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Identify Your Riskiest Assumptions


1. Regroup into your PV teams.

2. Each team will get 15 minutes to complete this activity.
3. Keep the Lean Canvas you filled in the previous session in front of you.
4. Remember that all the components that you filled in the Lean Canvas are considered as assumptions
until proven.
5. Keeping that in mind, identify the riskiest assumptions in your business model. Also, make a note of any
other risk that comes to your mind.
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

6. Record all the riskiest assumptions in the table provided below.

7. Before filling out the table, read through the tips given below to identify your riskiest assumptions.

Tips to identify your riskiest assumptions:

1. Your job as an entrepreneur is to systematically de-risk your business model over time.
2. You could use your intuition and pick what you consider as your riskiest assumption to test. However,
testing anything takes time, money, and effort, and spending time and resources on risks which are not
a high priority is simply a waste.
3. Look for risks in all the areas. Risks can be technical like making software or hardware products, or it
can be assumptions wherein you believe your product is a must-have for the customer.
4. Consider everything that prevents you from finding a solution to a customer problem and achieving
problem-solution fit.
You should prioritize what’s riskiest, not what’s easiest, in your business model.

Capture your riskiest assumptions here:

(Use stack rating, i.e., 1 to n to prioritize your risks)

Riskiest Assumptions Priority

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