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About the college

Rashtriya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Beed’s

Lokmanya Tilak Mahvidyalya Wadwani, affiliated to
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University,
Rashtriya Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Beed's About the Webinar Aurangabad, has heen offering UG( B.A, B. Com.,
Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya B.Sc.) programmes. The college also offers B.A.,
The need of defining the human rights was
Wadwani Dist. Beed , MS-431144 India programme of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra
felt at large after the Second World War. It resulted Open University, Nashik.
NAAC Accredited ‘B' Grade into the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by
Affiliated to the General Assembly of UNO in 1948. It set the The vision of the college is to bring the backward
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad fundamental rights to the human beings residing in the and downtrodden classes of society in the mainstream
civil society of all the member countries of UNO. of higher education. Along with the curricular
One Day International Interdisciplinary Webinar These rights are defined in 50 articles in UDHR. Majar activities , co-curricular and extra-curricular activi-
among these human rights include right to life, right to ties are given weightage for the multi-dimensional and
a nationality, right to freedom of movement , right to holistic development of students personality. As the
Human Rights leave any country, right to freedom of thought, result, the college Volley ball team has been the
conscience and religion, right to freedom of opinion winner of the Inter-Collegiate Competition for four
and expression, right to work, right to free choice of subsequent years.The college has been aceredited
Sunday, 13 September 2020 employment, the right to education. These human by NAAC in the year 2017 with ‘B’ Grade.
Time- 9.00 am to 2.00 pm rights are applicable to all the human beings irrespec-
tive of their caste, creed, religion, sex, colour and Patron
location. Hon. Panjabrao Maske Patil
Organized by
It is mandatory to the member countries of the
UNO to see that its citizens enjoy these rights to the (President LTM, Wadwani
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) full and ensure their protection as the state Hon. Amarsingh Maske Patil
& responsibility. However, it is found that autocratic
(Secretary, LTM Wadwani)
Faculty of Social Sciences & Languages rulers, no matter the form of governance, in a many
countries appear to be denying and violating these Places to Visit
rights in the name of national and social security. It is Ellora Caves : 187 Km
Principal Dr. K. M. Pawar
seen that masses in the world are not aware of these Ajanta Caves : 240Km
Chief Organizer & Convener rights given to them and responsibility of the states’ to Parli Vaijanath Temple
provide congenial environment for their exercise,
(One of the Jyotirlingas) : 61 Km
Shri. S.M.Pokale Shri. S. B. Salunke therefore, the present international webinar is
proposed. Khajana Well : 44 Km
Coconvener IQAC Coordinator
Kapildhar Waterfall : 46 Km
9960356310 9422471825
Sub-Themes Dept. of Economics Call for Papers
Government Welfare Schemes and Human Rights Research papers are invited on any of the above
Human Rights and Social Sciences Indian Labour Laws and Human Rights mentioned themes in English Hindi & Marathi
Mega Development Projects and Human Rights
Dept. of Sociology Regional Development Imbalance and Human Rights
Human Rights and Social Justice Violation of Human Rights in the Wake of Covid-19 Research papers should be sent to e-mail given
Communal Violence and Human Rights in India Pandemic below the sub-themes.
Globalization and Human Rights Dr. V.C. Shingare Mob. 9404054502 General Guidelines
Dr. P.B. Bhosale Mob. 9420392106 Research papers must be typed in MS-Word-
Human Rights and Naxalite Movement
Email - [email protected] 2007 only.
NGOs and Human Rights Movement
For papers in English
Shri.S.M.Pokale Mob. 9960356310 Human Rights and Literature Font: Times New Roman (MS-Word).
E-mail - [email protected] Font Size-12
Dept. of Marathi
Dept. of Political Science ¨ÉvªÉªÉÖMÉÒxÉ ºÉÉʽþiªÉÉiÉÒ±É ¨ÉÉxÉ´ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú For papers in Hindi
Reflection of Human Rights in Constitution of India Font: Unicode (MS-Word)Font size 14
±ÉÉäEòºÉÉʽþiªÉ +ÉÊhÉ ¨ÉÉxÉ´ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú For papers in Marathi
Women and Human Rights
Performance Evaluation of NHRC
ºjÉÒ´ÉÉnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ +ÉÊhÉ ¨ÉÉxÉ´ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú Font: DVB-TT Surekh (MS-Word),
Role of UNO in Human Rights Protection
+ÉÊnù´ÉɺÉÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ +ÉÊhÉ ¨ÉÉxÉ´ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú Font size-14
Indian Political Parties and Human Rights nùʱÉiÉ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ +ÉÊhÉ ¨ÉÉxÉ´ÉÉÊvÉEòÉ®ú Word Limit
Dr. R.B.Maykar Mob.9623855500 Research paper should be about 1500 to
Dr.S.K. Tandale Mob. 9422694528 Shri. A. S. Khetri Mob.9420817253 2000 words.
E-mail - [email protected] E-mail- [email protected] Publication
Dept. of Public Administration Dept. of Hindi Research papers will be published online in
Human Rights and Good Governance +ÉÊnùEòɱÉÒxÉ Ê½þxnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ Peer Reviewed Journal having Impact Factor 7.12
Sustainable Development and Human Rights ¦ÉÎCiÉEòɱÉÒxÉ Ê½þxnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ Last date for paper submission is 05/ 09/2020
Constitutional Values and Human Rights Ê®úiÉÒEòɱÉÒxÉ Ê½þxnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ Fee
Judiciary as Protector of Human Rights +ÉvÉÖÊxÉEò ʽþxnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ Publication of Reaserch paper: Rs.1000
Human Rights and Public Policy
|É´ÉɺÉÒ Ê½þxnùÒ ºÉÉʽþiªÉ Publication fees should be transferred to the
Shri S.K.Bhalerao Mob. 9421342386 Dr. G.S. Panday Mob.9421277570
[email protected] following bank account
E-mail- [email protected]
Dept. of History Dept. of English
History of Human Rights Movements in the World Engaged Literature Bank details
Human Rights and Freedom Movements Human Rights in Dalit Literature Bank Name: State Bank of India
Historical Writings on Human Rights Human Rights in Black Literature Account Holder: Principal, Lokmanya Tilak
Human Rights Movements in South-East Asia Human Rights in Feminist Literature Mahavidyalaya
Western Thoughts on Human Rights Role of Literary Figures in Human Rights Movements Account No. - 31576327395
Dr. B.G. Kulkarni Mob. 8605051046 Dr. M. D. Sasane Mob. 9921477024 Branch: Wadwani
E-mail- [email protected] Email [email protected] IFSC: SBIN0004756

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