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Ven. Deurk Makara

ID: 95981
Methodology I, Afternoon class
Dr. Kao Sophal
Date: October 1st 2020
• Level: Elementary
• Material: Intro. Interchange, the Four Edition, Unit 3, by jack C. Richards (2013).
. Cambridge university press
• Topic: Where are you from? And personality and appearance’s words
• Target item: Wh-question with B
• Duration: 1 hour and a half
• Aim: Giving presentation and practice ‘Wh-question with Be and where are they from?’
• Objective: After finished this lesson students will be able to
❑ understanding Wh-question broadly
❑ knowing the words to describe personality and appearance
❑ Make a good conversation with Wh-question fluently

• Warm up: Listening to the audio and find the top ten cities in the world for 6 minutes
• Presentation: 15 minutes

Eliciting the following words from the class: (by using 6 steps)

▪ Good-looking (picture) what’s this in English?

▪ Short (opposite) what’s the opposite of ‘tall’?
▪ Heavy ( explanation) one stone is light, but100 stones are heavy
▪ Handsome (synonym) girl is pretty, boy is beautiful
▪ Talkative ( mime) what am I doing?
▪ Pretty (opposite) what’s the opposite of ugly?
▪ Quiet (explanation) when you don’t talk much it means you are quiet
▪ Serious (explanation) Can you see his face? He doesn’t like talking and playing
with other. He is a …. Person.

Asking the students to complete the chart with words from part A. Adding two more
words to each list. Then describe their personality and appearance to a partner.

Personality Appearance
Talkative………… Pretty………………..
…………………………………… …………………………………..

………………………………….. …………………………………..

………………………………….. …………………………………..

Telling the students about Emma and Jill’s conversation(6). Teacher can
make questions like. Emma and Jill are talking about a man. Who is that
Man? How old is he? What’s he like? Where is he from ?

• Giving short preparation about Wh-questions with Be for the students to read
7 minutes and try to understand the WH-questions with Be.

What’s your name? My name is Jill.

Where are you from? I’m from Canada.
How are you today? I’m just fine.
Who’s that? He’s my brother.
How old is he? He’s twenty-one.
What’s he like? He’s very nice.
Who are they? They’re my classmates.
Where are they from? There are from Rio.
What’s Rio like? It’s very beautiful.

• Tell the students to complete the conversation with Wh-questions. Then ask
them to practice with a partner.
1 A: Look! ‘who’s that……? B: Oh, he’s a new student?
A: ………………………..? B: I think his name is Ming.
A: Ming? …………………? B: He’s from China.
2 A: Serhat, ………………….? B: I’m from Turkey-from Istanbul.
A: ………………………? B: Istanbul is very old and beautiful.
A…………………………..? B: my last name is Erdogan.
3 A: Hi, John. ………………? B: I’m just fine. My friend Teresa is here this .
. week-from Argentina.
• Asking all the students to check their answers with a partner.
• Providing the answers to the whole class.

-Giving the students a few minute to read the dialog below and underline the
question with Wh-question with Be.
-Elicit two mores questions from the students.

What Are they Like? They/you are friendly.

Where Is He From? He is from Canada.
Who Is That? He’s my brother.
How Old are You? I am twenty-one years old.

Tell the class to complete two sentences Wh-questions with Be and check to
know whether it right or wrong with Be.
7 . C H E C K I N G T H E C O N C E P T O F T H E N E W TA R G E T I T E M S

Teacher Students

• Teacher may ask the students these question: when want to know more
information about something, do we use yes- no-question or wh- • We use wh-questions not yes no
Meaning questions? question.
• What are these words Where, what, who, which, why, and how? Are they • They are wh-questions not yes no
Wh-question or yes no question? question.

Form • Look at the above slide to see how the Wh-questions are formed • Wh-questions + am,is and are +
• What comes first, next and then,…? subject + main verb? Or Modal
verb + subject + main verb?
• What subject is used with IS? • He, she and it.
• What subject is used with ARE? • You, we and they.
• What is your car? My favorite car is
• Giving one full sentence for example Toyota 2020.

Use • What kind of question it is? • It’s Wh-question.

• Who is your good teacher? • NearyRoth is my good teacher.
• think the two above questions meaning of those questions and answers. • Responding
• Based on the meaning of those, are they used to for asking for more • Ye, they are.
information about something or someone?
Thank you!
This is the end of the slide.

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