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2013 Metrobank MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge

Division Elimination Round

Grade 7

Directions: Write your answer on the space provided before each item.
Give all fractions in lowest terms and all expressions in expanded form.
1 1 1
( )( )( )
1. Simplify: 2− 2 + 3− 3 + 4− 4 .
1 1 1
Solution: (2− 2 )+ (3− 3 )+ ( 4− 4 )

( 4−12 ) +(
3 )+(
4 )

( 32 )+( 38 )+( 154 )

( 18+32+45
12 )
( 9512 )=7 1211
Answer: 7 12

2. Let A={ a , b , c , d , e } , B= { a ,e ,i , o , u }and C={e , f , g , h ,i }. Find

( A ∩ B ) ∪(B ∩C ).
Solution: b a o
d u
f g h

(A ∩ B) U (B ∩ C)
(a, e) U (e, i)
(a, e, i)
Answer: (a, e, i)
1. Write 50 000000 in scientific notation.
1 2 2
Solution: 50 000000 · 2 = 100 000000 = 0.00000002 = 2 x 10-8
Answer: 2 x 10-8
2. Nonoy left Butuan City to drive to Cagayan de Oro City at 6:15 PM
and arrived 9:15 PM. If the averaged 80 kph and stopped 30 minutes
for dinner, approximately how far is Cagayan de Oro from Butuan?
Solution: drive at 6:15 pm and arrived at 9:15 pm
9:15 – 6:15 = 3:00
3 hours – 30 minutes dinner = 2 ½ hours = 5/2 hours
80:1 = n:5/2
n = 80(5/2) = 200kph
Answer: 200 km
1 1
3. Simplify: (1− 2 )2 - (1+ 2 )2.
1 2+1
Solution: ( 2 )2 - ( 2 )2
1 9
( )-( )
4 4
Answer: -2
4. Let the universal set U be {1, 2, 3, …,20}. If S = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12}, E =
{3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18} and T = {15, 16, 17, 18, 20} find {S ∪ E ∪T }’.
1 E
5 7 11 4 12
13 2 8 6 3
10 18

16 20

Answer: {1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 19}

5. What is the product of two consecutive odd numbers if the larger

number is 3a – 4?
Solution: larger number = 3a – 4
smaller number = 3a – 4 – 2(since it is odd number)
= 3a – 6
(3a – 4)(3a – 6)
F = (3a)(3a) = 9a2
O = (3a)(-6) = -18a
I = (-4)(3a) = -12a
L = (-4)(-6) = 24
Answer: 9a2 -30a + 24
6. Two angles are supplementary. One angle is 24°less than thrice the
other. What is the complement of the smaller angle?
Solution: Let x and y the angles
x + y = 180
x = 3y – 24
x + y = 180
(3y – 24) + y = 180
4y – 24 = 180
4y = 180 + 24
4y = 204
4 y 204
4 4
y = 51 (smaller angle)
90 – 51 = 39(two angles are complementary
if their sum is 90)
Answer: 39°
2 5
3 6
7. Simplify: 4 1

5 3
2 5
3 6
Solution: 4 1
− 5
5 3
4 +5 9
6 6 9 15 45
= 7
= 2 x
6 7
= 14
15 15
Answer: 14
8. Let the universal set U be the set of all prime numbers less than 20.
A = {x|x is a prime factor of 210}, B = {x¿x is a prime number greater
than 10} and C = {3, 19}. Find A' ∩( B ∩C) ' .
Solution: A = {3, 2, 5, 7}
B = {11, 13, 17, 19}
C = {3, 19}
A' ∩( B ∩C) '
{ 11 , 13 ,17 ,19 } ∩{2 , 3 , 5 ,7 , 11, 13 ,17 }
{11, 13, 17}
Answer: {11, 13, 17}
11. Kristine receives a basic monthly salary of Php 18 000 plus a
commission of 12% on her total sales. In her recent monthly payday,
she received Php 21 000. How much was her total sales last month?
Solution: Php 21, 000 – Php 18, 000 = Php 3, 000
Php 3, 000 ÷ .12 = Php 25, 0000
Answer: Php 25, 000
12. Simplify: (x+1)(x–2) – (x+2)(x–3) + (x+3)(x-4) - (x+4)(x-5).
Solution: (x+1)(x–2) – (x+2)(x–3) + (x+3)(x-4) - (x+4)(x-5)
(x2 –x – 2) – (x2 –x -6) + (x2 –x -12) – (x2 –x -20)
4 + 8
Answer: 12
13. How many two-digit prime numbers are there whose units digit is
greater than its tens digit?
Solution: By Listing
13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 37, 47, 59, 67, 79, 89
Answer: 11
14. Nila is now x years old. Three years ago, her father Ricky was twice
as old as she. Write Ricky’s age ten years from now in terms of x.
Solution: Let x = Nila’s age 2x -3 = Ricky’s age
2x – 3 +10 = 2x + 7
Answer: 2x + 7
15. In the Math Department of a school, 10 teachers have Yahoo
accounts, 13 have Gmail accounts, and 6 have both accounts. How
many teachers in the department have Yahoo or Gmail accounts?
Solution: Y G

4 6 7

4+ 6+ 7 = 17
Answer: 17
16. Together, Pearl and Harvey are going to visit their aunt on Sunday.
If Pearl visits their aunt every 6 days, while Harvey every 8 days, on
what they will they visit their aunt together again?
Solution: Pearl = 6, 12, 18, 24
Harvey = 8, 16, 24
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24
Answer: Wednesday
17. What should be added to (x-3)(x+2) in order to get (x-4) 2?
Solution: (x-4)2 - (x-3)(x+2)
(x2 -8x + 16) – (x2 –x – 6)
-7x + 22
Answer: -7x + 22
18. Simplify: √ ¿ 1.8 x 104 −2.55 x 104 ∨+6.9 x 103
Solution: √ ¿ 1.8 x 104 −2.55 x 104 ∨+6.9 x 103
√|18 , 000−25 , 500|+6,900
√|−7 , 500|+6,900
√ 7 , 500+ 6,900
√ 14 , 400
Answer: 120
19. In a triangle, one angle is twice the second, and the third angle is
20° less than the second. What is the measure of the larger angle?
Solution: Let x = first angle - - > 50
2x = second angle - - > 100
x – 20 = third angle - - > 30
x + 2x + x – 20 = 180
4x - 20 =180
4x = 180 + 20
4x = 200
x = 50
Answer: 100°
20. In costs (x+3) pesos per square foot to paint a wall. If the wall
stands (4x+3)ft. high and (7x-2)ft. long, how much does it need to
paint the wall?
Solution: (4x + 3)(7x – 2)(x+3)
(28x2 – 8x + 21x – 6)(x + 3)
(28x2 + 13x – 6)(x + 3)
(x)( 28x2 + 13x – 6) +(3)( 28x2 + 13x – 6)
(28x3 + 13x2 – 6x) + (84x2 + 39x -18)
28x3 + 97x2 + 33x – 18
Answer: 28x3 + 97x2 + 33x - 18
21. In a class of 40 students, 27 like Math and 25 like Filipino. At most
how many students do not like at least one of these subjects?
Solution: 40

15 12 13

15 + 13 = 28
Answer: 28
22. How many four-digit numbers are multiples of 9?
Solution: an = a1 + (n-1)d
9999 = 1008 + (n – 1)(9)
9999 = 1008 + 9n - 9
9999 = 999 + 9n
9999 – 999 = 9n
9000 = 9n
1000 = n
Answer: 1000
23. Manuel can walk from his house to his school at the rate of 5.4 kph,
and back at the rate of 3.6 kph. What is his average speed for the
entire walk in meters per second?
1000 m
Solution: (5.4 kph + 3.5 kph) x 3600 s
5 45
(9) x 18 = 18 = 2.5 ÷ 2 = 1.25
Answer: 1.25
24. A polynomial has quotient x2 – 3x and remainder x2 - 1 when divided
by x3 – 1. What is the polynomial?
Solution: (x3 – 1)(x2 – 3x) + (x2 – 1)
(x5 – 3x4 – x2 + 3x) + (x2 – 1)
(x5 – 3x4 + 3x – 1)
Answer: x5 – 3x4 + 3x – 1
25. Aldo cut a long piece of bamboo into four pieces. The second piece
was one-third of the first piece, the third piece was one-third of the
second, and finally the fourth piece was one-third of the third. If the
smallest piece was 2dm, how long was the bamboo before it was
Solution: 1st = 2 dm, 2nd = 2(3) = 6 dm
3rd = 6(3) = 18 dm 4th = 18(3) = 54 dm
2 + 6 + 18 + 54
Answer: 80 dm
26. In Teacher Ella’s class, a student receives a final grade of A if the
students garners of at least 92% in the five long tests. After four long
tests, Jonathan got an average of 91%. At least how much should he
get in the last long test to get a final grade of A?
Solution: (92 x 5) – (91 x 4)
460 – 364
Answer: 96%
27. What is the largest prime factor of 2013?
Solution: 2013
671 13

61 11
2013 = 61 x 11 x 13
Answer: 61
28. A class of 47 students took examinations in Algebra and in
Geometry. If 29 passed Algebra, 26 passed Geometry and 4 failed in
both subjects, how many passed both subjects?
Solution: 47 – 4 = 43 students passed

17 12 14

29 26
Answer: 12
29. A runner started a course at a steady rate of 8kph. Five minute
later, a second runner started the same course at 10kph. How long
did it take for the second runner to overtake the first?
Runner Time Speed
First x 8
Second x+5 10

x x+ 5
8 10
10x = 8(x + 5)
10x = 8x – 40
10x – 8x = 40
2x = 40
x = 20
Answer: 20 minutes
30. A rectangle has sides of (2x+3)cm and (4x+5)cm. How many
squares of sides x cm can be cut from it?
Solution: (2x + 3)(4x + 5) (2x)(4x) = 8x2
Answer: 8
31. Let ABCDE be a regular pentagon. What is the measure of ∠CAD?
( n−2 ) 180
Solution: Measure of each angle of a regular polygon =
Number of sides of a pentagon (n) = 5
( 5−2 ) 180
( 3 ) 180
A 5



108 ÷ 3

Answer: 36°
32. The average of five numbers is 20. If the sum of two numbers is 28,
what is the average of the other three numbers?
Solution: [(20 x 5) – 28] ÷ 3
(100 – 28) ÷ 3
72 ÷ 3
Answer: 24
33. A long straight steel bar is to be cut in the ratio 2:3:5. If the middle
piece is 7m., how long is the steel bar?
Solution: Let n = measure of the steel bar
2x + 3x + 5x = n
Middle piece = 7
3x = 7
x = 7/3
2(7/3) + 3(7/3) + 5(7/3) = n
(14/3) + (21/3) + (35/3) = n
70/3 = n
Answer: 70/3 m
34. Marvin is 10% taller than Homer, and Homer is 10% taller than
August. How much (in percent) is Marvin taller than August?
Solution 1: Let x = Marvin; Homer = y; August = z
x = y + 0.10y y = z + 0.10z
x = 1.10y y = 1.10z
x = 1.10y
= 1.10(1.10z)
x = 1.21z
x = z + 0.21z
Solution 2: Marvin : Homer 1.1 : 1
x Homer: August x 1.1 : 1
1.21 : 1.1 : 1
Answer: 21%
35. Which is the largest, a = 248, b = 336, or c = 524?
Solution: a = 248 b = 336 c = 524
a = (248)1/12 b = (336)1/12 c = (524)1/12
a = 24 b = 33 c = 52
a = 16 b = 27 c = 25
Answer: b = 336
36. What is the least value of x that satisfies the inequality 4(x + 3) –
7(2 - x) ≥ 2(2x – 7)?
Solution: 4(x + 3) – 7(2 - x) ≥ 2(2x – 7)
4x + 12 – 14 + 7x ≥ 4x – 14
11x – 2 ≥ 4x – 14
11x – 4x ≥ -14 + 2
7x ≥ -12
x ≥ -12/7
Answer: -12/7
37. When 3n is divided by 7, the remainder is 4. What is the remainder
when 2n is divided by 7?
Solution: 7(2) + 4 = 3n (find a least number that when multiply to 7
and added to 4 will be divisible by 3)
14 + 4 = 3n
18 = 3n
(2n)/7 = (2)(6) ÷ 7
= 12 ÷ 7
= 1 5/7
Answer: 5
38. If the sides of a cube are tripled, what percent of the original volume
is the new volume?
Solution: If x = 1 original volume = (1)3 = 1
x = (1)(3) = 3 new volume = (3)3 = 27
(27 ÷ 1) x 100 = 2700
Answer: 2700
39. If 2ax4 – bx3 + 4cx2 – dx + 3e =(2x-3)(x+1)(x-2)(3x+1), what is
ab + cd + e?
Solution: 2ax4 – bx3 + 4cx2 – dx + 3e = (2x-3)(x+1)(x-2)(3x+1)
= (2x2 + 2x – 3x - 3)(3x2 + x – 6x - 2)
= (2x2 – x – 3)(3x2 – 5x – 2)
= (2x2)(3x2 -5x – 2) + (-x) (3x2 -5x – 2) + (-3) (3x2 -5x – 2)
= (6x4 – 10x3 – 4x2) + (-3x3 + 5x2 +2x) + (-9x2 + 15x + 6)
= 6x4 – 13x3 – 8x2 + 17x + 6
2a = 6; -b = -13; 4c = -8; -d = 17; 3e = 6
a=3 b = 13 c = -2 d = -17 e=2
ab + cd + e
(3)(13) + (-2)(-17) + 2
39 + 34 + 2
Answer: 75
12 1 9 x− y
40. If - 5 ≤x ≤− 2 and 3 ≤y ≤ 2 , what is the largest possible value of x+ y ?
Solution: Since largest possible value take the largest value of
x = -1/2 and y = 9/2
−1 9

x− y 2 2
x+ y = −1 9
2 2
−1−9 −10
2 2
= −1+ 9 = 8
2 2
= 4
Answer: 4
41. Which is smaller, A = (2015)(2014)(2013)(2012)(2011) or B =
Solution: Let x = 2013
A = (2015)(2014)(2013)(2012)(2011)
= (2013 + 2)(2013 + 1)(2013)(2013 – 1)(2013 – 2)
= (x + 2)(x + 1)(x)(x-1)(x -2)
= (x + 2)(x – 2)(x + 1)(x – 1)(x)
= (x2 – 4)(x2 – 1)(x)
= (x4 –x2 -4x2 + 4)(x)
= (x4 -5x2 + 4)(x)
= x5 – 5x3 + 4x
B = 20135
B = x5
Let us assume another value for x to lessen the computation,
Let say x = 1
A = x5 – 5x3 + 4x B = x5
A = (1)5 – 5(1)3 + 4(1) B = (1)5
A=1–5+4 B=1
A=0 B=1
Answer: B
42. If x2- 3x + 1 = 0, find the value of x 2+ .
Solution: x2- 3x + 1 = 0 - - > x2 = 3x -1
1 1
x 2+ 2 = (3x -1) +
x (3 x−1)
= ¿¿
9 x2 −6 x+1+1
3 x−1
9 x2 −6 x+2
3 x−1
9 ( 3 x −1 )−6 x+ 2
3 x−1
27 x−9−6 x+2 21 x−7
= 3 x−1
= 3 x −1
7(3 x−1)
= (3 x−1)
Answer: 7
43. If (x + 3)(x – 2)(x + 1) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x + 3)(x–2), what is Q(x)?
Solution: (x + 3)(x – 2)(x + 1) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x + 3)(x–2)
(x2 -2x + 3x – 6)(x + 1) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x2 -2x + 3x -6)
(x2 + x – 6)(x + 1) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x2 + x – 6)
(x)( x2 + x – 6) + 1(x2 + x – 6) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x2 + x – 6)
(x3 + x2 – 6x) + (x2 + x – 6) = (x + 2)Q(x) + (x2 + x – 6)
(x3 + x2 – 6x) + (x2 + x – 6) – (x2 + x – 6) = (x + 2)Q(x)
x3 + x2 – 6x = (x+ 2)Q(x)
(x3 + x2 – 6x)/(x + 2) = Q(x)
x3 + x 2−6 x
x+ 2
44. All faces of a 4-inch cube have been painted. If the cube is to cut
into 1-inch smaller cubes, how many of them have no paint on all
their faces?
Solution: Volume of a 4-inch cube = (4)3 = 64
Volume of a 1-inch cube = (1)3 = 1
Therefore there are 64 1-inch cube in a 4-inch cube
Total cube – cube painted(top and bottom + 2 nd and 3rd layer)
64 – (16 x 2 + 24)
64 – (32 + 24)
64 – (56)
Answer: 8
45. If x = -1, find the value of 2013x2013 + 2012x2012 + 2011x2011 +
2010x2010 + … + 2x2 + x.
Solution: Substitute the value of x
2013x2013 + 2012x2012 + 2011x2011 + 2010x2010 + … + 2x2 + x
2013(-1)2013 + 2012(-1)2012 + 2011(-1)2011 + 2010(-1)2010 +. . . +
2(-1)2 + (-1)
2013(-1) + 2012 -2011 + 2010 -2009). . . + 2 - 1
-2013 + (1 + 1 + . . . +1) notice that as you continue the
computation you will see that it always give a difference of 1
-2013 + (1006) from 2013 to 1 there are 2012 numbers and to
find out how many difference of 1, divide it by 2
-2013 + 1006
Answer: -1007
46. The sum of two numbers is 20 and their product is 15. Find the sum
of their cubes.
Solution: Let x and y be the numbers
x + y = 20; xy = 15
(x + y)2 = 202
x2 + 2xy + y2 = 400
x2 + y2 + 2(15) = 400
x2 + y2 + 30 = 400
x2 + y2 = 400 – 30
x2 + y2 = 370

x3 + y3 = (x + y)(x2 –xy + y2)

= (20)(370 – 15)
= 20( 355)
= 7100
Answer: 7 100
47. How many positive factors does 62 x (633 + 632 + 63 + 1) + 1 have?
Solution: 62 x (633 + 632 + 63 + 1) + 1
Let x = 63
(x – 1)(x3 + x2 + x + 1) + 1
(x4 – 1) + 1
(32 x7)4
(38 x 74)
Positive Factors = (8 + 1)(4 + 1)
= (9)(5)
= 45
Answer: 45
48. If the number 10,600 is expressed as the sum of 100 consecutive
odd positive integers, what is the largest among the odd integers?
Solution: Sn = 2 [(a1 + an)d]
10 600 = 2 [(1 + an)2]
10 600 = 50[(1 + an)2]
10 600 = 50(2 + 2an)
10 600 = 100 + 100an
10 600 – 100 = 100an
10 500 = 100an
105 = an
Answer: 105
2 n 4
49. How many positive integers n satisfy 7 < 13 < 5 ?
2 n 4
Solution: < <
7 13 5
2 n 4
( 13 ) < ( 13 ) < ( 13 )
7 13 5
26 52
< n<
7 5
4 < n < 10
(10 – 4) + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7
Answer: 7
50. What is the least number of square pieces into which a cardboard,
13 feet long and 8 feet wide can be cut?
Solution: A = lw = (13)(8) = 104
Divide the area from least number of perfect square
(1, 4, 16, 25, 36, 49)
104/1 = 104
104/4 = 26
104/16 = 6 r. 8
104/25 = 4 r. 4
Therefore the least number of square pieces that
can be cut is 26.
Answer: 26
2014 Metrobank MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge
Division Elimination Round
Grade 7
Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every
question. Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test
yourself again, by answering the questions. Give all fractions in lowest
terms and all expressions in expanded form.
6 1 5
1. Simplify: 5 x 4 +2÷ 2
6 1 5
Solution: x +2÷
5 4 2
6 2
+2 ×
20 5
6 4 6+16 22 11
+ = = =
20 5 20 20 10
Answer: 10
2 5

3 4
2. Simplify: 1 4
2 3
2 5 8−15 −7 1

3 4 12 12 −7 6 −7
Solution: 1 4
= 3+ 8
= 11
= x
12 11
= 22
+ 2
2 3 6 6
Answer: 22
3. Write 12500000 in scientific notation.
7 8 56
Solution: 12500000 x 8 = 1, 000 000 000 = 0.000 000 56 = 5.6 x 10-7
Answer: 5.6 x 10-7
1 1 1 1
4. Simplify: 2 – 1+ 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 . )
1 1 1 1 16+8+ 4+2+1
Solution: 2 – (1+ 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 ¿ = 2 – ( 16
= 2 – ( 16 ¿
= 16
= 16
Answer: 16
5. Julie’s average for the first four tests is 88.5. If she wants an average
of at least 90 in the five tests, what score must she get in her last
Solution: (90 x 5) – (88.5 x 4)
450 – 354
Answer: at least 96
6. Alma walks 4.5 kilometers in one hour. What is the seed in meters
per minute?
4.5 km 1000 m 1 hr
Solution: 1 hr
60 min
4 500 m
60 min
= 75m/min
Answer: 75 m/min
7. The grade 6 pupils of a school are divided equally into Team A and
Team B. The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in
Team A is 2:1 and in Team B it is 4:11. What is the ratio of the
number of boys to the number of girls in grade 6?
Solution: Assume that the total number of grade 6 pupils is 30,
therefore each team has 15 members.
Team A Team B
2:1 4:11
2x + x = 15 4x + 11 = 15
3x = 15 15x = 15
x=5 x =1
2(5):1(5) 4(1):11(1)
Therefore the ratio of boys to girls in Team A is 10:5 while in
Team B is 4:11. Adding it, the ratio of number of boys to number
of girls in grade 6 is 14:16 = 7:8.
Answer: 7:8
8. A dress is marked with a 12% discount. If the dress is marked at Php
1 188, how much was it before the discount was applied?
Solution: 1 188 ÷ (100% - 12%)
1 188 ÷ 88%
1 188 ÷ 0.88 = 1 350
Answer: Php 1 350
9. Simplify: ¿.
3 2 2
Solution: ( ) ( )
− 2+
4−3 2 4+3 2

( ) ( )

1 2 7 2

() ()

1 49

4 4
Answer: -12
10. What is the product of three consecutive odd integers if the middle
integer is n?
Solution: since the middle is n, the first odd integers is n-2 and the
third is n + 2
(n – 2)(n)(n + 2)
(n2 – 4)(n)
n3 - 4n
Answer: n3 – 4n
11. What number is exactly midway between 3/2 and -9?
3 3−18 −15
Solution: 2
= 2 ÷2
−15 1
= 2 x2
= 4
Answer: 4

12. The price of a pencil is p pesos and a notebook costs Php 12 more
than a pencil. How much do 3 pencils and 2 notebooks cost?
Solution: price of a pencil = p
price of a notebook = p + 12
three pencil and 2 notebooks price = 3p + 2(p + 12)
= 3p + 2p + 24
= 5p + 24
Answer: 5p + 24
2 2 4
( )( )
13. Compute: 1− 3 1+ 3 (1+ 9 )

Solution: (1− 23 )(1+ 23 )(1+ 49 )

( 3−23 )( 3+3 2 )( 9+49 )
( 13 )( 53 )( 139 ) = 6581
Answer: 81

14. Subtract 2a – 4b + 9c from the sum of 3a + 5b – 3c and a – b + 7c.

Solution: [(3a + 5b – 3c) + (a – b + 7c)] – (2a – 4b + 9c)
(4a + 4b + 4c) – (2a – 4b + 9c)
2a + 8b – 5c
Answer: 2a + 8b – 5c
15. If x is twice as far from 5 as it is from -7, what are the possible
values for x?
Solution: 5 – (-7) = 12 distance of 5 to 12
2/3(12) = 8 since x is twice as far from 5 as it is from -7
5 – 8 = -3 subtract it from 5 since x is twice as far from 5
12 – (-7) = -19 it is also a value of x since -19 is twice
as far from 5 as it is from -7
Answer: x = -3 and x = -19
16. What must be added to the product of 3x + 1 and 2x – 5 to obtain
4x2 – 5x – 6?
Solution: (4x2 – 5x – 6) – (3x + 1)(2x – 5)
(4x2 – 5x – 6) – (6x2 – 15x + 2x – 5)
(4x2 – 5x – 6) – (6x2 – 13x – 5)
-2x2 + 8x – 1
Answer: -2x2 + 8x - 1
17. Let A be the set of all positive even integers less than 10, B the set
of all prime numbers less than 10, and C the set of all one-digit
numbers which are NOT multiples of 3. Find C|(A U B).

Solution: A = {2, 4, 6, 8} B = {2, 3, 5, 7} C = {1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8}

{1 , 2, 4 , 5 ,7 , 8 }
C|(A U B) = {2 ,3 , 4 5 , 6 ,7 ,8 } = {1}
Answer: {1}
18. In a triangle, the second angle is twice the first angle and the third
angle is 12°less than 5 times the first angle. What is the measure of
the largest angle?
Solution: Let x = first angle - - -> 24
2x = second angle - - - > 48
5x -12 = third angle - - - > 108
x + 2x + 5x – 12 = 180
8x = 180 + 12
8x = 192
x = 24
Answer: 108
19. Let the universal set U be the set of positive integers less than 20, A
the set of odd integers, B the set of perfect squares and C the set of
multiples of 3. Determine C|(A U B)’.
U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}
A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19}
B = {1, 4, 9, 16}
C = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18}
(A U B) = {1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19}
(A ∩ B)’ = {2, 6, 8, 10,12,14, 18}
{3 , 6 , 9 ,12 , 15 ,18 }
C|(A ∩ B)’ = {2 , 6 ,8 ,10 , 12 ,14 ,18 }
Answer: {3, 9, 15}
20. In a class of 35 students, 10 speak Ilocano, 18 speak Bicolano, 16
speak Cebuano, 5 speak both Bicolano and Ilocano, 2 speak both
Ilocano and Cebuano, 9 speak both Bicolano and Cebuano, and 2
speak all three languages. How many students do not speak any of
the three languages?

U = 35 I B

5 3 6


35 – ( 5 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 7 + 7 + 2)
35 – 30 = 5
Answer: 5
21. Simplify: 2(5)2 – (6)(-2)3 + (3 – 7)3
Solution: 2(5)2 – (6)(-2)3 + (3 – 7)3
2(25) – (6)(-8) + (- 4)3
(50) – (-48) + (-64)
98 – 64
Answer: 34
22. How many different lengths of diagonals does a regular decagon
Solution: There are 7 diagonals
formed for each vertex of a
decagon. But every two of them
has the same measure
therefore 3 diagonals have the
same measure added to 1
diagonal of different measure.
Answer: 4

23. Give the solution set for 3[7−2(7 x−4)] = -42x + 45

Solution: 3[7−2(7 x−4)] = -42x + 45
3(7 – 14x + 8) = -42 x + 45
21 – 42x + 24 = -42x + 45
-42x + 45 = -42x + 45
Therefore, the solution set is real numbers.
Answer: set of real numbers
24. Paul is 20 years older than Jason. In 12 years, Paul will be twice as
old as Jason will be then. How old is Paul now?
Present Age In 12 years
Jayson’s Age x x + 12
Paul’s Age x + 20 x + 20 + 12
x + 32 = 2(x + 12)
x + 32 = 2x + 24
x – 2x = 24 – 32
-x = -8
Paul’s present age - - > x + 20 = 8 + 20 = 28
Answer: 28 years old
25. Karen jogs every morning while Roy cycles on the same route. If
Roy’s speed is three times that of Karen and Roy starts 2 hours
after Karen, how long does Roy cycle before she overtakes Karen?
Solution: 3x = x + 2
3x – x = 2
2x = 2
Answer: 1 hr
26. Subtract 2a2 + 2ab – ac from the product of a + b and 2a – b + c.
Solution: (2a – b + c)(a + b) – (2a2 + 2ab – ac)
(a)(2a – b + c) + (b)(2a – b + c) – (2a2 + 2ab – ac)
(2a2 – ab + ac) + (2ab – b2 + bc) – (2a2 + 2ab – ac)
-ab + 2ac – b2 + bc
Answer: 2ac + bc – ab – b2
27. A cylindrical container with radius 10 cm is filled with water to a
height of 2 cm. The water is poured into a second cylindrical
container with radius 4 cm. How high will the water be in the second
Solution: Volume of the first cylindrical container = V1
Volume of the first cylindrical container = V2
V1 = V2
π r 2 h=π r 2
π (10 ) 2 = π (4 )2 h

π (100)2 = π (16)h
π (200) = π (16) h
h = 12.5
Answer: 12.5 cm
28. Luis can arrange his stickers 6 or 9 to a page without any stickers
left over. If he arranges his stickers 10 to a page, there are 2
stickers left over. What is the smallest number of sticker Luis can
Solution: 1. Find smallest number that is both divisible by 6 and
9.The possible numbers are 18, 36, 54, 72
2. The number should give a remainder of 2 when
divided by 10. (18/10 r. 8, 36/10 r. 6, 54/10 r. 4, 72/10
r. 2)
Therefore 72 is the smallest number of sticker Luis can have.
Answer: 72
29. ABCDEFGH is a regular octagon. What is the measure of ∠BAD?
( n−2 ) (180) ( 8−2 ) (180) ( 6 ) (180) 1080
Solution: = = = 8 = 135 ÷ 3 = 45°
n 8 8
Answer: 45°
30. Given rectangle ABCD, let E be the midpoint of side AB and F is the
midpoint of side BC. What part of rectangle ABCD is triangle DEF?
Solution: E 1 1
A + B
4 8
2+ 1 3
D C 8 8
Answer: 8
31. At a party, married people came with their husbands or wives. If half
of the women and 6 of the men in the party were single, what
percentage of the people in the room were married?
Men Women
Single ½ ½
Married 1/6 5/6
Couple + Married
(1/2)(5/6) + (5/6 – ½)
5/12 + 1/3
5+4 9 3
= =
12 12 4
Answer: 75%
32. If the length of a rectangle is x + 5, its width is 2x -1, and its area is
2x2 + 5x + 7, what is x?
Solution: A = lw
2x2 + 5x + 7 = (x + 5)(2x – 1)
2x2 + 5x + 7 = 2x2 – x + 10x – 5
2x2 – 2x2 + 5x + x – 10x = -5 – 7
-4x = -12
Answer: 3
33. How many four-digit numbers are multiples of 12?
Solution: an = a1 + (n-1)d
9996 = 1008 + (n – 1)(12)
9996 = 1008 + 12n - 12
9996 = 996 + 12n
9996 – 996 = 12n
9000 = 12n
750 = n
Answer: 750
34. Simplify: (x2 -4)(x – 2) - (x + 3)(x2 – 4x + 4)
Solution: (x2 -4)(x – 2) - (x + 3)(x2 – 4x + 4)
(x2 -4)(x – 2) - (x + 3)(x2 – 4x + 4)
[(x2)(x – 2) + (-4)(x – 2)] – [(x)( x2 – 4x + 4) + (3)( x2 – 4x + 4)]
(x3 – 2x2 -4x + 8) – (x3 – 4x2 + 4x + 3x2 – 12x + 12)
(x3 – 2x2 -4x + 8) – (x3 – x2 – 8x + 12)
-x2 + 4x – 4
Answer: -x2 + 4x - 4

35. If n and m are positive integers, what is the value of [(-2 ¿n +2m +3−¿] ÷
2m ?
Solution: Assume different positive integer for n and m, let
say n = 1 and m = 2.

[(-2¿(1) + 2(2)+ 3−¿] ÷ 22

[(-2¿+25 −¿] ÷ 22
(-2 + 25 + 2) ÷ 22
25 ÷ 2 2
23 = 8
Answer: 8
( √ x −√ 2 ) ( √ x +2)
36. Simplify: .
x2 −4
( √ x −√ 2 ) ( √ x +2)
Solution: .
x2 −4
( x+2 ) ( x −2)
= x−2
Answer: x−2

37. A rectangle with dimensions x by x + 10 has the same area as the

square with side x + 3. What is x?
Solution: A = lw A = s2
= (x)(x + 10) = (x + 3)2
= x2 + 10x = x2 + 6x + 9
x2 + 10x = x2 + 6x + 9
x2 – x2 + 10x – 6x = 9
4x = 9
x = 9/4
Answer: 9/4
38. If today is Saturday, what day is 1020 days from now?
Solution: 101/7 = r. 3
102/7 = r. 2
103/7 = r. 6
104/7 = r. 4
105/7 = r. 5
106/7 = r. 1
Notice that the remainder is repeating in every 6 th power of 10.
20/6 = 3 r. 2 From Saturday the next two days are Sunday and
Answer: Monday
39. Which is larger √ 75 + 1 or 8 + √ 3?
Solution: √ 75 + 1 or 8 + √ 3
√ 25 x 3+1 or 8 + √3
5√ 3 + 1 or 8 + √3
Answer: 8+ √ 3
40. Which values of x satisfy |x + 1| = |2x - 4|?
Solution: |x + 1| = |2x - 4|
x + 1 = 2x – 4 -x – 1 = 2x – 4
x – 2x = -4 – 1 -x – 2x = -4 + 1
-x = -5 -3x = -3
x=5 x=1
Answer: x = 1 or 5
1 1 1 1
( )( )
41. What is the value of (1 - 2 ¿ 1− 3 1− 4 … (1 - 2013 ¿?
1 1 1 1
Solution: (1 - 2 ¿ (1− 3 )(1− 4 ) … (1− 2013 )

( 2−12 )( 3−1 3 )( 4−1

4 ) …(
2013 )

( 12 )( 23 )( 34 ) … 2012
notice the pattern
Answer: 2013

42. The base of a pyramid is a square and its other faces are equilateral
triangles. Draw all the possible nets for the pyramid.

43. A car leaves A at 8 AM and travels to B at a rate of 60kph. A bus

leaves B at 8:30 AM and travels to A at a rate of 75 kph. If the car
and the bus pass each other midway between A and B, at what time
will the car pass the bus?
Solution: Let t = bus travel time t + 0.5 = car travel time
The distance is equal.
rt = rt
60(t + 0.5) = 75t
60t + 30 = 75t
75t – 60t = 30
15t = 30
t = 2 hrs
Therefore 8:30 AM + 2:00 hrs = 10:30 AM
Answer: 10:30 AM
44. Which integer values of x satisfy 3x + 1 ¿ 2 x+11 ≤ 4 x −3?
Solution: 3x + 1 ¿ 2 x+11≤ 4 x −3
3x + 1 < 2x + 11 2x + 11 ≤ 4x – 3
3x – 2x < 11 – 1 2x – 4x ≤ -3 – 11
x < 10 -2x ≤ -14
Answer: x = 7, 8, 9

45. Find the solution set: 2 ¿|2 x−3|≤ 5

Solution: 2 ¿|2 x−3|≤ 5 2 ¿|2 x−3|≤ 5
2 < 2x – 3 2x – 3 ≤ 5 2 < -2x + 3 -2x + 3 ≤ 5
2 + 3 < 2x 2x ≤ 5 + 3 2x < 3 -2 3 – 5 ≤2x
5 < 2x 2x ≤ 8 2x < 1 -2 ≤ 2x
5/2 < x x ≤4 x<½ -1 ≤ x
Answer: {x: -1 ≤ x < ½ or 5/2 ≤ x < 4} or [ -1, ½) U (5/2, 4]
46. In a class of 30, ten students have computers at home and 15 have
cellphones. What are the possible computer ofcellphone
U = 30 students who don’t
have a computer or cellphone?
5 5 10
10 15
Answer: from 5 to 15
47. If n is a positive integer, which of the following is a perfect square:
3n , ¿?

Solution: Let as assume that n is 1.


3n ¿

3(1) ¿
3 ¿
3 -27 3(12)
Answer: 3(12¿n

48. If 5n leaves a remainder of 8 when divided by 11, what is the

remainder when 4n is divided by 11?
Solution: 11(2) + 8 = 5n (find a least number that when multiply to
11 and added to 8 will be divisible by 5)
22 + 8 = 5n
30 = 5n
(4n)/11 = (4)(6) ÷ 11
= 24 ÷ 11
= 2 2/11
Answer: 2
49. With what polynomial must 6x4 – 2x3 + x2 + x – 5 be divided to get a
quotient of 2x2 + 5 and a remainder of 6x + 30?
Solution: [(6x4 – 2x3 + x2 + x – 5) – (6x + 30)] / (2x2 + 5)
(6x4 – 2x3 + x2 - 5x - 35)/(2x2 + 5)

3x2 – x - 7
2x2 + 5 6x4 – 2x3 + x2 - 5x - 35
- 6x4 + 15x2
-2x3 -14x2 - 5x
- 2x3 - 5x
-14x2 - 35
- -14x2 - 35
Answer: 3x2 – x – 7
50. Give the solution set to |3 – 2x| + |-6 + 1| ¿ 12.
Solution: |3 – 2x| + |-6 + 1| ¿ 12 |3 – 2x| + |-6 + 1| ¿ 12
3 – 2x + 5 < 12 -3 + 2x + 5 < 12
8 – 2x < 12 2 + 2x < 12
-2x < 12 – 8 2x < 12 – 2
-2x < 4 2x < 10
x > -2 x<5
Answer: {x: -2 < x , 5} or (-2, 5)

2015 Metrobank – MTAP – DepEd Math Challenge

Division Elimination Round
Grade 7

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every

question. Be sure you understand the concepts involved. Test yourself
again by answering the questions.
1. Simplify: 2(3)2 – 3(2)3 + (1 – 4)3
Solution: 2(9) – 3(8) + (-3)3
18 – 24 – 27
Answer: -33
2. By how much is 3 – 1/3 greater than 2 –1/2?
1 8 8 3
Solution: 3 - 3 = 3 -
3 2
1 3 16−9 7
2- 2= 2 6
= 6
Answer: 6
3. Write 200000 in scientific notation.
Solution: 9 ÷ 200000 = 0.000045 = 4.5 x 10-5
Answer: 4.5 x 10-5
4. What is the product of three consecutive multiples of 5 if the middle
number is n?
Solution: Let n – 5 be the 1st number
n be the 2nd number (middle number)
n + 5 be the 3rd number
(n – 5)(n)(n + 5) = n(n2 – 25) = n3 – 25n
Answer: n3 – 25n
5. If water pours into a tank at a rate of 100 liters per minute, at what
rate is the tank being filled in kiloliters per hour? (1 kL = 1000 L)
L 1 kL
Solution: 100 min x 1000 L = 0.1 kL/minute
kL 60 min
1.1 x
min 1 hour
= 6 kL/hr

Answer: 6 kL/hr

6. Subtract the sum of a + 2b + c and 3a – b -2c from 6a + b – 2c.

Solution: The sum of (a + 2b + c)+(3a – b -2c) is
4a + b - c
Subtract 6a + b – 2c and 4a + b – c by changing the sign
of the subtrahend then add
6a + b – 2c
-4a - b + c
2a –c

Answer: 2a – c
−7 5
7. Simplify: (3 – 8) x ( 2 ) - 2 (-2)
Solution: (-5)( 2 ) + 5
Answer: 2
8. The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 1620 o. How many sides
has the polygon?
Solution: let n be the number of sides
sum of the interior angles = (n – 2)180o
1620 = (n – 2)1800
1620 = 180n – 360
1620 + 360 = 180n
1980 180 n
= 180
n = 11
Answer: 11
1 1
9. Simplify:(3 - 4 )2 – (3 + 4 )2
1 1
Solution: (3 - 4 )2 – (3 + 4 )2
11 13
( 4 )2 - ( 4 )2
11 13 11 13 −2 24
( 4 − 4 ) ( 4 + 4 ) = ( 4 )( 4 ) = -3
Answer: -3
10. The sum of two angles of a triangle is three times the
third angle. What is the sum of the first two angles?
Solution: Let x be the third angle
3x be the sum of the first 2 angles
Equation: 3x + x = 180
4x = 180
x = 45
3x = 3(45) = 135o

Answer: 135o
11. Danny had some stickers. He gave 1/3 of the stickers plus 1 sticker
to his brother. Then he gave 1/3 of the remaining stickers plus 4
stickers to his sister. Finally, he gave ½ of what remained plus 3
stickers to his bestfriend. He found that he had 4 stickers left. How
many stickers did Danny have at first?
Solution: work backward
let x be the number of stickers
a. x - 2 – 3 = 4
(x - 2 – 3 = 4) 2
2x –x – 6 = 8
x = 14
b. x - 3 – 4 = 14
(x - 3 – 4 = 14) 3
3x –x – 12 = 42
2x = 54
x = 27
c. x - 3 – 1 = 27
(x - 3 – 1 = 27) 3
3x – x – 3 = 81
2x = 84
x = 42

Answer: 42

12. What number is 2/5 of the way from -3 to 5?

Solution: the distance from -3 to 5 is 5 – (-3) = 8
2 16 1
2/5 of 8 => 5 (8) = 5 or 3 5
1 1
-3 + 3 5 = 5
Answer: 5

13. The number n is divisible by 3. The number n2 is 3641A5. What

digit does A represent?
Solution: If n is divisible by 3, then n2 is divisible by 9. In symbol,
if n = 3 then n2 = 9.
A number is divisible by 9, if the sum of its digits is
divisible by 9.
3 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 5 = 19, it is not divisible by 9 so we need
to add 8 to make it 27, thus A = 8.
Answer: 8
14. What is the smallest positive integer that must be multiplied to 60
to get a perfect cube?
Solution: The prime factors of 60 are 2x2x3x5, thus we need
to multiply to make it a perfect cube.
2x3x3x5x5 = 450
Answer: 450
15. Compute: 10 ÷ 3
Solution: 10 ÷
5 5
10 ÷( x )
4 7
10 ÷
28 56
10 x 25 = 5
Answer: 5

16. What three-digit number is both the square of an integer and the cube
of an integer?
Solution: = 729
32.32.32 = 729
33.33 = 729

Answer: 729
( √ x−√ 3)( √ x + √ 3)
17. Simplify:
x 2−3 x

√ x 2−√ 9
x ( x−3 )
x(x −3)
Answer: x

18. If x is twice as far from -9 as it is from 3, what are the possible values
of x?
Solution:the distance from 3 to -9 is 12, thus 12÷ 3 = 4
a. 3 – 4 = -1 -9 + 2(4) = -1 x = -1

2(4) 4

-9 -1 3
b. 3 + 12 = 15 -9 + 2(12) = 15 x = 15



-9 3 15
Answer: -1 and 15

19. Sandra is 18 years older than Paolo. In 13 years, Sandra will be

twice as old as Paolo will be then. How old is Sandra now?
Solution: Let x be the present age of Sandra

Present Age 13 years from now

Sandra x + 18 x + 18 + 13
Paolo x x + 13
Equation: x + 31 = 2(x + 13)
x + 31 = 2x + 26
x – 2X = 26 – 31
-x = -5
x = 5 Paolo’s age
x + 18 = 5 + 18 = 23 Sandra’s age
Answer: 23 years old
20. Which is bigger √3 5 or √ 3 ?

Answer: √ 3
21. The average of 5 numbers is 14. The average of three of the
numbers is 12. What is the average of the other two numbers?
Solution: 14 x 5 = 70 the sum of 5 numbers
12 x 3 = 36 the sum of 3 of the numbers
70 – 36 = 34 the sum of the other 2 numbers
34 ÷ 2 = 17 average of the other 2 numbers
Answer: 17
22. A sandwich costs p pesos. A cookie costs Php9 less than a
sandwich. How much more expensive are 8 cookies than 5
Solution: 5(p) = 5p cost of 5 sandwiches
8(p – 9) = 8p – 72 cost of 8 cookies
8p – 72 – 5p = 3p – 72
Answer: Php 3p – 72
23. Which values of x satisfy ⃒ 2x + 1⃒= ⃒
2x - 9⃒
Solution: 2x + 1 = + (2x – 9)
2x + 1 = 2x -9 2x + 1 = -2x + 9
2x – 2x = -9 – 1 2x + 2x = 9 – 1
0 = -10 4x = 8
No solution x=2
Answer: 2
24. A car leaves P at 8 AM and travels to Q at a constant speed. A bus
leaves Q at 8:45 AM and travels to P at a speed three times that of
the car. If they meet at 10:00 AM, find the ratio of the distance
travelled by the bus to the distance travelled by the car when they
Solution: distance = speed x time
let x be the speed of a car

Speed Time Distance

Car x 2 2x
Bus 3x 1.25 3.75x
Distance travelled by the bus: Distance travelled by the
car 3.75x : 2x => 375 : 200 => 15:8

Answer: 15:8
25. How many 3-digit numbers are multiples of 18?
Solution: 999 ÷ 18 = 55, there are 55 numbers divisible by 18 from
1 to 999
99 ÷ 18 = 5, there 5 numbers divisible by 18 from 1 to 99
Thus, 55 – 5 = 50, there are 50 numbers divisible by 18 from
100 to 999 (3-digit numbers)
Answer: 50

26. If the perimeter of a square is 8x + 6, what is its area?

Perimeter 8 x+6 3
Solution: Side of the square = 4
= 4
= 2x + 2
3 9
Area of the square = s2 = (2x + 2 )2 = 4x2 + 6x + 4
Answer: 4x2 + 6x + 4

27. Two vertical poles are 3 meters apart. Jack is climbing one pole while
Jill climbs the other. If the distance between Jack and Jill is 5 meters,
how much higher is Jill than John?
Solution: Pythagorean Theorem: c2 = a2 + b2
52 = a 2 + 3 2
25 = a2 + 9
25 – 9 = a2
16 = a2
a = 4 m , Jill is higher than Jack by 4m
Answer: 4 meters
28. If the circumference of a circle is increased by 20%, by how much is
its area increased?
Solution: Circumference = 2 π r
Suppose C = 100, an increase of 20% is C = 120
a. Get the radius
100 = 2 π r 120 = 2 π r
100 2 πr 120 2 πr

= 2π 2π
= 2π
50 60
r= π r= π
b. Find the area: (A = π r2)
50 60
A = π ( π )2 A = π ( π )2
2500 3600
A = π( ) A = π( )
π2 π2
2500 3600
A= π A= π
c. Get the difference
3600 2500 1100
- π = π
d. Get the rate of increase
1100 2500 1100 π 1100
÷ = x = = 0.44 = 44%
π π π 2500 2500

Answer: 44%
29. A camp director prepared enough food for 100 students for 6 days. If
only 75 students came, how long will the food supply last?
Solution: Let x be the number of days the food supply will last for
75 students
100 : x = 75 : 6
75x = 600

Answer: 8 days

30. How many two-digit numbers are not divisible by 4 nor 5?

Solution: There are 90 two-digit numbers.
a. 2-digit numbers divisible by 4
99 10
- 4 , 24 – 2 = 22
b. 2-digit numbers divisible by 5
99 10
- 5 , 19 – 1 = 18
c. 2-digit numbers divisible by 4 and 5
d. 2-digit numbers divisible by 4 or 5
22 + 18 – 4 = 36
e. 2-digit numbers not divisible by 4 nor 5
90 – 36 = 54

Answer: 54
31. If n is a prime number not equal to 2, which of the following can be a
prime: n+3, 2n–1, n2+1?
Solution: Assume values of n
Answer: 2n – 1
32. What must be added to the product of 2x – 1 and 4x + 5 to obtain 4x 2
+ 8x + 1?
Solution: a. Get the product of 2x – 1 and 4x + 5
(2x – 1)(4x + 5) = 8x2 + 6x – 5
b. Get the difference of 4x2 + 8x + 1 and 8x2 + 6x – 5

_ 4x2 + 8x + 1 4x2 + 8x + 1
_ 8x2 + 6x – 5 => -8x2 - 6x + 5
-4x2 + 2x + 6

Answer: -4x2 + 2x + 6
33. If the greatest common divisor of two numbers is 12 and their least
common multiple is 180, what are the possible pairs of numbers?
Solution: LCM = 180 , GCF = 12 = 2.2.3
The product of this pair of numbers is (180)(12)= 2160 =
2160 = 2x2x2x2x3x3x3x5

Possible pairs a. 2x2x3x3 = 36 , 2x2x3x5 = 60

b. 2x2x3 = 12 , 2x2x3x5x3 = 180

Answer: 36 and 60, 12 and 180

34. Given a positive integer n. Arrange the following from least to
greatest: √ n+1, √ n+1, n + 1?
Solution: Assume values of n, for example let n = 9
a. √ n + 1 = √ 9 + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4
b. √ n+1 = √ 9+1 = √ 10 = 3.2
c. n+1 = 9 + 1 = 10
Answer: √ n+1, √ n+1, n + 1
35. What is the largest integer which is always a factor of the sum of
three consecutive even integers?
Solution: no. of consecutive integers x their common difference
Answer: 6
36. If the sum of the first 100 positive integers is 5050, what is the sum of
the next 100 integers?
Solution: 101 + 102 + 103 . . . . . . . 198 + 199 + 200
101 + 200 = 301
102 + 199 = 301
103 + 198 = 301
301 x 50 = 15 050
Answer: 15 050
37. With what polynomial must 3x4 – 3x3 + 5x2 + 2x be divided to get a
quotient of 3x2 + 2 and a remainder of 4x – 2?
Solution: Subtract first the remainder from the dividend then divide
the difference by 3x2 + 2
a. (3x4–3x3 + 5x2 + 2x)–(4x–2) = 3x4–3x3 + 5x2-2x + 2
b. x2 – x + 1
3x3 + 2 3x4–3x3 + 5x2–2x + 2
(-)3x4 +(-)2x2
-3x3 + 3x2 –2x + 2
-(+)3x3 -(+)2x
3x +2
3x +2

Answer: x2 – x + 1
38. If 7n leaves a remainder of 8 when divided by 9, what is the
remainder when 5n is divided by 9?
a. Test the multiples of 9 to the given condition
9 + 8 = 17
18 + 8 = 26
27 + 8 = 35
35 is divisible by 7 then 7n = 35 thus n = 5
b. Substitute n = 5 to 5n/9
5n 5(5) 25
= = 9 = 18 r. 7

Answer: 7
39. Find the solution set: ⃒
3 - x⃒
Solution: 3 – x > 11 3 – x < -11
–x > 11 – 3 –x < -11 – 3
–x > 8 –x < -14
x < -8 x > 14

Answer: x < -8 or x > 14

2 2 2 2 2
40. Compute: (1 - 3 ) (1 - 5 ) (1 - 7 ) (1 - 9 ) (1 - 75 )
2 2 2 2 2
Solution: (1 - 3 ) (1 - 5 ) (1 - 7 ) (1 - 9 ) (1 - 75 )
1 3 5 7 73 73
( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 7 ) ( 9 ) ( 75 ) = 675
Answer: 675
41. Each square in the figure has side length 1. The curve in each square
is a circular arc with center at a corner of the square. What is the area
of the shaded region?
Solution: let

Asquare = s2, A = 22, A=4

2 2
Acircle = π r , A = (3.14)(1 ), A = 3.14
Find the area of the shaded region

A4squares = 4 Acircle Asquare - Acircle

3.14 4 – 3.14 = 0.86

Therefore, 4 + 3.14 + 0.86 = 8

Answer: 8 square units

42. What is the least common multiple of 168 and 420?
Solution: 168 = 2x2x3x7x2
420 = 2x2x3x7x5
LCM: 2x2x3x7x2x5 = 840
Answer: 840
43. A salesman receives a basic salary of Php10,000 and a commission
of 5% on all sales. Find his total sales in a month when he earned
Solution: a. Find the amount of his commission
25,000 – 10,000 = 15,000
b. 15,000 is 5% of ___
15,000 ÷ 0.05 = 300,000

Answer: Php300,000
44. What is the absolute value of 2x2 – 8x + 2 at x = 5/2?
Solution: Substitute x = 5/2
5 5
2( 2 )2 – 8( 2 ) + 2⃒

2( 4 ) – 4(5) + 2⃒

⃒2 – 20 + 2⃒
⃒2 - 18⃒
⃒ 2 ⃒
⃒2 ⃒
Answer: 2
45. Find all real numbers for which (7 – x)/2 > (4x + 3)/4.
7−x 4 x +3
Solution: 2
> 4
4(7 – x) >2(4x + 3)
28 – 4x > 8x + 6
-4x – 8x > 6 – 28
-12x > -22
x< 6
Answer: x < 6

46. For what values of x is (3x – 1)/4 < (2x + 5)/3?

3 x −1 2 x +5
Solution: 4
< 3
3(3x – 1) < 4(2x + 5)
9x – 3 < 8x + 20
9x – 8x < 20 + 3
x < 23
Answer: x < 23
47. Write an equation of the line through (-2,3) and (1,4).

Solution: let (-2,3) as (x1,y1) and (1,4) as (x2,y2)

y 2− y 1
y – y1 = x (x – x1)
2−x 1

y – 3 = 1−(−2) (x – (-2))
y – 3 = 3 (x + 2)
3(y – 3) = x + 2
3y – 9 = x + 2
-x + 3y – 9 – 2 =
-x + 3y – 11 = 0
x – 3y + 11 = 0
Answer: x – 3y + 11 = 0
48. Solve for x and y: 7x – 3y = 23 and x + 2y = 13.
Solution: System of linear equation (By substitution)
a. Solve for y, let x = -2y + 13
Substitute the value of x to 7x – 3y = 23
7(-2y + 13) – 3y = 23
-14y + 91 – 3y = 23
-17y = 23 – 91
-17y = -68
b. Solve for x, let y = 4
Substitute the value of y to any of the given equation.
Say x + 2y = 13
x + 2y = 13
x + 2(4) = 13
x + 8 = 13
x = 13 – 8

Answer: x=5
49. Pete is 12 years old and his grandfather is 63 years old. In how many
years will Pete’s age be ¼ that of his grandfather?

Present Age x years from now

Pete 12 12 + x
Grandfather 63 63 + x
Equation: 4(12 + x) = 63 + x
48 + 4x = 63 + x
4x – x = 63 – 48
3x = 15
Answer: 5 years
50. ∆ ABC has its coordinates at A(a,-1), B(8,-1) and C(5,4). If the base is
twice the height, find a.


The height is 5 units, therefore the base is 10 units since the base is
twice the height.
From B(8,-1), count 10 units to the left of the x-axis. Thus a = 2
since 8 – 10 is -2.
Answer: -2

2016 Metrobank MTAP-DepEd Math Challenge

Division Elimination Round
Grade 7

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every

question. Be sure you deeply understand the concepts involved. Test
yourself again, by answering the questions. Give all fractions in lowest
terms and all expressions in expanded form.

1. Simplify: 6(2¿2 – (4 - 5¿3

Solution :
6(2)2 – (4 – 5)3
= 6(4) – (- 1)3
= 24 – (- 1)
= 24 + 1
= 25
Answer : 25
1 1
2. By how much is 3 - 3 greater than 2 - 2?
Solution :
1 8 1 −3
3- 3 = 3 2
– 2 = 2
8 −3 16 +9
= 3− 2 = 6
= 6
Answer : 16

3. Write 250000 in scientific notation.
Solution :
11/250,000 = 0.000044
Answer: 4.4 x 10-5
4. The product of two prime numbers is 302. What is the sum of the two
Solution :
Since the product of two prime numbers is even, one of the
factors is 2, the only prime even number.
302 ÷ 2 = 151
151 + 2 = 153
Answer : 153

5. A shirt is marked ₱315 after a discount of 10% and value added tax
of 12%. What was the price of the shirt before tax and the discount?
Solution :
Let x – be the original price
0.1 x – the discount
0.12( x−0.1 x ) - tax
x−0.1 x+ 12 ( x−0.1 x )=315
0.9 x+ 0.12 ( 0.9 )=315
0.9 x+ 0.0008 x =315
1.008 x=315
Answer : Php 312.50
6. How many different lengths of diagonals does regular octagon have?
Answer: 3

1 1
7. What number is midway between 3 + 3 and 2 - 3 ?
Solution :
(3+ 13 )+(2− 13 )
10 5
= 3 3
15 1
= 3 ∙2
= 6
Answer : 2
9 3
8. Simplify: (2 – 5) x (- 8 ¿ - 4 (−2).
Solution :
−9 3
( )
(2 – 5)× 8 − 4 (−2)
−9 3
= (-3)( 8 ) + 2

27 3
= 8 +2

= 8
Answer : 8

9. Simplify: ¿
Solution :
( 72 + 56 ) - ( 72 − 56 )
2 2
49 7 5 25 49 7 5 25
[ ( )( ) ] [ ( )( ) ]
6 36

6 36
49 35 25 49 35 25
¿ + + −
4 6 36 4
− + (
6 36 )
49 35 25 49 35 25
¿ + + − + −
4 6 36 4 6 36
Answer : 3

10. The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a polygon is

1980°. How many sides has the polygon?
Solution :
Sum of interior angles = 180(n-2)
1980 = 180(n-2)
1980 = 180(n-2)
1980 = 180n – 360
2340 = 180n
n = 13
Answer : 13
11. The average of three numbers is 20. Two numbers are added to
the set and the average of the five numbers the average becomes 42.
If one of the numbers is twice the other, what are the numbers added
to the data?
Solution : Since the average of 3 number is 20,then their sum is 60.
60 + 3x = 210
3x = 150
x = 50

Answer: 50 & 100

12. Compute: 24 ÷ 1 .
Solution :
24 ÷
¿ 24 ÷
6 3
¿ 24 ÷ ∙
5 5
Answer: 3

13. Subtract 5 a – 2 b+ c from the sum of 3 a+b−2 c and a−b+3 c .

Solution :
3a + b – 2c
a – b + 3c
4a + c

-(5a – 2b + c)
- a + 2b

Answer : - a + 2

14. Alex,Beth and Carla play a game in which the loosing player in
each round gives each of the other players as much money as the
player has at that time. In round 1, Alex loses and gives Beth and
Carla as much money as they each have. In round 2, Beth loses
and in round 3 Carla loses. After 3 rounds, they find that they each
have ₱40. How much money did Alex have at the start of the
Answer : 80
15. Three two-digit numbers have consecutive tens digits and have
units all equal to 5. If the tens digit of the smallest number is n, what
is the sum of three numbers?
Solution :
Let 10 n+5 be the first number
10 ( n+1 ) +5be the second number
10 ( n+2 ) +5be the third number

( 10 n+5 ) + ( 10 n+15 )+ (10 n+ 25 )=30 n+ 45

Answer : 30 n+ 45
16. The length of a rectangle is 8cm more than its width. If the length
is decreased by 9 and the width is tripled, the area is increased by
50%. What was the area of the original rectangle?
Solution :
Let w – width of the rectangle
( w+8) – length of the rectangle
w (w+ 8) – original area of the rectangle

3 w ( w−1 ) =w ( w+ 8 ) +.50(w2 +8 w)
3 w 2−3 w=w 2+ 8 w+0.50 w 2+ 0.50(8 w)
3 w 2−3 w=1.5 w2 +8 w +4 w
1.5 w 2−3 w−12 w=0
1.5 w 2−15 w=0
w 2−10 w=0
w ( w−10 )=0
w=0 w=10
A=10 ( 80 )=180 cm2
Answer : 180 cm2
17. Evaluate: 236 x 542 + 548 x 764 + 542 x 764 + 236 x 458.
Solution :
236 ×542+ 458× 764+542 ×764+ 236 ×458 = ( 236 ×542+236 × 458 ) +¿
= 236 ( 542+458 )+764 ( 458+542 )
= 236 ( 1000 ) +746(1000)
= 1000(1000)
= 1 000 000
Answer: 1 000 000
18. TRUE or FALSE: If n is a real number, then n2 is positive.
Solution :
0 is real & when 0 is squared it is not positive because 0 is
neither positive nor negative.
Answer: False
19. If n kilos of rice costs p pesos, how much will x kilos of rice cost?
Answer: n

20. If the letters of the word MATHEMATICS are repeatedly and

consecutively written, what is the 2016th letter?
Solution :
Since the word MATHEMATICS has 11 letters, there are 183
rounds to write the word continuously.
Because 183 ( 11 ) = 2013, there are three more letters before
arriving at 2016th letter. Thus , 2014 th letter is M, 2015th letter is A
and 2016th letter is T.
Answer : T
( x−√ 2 ) ( x+ √ 2)
21. Simplify: .
x 3−2 x
Solution :
(x + √ 2)( x− √2)
x 3−2 x
x 2−2
x ( x 2−2)
Answer: x

22. If x is three times as far from -5 as it is from 15, what are the
possible values of x?
Answer: -15 or 0
23. If three children eat 4 kilos of rice in 5 days, how long will 12
children eat at 48 kilos of rice?
Solution :
3 children can eat 4 kilos of rice in 5 days,
6 children can eat 8 kilos of rice in 5 days,
9 children can eat 12 kilos of rice in 5 days,
12 children can eat 16 kilos of rice in 5 days
Since 12 children can eat 16 kilos of rice in 5 days, it follows
that 12 children can eat 48 kilos of rice in 15 days
Answer: 15 days
24. A conical tank full of water is emptied into an empty cylindrical tank
of the same height. If the base radius of the cylinder is twice that of
the cone, what fraction of the cylinder will be filled with water?
Solution :
Let x – radius of cone
2x – radius of cylinder
V cone = π x 2 h
V cyl =π (2 x 2) h
V cyl =4 π x 2 h
π x2 h
= 3
4 π x2 h
1 1 1
= 3 ∙ 4 = 12
Answer: 12
25. Find the minimum integer n for which n+1 is an integer.
Solution :
Answer : −19
26. The sum of the square roots of two positive integers is 5. If the two
integers differ by 5, what are the integers?
Solution :
√ x+ √ x−5=5 Square Both Sides
x +2 √ x ( x−5)+ x−5=25
2 x−5+2 √ x 2−5=25
2 √ x 2−5=−2 x+30
2 2
(2 √ x 2−5) = (−2 x +30 )
4 ( x 2−5 ) =4 x 2−120 x+ 900
4 x2 −20=4 x 2−120 x+ 900
100 x=900
Answer: 4 and 9

27. A worm crawls 7.5 inches in 80 seconds. What is its speed in feet
per hour?
Solution :
1 ft
7.5∈ ¿ × ¿
80 s 3600 s 56.25 ft
12∈¿ × × =28.125 ¿
1 hr 2 hr
Answer: 28.125 hr

28. By how much is (3x – 5)(x + 2) greater than (x + 4)(2x -1)?

( 3 x−5 ) ( x+2 )−( x+ 4 )( 2 x−1 )
3 x 2+ x −10−(2 x 2 +7 x−4 )
3 x 2+ x −10−2 x 2−7 x+ 4
x 2−6 x−6
Answer: x 2−6 x−6
29. A game consists of drawing a number from 1 – 20. A player wins if
the number drawn is either a prime number or a perfect square.
What is the probability of winning this game?

Solution :
Prime Nos. – 8 { 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19 }
Perfect squares – 4 { 1,4,9,16 }
8 C1 + 4 C1 8+ 4 12 3
= = = =60 %
20 20 20 5
8 4 12 3
+ = = =60 %
20 20 20 5
Answer: 5 ∨60 %

30. The number of boys in a class is equal to the number of girls. Nine
boys are absent today, and this leaves twice as many girls as boys
in the classroom. How many students belong to the class?

Solution :
x – no. of boys
y – no. of girls
x = 2(x - 9)
x = 2x – 18
18 = 2x – x
18 = x
y = 18

Answer: 36
31. A square region is removed from a rectangular region. Which of the
following can be true?
(a) The perimeter is decreased.
(b) The perimeter is not changed.
(c) The perimeter is increased.
Answer: (b) the perimeter is not changed.
32. A bag contains 5 black, 5 red, 6 blue, 6 green, 7 white, 8 yellow and
10 orange beads. At least how many beads can be drawn from the
bag to ensure that at least 3 beads of the same color are chosen?
Solution :
(7×3) – 6
21 – 6 = 15 beads
Answer: 15
33. How many positive numbers less than 1000 divisible by 6 but not by
Solution :
Answer : 133
34. A 4cm by 5cm by 7cm rectangular prism is painted in all faces. If the
prism is cut into 1cm x 1cm cubes, how many cubes do not have
paint on any of its sides?
Solution :
4 x 5 x 7 = 140
40 = 2(4x5x1) - Top and Bottom
40 = 2(4x1x5) – Front and Back
30 = 2(1x3x5) – 2 Sides
140 – 110 = 30
Answer : 30
35. Andrew is 5 years old and Charlie is 26. In how many years will
Charlie be 2 ½ times as old as Andrew?
Now In x years
Andrew 5 5+x
Charlie 26 26+x
26+ x= (5+ x )
25 5 x
[ 26+ x= +
2 2 ]
Multiply By 2
52+2 x=25+5 x
27=3 x
Answer: 9
36. A car is driving along a highway at 55kph. The driver notices a bus
½ km behind. The bus passes the car one minute later. What was
the speed of the bus?
Solution :
s1=55 kph - car
d= km
t= hr
2 1
s2= =( km)(60 hr )
1 2
s2=30 kph
s1 + s2=55 kph+ 30 kph
s=85 kph
Answer: 85 kph
37. With what polynomial must 8x5 – 10x3 + 2x + 5 be divided to get a
quotient of 4x2- 3 and a remainder of 5 – x?
Solution :
Using long division, divide 8x5 – 10x3 + 2x + 5 by 4x2- 3
Answer: 2x3 - x
38. The volume of sphere is equal to its surface area. What is the
diameter of the sphere?
Solution :
V = π r3
SA=4 π r 2
4 3
π r =4 π r 2
r3 4 π 3
= ∙
r2 π 4
r =3
Answer: 6
39. If 3A54B10 is divisible by 330, what are the values of A and B?
Solution :
Trial and error at the same time apply divisibility rule of 11, 10
and 3.
Answer: A = 0 and B = 8
40. Find the solution set: |5 – 2x|< 19.
|5−2 x|<19 −5+2 x< 19
5−2 x <19 2 x<24
−2 x<14 x <12
x >−7
Answer: {−7< x <12 }
41. If 47 A2969 is equal to the square of 3(721 + A), find the digit A.
Solution :
Number ends in 3 or 7 when squared gives a unit digit 9,
so think of digit A that will satisfy the condition given.
If A is zero, then [3(721 + A)]2 will not give 9 as the unit digit
If A is 8, then [3(721 + A)]2 will give 9 as the unit digit
Finally , verify whether 42A3969 = [3(721 + A)] 2 if A= 8
Answer: 8
42. Consider the sequence 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5, many
numbers in the sequence are needed so that the sum of the
reciprocals is 100?
Solution :
1, 2,2, 3,3,3,,4,4,4,4, 5,5,5,5,5,…
Getting the sum of reciprocals of same numbers , ½ + ½ = 1,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
+¿ + =¿ 1, ¼ + ¼ + ¼ + ¼ = 1, 5 +¿ 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 1, …
3 3 3
Observe that the sum of the reciprocals of the same numbers is
always 1, hence to get the sum of 100, the numbers in the
sequence must be up to 100 100’s.
Adding the sum of 1 + 2+ 3 +4 +5 + …+ 100 and by pairing
1+100 = 101, 2+ 99 = 101, 3+98=101, 4 + 97 =101, 5 + 95 = 101,…
We get 50 pairs, hence 50 ( 101 ) = 5050
Answer: 5, 050
43. If n is a positive odd integer, which of the following is a perfect

square: 2n ,25 ( 3 n+2 ) , 7n (n +1) ?

Answer: 7n ( n+1) Since, n(n+1) is always even.
44. The sum of the first 50 odd integers is 2500. What is the sum of the
next 50 odd integers?

50 pairs with the sum of 150
50 x 150 = 7500
Answer: 7 500
45. Felix has an average of 90 in five tests, each test with 100 points.
What is the lowest possible score Felix could have gotten in a test?
90 x 5 = 450
100 x 4 = 400
450 – 400 = 50
Answer: 50
46. In square ABCD, P
47. is the midpoint of AB and Q is the midpoint of BC. What percent of
the area of ABCD is the area of ∆ PQD?
Solution :
Area of the square ABCD = 1 sq. unit
1 1
1− 2
[() 2 ()
( 1 ) ( 0.5 ) +
( 0.5 ) ( 0.5)
Answer: 37.5%
48. If 1 ¿ x < 8 , which is bigger, √3 3 x∨√ 2 x ?
Answer: √3 3 x
49. Find the least positive integer that leaves a remainder of 1, 2 and 3
when divided by 3, 5 and 7, respectively.
Solution :
By listing
3+1= 4, 7,10,13,16, 19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,43,46,49,52,55,…
5+2= 7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57,62,67,…
7+3=10, 17,24,31,37,45,52,59,66,…
Answer: 52
50. Find all points x on the real number line such that the sum of the
distance from x to 4 and from x to -4 is 12.
Answer: 6 & -6

51. If 11n leaves a remainder of 6 when divided by 7, what is the

remainder when 5n is divided by 7?
Solution :
Trial & error
Let n = 1,2 3,4,5,6,….
11(1) ÷ 7 = 1 r. 4
11(2) ÷ 7 = 3 r. 1
11(3) ÷ 7 = 4 r. 5
11(4) ÷ 7 = 6 r. 2
11(5) ÷ 7 = 7 r. 7, thus n=5
Therefore, 5(5) ÷ 7= 3 r. 4
Answer: 4

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