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As a student, how do you manage your finances? Where do you get your money to sustain your

daily needs? What do you do to help your parents when it comes to your expenses?

The one who sustain my daily needs is my auntie who are working from abroad. So as a student, I
manage my finances by creating a budget and removing unnecessary expenses. In this way, I can help
my family by creating budget and managing your needs and wants.


Supply the needed data write/print your answers in an A4 sized bond paper.

Which expenses are fixed and which are variable? Indicate your monthly total. Put a check mark on the

corresponding type.

Monthly total Fixed Variable

Food ₱1,000 ✔
Clothing ₱500 ✔
Gas ₱500 ✔
Medicine ₱500 ✔
Internet ₱500 ✔

Use the table below to list down all the expenses that belong to the needs and those that belong to the


Needs Wants
Foods Fancy foods
Medicine Books
Shelter Bike
Clothes Cars
Education Fancy restaurants
Transportation Jewelries
Job Gadgets
How does your current budget pie chart look like? Using the following categories, map your ideal

budget plan using a pie chart. You may use more categories as needed.

a. Housing

b. Electric bills

c. Internet

d. Food

e. Debt

f. Education

g. Transportation

Electric bills

How does your current budget pie chart compare with your ideal budget pie chart?

As you can see everyone’s pie chart will be a little different. But the “ideal” pie chart I showed above
might not be quite ideal for you depending on your current situation and future goals. As you can see,
only about 20% of your pre-tax income should be used for day-to-day spending! This includes things like
bills, food, clothing and entertainment.

Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write/print your answers in an A4 sized bond paper.

1. Differentiate among the following financial goals: short-term, medium-term, and long-term

financial goals. Give example for each.

Goals Definition Examples

Short-term A short-term goal is an outcome A great example of short-term
you want to achieve in 12 goal would look like: “I will
months or less increase my salary by 10% in
the next six months"
Medium-term A medium-term goals may take A great example of medium-
from two months to three years term goal is becoming a VP in
to achieve your organization.

Long-term A long-term goal is something A great example of long-term

you want to accomplish in the goal is got hired for your dream
future job.

2. Interview (via online) at least 10 friends, classmates, and relatives. Explore their financial

behavior or spending and saving behavior.

Most of my friends are also a student like me and most of their answers are quite similar to each other.
As I explore their financial behavior or spending and saving behavior. My first friend said, "As a student I
don't have much to offer financially. So I always plan to save money as long as I could using my budget
with a controlled spending for regular or irregular expenses. I spend my money depends on a certain
situation where my needs overpower my wants. I also spend my money without hesitating for
emergency purposes." He clearly state that being a student is difficult because we need to set our
budget when it comes to projects and many more. Meanwhile, my second friend said that she saved her
allowance from Monday to Friday. She spent her mostly on her projects, assignments and the like. My
other friend also said to me, "I spend most of my money on food and drinks. I often buy things that I
don't really need like if I see a shirt that's my size and I have the right amount of money. I don't really
have a plan on buying things. If I like I will buy it." My friend of mine is rich that's why he's not hesitant
to buy the things that he wants. Anyway I also interviewed my close friends and first friend told me that
she is an impulsive buyer and she spend only during monthly sale at Shoppe. Lastly, my second close
friend share about his financial behavior, he said that he have "Chrometophobia" who have extreme
fear of money and afraid to spend it and that's where his spending behavior occurs because if he have
money he'll use it at all cost.

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