must perform to keep the instrument running
smoothly and efficiently.

In this chapter Chapter 14

Introduction .....................................................................................................................E-41
ISE maintenance actions and their intervals .........................................................E-41
ISE maintenance actions ................................................................................................E-42
Safety information ....................................................................................................E-42
Daily prepare actions ................................................................................................E-44
Activate electrodes ....................................................................................................E-45
Condition ISE tubing ...............................................................................................E-46
Initialize ISE Reference Solution sensor ................................................................E-47
Prime ISE reference and calibrator ........................................................................E-48
Electrode service .......................................................................................................E-49
Clean ISE tower automatically ................................................................................E-50
Clean ISE tower manually .......................................................................................E-51
Initialize ISE unit ......................................................................................................E-53
Replace ISE pump tubing ........................................................................................E-54
Replace ISE unit tubing ............................................................................................E-57
Deactivating the ISE unit .........................................................................................E-64

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-39
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
Table of contents

Roche Diagnostics
E-40 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance


The maintenance actions of the ISE unit are integrated in the maintenance actions of
the main instrument.
e For general information on performing maintenance actions, see Overview on page C-5.

This chapter describes the ISE-specific maintenance actions.

ISE maintenance actions and their intervals

The following table lists the ISE maintenance actions and shows how frequently they
need to be performed.

Every effort has been made to ensure that all the information contained in this table is cor-
rect at the time of publication. However, Roche Diagnostics GmbH reserves the right to
make any changes necessary without notice as part of ongoing product development.

Maintenance actions with no defined interval need to be performed in particular situations,

for example during troubleshooting.

Interval Maintenance action

None (Initiated by other Activate Electrodes
maintenance action)
None (Initiated by other Condition ISE Tubing
maintenance action)
None (Initiated by other Initialize ISE Reference Sensor
maintenance action)
None (Initiated by other Prime ISE Reference and Calib.
maintenance action)
Daily Daily Prepare Actions
Daily Electrode Service
Weekly Clean ISE Tower Automatically
Monthly Clean ISE Tower Manually
Monthly Initialize ISE Unit
Yearly Replace ISE Unit Tubing
Yearly Replace ISE Pump Tubing
Table E-6 Periodicity of maintenance actions

For the expiration dates of electrodes, see their package inserts.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-41
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

ISE maintenance actions

Safety information

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury. When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument

Do not touch moving parts during instrument operation.

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Incorrect results due to build-up of contaminants

During use, contaminants may adhere to the probe. As a result, traces of analytes or
reagents may be carried over to the next. Make sure to perform the probe maintenance
actions as soon as they are due in order to prevent potentially false results.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to dust and soiling

The user can leave the main cover open while the system is in Standby status or while the
instrument is shut down. This can cause dust and dirt being collected in the heating chan-
nel, which in turn might decrease the quality of the cuvettes.
Keep all covers closed. Open them only to perform operation actions.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to skipping maintenance actions

Not performing maintenance actions that are due may lead to situations where the system
cannot continue processing orders, or it may lead to incorrect results. If at all possible, per-
form the maintenance actions when they are due.

Incorrect results or processing stop due to incomplete maintenance actions

You can cancel a maintenance action by pressing at the end of a step. Using
while the system is performing a maintenance action may lead to unexpected errors.
If you interrupt the performing of a maintenance action that was due, its status will remain
due, and you need to fully re-perform the action later.
o If at all possible, complete a maintenance action without interrupting it.
o If you need to interrupt the maintenance action, wait until you see confirmation on
screen that the current step has been completed.

Roche Diagnostics
E-42 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
WARNING well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to a trained service
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Danger of poor measurement quality due to inadequate water quality

Inadequate water quality may lead to incorrect results. Always use purified water of the
quality specified in section Technical specifications.

Infection by waste solution

Contact with waste solution may result in infection. All materials and mechanical compo-
nents associated with the waste systems are potentially biohazardous.
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Whenever the term "purified water" is used in this document, water of at least the quality
specified in chapter Technical specifications must be used.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-43
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Daily prepare actions

f Utilities > Maintenance > Daily Prepare Actions

To make it easier and more efficient for the operator, some daily maintenance actions
that may take quite some time are grouped into one maintenance action. This way
the operator does not have to remain near the instrument while the actions are
The following maintenance actions are included if due:
o Initialize ISE Unit
o Electrode Service
o Clean ISE Tower Automatically
o Deproteinize Probe
In addition, a main calibration is performed.

Operator time Approximately 25 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m ISE Deproteinizer

m Activator
m ISE Etcher
m ISE Solution 1
m ISE Solution 2

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Incorrect results due to build-up of contaminants on page E-42.

a To perform the daily prepare actions

1 Prepare a tube with ISE Deproteinizer, ISE Etcher, Activator, ISE Solution 1, and
ISE Solution 2 each.
2 Select the maintenance action Daily Prepare Actions.
3 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
4 Press .
A placement list is displayed.
5 Place the fluids on the positions indicated on the screen.
6 Press to confirm the placing.
The system performs the maintenance actions.
7 When the system is in Standby status, remove the tubes.
8 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-44 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Activate electrodes

f Utilities > Maintenance > Activate Electrodes

The electrode surfaces must be activated with fresh serum so that the correct
potentials are measured. Electrodes may be damaged if they are deprived of regular
contact with serum.

Operator time Approximately 4 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To activate the electrodes

1 Select the maintenance action Activate Electrodes.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator on the sample area position indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
6 Remove the Activator from the sample area.
7 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-45
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Condition ISE tubing

f Utilities > Maintenance > Condition ISE Tubing

Conditioning the tubing with Activator ensures the proper flow of fluids.

Operator time Approximately 3 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To condition the ISE tubing

1 Select the maintenance action Condition ISE Tubing.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator on the sample area position indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
6 Remove the Activator from the sample area.
7 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-46 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Initialize ISE Reference Solution sensor

f Utilities > Maintenance > Initialize ISE Reference Sensor

Initializing the ISE Reference Solution sensor ensures proper detection of possible air
in the ISE tubing.
This maintenance action forms part of the Replace ISE Unit Tubing maintenance

Operator time Approximately 1 minute.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To initialize the ISE Reference Solution sensor

1 Select the maintenance action Initialize ISE Reference Sensor.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
The instrument pumps ISE Reference Solution through the ISE tubing.
You are asked to remove the tubing adapter from the ISE Reference Solution
4 Open the ISE cover.
5 Remove the tubing adapter from of the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
o Have a clean lint-free tissue ready.
o Lift the tubing adapter and place it on the tissue.
6 Press to confirm completion of the action.
The system now starts to initialize the ISE Reference Solution sensor.
You are asked to insert the tubing adapter in the ISE Reference Solution bottle
and to close the ISE cover.
7 Insert the tubing adapter in the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
8 Close the ISE cover.
9 Press .
The instrument pumps ISE Reference Solution through the ISE tubing.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
10 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-47
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Prime ISE reference and calibrator

f Utilities > Maintenance > Prime ISE Reference and Calib.

This maintenance action ensures that no traces of a previous ISE Calibrator
indirect/urine and ISE Reference Solution are left in the tubing and so prevents drift
in the results.

Operator time Approximately 1 minute.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required None

Hazards and precautions None

a To prime the ISE calibrator and ISE Reference Solution

1 Select the maintenance action Prime ISE Reference and Calib.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
The instrument pumps first ISE Reference Solution and then ISE Calibrator
indirect/urine through the ISE tubing and past the electrodes.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
4 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-48 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Electrode service

f Utilities > Maintenance > Electrode Service

The electrodes must be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of deposits and so to
maintain the efficiency of the ISE unit.
During this action, the ISE Sodium Electrode is etched and all electrodes are
deproteinized and activated, and the tubing is conditioned.

Operator time Approximately 9 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m ISE Etcher

m Activator
m ISE Deproteinizer

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To perform electrode service

1 Select the maintenance action Electrode Service.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator, ISE Deproteinizer, and ISE Etcher on the sample area
positions indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
6 Remove the Activator, ISE Deproteinizer, and ISE Etcher from the sample area.
7 Press .

You need to perform a main calibration before you can process orders.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-49
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Clean ISE tower automatically

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean ISE Tower Automatically

The ISE tower must be cleaned regularly to ensure the proper functioning of the ISE
unit. Cleaning includes deproteinizing and activating the ISE tower.

Operator time Approximately 3 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

m ISE Deproteinizer

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To clean the ISE tower automatically

1 Select the maintenance action Clean ISE Tower Automatically.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator and the ISE Deproteinizer on the sample area positions
indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
6 Remove the Activator and ISE Deproteinizer from the sample area.
7 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-50 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Clean ISE tower manually

f Utilities > Maintenance > Clean ISE Tower Manually

When the ISE tower is blocked, perform first the Clean ISE Tower Automatically mainte-
nance action (See Clean ISE tower automatically on page E-50). If this does not help, per-
form the Clean ISE Tower Manually maintenance action. If the ISE tower is still blocked,
clean the ISE tower off the instrument. (See Cleaning the ISE tower off the instrument on
page E-36.)

Operator time Approximately 6 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m ISE Deproteinizer

m Activator
m Cotton swabs

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To clean the ISE tower

1 Select the maintenance action Clean ISE Tower Manually.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator and ISE Deproteinizer on the sample area positions indicated
on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
The ISE tower is first washed.
The transfer head moves to the right side of the instrument.
You are asked to clean the ISE tower.
6 Open the main cover and then the left service flap.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-51
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

7 Clean the inside of the ISE tower with a cotton swab to remove any residual of ISE

8 Close the left service flap and then the main cover.
9 Press to confirm the cleaning of the ISE tower.
The ISE tower is first washed.
The transfer head moves to the right side of the instrument.
You are asked to clean the ISE tower.
10 Open the main cover and then the left service flap.
11 Clean the inside of the ISE tower with a cotton swab to remove any residual water.
12 Close the left service flap and then the main cover.
13 Press to confirm the cleaning of the ISE tower.
The ISE tower is first washed and dried and then conditioned with Activator.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
14 Remove the Activator and ISE Deproteinizer from the sample area.
15 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-52 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Initialize ISE unit

f Utilities > Maintenance > Initialize ISE Unit

Initializing the ISE unit uses Activator to condition the electrodes and to adjust the
sensors and the pump action. This ensures proper transportation of fluids through
the ISE tubing.

Operator time Approximately 3 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.

a To initialize the ISE unit

1 Select the maintenance action Initialize ISE Unit.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
A placement list is displayed.
4 Place the Activator on the sample area positions indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement and to start the action.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
6 Remove the Activator from the sample area.
7 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-53
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Replace ISE pump tubing

f Utilities > Maintenance > Replace ISE Pump Tubing

Replacing the pump tubing ensures proper ISE pump action.
During the Replace ISE Pump Tubing maintenance action, the following
maintenance actions are automatically performed:
o Prime ISE Reference and Calib.
o Initialize ISE Unit

Operator time Approximately 10 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

m Roche approved ISE pump tubing set

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.
o Infection by waste solution on page E-43.

a To replace the ISE pump tubing

1 Select the maintenance action Replace ISE Pump Tubing.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
The placement screen is displayed.
4 Place the Activator on the sample area position indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement.
The tubing is emptied.
Your are asked to remove the tubing.
6 Open the ISE cover.

Roche Diagnostics
E-54 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Removing the tubing 7 Open the cover of the peristaltic pump.

A Cover of peristaltic pump

Figure E-10

8 Push the pump towards the back of the instrument.

9 Disengage the tube connector plate.

A Connector plate

Figure E-11

10 Remove the ISE pump tubing set.

A ISE pump tubing set

Figure E-12

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-55
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Installing the tubing Install the tubing in the reverse order of removing it.
11 Pull the new tubing set over the pump head, with the connector plate facing the
electrode block.
12 Align the tubing connector plate with the tube connectors on the ISE unit.

13 Carefully close the peristaltic pump lid.

The tube connector plate is automatically pushed into the tube connectors of the
ISE unit.
14 Close the ISE cover.
15 Press to confirm completion of the action.
The system first performs the Prime ISE Reference and Calib. maintenance
action, then Initialize ISE Unit.
A message will inform you when the maintenance actions are complete.
16 Remove the Activator from the sample area.
17 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
E-56 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

Replace ISE unit tubing

f Utilities > Maintenance > Replace ISE Unit Tubing

Due to the abrasion by the ISE valve action, the ISE tubing needs to be replaced
periodically. Replacing the ISE tubing ensures the proper functioning of the ISE unit.
During the Replace ISE Unit Tubing maintenance action, the following
maintenance actions are automatically performed:
o Prime ISE Reference and Calib.
o Initialize ISE Reference Sensor
o Condition ISE Tubing
o Initialize ISE Unit

Always replace the ISE tubing with the help of the Replace ISE Unit Tubing maintenance

Operator time Approximately 15 minutes.

Prerequisites The system must be in Standby status.

Tools and materials required m Activator

m Roche approved ISE unit tubing set
m Tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning messages in particular are relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42.
o Infection by waste solution on page E-43.
o Personal injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism on
page E-42.

a To remove the ISE unit tubing

1 Select the maintenance action Replace ISE Unit Tubing.
2 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
3 Press to start the action.
The placement screen is displayed.
4 Place the Activator on the sample area position indicated on the screen.
5 Press to confirm the placement.
The tubing is emptied.
Your are asked to open the covers.
6 Open the main cover, then the left service flap and the ISE cover.
Your are asked to remove the tubing adapters from the ISE solution bottles.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-57
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Disconnecting the ISE solution 7 Remove the tubing adapters from ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and ISE Reference
bottles Solution bottles.
8 Press to confirm the removal.
The tubing is drained.
9 Remove the tubing from the adapters.
The two tubing adapters are slightly different, but the process of removing the
tube is the same.

A ISE Reference Solution tubing adapter B ISE Calibrator indirect/urine tubing


Figure E-13

o Have a tissue ready.

o Remove the tubing adapter by lifting it and place it on the clean lint-free
o Remove the tube from its clips.
o Remove the nozzle from the tube by pulling it off.
o Pull through the tube from the top of the adapter.
Place the adapter together with its nozzle on the tissue.

Removing the pinch valve caps 10 Remove the pinch valve caps and clamps of the input (B), entry (C), and exit (A)
and clamps valve-plates.

Roche Diagnostics
E-58 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

To remove a pinch valve cap and clamp:

o Push the cap horizontally in the direction of the arrow, away from the cut-out.
o Lift and put it aside.
o Lift the valve clamp and put it aside.

Disconnecting the tubing from 11 Disconnect the tubing from the ISE tower
ISE tower


o Remove the ISE overflow collector (B) by pulling it upwards and turning it
from side to side as you do so.
Place the collector behind the wash station.
o Remove the locking ring (C) from the base of the ISE tower by turning it
counter-clockwise one quarter of a turn and then lifting it over the ISE tower.
o Lift the ISE tower (A). Check whether any O-ring is stuck to the ISE tower. If
so, remove it and place it back in its position on the ISE tower base.
o Disconnect the tubing.

Do not remove the piece of tubing at the underside of the mixing tower. It will be
changed when a service representative performs periodic maintenance.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-59
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

12 Slide off the lid of the fluid distributor.

A Lid of fluid distributor

Figure E-14

13 Disconnect the tubing from the electrode block.

A Tension lever

Figure E-15

o Open the electrode block lid.

o Release the tension lever.
o Lift the connector on the side of the K electrode.
o Disconnect the tube on the side of the tension lever.
o Lift the connector to the ISE Reference Electrode and disconnect the tube
leading to the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
14 Disconnect the tubing connecting to the peristaltic pump.

Removing the tubing 15 Lift the tubing from its routing, follow carefully the individual tubes.
16 Dispose of the tubing. Treat it as biohazardous waste.

Installing the new tubing 17 Install and connect the tubing in the order recommended on the illustration on
the ISE tubing set cover.
When installing the single items, perform the individual steps in reverse order of
removing the items.

Roche Diagnostics
E-60 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

a To install the new ISE unit tubing

1 Remove the new tubing set from its packaging.

Make sure to keep the piece of tubing designed to fit at the underside of the mixing
tower. It will be required when a service representative performs periodic maintenance.

2 Place the tubing roughly in position on the ISE unit. Refer to the illustration on
the ISE tubing set cover.
Take care not to cut the tubing, avoid any sharp objects.
3 Press the tubes into their routing.
Take care not to compress the tubes or to kink them.
Make sure to press the tubing firmly in its routing around the ISE Reference
Solution sensor.
4 Connect the tubing to the ISE tower and then install the tower.
5 After connecting the tubing to the electrode block, make sure the electrodes are
properly mounted when closing the tension lever. Close the electrode block cover.
6 When connecting the tubing to the peristaltic pump connector block, take care
not to introduce sharp angles in the tubing. (Sharp angles may lead to flow
Always insert the tubing connectors in the lower set of holes in the pump
connector block, and make sure to fully insert the tubing in the connectors.


A Peristaltic pump block C There are no sharp angles in the tubing.

B Upper set of sockets. D Lower set of sockets.

Figure E-16

7 Install all clamps and pinch valve caps. Be sure to place the clamps in the correct
position, covering the tubing.
8 Install the lid of the fluid distributor.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-61
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

9 Install the tubing on the tubing adapters of the ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and
ISE Reference Solution bottles.
The two tubing adapters are slightly different, but the process of installing the
tube is the same.

A ISE Reference Solution tubing adapter B ISE Calibrator indirect/urine tubing


Figure E-17

o Pull the tube through the hole that aligns with the clips.
o Insert the nozzle in the tube.
o At the top of the adapter, pull through the tube until the nozzle is flush with
the end of the adapter. There should be no slack.
o Fix the tube to the clips.
With the adapter that offers two clip positions, use the inner position.
o Insert the tubing adapter in the appropriate bottle.
10 Close the ISE cover, then the left service flap and the main cover.
11 Press to confirm completion of the action.

Conditioning the tubing The system now performs the maintenance action Prime ISE Reference and
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
The system now performs the maintenance action Initialize ISE Reference
You are asked to remove the tubing adapter from of the ISE Reference Solution
12 Open the ISE cover.
13 Remove the tubing adapter from of the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
o Have a clean lint-free tissue ready.
o Lift the tubing adapter and place it on the tissue.

Roche Diagnostics
E-62 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

14 Press to confirm completion of the action.

The system now starts to initialize the ISE Reference Solution sensor.
You are asked to insert the tubing adapter in the ISE Reference Solution bottle
and to close the ISE cover.
15 Insert the tubing adapter in the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
16 Close the ISE cover.
17 Press .
The system first pumps ISE Reference Solution through the ISE tubing. Then it
performs the Condition ISE Tubing maintenance action, and finally Initialize
ISE Unit.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
18 Remove the Activator from the sample area.
19 Press .

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-63
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Deactivating the ISE unit

If you intend not to use the ISE unit for more than one week, you should deactivate it.
This saves ISE fluids, reduces wear and tear of the tubing, and lowers the likelihood of
malfunctions and errors occurring
This situation may occur, for example, if you need to close the laboratory
temporarily, or if you want to relocate the cobas c111 instrument with the ISE unit.

Tools and materials required m Glass beaker

m Deionized water
m Tissues

Make sure that you have read and understood section Safety information on page E-42.
The following warning message in particular is relevant:
o Injury through working solutions on page E-42.
o Infection by biohazardous materials on page E-42

a To prepare the ISE data

1 Delete all ISE sample, calibration, and control results.
e See Deleting sample results on page B-94, Deleting calibration results on page B-95,
Deleting QC results on page B-96.

2 Disable all ISE applications.

e See Activating and deactivating applications on page B-139.

3 Delete the ISE lot data.

e See Lot handling on page B-98.

a To deactivate the ISE unit

1 Open the ISE cover.
2 Remove the tubing adapters from the ISE solution bottles.
3 Place the adapters in a beaker filled with deionized water.
4 Remove bottles and screw on their lids.
5 Place the beaker in the position where your removed the ISE solution bottles
6 Choose Utilities > Maintenance > Prime ISE Reference and Calib.
7 Press .
The maintenance definition screen is displayed.
8 Press to start the action.
The ISE unit tubing is primed with water.
A message will inform you when the maintenance action is complete.
9 Repeat steps 6 through 8.
10 Remove the adapters from the beaker and place them on a lint-free tissue.
11 Repeat steps 6 through 8.
The water is drained from the ISE unit tubing.
Roche Diagnostics
E-64 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 14 ISE maintenance
ISE maintenance actions

12 Open the cover of the peristaltic pump.

A Cover of peristaltic pump

Figure E-18

13 Push the pump towards the back of the instrument.

14 Disengage the tube connector plate.

A Connector plate

Figure E-19

15 Remove all pinch valve caps and clamps, store them in secure place.
e See Removing the pinch valve caps and clamps on page E-58.

16 Close the ISE cover.

17 Shut down the system and switch off the instrument.
18 Disconnect the ISE power supply from the wall socket.
19 Switch on instrument.
On the Overview tab, the ISE icon is deactivated (grey).

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-65
14 ISE maintenance cobas c111
ISE maintenance actions

Roche Diagnostics
E-66 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
Table of contents

ISE troubleshooting
How to deal with exceptional ISE situations

In this chapter, you will find information on the result flags that may be generated
with ISE measurements, and also guidance for general troubleshooting procedures
and on how to deal with error messages.

In this chapter Chapter 15

Introduction .....................................................................................................................E-69
Information about the ISE unit status ...................................................................E-69
Messages .....................................................................................................................E-69
Safety .................................................................................................................................E-70
List of ISE flags ................................................................................................................E-71
> ...................................................................................................................................E-71
Air Fluid .....................................................................................................................E-71
Air Isecal .....................................................................................................................E-72
? Cal .............................................................................................................................E-72
Cal Error .....................................................................................................................E-72
Calc Error ...................................................................................................................E-73
Ise Unstab ...................................................................................................................E-73
No Fluid .....................................................................................................................E-74
No Isecal .....................................................................................................................E-74
Out of Rng ..................................................................................................................E-75
? QC ............................................................................................................................E-75
R 1(2.5s) ......................................................................................................................E-76
R 1(3s) .........................................................................................................................E-76
>R 2(2s) ......................................................................................................................E-76
<R 2(2s) ......................................................................................................................E-77
> RR ............................................................................................................................E-77
< RR ............................................................................................................................E-77
Seg Fluid .....................................................................................................................E-77
Seg Isecal ....................................................................................................................E-78
Sol1 F Dev ..................................................................................................................E-78

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-67
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
Table of contents

> Test Rng ..................................................................................................................E-79

< Test Rng ..................................................................................................................E-79
Reacting to error messages ............................................................................................E-80

Roche Diagnostics
E-68 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting


Effective troubleshooting on the ISE unit requires a good understanding of all basic
operating procedures. However, you can avoid most of the common problems if you
observe the recommended procedures at all times and if the operating environment is
effectively controlled.
e For information on ISE maintenance, see ISE maintenance actions on page E-42.

Information about the ISE unit status

The user interface keeps you informed about the status of the ISE unit as a whole, and
about particular hardware, software, and chemistry events as they arise. It does this in
the following ways:
o Color coded LEDs on the instrument inform you when to open covers or place
sample tubes.
e See Color concept on page A-74.
o The colors of buttons tell you whether you need to intervene.
You can check the meaning of a button and its color using the Online Help .
o Buttons on the Overview tab lead to detailed information on the status of selected
processes and hardware items.
o Messages on the screen provide information on individual tasks and events.
o The text in the Status line provides information on the status and activities of the
analyzer unit.
o Flags with results from samples, calibrations, and controls are automatically
generated if during processing certain technical checks were not passed or if the
result exceeds or does not reach predefined limits.


The system performs numerous checks. When an irregularity is detected, an alarm

message is generated. Alarm messages are displayed in two ways:
o Immediate feedback on user actions is displayed in a pop-up message screen.
o Information concerning a problem that occurred during operation is reported in
the Alarm Monitor.
e For details on alarm messages, see Alarm monitor on page D-6.
For details on instrument messages, see Message screen on page D-5.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-69
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111


Before you start troubleshooting, it is essential that you both read and understand the
safety information listed below.
Read carefully all safety notices given in instructions and make sure you understand

Injury through working solutions

Direct contact with cleaning solutions or other working solutions may cause personal
WARNING injury. When handling such solutions, exercise the precautions required for handling them,
observe the cautions given in the package insert, and observe the information given in the
Safety Data Sheets available for Roche Diagnostics cleaning solutions.

Infection by biohazardous materials

Contact with samples containing material of human origin may result in infection. All mate-
rials and mechanical components associated with samples of human origin are potentially
o Be sure to wear protective equipment. Take extra care when working with protective
gloves; these can easily be pierced or cut, which can lead to infection.
o If any biohazardous material is spilled, wipe it up immediately and apply disinfectant.
o If waste solution contacts your skin, wash it off immediately with water and apply a dis-
infectant. Consult a physician.

Injury or damage to the analyzer due to contact with instrument mechanism

Do not touch any parts of the instrument other than those specified. During operation and
maintenance of the instrument, proceed according to the instructions.

Incorrect results or damage to the analyzer due to wrong operation

Operators are required to have a profound knowledge of relevant guidelines and norms as
well as the information and procedures contained in the Operator’s Manual.
o Do not carry out operation and maintenance unless you have been trained by Roche
o Start all maintenance actions on the screen. Do not perform maintenance actions with-
out the assistance of the user interface.
o Carefully follow the procedures specified in the Operator’s Manual for the operation
and maintenance of the system.
o Leave maintenance that is not described in the Operator’s Manual to trained Roche
Technical Support personnel.
o Follow standard laboratory practices, especially when working with biohazard material.

Roche Diagnostics
E-70 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
List of ISE flags

List of ISE flags

This section lists the general and ISE-specific flags in alphabetic order and provides
information on each of the flags.
e For information on flags that concern absorbance measurements only, see List of flags on
page D-28.

Where a flag description gives a list of recommended actions, work through each step in
turn until you have solved the problem. Proceed to the next step only after you have com-
pleted the previous one.


Meaning Result generated by re-performing the test with the same running parameters

Message ID 120

Priority 32

Possible cause The user initiated the repeat.

Recommended actions No action required.

Air Fluid

Meaning o The length of the sample segment was too short.

o The end of the sample segment was not detected. It takes too long for a sample
segment to reach the electrodes.

Message ID 19

Priority 4

Possible cause o Air bubbles are present.

o The ISE tower is clogged.
o The dosing from the sample probes is inaccurate.
o The ISE tubing is leaking, blocked, or not conditioned.
o Mixing is too vigorous.

Recommended actions o Check the quality of the sample.

o Check the sample tubes.
o Check the ISE tower and ISE tubing for leaks and blockages.
o Repeat the measurement.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-71
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
List of ISE flags

Air Isecal

Meaning o The length of the calibrator segment was too short.

o The end of the calibrator segment was not detected. It takes too long for a
calibrator segment to reach the electrodes.

Message ID 91

Priority 5

Possible cause o Air bubbles are present.

o The ISE tubing is leaking or blocked.

Recommended actions o Ensure that the ISE Calibrator indirect/urine on the ISE unit is available and
check the level of fluid; replace if necessary.
o Repeat the measurement.
o Check the ISE tubing for leaks and blockages.

? Cal

Meaning A result where its calibration is flagged.

Message ID 110

Priority 29

Possible cause The calibration was in question and has been flagged, however the calibration could
be used to calculate the result (compare with Cal Error where the calibration did not
provide a usable result).

Recommended actions Check and redo calibration if needed.

Cal Error

Meaning No valid calibration data available.

Message ID 43

Priority 24

Possible cause Caused by an alarm that occurred during calibration because the calibration could
not provide a usable result.

Recommended actions Check the flags of the calibration and proceed to deal with the calibration first.

Roche Diagnostics
E-72 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
List of ISE flags

Calc Error

Meaning Calculation error.

o General calculation error.
o Slope or nonlinear standard curve cannot be calculated due to a calibration error.

Message ID 16

Priority 13

Possible cause o Calibrator outdated or deteriorated.

o Misplacement of the calibrator tubes.

Recommended actions o Repeat calibration with fresh calibrators.

o If the calibrators were incorrectly positioned, replace the calibrators and repeat
the calibration.

Ise Unstab

Meaning The signal from the electrode(s) was not stable during the measurement.

Message ID 18

Priority 6

Possible cause o There are air bubbles in the measuring segment.

o The concentration of sample is too low (for example, dialyzed samples).
o The ISE Reference Solution tubing is blocked or leaking.
o The pH of the sample is too low (for example, pH < 5.5).
o One or more O-rings are missing or damaged.
o There are salt deposits or there is an obstruction at the adapter of the ISE
Reference Solution bottle.
o The electrodes have not been serviced.
o The expiration date of the electrode has expired or the electrode is damaged.
o The electrodes and/or the electrode block is not dry.
o The preamplifier is defective.

Recommended actions 1. Perform the maintenance action Electrode Service and repeat the measurement.
2. Repeat the measurement with a suitable sample (where pH > 5.5 and sample
concentration within the test range) to establish that the ISE module is OK.
3. Check the position and condition of the O-rings and replace if necessary.
4. Check the adapter of the ISE Reference Solution bottle for salt deposits and

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-73
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
List of ISE flags

No Fluid

Meaning The ISE sample or ISE Reference Solution sensor could not detect any fluid. It takes
too long for a sample segment to reach the electrodes.

Message ID 68

Priority 2

Possible cause o The fluid was not pipetted.

o The ISE tower is clogged.
o The ISE tubing is blocked or leaking.
o The ISE sample sensor is defective.
o The ISE Electrodes are blocked or not properly mounted.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat the measurement.

2. Check the sample tubing for clots.
3. Check ISE Electrodes and O-Rings for proper mounting.
4. Check the ISE tower and ISE tubing for leaks and blockages.
5. Ensure that the ISE bottles on the ISE unit are available and check the level of
fluid; replace if necessary.

No Isecal

Meaning The ISE sample sensor could not detect any calibrator. It takes too long for a
calibrator segment to reach the electrodes.

Message ID 90

Priority 3

Possible cause o ISE Calibrator indirect/urine bottle is not available.

o The ISE tubing is leaking or blocked.
o The ISE sample sensor is defect.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat the measurement.

2. Ensure that the ISE Calibrator indirect/urine on the ISE unit is available and
check the level of fluid; replace if necessary

Roche Diagnostics
E-74 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
List of ISE flags

Out of Rng

Meaning Slope out of range.

The slope for the specified electrode is outside the acceptable/programmed range.

Message ID 20

Priority 15

Possible cause This flag appears with calibrations because:

o There are problems with the ISE solutions on the instrument.
o There are problems with the electrodes or the ISE unit was not properly serviced.
o The ISE Reference Solution tubing is blocked or leaking.
o The dosing from the sample probe is not accurate.
o The preamplifier is not working properly.

Recommended actions If only one calibration is flagged:

1. Repeat the calibration.
2. Repeat the calibration with fresh ISE Solutions 1 and 2, and check visually the
correct flow of all ISE solutions and the ISE Reference Solution.
If successive calibrations are flagged:
1. Repeat the calibration with fresh ISE Solutions 1 and 2, and check visually the
correct flow of all ISE solutions and the ISE Reference Solution.
2. Check whether the electrode expiration date has expired. Replace the electrodes, if
3. Perform the maintenance action Electrode Service.
4. Perform the maintenance action Deproteinize Probes.
5. Check ISE Reference Solution tubing for leaks and blockages.
6. If the slopes of all electrodes are zero, replace the ISE Reference Electrode.
7. Contact your service representative.

? QC

Meaning A result where the quality control measurement is flagged.

Message ID 111

Priority 30

Possible cause The last QC measurement before this measurement was flagged. The dependency is
derived from the time sequence.

Recommended actions Check QC measurement.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-75
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
List of ISE flags

R 1(2.5s)

Meaning One control value is above 2.5 standard deviation or below -2.5 standard deviation.

Message ID 36

Priority 28

Possible cause o The reagent has deteriorated (linearity of working curve degraded).
o One control is concentrated or has deteriorated.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

R 1(3s)

Meaning One control value is above 3 standard deviation or below -3 standard deviation.

Message ID 35

Priority 27

Possible cause o Improper control is set.

o Proper control values (mean value, standard deviation) are not specified.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

>R 2(2s)

Meaning Two sequential control measurements are above the 2 standard deviation.

Message ID 29

Priority 26

Possible cause o The controls are not properly prepared.

o The controls are not properly positioned on the instrument.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

Roche Diagnostics
E-76 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
List of ISE flags

<R 2(2s)

Meaning Two sequential control measurements are below the -2 standard deviation.

Message ID 29

Priority 26

Possible cause o The controls are not properly prepared.

o The controls are not properly positioned on the instrument.

Recommended actions 1. Repeat with fresh control.

2. Check that the correct control material has been used.
3. If the flag reappears, check the calibration and reagent status. Repeat with fresh

> RR

Meaning Above reference range.

For patient samples, the calculated concentration is greater than the upper limit of
the expected value range.
nnnnn is the actual value that was checked against.

Message ID 40

Priority 22

Recommended actions No action required.

< RR

Meaning Below reference range.

For patient samples, the calculated concentration is less than the lower limit of the
expected value range.
nnnnn is the actual value that was checked against.

Message ID 41

Priority 23

Recommended actions No action required.

Seg Fluid

e See Air Fluid.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-77
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
List of ISE flags

Seg Isecal

e See Air Isecal.

Sol1 F Dev

Meaning The ISE Solution 1 factor was not within the expected range.

Message ID 22

Priority 18

Possible cause This flag occurs with calibrations because:

o The dosing from the sample probe is not accurate.
o The ISE tower is blocked or the mixing was not sufficient.
o There may be problems with the ISE unit tubing, the electrodes, or the ISE unit
was not serviced properly.
o The ISE Calibrator indirect/urine has expired.
o ISE Solution 1 has expired.

Recommended actions If only one calibration is flagged:

o Repeat the calibration.
If successive calibrations are flagged:
o Check whether the ISE Calibrator indirect/urine is in the correct position.
o Check whether the ISE Calibrator indirect/urine has expired.
o Check whether the ISE Solution 1 has expired.
o Perform the maintenance action Clean ISE Tower Automatically.
o Perform the maintenance action Activate Electrodes.
o Perform the maintenance action Deproteinize Probe.
o Perform the maintenance action Prime ISE Calibrator & Reference.
o Check whether the electrode expiration date has passed. Replace the expired
electrode, if necessary, and perform the maintenance action Electrode Service.
o Check the ISE unit tubing for leaks and blockages.
o Contact your service representative.

Roche Diagnostics
E-78 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 15 ISE troubleshooting
List of ISE flags

> Test Rng

Meaning PANIC value over (upper) Technical Limit.

The result is higher than the upper limit for the test.

Message ID 26

Priority 20

< Test Rng

Meaning PANIC value below (lower) Technical Limit.

The result is lower than the lowest limit for the test.

Message ID 27

Priority 21

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 E-79
15 ISE troubleshooting cobas c111
Reacting to error messages

Reacting to error messages

For general information on error messages and troubleshooting, see Reacting to

messages on page D-44.
The following table lists selected messages and provides more detailed information
on how to react to them.
Message or error code Affected items Possible causes Comments
[] The ISE reference ISE unit. ISE Reference Solution is Replace the ISE Reference Solution bottle.
sensor has detected too much empty. e See Replacing ISE fluid bottles on page E-30.
air during ISE Reference
Leakage in the tubing or at elec- o Check that the ISE unit tubing is properly
Solution transport.
trodes. connected.
o Check the ISE unit tubing for leakages and
e See Replace ISE unit tubing on
page E-57.
o Check that the electrodes are mounted prop-
e See Replacing electrodes on page E-32.
The cover of the peristaltic Close the cover.
pump is open or not properly
The tubing around the ISE Ref- Make sure that the tubing is properly pressed
erence Solution sensor is not into the groves and that the tubing itself is not
properly installed. compressed.
[109000567] code raised by ISE unit. This is a flow problem within Perform the following checks:
IC software caused by an the ISE unit, the ISE tower is o Check that the ISE unit tubing is properly
unexpected handling or sys- not empty. The system checks connected.
tem situation. whether the tower is empty o Check the ISE unit tubing for leakages and
before dispensing. blockages.
o Check that the electrodes are mounted prop-
o Check that the pinch valve caps and clamps
are properly installed.
o Check that the peristaltic pump cover is
properly closed.
e See Replace ISE unit tubing on page E-57.

Figure E-20 ISE troubleshooting with the help of messages

Roche Diagnostics
E-80 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
Glossary and Index F

Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-3
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-11
cobas c111 Glossary
2-dimensional barcode - button


This glossary is a compendium in which to look up the analyte The constituent in the sample that is to be
meaning of technical terms used in conjunction with the determined.
cobas c111 instrument.
analytical instrument A device or a combination of
devices used to carry out an analytical process.
analyzer unit Central analyzing unit including cooling
2-dimensional barcode A type of barcode on reagent assembly, heating channel, rotor and insulation. Does
bottles, calibrators, and control barcode sheets. These not include the photometer unit.
matrix barcodes, which use PDF417 symbology, contain
more information than traditional linear barcodes. application Chemistry and method to determine a
parameter. See also test.
assay 1. A specific test.
absorbance photometer A device used to make 2. The process of measuring a substance.
absorbance photometry measurements. It consists of a
halogen light source, optical groupings, a
monochromator (diffraction grating), a preamplifier, B
filters, and a diode array. See also photometer.
backup The saving of data onto supplementary storage
accuracy The absolute deviation of a result from a pre- media such as disks or tape. If such data is required again
defined target value in percent or absolute units. but is no longer available from the main storage
(instrument hard disk), it can be restored from a backup
activate The process of conditioning electrodes with copy.
fresh serum so that the correct potentials are measured.
barcode A numeric or alphanumeric code used on
Activator Serum used to coat ISE electrodes, tubing sample tubes and reagent bottles to identify the samples
and the sample probe after cleaning procedures. (The and reagents. Different barcode standards are available.
cobas c111 Activator is based on human sample See also barcode type.
material. For further details refer to the Activator
package insert.) barcode scan The process of reading barcode
information into the memory of an instrument.
alarm A visual or audible operator notification of any
system irregularity. barcode scanner The device that reads the code from
sample or reagent barcode labels.
Alarm button A button used to display the alarm
messages. barcode transfer sheet (BTS) A sheet bearing a
barcode that encodes test-related (or calibrator or
alarm level A level that identifies the source and control) information for an analytical instrument.
severity of a problem. There are two levels: warning, and
alarm. barcode type Typical sample barcode types used in
the IVD industry are Code39, NW7 (Codabar), ITF, and
alarm message A message that reports a system Code 128.
irregularity. It can be viewed in the alarm monitor
screen. See Alarm button. biohazardous A classification used to identify material
that poses a health threat, for example something
aliquot Portion of sample material pipetted into any contaminated with biological material.
secondary cup.
button A button is found on a screen or pop-up
alphanumeric sorting The listing of information, in a window. It can be touched either to initiate an action or
printout or on a screen, in a pre-defined order by letters to move to a different screen.
or numbers.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 F-3
Glossary cobas c111
calculated result - dead volume

C control ID The abbreviated name for a control

material. Control IDs are used on screens where limited
calculated result A test result calculated from space prevents the use of longer names.
different individual analytical methods with a given
formula such as ratio A/B. control material A material used to assess the
performance of an analytical procedure or part of an
calibration The set of operations that establish, under analytical procedure. Also called the control sample.
specified conditions, the relationship between values
indicated by the analytical instrument and the control name The name of a control material, for
corresponding known values of an analyte. example PreciControl Universal.

calibration interval A specified interval at which an CPU The Central Processing Unit of the system or
assay should be calibrated. Typically found on reagent computer.
package inserts.
CSF Abbreviation for cerebral spinal fluid. A sample
calibration type Describes the event that triggers the type for clinical analysis.
calibration, for example lot change, and interval
expiration. cup See sample cup.

calibrator 1. A material of known composition or cup-on-tube The placement of a smaller secondary

properties that can be presented to the analytical sample container (for example a Hitachi Cup) on top of a
instrument for calibration purposes. primary sample tube.
2. The test portion or test solution used for calibration of
an analytical procedure. cuvette Disposable plastic container into which
sample, reagents, diluent, and water is pipetted, and
carryover A process by which materials are carried into where the sample pre-dilution and reaction takes place.
a reaction mixture where they do not belong.
cuvette port Section of the analyzer unit where cuvette
check digit A verification number used in barcodes segments are inserted and removed.
and software.
cuvette segment Cuvette holder containing 10
check sum The result of a mathematical procedure to cuvettes.
validate the integrity of a set of data.
cycle The instrument time interval during which
cleaner A solution used to wash the probe. pipetting or measurement can be carried out.

clot detection 1. A device built into the pipetting

system to detect clots and to avoid false pipetting. D
2. The procedure of detecting a clot.
DAT Abbreviation for Drugs of Abuse Testing. The
cobas A modular range of in vitro diagnostics systems abbreviation DAU is also used.
from Roche Diagnostics/Hitachi High-Technologies.
database A defined section of the computer memory
communication The exchange of data between where all instrument, assay, and patient-relevant data are
different computers. processed and stored.

conditioning The process of letting serum-type liquid DAU Drug of Abuse in Urine. The old term for DAT or
flow through the flow path before electrolyte Drugs of Abuse Testing.
DB Abbreviation for database.
consumables A generic term for items that are used
during test processing and must be replaced on a regular DBMS Abbreviation for database management system.
basis by the operator. Examples of consumables include
printer paper and cuvette segments. dead volume The amount of residual sample material
in a sample tube or cup.
control See control material.

Roche Diagnostics
F-4 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 Glossary
default QC - ISE Reference Electrode

default QC An automated process for performing G

multiple QC measurements at the time when you define
the QC orders. global action button See global button.

default value A set value registered in advance (initial global button A button that allows access to the global
setting). software screens and that can be used at any time. For
example, <Start>, <Stop>, or <Alarm>.
demographics Patient-related data such as name, date
of birth, and gender.
diluent (DIL) A liquid agent used to reduce the
concentration of a sample. home position The position to which a certain part of
the instrument returns on reset. The start position of a
dilution factor A preset dilution ratio that is used by mechanism.
the analyzer to perform a requested dilution.
host computer 1. A computer used for overall
disposable Typically a plastic tip, vessel, or cuvette management and control of the computer network.
that is discarded after a single use. 2. A clinical laboratory computer that stores and
processes patient requests and results. A host is able to
dynamic range The reportable range of an assay. This communicate with analytical instruments.
range extends from the lower detection limit to the limit
of linearity. host communication Data exchange with a clinical
laboratory information system (LIS).

E host interface protocol A technical description that

defines data transfer between a host computer and an
E-stopped A status indicating that the system has analytical system.
performed an emergency stop. This could be due to
hardware failure or because any of the safety devices have
requested an emergency stop. I
expected range The pre-defined range of test result Initialization Also known as Initializing. The
values expected for a defined group of healthy patients or operational mode of an analyzer that occurs immediately
materials. Also known as normal range or reference after power on and during which the instrument
range. prepares itself for operation.

expected value A value for a test result that can be installing applications Process of making the
considered as a normal result. application available for testing, as opposed to importing
the application data, which just saves the data on the
expiration date Also called the expiry date. The end of system.
a period until which Roche Diagnostics guarantees
product claims for its reagents, calibrators, and controls. interval QC A streamlined process of performing (all)
due QC measurements (for QC that needs to be
extended dynamic range The measuring range for performed periodically.)
an assay at its highest dilution.
ISE Abbreviation for ion-selective electrode.

F ISE Reference Electrode The electrode through

which the ISE Reference Solution flows to set the
filter A process that sorts data for viewing, electronic baseline to zero for ISE measurement.
documenting, or printing according to pre-defined

flag An identifier used to call an operator's attention to

a result.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 F-5
Glossary cobas c111
ISE Reference Solution - operator ID

ISE Reference Solution A KCl solution pulled maintenance procedure See maintenance action.
through the ISE Reference Electrode to set the electronic
baseline to zero for ISE measurement. Also known as the manual dilution An off-system, pre-analytical step
REF or reference electrode solution. performed by laboratory staff to reduce the analyte
concentration in a sample.
IVD Abbreviation for in vitro diagnostics. A diagnostic
procedure performed outside the living body with mean The sum of values divided by the number of
specimen body fluid. values.

measure point Time at which absorbance reading is

L taken and used to calculate results.

level detection A check for the availability of measuring range See reportable range.
sufficient liquid in a container.
message In computing, a defined set of alphanumeric
linear barcode A conventional one-dimensional data that transfers information from computer to
barcode with limited data capacity. computer or from an analytical instrument to the
liquid level detection (LLD) The ability of an
analytical instrument to sense liquid by using the probe. Microcup A secondary sample cup made by Hitachi
with a small dead (residual) volume.
log file A set of data, typically stored in the control unit,
that traces instrument-related or operator-related minimum sample volume The amount of residual
activities such as maintenance. sample material plus the volume required for assaying all
requested tests to ensure faultless sample aspiration.
log off The procedure of terminating access to a system.
Also known as log out or logoff. The reverse procedure is monochromatic Absorbance measurement at one
known as log on or log in. (primary) wavelength.

Log off button A button used to terminate access to a multi-wavelength spectrophotometer A

system. See also log off. spectrophotometer in which detectors are placed at
multi-wavelength positions to enable simultaneous light
log on The procedure of gaining access to a system by reception.
entering a user name and, if required, a password. Also
known as log in or logon. The reverse procedure is
known as log off or log out. O
Log on button A button used to gain access to a on-board 1. A technical device or function that is part
system. See also log on. of the analytical instrument and can be used by the
instrument at any time.
lot calibration A mandatory calibration when a new 2. The availability of reagents and consumables on an
lot of reagents is introduced to an analytical instrument. analytical instrument for use at any time.

online help On-screen documentation that a user can

M request in a context-sensitive manner.

main calibration Two-point calibration of the ISE operating system A software program that controls
tests with ISE Solution 1 and 2. (As opposed to the all basic functions of a computer (for example, Windows,
calibration with ISE Calibrator indirect/urine, which is Linux, and Palm OS).
part of each ISE measurement.)
operator The person who uses and controls the
maintenance action A maintenance procedure analytical instrument or a computer system.
performed by the system or the operator; and that must See also user.
be performed on a regular basis (for example daily,
weekly, or monthly) to secure reliable operation of the operator ID An alphanumeric ID that a system uses to
analyzer. identify a particular operator.

Roche Diagnostics
F-6 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 Glossary
order - reagent disk position

order Collection of all tests that are defined to be prime The process of flushing a system, for example the
performed for a particular sample. tubing, with ISE Calibrator indirect/urine and water to
clear it of possible obstacles, traces of fluid, and of air
order ID A set of alphanumeric data that unmistakably bubbles.
identifies a particular sample order in the lab and is often
manually written on the sample label. profile A user-defined set of tests.

protocol 1. A convention or standard that controls or

P enables the connection, communication, and data
transfer between two computing end points. Protocols
parameters A set of criteria or definitions used to can be implemented by hardware, software, or a
establish how an assay is performed. Examples of combination of the two.
parameters include sample and reagent volumes and 2. A set of rules that guides how an activity should be
incubation times and temperatures. Such information is performed.
typically contained in the application definitions and
cannot be changed by the operator.
password A form of authentication that uses secret
data to control access to a resource. QC Abbreviation for quality control. The operational
techniques and activities that are used to fulfill
photometer A device that measures the intensity of requirements for quality.
QC measurement The process of performing a test
photometer unit Complete photometer assembly, with control material.
including optical components, power supply,
preamplifyer and absorbance controller. query download A communication process between
instrument PC and LIS by which a pre-defined data set is
pipette (to …) The process of aspirating and transmitted upon request of the analytical instrument.
dispensing sample and reagents, performed by an
appropriate probe.
pop-up screen A screen that contains additional
information or additional options required for making RAM Abbreviation for random access memory.
entries or decisions. Semiconductor memory devices used in computers.
RAM content is lost when a computer is switched off.
potentiometric assay An assay in which analytes (for
example Na, K, or Cl) are measured by ion-selective ratio A test result calculated from different individual
electrodes. analytical methods with a given formula such as A/B.

precision The closeness of agreement between raw data The unprocessed values obtained during the
independent test results obtained under prescribed analytical process on an instrument (for example mVolt
conditions. or absorbance).

pre-dilution A dilution step performed before samples reagent A composition of chemicals used to determine
are analytically processed on the analyzer. the concentration of substances in body fluid.

preventive maintenance A series of actions, reagent bottle Standard plastic bottle for photometric
suggested by the system, that the operator should reagents.
perform to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operation
of the instrument (for example, emptying the waste reagent disk The removable device into which the
container or replenishing reagents). reagent bottles are placed.

primary tube The original tube containing the sample reagent disk position One of the multiple positions
that has been drawn from the patient. on the reagent disk.
See sample tube.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 F-7
Glossary cobas c111
reagent port - STAT

reagent port Section of the analyzer unit where sample tube A glass or plastic container for liquid
reagent bottles are inserted and removed. samples to be used with the system. It may or may not
have a bar code label, which may be used for positive
reference electrode See ISE Reference Electrode. sample identification. A sample tube contains sample of
one specific specimen (sample) type.
reference range See expected range.
sample type A type of sample that can be analyzed:
reference solution See ISE Reference Solution. serum, plasma, whole blood, or urine.

repeat The performance of the same test on a sample sampling stop An alarm level that indicates a problem
again with identical dilution. with the sampling system.
See also S.Stop.
reportable range The range of results that can be
reported for the assay. It stretches from the lower scan See barcode scan.
detection limit to the high end of the calibration curve.
scroll The action of moving through text or graphics
request See order. (up, down, left, or right) to see parts of the file or list that
cannot fit on the screen.
rerun The performance of the same test on a sample
again with a different dilution. scroll arrow An arrow on either end of a scroll bar that
you use to scroll through the contents of the screen or list
result The value reported by an analytical device during box.
or after the assay of a sample or control.
scroll bar A bar that appears at the bottom or right
ROM Abbreviation for read-only memory. edge of a screen whose contents are not entirely visible.
Semiconductor memory devices used in computers.
ROM content remains when a computer is switched off. SD Abbreviation for standard deviation.

rotor Assembly consisting of cuvette ring and plastic secondary tube A sample container of variable size
frame. into which aliquots are transferred.

shutdown The process of powering off an instrument.

software A computer-operated program that processes
sample area Area on the instrument where sample data in a defined manner. Software is usually intellectual
tubes are placed. property of the software supplier or its licensee.

sample cup A small container that is used for samples specimen Generic term for a calibrator, control and
and also for calibrator and control material. A sample sample.
cup can be placed either directly on the sample area, or
on sample tubes. Compared to a sample tube, a sample standard Traceable reference material used to create
cup allows the use of smaller liquid volumes and so the master calibration curve.
reduces the dead volume.
standard deviation A statistic used as a measure of
sample ID A set of alphanumeric data that the dispersion or variation in a distribution of data.
unmistakably identifies a particular sample within a
whole organization, for example the hospital. It is used Start button A button used to start system operation
on barcodes and is the unique identifier used to (Operating status) and begin the pipetting of samples,
communicate with a laboratory information system. measurement, and the result calculation process.

sample splitting The act of making one or more STAT Abbreviation for Short Turn Around Time.
aliquots from a primary or secondary specimen. Terminology used by the medical clinical professionals
to prioritize the processing of a sample in a laboratory.

Roche Diagnostics
F-8 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 Glossary
status - worklist

status A general term used to refer to the current status U

of the system. Explicit terminology may be used to
address sub-parts of the system status (such as analyzer unit A chosen reference quantity of an analyte used to
status and printer status). compare quantities of the same dimension (for example,
mol/L, g/L, or U/L).
Stop button A button used to display options for
different kinds of processing stop. user The person who operates and controls the
analytical instrument or a computer system.
SW Abbreviation for software. See also operator.

user interface The part of a system exposed to a user.

T In a computer system, the user typically interacts with an
operating system or with application software. With
target range The allowed range of recovery for an these the user interacts by using menus, icons,
analyte in a control material. keystrokes, mouse clicks, and similar means.

target value The mean of all participant responses

after removal of outlying values. V
TAS Abbreviation for Test Application Software. validation The process of checking results or data
against defined rules or ranges in clinical laboratories.
TDM Abbreviation for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. Validation can be against technical or clinical criteria.

test Running an analysis of a specific parameter for a

sample. See also application. W
test ID The abbreviated name for a test. This code is waste Anything discarded by the analyzer; waste can be
displayed on test buttons shown on screens. liquid or solid.

test sheet A document that lists all the information worklist A report generated by an analytical
necessary to perform a specific assay or test on an instrument. A worklist aids a user by listing calibrators,
instrument. controls, and samples currently loaded on the sample
touchscreen An input device that allows the user to
interact with the computer by touching the display

turn-around-time 1. The time between the decision to

perform a test and the time when the doctor receives the
result and can act on it.
2. Inside the laboratory (Lab-TAT): Time between
receiving a sample and sending out the validated result.

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 F-9
Glossary cobas c111
worklist - worklist

Roche Diagnostics
F-10 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
cobas c111 Index


A applications
– importing, B–111, B–137
abbreviations, 9 – installing, B–112, B–138
abbreviations, ISE, E–5 – preparing, B–140
aborting the process, A–121 – result conversion definitions, B–156
Abs. air/water calibration, maintenance action, C–28 – screen, A–112
absorbance adjustment, definitions, B–169 – uninstalling, B–143
absorbance measurements, process, A–19 applications, screen, A–111
absorbance photometer, A–63 approvals, 3
acceptable flags list, editing, B–162 approved parts, A–8
accepting assemblies, syringe, A–46
– calibration results, B–66 auto accept
– QC results, B–74 – QC results, B–64, B–72
– sample results, B–57 – sample results, B–51
acoustic signals, A–83, D–6
Activate electrodes, maintenance action, E–45
adding lots, B–101 B
adjusting, touchscreen, B–130
air/water calibration, C–28 backup, B–82
alarm button, A–82 barcode scanner, A–61, B–89
alarm LED, A–82 barcode sheets, reading, B–90
alarm messages barcodes
– checking, A–83 – reading from reagent bottles, B–89
– confirming, D–9 – reading from sample tubes, B–90
– exporting log, D–9 – reading from sheets, B–90
– overview, A–83 – reagent bottles, A–61
– printing, D–8 – samples, A–62
– reacting to, D–7, D–44 – scanner, A–61
alarm monitor biohazardous materials, safety, A–6
– overview, A–82, D–6 bottle sets
alarms – See, reagent sets
– checking, A–83 bottles
– LED, A–82 – cleaner, A–52
– LED colors, A–83 – external cleaner, B–18
– monitor, A–82 – external fluid containers, B–15
analyzer – external waste container, B–17
– See, instrument. – external water container, B–16, B–86
analyzing – ISE fluids, E–11
– checking the progress, B–44 – reagents, A–53
– samples, B–34 – reagents, specifications, A–67
application codes, mapping, B–162 – replacing ISE, E–22, E–30
applications, B–137 bottom detection, A–49
– activating, B–139 buttons
– calculation definitions, B–155 – alarms, A–82
– calibration definitions, B–153 – global action, A–73
– control definitions, B–154 – overview, A–124
– deactivating, B–139
– definitions, B–152
– deleting, B–144
– general definitions, B–152

Roche Diagnostics
Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0 F-11
Index cobas c111

C Clean reagent disk and sample area, maintenance action,

calculation, B–155 Clean rotor and heating channel, maintenance action,
– ratios, B–155 C–10
calibration Clean the water and waste containers, maintenance
– checking if due, B–31 action, C–16
– definitions, B–153, B–167 cleaner
– deleting orders, B–63 – checking external bottle, B–18
– deleting results, B–95 – replacing bottle, B–18
– during Prepare phase, B–30 cleaner bottle, A–52
– forecast period, A–29 cleaning
– introduction, A–26 – ISE tower off the instrument, E–36
– ISE, E–12, E–26 – ISE tower on the instrument, E–51
– main ISE calibration, E–12 – waste container, C–17
– overview, A–26 – water container, C–16
– performing, B–59 cleaning up
– reserve, A–29 – database, C–23
– schedule, B–96 – results, B–84
– selecting tests, B–62 Cleanup database, maintenance action, C–23
– short guide, B–60 clearing paper jam, D–46
– validating results, B–64, B–65 collapsing lists, A–76
calibration list, screen, A–104 colors
calibration results – alarm LED, A–83, B–48
– auto accept, B–64 – cleaner button, B–18
– obsolete, A–28 – concept, A–71, A–74
calibrator lot, defining, B–103 – cuvette buttons, B–28
calibrators – instrument buttons, B–47
– placing, B–32, B–62, B–63 – ISE bottle buttons, E–30
– specifications, A–67 – ISE LED, E–10
certificates, importing, B–115 – LEDs, A–41, A–122
changing – maintenance actions, B–19
– configuration values, B–135 – reagent buttons, B–25
– low voltage fuses, D–49 – sample buttons, B–44
– mains fuses, D–47 – test buttons, B–31
– orders, B–42 – waste button, B–17
– password, B–157 – water button, B–16
– user definitions, B–161 components
– user interface language, B–158 – disposal, A–12
characters, special, A–78 – instrument, A–43
checking – ISE unit, E–10
– alarm messages, B–48 concepts
– bottle sets, B–23, B–100 – calibration, A–26
– cleaner, B–18 – colors in screens, A–71, A–74
– external fluid containers, B–15 – wizards, A–71
– instrument status, B–46 condensation, removing from the reagent cooler, B–124
– ISE status, E–21 Condition ISE tubing, maintenance action, E–46
– printer status, D–46 configuration, B–133, B–157
– sample status, B–44 – Abs. adjustment, B–169
– waste, B–17 – calibration definitions, B–167
– water, B–16, B–86 – changing values, B–135
classification of safety notices, A–5 – date and time, B–169
Clean and disinfect housing, maintenance action, C–21 – extra wash definitions, B–170, B–171, B–172, B–173
Clean ISE tower automatically, maintenance action, – host definitions, B–165
E–50 – maintenance days, B–169
Clean ISE tower manually, maintenance action, E–51 – QC definitions, B–167
Clean probe manually, maintenance action, C–12 – result handling, B–167

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configuration database
– screen, A–109 – cleaning up, C–23
– system definitions, B–168 – exporting, B–104
– viewing values, B–135 – importing, B–114
– workflow definitions, B–164 – restoring, B–114
confirming, alarm messages, D–9 date and time, definitions, B–169
connecting deactivating ISE unit, E–64
– external cleaner bottle, B–128 Default QC
– external waste container, B–128 – overview, B–68
– external water container, B–127 – performing, B–70
connectivity, host, A–33 defining
connectors – calibrator lots, B–103, B–150
– fluids, A–47 – control lot, B–102
– overview, A–64 – control lots, B–149
contact addresses, 3 – lots, B–101
Contact service representative, maintenance action, – orders, B–38
C–27 – ratios, B–146
containers – users, B–161
– fluids, A–50 definitions, applications, B–152
– reagent disks, A–59 degasser, A–44
– waste, A–50 deleting
– water, A–51 – applications, B–144
control lot, defining, B–102 – bottle sets, B–120
controls – calibration orders, B–63
– definitions, B–154 – calibration results, B–95
– placing, B–70 – mixing rules, B–174
conventions used in manual, 8 – orders, B–93
cooling, reagents, A–59 – profiles, B–149
copyrights, 2 – QC results, B–96
correlations, B–156 – results at end of shift, B–84
covers – sample results, B–94
– ISE, E–9 – users, B–161
– overview, A–39 demographics, patients, A–32
cross-contamination, A–9 Deproteinize probe, maintenance action, C–10
csv files, B–83 detection
cups, A–54 – fluid levels, A–49
cuvette ring, A–60 – tube bottom, A–49
cuvette status, screen, A–92 diagnostics data, exporting, D–51
cuvettes, A–55 diagnostics, screen, A–116
– checking the status, B–28 dilutions, A–32
– handling, A–56 dimensions, specifications, A–66
– replacing, B–29, B–85 disconnecting tubes from instrument, B–129
– ring, A–60 disinfecting housing, C–21
– segments, A–55 disk space. free, B–25, B–26
– specifications, A–67 disks,free positions, A–93, B–26
display items, A–73
D – instrument, A–12
– waste, B–86
daily backup, B–82 document information, 2
daily operation, B–3
– introduction, A–22
– overview table, A–22
Daily prepare actions, maintenance action, E–44
data security, A–10

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E fluid system
– overview, A–45
edition notice, 2 – priming, C–11
electrical safety, A–5 fluids
electrode block, E–11 – bottles, A–50
Electrode service, maintenance action, E–49 – bottles for ISE, E–11
electrodes – checking external containers, B–15
– activating, E–45 – connecting external cleaner bottle, B–128
– maintenance, E–49 – connecting waste container, B–128
– position in block, E–34 – connecting water container, B–127
– replacing, E–32 – external connectors, A–47
electromagnetic devices, safety, A–8 – ISE, E–8
emptying, waste container, B–17, B–86 – replacing ISE bottles, E–22, E–30
End of Shift short guide, B–78 forecast period, A–29
environment, specifications, A–66 free disk space, B–25, B–26
error messages, reacting to, D–44, E–80 fuses, A–65
exceptional situations – changing for mains, D–47
– ISE unit, E–80 – changing low voltage, D–49
– main instrument, D–42
exchanging reagents, B–25
expanding lists, A–76 G
export, screen, A–120
exporting global action buttons, A–73
– alarm message log, D–9
– database, B–104
– diagnostics data, D–51 H
– log files, B–110
– results, B–83, B–105 handling
external bottle status, screen, A–96 – cuvettes, A–56
external waste container, A–51 – lots, B–98
extra wash cycles – orders, A–32
– activating, B–171 – reagents, A–25, A–56
– deactivating, B–171 – results, A–34
– defining, B–170 – samples, A–31
– definitions, B–172 – software data, A–67
– deleting, B–171 hardware
– importing, B–116 – overview, A–37
– screen, A–113 – specifications, A–66
heads, transfer, A–48
heating channel, cleaning, C–10
F host
– configuration, B–165
features of instrument, A–17 – connectivity, A–33
filtering, A–78 – definitions, B–165
finishing the shift, B–77 host codes, B–162
flags – screen, A–113
– Abs. results, D–28 housing, cleaning, C–21
– ISE results, E–71
– overview, D–25
– priorities, D–26 I
– viewing details, D–25
flaps ignoring QC results, B–74
– instrument, A–39 import, screen, A–118
– ISE unit, E–9

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importing ISE
– applications, B–111, B–137 – main calibration, E–26
– certificates, B–115 – maintenance, E–39
– database, B–114 – measurement process, E–7
– extra wash cycles, B–116 – measuring modes, E–6
– mixing information, B–116 – monitoring status, E–24
– software, B–113 – operation, E–17
Initialize ISE reference sensor, maintenance action, E–47 – overview, E–5
Initialize ISE unit, maintenance action, E–53 – preparing system, E–20
installation, safety, A–7 – priming calibrator, E–48
installing – principles of measurement, E–7
– applications, B–112, B–138 – pump tubing, E–54
– ISE pump tubing, E–54 – replacing pump tubing, E–54
– ISE unit tubing, E–61 – replacing tubing, E–57
instrument – sensors, E–11
– approvals, 3 – solutions, E–8
– disposal, A–12 – standby, E–12
– features, A–17 – status, E–69
– introduction, A–15 – tower, E–36, E–50, E–51
– main components, A–43 – troubleshooting, E–67
– overview, A–17 – tubing, E–11, E–61
– switching on, B–10 ISE reference sensor, initializing, E–47
– where to use, A–7 ISE status, screen, A–94
intended use ISE tower, E–11
– instrument, 7 – cleaning automatically, E–50
– of operator’s manual, 2 – cleaning manually, E–51
interface – cleaning off the instrument, E–36
– See, user interface ISE unit, E–9
interfaces, specifications, A–67 – deactivating, E–64
internal waste tank, A–50 – main components, E–10
interpreting, QC History, B–74 – specifications, A–67
Interval QC
– overview, B–68
– performing, B–71 K
– ISE maintenance actions, E–41 keyboards, A–76
– maintenance actions, C–7
– See, overview. L
– checking bottle sets, B–23, B–100 laboratory correlations, B–156
– deleting bottle sets, B–120 language, B–158
– screen, A–117 – changing, B–159
ISE layout of screens, A–72
– calibration, E–12 LEDs
– calibrator, priming, E–48 – alarms, A–83
– checking status, E–21 – color table, A–41, A–122
– cleaning tower automatically, E–50 – ISE, E–10
– cleaning tower manually, E–51 – overview, A–41
– cleaning tower off the instrument, E–36 level detection, A–49
– conditioning tubing, E–46 liability, A–11
– flags, E–71 licenses, A–11
– fluid containers, E–11 lids
– installing pump tubing, E–54 – ISE, E–9
– installing tubing, E–61 – overview, A–39
– list of flags, E–71

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lists maintenance actions

– Abs. flags, D–28 – Initialize ISE reference sensor, E–47
– alarm messages, D–10 – Initialize ISE unit, E–53
– expanding and collapsing, A–76 – intervals, C–7
– ISE flags, E–71 – intervals for ISE, E–41
– lots, A–106 – performing, C–6
– orders, A–98 – performing during End Shift phase, B–85
loading – performing during Prepare phase, B–19
– reagent disk, B–21, D–50 – Prime fluid system, C–11
– reagents, B–26 – Prime ISE calibrator and reference, E–48
loadlist, screen, A–107 – Replace ISE pump tubing, E–54
log files, exporting, B–110 – Replace ISE unit tubing, E–57
logging off, B–88 – Replace photometer lamp, C–24
logging on, B–11 – Replace water inlet filter, C–19
logs, alarm messages, D–9 maintenance days, B–169
lot data, screen, A–105 manual, how to use, 7
lot list, A–106 mapping, application codes, B–162
lots measurements, specifications, A–66
– adding, B–101 measuring modes, ISE, E–6
– defining, B–101 messages
– defining for calibrators, B–150 – alarms, A–83, D–10
– defining for controls, B–149 – list, D–10
– handling, B–98 – overview, A–82, D–5
– list, A–106 – screen, A–82, D–5
– viewing definitions, B–98, B–99 mixing motor, A–49
– viewing details of used fluids, B–101 mixing reagents, B–76
lower-case letters, A–77 – during Prepare phase, B–29
mixing rules, B–173
– definitions, B–173
M – deleting, B–174
– importing, B–116
main calibration, E–12, E–26 – printing, B–173
maintenance monitor
– instrument, C–5 – See, alarm monitor.
– ISE, E–39 monitoring
– overview, C–5 – analysis process, B–44
– screen, A–110 – ISE status, E–24
maintenance actions
– Abs. air/water calibration, C–28
– Activate electrodes, E–45 N
– Clean housing, C–21
– Clean ISE tower automatically, E–50 navigation, through screens, A–74
– Clean ISE tower manually, E–51
– Clean probe manually, C–12
– Clean reagent disk, C–14 O
– Clean rotor and heating channel, C–10
– Clean rotor heating channel, C–32 obsolete calibration, A–28
– Clean water and waste, C–16 online Help, using, 7, A–81
– Cleanup database, C–23 operation
– colors of entries, B–19 – overview, B–7
– Condition ISE tubing, E–46 – principles, A–19
– Contact service representative, C–27 – routine, B–3
– Daily prepare actions, E–44 – routine ISE, E–17
– Deproteinize probe, C–10 – safety, A–6
– Electrode service, E–49

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operators performing
– qualifications, A–9 – calibration, B–59
– regular breaks, A–9 – calibration during Prepare phase, B–30
optical safety, A–6 – Default QC, B–70
order of processing, B–44, B–145 – Interval QC, B–71
orders – maintenance actions, C–6
– changing, B–42 – QC, B–68
– changing with sample on board, B–42 – reagent mixing, B–76
– checking for unfinished, B–80 – reagent mixing during Prepare phase, B–29
– defining, B–38, B–39 – tests, B–34
– defining profiles, B–148 peristaltic pump, E–10
– deleting, B–93 photometer
– handling, A–32 – overview, A–63
– IDs, A–32 – specifications, A–67
– introduction to handling, A–32 photometer lamp, replacing, C–24
– list, A–98 positions on disk, A–93, B–26
– order of processing, B–44 power
– overview, A–32 – interruption, A–8
– STAT, B–41 – requirements, A–66
– time to completion, A–86 precalibration, A–29
– workflow setup, B–37 Prepare phase, short guide, B–13
overview Prepare wizard, B–15
– buttons, A–124 preparing
– calibration, A–26 – applications, B–140
– daily operation, A–22 – ISE unit, E–20
– flags, D–25 – new reagent disks, B–116
– instrument, A–15, A–17 – reagents, B–22, B–25
– ISE, E–5 – system, B–12
– ISE operation, E–17 Prime ISE reference and calibrator, maintenance action,
– maintenance, C–5 E–48
– messages, A–82, D–5 Prime the fluid system, maintenance action, C–11
– order handling, A–32 principles
– reagent handling, A–25 – absorbance measurements, A–19
– result handling, A–34 – calibration, A–26
– routine operation, B–7 – ISE measurements, E–7
– sample handling, A–31 – specifications, A–66
– user interface, A–20, A–71 printer
– wizards, A–21 – clearing paper jam, D–46
Overview tab, A–84 – overview, A–62
– refilling paper, B–122
– specifications, A–67
P printer status, checking, D–46
Printer Tool, B–37
panels printing
– ISE, E–9 – alarm messages, D–8
– overview, A–39 – mixing rules, B–173
– See also, test panels. – overview, A–80
paper jam, clearing, D–46 – sample results, B–58
paper, refilling, B–122 – stopping, A–80, B–58
password priority, flags, D–26
– changing, B–157 probe
– typing, B–11 – cleaning manually, C–12
– deproteinizing, C–10
– description, A–49
– hardware, A–46
– replacing, B–125

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process sequence reagent disks

– screen, A–115 – cleaning, C–14
processing – ID, A–58
– defining sequence, B–145 – loading, B–21
processing, stop, B–49 – overview, A–58
profiles, B–148 – preparing, B–116
– adding tests, B–148, B–149 – realigning, D–50
– deleting, B–149 – removing, B–87
– removing tests, B–149 – storage container, A–59
pumps, ISE, E–10 reagent handling, overview, A–25
reagent lots
– viewing, B–99
Q reagent mixing
– screen, A–114
QC reagent sets, A–25
– Default QC, B–68 – checking status, B–23
– definitions, B–167 – deleting from inventory, B–120
– interpreting history, B–74 reagent status, screen, A–93
– Interval QC, B–68 reagents
– list, A–101 – barcodes, A–61
– overview, A–30 – bottles, A–53
– performing, B–68 – cooling, A–59
– performing Default QC, B–70 – exchanging, B–25
– performing Interval QC, B–71 – handling, A–56
– short guide, B–69 – introduction to handling, A–25
– status list, A–101 – loading, B–26
– when due, A–30 – preparing, B–22, B–25
QC history – removing, B–25
– graph, B–75 – replacing, B–25
– interpreting, B–74 – safety, A–7
– screen, A–102 – sets, A–25
QC history graph, screen, A–103 reference ranges, ratios, B–156
QC results refilling
– auto accept, B–72 – printer paper, B–122
– deleting, B–96 – water container, B–16, B–86
– validating, B–72 removing, B–50
QC status list, screen, A–101 – reagent disk, B–87
qualifications, of operators, A–9 – reagents, B–25
quality control – sample tubes, B–50
– See, QC. repeating, tests, B–55
Replace ISE pump tubing, maintenance action, E–54
Replace ISE unit tubing, maintenance action, E–57
R Replace photometer lamp, maintenance action, C–24
Replace water inlet filter, maintenance action, C–19
ratios replacing
– calculation definitions, B–155 – cleaner bottle, B–18
– defining, B–146 – cuvettes, B–29, B–85
reagent bottles, A–53 – electrodes, E–32
– reading barcodes, B–89 – ISE bottles, E–22, E–30
– specifications, A–67 – printer paper, B–122
reagent cooler, removing condensation, B–124 – probe, B–125
– reagents, B–25
– water container, B–16, B–86
rerunning, tests, B–56
restarting the system, A–121
restoring database, B–114

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result conversion, B–156 safety

result handling – power supply, A–8
– definitions, B–167 – reagents and working solutions, A–7
– overview, A–34 – spillages, A–9
result list, screen, A–99 – third-party software, A–8
results – transport, A–5
– calibration, B–65 – waste, A–7
– checking for not accepted sample results, B–80 – when analyzing samples, B–34
– checking for transmission, B–81 – when exchanging external bottles, B–15
– cleaning up at end of shift, B–84 – when handling cuvettes, B–28
– deleting of calibration, B–95 – when handling external bottles, B–15
– deleting of QC, B–96 – when handling reagents, B–22
– deleting of samples, B–94 – when removing reagent disk, B–87
– exporting, B–83, B–105 – when troubleshooting ISE, E–70
– flags, D–23 – when using the barcode scanner, B–89
– handling, A–34 – with flags, D–27
– introduction to handling, A–34 – with maintenance actions, C–8
– list, A–99 sample area
– printing of samples, B–58 – cleaning, C–14
– samples, B–51 – overview, A–44
– samples, if sample on board, B–52 sample handling, overview, A–31
– samples, if sample removed, B–53 sample ID, A–32
– validating for QC, B–72 sample overview, screen, A–86
– validating of samples, B–51 sample results
revision history, 2 – accepting, B–57
rotor – auto accept, B–51
– cleaning, C–10 – checking for not accepted, B–80
– overview, A–57 – deleting, B–94
– printing, B–58
– validating, B–51
S – validating if sample on board, B–52
– validating if sample removed, B–53
safety, A–3 samples
– approved parts, A–8 – analyzing, B–34
– biohazardous materials, A–6 – barcodes, A–62
– calibration, B–59 – checking the status, B–44
– classification, A–5 – handling, A–31
– cross-contamination, A–9 – introduction to handling, A–31
– data security, A–10 – overview, B–50
– disposal of instrument, A–12 – reading barcodes, B–90
– during End of Shift phase, B–77 – short guide, B–35
– during Prepare phase, B–12 – specifications, A–66
– during routine operation, B–5 sampling stop, A–121
– electrical, A–5 scanners, A–61
– electromagnetic devices, A–8 scheduling, calibration, B–96
– insoluble contaminants, A–9 screens
– installation, A–7 – alarms, A–82
– instrument covers, A–6 – applications, A–111
– ISE operation, E–19 – applications list, A–112
– operation and maintenance, A–6 – calibration list, A–104
– operator breaks, A–9 – configuration, A–109
– operator qualifications, A–9 – cuvette status, A–92
– optical, A–6 – diagnostics, A–116
– performing ISE maintenance, E–42 – display items, overview, A–73
– performing QC, B–68 – expanding and collapsing lists, A–76
– export, A–120

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screens software
– external bottle status, A–96 – importing, B–113
– extra wash cycles, A–113 – updating, B–114
– host codes, A–113 software data handling, specifications, A–67
– import, A–118 solutions, ISE, E–8
– inventory, A–117 space, free on disk, A–93, B–26
– ISE status, A–94 special characters, A–78
– keyboards, A–76 specifications, technical, A–66
– layout, A–72 spillages, safety, A–9
– Loadlist, A–107 standby, ISE status, E–12
– lot data, A–105 starting
– lot list, A–106 – a run, B–44
– maintenance, A–110 – processing, B–44
– messages, A–82, D–5 – shift, B–10
– navigation, A–74 STAT orders, B–41
– orders list, A–98 status
– QC history, A–102 – cuvettes, B–28
– QC history graph, A–103 – instrument, B–46
– QC list, A–101 – ISE unit, E–69
– QC status, A–101 – reagent sets, B–23
– reagent mixing, A–114, A–115 – sample tubes, B–44
– reagent status, A–93 – standby for ISE, E–12
– result list, A–99 – system, A–35
– sample overview, A–86 stop, screen, A–121
– scrolling, A–75 stopping
– stopping processing, A–121 – printing, A–80, B–58
– system status, A–95 – processing, B–49
– test selection, A–88 – run, B–49
– test status, A–90 storage facilities, specifications, A–67
– users, A–119 switching
– worklist, A–107 – between upper and lower-case, A–77
scrolling, A–75 – off, B–88
segments of cuvettes, A–55 – on, B–10
selecting groups of list items symbols, –8
– See, filtering. syringe
selecting, tests to be calibrated, B–62 – assembly, A–46
sensors, ISE, E–11 – hardware, A–46
sequence of processing, B–145 system
service representative, contacting, C–27 – definitions, B–168
setting up, order definition, B–37 – logging on, B–11
sheets, barcodes, B–90 – preparing, B–12
shift – preparing ISE, E–20
– finishing, B–77 – See also, instrument.
– starting, B–10 system status
short guides – overview, A–35
– analyzing samples, B–35 – screen, A–95
– calibration, B–60 systems
– End of Shift, B–78 – fluid, A–45
– ISE Prepare phase, E–20 – See also, units, assemblies.
– Prepare phase, B–13
– QC, B–69
shutting down the system, B–88
– end of shift, B–88
– stop option, A–121

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T units
– ISE, E–9
tabs, B–119 – laboratory, B–156
– assigning tests, B–119 – transfer, A–48
– Overview, A–84 updating software, B–114
– removing tests, B–120 upper-case letters, A–77
– Utilities, A–108 user interface language, B–158
– Workplace, A–97 – changing, B–159
technical specifications, A–66 – installing, B–159
test panels – uninstalling, B–160
– assigning tests, B–119 user interface, overview, A–20, A–71
test selection, screen, A–88 user name, typing, B–11
test status, screen, A–90 users
tests – defining, B–161
– adding to profile, B–148 – deleting, B–161
– assigning to tabs, B–119 – screen, A–119
– defining profiles, B–148 using
– performing, B–34 – manual, 7
– removing from profile, B–149 – online Help, 7, A–81
– removing from tabs, B–120 Utilities tab, A–108
– repeating, B–55
– rerunning, B–56
text, typing, A–76 V
third-party software, A–8
throughput, specifications, A–66 validating
time to finish order, A–86 – calibration results, B–64
touchscreen, adjusting, B–130 – QC results, B–72
trademarks, 2 – sample results, B–51
transfer head, A–48 viewing
transfer unit, A–48 – cal and QC lot definitions, B–98
transmission, checking of results, B–81 – configuration values, B–135
transport, safety, A–5 – flag details, D–25
troubleshooting – lot details of used fluids, B–101
– ISE, E–67 – reagent lot definitions, B–99
– main instrument, D–39
tube bottom detection, A–49
tubes, A–54 W
– disconnecting from instrument, B–129
tubing wash cycles
– conditioning, E–46 – See, extra wash cycles
– connecting to instrument, B–127 wash station, A–47
– disconnecting from instrument, B–129 waste
– installing for ISE, E–61 – checking external, B–17
– ISE, E–11 – cleaning container, C–17
– replacing of ISE, E–57 – emptying, B–17, B–86
– replacing of ISE pump, E–54 – external container, A–51
typing – internal tank, A–50
– password, B–11 – safety, A–7
– text, A–76 water
– user name, B–11 – checking external, B–16, B–86
– cleaning container, C–16
– container, A–51
U – refilling, B–16, B–86
– specifications, A–67
unfinished orders, B–80 water filter, changing, C–19
uninstalling applications, B–143 wavelengths, A–63

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– concept, A–71
– End Shift, B–81
– introduction, A–21
– orders, B–35
– Prepare, B–15
workflow, definitions, B–164
working solutions, safety, A–7
worklist, A–107
Workplace tab, A–97

Roche Diagnostics
F-22 Operator’s Manual · Version 4.0
Revisions G

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