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Checklist for Drum Nozzle Drawing APIL-NCR-PPP-CHKL-004

June 2008

Contract / Project Name

Contract / Project No.
Boiler Type
Drawing Nos.

Sl. Checkpoints Status (Tick Remarks

No. if Confirmed)
01. Ensure detail such as size, (OD, thk & length), welding
detail, flange detail & edge preparation details are given.
02. Check whether flange detail and flange welding details are
provided to comply with IBR/ISME code requirements.
03. Provide 40 mm (min) extra length for plain nozzles for
shop hydrotest and ensure the following note has been
given in the drawing.
“The openings should be blanked suitably at shop & chain
dotted portion has to be removed after shop hydraulic test
and nozzles are to be edge prepared at shop itself.”.
04. Ensure correct weld symbols/welding details are used .
Check all welding details are referred with relevant code
references (IBR/ASME).
05. Check whether all relevant notes are given.
06. Check whether nozzles are fouling with weld seems, if so
the same shall be shifted.
07. Ensure whether the required nozzles are provided as per
the piping and instrumentation drawing. Also check the
size of nozzles are as per piping and instrumentation drg.
08. Ensure the blowdown nozzle weld detail is given as inside
flushing so that the dissolved solids can be collected
09. Tangential nozzles are to be avoided. Wherever it is
mandatory, layout has to be made to check that no
undercutting of metal takes place.
10. Ensure that riser pipe is connected to the drum at an
angle of about 20°. If it is exceeding 20° the size of baffle
plate shall be checked for fouling with manhole.
11. Check matching of Feed water, Blow down, Sampling,
Dosing nozzle locations, orientation with drum internal
piping layout and location of various equipment like
feedwater tank, CBD tank etc.
12. Ensure the safety valve nozzles are located at the top of
drum in the center line of drum and ensure the nozzles
are located inside the steam take off baffles span for clear
steam take off. Check the safety valve nozzle for flanged /
welded connection. Check the contractual requirement of
safety valve also. Ensure that safety valve shall not lie in
line with U-rods for top supported boilers to ensure easy
accessibility. Ensure the orientation of safety valves & its

Checked by Approved by Date: Sh. 1 of 2

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :
Format No. :

Checklist for Drum Nozzle Drawing APIL-NCR-PPP-CHKL-004

June 2008

exhaust line shall not foul with top tie beams if any .
Check fouling for silencer with tie beams.
13. Check whether the nozzles on dished end are fouling with
manhole or other parts outside drum and the lugs inside
the drum.
14. Check the horizontal nozzles (Line level gauge /
Instrument nozzles) are stiffened by flat and other nozzles
exceeding 200 mm projection outside drum are also
15. Ensure the flange selection/rating are as per IBR/ASME
code for the stated pressure and temperature.
16. Ensure the positive (external) down comer nozzles are
provided outside the gas path.
17. Ensure the nozzles given in the sides of drum are clearing
the internal baffles, outlet duct, tube sealing etc.
18. Ensure the blank flanges / end plates are given for Safety
valve nozzle for site hydro test purpose.
19. Ensure the spare nozzles given are blanked off suitably.
20. Check the water level gauge nozzles are arranged
21. Check the level switch, level transmitter nozzles, pressure
switch, pressure transmitter nozzles with instrumentation /
contractual requirement.
22. Check the total length of the nozzle/stubs.
23. Check whether specification of nozzles/flanges are
24. Check whether nozzle edge preparation details are given
to suit with matching piping thickness.
25. Ensure thermal sleeves are provided for feed nozzle when
temperature difference between feed water and drum
water exceeds 50C or provide the same if specifically
mentioned in contract.
26. Check whether insulation cleat well detail is given and
ensure that cleats are not fouling with any nozzles.
27 Check whether standard manhole doors are used.
28. Check whether minimum manway opening 410 mm X 310
mm has been provided.
29. Check whether 300% spare gaskets are provided for
manhole door flanges for shop hydro, site hydro and final
assembly and check 10% spare has been given for other

Checked by Approved by Date: Sh. 2 of 2

Signature : Signature :

Name : Name :

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