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Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts and tools in this
section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the
SAP number denotes that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part. 2c
RTTS Forced Circulation Valve and
RTTS Positive Circulating Valve
The table below lists the tools and procedures discussed in Section 2c.

Topic Page
General 1
RTTS Forced Circulation Valve 1
Positive Circulating Valve 2
Prejob Considerations 2
Paint and Coating Policy 2
Paint and Coating Specifications 2
Lubrication for Sour-Gas Tools 2
Lubrication for Downhole Tools 3
Operating Procedures 3
Closing the Annulus Bypass 3
Opening the Annulus Bypass and Setting the Packer 3
Unsetting the Packer and Closing the Annulus Bypass 3
Setting the Packer without Opening the Annulus Bypass 4
Removing the Plug with Pressure 4
Maintenance Procedure 5
Pressure-Testing Procedure 5
N/A (696.51130)—RTTS Forced Circulation Valve—4 1/2 to 5 in. 6

N/A (696.53140)—RTTS Forced Circulation Valve—5 2 in. 1/ 8

N/A (696.57135)—RTTS Forced Circulation Valve—7 in. 10
N/A (696.5811)—4.75-in.—Positive Circulating Valve 12

General packer to be set with the valve in the open position. The
standing valve prohibits fluid loss below the packer
while allowing circulating, spotting, and testing above
RTTS Forced Circulation Valve
the packer.
The RTTS Forced Circulation Valve is similar to the
Positive Circulating Valve, except that the Forced To allow fluid movement inside the tubing and through
Circulation Valve uses a standing valve and seat the packer, the FCV is closed by rotating to the right at
instead of a plug. string weight and slacking off on the tubing weight.
Because the flow area is restricted, fluid movement
The automatic J-slot Forced Circulation Valve (FCV) will be slower than through open-ended tubing. The
is run with a straight J-slot RTTS Packer to allow the

September 14, 2001 Page 1 of 14 Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

FCV can be reopened at any time without losing Two clear coatings currently used are Enses K clear
annular fluids to the formation. coating, a Shell product now in use in the Europe-
Africa Region, and Aeroguard W600 clear coating,
The standing valve can be removed at any time using which is manufactured by Aero Cote Co. of Houston,
sandline, slick line, or coiled tubing. After the standing TX. Aero Cote paint is being tested along the Gulf
valve is removed, fracturing fluid, acid, or balls can be Coast. Enses K clear coating is not available in the U.S.
pumped as needed for stimulation. To prevent fluids Table 2c.1 lists paint and coating part numbers.
from entering the formation, the standing valve can be
replaced after treating to allow swabbing of annular Table 2c.1—Paint and Coatings
fluids. The standing valve must be removed before the for Service and DST Tools
packer is pulled out of the hole. Part
For more information about the RTTS Forced Circula- CHEMO-O-PLEX—Jones Blair
tion Valve, see Technology Bulletin TTT-94-002. 100002066
(70.35158) Red downhole tool paint—acrylic latex, water-
Positive Circulating Valve 100012961
CHEM-O-PLEX—Jones Blair
(70.35159) Gray downhole tool paint—acrylic latex, water-
An adaptation of the conventional, long-stroke RTTS reducible
Circulating Valve, the 4 3/4-in. Positive Circulating CHEM-O-PLEX—Jones Blair
Valve allows for the circulation of wellbore fluid 100022691
(70.14131) Sour-gas green downhole tool paint—acrylic
without disturbing the formations below it. Wellbore latex, water-reducible
fluid can then be weighted or lightened while control of 100001558 Aeroguard W600—Aero Cote
formations below the packer is maintained. (70.14132) Clear downhole tool coating

Maintenance Procedure Lubrication for Sour-Gas Tools

See the “Maintenance Procedures Manual Section 2c” (626.XXXXX and 627.XXXXX series)
in the Section 2 appendix.
718 high-nickel alloy threads are very susceptible to
galling. A baked-on coating applied in Duncan protects
Prejob Considerations the threads as long as it remains in place. To help
prevent thread galling on sour-gas tools, use one of the
Paint and Coating Policy lubricants listed in Table 2c.2.
All Halliburton Energy Services® Inc., service tools Table 2c.2—Recommended Lubricants for
and downhole service tools (DST) should be painted Sour-Gas Toolsa
completely red unless
Part Number Description Quantity
• The customer does not permit paint to be used. In 100066644
Pro-Long Plug grease 40-lb pail
this case, the tools should have a clear coating. 100066645
Petrolon S-50 grease 35-lb pail
• A special assembly is used. In this case, the bottom 100066646
of the assembly can be painted gray. Such special 896 grease 5-gal pail
assemblies should be tagged. 100066647
Pro-Long EP2 Plus 1-gal container
• The equipment is used in a sour gas environment. 100066648
Petrolon Slick 50 14-oz tube
In this case, the equipment should be painted sour- (626.00005)
gas green. a
Petrolon S-50 EP or Molub-Alloy 936 greases can
also be used, but they are not stocked in Duncan.
Paint and Coating Specifications b
896 grease costs about 60% more than Pro-Long
Plug grease or Petrolon S-50 grease.
Halliburton® uses Jones Blair latex paint (HMX 112-
15D) for the red, gray, and green paint.

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 2 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

Lubrication for Downhole Tools Opening the Annulus Bypass

Pro-Long Plug grease (SAP No. 100066644; Legacy and Setting the Packer
No. 626.00001) is recommended for general purpose Perform the following procedure to open the annulus
lubrication. It is more expensive than regular greases, bypass and set the packer:
but it may save money over time because it is a high-
quality product for corrosion protection in downhole 1. Rotate the tool 1/4 turn to the right.
and offshore drilling applications. 2. Lift up the tool while maintaining right-hand
torque. The circulating valve mandrel must travel
The other lubricants listed in Table 2c.3 have also
upward about 8 in. to open the ports and move the
performed well, especially for use at temperatures
lug to the upper portion of the J-slot.
higher than 250°F.

Table 2c.3—Recommended Lubricants for

Warning—Be aware of trapped or residual torque
Downhole Tools
when applying torque to the workstring. Make sure
Part Number Description Quantity
the area is clear of nonessential personnel. Sudden
Pro-Long Plug grease 40-lb pail release of trapped or residual torque can cause
100047822 damage to equipment and possible injury to
Lubri-Plate 930 AA 1-lb can
(130.13049) personnel.
Lubri-Plate 930 AA 14.5-oz carton
3. Apply left-hand torque while setting down on the
Litholine No.3 44-gal drum tool to lock the circulating valve in the open posi-
tion and set the packer. In this position, the
annulus bypass is open and the tubing bypass is
Operating Procedures

Note—Consult your local Best Practices Manual for Fluid can now be circulated without disturbing forma-
operating instructions. If no Best Practices Manual is tions below the packer.
available, the following instructions can be used as a
guideline. Location, conditions, and other factors must Unsetting the Packer and Closing
be considered when operating the tool. the Annulus Bypass
The Positive Circulating Valve is operated by a right- Follow this procedure to unset the packer and close the
hand J-slot and is intended for use with a left-hand-set annulus circulating ports:
RTTS or Champ® III Packer. As the tool is run in the
1. Pick up the weight of the string above the RTTS
hole, the tool's annulus bypass should be in the closed
position and the tubing bypass in the open position
(with the lug in the lower position). 2. Apply right-hand torque.
3. Maintain right-hand torque while setting down on
Closing the Annulus Bypass the tool.
To close the annulus bypass, place the lug in the
lower portion of the J-slot. This allows the bypass
ports in the mandrel to be open to the tubing so that it
fills automatically.

September 14, 2001 Page 3 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

PH above = Hydrostatic pressure above plug

Warning—Be aware of trapped or residual torque
PH below = Hydrostatic pressure below plug
when applying torque to the workstring. Make sure
the area is clear of nonessential personnel. Sudden
release of trapped or residual torque can cause Example. A full column (12,680 ft) of 12.6-lb/gal mud
damage to equipment and possible injury to is circulated out and replaced with 10.2-lb/gal comple-
personnel. tion fluid through a positive circulating valve. A 3,000-
psi shear pin was put into the tool at the time it was
4. Relieve the right-hand torque and pick the tool up dressed. How much pump pressure must be applied in
straight to unset the packer. The annulus bypass is the tubing to pump the plug out?
now closed and the tubing bypass is open.
Ppump = Pshear - PH above + PH below
Setting the Packer Without Opening PH above = 0.05195 (12,680 ft)(10.2 lb/gal)
the Annulus Bypass = 6,719 psi
With the annulus bypass closed (lugs in the lower posi- PH below = 0.05195 (12,680 ft)(12.6 lb/gal)
tion), use the following procedure to set the packer = 8,300 psi
without opening the ports:
Ppump = 3,000 psi - 6,719 psi + 8,300 psi
1. Pick up the tool. = 4,581 psi
2. Apply left-hand torque.
3. Set weight down on the packer. Example. If the fluid densities of the previous example
were switched, what would the pump pressure need to
The bypass area and ports are sufficient for treating be to pump out the plug?
through the packer; however, pumping cement or
lost-circulation material through the bypass is not pH above = 8,300 psi
recommended. pH below = 6,719 psi
Ppump = 3,000 psi - 8,300 psi + 6,719 psi
Removing the Plug with Pressure
= 1,491 psi
If a conventional bypass or a full opening is needed
through the tool, you can remove the plug by applying
pressure from above. Pressure can be applied either in
the tubing or in the annulus, with the RTTS Packer set
and tubing bypass in the closed position. The type and
number of shear pins used will determine the pressure
needed to pump the plug loose. Pins are available for
3,000 psi, 7,000 psi, and 10,000 psi (as a combination
of the first two) differentials. Any difference in hydro-
static pressures above and below must be taken into
account when calculating pressure to pump out the
plug. The following procedure determines pump pres-
sure to remove the plug:

Ppump = Pshear - PH above + PH below

Ppump = Pump pressure to shear plug
Pshear = Shear pin pressure rating

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 4 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

Maintenance Procedure for the The maximum testing pressure and the duration of the
Positive Circulating Valve test are based on planned job conditions or the
customer's requirements.
Service for the Positive Circulating Valve is the same
as that for the RTTS Circulating Valve, with the
following addition: Caution—Unless the test is run in a dedicated test
cell as defined in Standard C4S5, do not apply more
• Change the shear pins after every run whether or than 80% of the tool's pressure rating.
not they are sheared, because running the tool
weakens the pins.
In general, maintaining the pressure for 10 minutes is
Pressure-Testing the
Positive Circulating Valve 3. Check potential leak points for leakage.
• If pressure loss occurs, find and replace the
Important—For instructions and safety guidelines for defective parts and retest the assembly.
pressure testing the valve, consult your local Best Prac-
tices Manual or the Health and Safety Standard • If no leak occurs, bleed off the pressure. The
C4S5—Pressure-Test Facilities. If neither publication test is complete.
is available the following instructions can be used as a

1. Plug the top and bottom of the assembly.

2. Apply pressure to the ID of the assembly.

September 14, 2001 Page 5 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

3.45" OD 2 3/8" OD 8 round

(87.6 mm) EUE tubing thread

(155.5 mm)

2.39" ID
(60.7 mm)

3.56" OD
(90.4 mm)

1.895" ID
(48.1 mm) 5

12.87" 6
(326.9 mm)

(168.2 mm)

(818.6 mm)


2.315" OD
(58.8 mm)

(206.3 mm) 8


3.60" OD
(91.4 mm)


1.50" ID 14
(38.1 mm)

1.80" ID 3 3/32" - 10N-3

(45.7 mm)
(85.9 mm)

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
4 1/2 to 5 in.

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 6 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
4 1/2 to 5 in.

Parts List—N/A (696.51130)

Part Number Number
# Description
SAP (Legacy) Required
1 100012511 (696.52001) 1 Top adapter
2 100001998 (70.34024) 1 O-ring
3 100001961 (70.33974) 2 O-ring
5 N/A (696.50173) 1 J-slot sleeve
6 N/A (696.51131) 1 Mandrel
7 100012512 (696.52005) 1 Circulating valve body
8 100004008 (696.52006) 3 O-ring
9 100002004 (70.34030) 1 O-ring
10 N/A (696.51132) 1 Lower body
11 100001964 (70.33977) 1 O-ring
12 100012581 (697.6071) 1 Standing valve
14 N/A (696.51128) 1 Valve seat
15 100002029 (70.34129) 1 O-ring

# Notes—N/A (696.51130)
Optional top adapters:
N/A (696.51108) —2 3/8-in., 5.95-lb Hydril PH-6 female
100070021 (696.52012)— 2 3/8-in., 8-rd EUE female with 1.780-in. RFC®
valve seat
3 Optional female handling sub: N/A (696.51115)

September 14, 2001 Page 7 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

3.68" OD
(93.5 mm)
2 3/8" OD - 8 round
EUE tubing

(155.5 mm) 1

2 9/16" - 10 UNS

2.64" OD
(67.1 mm) 3

1.99" ID
(50.6 mm)

3.90" OD
(99.1 mm)

(168.2 mm)

31.92" 5
(810.8 mm)


3.87" OD
(98.3 mm) 9



4.18" OD 11
(106.2 mm)


1.50" ID
(38.1 mm) 16

2.00" ID
(50.8 mm) 3 ½" - 8 UN - 2A
(91.4 mm)

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
5 1/2 in.

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 8 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
5 1/2 in.

Parts List—N/A (696.53140)

Part Number Number
# Description
SAP (Legacy) Required
1 100012517 (696.53001) 1 Top adapter
2 100002000 (70.34026) 1 O-ring
3 100001963 (70.33976) 2 O-ring
4 100070069 (696.53122) 1 J-slot sleeve
5 100070068 (696.53121) 1 Lug mandrel
6 100012944 (70.33919) 2 O-ring
7 100012518 (696.53005) 1 Circulating valve body
8 N/A (696.53141) 1 Port section mandrel
9 100004079 (697.95603) 3 O-ring
10 100002008 (70.34034) 1 O-ring
11 N/A (696.53142) 1 Lower body
12 100012581 (697.6071) 1 Standing valve
14 100001967 (70.33980) 1 O-ring
16 N/A (696.53128) 1 Valve seat
17 100001997 (70.34023) 1 O-ring

September 14, 2001 Page 9 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

3.87" OD 2 7/8" OD 8 round

(98.3 mm) EUE tubing thread

(152.4 mm)

3.00" OD 3
(76.2 mm)

(169.4 mm)
2.44" ID Travel
(62.0 mm)

4.62" OD
(117.4 mm)

2.37" ID j-slot
(60.2 mm)

(835.4 mm) 6

3.00" OD
(76.2 mm) 8

4.62" OD 9
(117.4 mm)




4.87" OD
(123.7 mm)


1.50" ID
(38.1 mm)

2.46" ID
(62.5 mm)

3.60" 4 5/32" - UNS - 2A

(91.4 mm)

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
7 in.

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 10 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

SAP No.: N/A

RTTS Forced Circulation Valve Assembly
7 in.

Parts List—N/A (696.57135)

Part Number Number
# Description
SAP (Legacy) Required
1 100012538 (696.57001) 1 Top adapter
2 100002003 (70.34029) 1 O-ring
3 100001966 (70.33979) 2 O-ring
4 100070153 (696.57132) 1 J-slot sleeve
5 100070152 (696.57131) 1 Lug mandrel
6 100001930 (70.33925) 2 O-ring
7 100070127 (696.57005) 1 Circulating valve body
8 N/A (696.57136) 1 Port section mandrel
9 100004080 (697.96203) 3 O-ring
10 100001936 (70.33936) 2 O-ring
11 N/A (696.57137) 1 Lower body
12 100012581 (697.6071) 1 Standing valve
14 N/A (696.57128) 1 Valve seat
15 100002001 (70.34027) 1 O-ring

September 14, 2001 Page 11 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

3 7/8" - 6 stub Acme

4.62" OD special tool joint thread
(117.3 mm) 1
(228.6 mm)



2.44" ID
(62.0 mm)

14.73" travel
(374.1 mm)

(500.4 mm)

(1485.4 mm)

4.75" OD
(120.7 mm)


(303.0 mm)

(453.4 mm)

2.00" ID 7
(50.8 mm)

8 1
9 1
(114.3 mm)
3 7/8" - 6 stub Acme
special tool joint thread

SAP No.: N/A

Positive Circulating Valve Assembly
4.75 in.

Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 12 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are listed
in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes that a
Service Tools Manual
SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

SAP No.: N/A

Positive Circulating Valve Assembly
4.75 in.

Parts List—N/A (696.5811)

Part Number Number
# Description
SAP (Legacy) Required
1 100070156 (696.57159) 1 Top coupling
2 N/A (696.58113) 1 J-slot sleeve
3 101003690 (696.58112) 1 Port mandrel
4 N/A (696.58114) 1 Port section body
5 101003691 (696.58122) 1 By-pass seal
6 N/A (696.58111) 1 Lower body
7 100070229 (696.58121) 2 Jam screw
8 100070227 (696.58117) 1 Shear pin—3,000 psi
9 100070228 (696.58118) 2 Shear pin—7,000 psi
10 100070226 (696.58115) 1 Circulating valve plug
11 100001964 (70.33977) 1 O-ring
12 100002006 (70.34032) 1 O-ring
13 100001967 (70.33980) 1 O-ring
14 100001969 (70.33982) 1 O-ring
15 100001997 (70.34023) 1 O-ring
16 100001938 (70.33938) 1 O-ring
17 100064426 (600.00061) 2 Seal backup

# Notes—N/A (696.5811)
The small shear pins 100070227 (696.58117) will shear with 3,000 psi
differential across the plug. The large shear pins 100070228
(696.58118) will shear with 7,000 psi across the plug. With both sets of
shear pins in place, the plug will withstand 10,000 psi differential

September 14, 2001 Page 13 of 14 Section 2c–RTTS Positive Circulating Valve

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: Where available, SAP numbers are listed first for the parts
and tools in this section. Former (legacy) part numbers are
listed in parentheses. N/A in place of the SAP number denotes
Service Tools Manual
that a SAP number has not yet been assigned for that part.

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Section 2c—RTTS Positive Circulating Valve Page 14 of 14 September 14, 2001

Copyright 1983, 1999, 2001
Halliburton Energy Services®, Inc.
All rights reserved.

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