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Poetry is superior to history and philosophy.

Poetry is a genre of literature. Not only poetry but also all the learning have a main purpose which Philip
Sidney discuss detail in his ‘An Apology for Poetry’ and he also discuss about the philosophy, history and
poetry and finally prove that poetry is superior to history and philosophy.

Every people start learning from his very childhood. We normally know that, learning means the activity
of obtaining knowledge. But in ‘An Apology for Poetry’ Sidney said that purifying a wit, the enriching of
memory, enabling of judgment and enlarging of conceit are commonly called learning. However, all
learning has a common purpose which is virtuous action. Cristian people believe that to refine human
degenerate soul, they start learning. However, every learning have their own way to spread knowledge
but their main focus is on virtuous action which is the end of learning. Sidney imply that the end of
learning must be well doing, not only well knowing. So the virtuous action is to learn and act through
learning. Now we can discuss about different field of learning which are philosophy, history and poetry.

At first Sidney discusses about Philosophy which deals with abstract ideas. Philosophers always go with
definition, division and distinction. It teaches us the nature of virtue by means of analysis and, by
bringing about its general categories and specific results. It also makes us known of its enemies- vice and
passion. Sidney criticize about the philosophers that they always remain serious and make their face so
rude. Moreover, they become so angry if they see anger on others and give them advice not to become
angry but they themselves become angry. They only teaches trough abstract ideas which can’t be
understood by the young so easily.

Next, he discusses about history which deals with facts. The historians do not believe in moral
philosopher, but they study with old mouse eaten record that means they takes concrete examples of
virtuous men from the past. They authorize themselves upon other histories, whose greatest authorities
built upon hearsay. They only know very well about past but they don’t have any knowledge about

After that, he discusses about poetry which deals with what may be or might be happen in the given
situation. He defines poetry as an art of imitation. It is representing, counteracting or figuring forth. It is
‘speaking picture’ and its aim is to teach and delight. According to Sidney, the art of imitation is a
process of making a new creation. He said that, the painters paint a picture which can’t speak; but the
picture painted by the poet, in his poem is one that speaks with the readers. We already know about
different field of learning. Now it’s time to know which of them is superior to achieve the purpose of

We have already know that, the end of all knowledge is virtuous action. Philosophers teach virtue only
by precepts. On the other hand, historians teach virtue only by example. So both of them are hard to be
understood by the young. But poets perform both precept and example. Poetry gives a perfect pictures
of virtue which are far more effective than the abstract precept and mere example.

The philosophers teach obscurely and it teach the learned only. But the poet teach all. The philosopher
describes virtue or vice in abstract manner, but the poet describes the vice or virtue in a concrete
manner. So, we can say poetry is superior to philosophy in that sense, it has the power to move and to
give incentive for virtuous action. It present moral lesson in an attractive form in which people feel
interest to know about it and to follow it.

On the other hand, poetry gives imaginary examples which are more instructive than the real examples
of history. The historian deals with the particular fact but the poet deals with the universal truth. The
historian deals with what did happened but the poet deals with what may or might be happened. So, we
can say, Poetry is superior to history in that sense, it represents poetic justice which history can’t

So, finally, we can say that poetic is superior to history and philosophy. Philip Sidney at first discuss
about the purpose of all learning which is virtuous action. Then he discuss about the philosophy, history
and poetry, and finally he proves that poetry is superior to history and philosophy.

 An Apology for Poetry by Sir Philip Sidney.

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