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The different types of Basketball scoring

Like most other ball games, to win in a game of basketball is to land more baskets or
outscore your opponent and yield a higher field goal percentage.

Therefore, it is essential that you are familiar with the different ways that you are able to
make a basket and score points.

Fundamentals in shooting

To shoot accurately, square your shoulders to the basket and place your feet shoulder
length apart. With your knees bent slightly and back leaning towards the basket, put the
fingers of your shooting hand under the ball and tuck your elbows close to your body.

Flick your wrist towards the hoop to release the shot. Your index finger should follow
through facing the basket after releasing the ball.

Here are a few commonly used types of shooting in basketball.

1. Free Throw

A free throw is a shot attempt given to a player that was fouled and it is taken on the
free throw line. The player must stay behind the free throw line when taking the shot.
Before attempting to shoot, one must maintain their balance. Find the nail or dot in the
middle of the free throw line and line your shooting foot against it. For right-handed
shooters, the shooting foot will be the right foot and vice versa.

Your elbow on your shooting hand must be lined up to make an “L” right under the ball
with fingers spread out for the backspin.

Aim for the back of the rim with your eyes focusing on the rims, do not look at the ball
while you execute the shot.

Follow through your shot by keeping your hands up in the air for a second or two after
releasing the ball.

2. Hook Shot

A hook shot is when the shot is made while your body is not directly facing the basket.

To execute the hook shot, you need to face the basket sideways so that your shooting
hand dribbling the ball is facing away from the basket. This is also the stance to help
guard the ball against your opponent. This makes it difficult for your opponent to try to
block the shot due to the distance created between you and your defender.
To make the shot, jump with your left foot pushing off the ground if you’re making a
right-handed shot or vice versa. The shooting arm should be slightly bent, and it should
thrust upwards as the ball is lobbed with a flick of the wrist.

The hook shot is a staple of many players in the National Basketball Association,
including notable stars such as George Mikan, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson,
and Yao Ming.

3. Bank Shot

A bank shot is when any shot made where the ball hits the backboard before heading
into the net.

To execute a bank shot, treat it as though you’re taking a jump shot but this time, aim
slightly higher by shooting for the backboard.

Jumping higher can also sometimes mean jumping slightly backwards when aiming for
the basket to prevent defenders from blocking the shot.

The ball should not be hitting the rim too much after bouncing off the backboard. The
ball should then bounce off the backboard and into the net.

4. Jump Shot

A jump shot is most frequently used for mid to long-range shots, including shooting
beyond the arc.
To achieve balance when facing the basket for a jump shot, you have to take a wide
stance, usually, shoulder width apart, bend your knees and square your shoulders.

Make a fluid, explosive upward leap and at the apex of the jump, follow through by
shooting the ball.

When the ball is released at the apex of the jump shot, keep your elbows straight to
ensure that it is pointed in the direction of the basket. Concentrate on the flicking of your
wrist and holding it in position to provide the ball with momentum and spin.

5. Layup

A layup is a shot made from short range by a player moving towards the basket. Usually
utilising the backboard if he approaches the hoop from an angle. This is also one of the
most basic and common way of scoring a basket in the game.

To execute a layup, dribble the ball towards the basket. If you’re on the right flank,
dribble the ball with your right hand.

At the three-point line, or within two metres from the basket, take two giant strides
towards the hoop and attempt to score by throwing the ball at the top corner of the
backboard or lay the ball gently into the basket.

Seven Layup Variations

As I spoke about in the step-by-step section, it’s important for players to master more
than one type of layup.
When you’re playing a real 5-on-5 game, there will be help defenders trying to block /
alter your shot when you get to the hoop.

Being comfortable with a variety of layups will allow players to finish around any kind of
defense that’s thrown at them.

Here’s the must-know list:

1. Overhand Layup

This traditional layup is often the first one we teach young players. It’s similar to a
regular jump shot in that a player gets their hand under the ball and “shoots” it off the

2. Underhand Layup (Finger Roll)

Also known as the “finger roll”. This involves players putting their shooting hand under
the ball with their fingers facing forward, and then rolling the ball off their fingertips as
they extend their arm to the hoop.

3. Floater

The floater is a great way for smaller players to score inside against bigger defenders. It
involves a player “pushing” the ball up over the defense.

4. Off-Foot Layup

If you really want to catch the defense by surprise, an off-foot layup should be in your
bag of tricks. This involves jumping off the same foot you’re shooting with. For example,
jumping off the right foot for a right-hand layup.

5. Euro Step Layup

The Euro Step involves taking your first step in one direction, and then changing
directions for your second step. This is a great way to step around defenders and
change the angle as you complete a layup.

6. Reverse Layup

A reverse layup allows the offensive player to attack the hoop and finish on the opposite
side of the rim. For players at high levels, the rim acts as protection from shot blockers.

7. Power Layup

A power layup involves performing a 2-foot jump stop before raising up to shoot. The
benefit of this variation is it will give the player a stronger base, which is essential if
you’re anticipating contact.

6. Slam Dunk

The dunk is usually the most spectacular shot and is one of the toughest feats in

It usually requires more jumping ability than shooting skills.

To execute a slam dunk, dribble and charge towards the hoop when ready to execute
the dunk.

Jump explosively to get as high as possible and leap towards the hoop. Lift the ball
above the rim and push or slam it forcefully through the rim.
Most people jump off one foot, but you might find that you can jump higher off both feet.
So there you have it, six ways of scoring in basketball. Start practicing and perhaps find
out which way works for your best, depending on your role and position in the team.

BEEF Method of Shooting the Basketball

These basketball tips for better shooting are a great way for players, parents, and
trainers to learn and understand the correct mechanics and techniques needed to
become a good shooter and dribbler. Every basketball player wants to shoot as good as
possible! The most common skill that is learned in the game is dribbling. Coaches
spend most of their training time devoting themselves to shooting and dribbling to
improve players' skills and bring them to a higher level. After all, if you can not score the
basket, you can not expect a good result. Whether a player uses a jump - shot, layup
under the basket or free throw there are certain techniques that he must use to be
successful. The basketball advice below will help players, parents, and trainers to better
understand these techniques.

What the B.E.E.F Shooting Acronym Stands For

Remember these 4 words, they will make you elite shooter:

BEEF (B-Balance, E-Eye, E-Elbow, F-Follow - through )


Feet are shoulder width apart for good balance.

• Feet should be in a slightly staggered stance that is consistent and comfortable for
you. Your shooting foot is slightly ahead of the non-shooting foot in a comfortable

• Point your feet in the general direction of the basket, but not necessarily directly at it.
We prefer an open stance, but you can also use the closed (squared) stance if that's
more comfortable for you. With an open stance, your feet point towards one side of the
basket. For example, a right-handed shooter will point his or her feet just to the left of
the rim for a more natural position and shooting motion.

Once you develop a comfortable stance, line up your feet the exact same way on every
shot. Whatever stance you use, consistency is critical.

• Flex/bend your knees on every shot. The lowered body position ensures that the
balance is maintained

Additional Keys

• As you catch the ball, move it quickly into the “shot pocket” position.

• Line everything up so the ball and your shooting eye form a straight line to the basket.
This is very important.

• Position the ball several inches above your waist.

• Grip the ball properly and be ready to shoot.

• Position the ball in your shot pocket the same way every time you catch it


Knowing where you intend to place the ball begins with your eyes focused on the basket

• To improve accuracy, locate the target (rim) as early as possible.

• Before shooting, see the whole floor, but when shooting, narrow your focus to the front
of the rim.
• Keep your eyes on the target and do not follow the flight of the ball.

• Keeping your target focus is very important!

Where do Pro Players Look When They Shoot?


This is the most important step. The elbow is directly under the ball in line with the
basket. Not too close or too far from the body. I place my elbow under the ball, the
elbow will keep the ball straight to the basket. Do not allow your shooting arm to stick
out to the side or be on an angle.

• When the elbow is straight, the ball will rest in one hand easily and can still be
released straight to the target.

• Your balance hand should not add force or spin to the shot.
• The ball should start motion directly upwards from the shot pocket (no dipping of the

• Your elbow should be positioned comfortably under the ball.


Your shooting hand should be fully extended in a straight line to the rim.

● Allowed the ball to roll off your fingertips and your wrist snaps so that your fingers
are pointed down and straight toward the basket.
● The ball should come off the hand with perfect symmetrical backspin.
● As shown in the picture to the left, your guide hand stays to the side and does
not influence the flight of the ball.
● Hold your follow through position until the ball hits the rim. Additional Keys
● Your wrists should be floppy (relaxed).
● Fingers should be pointed at the target (rim).

• Finish high. You should see your fingers at the top square of the backboard

Practical Tips to Help with Follow Through

BEEF Shooting Tips
If you have not mastered the technique, you will get bad habits that are difficult to

During practice, you should know when you are good at shooting and learn from it. This
will find the balance between productive shooting and unproductive shooting. When you
develop confidence in your shot you will also develop your ability to know/feel when you
have a good shot.

Keep a proper posture, be in the correct balance when you're shooting the ball. Do not
jump/rely on one side of the body or the other side. Feel the correct balance required for
each shot.

Follow through at every shot. Keep your follow through after the shot, because it will
show you why you score or miss the basket.

Do not force your jump - it should be fine and light. You should jump straight into the air
smoothly and at the end of the jump "knock" the ball. "Up, Hold, Shoot" is an easy way
to remember.

Make sure you have an arch on every shot. The height of the arc will vary from player to
player, some players will shoot with a high arch while others have a lower arch when
shooting. As long as you use the correct techniques of shooting and consistently hit the
basket then your arch is good.

Be relaxed when shooting. Concentrate on the basket and let your knees bend slightly.
Avoid excessive and unnecessary movement. Just use the moves you need to shoot
and score the basket.

Practice all types of shooting. Learn to shoot the basketball from all the positions on the
court within your capabilities and level. That way you will become a good shooter.

Always stay calm and practice in a good mood when you shoot, to gain good habits and
develop a touch of from different positions on the floor.

Psychology plays a major role in achieving top results in sports, and in certain
situations, it is even crucial. True, in the last few years it has begun to work more and
more with athletes on psychological preparation. But there are still those trainers who
ignore it, or with such preparation only in top sports when it is known to be late, while for
younger categories, psychological preparation is considered inadequate.


Concentration is the fixing of attention on the job at hand and is characteristic of every
great athlete. Through continuous practice, good shooters develop their concentration
to the extent that they are oblivious to every distraction.

Ability to relax: is closely related to concentration. You often hear great shooters have
"ice water in their veins".

Watch a good foul shooter as he approaches the foul line. They usually begin the ritual
of adjusting the feet and bouncing the ball (nearly always a set number of times). As
his/her eyes open wide in sighting the basket, the concentration is so intense, there is
little wonder that he/she is undisturbed by the crowd or game pressures.


That is a gut certainty the ball will drop through the basket without touching metal.
Although a good shooter never takes a shot that he/she is not confident he/she will
make, they often miss. Therefore, the probability of making any given shot is somewhat
less than 100% that his/her confidence leads one to expect. Clearly, then, when we say,
"Don't shoot when in doubt," we have something different in mind than we do when we
say, "Don't take a low-percentage shot except in desperate circumstances."

There are reasons why a player might lack confidence when confronted with a shooting
opportunity having a good statistical probability of success. He/she may be off balance.
He/she may have had his/her confidence shaken by a string of misses, or he/she may
be overly tense, or tired, or may have a lapse in concentration. As Coaches like to say,
"one often contributes to the other." Every player experiences off nights when nothing
works. An equally familiar phenomenon is that a player's returning to peak form in the
second half after a miserable first half. This ability to make a mental recovery is like the
ability some players have of recovering in mid-air after an off-balance take-off.

A lot of things in sport depend on motivation. In the career of each basketball player, the
motivation of achievements plays a large role. Each player possesses the ability to be
anxious for bad shooting results and vice versa to rejoice to the achievements.


The worst shooters in the world think about making it when they shoot. While it is
important to be positive when shooting, a player needs to focus on the process and not
the outcome. Coaches often tell their players, “Be positive and think of making it.” In
reality, this is the worst thing they can think about.


• Are you afraid to shoot a basketball – just shoot it!

At first, it will be very hard psychologically. You will be upset when it does not turn out.
But each successful attempt will bring you into extraordinary delight and will motivate
you to work on itself further!

Many of us witnessed more than once how the athlete started fighting against the fear
and very quickly “began to enjoy” and started doing actively what earlier for some
reason to do was afraid.


Coaches often preach “team goals”, but often fail to ever discuss “individual goals.”
While basketball is a team game, each player needs to have personal goals that will
inspire and motivate him. There are two types of goals a player must constantly employ
to remain focused:


Short term goals can last from a couple of days to as long as an entire basketball
season. These are goals for immediate needs. Short term goals can be for statistics
(points per game, rebounds per game, free throw percentage) or can be taking a
negative action and forming it into a positive one. An example of this would be if you
have a terrible shooting release and you give yourself a short term goal of training one
week to correct it.

A long term goal is intended for players seeking an enduring commitment in basketball.
These goals can last from a year to an entire college and professional career. Long
term goals can focus on certain shooting aspects. A perfect example of this would be a
player setting two years aside to become a great shooter. Long term goals also include
the level of play you wish to one day achieve at (high school varsity, college, and or

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