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1 Family and home Extra Practice

1.1 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the table.

3 *** Write about people in your family.

♀ ♂ Miles is my brother. He’s 11.

grandmother (1) ......................................................................................................................

(2) father
sister (3)

(4) son ......................................................................................................................

wife (5) ......................................................................................................................

(6) uncle

2 ** Complete the definitions. ......................................................................................................................

1 An informal word for father is ……………………. .

2 An informal word for mother is ……………………. .
3 Your mother and father are your ……………………. . ......................................................................................................................

4 An informal word for grandfather is ……………………. .

5 An informal word for grandmother is ……………………. .
6 Your grandmother and grandfather are your ……………………. . ......................................................................................................................

7 Your mother or your father’s brother is your ……………………. .

8 Your aunt’s child is your ……………………. .

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 1

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.1 Grammar
Present simple: be

1 * Complete the sentences with ’m, ’m not, are, aren’t, is or isn’t. 3 ***  Correct the information. Write a negative and an affirmative
1 My parents ......................... in Australia. û
You are 16.
2 His dad ......................... 38 years old. ü
I’m not 16. I’m 12.
3 I ......................... English. û
4 You ......................... from London. ü
1 Your English teacher is from Nepal.
5 Her name ......................... Paloma. û
6 I ......................... Ann’s sister. ü
2 Your parents are Canadian.
2 ** Complete the text with the correct present simple form of be.
Hello. I (1) ......................... Pampa Zapp. My brothers’ names
(2) ......................... Tehue and Wallaby. Candelaria (3) .........................
3 Your place of birth is New York.
my sister. She (4) ......................... my mum. My parents (5)
......................... from Argentina, but Argentina (6) ......................... my
place of birth. It (7) ......................... the USA. .................................................................................................................
4 You and your friends are at home.

5 Your mum is 75.



Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 2

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.1 Grammar
Present simple: questions with be
1 * Match questions 1–6 to answers A–F. 3 *** Write six Yes / No questions about the text. Then answer the
1 Is your dad Argentinian? ….. A Yes, it is.
My name’s Zara and this is my house in Quebec, Canada. I’m not
2 Are you at home? ….. B No, they aren’t.
Canadian. My place of birth is Toulouse in France. I’ve got four brothers,
3 Is it Monday today? ….. C No, I’m not. Lionel, Marc, Alain and Tomas. They’re 22, 18, 17 and 14. Then there’s
4 Are you and your friend 13? ….. D Yes, we are. me. I’m 12. Lionel isn’t at home now. He’s got a job in Toronto. Our first
5 Is your mum from Madrid? ….. E No, he isn’t. language isn’t English. It’s French. My mum, Muriel, is a French teacher at
6 Are Tom and Guy brothers? ….. F Yes, she is. my school, but she isn’t my teacher.

2 ** Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions. Is Zara’s house in Quebec? Yes, it is.

1 Buenos Aires / in / is / Argentina ?

2 the Zapps / different / are ? ......................................................................................................................

3 is / English / your teacher ?
................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................

4 six children / you / are / one of ?

5 and your friends / are / Australian / you ? ......................................................................................................................

6 your dream / is / to travel / it ?

Student’s Book 1.1 Unit 1 3

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.2 Vocabulary
Rooms and homes

1 * Match activities 1–5 to locations A–E. 3 *** Write about the house. What has it got?
1 You have a shower ….. A in the kitchen.
2 You have dinner ….. B in the living room.
3 You sit and relax ….. C in the bedroom.
4 You cook ….. D in the bathroom.
5 You sleep ….. E in the dining room.

2 ** Complete the sentences with the words.

garage garden lift patio stairs toilet

1 A ......................... is usually in a bathroom.

2 A ......................... is for a car.

3 A bungalow hasn’t got any ......................... or a ......................... .

4 A ......................... is outside a house and usually has grass. It’s got a garden.
5 A ......................... is a place to sit in the garden. ......................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 4

1 Family and home Extra Practice
1.2 Grammar
there is / there are + a, an, some and any

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 ***  Write about your school. Use there is / isn’t / are / aren’t + a, an,
some or any.
There (1) is / are two big windows in the bedroom, but there
balcony fireplace kitchen large windows
(2) isn’t / aren’t a balcony. There aren’t (3) some / any stairs to the lift stairs swimming pool toilets
bedroom, but there (4) is / are a lift. There is (5) a / an unusual bed and
there are (6) some / any books on it. There isn’t a lift.

2 ** Match 1–5 to A–E.
1 There is an ….. A fantastic views of the sea.
2 There aren’t ….. B lift. ......................................................................................................................

3 There isn’t a ….. C a beautiful garden. ......................................................................................................................

4 There is ….. D any fireplaces.
5 There are some ….. E amazing flat screen TV.







Student’s Book 1.2 Unit 1 5

2 Every day, every year Extra Practice
2.1 Vocabulary
Daily routines

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 ***  Write about the things you do on a typical school day. Use as
many of the daily routine verbs as possible.
1 eat / go fruit
I get up early – at 7 a.m.
2 make / feed an animal
3 get / wash your hands
4 feed / clean your room
5 go / have home
6 wash / make your bed ......................................................................................................................


2 ** Complete the text with the correct verbs. ......................................................................................................................

brush my hair get changed get up early ......................................................................................................................

go for a walk have a shower make breakfast ......................................................................................................................

I (1) ........................................... on a school day – at 6.45 a.m. I
(2) ........................................... in the bathroom and then I ......................................................................................................................

(3) ........................................... . I wear normal clothes to school, not a

uniform. After that, I go into the kitchen and (4) ......................................... .
I’m always hungry! The last thing I do before I go to school is look in the
mirror and (5) ........................................... . After school, I
(6) ........................................... with our two dogs, Betty and Boo. Then I
go home and feed them.

Student’s Book 2.1 Unit 2 1

2 Every day, every year Extra Practice
2.1 Grammar
Present simple

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text. Use the correct present simple form of the
Interesting facts about hippos
clean love make not get up not like teach
1 Hippos live / lives in rivers and lakes in Africa.
2 They often go / goes completely under the water. Miss Ross (1) ……………………. English at my school. She
3 A baby hippo weigh / weighs between 25 and 45 kg. (2) ……………………. animals, especially dogs, so she works at a dog
4 Hippos are herbivores. They don’t / doesn’t eat meat. rescue centre on Sundays. She (3) ……………………. early because she
5 They love / loves to eat grass – about 40 kg every night! starts work at 1 p.m. She (4) ……………………. the dogs’ sleeping areas.
6 A hippo don’t / doesn’t live more than 45–50 years. The dogs (5) ……………………. it and they (6) ……………………. a lot of
2 ** Complete the text with the correct verbs.

Adopt an animal today!

Many people (1) ……………………. (love) animals and every year they
adopt an animal at one of our rescue centres around the world. It
(2) ……………………. (not cost) much – only £3 a month.

‘My adopted tiger is called Benji. He (3) ……………………. (not live) in the
UK. He lives in India. Volunteers (4) ……………………. (feed) him milk
every day. Baby tigers (5) ……………………. (not eat) meat. Adopting a
tiger is great! It (6) ……………………. (teach) you about animals in
danger.’ Harry, 11

Student’s Book 2.1 Unit 2 2

2 Every day, every year Extra Practice
2.2 Vocabulary
Free time activities

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Write about people you know who do free time activities.
Include information about where and when they do these
1 I do / go / go to the cinema every Saturday. activities.

2 You do / sing / play computer games every day.

My brother does free running in town on Saturdays.
3 We hang out / go / do to the beach in summer.
4 I chat / hang / do online with my friends.
5 Do you listen / watch / go to music? .................................................................................................................

6 My friends go / sing / watch shopping at weekends. .................................................................................................................

2 ** Match 1–6 to A–F.
1 sing ….. A TV
2 watch ….. B with friends .................................................................................................................

3 do ….. C an instrument .................................................................................................................

4 play ….. D free running .................................................................................................................
5 go ….. E in a choir
6 hang out ….. F orienteering

Student’s Book 2.2 Unit 2 3

2 Every day, every year Extra Practice
2.2 Grammar
Present simple: questions

1 * Write the words in the correct order to make questions and 3 ***  Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the present simple
answers. questions and the correct short answers.
1 A: go / Do / orienteering / you ? B: don’t. / I / No,
Lucy / get she / like you / listen you / play your parents / go
2 A: Aida / her room / Does / clean ? B: she / Yes, / does. Jim Do you play an instrument?
................................................................................................................. Craig No, I don’t, but my sister, Lucy, does. She plays the trumpet.
3 A: online / your parents / chat / Do ? B: No, / don’t. / they
Jim (1) ............................................ playing it?
Craig Yes, (2) ............................................ . She plays in a jazz band
4 A: you and your sister / TV / Do / watch ? B: do. / we / Yes,
twice a week.
Jim (3) ............................................ and watch her?
5 A: Does / an instrument / play / Ivan ? B: doesn’t. / No, / he
................................................................................................................. Craig Yes, (4) ............................................ , when she plays in a
2 ** Write present simple questions. Write true short answers.
Jim (5) ............................................ paid?
you / brush your hair? Do you brush your hair? Yes, I do.
Craig No, (6) ............................................ . She does it for fun.
1 you / feed an animal ? Jim (7) ............................................ to jazz music?
................................................................................................................. Craig Yes, (8) ............................................ . I love it.
2 your mum / clean your room ?
3 your dad / get up early ?
4 your friends / play computer games ?
5 you and your friends / do free running ?

Student’s Book 2.2 Unit 2 4

2 Every day, every year Extra Practice
2.2 Grammar
Question words
1 * Choose the correct option.
3 How often ............................................ in the school choir? (your
1 How often / Where do you go to the cinema? sister / sing) ............................................................................................
Every Saturday. 4 Why ............................................ it? (she / do)
2 When / Who does she hang out with? .................................................................................................................
School friends. 5 What ............................................ for a hobby? (you / do)
3 What / Why do they do free running? .................................................................................................................
Because it’s exciting.
4 Where / When does he listen to music? 3 ***  Choose words from each column to make present simple
questions. Write true answers.
In his room.
question word subject verb
5 Why / What do your parents do in the evening?
How often you go to the cinema
Watch TV. What you and your friends chat online
6 Who / When do you clean your room?
On Sundays.
your parents
your mum
have a shower
watch TV ?
Who your dad go shopping
2 ** Complete the present simple questions and choose the correct Why people go for a walk
How often does your dad chat online? Every day.
My sister. Orienteering. Twice a week. At seven o’clock. .................................................................................................................
Because it’s her hobby. In the kitchen.
When do you get up ? (you / get up) At seven o’clock. .................................................................................................................

1 Where ............................................ breakfast? (you and your family / .................................................................................................................

eat) ......................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................

2 Who ............................................ to school with? (you / walk) .................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 2.2 Unit 2 5

3 Live and learn Extra Practice
3.1 Vocabulary

1 * Match activities 1–6 to locations A–F. 3 *** Choose a word from column A and a word from column B to
complete the sentences.
1 play basketball ….. A ICT suite
2 do experiments ….. B canteen
changing hall
3 eat food ….. C science lab head fields
4 borrow books ….. D sports hall ICT lab
playing room
5 chat online ….. E changing room science suite
6 get changed ….. F library sports teacher

Friday is my favourite school day. I’ve got double Biology in the

2 ** The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Rewrite the
sentences with the words in the correct places. science lab in the morning. Then it’s PE. We often play football on the

(1) ......................................... next to the school. Sometimes we play

1 The playing fields of the school basketball team is called Mr Jordan.
basketball in the (2) ......................................... . After PE I have a
2 After lunch, I hang out with friends outside in the staffroom. shower in the (3) ......................................... . After lunch, I usually go to

................................................................................................................. the (4) ......................................... to play some computer games. Then

3 Teachers go to the hall when they haven’t got a lesson.
I’ve got double History. Our History teacher isn’t here so we’ve got Mrs
Jenkins, our (5) ......................................... !
4 There are football matches on the coach on Saturdays.
5 Our playground, Mrs Johnson, teaches Maths.
6 The school choir practises twice a week in the school head teacher.

Student’s Book 3.1 Unit 3 1

3 Live and learn Extra Practice
3.1 Grammar
Adverbs of frequency

1 * Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs of frequency. Use

5 0% / We / in PE / free running / do
the diagram on page 35 of your Student’s Book.
1 I ......................... (50%) go to computer club.
6 65% / hang out / I / after school / with friends
2 It is ......................... (65%) boring in the playground.
3 Our head teacher ......................... (0%) teaches us.
4 Mr Collins is ......................... (80%) in the staffroom at break.
3 ***  Write about Karen. Use the correct form of the verbs and the
5 The bell ......................... (100%) rings at the end of the lesson. correct adverbs of frequency.

6 ......................... (50%) a teacher has a free lesson. get up early (80%)

Karen usually gets up early.
2 ** Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use the
correct adverbs of frequency. 1 be late for school (0%)
0% / I / for school / late / am ............................................................................................................
I am never late for school. 2 read a book at break (65%)
1 100% / do / their homework / They
3 forget her homework (0%)
2 80% / are / Science lessons / interesting
4 get good marks (80%)
3 50% / to the library / Students / go / at break
5 study for her exams (100%)
4 65% / On Tuesdays / has / Jane / choir practice
6 hang out with friends on Saturdays (50%)

Student’s Book 3.1 Unit 3 2

3 Live and learn Extra Practice
3.2 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the sports and equipment words with a, e, i, o or u. 3 ***  Write sentences about the equipment you use for sports.

I love sport. I do it every week. On Mondays I have (1) practice at

wear a wetsuit You wear a wetsuit to go scuba diving.
lunchtime, but I sometimes forget to take my (2) to school. On
Wednesdays I play (3) t...nn...s. I use my (4), but I don’t wear my
1 use a stick
(5) g...ggl...s. I wear them when I go (6) on Thursdays. I
always go (7) ...c... with my friends on Saturdays. I’ve got some
2 wear trainers
really good (8) sk...t...s.
3 use a racket
2 ** Complete the sentences with go, play or do and the correct
equipment. 4 wear skates
belt hoop trainers wetsuit
5 wear a belt
1 People who ......................... judo always wear a ......................... . .................................................................................................................
2 Do you wear a ......................... when you ......................... 6 wear goggles
scuba diving? .................................................................................................................
3 When you ......................... basketball there’s always a ........................ .
4 I wear ......................... when I ......................... running.

Student’s Book 3.2 Unit 3 3

3 Live and learn Extra Practice
3.2 Grammar
like + -ing / noun

1 * Complete the sentences with the phrases. 3 ***  Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Then write a sentence with
the verb in brackets and an object pronoun.
can’t stand doesn’t mind don’t like hates like loves Jason loves fitness training. û (hate)
Jason doesn’t love fitness training. He hates it.

1 We ......................... swimming. L 1 We like team sports. û (can’t stand)

2 Cally ......................... hockey. JJ ............................................................................................................
3 My brother ......................... PE lessons. K 2 The girls hate ice skating. û (love)
4 You ......................... judo. LLL ............................................................................................................
5 Do you ......................... ice skating? J 3 I’m crazy about basketball. û (not mind)
6 Lucas ......................... scuba diving. LL ............................................................................................................
4 My parents like tennis. û (hate)
2 ** Complete the dialogue with the questions and it or them. ............................................................................................................
Paula (1) ......................... (you / like) basketball? 5 Elena hates ballet lessons. û (not mind)
Jack Yes, I do. I love (2) ......................... . What about you? ............................................................................................................
Paula I don’t like team sports. In fact, I hate (3) ......................... . 6 I love judo. û (hate)
Jack What about Ben? (4) ......................... (he / enjoy) team sports? ............................................................................................................
Paula No, he’s crazy about water sports.
Jack (5) ......................... (he / like) scuba diving?
Paula Yes, he does. He’s got a wetsuit. He loves (6) ......................... .

Student’s Book 3.2 Unit 3 4

4 Extremes Extra Practice
4.1 Vocabulary

1 * Match adjectives 1–6 to opposites A–F. 3 *** Write negative and affirmative sentences. Use the opposites of
the adjectives in bold.
1 short ....... A boring
2 easy ....... B expensive Furius Baco is slow. ✘
It isn’t slow. It’s fast.
3 cheap ....... C low
4 slow ....... D fast
1 Shambhala is short. ✘
5 exciting ....... E long
6 high ....... F difficult
2 That ride is dangerous. ✘

2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives. ...................................................................................................................

3 Barcelona is boring. ✘
crowded enjoyable frightening near noisy surprising

1 I hate spiders in the house. They’re ........................ . 4 Travelling by plane is cheap. ✘

2 It’s ........................ that all my friends are in the same class at school.
5 This exercise is difficult. ✘
3 My school is ........................ my house. It’s five minutes away.
4 I love going on roller coasters. It’s really .........................
6 The dog is noisy. ✘
5 There are queues of people at the cinema today. It’s very

6 Our dog can’t stand fireworks because they’re very .........................

Student’s Book 4.1 Unit 4 1

4 Extremes Extra Practice
4.1 Grammar
Comparative adjectives

1 * Complete the text with the comparative form of the adjectives. 3 *** Write sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives.

We’ve got a cat called Lisa and a dog called Bart. Bart is (1) ................... a roller coaster / a hypercoaster basketball / football
(big) than Lisa and he loves running. Lisa likes running too, but Bart is reading a book / watching a film maths / science
(2) ................... (fast) than her. Lisa is (3) ................... (easy) to look after the school hall / the canteen watching TV / going to the cinema
– we feed her, but we don’t go for a walk with her. We go for a short walk
with Bart in the morning and then we go for a (4) ................... (long) walk big boring cheap difficult easy exciting enjoyable
in the evening. I love our pets, but I think Bart is a (5) ................... (good) expensive good long frightening short
pet than Lisa. Dogs are (6) ................... (exciting) than cats.

2 ** Write sentences. Use the comparative form of the adjectives. Maths is more difficult than science.

expensive good high near old short slow ...................................................................................................................

Milly 1.56 m / Josie 1.65 m Milly is shorter than Josie.
1 Mount Everest 8848 m / Mount Kilimanjaro 5895 m
2 a Ferrari F12 €274,000 / a Fiat 500 €13,000
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
3 a tiger 80 km per hour / a cheetah 110 km per hour ...................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
4 Dragon Kahn (1995) / Shambhala (2012) ...................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
5 London to Rome 1433 km / London to Madrid 1263 km
6 Hotel A ***** / Hotel B **

Student’s Book 4.1 Unit 4 2

4 Extremes Extra Practice
4.2 Vocabulary

1 * Choose the correct words. 3 *** Write about the weather in each season where you live.

1 Let’s go to the beach today. It’s really cloudy / sunny / cold. spring summer autumn winter
2 It’s scary travelling by plane when it’s very warm / dry / windy.
3 Sometimes when it’s very hot in summer there is
snow / a thunderstorm / rain. In spring it’s sunny and warm. It isn’t very hot but it’s often windy.

4 It’s impossible to see more than 10 m. It’s very foggy / dry / sunny.
It’s never foggy.
5 There’s heavy rain so it’s very hot / icy / wet.
6 Look at the rain / snow / thunderstorm. Let’s go skiing! ...................................................................................................................
2 ** Write the noun form of the adjective
1 He can’t stand the ................... . (hot) ...................................................................................................................
2 There are lots of ................... in the sky today. (cloudy) ...................................................................................................................
3 Do you like the ................... ? (cold) ...................................................................................................................
4 How strong is the ................... today? (windy) ...................................................................................................................
5 Be careful! There’s ................... on the ground. (icy) ...................................................................................................................
6 Do they prefer the ................... or the rain? (sunny) ...................................................................................................................

Student’s Book 4.2 Unit 4 3

4 Extremes Extra Practice
4.2 Grammar
Superlative adjectives

1 * Write the superlative form of the adjectives.

3 *** Write your opinions about your country. Use the superlative form
fast the fastest of the adjectives.
1 old ..........................................
month of the year (hot)
2 long ..........................................
I think the hottest month of the year is August.
3 wet ..........................................
4 cloudy ..........................................
1 train (fast)
5 enjoyable ..........................................
6 bad ..........................................
2 theme park (good)
3 season (wet)
2 ** Complete the text with the superlative form of the adjectives.
Antarctica is one of the seven continents in the world. It isn’t
4 part of the country (sunny)
(1) ................... (big) continent – that’s Asia, but it’s (2) ...................
(windy) continent in the world. It’s very cold too. (3) ................... (cold)
5 food (popular)
temperature on Earth was at Vostock Station in Antarctica in 1983. It was
-89.2°C! It doesn’t often rain in Antarctica so it’s one of (4) ...................
6 city (big)
(dry) places on Earth. In fact, it’s a desert. Antarctica is (5) ...................
(good) place in the world to find ice. That’s because over 90% of the
world’s ice is there. The (6) ................... (near) continent to Antarctica is
South America.

Student’s Book 4.2 Unit 4 4

5 That’s different Extra Practice
5.1 Vocabulary
Action verbs

1 * Choose the correct verb. 3 *** Choose words from A and B to complete the sentences.

1 sail / fly a plane A B

2 open / jump a door close a boat
dive a picture
3 close / sail a boat for hours
4 practise / carry a bag planes
the windows
practise underwater
5 draw / dive into a lake
6 climb / practise an instrument
You sail a boat on water.
2 * Match 1–6 to A–F.
1 It’s a good idea to ......................... before you go out of the house.
1 In our town, they’re building ….. A Mount Teide in the
2 My dream is to be a pilot and ......................... .
3 To be good at an instrument, you need to ......................... .
2 I love jumping ….. B the trees in the garden.
4 People often wear goggles to ......................... .
3 In art lessons, I sometimes draw ….. C your little brother’s hand,
5 You usually use paper and a pencil to ......................... .
4 We want to climb ….. D into the swimming pool.
5 Can you hold ….. E a new sports centre.
6 Our cat often climbs ….. F a picture of myself.

Student’s Book 5.1 Unit 5 1

5 That’s different Extra Practice
5.1 Grammar
Present continuous

1 * Complete the sentences with ’m, ’m not, ’re, aren’t, ’s or isn’t. 3 *** Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs.

1 We …………… walking. û We …………… riding our bikes. ü hang have hold not study not take run sit swim

2 I …………… sitting on the sofa. û I …………… having a shower. ü It’s August so I (1) ……………………. out with some friends at the
3 She ………… drawing a picture. û She ………… writing a letter. ü
moment. We aren’t at school so we (2) ……………………. . It’s fun! We
4 You …….… playing the piano. û You ….…… listening to music. ü
(3) ……………………. next to a lake right now. It’s hot so Lucy and Megan
5 They …………… studying. û They …………… having dinner. ü
6 He …………… watching TV. û He …………… reading a book. ü (4) ……………………. in the water. They’re good swimmers. Megan’s dog

(5) ……………………. a good time. It (6) ……………………. in and out of

2 ** Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the the water. Another friend, Mark, (7) ……………………. his camera, but he
(8) ……………………. photos of us. His dream is to be an animal
1 Look! He ……………………. (dive) into the pool.
photographer so he’s looking at the dog!
2 We ……………………. (not make) dinner. It’s only three o’clock.
3 Jane ……………………. (not use) her computer at the moment.
4 I ……………………. (take) a photo right now.
5 You ……………………. (sit) next to Jaime.
6 They ……………………. (not carry) anything.

Student’s Book 5.1 Unit 5 2

5 That’s different Extra Practice
5.1 Grammar
Present continuous questions

1 * Order the words to make questions and answers.

4 you and your friends / look at / a magazine ?
1 A: having / are / dinner / you ? B: I’m / no, / not ............................................................................................................
............................................................................................................ 5 you / use / a pen ?
2 A: a boat / they / are / sailing ? B: are / they / yes, ............................................................................................................
3 A: is / reading / a book / he ? B: yes, / is / he
3 ** Complete the present continuous questions using the correct
............................................................................................................ verbs. Write affirmative or negative short answers.
4 A: you and your friend / music / listening to / are ? B: aren’t / we / no,
clap do play watch
5 A: in the garden / running / is / the dog ? B: is / it / yes, Lily Hi, Toby. (1) ......................... you ......................... your
............................................................................................................ homework?
Toby (2) (û)......................... . I’m watching TV.
2 ***  Write present continuous questions about what you’re doing now.
Then write true short answers. Lily (3) ......................... you ......................... a sports programme?

you / wear / trainers ? Toby (4) (ü)......................... . It’s a tennis match.

Are you wearing trainers? Yes, I am. Lily (5) ......................... Djokovic ......................... in the match?
1 you / sit / in the science lab ? Toby (6) (û)......................... . It’s Ferrer vs. Almagro.
............................................................................................................ Lily What’s that noise? (7) ......................... the spectators
2 your teacher / write / on the board ? .........................?
............................................................................................................ Toby (8) (ü)......................... . It’s the end of the match.
3 some students / play / basketball ?

Student’s Book 5.1 Unit 5 3

5 That’s different Extra Practice
5.2 Vocabulary
Adventure equipment

1 * Complete the equipment words.

Pete No, thanks, but can I borrow your (6) ........................ ? Then I can
1 You use a m _ _ to navigate. see things that are far away.
2 You use a t _ _ _ _ to see in the dark.
Linda Sure. No problem.
3 You use a b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to carry things.
4 You sleep in a s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b _ _ .
3 ***  Write about three things that you need for each holiday.
5 You wear a w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _ _ _ _ when it’s raining.
Mountain biking in the Pyrenees in October
6 You use i _ _ _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to protect against mosquitoes.
You need to take some tools for your bike...

2 ** Complete the dialogue. ..................................................................................................................

binoculars compass first aid kit sunscreen tent tools

Linda Are you ready for your trip to the mountains? Sailing around the Greek Islands in August
Pete Yes, we are, but I need some (1) ........................ . The sun is very
strong at this time of year.
Linda And don’t forget your (2) ........................ for any medical
problems! What’s in that huge bag? Sightseeing in London in March

Pete It’s the (3) ........................ . We always go camping in the ..................................................................................................................

mountains. There are some (4) ........................ in the bag for ..................................................................................................................

putting up the tent. ..................................................................................................................

Linda Do you need a (5) ........................ for navigating? I’ve got one.

Student’s Book 5.2 Unit 5 4

5 That’s different Extra Practice
5.2 Grammar
Present continuous and present simple

1 * Choose the correct option.

3 *** Complete the email. Use the present continuous or present simple
1 I wear / ’m wearing sunscreen today. form of the verbs.
2 I usually wear / ’m wearing sunscreen in summer. love not go not wear read ride sit sleep write
3 Liam makes / ’s making models in his free time.
I (1) ......................... this to you in Scotland. We’re here for a week and we
4 He makes / ’s making a model plane at the moment.
(2) ......................... in a tent. It’s very uncomfortable! Normally we
5 They close / ’re closing the windows right now.
(3) ......................... camping, but my parents wanted to do something
6 They always close / ’re closing the windows before they go to bed.
different this year. At the moment Dad (4) ......................... his mountain
bike. He (5) ......................... cycling. In fact, he’s crazy about it. Mum isn’t
2 ** Complete the text. Use the present continuous or present simple
form of the verbs in brackets. with him. She (6) ......................... on a chair in the sun and reading a
book. She usually (7) ......................... about five books when she’s on
Let’s go to our sports reporter now.
holiday. I can see some people swimming in the lake near us. The water
‘Here we are at Manor Park for the annual triathlon. It often
is very cold, but they (8) ......................... wetsuits. That’s a bad idea!
(1) ......................... (rain) at this event, but it’s hot and sunny today. In
fact, some spectators (2) ......................... (put) on sunscreen at the
moment. Triathletes always (3) ......................... (swim) first and then they
ride their bikes and run. Our competitors (4) ......................... (not swim) or
riding their bikes right now. They (5) ......................... (run) 10 km. Here
are the first runners now. Number 101 (6) ......................... (wear) a green
top and blue trainers. It’s Tim Franks in first place. He usually
(7) ......................... (finish) in the top ten. He (8) ......................... (wave) at
the spectators now. Let’s see if I can speak to him ...’

Student’s Book 5.2 Unit 5 5

6 Street life Extra Practice
6.1 Vocabulary

1 * Find the odd one out. 3 *** Use words from each box to write sentences about the food you
1 Vegetables: mushrooms / bread / onions
      fruit   like  ...  
2 Dairy products: sugar / yoghurt / cheese   always     vegetables   ,  such  as  ...  
3 Meat: rice / beef / chicken I   often   have   meat   ,  for  example,  ...  
sometimes   dairy  products  
4 Carbohydrates: bread / rice / spices
never   pulses  
5 Pulses: beans / grapes / chickpeas carbohydrates  
6 Other: spices / chicken / salt and pepper

I often have fruit, such as grapes and melon.

2 ** Complete the sentences. ......................................................................................................................

beef chickpeas oil rice spices sugar ......................................................................................................................

1 ‘Do you take ......................... in your coffee?’ ‘Yes. One, please.’
2 I don’t eat ......................... . I’m vegetarian.
3 ‘This curry is very hot.’ ‘I know. There are lots of ......................... in it.’
4 ‘How do you make a tortilla.’ ‘First, you cook potatoes in
......................... .’
5 Vegetarians often eat beans or ......................... instead of meat.
6 One of the main ingredients in paella is ......................... .

Student’s Book 6.1 Unit 6 1

6 Street life Extra Practice
6.1 Grammar
can / can’t, must / mustn’t

1 * Complete the sentences with the correct words. 3 *** Use can, can’t, must or mustn’t and the verbs to complete the
Can can can’t must mustn’t
be drive eat go open sit
1 Don’t eat raw chicken. You ......................... cook it first.
My parents aren’t strict. I can go to bed when I want to.
2 ......................... I have a drink, please?
3 You ......................... eat those mushrooms. They’re dangerous. 1 You ......................... quiet! The baby is sleeping.

4 Children ......................... go into the restaurant, but not the bar. 2 ......................... I ......................... the window, please? I’m really hot.

5 You ......................... have a snack. There isn’t anything to eat. 3 In the UK, they drive on the left. You ......................... on the right. It’s
4 We ......................... food in lessons, but we can drink water.
2 **  Complete the dialogue with can, can’t, must or mustn’t.
5 There’s a seat number on your cinema ticket. You ......................... in
Luke (1) ......................... I have some cake, please?
that seat.
Mum No, you (2) ......................... . It’s for Dad’s birthday tomorrow.
Luke But I’m hungry!
Mum You (3) ......................... have a snack, but you
(4) ......................... eat a lot. Dinner is ready in 20 minutes.
Luke What’s on the cooker?
Mum Be careful! You (5) ......................... touch it! It’s extremely hot.
Luke Sorry.
Mum Look at your hands, Luke! They’re really dirty. You
(6) ......................... wash them before you eat anything.

Student’s Book 6.1 Unit 6 2

6 Street life Extra Practice
6.2 Vocabulary
At the market

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F.

5 My head is cold.
1 hair ….. A varnish .................................................................................................................
2 key ….. B gum 6 I want something to read.
3 chewing ….. C ring .................................................................................................................
4 ice ….. D case
3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct words.
5 mobile phone ….. E gel
6 nail ….. F cream 1 You can use different colours of .............................. on your hands.
2 You put your keys on a ............................. .
2 ** Read the statements. Use the words to suggest what each person 3 Your camera doesn’t work without a .............................. .
should buy.
4 You don’t eat .............................. . You chew it.
some batteries a cap some chocolate some hair gel
a magazine a mobile phone case some water 5 You wear .............................. on different parts of your body as
I want to do something different with my hair.
6 You keep money in a .............................. .
Why don’t you buy some hair gel?

1 I’m really thirsty.

2 I want a snack.
3 My camera isn’t working.
4 I’ve got a new phone.

Student’s Book 6.2 Unit 6 3

6 Street life Extra Practice
6.2 Grammar
Countables and uncountables

1 * What’s in the backpack? Write sentences. Use There is / are some 2 **  Choose the correct words.
or There isn’t / aren’t any.
1 There are some / any books on my desk, but there isn’t some / any
magazines ü water.
There are some magazines.
2 There ’s / are some chewing gum, but there isn’t / aren’t any
1 hair gel ü magazines.
................................................................................................................. 3 ‘Is / Are there any nail varnish?’ ‘No, there isn’t / aren’t.’
2 chocolate ü 4 ‘Is / Are there any sweets?’ ‘Yes, there is / are.’
................................................................................................................. 5 ‘How much / many keys are there on your key ring?’ ‘There aren’t
3 sweets ü much / many.’
................................................................................................................. 6 ‘How much / many money is there in the purse?’ ‘There isn’t much /
4 chewing gum û many.’
3 *** Complete the dialogue with there + the correct form of be. Use
5 water û some / any if necessary.
Beth How much food is there in your backpack?
6 grapes û
Sam (1) ...................... much.
Beth (2) ...................... grapes?
Sam No, (3) ...................... .
Beth What about chewing gum?
Sam No, (4) ...................... chewing gum, but (5) ...................... sweets.
Beth Can I have one, please?
Sam (6) ...................... only three, but you can have one. Here you are.

Student’s Book 6.2 Unit 6 4

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Vocabulary

1 * Read the sentences and choose the correct words. 3 *** Answer the questions about clothes.

boots coat hat jeans shirt skirt 1 What are you wearing now?

1 You wear this on your head: ......................... .................................................................................................................

2 You wear these on your feet: ......................... .................................................................................................................

3 An item of clothing for a girl or a woman: ......................... 2 What do you usually wear at weekends?

4 You put this on when you go outside: ......................... .................................................................................................................

5 You wear this on your upper body: ......................... .................................................................................................................

6 An informal pair of trousers: ......................... 3 What do you usually wear in the summer?

2 ** Complete the text with the correct words. .................................................................................................................

cap dress jacket sandals shirt
4 What do you usually wear in the winter?
shorts socks trousers T-shirt
My parents are at work today. They must wear formal clothes so my mum .................................................................................................................
is wearing a (1) ......................... and my dad is wearing a pair of grey

(2) ......................... , a white (3) ......................... and a black

(4) ......................... over it.

I’m not at school today. It’s hot and sunny so I’m not wearing trousers. I’m

wearing some (5) ......................... and a blue (6) ......................... . I’m also

wearing a (7) ......................... on my head and some (8) .........................

on my feet. They’re my favourite shoes. I’m not wearing any

(9) ......................... with them.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 1

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: questions with be

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Read the text and write questions using the words. Then answer
the questions.
1 Was it cold yesterday? …..A Yes, he was.
My grandma, Lilian, was born in Paris, France, in 1927. She was one of
2 Were you in bed at midnight? …..B No, we weren’t.
four children. They weren’t all girls. Two of them were boys, Alexandre
3 Were your parents teenagers in the 1980s? …..C No, it wasn’t.
and Émile. As a young woman, Lilian became interested in fashion. She
4 Was Linda next to you in the lesson? …..D Yes, I was.
always wore beautiful and elegant clothes. Some of them were from
5 Were you and Frank born here? …..E No, she wasn’t.
Christian Dior’s first collection of women’s clothes in 1947, New Look.
6 Was your brother with you? …..F Yes, they were.

1 Lilian / French?
2 ** Order the words to make questions. Then answer the questions.
1 Monday / was / yesterday / it ?
2 she / an only child?
2 your grandparents / famous / were ?
3 Alexandre and Émile / her cousins?
3 born / was / in 1970 / your dad ?
4 Lilian’s clothes / beautiful and elegant?
4 yesterday / you and your friends / in town / were ?
5 there / any Dior clothes in her wardrobe?
5 was / born /your mum / in London ?
6 New Look / Dior’s first collection?
6 you / for school / late / were ?

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 2

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: questions with be

4 **** Complete the dialogue with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.

Mia Were there lots of good shops in London?

Stella Yes, there (1) ......................... . There (2) ......................... an
amazing one called Paper Dress.
Mia Really? (3) ......................... there all the latest fashions?
Stella No, there (4) ......................... . There (5) ......................... clothes
from the 1940s, 50s and 60s.
Mia (6) ......................... there a Dior dress?
Stella Yes, there (7) ......................... . And there (8) .........................
two things from Dior’s 1947 New Look collection.
Mia Amazing!

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 3

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.1 Grammar
Past simple: be

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Complete the text with the affirmative or negative past simple
form of be.
1 It was / were sunny yesterday.
The fashion designer Christian Dior was born in 1905 in Granville, France.
2 I wasn’t / weren’t late for school.
He (1) ......................... one of five children. They (2) ......................... all
3 He was / were a fashion designer.
boys. Two of them (3) ......................... girls, Jacqueline and Ginette.
4 We wasn’t / weren’t at home.
Christian Dior (4) ......................... famous as a teenager. His first
5 They wasn’t / weren’t hungry.
collection of women’s clothes, New Look, (5) ......................... in 1947 at
6 You was / were born in 1999.
the age of 42. His dresses and jackets were beautiful and elegant. They
(6) ......................... baggy. Soon, Christian Dior (7) .........................
2 ** Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative past
simple form of be. famous around the world.

1 Her shoes ......................... (ü) strange.

2 My grandpa ......................... (û) a designer.

3 I ......................... (û) in bed at 11 p.m.

4 We ......................... (ü) hungry.

5 The tortilla ......................... (ü) delicious.

6 You ......................... (û) here yesterday.

Student’s Book 7.1 Unit 7 4

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.2 Vocabulary

1 * Complete the categories. 3 *** Write about the appearance of people in your family. Include:

blond beard green straight tall

hair (colour and style / type)
1 Hair colour: dark, ginger, ......................... eyes (colour and size)
2 Hair style / type: long, short, .........................
any special features
3 Eye colour: blue, brown, .........................
4 Body: short, fat, .........................
My uncle is tall and slim. He’s got ginger hair. It’s short and wavy. He’s got
5 Special features: moustache, freckles, .........................
freckles, but he hasn’t got a moustache.

2 **  Complete the text. ......................................................................................................................

bald beard blue curly fat glasses grey of average height ......................................................................................................................
My grandpa has got some (1) ......................... , white hair on his head. He
isn’t completely (2) ......................... . He’s got some hair on his face too. It
isn’t a moustache, but it’s a (3) ......................... . In the past, it was brown,
but he’s very old now so it’s (4) ......................... . Grandpa isn’t tall or
short. He’s (5) ......................... and he’s a bit (6) ......................... . He was
slimmer when he was younger. Grandpa’s got big, (7) .........................
eyes, but he can’t see very well now so he wears (8) ......................... .

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 5

7 Appearances Extra Practice
7.2 Grammar
Past simple: regular verbs

1 * Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative past 4 exercise 4 ü / exercise 5 û (they)
simple form of the verbs.
1 I ......................... (play) computer games last night. 5 5km û / 25km ü (he)
2 They ......................... (study) for a long time yesterday. .................................................................................................................

3 You ......................... (not want) any breakfast today. 6 Gina’s bag ü/ Emma’s bag û (you)

4 She ......................... (describe) her house to me. .................................................................................................................

5 We ......................... (carry) all our books to school.

3 *** Write sentences about last night. Use the affirmative or negative
6 He ......................... (not help) me with my homework. form of the verbs.
watch a friend
I cook an instrument
2 **  Write affirmative and negative past simple sentences using the My parents phone the living room last night.
correct verb. (not)
My friend play to some music
carry clean complete cook listen play walk My brother / sister listen a film
tidy a meal

the drums ü / the trumpet û (he)

He played the drums. He didn’t play the trumpet. My sister watched a film last night.

1 to music û / to the radio ü (I)
2 breakfast ü / dinner û (we)
3 the bathroom û / her room ü (she)

Student’s Book 7.2 Unit 7 6

8 People and places Extra Practice
8.1 Vocabulary
Landscape places

1 * Complete the list with the features. 3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct words.

cave cliff coral reef forest mountain rainforest valley 1 The Tajo is the longest ......................... in Spain.
2 A forest in a hot, tropical country is a ......................... .
Things I want to do:
3 Ibiza is an ......................... in the Mediterranean.
meet a tribe in the Amazonian rainforest
4 The Sahara is a ......................... in Africa.
1 climb the highest ......................... in the world – Everest 5 Copacabana is a famous ......................... in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2 go scuba diving on a ......................... in Australia 6 The Niagara Falls is a famous ......................... .
3 live like a troglodyte in a ......................... 7 The Pacific is the largest ......................... in the world.
4 climb the world’s highest tree in a ......................... in California
5 ski down Mont Blanc to the ......................... below
6 dive off a ......................... into the sea

2 **  Choose the option that isn’t correct.

1 go swimming in a river / the ocean / a mountain

2 climb up an island / a mountain / a cliff

3 walk through a cliff / a forest / a valley

4 go diving on a coral reef / in a forest / in a waterfall

5 live in a cave / beach / rainforest

6 walk across an island / the desert / a coral reef

Student’s Book 8.1 Unit 8 1

8 People and places Extra Practice
8.1 Grammar
Past simple: irregular and regular verbs

1 * Choose the correct option.

4 (have) They (û) ......................... any food. They (ü) .........................
1 They climb / climbed Mont Blanc in 2010. some water.

They didn’t climb / climbed the Matterhorn. 5 (travel) You (ü) ......................... by train. You (û) ......................... by
2 I didn’t go / went to Spain last July.
I go / went to Portugal. 6 (take) He (û) ......................... a video camera. He (ü) .........................
his mobile phone.
3 He didn’t made / make a TV series.
He made / make a film.
4 You ate / eat insects in the jungle. 3 *** Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs.
You didn’t ate./ eat any crabs.
go not go not see stop swim took travel
5 It didn’t live / lived in a cave.
It live / lived in a forest. I (1) ......................... scuba diving in Australia last year, but I

6 We didn’t fall / fell into a river. (2) ......................... on a whale-watching trip. We (3) .........................

We fall / fell into the sea. 10 km into the Indian Ocean by boat to an area where it’s common to
see whales. Suddenly, everyone (4) ......................... talking. There
2 **  Complete the sentences with the affirmative and negative past
simple forms of the verbs. was something in the water, but it wasn’t a whale. It was some
dolphins. They (5) ......................... next to the boat for ages. It was
1 (see) She (ü) ......................... some birds. She (û) .........................
any elephants. incredible. Everyone (6) ......................... lots of photos. After two

2 (dive) We (û) ......................... off a cliff. We (ü) ......................... near hours, we returned home, but guess what? We (7) ......................... any
a coral reef. whales on the whole trip!

3 (stop) I (ü) ......................... to take a photo. I (û) ......................... to

feed the animals.

Student’s Book 8.1 Unit 8 2

8 People and places Extra Practice
8.2 Vocabulary
Places in town

1 * Complete the sentences with centre, office, station or store.

4 She bought his latest book at the takeaway.
1 You buy petrol at a petrol ......................... .
2 You do sports at a sports ......................... .
5 I work on the 10 floor of an bakery.
3 You catch a train from a train ......................... .
4 There are lots of different shops in a shopping ......................... . .................................................................................................................

5 You buy stamps at the post ......................... . 6 He went to the sweet shop to get some medicine.
6 You go shopping in a department ......................... .

2 **  The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Rewrite the 3 *** Write about how often you go these places. Give your reasons.
sentences with the correct words.
bakery bookshop chemist’s church cinema
1 I bought some delicious bread at the bookshop.
department store newsagent’s office block petrol station
................................................................................................................. post office shopping centre sports centre sweet shop
takeaway train station
2 They sell some lovely chocolate at that office block.
I go to the newsagent’s every week to buy my favourite magazine.
I never go to the petrol station because I can’t drive.
3 The curry from that chemist’s is really tasty.




Student’s Book 8.2 Unit 8 3

8 People and places Extra Practice
8.2 Grammar
Past simple: questions

1 * Complete the dialogue.

4 your parents / buy food from a takeaway / last week?
Did did I did I didn’t it did listen Who
Ian Where (1) ......................... you go last weekend? 5 your teacher / travel by car / today?
Jo I went to London.
Ian (2) ......................... you go by train?
6 what / you / eat / this morning?
Jo No, (3) ......................... . I went by coach.
Ian Did it take a long time? ................................................................................................................

Jo Yes, (4) ......................... . It took about five hours.

3 *** Write three Yes / No questions and three Wh- questions about
Ian (5) ......................... did you talk to on the coach? the text. Then write the correct answers.
Jo No one. I sat on my own.
Louise took the bus into town last Saturday because she wanted to
Ian Did you (6) ......................... to music? buy a birthday present for her dad. First, she looked at the latest books
in the bookshop, but she didn’t find anything interesting. Then she tried
Jo Yes, (7) ......................... .
the department store. She found a really nice shirt for him, but it was
very expensive. Finally, she saw some delicious chocolates in a sweet
2 **  Write past simple questions. Then write true answers. shop so she bought him a big box. She met her friend Danny on the
way home and they decided to go and see a film.
1 you / do your homework / last night?

................................................................................................................. Did Louise travel by train? No, she didn’t.

When did Louise go into town? Last Saturday.
2 it / rain / yesterday?

................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................
3 you and your friends / go to the cinema / on Saturday?

Student’s Book 8.2 Unit 8 4

9 Looking forward Extra Practice
9.1 Vocabulary
Computers and technology

1 * Choose the correct option. 3 *** Answer the questions about these items. Give your reasons.

1 You read an e -book / -fi.

digital camera e-book games console keyboard
2 You change the TV programme with a remote camera / control. memory stick mouse printer remote control
3 You play video games with a games -book / console. speakers tablet webcam

4 You save your work on a memory stick / control.

1 Which item do you use every day?
5 You take photos with a digital camera / -book.
6 You connect to the internet with wi -fi / console. I use speakers every day because I always listen to music in my

2 **  Match the words with the definitions. 2 Which item do you never use?
keyboard mouse printer speakers tablet webcam ............................................................................................................
1 a machine that prints documents from a computer: .........................
3 Which item can’t you live without? Why?
2 a small object that moves things around a computer screen: ............................................................................................................
......................... ............................................................................................................

3 you listen to music through these: ......................... 4 Which item did you get most recently?
4 the camera in your computer or laptop: .........................
5 a panel of keys that operate a computer: .........................
5 Which item don’t you have, but you really want to buy?
6 a small portable computer: ......................... ............................................................................................................

Student’s Book 9.1 Unit 9 1

9 Looking forward Extra Practice
9.1 Grammar
will / won’t

1 * Complete the predictions with will or won’t. 3 *** Complete the dialogue with will or won’t and the correct verb.

1 They ......................... go to university. (û) be do not forget not go

2 The weather ......................... be hotter. (ü) not stay speak travel use visit

3 I ......................... invent a new app. (ü)

Pippa What do you think you will do when you leave school?
4 You ......................... eat meat. (û)
Ed I love travelling, so I (1) ......................... round the world with my
5 He ......................... live in the USA. (û)
friend, Noah.
6 We ......................... become scientists. (ü)
Pippa Really? What about university?

2 ** Match 1–6 to A–F and complete the predictions with will or won’t. Ed I (2) ......................... to university immediately. It
(3) ......................... good to have a break from studying.
1 You don’t like technology. …..
Pippa Which countries (4) ......................... you and Noah
2 You love reading. …..
......................... ?
3 You work very hard at school. …..
Ed India, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand ... We
4 You’re very creative. …..
(5) ......................... in a youth hostel there because my aunt and
5 It’s cold and wet.…..
uncle live in the capital, Wellington.
6 You’re late for school again. …..
Pippa That’s useful! (6) ......................... you ......................... to your
parents when you’re away?
A You ......................... (have) an e-book.
Ed Yes, I will. It’s expensive to phone them so I (7) .........................
B You ......................... (not know) how to use a smart phone.
my laptop and make a video call to them instead. I
C You ......................... (not go) to the beach today.
(8) ......................... them!
D You ......................... (pass) all your exams.
E Your teacher ......................... (not be) happy.
F You ......................... (become) a famous inventor.

Student’s Book 9.1 Unit 9 2

9 Looking forward Extra Practice
9.2 Vocabulary

1 * Match 1–6 to A–F. 3 *** Answer the questions.

1 A horror film is usually ….. A life in the future. In your opinion, which types of film are ...
2 People sing and dance in ….. B a person from the past.
1 scary?
3 A historical drama is about ….. C lots of information.
4 A science fiction film is about ….. D love.
5 A documentary contains .….. E a musical.
2 interesting and informative?
6 A romantic movie is about ….. F scary.
2 ** Complete the words. .................................................................................................................
1 A w _ _ _ _ _ _ is about life in the past in the USA. 3 exciting?
2 A c _ _ _ _ _ is a funny film. .................................................................................................................
3 A f _ _ _ _ _ _ film is about imaginary people, creatures or events. .................................................................................................................
4 A t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is usually a tense and exciting story about a crime. 4 fun to watch?
5 An a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ contains drawings or models, not real people. .................................................................................................................
6 An a _ _ _ _ _ or adventure film is usually very exciting. .................................................................................................................
5 boring?

Student’s Book 9.2 Unit 9 3

9 Looking forward Extra Practice
2 ** Write questions and answers. Use the correct form of be going to.
9.2 Grammar
they / watch TV / tonight? ü watch / a documentary
be going to
‘Are they going to watch TV tonight?’ ‘Yes, they are. They’re going to
1 * Complete the dialogue. watch a documentary.’
Are are aren’t is ’m ’re ’s 1 she / go shopping / on Saturday? ü buy / some jeans
Jenny I (1) ......................... going to meet Lee in town on Saturday. .................................................................................................................
Mum Really? What (2) ......................... you going to do? .................................................................................................................
Jenny We (3) ......................... going to go to the cinema. There’s a new 2 you and your family / cook dinner / tonight? û eat / in a restaurant
film on with Jude Law. .................................................................................................................
Mum It (4) ......................... going to be popular. (5) ......................... .................................................................................................................
you going to book your tickets? 3 you / do any sport / this week? ü play / basketball
Jenny No, we (6) ......................... . Jane, Lee’s sister, (7) .................................................................................................................
......................... going to get the tickets for us. She works at the .................................................................................................................
cinema! 4 he / walk / to school / tomorrow? û go / by bus
5 they / stay / here / this summer? û have / a holiday in the USA

Student’s Book 9.2 Unit 9 4

9 Looking forward Extra Practice
9.2 Grammar
be going to 4 How / you / travel / to school / tomorrow?

3 *** Complete the questions with the correct form of be going to. Then .................................................................................................................
write true answers. Write an affirmative and a negative sentence.
What / you / after school / today?
5 What time / your parents / get up / on Sunday?
What are you going to do after school today?
I’m not going to go home immediately. I’m going to do my homework in
the library.
6 What / the weather / be / like / tomorrow?
1 What / you / have / for dinner / tonight?
2 Where / you and your friends / meet / this weekend?
3 What type of film / you / see / next?

Student’s Book 9.2 Unit 9 5

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