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Unconstrained Numerical Optimization

An Introduction for Econometricians

Lecture Note
Advanced Microeconometrics
Anders Munk-Nielsen
Fall 2016, version 1.2


This note introduces unconstrained numerical optimization. The intention is to allow

the user to understand the output from Matlab when using fminunc and fminsearch as
well as the options available in the powerful set of tools behind. After a short introduction,
gradient-based optimization algorithms are covered, followed by gradient-free algorithms.
After this, an example in Matlab is introduced, where the Rosenbrock function is min-
imized using both types of optimizers. The gradient-based optimizer is superior to the
gradient-free, but we also consider a “noisy” Rosenbrock function where the gradient-free
optimizer outperforms the gradient-based one. The note is concluded with some practical
advice in Section on troubleshooting when optimization fails, debugging code and making
the code run faster.
The note is structured with the intention that details can be skipped if the reader is
not interested in them. The example in Section 4 will illustrate how the optimization
theory works in practice in Matlab and in particular give an example where it does not
work and explain why. Section 5 is intended to be used for quick and easy reference when
things go awry.

1 Introduction 1

2 Gradient-based Optimization 2
2.1 Steepest Descent Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Newton-based Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Scalar x, no globalization strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Vector x, no globalization strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.5 The Line Search Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.6 The Trust-region Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.7 Gradients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.7.1 Optimal Step Size h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.8 Hessian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.8.1 BFGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8.2 BHHH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.9 Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Gradient-free Optimization 13
3.1 More Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4 Matlab Example: The Rosenbrock Function 16

4.1 BFGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2 Steepest Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3 Gradient-free Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.4 A More Difficult Example: Illustrating the Effect of Noise . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

5 Troubleshooting 26
5.1 Debugging Matlab Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.2 Speeding Up Matlab Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

1 Introduction
In this note, we will consider the problem,

min f (x). (1)


Note that any maximization problem can be turned into a minimization problem by minimiz-
ing −1 times that function, so it is completely general. The formulation nests M-estimators
directly, for example the likelihood function can be written as the minimization problem,

min N −1 − log l(θ|yi , xi ),

where (yi , xi ) is data for observation i and l is the likelihood function. To make notation
simpler to read, we will subsume the average in this note and just work with a function
f . Note that in most econometric applications, the objective will also be a function of data
(like yi and xi above), but this is kept fixed throughout estimation, so we only consider the
objective as a function of parameters.
Throughout this note, we will be discussing methods for finding local optima. In general,
there is no way of ensuring that one has found the global optimum (in fact, it can be proven
that unless one’s algorithm visits every single x with some positive probability, this can never
be guaranteed). The only generally accepted method for ensuring that the global optimum
has been found is using a multi-start procedure, where the optimization algorithm is started
at many different initial values.
Optimizers fall into two overarching groups;

1. Gradient-based (fminunc in Matlab),

2. Gradient-free (fminsearch in Matlab).

The Nelder-Mead algorithm (which is implemented in fminsearch) is the only example of

a gradient-free optimizer that will be discussed herein. From personal experience, gradient-
based optimizers are faster but require the problem to be “nicer” (i.e. more smooth, look more
like a polynomial). The Nelder-Mead algorithm is typically very useful when the starting
values are bad or the problem is difficult, e.g. if complicated calculations are involved which
might result in roundoff error, producing noise in the evaluation of f .
We start by discussing gradient-based methods and then turn to a brief discussion of the
Nelder-Mead algorithm in the end. Table 1 gives an overview of the optimizers we will cover.

Table 1: Overview of optimizers
Newton BFGS BHHH Nelder-Mead Steepest Descent
Matlab User written fminunc fminunc fminsearch fminunc
Option – [default] Provide user- HessUpdate
written Hessian =’steepdesc’
Gradient used X X X ÷ X
Hessian used X X X ÷ ÷
Step f 0 (·)/f 00 (·) f 0 (·)/f 00 (·) f 0 (·)/f 00 (·) Heuristic γf 0 (·)
Hessian Numeric Iterative updating Outer product Not used Not used
Best for Nice f but Nice f Likelihood Nasty f Non-convex or
weird Hessian estimation non-quadratic f
Computationally Medium cost Cheap Cheap Expensive Expensive
Globalization Line search Line search Line search n.a. Line search

2 Gradient-based Optimization
Intuitively, one can think of the core step of an optimization problem as: given an initial point
x0 , what is our best guess of the minimizing value of x? In other words, what should the next
value of x be. Most methods rely both on the slope and curvature of the function at x0 (i.e.
first and second derivatives). The exception is the steepest descent method, which only relies
on the first derivative.

2.1 Steepest Descent Methods

The steepest descent (also called gradient descent) algorithm relies only on the first-derivatives
of f at xo . It looks at the slope of f and moves downhill. The challenge is how far to go. If
we just keep taking tiny steps downhill, we will eventually reach a local minimum. However,
it may take very long for us to get there. Therefore, the step we take is simply proportional
to the derivative, i.e. for x ∈ R1 ,
x1 = −γf 0 (x0 ),

and for vector-valued x,

x1 = −γ∇f (x0 ).

The step size, γ, is allowed to change with every iteration. It is typically chosen based on line
searching, outlined in Section 2.5.
The algorithm can be awfully slow. In the example in Section 4.2, the steepest descent
algorithm requires 56,649 function evaluations to do find the minimum, compared to just 20
function evaluations for the default newton-based algorithm. The gradient descent algorithm
is simple to understand but is almost always outperformed by Newton-based algorithms.
Except in the case of highly non-quadratic or non-convex problems; in those cases, the Hessian
is not at all informative about where to go whereas the gradient descent algorithm will just

Figure 1: Function with Quadratic Approximation

Quadratic approximation


keep going down hill.

2.2 Newton-based Methods

To do this, we will form a 2nd order Taylor approximation to f and set the next x to be the
minimizer for that approximation. A 2nd-order Taylor approximation is the best quadratic
function that approximates f in a neighborhood of x0 . Once we have taken the step and
gone to the x that minimizes the quadratic approximating function, we will form a new
approximation at this new value of x and proceed in that manner until we arrive at a stationary
point (i.e. where the gradient is the zero vector). In Table 1, it says that the Newton-based
optimizers (Newton, BFGS, BHHH) work well when "f is nice". What is meant by this is
that the function cannot be too far from a quadratic function and should in particular be
convex (most places). If f is very far from a quadratic function, of course the quadratic
approximation will be poor and we are in trouble.
Let us start by considering the simplest version of the problem where x is a scalar. Then
the approximating quadratic function that we are minimizing is

min f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 ) + f 00 (x0 )(x − x0 )2 .
x∈R 2

Figure 1 illustrates this graphically. We are constructing a quadratic function that at the
point x0 has the same slope as f , namely f 0 (x0 ), and the same curvature, f 00 (x0 ), and then
we move to the bottom of this function and assign our new iterate, x1 , to the x-value here.

In the more general, x is a P × 1 vector, and the problem takes the form

min f (x0 ) + ∇f (x0 )0 (x − x0 ) + (x − x0 )0 ∇2 f (x0 )(x − x0 ).
x∈RP 2

Here, ∇f (x0 ) is the P × 1 vector of first derivatives (called the gradient), so that the term
∇f (x0 )0 (x−x0 ) is scalar. The Hessian matrix, ∇2 f (x0 ), is the P ×P matrix of 2nd derivatives,
so the last term is a quadratic form and therefore also scalar. Alternatively, we may formulate
the model in terms of the step, which we can write as s ≡ x − x0 , and the problem becomes

min f (x0 ) + ∇f (x0 )0 s + s0 ∇2 f (x0 )s. (2)
s∈RP 2

Intuitively, when we replace (1) with (2), we are finding the quadratic function (2nd-
order polynomial) that is the best approximation to f at the point x0 . Then we minimize
that function rather than the original f . Therefore, if f is locally concave, we will go in
the wrong direction. Similarly, if f is highly “non-quadratic” (so that the third term in the
Taylor expansion is very important), the approximation is very poor and we may for example
“over-shoot” and take a too long step. To avoid these problems, the quadratic optimization
problem (2) should be accompanied by a globalization strategy; this is a way of trying to
avoid overshooting (and sometimes also undershooting; then it is called a greedy globalization
strategy). See Figure 2 for an example where the function is locally very non-quadratic at
x0 , resulting in the quadratic approximation overshooting the minimum. Intuitively, the
gradient and Hessian of f will give us a direction along which we will search for candidate
improvements. We will first try the most obvious candidate, but if that turns out not to result
in an improvement, the globalization strategy will indicate how we should proceed.
You may be wondering why we only choose a quadratic approximation to the true function
and do not proceed to a cubic (3rd-order Taylor approximation) or even higher. The reason
is that minimizing a quadratic function is very simple and requires only linear algebra, which
is extremely fast. Going to a higher-order polynomial would require us to do a more complex
optimization problem to minimize the approximating function, which defeats the purpose of
minimizing a local approximating function.
In order to come up with an algorithm, we will now need to do decide on three components;

1. How to choose the step, s,

2. A globalization strategy,

3. A method for minimizing the quadratic function.

Let us postpone the globalization strategy for a while and focus on the other two. We will first
discuss the scalar case, then consider the vector case and finally we will add the globalization

Figure 2: Local Non-quadraticness Leading to Overshooting

Quadratic approximation


2.3 Scalar x, no globalization strategy

In the simplest case, we are solving the problem

min f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )s + f 00 (x0 )s2 .
s∈R 2

Interior solutions will satisfy the first-order conditions,

⇒ FOC : f 0 (x0 ) = −f 00 (x0 )s

f 0 (x0 )
⇔ s = − 00 , (3)
f (x0 )

assuming that f 00 (x0 ) 6= 0. The intuition is that f 0 (x0 ) gives the direction while f 00 (x0 ) tells
us how large of a step, we should take; when f 0 (x0 ) < 0, the function slopes downwards and
we should take a step in the positive direction in order to reduce the function value (and vice
versa). When f 00 (x0 ) is small (but positive), it means that the slope of f only changes very
slowly, indicating that we should be taking a larger step (and vice versa).

2.4 Vector x, no globalization strategy

Consider the case where x ∈ RP . Here, the first-order conditions necessary for interior
solutions to (2) yield
FOC : ∇f (x0 ) = −∇2 f (x0 )s.

If f is strictly convex at x0 , then ∇2 f (x0 ) is positive definite and we can invert the equation
no obtain
s = −[∇2 f (x0 )]−1 ∇f (x0 ). (4)

This is simply the vector-generalization of (3) and the intuition is the same.
Even though the inversion in (4) is feasible theoretically, it may become computationally
costly if P is large to invert the P × P system. There exists different methods for doing this;

• Cholesky method,

• Conjugate gradient method.

Both methods are computationally superior to finding the inverse of the Hessian as in (4)
and yield almost identical solutions. The Cholesky method is a more direct method whereas
the conjugate gradient method iteratively computes candidate solutions that become better
successively. When P is large, the Cholesky method may be slow and the conjugate gradient
method will speed things up. This is applicable if the evaluation of f is generally very fast
(several evaluations per second). For most econometric problems, it is not important.
If f is non-convex, then we may not be able to invert the equation. Similarly, if our
numerical calculation of the Hessian is poor, we may get trouble with finding the step size
in equation (4). In these cases, it is generally advisable to check for errors in the code that
calculates f and otherwise maybe try to see if a gradient-free optimizer can break free of
the locally non-convex area. There are alternative methods for dealing with the inversion in
the case of non-positive definite Hessian matrices, but the general advice is to hope that the
problem disappears as we get towards the minimum.
A computational note: One should never actually calculate the inverse of the Hessian.
This is a waste of computational resources. Instead, the system above can solved in Matlab
by writing
s = −hessian\gradient.

The “backslash” operator solve linear systems of the form As = b for s, where A is P × P
and s, b are P × 1. It never actually computes the inverse, A−1 ; when A is positive definite,
one can find a lower triangular L such that A = LL0 and find s = (L0 )−1 L−1 b, which is
computationally far simpler.

2.5 The Line Search Algorithm

The intuition in the line search algorithm is that we search for the optimal step along the
one-dimensional line indicated by (4). That is, we choose the step

s = −λ[∇2 f (x0 )]−1 ∇f (x0 ),

where λ > 0. Typically, we start out with λ = 1 and if that fails, we try λ = 0.5, then
λ = 0.25, etc. If the problem is highly non-convex and has a very small Hessian locally, then
it may result in s being too large and dampening it with λ < 1 can then help. This approach
is known as the “backtracking Armijo line search”. If one implements a “greedy” version of the
line search, it could also be possible to experiment with λ > 1 but that is not the standard
case; the primary purpose of the line search is to avoid situations where we overshoot the
minimum and end uphill anyway. Figure 2 illustrates such a case of overshooting; note how
the objective function does not change much at the initial point (low Hessian). This is the
non-quadraticness that results in the too large step.
If it is not possible to find an improvement this way (the algorithm typically terminates
when λ < 10−6 in Matlab), then the optimizer gives up. In Matlab, this results in the error

fminunc stopped because it cannot decrease the objective function along

the current search direction.

In that case, try starting fminsearch to see if it is, e.g., a local non-convexity problem, which
the gradient-free optimizer can break free of.
There are alternative implementations of the line search where one requires not only a
decrease in f , but a sufficiently large decrease in f according to some inequality. This results
in a rule for whether or not to accept any proposed step by the algorithm.

2.6 The Trust-region Method

The idea is similar to the line search algorithm in that we want to avoid the optimizer taking a
huge step and overshooting the true minimum. Instead of searching for the optimal step size,
the trust-region restricts the range of s-values that we search for in the quadratic problem,
replacing (2) with the constrained quadratic problem

min f (x0 ) + ∇f (x0 )0 s + s0 ∇2 f (x0 )s, (5)
s 2
s.t. ksk ≤ ∆,

where ∆ is the trust region’s radius. Note that the constraint defines a ball in RP if the
Euclidean norm (the typical distance), k·k2 is used. A trust-region algorithm now requires
two more ingredients,

1. A method for solving the constrained quadratic program (5),

2. A rule for updating ∆.

There are many linear algebra methods for solving such problems and since they will not be
the computational bottleneck in typical econometric applications, we will not worry about

them here. The rule for updating the radius will be based on a comparison of the realized
decrease achieved in f after taking the step compared to the “expected decrease in f ” (this
latter bit of course requires some model). If the decrease is smaller than expected, the radius
is increased and vice versa.

2.7 Gradients
No matter the choice of globalization strategy, both the line search and the trust region relies
on a gradient vector, ∇f (x0 ), and a Hessian matrix, ∇2 f (x0 ). In this section, we cover the
gradient and in the next section the Hessian.
There are generally two methods for obtaining the gradient;

1. Analytic gradient (more precise, but costly in human computational time),

2. Numerical gradient (using some finite-difference approximation).

Generally, the analytic gradients are preferable if they are available but it can take time to
code them up and verify their correctness. Using analytic gradients tends to result in more
precise and faster optimization. Additionally, optimization will be more robust to numerical
error in the evaluation of f (so long as the same error is not present in the evaluation of ∇f ).
Below is an example where the Rosenbrock function has been coded in Matlab and includes
the gradient (which has two elements because the input, x, should have two elements).

1 function [f,g] = rosenbrock(x)

2 % Returns the Rosenbrock function with gradients.
3 % Note: x should have two elements.
4 f = 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;
5 if nargout > 1 % Computed if the gradient is required
6 g(1) = -400*(x(2)-x(1)^2)*x(1)-2*(1-x(1));
7 g(2) = 200*(x(2)-x(1)^2);
8 end

When gradients are not supplied analytically in Matlab, the optimizer will obtain them
using numerical differentiation. That is, it will approximate it by

(1 + h)x0j if j = k

∂f ∼ f (x1 ) − f (x0 )
= , where x1j = (6)
∂xk h x
0j otherwise.

That is, x1 is the same as x0 except at the coordinate to the entry, which we are taking the
derivative with respect to. Note that the step is relative — this is by far superior to using
the same absolute step regardless of the magnitude of each x0k . The finite difference in (6)
is a forward difference; alternatively, one can use a centered difference, which is more precise

but requires two evaluations of the objective function for each parameter (so 2P evaluations),
which is often too expensive to be preferable. Instead, (6) re-uses f (x0 ) (which can also be
supplied to the gradient calculator) and thus only requires P + 1 evaluations.
Generally speaking, the step size should be set to

h∗ = ,

where  is machine precision. This can be obtained in Matlab with the built-in variable eps,
which shows that
 = 2.2204 · 10−16 .

This is the distance in floating point arithmetic (how the computer represents numbers)
between 1 and the closest number on the real line in the positive direction. That is, if you
type 1 + eps/2, you will get precisely 1 (in fact, 1 + eps/x for any x>1 will return just 1).
Since there are 52 bits available to represent the number,  = 2−52 .
Why is it then optimal to choose h = h∗ ? This is because with finite differences, there are
two sources of error:

1. Approximation error,

2. Roundoff error.

The first error comes from the fact that we are using a finite difference approximation. As you
may recall from basic calculus, the true derivative at the point x0 is the limit of the forward
differences in (6) when h → 0. The second source of error is perhaps new to many economists
and comes from the fact that a computer cannot represent all the real numbers and therefore
makes roundoff error. This problem becomes particularly bad when the numbers we operate
on are extremely small (such as subtractions between numbers that are very close or division
by very dis-similar numbers). In the subsection below, we will discuss this more and consider
what h will optimally balance these two errors off. The general rule of thumb is to choose
h = 10−8 , which is also (close to) the default in Matlab. If the function is very complicated
and involves many steps that might lead to roundoff error, it may be advisable to work with
a larger step size, e.g. h = 10−6 , because the approximation error may be much larger in that

2.7.1 Optimal Step Size h

Let us first try to understand roundoff error better. It comes from the fact that the computer
works with finite precision. Not every single real number can be represented in the computer’s
memory. Instead, it will constantly be choosing the closest number to the ones it can to the
ones we ask it to store (some numbers of course coincide and luckily, for example all the

Figure 3: Approximation Error and the Choice of h

natural numbers are among such). For example, in Matlab

10 + eps − 10 = 0,

because the number 10 + eps cannot be represented in machine precision. However,

10 − 10 + eps = 2.2204e-16,

so the sequence of operations matters when working with numbers on a computer. It turns out
that in particular subtraction and division can cause problems on a computer. So the smaller
the number we are dividing by and the closer the numbers we are subtracting, the larger the
roundoff error. This is why we should not set h too small. Figure 3 shows the approximation
error in a finite difference approximation to the derivative of the function f (x) = x2 at x0 = 1
for different choices of h. On the right hand side, the error is dominated by the approximation
error (and it appears to be a smooth function in h). On the left hand side, it is dominated
by roundoff error (and that error looks much more jittery and unexpectable, as one might

2.8 Hessian
There are three ways in which to obtain the Hessian:

1. Analytic Hessian,

2. Clever updating schemes (e.g. the BFGS),

3. Using an approximation (e.g. the BHHH),

4. Numerical Hessian.

The analytic Hessian is obtained by doing derivatives with pen and paper (or with some
symbolic mathematics software, like Maple), and coding them up as a part of the criterion
function. From personal experience, it is not simply the case that the the analytic option is al-
ways better. Mainly because it is extremely time-consuming to derive the Hessian analytically
and very hard to verify that it has been done correctly.
In the other extreme, the fully numerical Hessian is easy to use because it is always
available; we just take finite differences of the finite differences (essentially using equation (3)
P times for each of the P entries in the gradient). However, it is costly to evaluate using finite
differences, requiring P 2 evaluations of the f function. This is why in Table 1, it says that
the pure Newton method is medium-costly; it might get to the minimum in a low number of
iterations, but at each step, it will have to evaluate the objective function P 2 times in order
to obtain the Hessian.
In between these two extremes are the BFGS updating scheme and the BHHH approxima-
tion. The BHHH algorithm uses an approximation to the Hessian that relies on the gradient
only. The approximation is only valid in certain models, most notably maximum likelihood.
The BFGS algorithm is the default version in fminunc (Matlab’s standard optimizer). It uses
information on the current and previous x and ∇f to make an informed guess as to what
the Hessian is. The BFGS algorithm turns out to perform extremely well in practice for a
surprisingly wide class of optimization problems. In the following two subsections, we will
discuss the BFGS updating scheme and the BHHH Hessian approximation. The finer math-
ematical details of the BFGS algorithm are not required exam knowledge; only an intuitive
understanding is required.

2.8.1 BFGS

The standard implementation of the unconstrained optimizer, fminunc, in Matlab uses the
BFGS updating scheme (named after Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfrab and Shanno). This, and
other updating schemes like it, consists of using the gradient from the current and the previous
iterations to construct an informed guess as to what the Hessian might look like. Specifically,
the BFGS approximates ∇f (x0 ) by the matrix H0 . This matrix can be initialized to be the
identity matrix. Then when the step, s, has been found (subject to the globalization rule,
line search or trust region), the updated Hessian, H1 , is constructed as

1 1
H1 = H0 + 0
yy 0 − 0 H0 ss0 H0 ,
ys s H0 s

where y ≡ ∇f (x0 + s) − ∇f (x0 ).1 The main advantage of the BFGS approximation of the
Hessian is that it requires no additional evaluations of f in excess of what is already being
done, it merely requires us to store the previous gradient’s value. The update step for the
Hessian just requires linear algebra, which will typically be so fast that the total computational
time is unaffected since in general in econometric applications, the dimension of P is so low
that it is almost only the evaluation of f that is computationally costly.
In Table 1 it says that the BFGS works well when the function f is nice, whereas the pure
Newton algorithm also works well when the Hessian is weird. What I mean here is that it
might for example be the case that the Hessian of the objective function changes a lot when
x changes; in that case the updating scheme used by BFGS might not work that well and it
might be better to actually calculate the numerical hessian at each new point, x.

2.8.2 BHHH

The BHHH is an important algorithm for estimating likelihood models. It was first proposed
by Berndt, Hall, Hall and Hausman (1974), and it uses the average outer product of the scores
as an approximation to the expected Hessian. This approximation is only applicable when f
takes the form of a sum (or equivalently, an average), i.e.

f (x) = N −1
q(wi , x),

(recall that x plays the role of parameters, which we otherwise label θ, and wi is individual
i’s data) and when either q is the likelihood function so that the information matrix equality
is satisfied (which it always is for maximum likelihood) or q and the model structure is such
that the generalized information matrix equality is satisfied. In that case, the Hessian can be
approximated by
∇2x f (x) ∼
= N −1 ∇x q(wi , x)0 ∇x q(wi , x),


where the inner term is the outer product of the scores.2 Thus, the BHHH step becomes,
h i−1 h i
s = − N −1 0
N −1
i=1 ∇x q(wi , x) ∇x q(wi , x) i=1 q(wi , x) .

As a side-note, both the matrices yy 0 and H0 ss0 H0 have rank 1 and are symmetric. Together, they form
a rank 2 update of the Hessian.
Essentially, the information matrix equality states that the expected value of the Hessian matrix (times a
scalar) is equal to the expected value of the outer product of the scores, i.e.

σo2 E ∇2θ q(w, θo ) = E ∇θ q(w, θo )0 ∇θ q(w, θo ) ,


where θo denotes the true minimizing parameters (x throughout the rest of this note). The equation is discussed
in Wooldridge (2010; p. 417).

The approximation has the clear advantage that since we aldready calculated gradients, no
additional evaluations of the criterion function are required. However, it does require us to
store the criterion value for each observation, which we might not otherwise be doing. In
other words, we cannot use the gradient that comes out of fminunc to construct this outer
product of the scores.
In the context of maximum likelihood, this approximation works when i) we are close to
the true parameters, ii) the sample size, N , is large, and iii) the model is correctly specified.
For example, if the starting values are very bad, this may result in poor performance.

2.9 Termination
The optimization algorithm can terminate for a number of reasons;

1. Gradients are sufficiently close to zero,

2. Change in x is too small,

3. Change in f is too small,

4. Step size too small (line search or trust region radius failure),

5. Maximum iterations reached.

Only termination due to criterion 1 is truly satisfactory, since the necessary condition for
interior optimum is gradients being equal to zero. From that point of view, it seems strange
that it should be possible to converge to a point where gradients indicate a slope of the
function, but where the optimizer fails to decrease the function value along the direction
(termination due to 2, 3 or 4). One possible explanation in this case is that there is a
problem with the gradients. If there is numerical noise (roundoff error) in the function, then
perhaps increasing the step size for the numerical gradients might yield a better gradient
approximation. It might also be that the optimizer has gotten stuck in a local minimum or
a local non-convexity. In that case, try using a gradient-free optimizer for a few iterations to
see if it can break out of such a local problematic area.
The default maximum iterations in Matlab is 300. If the optimizer terminates due to
criterion 5, the obvious solution is to just provide more iterations. Generally, econometric
problems can be much less well-behaved than the simple analytic functions studied in the
optimization literature. In particular when the starting values are bad.

3 Gradient-free Optimization
The Nelder-Mead method or the Simplex method is an optimization algorithm that does
not rely on gradients. Its theoretical properties are much poorer than those of gradient-based

optimizers; for example, once a gradient-based optimizer gets within the “region of attraction”
of the true minimizer, quadratic convergence kicks in. This means that the distance to the
truth will be doubling the exponent, e.g. 10−1 , 10−2 , 10−4 , 10−8 . No similar theoretical results
hold for the simplex algorithm, so it tends to use a lot of steps to get the final distance covered.
This is why it says in Table 1 that the algorithm is computationally costly. Each individual
iteration it takes requires only a single evaluation of the objective function, but it typically
takes many many more iterations than the Newton-based solvers.
The simplex algorithm works by always keeping track of P + 1 points, {(xp , f (xp ))}Pp=1
such a structure is called a simplex, hence the name. Intuitively, the algorithm then keeps
moving away from the point that is the highest (i.e. the worst point). If the algorithm sense
that it’s moving in a good direction, it will be “expanding” the simplex, taking bigger and
bigger steps. When it encounters non-improvements in the direction of the lowest point, it will
instead be shrinking the simplex points towards the lowest one. If you google Nelder-Mead,
there are plenty of youtube videos and GIF illustrations to show examples of the optimizer
at work to aid the intuition of how it functions.
The termination criteria will naturally not involve gradients; the algorithm only terminates

1. The change in f is sufficiently small (default 10−4 ),

2. The change in x is sufficiently small (default 10−4 ),

3. Maximum iterations have been reached (default is 200P ).

Naturally, the third is not a satisfactory termination message. However, since the simplex
algorithm can be used very effectively to break free of local minima or areas of non-convexity,
you may find it useful to be starting fminsearch with a small number of iterations and then
proceeding with a gradient-based optimizer in fminunc afterwards. In the following section,
the specific details of the algorithm is presented.

3.1 More Details

This section lays out the precise details of the Nelder-Mead algorithm. These details are not
required exam knowledge but to satisfy the curious reader.

Algorithm (Nelder-Mead).

1. Order the points in order of function value,

f (x(1) ) ≤ · · · ≤ f (x(P +1) ).

2. Compute the centroid, x, as the average of all points except the worst,

x = P −1
p=1 x(p) .

3 (reflexion). Compute the reflected point,

xr = x + λ(x − x(P +1) ),

where λ is a tuning parameter kept fixed, typically λ = 1.

If xr is better than the second-worst but not the best one we have at this stage — i.e.
f (x(1) ) ≤ f (xr ) ≤ f (x(P ) ) — then we replacex(P +1) with xr and go to step 1.
If xr is the best we have seen so far, go to step 4.
If xr is not even better than the second-worst, go to step 5.
If xr is worse than the worst point, go to step 6.

4 (expansion). If the reflected point is better than anything we currently have — f (xr ) <
f (x(1) ) — then we compute the expanded point,

xe = x + γ(x − x(P +1) ).

Typically, γ = 2. Note that both xr and xe are on the 1-dimensional line through
x(P +1) and x. Replace the worst point (x(P +1) ) by whichever of xr and xe gives the
best function value. The expansion is sometimes referred to as a greedy minimization
approach, where the indication that there might be improvements in the direction of xr
is exploited by taking further steps in that direction.

5 (contraction). In this case f (xr ) ≥ f (x(P ) ) so that the reflected point is no better than
the previous second-worst. The contraction step is performed using xr if this is better
than x(P +1) (outside contraction) or x(P +1) if this is better than xr (inside contraction):

(outside contraction) If f (x(P ) ) ≤ f (xr ) < f (x(P +1) ), compute

xc = x + β(xr − x),

where e.g. β = 12 . If xc is better than xr , replace x(P +1) with xc and go to step 1.
If xc is not better than xr , go to step 6.
(inside contraction) If f (xr ) ≥ f (x(P +1) ), compute

xc = x + β(x(P +1) − x).

If xc is better than x(P +1) , accept it and go to step 1. Otherwise go to step 6.

6 (shrink). This steps shrinks all the sides of the simplex in the direction of the best point
so far by setting
x(p) := x(1) + δ(x(p) − x(1) ), p 6= 1.

Typically, δ = 12 . In other words, all points except for the best (x(1) ) are moved half
way towards the best point. After this step, go to step 1.

The algorithm will terminate when either the change in x or f (x) becomes sufficiently small.
This is computed as

kxg+1 −xg k
tolerance measure in x : kxg k ,
|f (xg+1 )−f (xg )|
tolerance measure in f : |f (xg )| .

Matlab typically uses the “infinity norm” for vectors, kxk∞ ≡ maxk |xk |.

4 Matlab Example: The Rosenbrock Function

In this section, we will consider the minimization of the Rosenbrock function and compare
how well fminunc (gradient-based) and fminsearch (gradient-free) do at finding the global
The function is defined by

f (x1 , x2 ) = 100(x2 − x21 )2 + (1 − x1 )2 .

The function is shown in Figure 4 along with the global minimum at x = (1, 1) and the
starting value we will be using at x0 = (−1.5, −4). The gradient vector of partial derivatives
∇f (x1 , x2 ) = ∂f
∂x1 ,
= −400(x2 − x21 )x1 − 2(1 − x1 ), 200(x2 − x21 ) .

The Matlab code for the function and its gradient is given below:

1 function [f,g] = rosenbrock(x)

2 % Returns the Rosenbrock function with gradients.
3 % Note: x should have two elements.
4 f = 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2;
5 if nargout > 1 % Computed if the gradient is required

Figure 4: The Rosenbrock Function


0 -2
-2000 -1
-6 0
-2 1 x
y 4 2

6 g(1) = -400*(x(2)-x(1)^2)*x(1)-2*(1-x(1));
7 g(2) = 200*(x(2)-x(1)^2);
8 end

We save this file as rosenbrock.m. Note that if the function is asked for more than one output
(nargout>1), it will return the variable g, which will be two-dimensional (since the gradient
should have two entries, one for each partial derivative).

4.1 BFGS
We will first minimize the function using a gradient-based solver, fminunc. To do this, we
must first set the optimization options.

1 opt = optimoptions(@fminunc,...
2 'Display','iter',... % shows output at each iteration step
3 'gradobj','on',... % use analytic gradients
4 'Algorithm','quasi-newton',...
5 'HessUpdate','bfgs',... % set the Hessian-update to BFGS
6 'TolFun',1e-08,... % main tolerance (gradients)
7 'TolX',1e-08, ... % x-change tolerance
8 'MaxIter',300,... % max iterations
9 'MaxFunEvals',500,... % max function evaluations
10 'DerivativeCheck','on' ... % check our analytic gradients
11 );

We have specified quite strict stopping criteria, namely tolerances of 10−8 . It may not
always be possible to get the gradients to be so small, in particular if there is numerical noise
in the function evaluation and numerical gradients are being used. We are now ready to
specify the the initial point and start the optimizer.

1 x0 = [-1.5;-4];
2 [xhat,fhat,flag,out,ghat,hhat] = fminunc(@rosenbrock,x0,opt);

This tells Matlab to start the optimization at the point x0 = (−1.5, −4) using the specified
options. Note that the “@” indicates to Matlab that rosenbrock is a function handle object
and not a variable. The output from running this is:

1 First-order
2 Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size optimality
3 0 1 3912.5 3.76e+03
4 1 2 1536.63 0.000266312 786
5 2 3 1135.01 1 673
6 3 4 650.897 1 510
7 4 5 309.937 1 377
8 5 6 60.3901 1 244
9 6 7 2.43146 1 55.4
10 7 8 0.0148755 1 3.02
11 8 9 0.00703328 1 0.18
12 9 11 0.00693671 10 0.515
13 10 13 0.00530386 10 0.625
14 11 15 0.000918213 0.5 0.549
15 12 16 0.000408093 1 0.61
16 13 17 2.15428e-05 1 0.0491
17 14 18 4.86863e-07 1 0.0251
18 15 19 5.33201e-09 1 0.00221
19 16 20 2.83783e-13 1 1.76e-05

21 Local minimum found.


23 Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than

24 the selected value of the function tolerance.

26 <stopping criteria details>

The first thing we note is that fminunc terminated due to the gradients being smaller
than the tolerance; this indicates that we have indeed found a stationary point. It took 16
iterations and 20 function evaluations to get to the stationary point. Matlab also indicates
this to us by saying “Local minimum found”. Later, we shall see examples of termination due

to other criteria, where it says “Local minimum possible”. The first and second columns
indicate the iteration and function evaluation count. The column f(x) indicates the value of
the objective function and we see that the function value at termination is 2.8e-13, which
is very close to 0 (the value at f (1, 1)). The column Step-size indicates that we are using
a line-search algorithm and shows the size of λ. We see that the first step was small and
that in iterations 9 and 10, a large step-size was used (in these steps, the optimizer used
two function evaluations each, indicating that it was searching along the line). In particular,
λ = 10 was used, indicating that Matlab was greedily moving further along the search direction
than indicated by the Hessian. In iteration 11, it took a smaller step (λ = 0.5), so maybe
it encountered an increase in f for λ = 1. The final column, First-order optimality,
indicates that the infinity-norm of the gradient at the termination value was 1.76 · 10−5 . If we
click on <stopping criteria details> (which is a link in Matlab), we are shown further

1 Optimization completed: The first-order optimality measure, 4.682554e-09, is less

2 than options.TolFun = 1.000000e-08.

4 Optimization Metric Options

5 relative norm(gradient) = 4.68e-09 TolFun = 1e-08 (selected)

This reminds us that the first-order optimality measure is a relative gradient. The number is
computed as
k∇f (x∗ )k∞
relative norm(gradient) = ,
k∇f (x0 )k∞
where x∗ is the found minimizer. That is, if we run

1 [f0,g0] = rosenbrock(x0);
2 norm(ghat,inf) / norm(g0,inf)

then we get the reported relative norm of 4.6838e-09. Note that this implies that Matlab
is solving a problem that is scaled relative to the initial value. In other words, for a fixed
opt.TolFun of 1e-08, it will take more iterations if we start it again from the minimizer,
xhat. From the output, we see that the actual (non-relative) first-order optimality measure
(the highest absolute value of the two entries in the gradient) is 1.76e-05. In other words,
we are probably very close. Nevertheless, one should always pay attention to these details
after the optimizer has converged.
Figure5 shows the steps taken by fminunc in minimizing the function. The convergence
to the global minimum is quite fast and occurs very smoothly.

Figure 5: Gradient-based Optimizer (fminunc) minimizing the Rosenbrock Function

Gradient-based optimizer (fminunc)






2000 -2
0 -1
-6 0
-2 1 x
y 4 2

4.2 Steepest Descent

Let us try minimizing the function using the steepest descent algorithm. To do this, we need
to set the option HessUpdate to ’steepdesc’ instead of ’bfgs’ in the example above. The
optimization procedure finds the global minimum but it takes 56,649 function evaluations to
do so, compared to just 20 function evaluations for the BFGS algorithm. We also see that
while the step size for the BFGS algorithm was 1 in all but 4 of the iterations, it changes
in every single iteration for the steepest descent algorithm. This is because the optimizer is
using the line search procedure to figure out how far to go along the direction of the gradient,
whereas the BFGS procedure uses the information in the Hessian to judge how far to go.

1 First-order
2 Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size optimality
3 0 3 3912.5 3.76e+03
4 1 6 1536.63 0.000266312 786
5 2 27 1026.16 0.00194496 1.32e+03
6 3 51 253.655 0.00100537 317
7 4 69 27.3169 0.00827851 269
8 5 93 0.0095388 0.000703912 0.676

10 ...

12 4727 56616 2.81842e-09 0.001 4.69e-05

13 4728 56622 2.2199e-09 0.469188 0.000854

14 4729 56634 1.78798e-09 0.001 3.81e-05
15 4730 56637 1.76329e-09 1 0.00141
16 4731 56649 5.5695e-10 0.001 2.36e-05

18 Local minimum found.


20 Optimization completed because the size of the gradient is less than

21 the selected value of the optimality tolerance.

23 <stopping criteria details>

4.3 Gradient-free Optimization

If we instead want to minimize the function using Nelder-Mead (fminsearch), the required
code is

1 x0 = [-1.5;-4];
2 opt = optimset('Display','iter',...
3 'TolX',1e-08,...
4 'TolFun',1e-08,...
5 'MaxIter',500,...
6 'MaxFunEvals',1000);
7 xhat = fminsearch(@(x)rosenbrock(x),x0,opt);

The output from the function is very long since it takes 100 iterations and 194 evaluations
until convergence so we will consider only an extract of it.

2 Iteration Func-count min f(x) Procedure

3 0 1 3912.5
4 1 3 3912.5 initial simplex
5 2 5 3754.02 expand
6 3 7 3226.45 expand
7 4 9 2923.97 expand
8 5 11 2160.55 expand
9 6 12 2160.55 reflect
10 7 14 2004.75 reflect
11 8 16 1390.74 expand

13 ...

15 96 186 4.11134e-17 contract outside

16 97 188 1.27001e-17 contract inside
17 98 190 1.27001e-17 contract inside

Figure 6: Gradient-free Optimizer (fminsearch) minimizing the Rosenbrock Function

Gradient-free optimizer (fminsearch)






2000 -2
0 -1
-6 0
-2 1 x
y 4 2

18 99 192 9.32149e-18 contract inside

19 100 194 6.88373e-18 contract outside

21 Optimization terminated:
22 the current x satisfies the termination criteria using OPTIONS.TolX of 1.000000e-08
23 and F(X) satisfies the convergence criteria using OPTIONS.TolFun of 1.000000e-08

We see that the final point satisfies both the convergence criterion for the change in x and
the change in f (x). Figure 6 shows the steps taken towards the minimum point. We see that
the optimizer is taking many more steps but eventually gets to the true minimum. Moreover,
with the chosen tolerances, fminsearch gets below 10−9 in maximum absolute distance from
(1, 1) whereas fminunc only gets to 10−6 . This is because fminunc uses the initial gradients as
the relative termination measure; we could get it much closer if we wished. But it illustrates
that fminsearch can get very precise as well given enough iterations.

4.4 A More Difficult Example: Illustrating the Effect of Noise

In this section, we will consider an example where we add noise to the function evaluation.
This results in the gradient-based optimizer failing miserably when it uses numerical gradients
and not working very well even when analytic gradients are used. The gradient-free optimizer
is much more robust to this type of noise.
Suppose that we add some noise to the Rosenbrock function in the form of a random

normal variable with a standard deviation of 10−4 . That is

f˜(x1 , x2 ) = f (x1 , x2 ) + 10−4 η, η ∼ N (0, 1).

In code, we write this as

1 function [f,g] = rosenbrock(x)

2 f = 100*(x(2) - x(1)^2)^2 + (1-x(1))^2 + 1e-04*randn(1,1);
3 if nargout > 1 % gradients are noise-free
4 g(1) = -400*(x(2)-x(1)^2)*x(1)-2*(1-x(1));
5 g(2) = 200*(x(2)-x(1)^2);
6 end

We start fminunc with the code

1 x0 = [-1.5;-4];
2 opt = optimoptions(@fminunc,...
3 'Display','iter',...
4 'gradobj','off',...
5 'Algorithm','quasi-newton',...
6 );
7 rng(1); % initialize random number generator
8 [xhat,fhat,flag,out,ghat,hhat] = fminunc(@rosenbrock,x0,opt);

Note that we initialize the random number generator to show the same path every time (since
there is now a random element in f ). We can change the seed (1 above) to see different
paths. In this simulation, the output is

1 First-order
2 Iteration Func-count f(x) Step-size optimality
3 0 3 3912.5 7.06e+03
4 1 48 3912.5 6.73466e-15 4.45e+03

6 Local minimum possible.


8 fminunc stopped because the size of the current step is less than
9 the selected value of the step size tolerance.

11 <stopping criteria details>

When Matlab says “Local minimum possible”, we should always be aware of potential prob-
lems. The exit message indicates that the line search has failed. Figure 7 shows what has
happened; the optimizer starts off immediately in the wrong direction, tries to line-search

Figure 7: Gradient-based Optimizer (fminunc) Failing Due to Stochastic Noise
Gradient-based optimizer (fminunc)






2000 -3
-6 -1
-4 0
-2 x
0 1
y 4 2

to get an improvement but finds none and eventually terminates having taken 48 function
evaluations down to a step size so small (6.8 · 10−15 ) that it gives up.
What went wrong? The reason is that the numerical gradients will be way off. When

fminunc takes a small step of h =  ∼
= 10−8 , it gets a new random shock on the order of
10−4 , which means that it will get a completely wrong indication of the local slope. If instead
we set gradobj to on, Matlab uses the analytic gradients, which helps, but the optimizer
converges to x∗ = (0.92, 0.84) 6= (1, 1), which is better but still not at the global optimum.
On the other hand, fminsearch does not converge even with 5000 iterations. However, it
gets to the final point x∗ = (0.998, 0.996), which is very close to (1, 1) considerting that the
noise is on the order of 0.0001. After 834 iterations, it reaches a function value of 3.5 · 10−4
and then it does not change for the next 4,166 iterations.

1 Iteration Func-count min f(x) Procedure

2 0 1 3912.5
3 1 3 3912.5 initial simplex
4 2 5 3754.02 expand
5 3 7 3226.45 expand
6 ...
7 4999 13144 -0.000350547 shrink
8 5000 13148 -0.000350547 shrink

10 Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded

11 - increase MaxIter option.
12 Current function value: -0.000351

5 Troubleshooting
In this section, we will consider a number of symptoms, some likely causes and ideas for so-

Problem Possible solutions

[anything] Try debugging your code. See if you can simplify your problem
to something where the solution is trivial/easier; too many bugs
are simpler than you might imagine. Shut down parts of the
model you do not need. Work on simulated data if at all
possible. Try using Matlab’s keyboard function for debugging
functions. See Section 5.1.
Noise in the Roundoff errors: Look for things in your code that might
criterion function become really small or large. For example, if you could be
taking log of something too close to zero or exp of a large
number (e.g., exp(800) = inf). Also functions like normpdf
can cause roundoff error for inputs far from zero.
Simulation/stochastic problems: If you are using simulation
methods (if there is any random draws in your evaluation), make
sure your seed is fixed and does not change every time you
evaluate the criterion function. Try
Unable to find If you cannot think of a good set of starting values, it will
good starting typically mainly be a few of the parameters. In that case, try
values / function doing a grid search. I.e. define a range of points (e.g. 10 points
undefined at from 0 to 1000 below) and then loop through the points and
initial point print the function value of your function, say myFunc(.),

1 xx = linspace(0,1000,10);
2 for i=1:numel(xx);
3 x = x0; % values of the fixed parameters
4 x(k) = xx(i); % change only x_k
5 fprintf('Fun value at x=%5.3g: %5.3g.\n',...
6 xx(i),myFunc(x));
7 end;

Using similar code, you can also hold fixed some of the
parameters and search over only one of the parameters.

Problem Possible solutions
Function There are many potential reasons why evaluation might be slow.
evaluation is very Matlab has a tool called the Profiler (the button is called
slow “Run and Time” under the “Editor” tab). This will run a script
and time for you which part of your code takes time with nice
coloring and indications of seconds spent in each part of the
code. This tool is surprisingly useful for finding out which part
of your code is bottlenecking. Some general advise for speeding
up Matlab code is given in Section 5.2
Max iterations If possible try to increase MaxIter and MaxFunEvals to see if
reached without this helps. If the function value is unchanged for many many
convergence iterations, you could have numerical noise in your criterion
function (see previous table).
Step size too small The gradients or the Hessian could be wrong or you could be in
(line search fails) a local area of non-convexity. Try using fminsearch.

5.1 Debugging Matlab Code

For debugging Matlab code, practice makes perfect. As a first step, one should of course
follow the error messages in Matlab.

Keyboard: Try using the keyboard function if the error occurs in a nested function. To
do this, insert a line just before the line where the error occurs with the statement
“keyboard;”. When you then run the code, Matlab will stop at the line (as indicated
by a green arrow to the left of it). The work space will now look exactly as it does when
Matlab has reached this point. In the Editor-fan, the buttons have changed because you
are now in debug-mode. You can exit debug mode at any point by pressing dbquit; in
the terminal or the red button labelled Quit Debugging. You can now run the function
line-by-line by pressing the Step-button. You can also print out the variables that are
in memory or run parts of the line that causes the error.
This approach can be very useful for discovering errors in the dimensions of the variables
or for fixing syntax errors or incorrect parentheses.

Simplifying: The best advice for debugging is to simplify the code; try to see how simple
you can make the setting and still replicate the bug. Shut off as many parts of the
model as you possibly can and comment out parts of the code. Then, when you get to
a working version, add them back in one at the time.

Narrowing down the cause: Try to be systematic about how you find the cause of your
bug; think of a possible problem that could be causing the symptoms you are seeing

and then think of a way of testing if that is correct.

Data read incorrectly: Try to work on simulated data and create a very simple data
generating process where you can narrow this down. Maybe work only with N = 2
and T = 2 and use keyboard to see what is in the data matrices in the very core
of the function where your criterion function is computed.
Parameters enter incorrectly: If you suspect a bug where, for example, the variance
term enters incorrectly. Then think about intuitively what the effect should be of
increasing the variance term; in most cases, it should mean that the predicted
values of the model should get closer to each other (the variance washes out all the
differences). Then check if this happens.
Plotting over a grid: Often, it might make sense to form a grid over one or more
parameters and calculate the objective value at each of these points and then plot
it. This can sometimes tell a lot about what can be wrong.
Randomness: If you think there is randomness in your function, evaluate the function
twice at the same point to see if it returns precisely the same value.
Numerical noise: If you think there is numerical noise in your function, try doing
a forward and a backwards finite difference (derivative-approximation). If the
function is well-behaved, the two should give approximately the same slope.

5.2 Speeding Up Matlab Code

As mentioned in the table, the first thing you should do is to time your code using the
Profiler to find our exactly what is bottlenecking. It is an absolutely essential first step to
use the Profiler as your might otherwise spend ages trying to get speed improvements at
a step, which did not take much time in the first place. Apart from this, Matlab gives tips
on improvements to your code in the right-hand side of the code editor, which you should of
course try to follow where possible. Below we will consider a few concrete examples.

Pre-computation. Consider if there is something in your function evaluation, which you are
re-calculating at each step but does not change. This might include interacting variables
instead of doing the multiplication at each step. The

Loops. Matlab is notoriously slow with for-loops and while-loops even though this is by many
considered to be a good way of coding (and in some languages the only one). If possible,
you should try to replace such loops with vectorized operations instead. For example,

1 % Slow way
2 mySum = 0;

3 for i=1:numel(X);
4 mySum = mySum + X(i);
5 end;
6 % Fast way
7 mySum = sum(X(:));

Sometimes, vectorizing can be very hard but often it is possible.

Indexing. You should generally try to work with indexing.

1 % Very slow way

2 for i=1:numel(X);
3 if X(i)>0;
4 f(i)=funcNum1(X(i));
5 else X(i)<=0;
6 f(i)=funcNum2(X(i));
7 end;
8 end;
9 % Fast way
10 idxPos = X>0;
11 idxNeg = x<=0;
12 f(idxPos) = funcNum1(X(idxPos));
13 f(idxNeg) = funcNum2(X(idxNeg));

Similarly, you may often need to pick out for example the first year for each observation.
Then it is useful to have a matrix of 0/1’s where 1 indicates that it is the first year for
an individual. You can either work with index matrices that are binary (0/1 for each
observation) or integer-valued (each number corresponding to a row-number in your
data matrix). This can really speed up your code substantially.

Pre-allocating. If you are using an index matrix very often and it is very large, then some-
times it will make sense to give it as an input to your objective function rather than
creating it again at every iteration.

Repmat. Even though it is a convenient function, repmat can be very slow and it has
a faster alternative method. This is relevant in particular when doing elementwise
multiplication, which one often may need to do when doing for example simulated
maximum likelihood or conditional logit.

1 X = rand(100,10);
2 fact = rand(1,10);
3 % Slow way
4 productMatrix = X .* repmat(fact,100,1);

5 % Fast way
6 productMatrix = X .* fact(ones(100,1),:);

Parallelization. Matlab can work on multiple CPUs if your computer has them. To use
this, type matlabpool open N, where N is the number of cores you wish to use (setting
N higher than your computer’s number of processors will not help you further). This will
allow you to for example use the parfor loop, which can sometimes speed up your code.
In practice, I have personally found that the gain here rarely is very big. The topic of
parallel computing is beyond the scope of this note but there are plenty of resources

Using c code. The programming language, c, is an extremely powerful language that can
achieve incredible speeds for complicated programming tasks. However, it takes con-
siderable experience to become good at coding c, and often you will spend more time
debugging than you would expect. That being said, it can be an excellent tool. There
are two options for working with c code in Matlab; the Matlab c code generator and the
Mex interface. Before going to c, consider if there is some tuning or precision parameter
that your could turn down instead to speed up your code.

Code generator. If your code is simple enough, Matlab can understand it and create c
code that can do the computations. This can sometimes speed up your calculations
substantially without requiring too much human time input coding and debugging.
Google it to find a nice tutorial.
Mex. Matlab is written in c and the mex interface allows you to interact with Matlab’s
structures directly in c. This can be extraordinarily time-consuming and the learn-
ing curve is extremely steep but for some projects, e.g. structural estimation, the
final speedup may be a factor of several hundred so it can be worth it. Again,
plenty of tutorials and resources are available online.


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