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Two Marks questions and answers


1. Define human resource development?

According to South Pacific Commission “Human Resource Development is
equipping people with relevant skills to have a healthy and satisfying life”.

2. Explain the strategic framework for HRM and HRD?

 Organization Vision, mission, and Goals
 Human resource requirements/Human resource capacity/ Workforce needs assessment
 Identification of Human Resource Development Needs
 Human Resource Development learning initiatives offered
 Learning from HRD initiatives successfully applied on the job
 Evaluation of Human Resource Development Outcomes.

3. Define Vision?

Vision: According to kotler,“Vision is a description of something (an

organization, corporate culture, a business, a technology, an activity) in the future”.

4. Define Mission?

Mission: According to Philip Kotler, a mission statement acts as an “invisible

hand” that guides widely scattered practitioners to work independently and yet
collectively toward the realization of the HRD program’s goals.

5. Define Values?

Values: According to Stephen P. Robbins,” Values are Specific mode of conduct

or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse
mode of conduct or end- state of existence”.

6. Explain the functions of HRD?

 Primary functions
 Training and development

 Organization development
 Career development
 Secondary functions
 Role analysis and development
 Performance appraisal
 Potential appraisal
 Performance counseling
 Employee orientation
 Succession planning
 Participatory devices and quality of work life
 Human resource information system and research.

7. Explain the role of HRD Professionals?

 Primary functions
 Training and development
 Organization development
 Career development
 Secondary functions
 Role analysis and development
 Performance appraisal
 Potential appraisal
 Performance counseling
 Employee orientation
 Succession planning
 Participatory devices and quality of work life
 Human resource information system and research.

8. Write a short note on HRD need assessment?

According to molenda, pershing and Reigeluth, ” Need assessment can be defined as a
method of finding out the nature and extent of performance problems and how they can
be solved.

9. Evaluate HRD practices?

 Appraisal systems
 Performance appraisal
 Potential appraisal
 Performance coaching
 Career systems
 Experiences

 Opportunities
 Career planning
 Training systems
 Work systems
 Task analysis
 Quality of working life
 Productivity
 Role stress
 Cultural systems
 Self-renewal systems

10. Explain the measures of HRD Performance?

 By building organizational capabilities
 By improving employee satisfaction
 By shaping customer and shareholder satisfaction.

11. Explain the different links to HR,Strategy and business goals?

Link to HR:

 A goal to idealized description of what results in the future

 Common goal might include increasing market share, improving performance or
improving customer satisfaction
 Goals are timeless and measureless
o Strategy and Business Goals:
 Business excellence including profitability
 Internal operational efficiencies
 Internal customer satisfaction
 External customer satisfaction
 Employee motivation and commitment
 Cost effectiveness and cost-consciousness among employees
 Quality orientation
 Technology adoption.

12. What are the recent trends in HRD?

 Development of HRD functions outside organization
 Training needs assessment of non-regular employees
 Self-development
 Development and implementation of plants

 Employee self-education
 Performance-based system
 Employee career development

13. Write a short note on benchmarking?

Benchmarking may be defined as systematic procedure for identifying the best
practice and also modifying and updating the current actual knowledge to achieve
superior performance.
14. Write a short note on HRD audit?

HRD audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the current human resource

development strategies, structure, systems, styles and skills in the context of the short and
long-term business plans of a company. HRD audit attempts to find out the future HRD
needs of the company after assessing the current HRD activities and inputs available.


1. Write a short note on E-employee profile?

E-employee profile is self access to database to view or update particulars,

compensation package, skills, qualification and other information related to job E-
employee profile maintenance lies with the individual employee, the manager and
the database manager.

2. Write a short note on E-recruitment?

With the advent of information technology, a number of HR practices are now

online .the most significant of them is E-recruitment. Also called internet recruitment, or
online recruitment, it involves the use of internet for attracting and retaining job seekers.

3. What are the advantages of E-recruitment?

 Saves money
 Time saving
 Efficient online recruitment
 Generating talent pool
 Improve corporate image
4. Explain the features of E-learning?

 Cost effectiveness
 Time saving
 Rich media support
 Test engine

5. What are the features of electronic performance management?

 Job- or individual –centered performance contracts.
 Uploading of performance criteria
 Secure online appraisal with password.
 Viewing competency ratings.

6. Write a short note on E-compensation design?

Compensation design determines the values of specific , properly executed
accomplishment toward the achievement of system desired outcomes. The values of the
accomplishment not the level of activity is used to establish the nature and amount of
7. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of E-compensation?
Compensation design determines the values of specific , properly executed
accomplishment toward the achievement of system desired outcomes. The values of the
accomplishment not the level of activity is used to establish the nature and amount of
8. Explain the development and implementation of HRIS?
 Inception of idea
 Feasibility study
 Selection a project team
 Vendor analysis
 Package contract negotiation
 Training
 Collecting the data
 Testing the system
 Starting up
 Maintenance
 Evaluation
9. Write a short note on HR portal?
A human resource portal (or HR portal) is set of applications that provide users with a
single gateway to customized and personalized information. This portal can be limited a
company intranet or it can extent to the internet or include both. Human resource portals
allow the development of web- based human resource self- services.
10. Explain the steps in designing HR portal?

 Generate ideas and information for HR portals
 Determine HR transition
 Design an interface
 Select appropriate technical infrastructure
 Review schedules

11. Explain the areas where vulnerability can be very much misused?
 Recruitment and selection
 Performance tracking
 Electronic surveillance
 Performance appraisals
12.What are the steps in employee online survey?
 Employee online survey design
 Employee online survey administration
 Employee online surveys is

13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online survey?

 Low costs
 Automation and real-time access
 Less time
 Design flexibility

 Limited use
 Possible cooperation problems
 No interviewer

1. Write a short note on cultural dynamics?
1. All countries are prone to a tendency towards either stability or change,
because the individual in the society or the ‘cultural architects’ constantly modify their
cultural plans, improve and adapt their behavior to the caprices and exigencies of their
physical, social and ideological milieu.

2. Write a short note on cultural assessment?

As an organization begins to assess its ability to respond to change, aligning its
culture with its strategic goals is imperative. Making organizational changes in practices
or values, understanding culture in an objective manner can give employers a business
3. Explain the methods of cross-cultural training?
 Cultural assimilator
 Contrast American method
 Se lf reference criterion
 Area simulation
 Cultural self- awareness
4. What are the significance of international assignments?
 They help in leadership development
 They encourage high levels of coordination and control
 Facilitates information exchange and dissemination
5. What are strategic issues for international management?
 Globalization
 Environmental difference
 Cultural differences
 Centralization or decentralization
 Converge and divergence
6. Evaluate the challenges faced by the global leadership?
 Greater need for broad knowledge that spans functions and nations
 More stakeholders to understand and consider when making decisions.
 A more challenging and expanded list of competing tensions both on and off the job
 More challenging ethical dilemmas relation to globalization.

7. Write a short note on HR Outsourcing?

Human resource outsourcing is when a company gets an outside party to

performance some or all of their HR functions. Outsourcing can be used for number of
different HR related activities.
8. What are the importances of M&A?
 Provide strategic benefits
 Growth of company
 Access to improved technologies
 Operational efficiency
 Financial support
 Gain access in a new market
 Economies of scale market dominance

9. What are the factors affecting international M&A?
Economic factors
 Domestic economic expansion
 Global competition
 Economies of scale
 Market expansion
Technology factors
 Ease of communication
 High costs of R&D
 Growth
 Advantages in differenced products
 Exchange rates
 Diversification
10. Write a short note on repatriation?
Repatriation is the process of retuning a person back to one’s place of origin or
citizenship. Repatriation is often described a surprisingly more difficult than moving

11.Evaluate the process of repatriation?

 Preparation
 Physical re-location
 Transition
 Re-adjustment
12. Explain multiculturalism as an competitive advantage?
 Cost argument
 Marketing argument
 Problem-solving argument
 Resource acquisition argument
 Creativity argument
 System flexibility argument
13.What are the objectives of international compensation?
 Facilitate mobility
 Consistency and equity
 Simplify collective bargaining procedures
 Enhance organizational performance
14. What are the factors influencing compensation?
MNC internal environment
 Goal orientation
 Capacity to pay

 Organizational culture
 Labour relations
 Subsidiary role
MNC external environment
 Parent nationality
 Labour market
 Local culture
 Home and host country
 Industry type

1. Define career?
According to B. flippo, “a career as a sequence of separate but related work
activities that provide continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life”.
2. Explain career stages?
 Form college to work
 First job and being accepted
 Will performance increase or begin to decline?
 The elder statesperson
 Preparing for retirement
3. Write a short on career?
According to B. flippo, “a career as a sequence of separate but related work
activities that provide continuity, order and meaning in a person’s life”.
4. What are the different stages in career?
 Form college to work
 First job and being accepted
 Will performance increase or begin to decline?
 The elder statesperson
 Preparing for retirement

5. Write a short note on career planning?

Career planning is the deliberate process through which a person becomes are of
personal skills, interests , knowledge, motivation, characteristics, career-related attributes,
and the lifelong series of stages that contribute to his or her fulfillment.
6. What are the objectives of career planning?
 To attract and retain the right type of person.
 To provide guidance and encourage employees
 To facilities expansion and growth of enterprise

 To anticipate future vacancies
 To improve employee morale and motivation
7. What are the objectives of career planning?
 To attract and retain the right type of person.
 To provide guidance and encourage employees
 To facilities expansion and growth of enterprise
 To anticipate future vacancies
 To improve employee morale and motivation
8.Evaluate the process of career planning?
 Individual needs and aspirations
 Individual strengths and weaknesses
 Placement on career path
 Review of career plans
 Organizational needs and opportunities
9. Explain the different models in career development?
 Life- span models
 Individual differences model
 Directional pattern model
 Organization based models
10. Define career motivation?
The term career motivation encompasses the term work motivation and
managerial motivation and goals further to include motivation associated with a wide
range of career motivation.
11. What are the components of career motivation?
 Career resilience
 Career insight
 Career identity
12.Write a short note on career enrichment?

An enrichment program (EP) is a formally designed multi-service program that aims to

enrich experience by maximizing strengths, remedying weaknesses, promotion positive
psychological outcomes, facilitating positive academic outcomes, and nurturing professional
growth and development.

13. What is the need for career enrichment?

 They have mastered their current job and seek additional challenges
 Their organization is becoming flatter, less hierarchical, and
 They have a desire to continually learn new things.
14.What are the types of career plateaus?

 Structural plateau
 Content plateau
 Life plateau
15. Define competency ?
A competency is a combination of tacit and explicit knowledge, behavior, and
skills that give somebody the potential for effectiveness in task performance.
16. Explain the different characteristics of competency?
 Motives
 Traits
 Self-concept
 Knowledge
 Skills
16. Define career management?
Career management is the process of designing and implementing goals plans and
strategies to enable the organization to satisfy employee need while allowing individuals
to achieve their career goals.
17. Define competency mapping?
According to dhar, “competency mapping is the process of identifying key
competencies for an organization and jobs and functions within it”.
17. What are the methods of competency mapping?
 Past performance-based method
 Job- focused method
 Values- based method

18.What are benefits of competency mapping?

 Help in assessment of employees
 Reduces training cost
 Used for employee mobility
 Helps in re-organization and receptivity
 Improves organizational productivity

19.Write a short note on equity-based competency mapping?

Equity- based compensation is a means for employers to increase pay motivates

manager and employee to increase shareholder values since and effects are difficult to
disentangle. Equity holdings motivate executives to raise profitability and increase
shareholder values.
20. What are the types of equity based compensation?
 Stock options

 Restricted stock
 Performance based stock shares
 Stock appreciation rights
 Employee stock option plan
21. What are the advantages and dis-advantages of equity based competency mapping?
 Recruiting and retention of employees
 Motivation
 Alignment with stockholder interests

 Corporation governance issues
 Lack of exit opportunities and employee loyalty issues
 Securities law and tax issues


1. Define employee coaching?

Coaching is process of instruction, directing, or prompting .it involves the

acquisition of knowledge or skills for the purpose of improving performance, personal
development, or both. It can also be defined is an activity of guiding a manager by a
senior one.
2. Why employee coaching is needed?
 To Providing performance feedback to employees (praising, reprimanding, enhancing,
and performance).
 To Preparing an employee for promotion or increased responsibility (career development
3. What is the role of HR in coaching?
 HR practitioners need to understand when coaching is an appropriate and effective
intervention in relation to other learning and development options.
 They need to be clear about what the different type of coaching and diagnostic
tools/models are and when is appropriate.
 Problem uncovered by the coaching analysis can be solved by using the HRD programs
such as training.
4. Evaluate the skills for effective coaching?
 Looking
 Listening

 Empathizing
 Questioning
 Giving feedback
 Intuiting
 Checking

5. Write a short note on effective coaching?

Researcher and practitioner are highly interested in evaluating the effectiveness of

coaching engagements in order to better understand the coaching process and to
determine how coaching engagement can be improved.
6. What is the need for counseling?
 Frustration
 Conflicts
 Stress
7. Explain the role of HR in counseling?
 Identifying critical ability, skill, and knowledge deficiencies that require further
 Developing & implementing an action plan to correct specific performance deviations.
 Measuring performance improvement outcomes on his or her progress.
 Obtaining understanding and agreement form the employee to correct identified
8. What are the components of counseling program?
1. Be flexible in approach
2. Gain the trust of the employee
3. Extend warmth and friendship
4. Create a positive outlook
5. Derive joy from helping, eliminating, or reducing the stress
9. Write a short note on employee welfare?
Employee welfare is comprehensive term including various services, benefits and
facilities offered to employee by the employer. Through such generous fringe benefits the
employer makes life worth living for employees.
10. Write a short note on employee work stress?
Work stress is the response people may have presented with work demands and
pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their
ability to cope.
11. What are the consequences of stress?

Work stress can lead to several positive and negative consequences. If the stress is
positive the result may be more energy, enthusiasm, and motivation. Of more concern of
course are the negative consequences of stress.
 Behavioral consequences
 Psychological consequences
 Medical consequences
12. Explain the techniques of stress management techniques?
Stress management is the ability to maintain control when situations, people, and
events make excessive demands. Managing stress is all about taking charge of
employee’s thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, and the way they deal with
13. Explain the eastern and western practices of stress management?
 Dell inc
 Sipera systems inc
 Task group
 Sum total systems
 Direct
 Infogain corporation
 Xansa
 Capegemini

14. Write a short note on self-management?

Self –management also called self-control is the process of empowering an
individual with the minimum knowledge and skills needed in a certain area time until the
person can recycle that knowledge and skills and so improve on it over time until he
exercises self-leadership in that particular area.
15. Write a short note on emotional intelligence?
According to john D. Mayer and Peter Salovey, emotional intelligence (EL) is
‘the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feeling and emotions, to discriminate among
them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions’.
16. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stress management?
 Improves relationship
 Improve communication with other
 Better empathy skills
 Acting with integrity
 Respect from others


 Time
 Testing
 Misues
 Validity of EI suspected.


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