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<Short Name> Information Security Procedure

Control of ISMS Management Reviews

1 Introduction
2 Scope
This procedure sets out <Short Name>’s arrangements for conducting periodic formal
management reviews of our information security management system.

3 Revision History
Revision Date Record of Changes Approved By
0.0 [Date of Issue] Initial Issue

4 Control of hardcopy versions

The digital version of this document is the most recent version. It is the responsibility of the
individual to ensure that any printed version is the most recent version. The printed version
of this manual is uncontrolled, and cannot be relied upon, except when formally issued by
the <Document Controller> and provided with a document reference number and revision in
the fields below:
Document Ref. Rev. Uncontrolled Copy X Controlled Copy

5 References
Standard Title Description
ISO 27000:2014 Information security management systems Overview and vocabulary
ISO 27001:2013 Information security management systems Requirements
ISO 27002:2013 Information technology - security Code of practice for information security
techniques controls

6 Terms and Definitions

“we” and “our” refer to <Short Name>.

7 Responsibilities
The <ISMS Manager> is responsible for all aspects of the implementation and management
of this procedure, unless noted otherwise.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this procedure within
the scope of their responsibilities and that reports are prepared as required by the <ISMS
Manager> for circulation in good time before each meeting.

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<Short Name> Information Security Procedure

8 Conducting Management Reviews

9 Purpose
The <Senior Management Team> formally reviews the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of our information security management system through periodic information
security management review meetings.

10 Frequency and attendance

Information security management review meetings are scheduled, organised and held, as a
minimum, every <MRM Months> months.
Those attending should include:

 <ISMS Manager>
 <HR Manager>
 MRM Attendees
List the top management and other attendees
If any of these attendees are unavoidably absent, they should send an alternate if at all
Others attend as required by the <ISMS Manager> for a specific purpose or to meet the
requirements of the agenda set out below.
Where an attendee or member of staff wishes to add an item to the agenda they should
make that request to the <ISMS Manager> in good time.

11 Agenda
The agenda includes the assessment of opportunities for improvement, and the need for
changes to, our information security management system, including our information security
policy and objectives.
The agenda for the information security management review meeting, as a minimum,
includes the following items:
Actions from the previous The <ISMS Manager> reports on the status of action itISMS
meeting from previous meeting. Items that are not completed are
carried forward to the next meeting.

Information security The <Senior Management Team> / <ISMS Manager>

context highlights any changes to the external and internal
information security context, including changes to the needs
and expectations of interested parties, that are relevant to the
information security management system.
The meeting reviews progress / changes to the Information
Security Context Log.
Information security The <ISMS Manager> reports on system performance data
management system including monitoring, measurement, analysis, evaluation,
performance nonconformities and supplier conformance/performance

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<Short Name> Information Security Procedure
(where relevant).

Identification, evaluation The <ISMS Manager> reports on risk identification, risk

and treatment of risks criteria, risk evaluation, statement of applicability and the
status of the risk treatment plan.
Internal and external The <ISMS Manager> reports on the results of internal and
audits external system audits. This includes: summaries of results
for the current period and a comparison to the previous
period, the frequency of negative findings against particular
elements of the information security management system,
and discussion of particularly important findings.
Corrective and The <ISMS Manager> reports on any high risk
preventative actions corrective/preventive actions implemented through the period
and the status of pending actions.

Information Security The <ISMS Manager> reports on any information security

Incidents incidents.

Emergency preparedness The <ISMS Manager> reports on tests and any changes, or
and response proposed changes, to emergency / business continuity
preparedness and response.

Compliance obligations The <ISMS Manager> presents their information security

compliance review and reports on any changes or proposed
changes to compliance obligations.

Awareness and The <ISMS Manager> reports on communication / awareness

Communication activities, both internal and external and on any complaints or
other correspondence received regarding our information
security matters.

Changes that affect the The <ISMS Manager> highlights any process, capacity, or
ISMS other operational or organisational changes that affect the
information security management system and proposes any
consequential actions to update or modify the system.

Training, development The <HR Manager> reports on the status of training

and resources programmes, the effectiveness of training provided, and
meeting manpower, skill and other resource issues.

Continual improvement The <ISMS Manager> presents data demonstrating progress

toward achieving continual improvement goals, reviews
current and completed improvement projects and proposes
new improvement projects.

Risks and opportunities The <ISMS Manager> ensures that the following information
security related risk and opportunity updates are made and

 all new, amended or proposed regulations

 changing expectations and requirements of relevant

interested parties

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 new or modified activities, products or services

 advances in technology and science

 changing customer expectations

Corporate policies, The <ISMS Manager> reviews progress on any issues
objectives, targets and related to corporate information security policies, objectives,
KPI’s targets, metrics and key performance indicators.
Where information security objectives have not been
achieved on time or inadequate progress has been made, the
review investigates the causes and consider whether to:

take additional actions, such as increasing resources
or reallocating responsibilities
 drop or reduce the scope of the objective
 extend the due date for achieving the objective
New information security objectives may be established
where it is desired or necessary to improve performance.
The management review also considers, from time to time and as appropriate, such issues

 information security policy

 the cost / benefit of information security performance

 appropriate measures of information security performance

 integration / overlaps of the information security management system with other

operations and activities

 keeping the ISMS Context Log fresh and up-to-date

12 Actions arising
The information security management review meeting may generate corrective and / or
preventive action reports, or agree to take other actions so as to improve the information
security management system, services, processes or resourcing.

13 Minutes
Outputs from the management review are recorded in the form of minutes where actions
arising are clearly set out and include the appropriate personal responsibilities, timeframe
and resources.
The <ISMS Manager> is responsible for ensuring that the minutes are promptly prepared
and issued and that action items are acted upon in good time.

14 Records
Records retained in support of this procedure are listed in the Controlled ISMS Records
Register and controlled according to the Control of Management System Records

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