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A Dissertation On



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of

BA Journalism & Mass Communication program of
Navrachana University
during the year 2017-2020

Semester VI

Under the guidance of


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Vadodara, Gujarat 391410

Vasna - Bhayli Main Rd, Bhayli,
Vadodara, Gujarat 391410



This is to certify that the dissertation titled

The emergence of OTT platforms during the pandemic and its future scope

has been submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the

Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication program of

Navrachana University.


This is to certify that the dissertation titled,

“The emergence of OTT platforms during the pandemic and its future scope”
prepared and submitted by

of Navrachana University, Vadodara

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor

of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication program is hereby accepted.

Bhargav Pancholi
Dissertation Guide

Dr. Robi Augustine

Program Chair

Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Place: Vadodara
Date: 15-05-2020


I hereby declare that the dissertation titled “The emergence of OTT platforms during

the pandemic and its future scope” is an original work prepared and written by me,

under the guidance of Mr. Bhargav Pancholi Assistant Professor, Journalism and Mass

Communication program, Navrachana University in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication.

This thesis or any other part of it has not been submitted to any other University for the

award of other degree or diploma.

Nandani parikh
Date: 15.05. 2020

Place: Vadodara


I am grateful to my family and friends for extending their support throughout the
completion of this project.

I express gratitude and my heartful thanks and acknowledge the support given by Dr.
Robi Augustin Program Chair, Journalism and Mass Communication Navrachana

I am also extremely thankful to my mentor Bhargav Pancholi and all the faculty
members of Journalism and Mass Communication program.

Nandani Parikh

I whole heartedly dedicate this work


My friends, family and my guide.


The emergence of OTT platforms during the pandemic and its future scope

This research tries to study the rise of OTT platforms during the pandemic. it is

important to know the extent of increase in the popularity of OTT platforms during

pandemic to know their future scope . It is evident that since their launch OTT

platforms have only observed an upward curve in their popularity and usage but, due

to the pandemic there has been an exponential increase in its popularity due to the

change in consumption patterns of people for entertainment through various media

platforms. this research conducted a survey and analyzed the opinions of people

regarding OTT platforms, their consumption patterns, and it's comparison with

cinema to see if OTT platforms were slowly taking over the most popular

conventional medium of entertainment. It was found that people used OTT more than

any other platforms out of tv and YouTube to pass their time or for entertainment.

Most of them experienced an increase in their consumption times and were looking

forward for movies to be released on OTT at the same time as in cinemas. people were

also okay with watching movies on OTT rather than cinema. But for some it depended

on the movie. this research has shown that there is a huge scope for OTT platforms in

the future and the pandemic has played a major role in it.

Keywords: OTT, Pandemic, Entertainment, Movies, Television



Page No.

Chapter 1: Introduction ......………………………………………... 1

1.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………… 1 12

1.2 Digital media Advertising ………………...……………………………. … 3

1.3 Entertainment online, payment online as well …………..……………….. 3

1.4 Entertainment then and now ………...……………………………………. 4

1.5 Emergence and boom of OTT………..……………………………………. 5

1.6 Key things in OTT market….……………………………………………… 5

1.7 Benefits of OTT ……………………………………………………………... 6

1.8 Development steps…………...………………………………………………. 6

1.9 Conclusion……………………….………………………………….. 8

Chapter 2: Review of Literature ……………………….…… 9

2.1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………... 9

2.2 Conclusion ………………………………………………………. 15

Chapter 3: Research Methodology…………………….…………. 16

3.1 Research Design …………………………………………………….….. 16

3.2 Significance of the Study …………………………………………………. 16

3.3 Objectives ………………………………………………………….………. 16


3.4 Hypothesis …………………………………………………… 17

3.5 Primary Method …………….……………………………….... 17

3.6 Validation of the tool …………………………………………………………. 17

3.7 Process Data Collection ………………………………………………….. 17

3.8 Process of Data Analysis …..……………………………………………… 17

3.9 Proposed Analysis ………..………………………………………………… 18

3.10 Limitations of the study ……………………………………………………… 18

3.11 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… 18

Chapter 4: Data Analysis ………………………………………… 19

4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 19

4.2 Demographics ……………………………………………………………….. 19

4.3 Consumption Behavior…….………………………………………………. 21

4.4 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 27

Chapter 5: Conclusion …………………………………….. 28

5.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 28

5.2 Findings……………………………………………………….. 28

5.3 Limitation of the Study …………………………………………………….. 29

5.4 Recommendation …………………………………………………………… 29

5.5 Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….. 30


References ………………………………….…………..…..…........... 31

Appendix 1…………………………………………………….....…... 33



1.1. Introduction

The Research topic deals with the emergence and consumer behavior in the era of

pandemic towards a particular sector i.e. OTT, Over the top services. This belongs to a very

vast industry, The Entertainment Industry. Entertainment in layman’s terms means having fun

and enjoying ourselves with either one’s own company or maybe with their loved and close

ones. In today’s world entertainment is one of the most leading industries, which includes the

sub-fields of theater, film, fine art, dance, opera, music, literary publishing, television, and


With the day by day development in technology these industries are being improved at

a fast pace. There have been both, cases of cut- throat competition and cases which showed

that companies which want to create goodwill in the market. The entertainment industry is

unpredictable as the main profits depend upon the TRP of a particular television channel, or the

box office collection of some movie, etc. for example, if a movie fetches more than 100-200cr.

It is assumed to be a blockbuster and hit movie, whereas sometimes other’s which couldn’t

reach this bar at the box office, are assumed to be average, in spite of the fact that those movies

might have an amazing script or direction, etc.

There are so many ways, (as mentioned above) as how this entertainment can be

perceived in various forms. Now a day even the advertisers have understood this concept and

are adamant in creating new and eye-catching advertisements for the same. Consumers seek for

creativity and out of the box ideas which please them and them make think and remember a

brand or product in a particular way. For example, usually when we see two domino dices, we

get reminded of the pizza chain – Dominos’. Similarly, when we see three parallel vertical

lines indict towards the brand Adidas.


1.2 Digital Marketing & Advertising

It is rightly said that this is the age of millennia’s, they neither do listen to their elders

nor do they do what is advised to them. The growth of population, youth, marketing,

everything else is interconnected. It’s a vicious cycle

Growth for digital advertising is projected to be the fastest at a CAGR of 18.6% to

$1.73 billion by 2021, up from the estimated $740 million in 2016, whereas for Internet video,

the CAGR is higher at 22.4% albeit at a lower base of $239 million. (Gaikwad, 2019) through

this we can assume that at such fast rate of development of technology.

Then there Ott, which is evolving from niche to mass based content and long form of is

getting traction. (Girish menon, 2017)

The number of OTT players increased from just nine in 2012 to 32 in 2018. In 2017,

the OTT industry in India achieved phenomenal growth of 160 per cent, as the top 16 OTT

platforms saw their user bases grow from 63 million to 164 million between August 2016 and

August 2017.(Rajat kathuria, 2019)

India is the second-largest subscription TV market in the Asia Pacific region in terms of

the number of subscription in TV households, which reached 154.3 million in 2016. This is

expected to expand at 1.6% CAGR to reach 166.9 million by 2021. (alpana kakkar, 2019)

The technology is changing with clicks. From online banking methods to e- wallets and

what not, with one click everything is available at your doorstep. The upcoming young

generation take advantage of the same and recharge their online data packs and download

videos and other possible internet based applications.

1.2. Entertainment online, payment online as well

Gone are the days when people would queue up outside movie or drama theatres to

book tickets. In this time and age, they simply do it online — from home, office, from just

about anywhere. You can select theatres, choose show timings and even reserve the seats of

your choice — all done online, in no time. What’s more, easy online payment methods like

credit card, debit card, banking apps, net banking etc. allow you to make your payments with

great ease and security.

Mobile operators provide OTT companies with mobile Internet access and OTTs

provide end users with the access to the OTT networks. However, “access”, which means a

right to join and use a network, is quite different from ownership transfer in traditional tangible

product distribution. (Xiaobing Xu, 2015)

(Wayne, 2017) understand the place of traditional television network branding in

subscription video on-demand (SVOD) portals as represented by Amazon and Netflix.

Focusing on materials relating to licensed rather than original content and this content’s role

within the US domestic SVOD market, two distinct approaches emerge.

1.3. Entertainment then and now

Any Earlier there weren’t so many means and modes of entertainment. Families used

to sit down together, spend time with each other and their loved ones, in order to have fun.

Now, gone are days, people sit in their cars and switch on their FM’s for listening to music. It

is there that they listen to radio jockeys, radio has almost vanished from the market.

From 60’s rock and roll bands like Beatles and rolling stones to todays’ one direction,

the boy band. From 70’s Pink Floyd to today’s Lady Gaga, from 80’s dance music to today’s

DJ. Now, today’s generation’s ideal of a cool person is, earplugs and music. They download

music and listen during travelling. Gone are the days of playing antakshri with everyone

around. The technology has acted as both, boon and bane. (finance, 2018)

1.4. Emergence and boom of OTT

When Netflix released all fifteen episodes of a new season of Arrested Development in

the summer of 2013, reports showed that approximately 10% of viewers made it through the

entire season within twenty-four hours what they share is an enormous popularity among the

millennial cohort that makes up the majority of the subscriber base of Netflix. (matrix, 2014)

OTT has been enabled by technology advances such as smartphones, super-fast IP

networks, open source platforms, innovative services, cutting edge functionalities and shift in

consumer preferences towards their “freemium” based business models are seeing an ever

increasing adoption rate. (joshi Sujata, 2015) This freemium concept lures consumers. They

fail to understand that nothing is free. Firstly, we have to pay for the internet packages and then

only something can be surfed upon on the internet. So, ultimately, until and unless the

consumer pays for the his internet data, he won’t be able to use any of the applications, which

include data connection, for example, Netflix, amazon, etc.

1.5 Key things in OTT market

Development of Jio – government support to e-commerce websites such as eBay

Average consumers spend 3-5 hrs on internet out of which 50% accounts on most of video

browsing. The consumer’s taste and preference is changing from whatever is available on tv to

what he personally wants to view on the internet. Because of the rapid growth of internet

connectivity, it is assumed that by 2020 this 50% shall turn into 75%.(Girish menon, 2017).

1.6. Benefits of OTT

1. Cost efficiency – (dish tv v/s Netflix contribution 200/per month)Investment on dish

tv or tata sky set-up boxes are difficult as they involve a lot of people and are time consuming

because they require people with that specific knowledge for instalments. Whereas, OTT can

be downloaded and used anywhere, as and when required.

2. Data tariff plans – (ease of using / convenience and multiple screens.) The OTT

platforms such as Netflix and Amazon can be shared and be used on multiple screens by

making an account. This doesn’t work for other television series. (roshan, 2017)

3. Convenience – Usually the people who follow television series have to wait for the

whole day or maybe over the weekend for their serials to continue their episodes. On the other

hand, the OTT based apps such as amazon prime or Netflix shows their web series

continuously without interruption. This becomes more convenient for the browsers.

1.7. Steps to be taken for development

Advertising serves Language barrier – Netflix mostly produces web series in English

and other foreign languages, but more than half of the Indian population belongs to the middle

class family background and so, they face problems regarding that. Though the public

understands the regional language, the creators will have to put in efforts for the same, in order

to lure the Indian public.

Long form content - AIB is another form of OTT platform which creates time value

videos for the public, not everyone has the time to watch full length videos while travelling and

so, AIB creates min. 15-20 mins video for people who have to travel almost every day.

To say that OTT (over-the-top) technologies have disrupted the Indian entertainment

landscape would be making a major understatement. Subscription-based on-demand OTT

platforms like Netflix, NextG, and Amazon Prime have risen in popularity over the past couple

of years and are fast displacing traditional TV programming as the preferred medium of

entertainment for modern Indians. (Kohli, 2019)

Just like a coin has two sides, this OTT also has another side to it. With this pace of

development, OTT has led to various differences amongst individuals as well as family

members or for that matter ‘generations’. There have been cases such as earlier a family used

to go out, dine together and spend quality time together. Now-a-days, the same family would

order food online through other application based services, switch to the some web series or

any movie ( which they would either have pre-downloaded) or would then download it and

watch it on internet. This has also created gaps amongst them as many of the senior citizens

often complain that their children or grand-children don’t spend enough time with them.

There are more than 5,20,000 Netflix subscribers and 6,10,000 Amazon Prime

subscribers in India. As the US and other western markets mature, OTT players are taking a

toehold in huge, comparatively untapped markets such as India, tempting users to fit an

inexpensive and flexible form of entertainment into their lives.

(sugata ghosh, 2018)

Not only this but the amount of time spent on the OTT applications is increasing day by day.

This has severe repercussions on the lifestyle of the youth, both health and career. The youth

now –a-days is running crazy after these web series and it’s becoming more of a competition

pattern as who watches the whole series in one go. They don’t realize this has a terrible effect

on their eyes and body. Sitting at one place and eating, drinking, constantly looking at the

screen later on they develop various health issues and serious conditions. The physical

exercise of students has become almost negligible after their school.

1.8. Conclusion

From the above theories, it has concurred that with the advancement in technology

there is a gradual shift in the medium of advertising. TV advertising still assumes an essential

job for the advertiser since it evokes various feelings in the buyer. Impulsive buying is one

such emotion. This research will focus on considering the achievement of the system that

induces such conduct.



2.1. Introduction

The review of literature is an essential component of a research investigation which

gives necessary inputs for the researcher to frame the research study on the elected topic. The

basic objective of this chapter is to analyze the previous findings so that it will help to know

the gap in earlier studies and to justify the research problem selected by the researcher for the

study purpose.

Keeping in mind the objectives of the research, the review of related literature is

organized in the following way:

2.1.1. According to (purdy, 2018)The OTT market is a complex space dominated by

three powerful players, - Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu - the Big 3. It is challenging for small

players for finding their place in fierce market where content rules but more consumers can

be dragged if they focus on providing curated content limiting account sharing, getting the

price right and reducing churn through improved customer relations. The survey result

indicates that although price is an important factor while purchasing OTT services , content

still drives most consumer choices. A bread mix of quality content tends to be what

consumers value from the Big 3, with “Access to the vast library of content” proved to the

top most reason users subscribe to these services. The small players who promises to provide

the services, taking one of the above mentioned factors, are more likely to attract a big crowd

for their subscription.


2.1.2. Article (singh, 2020) OTT platforms has experienced a surge in consumption

and subscriber can’t, impacted by the COVID-19. The recent survey by InMobi states that

46% viewers are watching more content online. According to the experts OTT services could

grow further in upcoming days as the television channels run out of content. “As these

channels have been unable to shoot due to lockdown, they are running old content. In such a

scenario people will gravitate towards OTT to watch fresh content,” says Paritosh Joshi,

media consultant and principal, Provocateur Advisor. To benefit from this increase in

demand platform such as Amazon Prime video and Zee5 have made few of their shows free

to watch. Due to this , Zee5 has witnessed an 80% increase in subscription and over 50%

time spend recently. Thrillers, urban drama and young romance are the top performing

genres on the platform . The viewership for the movies has seen significant increase across

the platforms. Cinema streaming services MIBI has seen 28% rise in viewership on its

platform in March, compared to February.

2.1.3. (sharma, 2020)The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has forced the multiplexes to

shut down. As a result, the production houses are now releasing the onto OTT platforms

directly. This has become a topic of concern amongst the multiplexes as the users might ship

the traditional windowing pattern. INOX and PVR , both issued a public statement reacting to

this issue. According to experts this is solution to a short term need of the film industry which

getting by financial difficulties. It is a win-win situation for OTT players who needs fresh

content and the filmmakers who had their production ready but unable to release. However,

this will not be a paradigm shift, in the long term, once things return to normal. The cinema

generate more revenue for the production houses compared to the OTT platforms. Being this

a vital factor, the films will hit the cinemas as earlier, once the market if free from COVID-19

crisis. Matter of fact, there may be possibility to see a surge in multiplex services for few

days after the returning the things to normal.


2.1.4. (singh D. P., 2019)The advent in Internet is changing the trend of Indian

Cinema very rapidly. Reduced price of internet services lay the foundation for increase in

OTT services like Netflix, Hotstar, Zee5, Amazon Prime and Alt Balaji. Many ventures are

producing video content solely for these OTT services. These new ventures are changing the

way of Indian Television and Cinemas. The OTT services analyzes the video content

watched by the users and keep providing them the content on similar genres. People liken to

enjoy the services for free. Hence, OTT like Hotter provides very limited content for free .

Also the subscription rates of these services are very low. The users enjoy the variety of

International and national content. Action and Comedy are the favorite genres of movie.

According to the survey, users spend on average, 2 hours a day watching OTT services. Web

services are watched more often in OTT services. Genres like Young romance, action and

urban-drama are int the top tier. Most of the users watch the content at night. Entertainment is

the biggest reason behind the use of OTT. Second biggest reason behind the use is the

mobility of the gadget. Third on its availability of content on demand.

2.1.5. This article (Laghate, How OTT players are geared up to woo Indian viewers,

2017) talks about how people have experienced an increase in the use of OTT especially

through handheld devices. People prefer watching movies on OTT platforms rather than

waiting for movies and shows to be released on linear platforms. People in India have more

options of OTT, platforms than people in any other country with options like Hot star, Voot,

amazon prime, Sony liv, Netflix. Although there were a few companies that tried to establish

themselves in the Indian market it started when Hot star was launched in 2015 with a huge

budget advertising and marketing.

After its launch other international brands launched in India like Netflix and amazon

prime. Hotstar was a first to start the trend but what really spiked the increase in the

consumption and set the trend in Indian consumer life was the launch of Jio with the access

of high speed 4g internet more number of people were now able to consume content on the

OTT. Most of the OTT platforms focus on providing quality content and smooth user

experience. Most players try to provide catch up tv. But these days most platforms have all

sorts of content including catch up tv, movies, tv shows, and originals. Platforms like Voot

focus on creating and providing exclusive content specially created for Voot. Amazon prime

has the latest collection of shows, movies, and originals.

According to sources amazon was set to invest $300 million in India for original

content. This suggest that players with huge investment and money power are likely to reduce

their competition. The entry barrier in terms of finance and capital for new players is very

high. Statistics shows that for January 2017 hot star had – 63 million + active user and 11.3bn

minutes spent on the platform. Voot had 13.2 Mn active users and 2.8 bn minutes spent on

the platforms. Amazon prime video had 9.48mn active users and it saw double rise in their

sign ups since their launch.

OTT players have also focused in local content and releasing content in multiple

platforms, and providing international content. Ott players are concerned about the users

mentality as they fear people will reduce their consumption because of limiting data. With

communication giants like Jio and Vodafone now providing cheap data the consumption of

content on OTT is expected to increase.

2.1.6. This article (Dixit, 2020) has focused on the deification of the Indian OTT and

the strategies or different ways used by them to establish and gain more popularity. The 4

elements that are mentioned in this article are -

Focusing on the local content and needs- This says that OTTs should focus more on

providing local content as people have a keen interest in consuming content in their native

language. This was backed by the data in a KPMG report which stated that 64% of Indian

digital consumers preferred consuming content in Hindi followed by Tamil Telegu and

Bengali. It is very important to show more regional shows in order to satisfy and

communicate with the audience.

Pricing strategy - OTT players have been trying and adopting various pricing

strategies to attract consumers like penetrative and strategic pricing. They use tools such as

trials to convert temporary users into permanent. They provide various accounts and number

of viewers per subscription for convenience and account sharing. OTT platforms have been

providing wide range of access lasting a few days to weeks with the help of sachet packs.

This model has helped in the exponential growth of platforms as users adopt this model much

faster. Due to the rising demand for premium content OTT platforms experienced a growth of

310% in 2018 according to a 2019 eMarketer report. OTT platforms have also adopted the

ritual of offering discounts on subscription during festivals.

Collaboration - There has been quite a few collaborations between brands to capture

the market and provide quality content to audiences like the collaboration between zee5 and

ALT Balaji to co create original content and make it available on both platforms. We saw

times network acquiring MX Player to launch new content. Telecom giant Bharti Airtel

launched a digital entertainment platform , Xstream. Collaboration are a great way to expand

for OTT platforms.

Technology and tailored experiences - Brands have started focusing on providing

tailored experiences to their users by connecting them on a personal level and engaging them

through their content. OTT platforms have introduced augmented reality and virtual reality

as a way to engage users in a deeper level. By following various strategies to acquire

customers platforms are also focusing on engaging them on a deeper level and delivering

personalized experiences.

2.1.7. This article (Basu, 2020)gives a brief idea about the relationship of TV and

OTT in Indian market and the scope for it. When it comes to subscription television India is

the second largest market in the Asia pacific region. It is expected to observe a double digit

growth in television advertising by 2020.The digital development has led to exponential

growth in the number of TV channels. The television penetration in India is 61%. All sorts of

content providing or entertainment platforms have rolled their eyes towards the Indian market

due to the promising scope of the Indian television market. With the relaxation in the FDI to

100% in all the segments of the TV industry except the news and current affairs, all the OTT

players and content providers have started taking a keen interest in the Indian TV market.

The Indian market is a great place for not only the traditional OTT players but also big

broadcasters who stated their own OTT services. The only factor that these players need to

consider is the average price for cable and satellite subscription, which bites off a huge chunk

from the revenues of the OTT players.

2.1.8. According to (Kaushal, 2020) there has been a surge of 80 % in the subscriber

base of OTT players amid the lock down. Due to the lockdown people have been forced to

stay at home and with them being locked inside their home they have no other options left for

entertainment than TV and digital. With the cinema halls and malls closed people are forced

to find other platforms for content. OTT players like ZEE5 and ALT Balaji saw growth in

their subscriber bases. Whereas amazon and Netflix refused to reveal their figures. We know

that due to this several big ticket films are set to be launched OTTs rather than cinema halls,

this shows the tremendous growth of OTT as a platform. People are left with no option but

to watch it on OTT even for the hardcore cinema lovers. ZEE5 revealed that they experienced

a huge surge of 80% in their subscriptions. Due to the lockdown ZEE5 has seen an increase

in users as well as consumption. Their originals saw grew by 200%, movies by 236%. they

saw an increase in their app downloads by 41% and an increase of 33%in their daily active

users. There has been a rise of 45% in paid viewers. The head of program said that the two

reasons for such positive surge are the lockdown and several initiatives taken by them for

seamless entertainment. It is important to note that ZEE5 has premiered a film called

Ghoomketu which was originally meant to be released in theatres. Similar is the case with Alt

Balaji, it had an increase of 17,000 new subscribers each day in lockdown a 60% increase

compared to before lockdown. The have also been experiencing growth in all of their key

markets and demographics. With the announcement of amazon on the much hyped films like

Gulabo Sitaro and Shakuntala Devi biopic being released on OTT platform rather than

cinema due to the lockdown along with some other films it made clear the scope that OTT

platforms now have in future.


The above chapter talks about the studies done on almost similar to the topic taken

by the researcher, above studies gave some new aspects about the topic. Studies have given

statistics and facts about their data collected and hence gives a good justification to their




3.1.Research design

The purpose of this study was to understand the emergence of OTT platforms

during the pandemic and its future scope and to achieve this, hypothesis was established.

Quantitative method was selected for the same. The focus was on residents of Vadodara

who you OTT for entertainment.

3.1.1. Population and sampling

The population is people of Gujarat who watches OTT for their entertainment. The

age group selected is 14-45+. Since most respondents from this category were

independent, indulging in anything they wish for is easier. Because of their entertainment

consumption habits they aware of the research topic selected. The population has been

filtered out through some screening questions.

3.2. Significance

The significance of the study is to highlight the scope of OTT platforms and the

extent of their consumption amongst the people. These study will help us in understanding

how OTT platforms have taken over the world of digital entertainment during a pandemic.

It will help us understand how OTT has inorganically growing and gradually taking over

other mediums of entertainment.

3.3. Objectives

3.3.1. To find out and understand the increase in consumption of OTT platforms

during pandemic.

3.3.2. To understand the future scope of the OTT platforms.


3.3.3. To study the shift in consumption from old entertainment to new.

3.4. Hypothesis

3.4.1. During pandemic there has been a significant rise in consumption of OTT


3.4.2. OTT platforms have experienced a substantial inorganic growth by taking up

the market share of other platforms.

3.4.3. OTT platform will soon become a platform for releasing movies or maybe

even surpass cinema. ( which earlier release in cinema)

3.5. Primary method

Primary data was collected by applying the quantitative method. A survey was

conducted. The respondents are from the age group of 14-45+. Total sample size that was

taken into consideration for the study was 100 responses. A five-point Likert scale was

used for the survey. The questionnaire was divided into segments like: demographics and

OTT consumption behaviour which included questions related to OTT usage, earlier

patterns and their views.

3.6. Validation of the tool

The process of validation of tool was carried out as mentioned below.

After the preparation of the questionnaires for the selected sample with the guidance of

the mentor, it was handed over to three different experts for the validation of the tool. Certain

changes were suggested by the experts and changes were done accordingly. Once the

questionnaire was approved, it had been circulated amongst the decided population that are

the viewers who use these applications through Google Forms

3.7. Process of data collection

The collection of data was done through google forms.

3.8. Process of data analysis


The process of data analysis would include frequency distribution and percentage.

3.9. Proposed analysis

Proposed analysis for this study is to measure the efficiency of the questionnaire

and whether it can help prove the hypothesis. A detailed analysis of the gathered data will

be conducted to achieve the desired results.

3.10. Limitations of the study

There are certain limitations of the tool which are as follows: -

• Data collection was restricted to people living around Gujarat.

• The major limitation of this study is due to time constraint and also a limited group

of people has been taken as respondents

3.11. Conclusion

This chapter includes all the aspects that were taken into consideration for data

collection and analysis. Objectives and hypothesis of the research have also been

explained here.



4.1. Introduction

The researcher has used questionnaire as a tool for collection for data, the set of

questions were prepared by the researcher after a detailed study on the topic and the set of

questions aims to give us insights about the effect of television commercials on impulsive

buying behaviour of consumers. This chapter will look at primary data collected.

The aim is to analyse the data gathered by 110 respondents across Gujarat corresponding to

the hypothesis of the research. The total population has filled the questionnaire was 120 but

10 respondents were filtered out with a screening question to get the desired population that

can help prove the hypothesis of the research.

4.2. Demographics

The questionnaire was sent to the respondents via WhatsApp. It was filled by people

in Gujarat of different age group, gender and occupation. Those factors will be analysed in

this section.

4.2.1. Age of respondents


(Figure 4.2.1)

Figure 4.1 shows that out of the 120 respondents. The age groups were classified into

4 segments. Maximum respondents that is 90 belonged to the age group 15-25, followed by

27 respondents in 26-34, 3 respondents in the age group of 35-44 and no respondents were in

45+ group.

4.2.2. Gender of respondents

(Figure 4.2.2)

Figure 4.2.2 shows the results of a survey in which people were asked about

their gender. It can be seen that 50% respondents are male , Whereas 50% users are

female who have filled the survey.

4.2.3. Profession of respondents


(Figure 4.2.3)

The above figure (fig 4.2.2) shows profession of the people who were part of the

survey. Almost 52 % of respondents are perusing under graduation , 10 % of are doing

their post graduates ,26.7 % are working as employees and rest of them are in High

School or running their own Business.

4.2.4. Screening question

(Figure 4.2.4)

Figure 4.2.4 shows that 110(91.7%) respondents use OTT while 10 don’t. This was a

screening question to filter out the required population who watch OTT and can proceed to

answer the further questions. Through this the researcher could get the desired population

who qualify for the research.

4.3. Consumption behaviour

This section of the questionnaire gathered data related to the OTT watching habits and

patterns in lockdown of the respondents. 110 respondents qualified to appear for the

remaining questionnaire. Therefore, the same population of this research is 110 respondents.

4.3.1. Percentage of population that watches OTT in lockdown

(Figure 4.3.1)

As seen in figure 4.3.1. 80 respondents out of 110 watch OTT the most, 19

selected YouTube and the remaining 10 watches T.V most for the entertainment.

4.3.2. Awareness of the medium

(Figure 4.3.2)

Figure 4.3.2 speaks to the respondents about their source of awareness for the OTT

medium. The figure shows that 43.6% for example 48 respondents out of 110 came to know

about OTT through their friends. While 40.9% i.e., 45 respondents came to know through

advertisement. 10% responses connects to through discounts and referrals.


4.3.3. Hours spend on OTT

(Figure 4.3.3)

Figure 4.3.3 shows that To perceive how captivating OTT Platforms is to users. The

above inquiry was posed, the discovering states that 29.1 % uses it for more than 4 hours day

by day. Over 42.7% (48) of them use for 2 to 4 hours. Just 29.1 % of the clients expend it for

under 2 hours.

4.3.4. Impact of lockdown on OTT

(Figure 4.3.4)

Figure 4.3.4. shows the percentage of respondents of the impact on their OTT

consumption. 81 (73.6) respondents have seen an increase whereas 25 people are not affected

by it and remaining 4 respondents have seen a decrease in their usage.


4.3.5. Increased consumption

(Figure 4.3.5)

As seen in figure 4.3.5, we see that 26 respondents said their consumption increased

by 2 hours. 20 said by 1 hour, 17 said by 3 hours, 13 said its increased by 4 hours, 8 said 5

and other 8 said that it increased by 8 hours.

4.3.6. Mode of consumption

(Figure 4.3.6)

From the above image it is evident that maximum (67) respondents consume OTT

through their smart phones. 27 respondents prefer laptop and 106 remaining 22 consume

through T.V.

4.3.7. Started using a new OTT platform.

(Figure 4.3.7)

Figure 4.3.7 shows who opted for a new OTT while being in the lockdown. With 47.3

of the population voted yes for it. 40.9% of the population voted for No and 11.6% of the

population were not sure if they started using or not.

4.3.8. Consumer preferences on OTT

(Figure 4.3.8)

Figure 4.3.8 shows the result of their preferences on OTT platforms. Over 38.2%

(42) out of 110 people prefer watching TV series . While 30.9 % like to watch originals on

the OTT and 23.6% respondents like to watch movies. The remaining respondents are

divided between Documentaries and reality shows.


4.3.9. Waited for a movie to launch on OTT platform.

(Figure 4.3.9)

Figure 4.3.9 Distribution of respondents based on respondents preference of

OTT. 54.5% (60) respondents responded said many times. While 30% (33) respondents

responded said always. Then 13.6% respondents chose never.

4.3.10. Movies release on OTT

(Figure 4.3.10)

Figure 4.3.10 The respondents were asked their views on movies releasing on OTT

along with cinema. We see platforms a majority of 56.4% respondents said Yes, while other

43.6% respondents says No.


4.3.11. Cinema Vs OTT

(Figure 4.3.11)

Figure 4.3.11 states a futuristic question on their choice after the pandemic. 45.5%

says they will choose OTT to watch movie instead of cinema while 48.2% still prefer cinema.

4.4. Conclusion

• This chapter dealt with analysis of the data gathered, where we can see different

aspects of the study

• Next chapter deals with the findings and discussions




5.1. Introduction

A survey was conducted to analyze the emergence of OTT platforms during the

pandemic and its future scope. The population selected was from Gujarat. This chapter deals

with the findings the researcher has received through the data analysis. These findings are

further discussed in detail.

5.2. Findings

The over-the-top videos streaming services explosion in India has led to the

emergence of distinct patterns of content consumption over the past few years. For one,

content consumption has become rampant outside the house, where until recently because of

the Covid 19, the majority of video consumption occurred inside and that too on a very high

scale. The information gathered by the researches shows that over 91.7% of respondents are

aware of the OTT medium, from the following we can derive that OTT is a wide spread

medium in India. Due to the current situation of the lockdown people are constantly

consuming different kinds of media for their entertainment . Majority of the people(72.7%)

resort to OTT for entertainment followed by YouTube(17.3%) and T.V (9.1%). OTT

platforms are quite popular among the users as a considerable amount of users 42.7% spends

2 to 4 hours consuming it. 29.1% people spend more than 4hours on it and only 28.2%

consumes it for less than 2 hours. Considering this, on an average user spends approximately

3 hours on the medium. The lockdown has let to a change in consumption patterns of the

users. The researcher found out that 73.6% of people experienced an increase in their daily

usage of OTT consumption. Users on an average experienced 3 to 4 hours of increase in their


consumption during the lockdown. This proves the first hypothesis H1. Along with this it also

shows that OTT is the go to platform for entertainment for majority of people during

lockdown as they chose to spend more time using OTT rather than any other mediums. When

it comes to the mode of consumption people prefer smart phone(55.5%) over laptop(24.5%)

and T.V (20%). It is safe to say that due to the lockdown more people have started using T.V

for OTT consumption. 59.1% of people started using a new OTT during the lockdown. This

shows how lockdown has given a push to OTT for generating new customers. When asked

about if the users ever waited for a movie to be released on OTT than watching it in cinema ,

70% said yes. The researcher discovered that 56.4% were positive and wanted for movies to

be released on OTT platforms on the same date as in cinemas. Although 44.6% were still

negative about it. Further more when asked if a movie would release in OTT and cinema both,

what would they prefer, 48.2% said cinema and 45.5 chose OTT. Still there were a few

responses who said that decisions is based on the type of the movie. This data implies that

although still a majority of people ( 48.2%) would prefer watching a movie in cinema over

OTT(45.5) . The day is not far when the people will see OTT as an equally popular platform

for watching movies. OTT and cinema are two distinct platforms and provide distinct

experiences to their customer and they cannot replace each other but the data shows that

majority of people want movies to be released on OTT on the same date as in cinemas.

5.3. Limitations of the study

The sample collected by the researcher was limited to Gujarat state.

5.5. Recommendations for further studies

5.5.1. To study

5.6. Conclusion

The data collected from the questionnaire survey was interpreted and analyzed in the

previous chapters. Based on the analysis the research on the topic ‘The emergence of OTT

platforms during the pandemic and its future scope’ has been successfully completed. The

hypothesis that During pandemic there has been a significant rise in consumption of OTT

platforms has been proven right. Since people have started consuming OTT more and more in

the lockdown. The statement that OTT platforms have experienced a substantial inorganic

growth by taking up the market share of other platforms has been proved. Although the

researcher couldn’t prove hypothesis that OTT will surpass cinema but we can see there is

suddenly a rise in the usage of OTT over other mediums and people have positive responses

for movies to be released on OTTs at the same time as in cinemas. This shows that even

though OTT platforms cannot replace cinema but certainly is creating its own segment. We

can say that in future, there might be few people who would prefer OTT over cinema.



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1. NAME –

2. Gender (Nominal)


4. In which age group, do you belong?

A)15 – 25 years
B)26 – 35 years
C)36-45 years
D)45 years and above

5. Do you use OTT services? (Nominal)


6. Out of these what do you use the most for entertainment in lockdown?

A) T.V
C)OTT( Netflix, Amazon, Hotstar etc)

7. How did you come to know about your current OTT services?

A) Friend's recommendation
B) Discounts/ Referrals
C) Advertisement
D) Other

8. How many hours do you spend on OTT platform per day?

A) less than 2 hours

B) 2 -4 hours
C) more than 4 hours

9. Is there any change in your OTT usage since the lockdown?

A) Increased
B) Decreased
C) Neutral

10.Approximately by how many hours has your consumption increased?

From scale 1 to 10

11.How do you consume OTT most of the time?

A) T.V
B) Smart phone
C) Laptop

12.Did you start using any new OTT platform during the lockdown?

A) Yes
B) No
C) Maybe

13.What do you watch the most on the OTT platform?

A) Movies
B) TV Series
C) Originals/ Exclusives Content
D) Other

14.Have you ever preferred waiting for a movie to release on OTT rather than watching it in
the cinema?

A) Always
B) Many times
C) Never

15.Do you think mainstream movies should be released on OTT before or along with

A) Yes
B) No

16.In future, If a movie releases in Cinema and on OTT together, what would you prefer?

B) Cinema

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