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A welding arc is maintained when the welding

current is forced across a gap between the

electrode tip and the base metal. A welder must
be able to strike and establish the correct arc
easily and quickly.
There are two general methods of striking
the arc:
1. Scratching
2. Tapping
The scratching method is easier for beginners
and when using an AC machine. The electrode
is moved across the plate inclined at an angle,
as you would strike a match. As the electrode
scratches the plate an arc is struck. When the
arc has formed, withdraw the electrode
momentarily to form an excessively long arc,
then return to normal arc length (see figure 1).
Figure 1.
method of arc
In the tapping method, the electrode is moved
downward to the base metal in a vertical
direction. As soon as it touches the metal it is
withdrawn momentarily to form an excessively
long arc, then returned to normal arc length
(see figure 2).
Figure 2.
"Tapping" method
of arc starting.
The principal difficulty encountered in striking
the arc is "freezing," or when the electrode
sticks or fuses to the work. This is caused by
the current melting the electrode tip and sticking
it to the cold base metal before it is withdrawn
from contact. The extra high current drawn by
the "short circuit" will soon overheat an
electrode and melt it or the flux, unless the
circuit is broken. Giving the electrode holder a
quick snap backward from the direction of travel
will generally free the electrode. If it does not, It
will be necessary to open the circuit by
releasing the electrode from the holder.

Warning: Never remove your face shield from

your face if the electrode is frozen. Free the
electrode with the shield in front of your eyes,
as it will "flash" when it comes loose.

Tip: Brush your work free of dirt and scale

before you strike an arc.
Five Steps To Improving Your Stick Welding
Paying attention to the five basic elements of Stick
welding technique—Current setting, Length of arc,
Angle of electrode, Manipulation of electrode and
Speed of travel (CLAMS)—can significantly improve
your Stick welding results. This illustrated technical
article provides five steps to improve your stick
welding technique, including helpful photographs
demonstrating correct and incorrect Stick technique.
For many people, especially to those who are new to
it or perhaps who don’t weld every day, Stick
(SMAW—shielded metal arc welding) is one of the
more difficult processes to learn. Experienced
welders who can pick up a stinger, pop an electrode
in and lay down great welds time after time can
inspire great awe in the rest of us. They make it look
The rest of us may struggle with it, though. And we
don’t have to, not if we pay attention to five basic
elements of our technique: Current setting, Length
of arc, Angle of electrode, Manipulation of electrode
and Speed of travel—or CLAMS, for short. Properly
addressing these five basic areas can improve your
While Stick welding may be the most forgiving
process on dirty or rusty metal, don’t use that as an
excuse for not properly cleaning the material. Use a
wire brush or grinder to remove dirt, grime or rust
from the area to be welded. If you don’t, you’re
hurting your chances to make a good weld the first
time. Unclean conditions can lead to cracking,
porosity, lack of fusion or inclusions. While you’re at
it, make sure you have a clean spot for the work
clamp. A good, solid electrical connection is
important to maintain arc quality.
Then position yourself so you have good view of the
weld puddle. For the best view, keep your head off
to the side and out of the smoke so you can be sure
you’re welding in the joint and keeping the arc on the
leading edge of the puddle. Make sure your stance
will allow you to comfortably support and manipulate
the electrode.
Bringing all the CLAMS points (Current setting,
Length of arc, Angle of electrode, Manipulation of
the electrode, and Speed of travel) together may
seem like a lot to think about while welding, but it
becomes second nature with practice. Don’t get
discouraged! There is a learning curve with Stick
welding, which many believe got its name because
when learning how to weld, everyone sticks the
electrode to the workpiece. 
Current setting: The electrode you select will
determine whether your machine should be set up in
DC positive, DC negative or AC. Make sure you
have it set correctly for your application. (Electrode
positive provides about 10 percent more penetration
at a given amperage than AC, while DC straight
polarity, electrode negative, welds thinner metals
better.)  The correct amperage setting primarily
depends on the diameter and type of electrode you
select. The electrode manufacturer usually indicates
the electrodes operating ranges on the box or
enclosed materials. Select your amperage based on
the electrode  (a general rule of thumb is 1 amp for
each .001 inch of electrode diameter, see FIG 1.)
welding position (about 15-percent less heat for
overhead work compared to a flat weld), and visual
inspection of the finished weld. Adjust your welder
by 5 to 10 amps at a time, until the ideal setting is

FIG. 1. Unless the electrode manufacturer states

otherwise, use 1 amp for each .001-in. of electrode
diameter. Here a 1/8-in. (.125 in.) electrode is used,
so the operator starts at 125 amps. He’ll then adjust
in 5 to 10-amp increments, if necessary, to find the
optimal setting for his technique and application.
If your amperage is too low, your electrode will be
especially sticky when striking an arc, your arc will
keep going out while maintaining the correct arc
length or the arc will stutter. (See FIG. 2)
[FIG 2] Too little current. If you’re welding with
amperage set too low, your electrode will be
especially sticky when striking an arc, the arc will
keep going out while maintaining the correct arc
length or the arc will stutter.
Once you get an arc going, if the puddle is
excessively fluid and hard to control, your electrode
chars when it’s only half gone or the arc sounds
louder than normal, your amperage might be set too
high. Too much heat can also negatively affect the
electrode’s flux properties. (See FIG. 3)
[FIG 3.] Too much current. When the amperage is
set too high, the puddle will be excessively fluid and
hard to control. This can lead to excess spatter and
higher potential for undercut. In addition, the
electrode will become hot—perhaps hot enough to
glow [See FIG. 3A.] toward the end of the weld—
which can adversely affect the shielding properties
of the flux.
[FIG. 3A.] A sign of too much current is when the
electrode becomes hot enough to glow.
Length of arc: The correct arc length varies with
each electrode and application. As a good starting
point, arc length should not exceed the diameter of
the metal portion (core) of the electrode, e.g. an 1/8-
in. 6010 electrode is held about 1/8 in. off the base

[FIG. 4] Length of arc: The optimal arc length, or

distance between electrode and puddle, is the same
as the diameter of the electrode (the actual metal
part within the flux covering). Holding the electrode
too closely to the joint decreases welding voltage,
which creates an erratic arc that may extinguish
itself or cause the electrode to freeze faster and
produces  a weld bead with a high crown. (See FIG.

FIG. 5. An arc length that is too short will create

greater potential for the electrode sticking to the
base material.
Excessively long arcs (too much voltage) produce
spatter, low deposition rates, undercuts and often
leaves porosity. (See FIG. 6.)
FIG. 6. Too long of an arc length will create excess
spatter in the weld joint. There is also a high
potential for undercut.
When first attempting to Stick weld, it seems natural
to use too long of an arc, possibly to help get a
better view of the arc and puddle. If you have trouble
seeing, move your head, don’t lengthen the arc.
Start by finding a good body position that gives you
an adequate view of the puddle, while also allowing
you to stabilize and manipulate the electrode. A little
practice will show you that a tight, controlled arc
length improves bead appearance, creates a
narrower bead, and minimizes spatter.
Angle of travel: Stick welding in the flat, horizontal
and overhead position uses a “drag” or “backhand”
welding technique. Hold the electrode perpendicular
to the joint, and then tilt the top in the direction of
travel approximately 5 to 15 degrees. For welding
vertical up, use a “push” or “forehand” technique and
tilt the top of the electrode 0 to 15 degrees away
from the direction of travel. (See FIG. 7.)

FIG 7. Angle of travel. When welding from left to

right, maintain a 0- to 15-degree angle tilted towards
the direction of travel. This is known as the “drag” or
“backhand” technique.
Manipulation of Electrode: Each welder
manipulates the electrode a little differently than the
next. Develop your own style by observing others,
practicing and noting which techniques produce the
best results. Note that on material 1/4 in. and
thinner, weaving the electrode is typically not
necessary because the bead will be wider than
necessary. In many instances a straight bead is all
that’s needed. 
To create a wider bead on thicker material,
manipulate the electrode from side to side, creating
a continuous series of partially overlapping circles in
a “Z,” semi-circle or stutter-step pattern. Limit side-
to-side motion to 2_ times the diameter of the
electrode core. To cover a wider area, make multiple
passes or use “stringer beads.”

FIG. 8. Here the welder uses a semi-circular motion

to create a wider bead with a “stacked dimes”
appearance. For thinner welds, a straight line bead
may be sufficient.
When welding vertical up, if you focus on welding
the sides of the joint, the middle will take care of
itself. Move across the middle of the joint slowly
enough so that the weld puddle can catch up, pause
slightly at the sides to ensure solid “tie-in” to the
sidewall. If your weld looks like fish scales, you
moved forward too quickly and didn’t hold long
enough on the sides.
Speed of travel: Your travel speed should allow you
to keep the arc in the leading one-third of the weld

FIG 9.. To establish the optimal travel speed, first

establish a weld puddle of the desired diameter, and
then move at a speed that keeps you in the leading
one-third of the puddle. If you travel too slowly, the
heat will be directed into the puddle and not into the
weld, leading to cold lap or poor fusion. 
Traveling too slowly produces a wide, convex bead
with shallow penetration and the possibility of “cold-
lapping,” where the weld appears to be simply sitting
on the surface of the material. (See FIG. 10.)

FIG. 10. Too slow of a travel speed will create a

bead that has too much weld deposit, which can
lead to “cold-lap.” This can result in insufficient
penetration in those areas. Traveling too slowly can
also focus the heat into the puddle and not into the
base material. 
Excessively fast travel speeds also decrease
penetration, create a narrower and/or highly
crowned bead, and possibly underfill or undercut,
which is when the area outside of the weld is
concave or recessed. Note towards the end of the
bead in FIG. 11 how the bead appears inconsistent
as if the puddle were trying to keep up. (See FIG

FIG. 11. Traveling too fast will create a

thinner/undersized bead that will have more of a “V”-
shaped ripple effect in the puddle rather than a nice
“U” shaped, or “stacked dimes” effect.
These tips, along with practice and patience, will get
you headed in the right direction. For more welding
tips, visit
Weld Types and Positions
Any discussion on weld types and positions starts with the idea that it is important to distinguish
between the joint and the weld.

Each must be described to completely describe the weld joint.

There are many different types of welds, which are best described by their shape when shown in cross

The most popular weld is the fillet weld, named after its cross-sectional shape. Other types of welds
include flange welds, plug welds, slot welds, seam welds, surfacing welds, and backing welds.

Joints are combined with welds to make weld joints. 

Illustrations of Various Types of Weld Joints
Types of Welds

Fillet Welds

A fillet weld joins two surfaces at an approximate right angle to each other. There are several types of
fillet weld:

 A full fillet weld is a weld where the size of the weld is the same as the thickness of the thinner
object joined together.
 A staggered intermittent fillet weld refers to two lines of intermittent welding on a joint. An
example is a tee joint (see below) where the fillet increments that are in one line are
staggered in comparison to the other line.
 Chain Intermittent Fillet Weld: Refers to two lines of intermittent fillet welds in a lap joint or T
where the welds in one line are approximately opposite those in the other line.

Other terms associated with fillet welds include:

 Boxing which refers to the continuation of a fillet weld around a corner of a member. It is an
extension of the principal weld.  
 Convexity: Refers to the maximum perpendicular distance from the face of a convex fillet weld
to a line joining the toes.

See figure 6-31 below for fillet weld positions.

Illustrations Depicting Types of Fillet Welds Shown Above

Groove Welds

The second most popular type of weld is the groove weld. There are seven basic types of groove
welds, which are shown in figure 6-25.

The groove weld refers to beads that are deposited in a groove between two members to be joined.

Illustrations of Basic Groove Welds

More examples are shown in figure 6-26. The type of weld used will determine the manner in which
the seam, joint, or surface is prepared. See figure 6-27 for the standard types of groove welds.
Groove Welds

Illustrations of Types of Groove Welds

Surfacing Weld

These are welds composed of one or more strings or weave beads deposited on an unbroken surface
to obtain desired properties or dimensions.

This type of weld is used to build up surfaces or replace metal on worn surfaces. It is also used with
square butt joints. 
See figure 6-28 below for examples.

Plug Weld

Plug welds are circular welds made through one member of a lap or tee joint joining that member to
the other.

The weld may or may not be made through a hole in the first member; if a hole is used, the walls may
or may not be parallel and the hole may be partially or completely filled with weld metal.

Such welds are often used in place of rivets.


A fillet welded hole or a spot weld does not conform to this definition.

See figure 6-28 below for examples.

Slot Weld

This is a weld made in an elongated hole in one member of a lap or tee joint joining that member to
the surface of the other member that is exposed through the hole.

This hole may be open at one end and may be partially or completely filled with weld metal.

NOTE: A fillet welded slot does not conform to this definition.

Illustrations of Surfacing, Plug and Slot Welds

Flash Weld

A weld made by flash welding. Flash welding is referred to as a resistance welding process where
fusion is produced over the entire abutting surface. Heat is created by the resistance to the current
flow between two surfaces and by the application of pressure after heating is mostly complete.
Flashing is accompanied by the expulsion of metal from the joint.

See Figure 6-29 below for an example of a flash weld.

Seam Weld

A weld made by arc seam or resistance seam welding where the welding process is not specified.  This
term infers resistance seam welding.

Refer to figure 6-29 below for an example of a seam weld.

Spot Weld

A spot weld is a weld made by arc spot or resistance spot welding where the welding process is not
specified. This term infers a resistance spot weld.

Upset Weld

A weld made by upset welding. An upset weld is a resistance welding process where fusion occurs
progressively along a joint of over the entire abutting surface. The application of pressure before
heating is required and occurs during the heating period. Heat comes from the resistance to the flow
of electric current in the area of contact between the surfaces. 
Illustrations of Flash, Seam, Spot and Upset Welds

Welding Positions
Welding is often done on structures in the position in which they are found.
Techniques have been developed to allow welding in any position. Some welding processes have all-
position capabilities, while others may be used in only one or two positions.

All welding can be classified according to the position of the workpiece or the position of the welded
joint on the plates or sections being welded.

There are four basic welding positions, which are illustrated in figures 6-30 and 6-31.

Illustrations of Groove Welding Positions

Fillet Weld Positions

Fillet, Groove, and Surface welds may be made in all of the positions shown in figure 6-31
Flat Position Welding

In this position, the welding is performed from the upper side of the joint, and the face of the weld is
approximately horizontal.

Flat welding is the preferred term; however, the same position is sometimes called downhand. (See
view A, figure 6-30 and view A, figure 6-31 for examples of flat position welding for fillet and groove

Horizontal Position Welding

The axis of a weld is a line through the length of the weld, perpendicular to the cross section at its
center of gravity.

a. Fillet Weld.

In this position, welding is performed on the upper side of an approximately horizontal surface and
against an approximately vertical surface.

View B, figure 6-31, illustrates a horizontal fillet weld.

b. Groove Weld.

In this position, the axis of the weld lies in an approximately horizontal plane and the face of the weld
lies in an approximately vertical plane. View B, figure 6-30, illustrates a horizontal groove weld.

c. Horizontal Fixed Weld.

In this pipe welding position, the axis of the pipe is approximately horizontal, and the pipe is not
rotated during welding. Pipe welding positions are shown in figure 6-32.

d. Horizontal Rolled Weld.

In this pipe welding position, welding is performed in the flat position by rotating the pipe. Pipe
welding positions are shown in figure 6-32.

Vertical Position Welding

a. In this position, the axis of the weld is approximately vertical. Vertical welding positions are shown
in view C, figures 6-30 and 6-31.

b. In vertical position pipe welding, the axis of the pipe is vertical, and the welding is performed in the
horizontal position.

The pipe may or may not be rotated. Pipe welding positions are figure shown in figure 6-32.

Overhead Position Welding

 In this welding position, the welding is performed from the underside of a joint. Overhead position
welds are illustrated in view D, figures 6-30 and 6-31.
Pipe Welding Positions

Pipe welds are made under many different requirements and in different welding situations.

The welding position is dictated by the job.

In general, the position is fixed, but in sane cases can be rolled for flat-position work. Positions and
procedures for welding pipe are outlined below.
Illustrations of Pipe Welding Positions

References Weld Types and Positions:

Purdue School of Engineering

American Welding Society

Dimensions of fillet welds must be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol
(A, fig. 3-27).

When fillet welds are indicated on both sides of a joint and no general note governing the dimensions
of the welds appears on the drawing, the dimensions are indicated as follows:

1. When both welds have the same dimensions, one or both may be dimensioned (B or C, fig. 3-
2. When the welds differ in dimensions, both must be dimensioned (D, fig. 3-27).

When fillet welds are indicated on both sides of a joint and a general note governing the dimensions of
the welds appears on the drawing, neither weld need be dimensioned. However, if the dimensions of
one or both welds differ from the dimensions given in the general note, both welds must be
dimensioned (C or D, fig. 3-27).

Dimensions of Fillet Welds - Figure 3-27

Symbols for Size of Fillet Welds

The size of a fillet weld must of a fillet weld be shown to the left of the weld symbol (A, fig. 3-27).

The size the fillet weld with unequal legs must be shown in parentheses to left of the weld symbol.
Weld orientation is not shown by the symbol and must be shown on the drawing when necessary (E,
fig. 3-27).

Unless otherwise indicated, the deposited fillet weld size must not be less than the size shown on the

When penetration for a given root opening is specified, the inspection method for determining
penetration depth must be included in the applicable specification.

Length of Fillet Welds

The length of a fillet weld, when indicated on the welding symbol, must be shown to the right of the
weld symbol (A through D, fig. 3-27).
When fillet welding extends for the full distance between abrupt changes in the direction of the
welding, no length dimension need be shown on the welding symbol.

Specific lengths of fillet welding may be indicated by symbols in conjunction with dimension lines (fig.

Combined Intermittent and Continuous Welds - Figure 3-27

Extent of Fillet Welding

Use one type of hatching (with or without definite lines) to show the extent of fillet welding

Fillet welding extending beyond abrupt changes in the direction of the welding must be indicated by
additional arrows pointing to each section of the joint to be welded (fig. 3-29) except when the weld-
all-around fillet weld symbols are used.

Extent of Fillet Welds

Fillet Weld on 3 Sides, No Weld at Corners - Figure 3-29

Dimensioning of Intermittent Fillet Welding

The pitch (center-to-center spacing) of intermittent fillet welding shall be shown as the distance
between centers of increments on one side of the joint.

The pitch of intermittent fillet welding shall be shown to the right of the length dimension (A, fig 3-
Dimensions of chain intermittent fillet welding must be shown on both sides of the reference line.
Chain intermittent fillet welds shall be opposite each other (fig. 3-30).

Symbols for Dimensions of Chain Intermittent Fillet Welds

Dimensions of staggered intermittent fillet welding must be shown on both sides of the reference line
as shown in the fillet weld symbols pictured in figure 3-31.

Dimensions of Staggered Intermittent Fillet Welds

Unless otherwise specified, staggered intermittent fillet welds on both sides shall be symmetrically
spaced as in the fillet weld symbols in figure 3-32.

Length and Pitch of Increments of Staggered Intermittent Welding

Applications of Dimensions to Intermittent Fillet Weld Symbols

If required by actual length of the joint, the length of the increment of the welds at the end of the
joint should be increased to terminate the weld at the end of the joint.

Termination of Intermittent Fillet Welding

When intermittent fillet welding is used by itself, the symbol indicates that increments are located at
the ends of the dimensioned length.

When intermittent fillet welding is used between continuous fillet welding, the symbol indicates that
spaces equal to the pitch minus the length of one increment shall be left at the ends of the
dimensioned length.

Separate symbols must be used for intermittent and continuous fillet welding when the two are
combined along one side of the joint (fig. 3-28).
Surface Contour of Fillet Welds
Fillet welds that are to be welded approximately flat, convex, or concave faced without recourse to
any method of finishing must be shown by adding the flush, convex, or concave contour symbol to the
weld symbol, in accordance with the location specifications given here (A, fig. 3-33).

Surface Contour of Fillet Welds

Finish symbols used here indicate the method of finishing (" c" = chiping, "G" = grinding,
"H" = hammering, "M" = machining), not the degree of finish.

Fillet welds that are to be made flat faced by mechanical means must be shown by adding both the
flush contour symbol and the user's standard finish symbol to the weld symbol, in accordance with
location specifications given in paragraph 3-7 (B, fig. 3-33).

Fillet welds that are to be mechanically finished to a convex contour shall be shown by adding both the
convex contour symbol and the user's standard finish symbol to the weld symbol, in accordance with
location specifications given in paragraph 3-7 (C, fig. 3-33).

Fillet welds that are to be mechanically finished to a concave contour must be shown by adding both
the concave contour symbol and the user's standard finish symbol to the weld symbol in accordance
with location specification given here.

In cases where the angle between fusion faces is such that the identification of the type of weld and
the proper weld symbol is in question, the detail of the desired joint and weld configuration must be
shown on the fillet weld symbols on the drawing.

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A flammable, volatile liquid used in acetylene cylinders to dissolve and stabilize acetylene under high

A highly combustible gas composed of carbon and hydrogen. Used as a fuel gas in the oxyacetylene
welding process.


A low temperature flare produced by burning acetylene with air instead of oxygen.

An arc cutting process in which metals to be cut are melted by the heat of the carbon arc.

Arc Air Cutting

A mixture with metallic properties composed of two or more elements, of which at least one is a

An electric current that reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals.

An instrument for measuring electrical current in amperes by an indicator activated by the movement
of a coil in a magnetic field or by the longitudinal expansion of a wire carrying the current.

A comprehensive term used to describe the heating and cooling cycle of steel in the solid state. The
term annealing usually implies relatively slow cooling. In annealing, the temperature of the operation,
the rate of heating and cooling, and the time the metal is held at heat depend upon the composition,
shape, and size of the steel product being treated, and the purpose of the treatment. The more
important purposes for which steel is annealed are as follows: to remove stresses; to induce softness;
to alter ductility, toughness, electric, magnetic, or other physical and mechanical properties; to
change the crystalline structure; to remove gases; and to prduce a definite microstructure.

The deflection of an electric arc from its normal path because of magnetic forces.
A brazing process wherein the heat is obtained from an electric arc formed between the base metal
and an electrode, or between two electrodes.

A group of cutting processes in which the cutting of metals is accomplished by melting with the heat of
an arc between the electrode and the base metal. See CARBON-ARC CUTTING, METAL-ARC CUTTIING,

The distance between the tip of the electrode and the weld puddle.

An oxygen-cutting process used to sever metals by a chemical reaction of oxygen with a base metal at
elevated temperatures.

The voltage across the welding arc.

A group of welding processes in which fusion is obtained by heating with an electric arc or arcs, with
or without the use of filler metal.

The condition of weld metal, welded joints, and weldments after welding and prior to any subsequent
thermal, mechanical, or chemical treatments.


An arc welding process in which fusion is obtained by heating with an arc maintained between two
metal electrodes in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Pressure and/or filler metal may or may not be used.

The non-magnetic form of iron characterized by a face-centered cubic lattice crystal structure. It is
produced by heating steel above the upper critical temperature and has a high solid solubility for
carbon and alloying elements.

A line through the length of a weld, perpendicular to a cross section at its center of gravity.

The momentary burning back of a flame into the tip, followed by a snap or pop, then immediate
reappearance or burning out of the flame.

A pass made to deposit a back weld.

In flash and upset welding, a locator used to transmit all or a portion of the upsetting force to the

A weld deposited at the back of a single groove weld.

A welding technique in which the flame is directed towards the completed weld.
A piece of material used to retain molten metal at the root of the weld and/or increase the thermal
capacity of the joint so as to prevent excessive warping of the base metal.

A weld bead applied to the root of a single groove joint to assure complete root penetration.

A sequence in which weld bead increments are deposited in a direction opposite to the direction of

An arc welding electrode that has no coating other than that incidental to the drawing of the wire.


An arc welding process in which fusion is obtained by heating with an unshielded arc between a bare
or lightly coated electrode and the work. Pressure is not used and filler metal is obtained from the

The metal to be welded or cut. In alloys, it is the metal present in the largest proportion.

A type of weld composed of one or more string or weave beads deposited on an unbroken surface.


The angle formed between the prepared edge of a member and a plane perpendicular to the surface of
the member.


A brazing process in which bonding is produced by the heat obtained from heated blocks applied to
the parts to be joined and by a nonferrous filler metal having a melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC),
but below that of the base metal. The filler metal is distributed in the joint by capillary attraction.

A building up sequence of continuous multipass welds in which separated lengths of the weld are
completely or partially built up before intervening lengths are deposited. See BUILDUP SEQUENCE.


The junction of the welding metal and the base metal.

The operation of continuing a fillet weld around a corner of a member as an extension of the principal

A group of welding processes in which a groove, fillet, lap, or flange joint is bonded by using a
nonferrous filler metal having a melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the base
metals. Filler metal is distributed in the joint by capillary attraction.

Brazing Metal Diagram

A method of welding by using a filler metal that liquifies above 450 ºC (842 ºF) and below the solid
state of the base metals. Unlike brazing, in braze welding, the filler metal is not distributed in the joint
by capillary action.

A welding defect caused by poor penetration. A void at the root of the weld is spanned by weld metal.

Distortion caused by the heat of a welding process.

The order in which the weld beads of a multipass weld are deposited with respect to the cross section
of a joint. See BLOCK SEQUENCE.

A joint between two workpieces in such a manner that the weld joining the parts is between the
surface planes of both of the pieces joined.

A weld in a butt joint.

A weld caused of one or more string or weave beads laid down on an unbroken surface to obtain
desired properties or dimensions.

The phenomenon by which adhesion between the molten filler metal and the base metals, together
with surface tension of the molten filler metal, causes distribution of the filler metal between the
properly fitted surfaces of the joint to be brazed.

A condition occurring in austenitic stainless steel which contains carbon in a supersaturated solid
solution. This condition is unstable. Agitation of the steel during welding causes the excess carbon in
solution to precipitate. This effect is also called weld decay.

A process of cutting metals with the heat of an arc between a carbon electrode and the work.
A welding process in which fusion is produced by an arc between a carbon electrode and the work.
Pressure and/or filler metal and/or shielding may or may not be used.

An oxyacetylene flame in which there is an excess of acetylene. Also called excess acetylene or
reducing flame.

CASCADE SEQUENCE: Subsequent beads are stopped short of a previous bead, giving a cascade

A process of surface hardening involving a change in the compsition of the outer layer of an iron base
alloy by inward diffusion from a gas or liquid, followed by appropriate thermal treatment. Typical
hardening processes are carburizing, cyaniding, carbonitriding, and nitriding.


Two lines of intermittent fillet welds in a T or lap joint in which the welds in one line are approximately
opposite those in the other line.

The preparation of a welding contour, other than for a square groove weld, on the edge of a joint

The uniting or fusing of metals upon heating.

An electrode having a flux applied externally by dipping, spraying, painting, or other similar methods.
Upon burning, the coat produces a gas which envelopes the arc.


The making of a number of spot or projection welds in which several electrodes, in simultaneous
contact with the work, progressively function under the control of an electrical commutating device.

A filler metal electrode used in arc welding, consisting of more than one metal component combined
mechanically. It may or may not include materials that improve the properties of the weld, or stabilize
the arc.

A joint in which both a thermal and mechanical process are used to unite the base metal parts.

The maximum perpendicular distance from the face of a concave weld to a line joining the toes.

Supplemental heat applied to a structure during the course of welding.

The conical part of a gas flame next to the orifice of the tip.

Preplaced filler metal which is completely fused into the root of the joint and becomes part of the
The maximum perpendicular distance from the face of a convex fillet weld to a line joining the toes.

A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of an L.

A clear glass used in goggles, hand shields, and helmets to protect the filter glass from spattering

A metal electrode with a covering material which stabilizes the arc and improves the properties of the
welding metal. The material may be an external wrapping of paper, asbestos, and other materials or a
flux covering.

A fracture type discontinuity characterized by a sharp tip and high ratio of length and width to opening

A depression at the termination of an arc weld.

The transition temperature of a substance fromm one crystalline form to another.

Amperes per square inch of the electrode cross sectional area.

A gas torch tip especially adapted for cutting.

A device used in gas cutting for controlling the gases used for preheating and the oxygen used for
cutting the metal

A portable cylindrical container used for the storage of a compressed gas.


A discontinuity or discontinuities which, by nature or accumulated effect (for example, total crack
length), render a part or product unable ot meet the minimum applicable acceptance standards or
specifications. This term designates rejectability.

Filler metal that has been added during a welding operation.

The ratio of the weight of deposited metal to the net weight of electrodes consumed, exclusive of
The distance from the original surface of the base metal to that point at which fusion ceases in a
welding operation.

a. Resistance Welding. A member, usually shaped to the work contour, used to clamp the parts being
welded and conduct the welding current. 
b. Forge Welding. A device used in forge welding primarily to form the work while hot and apply the
necessary pressure.

A forge welding process in which fusion is produced by heating in a furnace and by applying pressure
by means of dies.

A brazing process in which bonding is produced by heating in a molten chemical or metal bath and by
using a nonferrous filler metal having a melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the
base metals. The filler metal is distributed in the joint by capillary attraction. When a metal bath is
used, the bath provides the filler metal.


The arrangement of direct current arc welding leads in which the work is the positive pole and the
electrode is the negative pole of the welding arc.


The arrangenwmt of direct current arc welding leads in which the work is the negative pole and the
electrode is the positive pole of the welding arc.

An interruption of the typical structure of a weldment, such as lack of homogeneity in the mechanical,
metallurgical, or physical characteristics of the material or weldment. A discontinuity is not necessarily
a defect.

The horizontal distance between the point of entrance and the point of exit of a cutting oxygen

The property of a metal which allows it to be permanently deformed, in tension, before final rupture.
Ductility is commonly evaluated by tensile testing in which the amunt of elongation and the reduction
of area of the broken specimen, as compared to the original test specimen, are measured and

The percentage of time during an arbitrary test period, usually 10 minutes, during which a power
supply can be operated at its rated output without overloading.

A joint between the edges of two or more parallel or nearly parallel members.

The contour prepared on the edge of a joint member for welding


The length of weld throughout which the correctly proportined cross section exits. 
There are several processes that use an electric arc. These include:

 submerged arc welding

 stud welding
 plasma arc welding
 electrogas welding
 atomic-hydrogen welding
 arc spot welding
 underwater arc welding


a. Metal-Arc. Filler metal in the form of a wire or rod, whether bare or covered, through which current
is conducted between the electrode holder and the arc. 

b. Carbon-Arc. A carbon or graphite rod through which current is conducted between the electrode
holder and the arc. 

c.Atomic Hydroqen. One of the two tungsten rods between the points of which the arc is maintained. 

d. Electrolytic Oxygen-Hydrogen Generation. The conductors by which current enters and leaves the
water, which is decomposed by the passage of the current. 

e. Resistance Welding. The part or parts of a resistance welding machine through which the welding
current and the pressure are applied directly to the work.


a. Dynamic. In spot, seam, and projection welding, the force (pounds) between the electrodes during
the actual welding cycle. 

b. Theoretical. In spot, seam, and projection welding, the force, neglecting friction and inertia,
available at the electrodes of a resistance welding machine by virtue of the initial force application and
the theoretical mechanical advantage of the system. 

c. Static. In spot, seam, and projection welding, the force between the electrodes under welding
conditions, but with no current flowing and no movement in the welding machine.

A device used for mechanically holding the electrode and conduct- ing current to it.

The sliding of an electrode along the surface of the work during spot, seam, or projection welding.

A rise or protrusion frcm the surface of a metal.

A process of preparing metallic specimens and welds for macrographic or micrographic examination.

Reinforcement of weld at the side of the joint from which welding was done.
The exposed surface of a weld, made by an arc or gas welding process, on the side from which
welding was done.

That surface of a member that is in contact with another member to which it is joined.

The virtually pure form of iron existing below the lower critical temperature and characterized by a
body-centered cubic lattice crystal structure. It is magnetic and has very slight solid solubility for

Metal to be added in making a weld.

A weld of approximately triangular cross section, as used in a lap joint, joining two surfaces at
approximately right angles to each other.

A colored glass used in goggles, helmets, and shields to exclude harmful light rays.



A method for hardening a steel surface by heating with a gas flame followed by a rapid quench.

A method for softening steel by heating with a gas flame followed by slow cooling.

Metal and oxide expelled from a joint made by a resistance welding process.

A resistance welding process in which fusion is produced, simultaneously over the entire area of
abutting surfaces, by the heat obtained from resistance to the flow of current between two surfaces
and by the application of pressure after heating is substantially completed. Flashing is accompanied by
expulsion of metal from the joint.

The burning of gases within the torch or beyond the torch in the hose, usually with a shrill, hissing

The position in which welding is performed from the upper side of the joint and the face of the weld is
approximately horizontal.

A process in which bonding is produced by heating with a molten nonferrous filler metal poured over
the joint until the brazing temperature is attained. The filler metal is distributed in the joint by
capillary attraction. See BRAZING.
Used to regulate gasses used in welding such as helium and argon.


A process in which fusion is produced by heating with molten filler metal poured over the surfaces to
be welded until the welding temperature is attained and the required filler metal has been added. The
filler metal is not distributed in the joint by capillary attraction.

A cleaning agent used to dissolve oxides, release trapped gases and slag, and to cleanse metals for
welding, soldering, and brazing.

A gas welding technique in which the flare is directed against the base metal ahead of the completed

A group of welding processes in which fusion is produced by heating in a forge or furnace and applying
pressure or blows.


A method of testing weld specimens without the use of a guide.


A fillet weld whose size is equal to the thickness of the thinner member joined.

A process in which bonding is produced by the furnace heat and a nonferrous filler metal having a
melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the base metals. The filler metal is distributed
in the joint by capillary attraction.
A thorough and complete mixing between the two edges of the base metal to be joined or between the
base metal and the filler metal added during welding.


The area of base metal melted as determined on the cross section of a weld.



An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc between a carbon
electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained fran an inert gas such as helium or argon. Pressure
and/or filler metal may or may not be used.


An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc between a metal
electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained from an inert gas such as helium or argon. Pressure
and/or filler metal may or my not be used.

A weld cavity caused by the trapping of gases releasd by the metal when cooling.


An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc between a tungsten
electrode and the work while an inert gas forms around the weld area to prevent oxidation. No flux is

A process in which the welding heat is obtained from a gas flame.


A type of metal transfer in which molten filler metal is transferred across the arc in large droplets. 

Gas metal arc welding (also known as MIG, flux cored arc welding, spray arc welding and short circuit
welding) is used for 70% of welding done today. Offers fast welding speeds, a narrow bead and deep
penetration. The process uses continuously fed electrode wire and a shielding gas.

A device with colored lenses which protect the eyes from harmful radiation during welding and cutting

The opening provided between two members to be joined by a groove weld.

The total included angle of the groove between parts to be joined by a groove weld.

That surface of a member included in the groove.

The radius of a J or U groove.
A weld made by depositing filler metal in a groove between two members to be joined.

The connection of the work lead to the work.


Welding using an electric arc and non-consumable tungsten electrode in a water cooled torch.. Also
called TIG or HELLIARC welding.


A bending test in which the test specimen is bent to a definite shape by means of a jig.

A forge welding process.

A device used in arc welding to protect the face and neck. It is equipped with a filter glass lens and is
designed to be held by hand.

A particular form of surfacing in which a coating or cladding is applied to a surface for the main
purpose of reducing wear or loss of material by abrasion, impact, erosion, galling, and cavitation.

The application of a hard, wear-resistant alloy to the surface of a softer metal.

a. The heating and quenching of certain iron-base alloys from a temperature above the critical
temperature range for the purpose of producing a hardness superior to that obtained when the alloy is
not quenched. This term is usually restricted to the formtion of martensite. 
b. Any process of increasing the hardness of metal by suitable treatment, usually involving heating
and cooling.


That portion of the base metal whose structure or properties have been changed by the heat of
welding or cutting.

The duration of each current impulse in pulse welding.

An operation or combination of operations involving the heating and cooling of a metal or an alloy in
the solid state for the purpose of obtaining certain desirable conditions or properties. Heating and
cooling for the sole purpose of mechanical working are excluded frcm the meaning of the definition.

The opening in a thermit mold through which the parts to be welded are preheated.

A device used in arc welding to protect the face and neck. It is equipped with a filter glass and is
designed to be worn on the head.
The time that pressure is maintained at the electrodes after the welding current has stopped.

A bead or butt welding process with its linear direction horizontal or inclined at an angle less than 45
degrees to the horizontal, and the parts welded being vertically or approximately vertically disposed.

The electrode holding arm of a resistance spot welding machine.

In a resistance welding machine, the unobstructed work clearance between horns or platens at right
angles to the throat depth. This distance is measured with the horns parallel and horizontal at the end
of the downstroke.

A condition which occurs when a metal is heated to that point, prior to melting, where all strength is
lost but the shape is still maintained.

A method of furnace brazing in a hydrogen atmosphere.


Readily absorbing and retaining moisture.

A test in which one or more blows are suddenly applied to a specimen. The results are usually
expressed in terms of energy absorbed or number of blows of a given intensity required to break the


An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc between a metal
electrode and the work. Shielding is obtained from decomposition of impregnated tape wrapped
around the electrode as it is fed to the arc. Pressure is not used, and filler metal is obtained from the

A process in which bonding is produced by the heat obtained from the resistance of the work to the
flow of induced electric current and by using a nonferrous filler metal having a melting point above
800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the base metals. The filler metal is distributed in the joint by
capillary attraction.

A process in which fusion is produced by heat obtained from resistance of the work to the flow of
induced electric current, with or without the application of pressure.

A gas which does not normally combine chemically with the base metal or filler metal.

In a multipass weld, the lowest temperature of the deposited weld meal before the next pass is

The portion of a structure in which separate base metal parts are joined.

Welding Joint Diagram

The maximum depth a groove weld extends from its face into a joint, exclusive of reinforcement.

The space from which metal has been removed by a cutting process.

A joint between two overlapping members.

A stratum of weld metal, consisting of one or more weld beads.


The distance from the root of the joint to the toe of the fillet weld.

The lowest temperature at which a metal or an alloy is completely liquid.

Preheating a specific portion of a structure.


Stress relieving heat treatment of a specific portion of a structure.

A multiple header for connecting several cylinders to one or more torch supply lines.

Martensite is a microconstituent or structure in quenched steel characterized by an acicular or needle-
like pattern on the surface of polish. It has the maximum hardness of any of the structures resulting
from the decomposition products of austenite.


A seam weld made in a lap joint in which the thickness at the lap is reduced to approximately the
thickness of one of the lapped joints by applying pressure while the metal is in a plastic state.

The temperature at which a metal begins to liquefy.

The temperature range between solidus and liquidus.

The weight or length of electrode melted in a unit of time.

The process of cutting metals by melting with the heat of the metal arc.

An arc welding process in which a metal electrode is held so that the heat of the arc fuses both the
electrode and the work to form a weld.

A method of overlay or metal bonding to repair worn parts. 

Gas metal arc welding. Also called MIG for Metal-Inert-Gas. A gun holds the electrode which is the
same as the filler rod. The filler rod is fed from a spool eliminating the need to stop and start. Used
primarily for welding aluminum and steel.

That part of a welding or cutting torch in which the gases are mixed for combustion.

The making of spot, projection, and upset welds by more than one impulse of current. When
alternating current is used each impulse may consist of a fraction of a cycle or a number of cycles.

When multiple welds are applied to one project.
Multipass Welds


A gas flame in which the oxygen and acetylene volumes are balanced and both gases are completely


A method for testing the soundness of welds by nicking each end of the weld, then giving the test
specimen a sharp hammer blow to break the weld from nick to nick. Visual inspection will show any
weld defects.

Metals which contain no iron. Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, lead, nickel, and titanium are

Heating iron-base alloys to approximately 100 ºF (38 ºC) above the critical temperature range
followed by cooling to below that range in still air at ordinary temperature.

The fused metal zone of a resistance weld.

OFW: Abbreviation for oxy-fuel welding. There are three processes in the Oxy group including
oxyacetylene, oxyhydrogen and pressure gas welding. 
The voltage between the terminals of the welding source when no current is flowing in the welding

The position in which welding is performed from the underside of a joint and the face of the weld is
approximately horizontal.

The protrusion of weld metal beyond the bond at the toe of the weld.

An oxyacetylene flame in which there is an excess of oxygen. The unburned excess tends to oxidize
the weld metal.

An oxygen cutting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by flames
obtained frcm the combustion of acetylene with oxygen.

A welding process in which the required temperature is attained by flames obtained from the
combustion of acetylene with oxygen.

An oxygen cutting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by means of an
arc between an electrode and the base metal.


An oxygen cutting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by flames
obtained from the combustion of city gas with oxygen.

A process of cutting ferrous metals by means of the chemical action of oxygen on elements in the
base metal at elevated temperatures.

An application of oxygen cutting in which a chamfer or groove is formed.

An oxygen cuting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by flames
obtained from the combustion of city gas with oxygen.

A gas welding process in which the required welding temperature is attained by flames obtained from
the combustion of hydrogen with oxygen.


An oxygen cutting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by flames
obtained by the combustion of natural gas with oxygen.

An oxygen cutting process in which the necessary cutting temperature is maintained by flames
obtained from the combustion of propane with oxygen.

The weld metal deposited in one general progression along the axis of the weld.

The mechanical working of metals by means of hammer blows. Peening tends to stretch the surface of
the cold metal, thereby relieving contraction stresses.

a. Fluorescent. A water washable penetrant with high fluorescence and low surface tension. It is drawn
into small surface openings by capillary action. When exposed to black light, the dye will fluoresce. 
b. Dye. A process which involves the use of three noncorrosive liquids. First, the surface cleaner
solution is used. Then the penetrant is applied and allowed to stand at least 5 minutes. After standing,
the penetrant is removed with the leaner solution and the developer is applied. The dye penetrant,
which has remained in the surface discontinuity, will be drawn to the surface by the developer
resulting in bright red indications.

A resistance welding process in which a discharge of electrical energy and the application of high
pressure occurs simultaneously, or with the electrical discharge occurring slightly before the
application of pressure.

Perlite is the lamellar aggregate of ferrite and iron carbide resulting from the direct transformation of
austenite at the lower critical point.

Center to center spacing of welds.

A weld is made in a hole in one member of a lap joint, joining that member to that portion of the
surface of the other member which is exposed through the hole. The walls of the hole may or may not
be parallel, and the hole may be partially or completely filled with the weld metal.

A spot weldimg process in which pressure is applied manually to one electrode. The other electrode is
clamped to any part of the metal much in the same manner that arc welding is grounded.

The presence of gas pockets or inclusions in welding.

All welding is accomplished in one of four positions: flat, horizontal, overhead, and vertical. The
limiting angles of the various positions depend somewhat as to whether the weld is a fillet or groove

The appplication of heat to an assembly after a welding, brazing, soldering, thermal spraying, or
cutting operation.

In resistance welding, the heat time between the end of weld time, or weld interval, and the start of
hold time. During this interval, the weld is subjected to mechanical and heat treatment.

The application of heat to a base metal prior to a welding or cutting operation.
The making of a number of spot or projection welds in which several electrodes function progressively
under the control of a pressure sequencing device.

Any welding process or method in which pressure is used to complete the weld.

In spot, projection, and upset welding, the time between the end of squeeze time and the start of
weld time or weld interval during which the material is preheated. In flash welding, it is the time
during which the material is preheated.

The demonstration that welds made by a specific procedure can meet prescribed standards.

A resistance welding process between two or more surfaces or between the ends of one member and
the surface of another. The welds are localized at predetermined points or projections.

A spot, projection, or seam welding process in which the welding current is interrupted one or more
times without the release of pressure or change of location of electrodes.

The making of a spot or projection weld in which the force is aping current is interrupted one or more
times without the release of pressure or change of location of electrodes.

The making of a spot or projection weld in which the force is applied manually to one electrode and
the work or a backing bar takes the place of the other electrode.


The sudden cooling of heated metal with oil, water, or compressed air.

The residual stress which could not otherwise exist if the members or parts being welded were isolated
as free bodies without connection to other parts of the structure.


A device used to reduce cylinder pressure to a suitable torch working pressure.

The weld metal built up above the surface of the two abutting sheets or plates in excess of that
required for the size of the weld specified.

Stress remaining in a structure or member as a result of thermal and/or mechanical treatment.
A brazing process in which bonding is produced by the heat obtained from resistance to the flow of
electric current in a circuit of which the workpiece is a part, and by using a nonferrous filler metal
having a melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the base metals. The filler metal is
distributed in the joint by capillary attraction.


A group of resistance welding processes in which the weld occurs simultaneously over the entire
contact area of the parts being joined.


Uses electrical current which is passed through the metal. It does not require a filler rod. The process
is easy to automate and requires low heat input.

A group of welding processes in which fusion is produced by heat obtained from resistance to the flow
of electric current in a circuit of which the workpiece is a part and by the application of pressure.

The arrangement of direct current arc welding leads in which the work is the negative pole and the
electrode is the positive pole of the welding arc.


In this test a machine measures hardness by determining the depth of penetration of a penetrator into
the specimen under certain arbitrary fixed conditions of test. The penetrator may be either a steel ball
or a diamond spherocone.


A crack in the weld or base metal which occurs at the root of a weld.

The edge of a part to be welded which is adjacent to the root.

The portion of the prepared edge of a member to be joined by a groove weld which is not beveled or

That portion of a joint to be welded where the members approach closest to each other. In cross
section, the root of a joint may be a point, a line, or an area.

The points, as shown in cross section, at which the bottom of the weld intersects the base metal

The separation between the members to be joined at the root of the joint.

The depth a groove weld extends into the root of a joint measured on the centerline of the root cross

The chamfered surface of a joint.

A process for removing defects and checks which develop in the rolling of steel billets by the use of a
low velocity oxygen deseaming torch.

A weld used primarily to obtain tightness and to prevent leakage.

Welding a lengthwise seam in sheet metal either by abutting or overlapping joints.


A block sequence in which successive blocks are completed in a certain order selected to create a
predetermined stress pattern.

A resistance welding process in which two or more welds are made simultaneously by a single welding
transformer with the total current passing through each weld.

In spot, seam, and projection welding, the gap surrounding the weld between faying surfaces, after
the joint has been welded.

An arc welding process in which protection from the atmosphere is obtained through use of a flux,
decomposition of the electrode covering, or an inert gas.




The making of spot, projection, and upset welds by a single impulse of current. When alternating
current is used, an impulse may consist of a fraction of a cycle or a number of cycles.

a. Groove weld. The joint penetration (depth of chamfering plus the root penetrtion when specified). 
b. Equal leg fillet welds. The leg length of the largest isosceles right triangle which can be inscribed
within the fillet weld cross section. 
c. Unequal leg fillet welds. The leg length of the largest right triangle which can be inscribed within the
fillet weld cross section. 
d. Flange weld. The weld metal thickness measured at the root of the weld.


Non-metallic solid material entrapped in the weld metal or between the weld metal and the base

A weld made in an elongated hole in one member of a lap or tee joint joining that member to that
portion of the surface of the other member which is exposed through the hole. The hole may be open
at one end and may be partially or completely filled with weld metal. (A fillet welded slot should not be
construed as conforming to this definition.)

Adding a separate piece or pieces of material in a joint before or during welding with a resultant
welded joint that does not comply with design drawing or specification requirements.

SMAW: Shielded metal (stick) arc welding uses a consumable electrode that has a solid metal rod in
the core. The rod and electrode melt down and become part of the weld. The electrode is flux coated
to protect the weld from contamination. 

A group of welding processes which produce coalescence of materials by heating them to suitable
temperature and by using a filler metal having a liquidus not exceeding 450 ºC (842 ºF) and below the
solidus of the base materials. The filler metal is distributed between the closely fitted surfaces of the
joint by capillary action.

The highest temperature at which a metal or alloy is completely solid.

A metal strip or bar inserted in the root of a joint prepared for a groove weld to serve as a backing
and to maintain the root opening during welding.

Small chips or fragments which are sometimes given off by electrodes during the welding operation.
This problem is especially common with heavy coated electrodes.

The metal particles expelled during arc and gas welding which do not form a part of the weld.

A resistance welding process in which fusion is produced by the heat obtained from the resistance to
the flow of electric current through the workpieces held together under pressure by electrodes. The
size and shape of the individually formed welds are limited by the size and contour of the electrodes.

A type of metal transfer in which molten filler metal is propelled axially across the arc in small

SPRAY WELDING:another term for spray arc welding or GMAW.


Two lines of intermittent welding on a joint, such as a tee joint, wherein the fillet increments in one
line are staggered with respect to those in the other line.


The making of a weld with electrical energy accumulated electrostatically, electronagnetically, or
electrochemically at a relatively low rate and made available at the required welding rate.

The arrangement of direct current arc welding leads in which the work is the positive pole and the
electrode is the negative pole of the welding arc.

A process of reducing internal residual stresses in a metal object by heating to a suitable temperature
and holding for a proper time at that temperature. This treatment may he applied to relieve stresses
induced by casting, quenching, normalizfig, machining, cold working, or welding.


A method of metal arc welding on pieces 3/4 in. (19 mm) thick or heavier in which the weld metal is
deposited in layers composed of strings of beads applied directly to the face of the bevel.

An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc drawn between a
metal stud, or similar part, and the other workpiece, until the surfaces to be joined are properly
heated. They are brought together under pressure.


An arc welding process in which fusion is produced by heating with an electric arc or arcs between a
bare metal electrode or electrodes and the work. The welding is shieldd by a blanket of granular,
fusible material on the work. Pressure is not used. Filler metal is obtained from the electrode, and
sometimes from a supplementary welding rod.

The deposition of filler metal on a metal surface to obtain desired properties or dimensions.


A weld made to hold parts of a weldment in proper alignment until the final welds are made.

A joint between two members located approximately at right angles to each other in the form of a T.

The colors which appear on the surface of steel heated at low temperature in an oxidizing atmosphere.

In resistance welding, that part of the postweld interval during which a current suitable for tempering
or heat treatment flows. The current can be single or multiple impulse, with varying heat and cool

Reheating hardened steel to some temperature below the lower critical temperature, followed by a
desired rate of cooling. The object of tempering a steel that has been hardened by quenching is to
release stresses set up, to restore some of its ductility, and to develop toughness through the
regulation or readjustment of the embrittled structural constituents of the metal. The temperature
conditions for tempering may be selected for a given composition of steel to obtain almost any desired
combination of properties.

The maximum load per unit of original cross-sectional area sustained by a material during the tension

A test in which a specimen is broken by applying an increasing load to the two ends. During the test,
the elastic properties and the ultimate tensile strength of the material are determined. After rupture,
the broken specimen may be measured for elongation and reduction of area.
The vessel in which the thermit reaction takes place.

A mixture of metal oxide and finely divided aluminum with the addition of alloying metals as required.

A mold formed around the parts to be welded to receive the molten metal.

The chemical reaction between metal oxide and aluminum which produces superheated molten metal
and aluminum oxide slag.

A group of welding processes in which fusion is produced by heating with superheated liquid metal and
slag resulting from a chemical reaction between a metal oxide and aluminum, with or without the
application of pressure. Filler metal, when used, is obtained from the liquid metal.

In a resistance welding machine, the distance from the centerline of the electrodes or platens to the
nearest point of interference for flatwork or sheets. In a seam welding machine with a universal head,
the throat depth is measured with the machine arranged for transverse welding.


a. Theoretical. The distance from the beginning of the root of the joint perpendicular to the
hypotenuse of the largest right triangle that can be inscribed within the fillet-weld cross section. 

b. Actual. The distance from the root of the fillet weld to the center of its face.

TIG is another name for GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding). This process uses a non-consumable
tungsten electrode and an air cooled or water cooled torch. The process uses an electrical arc to
generate heat, costs more than other processes, but is significantly cleaner.

A crack in the base metal occurring at the toe of the weld.


The junction between the face of the weld and the base metal.


A brazing process in which bonding is produced by heating with a gas flame and by using a nonferrous
filler metal having a melting point above 800 ºF (427 ºC), but below that of the base metal. The filler
metal is distributed in the joint of capillary attraction.


The making of a seam weld in a direction essentially at right angles to the throat depth of a seam
welding machine.

A non-filler metal electrode used in arc welding or cutting, made principally of tungsten.

A crack in the heat affected zone not extending to the surface of the base metal.

A groove melted into the base metal adjacent to the toe or root of a weld and left unfilled by weld

An undesirable crater at the edge of the weld caused by poor weaving technique or excessive welding

A localized increase in volume in the region of a weld, resulting from the application of pressure.

A resistance welding process in which fusion is produced simultaneously over the entire area of
abutting surfaces, or progressively along a joint, by the heat obtained from resistance to the flow of
electric current through the area of contact of those surfaces. Pressure is applied before heating is
started and is maintained throughout the heating period.

The force exerted at the welding surfaces in flash or upset welding.

The position of welding in which the axis of the weld is approximately vertical. In pipe welding, the
pipe is in a vertical position and the welding is done in a horizontal position.


A block welding sequence in which successive weld blocks are completed at random after several
starting blocks have been completed.

A longitudinal sequence in which the weld bead increments are deposited at random.

Wax molded around the parts to be welded by a thermit welding process to the form desired for the
completed weld.

A type of weld bead made with transverse oscillation.

A technique of depositing weld metal in which the electrode is oscillated. It is usually accomplished by
a semicircular motion of the arc to the right and left of the direction of welding. Weaving serves to
increase the width of the deposit, decreases overlap, and assists in slag formation.

A localized fusion of metals produced by heating to suitable temperatures. Pressure and/or filler metal
may or may not be used. The filler mkal has a melting point approximately the same or below that of
the base mtals, but always above 800 ºF (427 ºC).

A weld deposit resulting from a pass.
A device designed for checking the shape and size of welds.

That portion of a weld that has been melted during welding.

A picture used to indicate the desired type of weld.

The capacity of a material to form a strong bond of adherence under pressure or when solidifying from
a liquid.

Certification in writing that a welder has produced welds meeting prescribed standards.


The demonstration of a welder's ability to produce welds meeting prescribed standards.

a. Electrode lead. The electrical conductor between the source of the arc welding current and the
electrode holder. 
b. Work lead. The electrical conductor between the source of the arc welding current and the

There are four welding positions including flat, horizontal, overhead and vertical.

The pressure exerted during the welding operation on the parts being welded.

The detailed methods and practices including all joint welding procedures involved in the production of
a weldment.

Filler metal in wire or rod form, used in gas welding and brazing processes and in those arc welding
processes in which the electrode does not provide the filler metal.

The assembled symbol consists of the following eight elements, or such of these as are necessary:
reference line, arrow, basic weld symbols, dimension and other data, supplementary symbols, finish
symbols, tail, specification, process, or other references.

The details of a manual, machine, or semiautomatic welding operation which, within the limitations of
the prescribed joint welding procedure, are controlled by the welder or welding operator.

The tip of a gas torch especially adapted to welding.

A device used in gas welding and torch brazing for mixing and controlling the flow of gases.

A device for providing current of the desired voltage.
An assembly whose component parts are formed by welding.


The rate of speed in mn/sec or in./min at which a filler metal is consumed in arc welding or thermal

The electric conductor (cable) between the source of arc welding current and the workpiece.

A radiographic test method used to detect internal defects in a weld

Welding X-Ray

The yield point is the load per unit area value at which a marked increase in deformation of the
specimen occurs with little or no increase of load; in other words, the yield point is the stress at which
a marked increase in strain occurs with little or no increase in stress.

Spot and Plug Weld Symbols


Holes or slots in the arrow side member of a joint for plug or slot welding must be indicated by placing
the weld symbol on the side of the reference line toward the reader (A, fig. 3-11). Holes or slots in the
other side member of a joint shall be indicated by placing the weld symbol on the side of the reference
line away from the reader (B, fig. 3-11).

Neither the plug weld symbol nor the slot weld symbol may be used to designate fillet welds in holes.

Plug or Slot Weld Diagram

Basic Plug Weld Symbol Without Markings

Arrow Side and Other Side Indication of a Slot or Plug Weld

Slot or Plug Welding Symbol

Diagram of Plug or Slot Welding Symbol indicating angle of countersink, pitch, size and
Plug and Slot Welds Indicated by Arrow on Side of Joint

Plug and Slot Welding Symbols Indicating Location and Dimensions of the Weld - figure 3-

Plug Weld Dimensions

Dimensions of plug welds must be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol.
The size of a weld must be shown to the left of the weld symbol. Included angle of countersink of plug
welds must be the user's standard unless otherwise indicated. Included angle of countersink, when not
the user's standard, must be shown either above or below the weld symbol (A and C, fig. 3-34). The
pitch (center-to-center spacing) of plug welds shall be shown to the right of the weld symbol.

Dimensions, Details and Surface Contour of Plug or Slot Welds

Plug and Slot Welding Symbols Indicating Location and Dimensions of the Weld

Depth of Filling of Plug and Slot Welds

Depth of filling of plug and slot welds shall be completed unless otherwise indicated. When the depth
of filling is less than complete, the depth of filling shall be shown in inches inside the weld symbol
(B, fig. 3-34).

Surface Contour of Plug Welds and Slot Welds

Plug welds that are to be welded approximately flush without recourse to any method of finishing must
be shown by adding the finish contour symbol to the weld symbol (fig. 3-35). 

Surface Contour of Plug Welds and Slot Welds

Plug welds that are to be welded flush by mechanical means must be shown by adding both the flush
contour symbol and the user's standard finish symbol to the weld symbol (fig. 3-36).

Surface Contour of Plug Welds and Slot Welds With User's Standard Finish Symbol

Slot Weld Dimensions

Dimensions of slot welds must be shown on the same side of the reference line as the weld symbol
(fig. 3-37).

Slot Weld Dimensions

Details of Slot Welds

Length, width, spacing, included angle of countersink, orientation, and location of slot welds cannot be
shown on the welding symbols. This data must be shown on the drawing or by a detail with a
reference to it on the welding symbol, in accordance with location specifications given in paragraph 3-
7 (D, fig. 3-33).

For Additional Reading

Techniques and Tips for SMAW Operation


SMAW operation requires a setup and then weld. 

In general, the operator factor, or the percentage of operator's time spent laying weld, is
approximately 25%. The rest is spend in preparation and in removing slag.

The actual welding technique utilized depends on the electrode, the composition of the workpiece, and
the position of the joint being welded.

The choice of electrode and welding position also determine the welding speed.

Flat welds require the least operator skill, and can be done with electrodes that melt quickly but
solidify slowly.

This permits higher welding speeds. Sloped, vertical or upside-down welding requires more operator
skill, and often necessitates the use of an electrode that solidifies quickly to prevent the molten metal
from flowing out of the weld pool.

However, this generally means that the electrode melts less quickly, thus increasing the time required
to lay the weld.

SMAW Operation Set-up

Before starting make sure that you are using a helmet for SMAW welding as well as protective

 Clean the workpiece

 Clamp the work close to the weld
 Insert the electrode into the insulated holder holder. Set amperage at levels recommended by
the electrode manufacturer.
 Determine the best arc length. As a guideline the arc for a 1/16" to 3/32" diameter electrode
is 1/16" (1.6mm). The arc lengh for a 1/8" and 5/32" electrode is 1/8"  (3mm).
 Have a chipping hammer available to remove any slag and before doing a 2nd pass with the
Stick Welding Examples Diagram

Poor weld bead characteristics include large spatter deposits, use of the wrong arc,
higher/lower amperage levels than recommended and poor penetration.


Starting the Arc

Scratch Start Technique:

To strike the electric arc when starting a SMAW operation, the electrode is brought into contact with
the workpiece, dragged like lighting a match, and then pulled away slightly.If the arc lights and then
goes out, that means the electrode was pulled too far away from the base metal. If the electrode
sticks to the metal, give a twist and it should come free.

Tapping Technique:

Move the electrode straight down to the base metal. Then lift slightly. The arc should start. If the arc
goes out, that means it was lifted too high off the workpiece.
Operating the Electrode Holder

This initiates the melting of the workpiece and the consumable electrode, and causes droplets of the
electrode to be passed from the electrode to the weld pool.

As the electrode melts, the flux covering disintegrates, giving off a vapors that protect the weld area
from oxygen and other atmospheric gases.

In addition, the flux provides molten slag which covers the filler metal as it is travels from the
electrode to the weld pool.

Once part of the weld pool, the slag floats to the surface and protects the weld from contamination as
it solidifies.

Groove (Butt) Joint Welding

Tack Welds

Tack Weld

Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Tack weld the two pieces of metal to hold them in place. This will reduce joint distortion, which is
caused by the expansion and contraction of metal as it is heated and cooled.

Double V-Groove, Single V-Groove and Square Groove Welds

When performing a groove weld, hold the electrode perpendicular to the weld. Lean the electrode in
the direction of the weld.

A single string bead is all that is needed for a narrow groove weld joint. For wider groove weld, then a
weave bead or many stringer beads is a better option.
Square Groove Weld

Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Square Groove Weld

If thickness of materials are 3/16" (5MM) they can usually be welded with a square groove weld and
no prep.

Single and Double V-Groove Welds

Photo Credit: Miller Welds


For SMAW operation welds that require thicker metals it may require that edges are prepared (v-
groove) of butt joints for good welds.

V-groove is recommended for metal thickness of 3/16" to 3/4" (5 to 19mm). It is also used for any
thickness when welding can only be done from one side.

The bevel can be created (at 30 degrees) using a grinder, or plasma or oxyacetylene cutting
equipment. After creating the bevel remove scale.
T-Joint Welding

Fillet Weld

Tee Joint

The electrode (1) should be kept at a 45 degree angle or less when creating a fillet weld.
Photo Credit: Miller Welds

For a fillet weld, hold the electrode at a 45 degree angle or less to the weld. Lean the electrode 10
degrees to 30 degrees in the direction of the weld.

Use a short arc and move at a steady speed. For upright sections weld both sides.

When necessary for strength add a second layer (remove slag before adding another layer).

Move the electrode using a circular motion.

Lap Joints

Tee Joint
When Applying A Single Layer or Multi-Layer Welding Pass Move The Electrode In A Circular
Photo Credit: Miller Welds

When welding a lap joint the electrode should be held at a 30 degree angle or less. Use one or two
weld passes as needed. Before the second pass remove any slag.

Welding Positions
Each welding position is described below. Note that not every electrode is right for each
position. Check the manufacturers directions before proceeding with any SMAW operation.


Single Pass Bead Weld

When Doing A Horizontal Weld The Welder Needs To Take Account Of Distortion Caused By
Photo Credit: Miller Welds

The issue with the horizontal welding is the distorting effect gravity will have on the  weld pool. If
necessary or if it will help, tack weld a backing strip. Beveled edges can also be of help.

When welding during the SMAW operation keep the electrode at 90 degrees to the weld. Lean into the
weld direction by 15 degrees.
Materials Beveled For Horizontal Weld

Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Multi-Pass Weld Locations

Each Number Indicates the Location of Each Weld Pass. Note use of a backing plate. Slap
must be removed after each weld.
Photo Credit:Miller Welds
Vertical Welding Position

Multi-Pass Vertical Weld Diagram

Illustration of Welding Direction and Location of Each Weld Pass When Completing A
Vertical Weld
Photo Credit: Miller Welds

The weld direction can move from top to bottom or bottom to top. It is easier to weld in an upward

Use a tack welded backing plate if needed and for thicker materials bevel the edges.

Hold the electrode at 90 degrees to the material being welding. 

Vertical Tee Joint Welding Diagram

Be Aware of The Distorting Effect of Gravity. Weld The Joint on Both Sides to Maximize
Strength. Use a Weaving Motion When Traveling Along The Weld With the Electrode.
Photo Credit: Miller Welds
Lap Joint Weld Diagram

Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Overhead Welding Position

Overhead Welding Position

Miller Welds

For an overhead weld the arc should be positioned slightly away an dout from the crater. Tack weld a
backing plate and use beveled edges if necessary. 
Overhead Groove Joint Diagram

Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Overhead Tee Joint

Miller Welds
Testing the Weld
Weld Strength Test Diagram

Test Welds Using a Hammer In The Direction Shown Above. Weakness Can be Due to
Porosity (holes in the weld), Incorrect Heat or Fast Travel Speed.
Photo Credit: Miller Welds

Use a hammer to strike the joint on the material welded to the base. The weld should bend slightly
and not break. Breakage could be due to too many holes (porous) in the weld, or if the weld contains
slag. Also note if any of the beveled area is visible. If it is, this could indicate that the filler material
was not fully melted due to traveling too fast with the electrode or by not using enough heat.

Slag Removal
Once hardened, it must be chipped away to reveal the finished weld. As welding progresses and the
electrode melts, the welder must periodically stop welding to remove the remaining electrode stub and
insert a new electrode into the electrode holder.

This activity, combined with chipping away the slag, reduce the amount of time that the welder can
spend laying the weld, making SMAW one of the least efficient welding processes.

Arc Weld Troubleshooting

This arc weld troubleshooting guide is easy to use. Simply find the problem in the table of contents on
the left or match one of our many illustrations to the problem.

Conditions that often result in problems include:

 use of low quality shielding gas with a moisture level that is too high. Moisture in the air can
also cause problems.
 equipment that isn't clean
 materials and filler rods that aren't clean
 uneven shielding gas flow
 changes in welding parameters
 surface contamination
 gas coverage issues (insufficient gas flow causes electrode and part contamination)
 grounding problems
 changes in voltage due to use of other equipment in shop or incorrect voltage
 overheating due to short between nozzle and electrode

Ropey Weld Defect

Arc Weld Troubleshooting by Problem


Weld Distortion Troubleshooting

Distortion Arc Weld Troubleshooting Suggestions

Why Distortion Occurs: How to Fix It:

1. Joint over-heating 1. Allow each bead to cool

2. Slow welding 2. Use a speed tip and weld at constant
3. Small Pool speed 
3. Use a triangular or larger size rod
4. Sequence is improper 4. Before welding offset pieces

Step 1. Check for shrinkage of deposited metal.

1. Properly clamp parts or tack weld parts to resist shrinkage.

2. Preform or separate parts so as to allow for weld shrinkage.
3. Peen the deposited metal while still hot.

Step 2. Check for uniform heating of parts.

1. For heavy structures preheating is desirable.

2. It is sometimes helpful before welding to perform removal of rolling or forming strains by
stress relieving.

Step 3. Check the welding sequence.

1. Study structure and develop a definite sequence of welding.

2. Prevent excessive local heating by distributing welding.

Welding Stresses

Step 1. Check for excessive rigidity of joints.

1. Slight movement of parts during welding will reduce welding stresses.

2. Develop a welding procedure that permits all parts to be free to move as long as possible.

Step 2. Check the welding procedure.

1. Use as few welding passes as practical.

2. Use special intermittent or alternating welding sequence and back-step or skip procedures.
3. Properly clamp parts adjacent to the joint. Use backup fixtures to cool parts rapidly.

Step 3. If no improper conditions exist, stresses could merely be those inherent in any
weld, especially in heavy parts.

1. Peen each deposit of weld metal.

2. Stress relieve finished product at 1100 to 1250°F (593 to 677°C) 1 hour per 1.0 in. (25.4 cm)
of thickness.

Warping of Thin Plates

Acetylene Weld Warping Troubleshooting

Warping Arc Weld Troubleshooting Suggestions

Why it Occurs: Solutions:

1. Shrinkage of Material 1. Preheat Material to Relieve Stress

2. Overheating 2. Weld rapidly - use back-up weld
3. Faulty Preparation 3. Too much root gap
4. Faulty Clamping of Parts 4. Clamp parts properly- back-up to cool
5. For multi-layer welds - allow each layer
to cool

Step 1. Check for shrinkage of deposited weld metal.

 Select electrode with high welding speed and moderate penetrating properties.

Step 2. Check for excessive local heating at the joint.

 Prevent excessive local heating of the plates adjacent to the weld by welding rapidly.

Step 3. Check for proper preparation of joint.

1. In the parts to be welded do not have excessive root opening in the joint between the parts to
be welded.
2. Hammer joint edges thinner than the rest of the plates before welding. This elongates the
edges and the weld shrinkage causes them to pull back to the original shape.

Step 4. Check the welding procedure.

1. Use special intermittent or alternating welding sequence and back-step or skip procedure.
2. Preheat material to achieve stress.

Step 5. Check the clamping of parts.

 Properly clamp parts adjacent to the joint. Use backup fixtures to cool parts rapidly.

Poor Weld Appearance

Acetylene Troubleshooting Poor Weld Appearance

Poor Weld Appearance Arc Weld Troubleshooting

Reasons for Poor Weld Appearance: Solutions:

1. Uneven Pressure 1. Practice starting, stopping and and
2. Excessive Stretching finger manipulation on rod
3. Uneven Heating 2. Hold rod at proper angle
3. Use slow uniform fanning motion, heat
both rod and material

Step 1. Check welding technique for proper current and electrode manipulation.

1. Ensure the use of the proper welding technique for the electrode used.
2. Do not use excessive welding current.
3. Use a uniform weave or rate of travel at all times.

Step 2. Check characteristics of type of electrode used.

 Use an electrode designed for the type of weld and base metal and the position in which the
weld is to be made.

Step 3. Check welding position for which electrode is designed.

 Do not make fillet welds with down-hand (flat position) electrodes unless the parts are
positioned properly.

Step 4. Check for proper joint preparation.

 Prepare all joints properly.

Cracked Welds

How to Troubleshoot Weld Stress Cracking

Cracked Arc Weld Troubleshooting

Why Cracked Welds Occur: Solutions:

1. Improper welding temperature 1. Use recommended welding

2. Undue stress on weld temperature
3. Chemical attack 2. Allow for expansion and contraction
4. Rod and base material not same 3. Stay within known chemical resistance
composition and working temperatures of material
5. Oxidation or degradation of weld 4. Use similar materials and inert gas for
5. Refer to recommended application

Step 1. Check for excessive joint rigidity.

 Modify the welding procedure and redesign the structure in order to eliminate rigid joints.

Step 2. Are the welds too small relative to the size of the parts joined?

 Avoid using a small weld between heavy plates. Increase the weld size with additional filler

Step 3. Review each stop of the welding procedure.

1. Do not make welds in string beads. Deposit weld metal full size in short sections 8.0 to 10.0
in. (203.2 to 254.0 mm) long. (This is called block sequence.)
2. The sequence of welding  should be such as to leave ends free to move as long as possible.
3. Preheating parts to be welded sometimes helps to reduce high contraction stresses caused by
localized high temperature.
4. Fill all craters at the end of the weld pass by moving the electrode back over the finished weld
for a short distance equal to the length of the crater.

Step 4. Check for poor welds.

 Make sure welds are sound and the fusion is good. Be sure arc length and polarity are correct.

Step 5. Check for proper preparation of joints.

 Prepare joints with a uniform and proper root opening. In some cases, a root opening is
essential. In other cases, a shrink or press fit may be required.


Step 1. Check the welding current setting.

 Use a moderate welding sent and do not try to weld at too high a speed.

Step 2. Check for proper manipulation of the electrode.

1. a. Do not use too large an electrode. If the puddle of molten metal becomes too large,
undercut may result.
2. b. Excessive width of weave will cause undercut and should not be used. A uniform weave, not
over three times the electrode diameter, will aid greatly in preventing undercut in butt welds.
3. c. If an electrode is held to near the vertical plate in making a horizontal fillet weld, undercut
on the vertical plate will result.
Incomplete Penetration

Troubleshooting Incomplete Weld Penetration

Example of Poor Penetration

Penetration Arc Weld Troubleshooting Suggestions

Why Incomplete Penetration Occurs: Solutions:

1. Faulty preparation 1. Under 60 degree bevel

2. Rod too large 2. Use small rod at root
3. Welding too fast 3. Check for flow lines while welding
4. Not enough root gap 4. Use tacking tip or leave 1/32" root gap
and clamp pieces

Step 1. Check to see if the electrode is designed for the welding position being used.

1. Electrodes should be used for welding in the position for which they were designed.
2. Be sure to allow the proper root openings at the bottom of a weld.
3. Use a backup bar if possible.
4. Chip or cut out the back of the joint and deposit a bead of weld metal at this point.

Step 2. Check size of electrode used.

1. Do not expect excessive penetration from an electrode.

2. Use small diameter electrodes in a narrow welding groove.

Step 3. Check the welding current setting.

 Use sufficient welding current to obtain proper penetration. Do not weld too rapidly.

Step 4. Check the welding speed.

 Control the welding speed to penetrate to the bottom of the welded joint.
Porous Welds

Troubleshooting Arc Weld Porosity

Porous Arc Weld Troubleshooting

Why Porous Welds Occur: Solutions:

1. Porous weld rods 1. Inspect rod

2. Balance of heat on rod 2. Use proper fanning motion
3. Welding too fast 3. Check welding temperature
4. Rod too large 4. Weld beads in proper sequence
5. Improper starts or stops 5. Cut rod at angle, but cool before
6. Improper crossing of beads releasing
7. Stretching rods 6. Stagger starts and overlap splices 1/2"
8. entrapped gas impurities (water vapor, 7. Purge air from lines prior to striking arc.
air, nitrogen, hydrogen) Remove any moisture condensation
9. Base metal has an oil film from lines. Use welding grade (99.9%)
10. Hose problems - either loose inert gas. Make sure that the right shield
connections or a defection hose gas mixture is being used.
8. Check base metal after cleaning to make
sure that it is dry. If using a chemical
cleaner make sure that it is not breaking
up in the arc.

Step 1. Check the electrode properties.

 Some electrodes inherently produce sounder welds than others. Be sure that proper electrodes
are used.

Step 2. Check the current setting and welding procedure.

 A weld made of a series of string beads may contain small pinholes. Weaving will often
eliminate this trouble.

Step 3. Check puddling time to see whether it is sufficient to allow the escape of entrapped
 Puddling keeps the weld metal molten longer and often insures sounder welds.

Step 4. Check for dirty base metal.

 In some cases, the base metal may be at fault. Check this for segregations and impurities.

Brittle Welds

Step 1. Check the type of electrode used.

 Bare electrodes produce brittle welds. Shielded arc electrodes must be used if ductile welds
are required.

Step 2. Check the welding current setting.

 Do not use excessive welding current, as this may cause coarse-grained structure and oxidized

Step 3. Check for high carbon or alloy base metal which has not been taken into

1. a. A single pass weld may be more brittle than a multilayer weld because its micro-structure
has not been refined by successive layers of weld metal.
2. b. Welds may absorb alloy elements from the parent metal and become hard.
3. c. Do not weld a metal unless the composition and characteristics are known.

Poor Fusion Weld

Poor Fusion Weld

Poor Fusion Arc Weld Troubleshooting

Poor Fusion Weld Causes: Solutions:

1. Faulty preparation 1. Clean materials before welding

2. Improper welding techniques 2. Keep pressure and fanning motion
3. Wrong speed constant
4. Improper choice of rod size 3. Take more time by welding at lower
5. Wrong temperatures temperatures
4. Use small rod at root and large rod at
top - practice proper sequence
5. Preheat materials when necessary
6. Clamp parts securely

Step 1. Check diameter of electrode.

 When welding in narrow groove joints use an electrode small enough to properly reach the
bottom of the joint.

Step 2. Check the welding current setting.

1. Use sufficient welding current to deposit the metal and penetrate into the plates.
2. Heavier plates require higher current for a given electrode than light plates.

Step 3. Check the welding technique.

 Be sure the weave is wide enough to melt the sidewalls of the joint thoroughly.

Step 4. Check the joint preparation.

 The deposited metal should fuse with the base metal and not curl away from it or merely
adhere to it.


Step 1. Check the type of electrode used.

1. Bare electrodes produce welds that are less resistant to corrosion than the parent metal.
2. Shield arc electrodes produce welds that are more resistant to corrosion than the parent
3. For the best corrosion resistance, use a filler rod whose composition is similar to that of the
base metal.

Step 2. Check to see if the weld metal deposited is proper for the corrosive fluid or
atmosphere to be encountered.

 Do not expect more from the weld than you do from the parent metal. On stainless steels, use
electrodes that are equal to or better than the parent metal in corrosion resistance.

Step 3. Check on the metallurgical effect of the welding.

 When welding 18-8 austenitic stainless steel, be sure the analysis of the steel and welding
procedure is correct, so that the welding does not cause carbide precipitations. Carbide
precipitation is the rising of carbon to the surface of the weld zone. This condition can be
corrected by annealing at 1900 to 2100°F (1038 to 1149°C) after welding. By doing this
corrosion in the form of iron oxide, or rust, can be eliminated.

Step 4. Check for proper cleaning of the weld.

 Certain materials, such as aluminum, require careful cleaning of all slag after welding to
prevent corrosion in service.
Brittle Joints

Step 1. Check for air hardening of the base metal.

 In medium carbon steel or certain alloy steals, the heat affected zone may be hard as a result
of rapid cooling. Preheating at 300 to 500°F (149 to 260°C) should be resorted to before

Step 2. Check the welding procedure.

1. Multilayer welds will tend to anneal hard heat affected zones.

2. Stress relieving at 1100 to 1250°F (593 to 677°C) after welding will generally reduce hard
areas formed during welding.

Step 3. Check the type of electrode used.

 The use of austenitic electrodes will often be successful on special steels, but the heat-affected
zone will generally contain an alloy which is hard.

Magnetic Blow

Step 1. Check for deflection of the arc from its normal path, particularly at the ends of joints
and in corners.

1. Make sure the ground is properly located on the work. Placing the ground in the direction of
the arc deflection is often helpful.
2. Separating the ground into two or more parts is helpful.
3. Weld toward the direction in which the arc blows.
4. Hold a short arc.
5. Changing the angle of the electrode relative to the work may help to stabilize the arc.
6. Magnetic blow is held to a minimum in alternating current welding.


Weld Spatter Example

Step 1. Check the properties of the electrode used.

 Select the proper type of electrode.

Step 2. Check to see if the welding current is excessive for the type and diameter of
electrode used.

 Use a short arc but do not use excessive welding current

Step 3. Check for spalls.

1. Paint parts adjacent to welds with whitewash or other protective coating. This prevents spalls
from welding to parts, and they can be easily removed.
2. Coated electrodes produce larger spalls than bare electrodes.

Excessive Electrode Consumption

Arc Weld Troubleshoot Electrode Consumption

Causes of Unusual Electrode Consumption: Solutions:

1. Too much gas flow, or not enough gas 1. Check gas flow
flow 2. Try a larger electrode (check with
2. Wrong electrode for required current manufacturer for correct geometry)
3. Excessive heating in holder 3. Determine if collet has proper contact
4. Electrode oxidation when cooling 4. Try a different electrode (the one you
5. Shield gas oxygen concentration is too are using may be contaminated)
high or moisture concentration is too 5. Change gas mixture

Electrode Contamination

Reasons for a Contaminated Electrode: Solutions:

1. Base material might be contaminated 1. Clean surface with wire brush, abrasive
2. Base metal not clean -  is greasy or dirty or chemical cleaner (alcohol)
2. Try a different base material based on
parameters adjusted for out-gassing
3. Regrind electrode removing
contaminated section

Workpiece Has Tungsten Contamination

Reasons for Tungsten Contamination: Solutions:

1. The tungsten touched the molten pool 1. When welding be sure to keep tungsten
2. Shedding of tungsten out of molten pool
2. Sharpen electrodes with an electrode
3. The electrode melts and alloys with the grinder made to sharpen tungsten
base metal 3. Try reduced current or an electrode
with a larger diameter

Welding Voltage Problems

Welding Voltage Problems: Solution:

1. Fluctuations can occur in power. Check 1. Other equipment in shop may draw
multiple times a day and check against down voltage that is needed to initiate
power supply scope. arc and for weld.

Electrode Material

Problems with Electrode Material: Solution:

1. Check electrode material. Try using an 1. Each electrode has materials that have a
electrode from another box or stored in different arc start. They also vary by
a reference box. how they carry current. Try and use an
electrode that has worked in the past.

Electrode Material Quality

Causes of Electrode Material Quality: Solution:

1. Problem with batch of electrodes. Try 1. You might just have a bad or batch of
one from a new box or from older stock electrodes with inconsistent quality

Electrode Dimensions or Geometry

Arc Weld Troubleshooting Geometry or Electrode Dimensions

Causes of Problem: Solution:

1. Selected electrode dimensions not 1. Check for correct electrode tip

appropriate for application geometry based on the application to be
Welding Cables

Arc Weld Troubleshooting of Welding Cables

Problems with welding cables Solution:

1. Try to straighten cables from torch to 1. Uncoil any cables since coiling can cause
power supply resistance in power (called inductance
2. Check any extension cables for capacity effects). Inductance can also happen if
power cables are near grounded steel
2. Lower quality cables or cables with
wrong capacity can cause drops in
voltage and make it difficult to start the

Difficulty Starting Arc

Arc Weld Troubleshooting when Welding Arc Will Not Start

Reasons for difficulty starting weld arc: Solutions:

1. Voltage too low 1. Check the voltage

2. Torch not assembled correctly 2. Check electrodes

Arc Does Not Transfer

Arc Weld Troubleshooting When Arc Does Not Transfer

Reasons why arc does not transfer: Solutions:

1. Cable connections are missing or are 1. Check connections against schematics

loose 2. Check ground
2. The start signal is not being recognized 3. Check for loose tooling
by the power supply


by Bruce Bauerlein

There are many different types of electrodes used in the shielded metal arc welding,
(SMAW) process. The intent of this guide is to help with the identification and
selection of these electrodes.
Arc welding electrodes are identified using the A.W.S, (American Welding Society)
numbering system and are made in sizes from 1/16 to 5/16 . An example would be a
welding rod identified as an 1/8" E6011 electrode.

The electrode is 1/8" in diameter

The "E" stands for arc welding electrode.

Next will be either a 4 or 5 digit number stamped on the electrode. The first two
numbers of a 4 digit number and the first 3 digits of a 5 digit number indicate the
minimum tensile strength (in thousands of pounds per square inch) of the weld that
the rod will produce, stress relieved. Examples would be as follows:

E60xx would have a tensile strength of 60,000 psi E110XX would be 110,000 psi

The next to last digit indicates the position the electrode can be used in.

1. EXX1X is for use in all positions

2. EXX2X is for use in flat and horizontal positions
3. EXX3X is for flat welding

The last two digits together, indicate the type of coating on the electrode and the
welding current the electrode can be used with. Such as DC straight, (DC -) DC
reverse (DC+) or A.C.
I won't describe the type of coatings of the various electrodes, but will give examples
of the type current each will work with.


 EXX10 DC+ (DC reverse or DCRP) electrode positive.

 EXX11 AC or DC- (DC straight or DCSP) electrode negative.
 EXX12 AC or DC-
 EXX13 AC, DC- or DC+
 EXX14 AC, DC- or DC+
 EXX15 DC+
 EXX16 AC or DC+
 EXX18 AC, DC- or DC+
 EXX20 AC ,DC- or DC+
 EXX24 AC, DC- or DC+
 EXX27 AC, DC- or DC+
 EXX28 AC or DC+

SMAW is performed using either AC or DCcurrent. Since DC current flows in one
direction, DC current can be DC straight, (electrode negative) or DC reversed
(electrode positive). With DC reversed,(DC+ OR DCRP) the weld penetration will be
deep. DC straight (DC- OR DCSP) the weld will have a faster melt off and deposit rate.
The weld will have medium penetration.
Ac current changes it's polarity 120 times a second by it's self and can not be
changed as can DC current.
The following will serve as a basic guide of the amp range that can be used for
different size electrodes. Note that these ratings can be different between various
electrode manufactures for the same size rod. Also the type coating on the electrode
could effect the amperage range. When possible, check the manufactures info of the
electrode you will be using for their recommended amperage settings.

Electrode Table



1/16" 20 - 40 UP TO

3/32" 40 - 125 UP TO

1/8 75 - 185 OVER


5/32" 105 - OVER

250 1/4"

3/16" 140 - OVER

305 3/8"

1/4" 210 - OVER

430 3/8"

5/16" 275 - OVER

450 1/2"

Note! The thicker the material to be welded, the higher the current needed and the
larger the electrode needed.
This section will briefly describe four electrodes that are commonly used for
maintenance and repair welding of mild steel. There are many other electrodes
available for the welding of other kinds of metals. Check with your local welding
supply dealer for the electrode that should be used for the metal you want to weld.

E6010 This electrode is used for all position welding using DCRP. It produces a deep
penetrating weld and works well on dirty,rusted, or painted metals
E6011 This electrode has the same characteristics of the E6010, but can be used with
AC and DC currents.

E6013 This electrode can be used with AC and DC currents. It produces a medium

penetrating weld with a superior weld bead appearance.

E7018 This electrode is known as a low hydrogen electrode and can be used with AC
or DC. The coating on the electrode has a low moisture content that reduces the
introduction of hydrogen into the weld. The electrode can produce welds of x-ray
quality with medium penetration. (Note, this electrode must be kept dry. If it gets wet,
it must be dried in a rod oven before use.)

Cellulose Sodium
All positions
Deep penetration, with ripples
Cellulose Potassium
All, Flat decking
Deep penetration, with ripples
Rutile Sodium
Flat, horizontal, fillet
Deep penetration, with ripples
Rutile 50% Iron Powder
Flat, horizontal, fillet
High deposition, shallow penetration
Mineral 50% Iron powder
Flat, horizontal, fillet
High deposition, shallow penetration
Rutile Sodium
All positions
Mild to medium penetration
Rutile sodium
All positions
Mild penetration
Rutile 30% iron powder
All positions
Medium penetration
Low-Hydrogen 30% iron powder
All positions
Medium penetration
Low-Hydrogen 50% iron powder
Flat, horizontal, fillet
High deposition
Fast Freeze electrode group
Characteristics of Fast Freeze electrode group
Use in all positions
High cellulose coating
Deep penetration, forceful arc
Light slag
For 3/16" to 5/8" Plate
Good on poor fit up
General pipe applications
Good on poor surface conditions
Characteristics of Fast Fill electrode group
Highest deposition rate electrode
Flat and horizontal only
Heavy slag
50% iron powder by weight in the coating
Slow cooling
Base metal ove 3/16"
Tight fit up required
Good on poor surface conditions
Use AC polarity for highest deposit rates
Fast Fill electrode group
Fill Freeze electrode group
Characteristics of Fill Freeze electrode group
Highest deposition rates than Fast Freeze - used for all position applications
Rutile based coating with the addition of Iron Powder
High travel speeds on sheet metal under 3/16" thick
50/50 mix of Fast Freeze and Fast Fill groups
Use AC polarity for best performance
Use DC for faster travel speed on sheet metal
Low Hydrogen electrode group
Characteristics of Low Hydrogen electrode group
Similar to Fill Freeze electrodes
Known today at the "Code Rod"
Mineral-Lime based coating - moisture sensitive
Designed for all position or high deposition welding
moderate to shallow penetration
moderate to heavy slag
first choice for welding "difficult to weld" steel such as high strength, resulphurized
/rephosphorized and high carbon

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