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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental Intervention)
Strengths Developmental Timeline Resources Needed
Needs Learning Objectives of the Intervention
PD Program

Capacitating school Application of the To provide colleagues

personnel in different software access and technical Provide technical assistance and share Year round SLAC/ Online Trainings
managing school to be used in know-how on the expertise on software utilization.
data and information securing, utilization of the different
using technology gathering and software applicable.
including ICT to interpreting data.
ensure efficient and
effective school

Contributing actively LAC / Online Trainings

within school to Strategic planning To be able to identify the Taking note on the result on the conduct of Year round
improve knowledge on the strategy to be utilized for the identified learning modality and setting Human Resource(Expert
implementation of the distance learning to other means on the achievement of a smooth Teachers, Coaches)
in the conduct of the the modalities take effectively. learning modality whenever needed.
different and through
enhance the comparing and
practices being analyzing
implemented. possible

Provision of Assessment of To provide stakeholders Providing regular updates to our Year round Learners monitoring plan,
communication lines learner’s an easy access of stakeholders. portfolio
to stakeholders on performance. communication.
the performance of
the learners and
other point of

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