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Course : VIJETA & VIJAY (ADP & ADR) Date : 30.04.2019

NO. 7

Syllabus : Full Syllabus

DPP Syllabus : Wave Optics, Modern Physics-1 & Modern Physics-2

DPP No. # 7
Total Marks : 89 Max. Time : 78 min.
Single choice Objective (-1 negative marking) Q. 1 to 5 (3 marks 3 min.) [15, 15]
Multiple choice objective (–2 negative & partial marking) Q.6 to 14 (4 marks, 3 min.) [36, 27]
Single Digit Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.15 to Q.18 (3 marks, 3 min.) [12, 12]
Double Digits Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q. 19 (3 marks, 3 min.) [03, 03]
Comprehension (-1 negative marking) Q.20 to 23 (3 marks 3 min.) [12, 12]
Comprehension (MCQ) ('-2' negative & Partial marking) Q.24 to Q.25 (4 marks 3 min.) [08, 06]
Match Listing (-1 negative marking) Q.26 (3 marks, 3 min.) [03, 03]

1. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength  fall on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off wavelength of the
emitted X-rays is
2mc 2 2h 2m 2c 2 3
(A) 0 = (B) 0 = (C) 0 = (D) 0 = 
h mc h2

2. The graph shows how the count-rate A of a radioactive source

varies with time t. A and t are related as : (assume ln12 = 2.5)
(A) A = 2.5 e–10 t
(B) A = 12 e10 t
(C) A = 2.5 e–0.1 t
(D) A = 12 e–0.1 t

3. Light of wavelength 400 nm is incident continuously on a Cesium ball. (work function 1.9 eV). The
maximum potential to which the ball will be charged is
(A) 3.1 V (B) 1.2 V (C) zero (D) infinite

4. To reduce the light reflected by the glass surface of a camera lens, the surface is coated with a thin layer
of another material which has an index of refraction ( = 7/4) smaller than that of glass. The least
thickness of the layer, to ensure that light falling perpendicularly on the surface and having wavelengths,
1 = 700nm and 2 = 420nm will be weekly reflected for both wavelengths
(A) 200 nm (B) 300 nm (C) 400 nm (D) 500 nm

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
5. In the figure shown in YDSE, a parallel beam of light is
incident on the slit from a medium of refractive index n1. The
wavelength of light in this medium is 1. A transparent slab of
thickness ‘t’ and refractive index n3 is put infront of one slit.
The medium between the screen and the plane of the slits is
n2. The phase difference between the light waves reaching
point ‘O’ (symmetrical, relative to the slits) is :
2 2 2 n1  n3  2 n1
(A) (n3 – n2) t (B) (n3 – n2) t (C)   1 t (D) (n3 – n1) t
n11 1 n2 1  n2  1

6. At t = 0, a sample of radionuclide A has the same decay rate as a sample of radionuclide B has at
t = 60 min. The disintegration constants of A and B are A and B respectively, with A < B. Choose the
correct option(s) :
(A) The half life of radionuclide A is greater than that of B.
(B) At t = 60 min, number of atoms in sample of material A is greater than that of sample B.
(C) The two samples will never have the same decay rate simultaneously.
(D) After certain time, the two samples will have the same decay rate simultaneously for an instant.

7. The electron in hydrogen atom makes a transition n1  n2 where n1 and n2 are the principal quantum
number of two states. Assuming the Bohr model to be valid, the time period of the electron in the initial
state is eight times that in the final state. The possible value of n1 and n2 are:
(A) n1 = 2 And n2 = 1 (B) n1 = 8 and n2 = 2
(C) n1 = 8 And n2 = 1 (D) n1 = 6 and n2 = 3

8. A non-relativistic particle of mass m is held in a circular orbit around the origin by an attractive force
F (r) = –kr where k is positive constant. Assuming the Bohr quantization of the angular momentum of the
particle, Select the correct alternatives, if the radius of the orbit is r and speed of the particle is v.
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
 n   k   n  k   n  k   n   k 
(A) v 2      (B) r 2     (C) v 2     (D) r 2     
 m  m   k  m   2m  m   2k   m 

9. Consider a radioactive sample having equal number of radio active nuclei A and B. A decays in X with
decay constant . B may decay in X or Y with decay constant  and 2 respectively. Initially number of
nuclei are given as NA = NB = N0 and Nx = Ny = 0. At any later instant t select the correct alternatives
regarding number of nuclei of A,B,X and Y. -
4 1  2N0
(A) NA = N0e–t (B) NB = N0e–3t (C) Nx = N0  – e–3t  (D) Ny = (1–e–3t)
3 3  3
10. The correct statements among the following are:(Consider only normal incidence)(P = Power)
(A) Pressure exerted by photons for perfectly reflecting surface is
(B) Force exerted by photons on a perfectly reflecting surface is
(C) Impulse applied by photon on a perfectly reflecting surface is
(D) Force exerted by photons on a perfectly reflecting surface is

11. When a hydrogen atom is excited from ground state to first excited state then :
(A) its kinetic energy increases by 10.2 eV.
(B) its kinetic energy decreases by 10.2 eV.
(C) its potential energy increases by 20.4 eV.
(D) its angular momentum increases by 1.05 × 10–34 J-s.

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
12. If the two slits of double slit experiment were moved symmetrically apart with small relative velocity v and
the distance between screen and mid–point of slits is fixed and equal to D. Consider a point P on the
screen at a distance x from central maxima then (x <<< D) :
(A) Rate of change of number of fringes between central maxima and point P changes with respect to
time is
(B) number of fringes contained between central maxima and point P increases with time
(C) fringe width decreases as time passes
(D) fringe width increases as time passes

13. In a Young's Double Slit experiment, films of thickness tA and tB and refractive indices A and B are
placed in front of slits A and B respectively. If  A t A  B tB , then the central maxima may
(A) not shift (B) shift towards A (C) shift towards B (D) None of these

14. If one of the slit in a standard YDSE apparatus is covered by a thin glass slab so that it transmits only
one half of the light intensity of the other. Select correct alternatives :
(A) Resultant intensity at centre of screen will decrease
(B) Resultant intensity at dark fringe will increase
(C) The fringe width will remain unchanged
(D) The fringe pattern will shift toward the covered slit.

15. A hydrogen atom is in its excited state with energy –1.51 eV. The angular momentum of the electron in
this state is then write the value of ‘x’.

16. When a metallic surface is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength , the stopping potential
is 5 V0. When the same surface is illuminated with light of wavelength 3, the stopping potential is V0. If
work function of the metallic surface is then 'x' is :

17. The ratio of total acceleration of the electron in singly ionized helium atom and hydrogen atom according
to bohr model (both in ground state) is x : 1. Find the value of x.

18. In YDSE with monochromatic light, fringes are obtained on the screen placed at some distance from the
slits. If screen is moved by 5 × 10–2m towards the slits, fringe width changes by 3 × 10–5 m. If separation
between the slits is 10–3 m, if wavelength of light used is 1000 y Å, then y is : (Assume distance between
the two slits is very small than the distance betwen the slits and screen)

19. Initially two radioactive nucleus have same number of active nucleus and their half life are 3 years and
4 years respectively after how many years, number of nucleus of one of the radioactive element is half
the number of active nucleus of other radioactive element.
In standard YDSE the intensity on screen varies with
position according to following graph as we move
away from the central maxima : 0

Wave length of light used is 400 n and distance

between the two slits is 1 mm.

y (in mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10

20. If the distance between two slits is reduce to 0.5 mm then the intensity :
(A) will become zero at y = 4 mm and y = 8 mm
(B) will remain same 0 at y = 4 mm and y = 8 mm
(C) will become zero at y = 4 mm and will remain 0 at y = 8 mm
(D) will become zero at y = 8 mm and will remain 0 at y = 4 mm
Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
21. In YDSE distance between slit and screen 1 m, distance between two slits 1 mm, wavelength of light
4000 Å and intensity of central maxima 0. If A thin film of refractive index 1.5 and thickness 1 m is used
to cover the one of the slit then what will be intensity at y = 2 mm (Towards film side). (Intensity of each
slit is same)
 
(A) 0 (B)  (C) 0 (D) zero
2 4

Figure shows intensity versus wavelength graph of X-rays coming from coolidge-tube with molybdenum
as target element :

0.4 0.63 0.71

(in Å)

The two peaks shown in graph correspond to K & KX-rays

22. Wavelength of LX-rays from Coolidge tube will be (approximately)

(A) 5.60 Å (B) 4.26 Å (C) 0.33 Å (D) 1.34 Å

23. Voltage applied across Coolidge tube is (approximately)

(A) 20 kV (B) 16 kV (C) 31 kV (D) 18 kV

A sample contains two radioactive nuclei X and Y with half lives 2 hr and 1 hr respectively. The nucleus
X-decays into the nucleus Y and Y decays into a stable nucleus Z. At time t = 0 the activities of the
components in the sample were equal and were each equal to A0
T1/2 = 2 hr T1/2 = 1 hr
Suppose that NX, NY are the number of nuclei of X and Y, respectively, at time t. It is given that
Y NY = X (NX + NY) + C1 e  Y .t
where X, Y are the decay constants of X and Y; C1 is an arbitrary constant.

24. Select correct alternatives. The Value of C1 is

(A) C1 =  0
(B) C1 =– A0
A 0 1 t / 2
(C) Number of nuclei of Y at time t is equal to (t is in hour) [2  2 t ]
 n2
A0 t
(D) Number of nuclei of Y at time t is equal to (t is in hour) [2  2  t ]

25. The ratio of active nuclei of Y at t = 4 h to that at t = 0 is

2 3 8 7
(A) (B) (C) (D) .
3 4 15 16

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
26. A parallel beam of light consisting of two wavelenths
1 = 4000 Å and 2 = 8000 Å is incident perpendicular to plane P
of both slits in a typical Young’s double slit experiment. The S1 x
seperation between both slits is d = 2mm and the distance Central line
between slits and screen is D = 1 meter. In each situation of S2
column- a point P on screen is specified by its distance ‘’ from
central bright on screen. Match the proper entries from
column-2 to column-1 using the codes given below the

Column- Column-
(P) At P such that  = 0 (1) intensity is maximum for 1 = 4000 Å
(Q) At P such that  = 0.1 mm (2) intensity is minimum for 1 = 4000 Å
(R) At P such that  = 0.2 mm (3) intensity is maximum for 2 = 8000 Å
(S) At P such that  = 0.4 mm (4) intensity is minimum for 2 = 8000 Å
(A) 3 2 4 3
(B) 1 2 3 1
(C) 1 4 4 3
(D) 3 2 1 2
Total Marks : 51 Max. Time : 45 min.
Single choice Objective (-1 negative marking) Q. 1 to 4 (3 marks 3 min.) [12, 12]
Multiple choice objective (–2 negative & partial marking) Q.5 to 10 (4 marks, 3 min.) [24, 18]
Single Digit Subjective Questions ('-1' negative marking) Q.11 to Q.12 (3 marks, 3 min.) [06, 06]
Comprehension (-1 negative marking) Q.13 to 15 (3 marks 3 min.) [09, 09]

1. To make the central fringe at the centre O, a mica sheet of

refractive index 1.5 is introduced. Choose the correct
statements (s).
(A) The thickness of sheet is 2( 2  1)d in front of S1.
(B) The thickness of sheet is ( 2  1) d in front of S2.
(C) The thickness of sheet is 2 2 d in front of S1.
(D) The thickness of sheet is 2( 2  1)d in front of S2.

2. Light of wavelength  is incident normally on a plane containg two slits

separated by distance 2mm. The interference is observed on a screen
6m away from slits. Space between plane and screen has a uniform
refractive index 1.5. A thin vacuum film of thickness 0.2 m is created
in front of the slit S1. What is maximum wavelength (in vacuum) for
which a maxima is observed at P exactly in front of the slit S1.
(A) 4000Å (B) 5500Å
(C) 6000Å (D) 6500Å

3. A neutron with kinetic energy 70 eV collides in-elastically with a stationary He+ atom (in ground state) and
neutron is scattered at right angle to the original direction of its motion. After collision the electron in He+
atom is transferred to the third excited state, then after collision (take MHe = 4mN). Choose the incorrect
(A) kinetic energy of He+ atom is 17.8 eV
(B) kinetic energy of neutron is 1.2 eV
(C) kinetic energy of neutron is 2.2 eV
(D) maximum 3 different wavelength may be emitted during de-excitation of He+ ion

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
4. In a radioactive reactor, radionuclide X are being injected at a rate of r atoms/sec which decay to a stable
daughter nuclide Y according to equation.

X   Y  E
The energy released in each decay process is transformed to electricity and used to light up a bulb. If the
process starts at t = 0 then :(At t = 0 The number of radionuclide X = 0)
(A) Brightness of bulb increases with time in the beginning and then becomes constant
(B) Brightness of bulb decreases with time in the beginning and then becomes constant
(C) Brightness first increases then decreases later
(D) Brightness first decreases then increases later

5. In a standard YDSE two slits are covered by a wedge shape t

film of refractive index  as shown in the figure. The
thickness of film varies linearly from t to 3t from one end as
shown in the figure. The distance between the two slits is d. A
The screen is at distance D from slits. White light is used in
experiment. Choose the correct option (s) : (d<<<D) y d O
Select correct alternative(s)
2t(  1)D B
(A) Central maxima is formed at distance below O
(B) If the film is displaced along +y axis the central 3t
maxima will shift away from O
(C) If the film is displaced along –y-axis the central maxima will shift away from O
(D) If the film is displaced along +y axis the fringe width will remain same

6. Consider 2 identical coherent sources S1 & S2 kept as shown in figure. Screen is very large. Wavelength
of light emitted by source is .


Wall w1

Wall w2

Assume no reflection and transmission from wall w1 and w2. Choose correct option(s) regarding the
interference pattern observed on straight line PQ.
(A) Total number of maxima observed on line PQ above central maxima is 3.
(B) Total number of maxima observed on line PQ below central maxima is 3.
(C) Total number of maxima observed on line PQ is 7.
(D) Total number of maxima observed on line PQ is 9.

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
7. X-ray from a tube with a target A of atomic number Z shows strong K lines for target A and two weak K
lines for impurities. The wavelength of K lines is 0 for target A and 1 and 2 for two impurities
  1
respectively. 0 = 4 and 0 = . The screening constant of K lines is unity. Select the correct
1 2 4
alternative(s) :
(A) The atomic number of first impurity is 2Z – 1
(B) The atomic number of first impurity is 2Z + 1
Z 1
(C) The atomic number of second impurity is
(D) The atomic number of second impurity is + 1

8. In a radioactive decay process A decays to B. Two graphs of number of nuclei of A and B versus time is
given Then choose the CORRECT option(s)

N0 N0
O t(sec) O t(sec)
t1 6 t2

(A) t2 – t1 = 4 Sec (B) t2 – t1 = 2 Sec (C) t1 = 2 log25 Sec (D) t2 = log2100 Sec

9. Consider white light whose wavelength spread is from 400nm to 700nm. Its energy is uniformly distributed
in this spectrum. The light is incident on a metal A of work function 1.55eV. Saturation photo current is
6mA. Now the same light is incident on metal B, work function 2.48eV. Choose the correct options.
[Take hc = 1240 eV nm. Assume photo efficiency remains same]
(A) Stopping potential for experiment with metal A is 0.22 V
(B) Stopping potential for experiment with metal B is 0.62 V
(C) Saturation photo current for metal B will be 2mA
(D) Saturation photo current for metal B will be mA
10. A neutron having kinetic energy E collides head on with a stationary hydrogen atom in ground state,
which is initially at rest but free to move. Assume the mass of the neutron to be equal to that of H atom.
Use the energy of the nth state for H atom as E1 = –13.6eV ; E2 = –3.4 eV ; E3 = – 1.5eV. (whether collision
is elastic or inelastic, depends on the energy of the neutron, and in case of elastic collision they can be
treated as ordinary particles) now choose the correct options :
(A) The collision will be elastic if E is less than 20.4eV.
(B) If E = 24.2 eV, the H atom may get excited to n = 4.
(C) If E < 20.4 eV the kinetic energy of the neutron will become zero after the collision.
(D) If E > 20.4 eV the kinetic energy of the neutron will becomes zero after the collision

11. Two coherent monochromatic point sources S1 and S2 are placed in

front of an infinite screen as shown in figure. Wavelength of the light
emitted by both the sources is . Initial phase difference between the S1 S2
sources is zero.
Initially S1S2 = 2.5 and the number of bright circular rings on the
screen in n1. If the distance S1S2 is increased and made 5.7, the
number of bright circular rings becomes n2. The difference n2 – n1 is :

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029
12. Consider the case of three sources in phase, similar to YDSE, as shown in the figure. At a distance
D >> d from sources, the rays from the sources to a point P on screen are nearly parallel. A plot of
intensity pattern on the screen far from the sources is also shown in the figure.


d S2


If the distance between A and C is then find the value of N
In YDSE arrangement as shown in figure, fringes are seen on screen using monochromatic source S
having wavelength 3000 Å (in air). S1 and S2 are two slits seperated by d = 1 mm and D = 1m. Left of slits
S1 and S2 medium of refractive index n1 = 2 is present and to the right of S1 and S2 medium of
n2 = 3/2, is present. A thin slab of thickness 't' is placed in front of S1 . The refractive index of n3 of the
slab varies with distance from it's starting face as shown in figure.

13. In order to get central maxima at the centre of screen, the thickness of slab required is :
(A) 1 m (B) 2 m (C) 0.5 m (D) 1.5 m

14. If thickness of the slab is selected 1 m, then position of central maxima will be : (y–coordinate)
1 1 1 1
(A) mm (B)  mm (C) mm (D)  mm
3 3 6 6

15. Fringe width on the screen is :

(A) 0.4 mm (B) 0.1 mm (C) 0.2 mm (D) 0.3 mm

Corp./Reg. Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) – 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN : U80302RJ2007PLC024029

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