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Department of Education

Region III

Division of Pampanga


Bulaon Resettlement City of San Fernando, Pampanga.




Submitted by:


Submitted to:



IV.1. 01-08-18 8
IV.2. 01-09-18 9
IV.3. 01-10-18 10
IV.4. 01-11-18 11
IV.5. 01-12-18 12
IV.6. 01-17-18 13
IV.7. 01-18-18 14
IV.8. 01-19-18 15
IV.9. 01-22-18 16
IV.10. 01-23-18 17


Immersion trains students and strengthen their skill or expertise

for their work in the future. It is part of the K-12 program which
prepares students to work in companies. According to the
Department of Education, this program is an 80-hour hands-on
encounter which Senior High students must experience to open
them to the genuine working environment setting and improve their
abilities learned in school.

Through this program, the students can be ready for their big
step in working and be comfortable and familiar with business-
related conditions in line with their specialization. Students
experience the social interaction in work environment that would
help them as they graduate and face real life. Work immersion is
useful as it enables Senior High students to decide if what they
have chosen in school is what they want to have as a career. Being
able to test their skills and knowledge in practice will help them
develop their career choice.

January 08, 2018, I with my co immersionist started our Work

Immersion in the Division Office. As per ma’am che said we were
blessed to be in Division Office. As we all know the Division Office
is the head of all schools, of all principals, of all teachers and
students. We are the first batch merely chosen to be in Division
Office. Although we had waited so long to start our immersion but
still it is worthwhile. We were strictly oriented by our teachers that
we must not do anything that will tarnish our school. Our teachers
said that we were appointed to their bosses so we must respect, be
polite and responsible observer in there.

Almost or can I say all of the heads in Primary and Secondary

were all there. As we entered the vicinity, all of them were happy

talking and smiling with each other. When I saw them I had think
that I will enjoy this 10 days immersion and so I did. Every day I
wish there will be always another day I do not want to end the Work
Immersion because when I am in there I feel happy I have founded
my third family.

Before going to the immersion Sir Marc discuss about the ethics
we must possess while having Work Immersion. They were all hard
to do but we are trying our best to be good workers. This immersion
serves as our path way to another challenges to struggle. This
Immersion makes me realize that there are many different worlds.
We must know how to blend with different people each day.
Because someday when we are done in school. We will be forced
to blend in with each other. We must know that It will help us be
more a responsible person.

And lastly Work Immersion is not just observing people, working,

and being responsible. But its true essence is that when you do
something you enjoy it, you will adore it and saves it moment.



 The following lists are the activities that I have done on the
company that I’ve been assigned:
 Filling files from different parent’s indigence alphabetically
arrange and arrange by division the different schools in
Pampanga who passes Indigence of their parents.
 Encoding the students that passed Indigence of their parents in
the payroll to know who did not passed and to have a follow up
notice in schools.
 Photocopying loads of papers.
 Assisting the supervisors in their computers.
 Printing some documents.
 Designing the occupied space of one of the supervisors.
 Filling files from way back, files 2011 - 2018
 Segregating papers that can be sold.
 Encoding important details in the computer.
 Cleaning the whole vicinity every time.
 Going to different departments to give some important
 Go to the superintendent office to ask for his sign in some
 Paper cut some documents that is needed to be cut.
 Asked to go in the Human Resource department for the pay slip
of Sir Wesley Tayag.
 Asked to go in Supply Department to follow up orders of papers
and flash drive.
 Asked to go in Supply department to get the orders of CID
 Asked to carry some foods for the Supervisors and for us.

Date: 01-08-18

I wake up early in the morning today and I came early in the

Division Office. I am anxious because it’s my first day of Immersion.
Tension runs after the orientation made by the Senior High School
Supervisor of Division Office Sir Wesley Tayag because my first
impression is that I find him strict when it comes to the rules inside
the institution.

Sir Wesley then introduces us to the supervisors of the division

office where we will be assign. Since it is our first day smooth works
were given like filing of Indigence of different schools and being told
of where the indecency of parents are located and how to use the
photocopy machine.

Also that morning we had a 5 minute flag ceremony together

with the staffs of different parents. After that we found out that every
Monday there are free foods we were given a cup of sampelot and
a scoop of kalamay. We enjoyed eating that time because we feel
belonged to the department as if we were like a family.

We were blessed that we are assigned in Division Office. After

eating we had a orientation and Sir Wesley told us what we need to
do. First day is really tiring but I still enjoyed it. We had many paper
works to do. I can still remember how my back aches.

Sir Wesley only said one rule and that is when someone
comes say Good morning and bless with his co supervisors. Even
though their salary is high they rank in DepEd they are big people
but they treated us like we are just one of them they talk to us as if
we were just friends. We talk and laugh while doing the paper

Date: 01-09-18

I am excited today on what thing would I’ll be doing. The

second day of Immersion, I together with my co immersionist went
to the different department of Division Office to give some papers to
the Accounting Department and Planning Department. As I look up,
I was amazed seeing the files from 1993 – 2018 are still alive and
preserved by the employees.

These are the things that I’ve done when I entered the office,
first I cleaned the CID Division Office and I arrange it. After
organizing the whole vicinity, I waited for my bosses to come I was
a bit early that time. Then same routine I arrange the Indigence and
the different files of school.

This is one of the tiring day of our immersion we had many files
to arrange. My back really aches that time but I need to do my job.
After all of it I was able to manage to help in the other concerns of
our bosses. We continued the files that were not yet done. We ate
our lunch together with my immersionist though after our bosses
have eaten that is the time we will eat. But that does not mean that
they told us to eat after them. They even insist to eat with them we
were shy at first we just said that we will eat after they had their
lunch. They were like mothers to us we did not even remember that
it is our lunch break already they just told us that it is already 12:30
we were so engrossed with the papers we are arranging. After
taking our lunch we headed to SM Downtown to have some 10
peso ice cream they even said we can go there and can go back by
2:00 aren’t they amazing right? They are so kind. The lesson that I
learned for the day is be patient enough in doing something no
matter how hard and dirty it is, just go and do your best even better.

Date: 01-10-18

I was really excited to get up and meet my loving bosses. I woke

up early in the morning. I do not feel sleepy because I was really
energized though I do not like riding in jeepneys I still managed to
go there safely. As always I was with my co immersionist we will
walk by few meters before getting in Division Office. When we
entered the office the first that we always do is to clean and water
the plants although there are assigned janitors we still wanted to
help them and it is our duty to clean the office every now and then.

Third day I think is our first rest day the morning is a bit busy but
when afternoon comes we do not have many things to do. After
cleaning the office we continued to arrange the remaining
indigence. Luckily they are only few because in our 1 st 2 days of
immersion we are already working on it. In the middle of arranging
indigence Sir Wes would ask me to go in Supply Department to
photocopy few documents then I will go back and continue what I
am doing. After finishing arranging those indigence. We had our
lunch for 15 minutes and after that we decided to go again in SM
Downtown to buy 10 pesos ice cream. We saw horse and we
decided to ride on it going in back to the Division Office it was really
fun though it is scary too.

And then when we entered the office they asked us what we did
and we happily told them that we rode a horse and it was really fun
because some of my co immersionist it was their first time to ride a
horse. We sat for a while because we do not have things to do.
Sometimes they would ask us to do something but not really much
that is why our 5 hour afternoon shift is really relaxing because we
do not have much things to do.

Date: 01-11-18

In my fourth day, I and my co immersionist decided to ride with his

dad so that we will not pay for our transportation. It was 6am we are
already riding in the kolong kolong. His father delivers pizza in
Pampanga High school which is really near in Division Office just
one step away from it. We arrived there by 7am our shift starts at
8am we were early an hour before our Work Immersion that is why
when Sir Wesley arrived he was shocked because we are too early.

When we arrived he ask us to clean the office for a while. Also he

said that some of us will go to the capitol to assist Ma’am Jasmine
in putting the students on the payroll. By 8am all of my co
immersionist were there. We ask Sir Wes what time we will be
going in the capitol he ask us to wait because he was still waiting
for Ma’am Jasmine signal. By the ma'am jasmine is an assistant
secretary of the head in the library of the capitol. 9am ticks Sir Wes
told us that we can go there we walked from division office to capitol
it was really far because we still don’t know if there is a shortcut but
I still enjoyed it because we chit chat while walking. Some of my co
immersionist were left in Division. Luckily I am one of the
immersionist who is choses to go in the capitol. When we arrived
there we ask who is Ma'am Jasmine is and the lady pointed her we
were amazed because she is really beautiful. After that Ma'am
Jasmine introduces us to her coworkers and explained to us what
we need to do. The indigence that we arrange alphabetically are the
one we will work on too but now there is a payroll wherein we will
check the students that passed their parents indigence. We did not
finish them by 4pm Ma'am Jasmine said that we can go to the
division office and when we arrived in the division office Sir Wesley
was there and said to the 5 of us that we will not be heading in the

Division Office. By tomorrow we will head in the capitol so that it is
time saving. We will continue the work we did not finish by now.
Date: 01-12-18

Time really fly so fast it is already our fifth day. Our first week
has been achieved. Early that morning we rode in the kolong kolong
again for us to save money. We headed in the capitol by 7:30 while
waiting for ma'am jasmine to come we read some books and 9am
starts we were given another payroll for another batch of schools. I
think doing the payroll is much easier than arranging them
alphabetically because some schools their population is almost 500
and most of them passed their indigence that is why it really hard
arrange because they were too many. We had finished the payroll
and Ma'am Jasmine is really amazed because we are fast workers
she did not know that the indigence were already alphabetically
arrange that is why it easy to identify if the student did not pass.
When the student did not pass they will be given a chance they will
be given precautionary notions so that they will pass it. We already
expected that in this coming 5 days of our immersion we will still
have indigence to arrange because of the follow up passers of

We ask what is the essence of this indigence and why does grade
12 students need to pass indigence. They told us that we will be
given 2500 each given by our Loving President Rodrigo Duterte.
We were really happy when they said that they will give it to us and
most importantly it will be directly given to us and it will be in check
so that schools cannot get those money. After hearing those words
we are more excited to finish the indigence as soon as possible. It
is lunch time and we had our lunch at the canteen of capitol their
canteen there is air conditioned that is why it is refreshing to eat in
those kind of environments. After 4pm we headed to the Division
Office then by 5pm we headed home.

Date: 01-17-18

On my sixth day I can feel that my work immersion is really

about to end. In this day there is no much thing to do because Sir
Wesley is not there. As usual I woke early and by 6am we are
already riding the kolong kolong but now we stopped by Pampanga
High to buy some lugaw so that we can eat it in the Division Office.
It was Wednesday at that time we just waited and chit chat because
there is no work to do.

While we are chit chatting some supervisors will asks us to

assist them but because we are too many most of us still don’t do
anything. Sixth day is really a rest day. We just had our lunch they
have given us some lunch. By the way every Monday that is the
time all supervisors are complete. That is why when Tuesday to
Friday there is nothing much to do.

After having lunch we will go to the convention center where in

there are many vendors who sells many different food. I asked my
co immersionist to have our mirienda there. The food there is really
yummy you have many choices.

We also found out that they sell mango whenever there is a

break time we go there and buy mango. And by 5pm we headed

Date: 01-18-18

It is my seventh day of work Sir Wes will not go to the division

office this day. I think he was assigned in observing some schools
in Pampanga. As always I woken up early because we will ride in
the kolong kolong to be by division as early we can be. We came
there by 7am and the door is still close we waited there for 30
minutes then some of my co immersionist were already here too.

We waited until one of the supervisors came It was Ma'am Nes

she is the assistant of all the supervisors in the CID that is why we
are always with her because she do not go to schools she just stay
there. When we entered the office I got the broom to sweep the
floor. Then after that we do not have much thing to do. Sir Cunanan
then ask one student to go in the Supply Department to photocopy
some of his documents.

That is my first time to photocopy many documents. Almost 5

hours I was in there photocopying the good thing is that it is all air
conditioned there. After I finish photocopying I came back to the
CID Office to have our lunch.

We ate our lunch there like it is our house we were really happy
that time. Sir Wesley did not come by that is why in 5pm we headed
home already.

Date: 01-19-18

We clean the office first before eating our breakfast. Many

workloads again came in I again go to the photocopying machine
most of the time there were many indigence papers to photocopy
again. My co immersionist then designing the folders and I also
after photocopying some I also helped them to design the file
holders. It was different because that time many papers were given
to us for us to sell there are loads of sacks of papers were given to
us and by Monday we will sell those items.

Almost our entire day we designed those file folders. We

became creative although I was not that creative at all. But that
time i think my works is good may be because of the environment of
not letting myself get slammed. That is why when lunch we had our
lunch in the floor that time because there are quite many
supervisors that time they even gave us some food to eat.

They were really kind. After that we continued designing and by

5pm we all head to go home.

Date: 01-22-18

It is our ninth day and I am gladly enjoying their companies also

the second batch has come too because many schools passed for
indigence they were called attention to pass it. That is we are
loaded this time Sir Wesley said to us that we mist head to the
capitol first as per Ma'am Jasmine instructed.

On that day I woke up early because we are going to pass some

assignments in our school so before going to the capital we passed
the requirements of our teacher because the 1dt half of 2nd
semester is nearly done.

After going to school we walked from the sakayan to the capitol.

When we arrived Ma'am Jasmine is not yet there so we read some
books while waiting for her. Then she comes I ask her what we are
going to do and she said we will arrange the schools who passed
indigence by district and we 4 districts we had finished our work by
lunch. When we had finished it some of my co immersionist that
supposed to be there by 8am came by 12pm. They do not have
much to do because we are already done. That is why after they
had their lunch they headed back to the capitol and my co
immersionist and I still waited for Ma'am Jasmine instruction she
said that she will list down all the schools that has complete

By 2am Ma'am Jasmine is already done and we headed back to

the division office to update Sir Wes about the schools who had
passed. After that by 5pm with my co immersionist we already go

Date: 01-23-18

This is the day that our Work Immersion will end and sadly Sir
Wesley is not going to the CID office because he was assigned in
some school to observe. I was really sad that time I want to have
immersion for a month as if we were like a family there. I woke up
early and ride the kolong kolong waited for any supervisor to come
early and Sir Dennis and Ma'am Anne is already there that iw why
our waiting is not that long. We cleaned the room as the first thing
we did in the division office. We cleaned it thorough because we
first batch will be our last day in the Division Office we were sad but
happy at the same time because we will be back in school.

We do not have much to do that day only few things just

photocopying assisting the supervisors. Our last day is really lame. I
want to be there for a month. It was fun working with the
supervisors they are like family to us. I have learned that no matter
who you are you are still a person they do not degrade other people
they accepted us like we are their child.

They will said that we have to eat. If we already eaten. Would

we like to eat some merienda like that. My experience in Division
Office is really unforgettable experience hope to see them again
and also praying to work with them also after I graduated.




(Evaluation Form, Wavers, Resumes)

Block 7 Lot 16 Peridot Street, Rockville Malp.
City of San Fernando Pamp.
[email protected]

Objectives: Company internship where my outstanding communication skills,

relevant educational experience and work can be utilized.

Education: Secondary Elementary

2012-Present 2006-2012
Potrero High School San Antonio Elementary
Bulaon Resettlement Bulaon Resettlement
City of San Fernando City of San Fernando

Related Work Experiences:

Typing Job Business

School Grounds
Bulaon Resettlement
(Serves customers and attends customers need)


President Class Officer

MAPEH Club Monitor
June 2017-Present June 2016-2017

Skills: Computer Literate

Speaks Fluently in English
Self Driven/Determine

Personal Information:
Age: 18 yrs. old
Date of Birth: October 22, 1999
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 90 ilbs
Religion: Catholic

Character Reference:
Mr. Ronie Marc Yusi
Immersion Teacher

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.



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