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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven

Version v.2.2

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This guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the
game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for
each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[CharacterName/RP] Relationship Points gained/lost per character.

[Dom+] Affects other characters sexual dominance toward MC.
[Sub+] Affects other characters sexual submissiveness toward MC.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Day 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Day 3 ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Day 4 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Day 5 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Day 6 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Day 7 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Day 8 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Day 9 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
................................................................................................................................................................ 28

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 1

Note: Enabling Third Party Scenes {Dark Scene’s} is recommended.

Important: Default names will be used in this guide.


Note: You will obtain [Wife] = 5 by default.

You will obtain [Hannah] = 5 by default.
You will obtain [Penelope] = 5 by default.


1. Choose one:
A) I’ll drive myself, it should be a nice…
B) Yes, please call her. [Wife+1] [D1WifeDriveHome]

2. Head outside.
Note: If you chose A on #1. {Go to #4}

3. Choose one:
A) Just give her a hug.
B) Kiss her. [Wife+1]
{Head to #9}

Solo Drive

4. Choose one:
A) Offer her a lift.
B) Don’t offer her a lift. {Go to #9}

Hannah Drive

5. Compliment her looks. [Hannah+1]

6. Sure, why not?

Hannah Food

7. Let’s exchange numbers. [HannahPhone]

8. Drive Home.


9. Take you pants off. [Wife+1] [D1WifeSex]

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

10. Choose one:

A) Push her head down. [Sub+1]
• Hold her head down. [Sub+1]
B) Almost there. [Wife+1]
• Go to sleep.

{Dark Scene 1} (Your Choice)

11. Go closer.

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 2


12. Go and shower.

13. Take a peek.

14. Keep watching.

15. Quietly leave.


16. Like a baby, it was the best night’s sleep in a… [Wife+1]

17. Kiss her. [Wife+1]

18. Choose one:

A) Kiss Jane anyway, she’s my fiancé after all. [Dom+1] [Wife+1] [Penelope-1]
• Eat and go to work.
B) Stop, I don’t want to make Penelope…
• Hug her. [Penelope+1]
• Don’t let her hug you. [Wife+1] [Penelope-1]
o Eat and go to work.

19. Kiss her. [Wife+1]

20. Drive to city HQ.

21. Choose one:

A) Amelia.
• I’ll give it a try [AmeliaBet]
• No, I’ve got a fiancé.
B) McKenna.

Note: If you obtained [HannahPhone], then [HannahText].

22. Continue to Manston High.

Manston High

Note: If you obtained [HannahText] No: {Go to #25}

23. With what?

24. Sure, I’ll just go to the store and get some. [Hannah+3]

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Note: If you did NOT obtain [HannahText] Yes: {Go to#25} No: {Go to #29}


25. I don’t mind, but I was worried. [Penelope+1]

26. Yes (Your Choice)

27. Peek.

28. Kiss her. (Your Choice) [Penelope+1] {Go to Day 3}

Getting Hannah Booze

29. Cute picture, maybe you can send it to me.

30. Buy Hannah’s Gin and Vodka. [HBooze]

31. Head home.

32. Check on Penelope.

33. Look at her ass.

34. You’ve got a great body Penelope it’s just … [Penelope+1]

{Dark Scene 2}

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 3


Note: You will obtain [PenWarned]by default.

35. Get up. [Wife+1]


36. Undo her dressing gown. (Your Choice) [Wife+1]

37. Choose one:

A) Eat your breakfast.
B) Leave it. [D3NoBk]

38. Sure, we’ll take you mother’s car.


39. Choose one:

A) My girlfriend. [Penelope+2] [GirlFriend]
B) My fiancée’s daughter. [Penelope+1]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [GirlFriend]. {Yes} {Go to #40} {No} {Go to #42}

Car Alone

40. Why not? We’ve got time.

41. Give her $4. [Penelope+1] {Go to #49}


42. Go order.

43. Waffle’s and a Gingerbread Latte please.

44. Grande.

45. Shot of caramel sauce please.

46. Hand her $20. [Penelope+2]

47. Kiss her.

48. French kiss her.

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2


49. Enter your office.

50. I want something in return.

51. Sex.

52. Choose one:

A) Cum in her mouth.
• You loved it. (Your Choice)
B) Cum on her face.

53. Go to your lesson.

Note: There are two paths you can take this point “Good Guy” OR “Bad Guy”, chose a Label.

*Pro Tip* Split paths will happen for the rest of the guide; I advise focusing on one path per
playthrough for continuity. Conversely you could Save before each path split and Reload. This
is your choice on how you want to obtain all the content. Saving here is recommended.

Good Guy (Recommended for those who are interested in [Hannah])

54. Of course, Hannah. [Hannah+5] [HannahLesson]

55. No [Mercedes=0]

56. Finish the class. {Go to #62}

• Go Home.

Bad Guy Duh! (Sorry I couldn’t resist; see Billie Eilish song “Bad Guy”.)

57. No, you’ll do the same as everybody else. [Penelope-2] [Hannah-2] [Mercedes+5]

58. Choose one:

A) Give her detention. [Penelope=0] [Mercedes+5] [Dom+1] [D3Dentention]
B) Let it go. [Mercedes+5]

59. Steal Hannah’s Panties. [Mercedes+5] [D3MercDate]

60. Take Panties. [HShy] [D3MercStrip]

61. Finish the rest of the lesson.

• Go Home.

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

After Class

Note: #62 is only for those who obtained [D3MercStrip].

62. Choose one:
A) Out, go and use a cubicle in the toilets. [D3MercDate] [D3LesssonCancelled]
B) In, definitely in. [Mercedes+5]

Note: #63 is only for those who obtained [HannahLesson].

63. Choose one:
A) The First [Swim1]
B) The Second. [Swim2]

64. Take Penelope home.

Note: #65 is only for those who obtained [D3MercDate].

65. Choose one:
A) Sorry I can’t make it, maybe another time. [D3MercDate]
• Go inside.
B) I’ll see you then.


66. Go inside.

Note: #67 is only for those who obtained [D3MercDate].

67. Choose one:
A) I can always go out another time. [Wife-1] [Dom+1]
• Say goodbye and get changed. {Go to Mercedes Date}
B) Sorry Jane I’ve promised them I’m going. [Wife-1] [Sub+1]
• Go and get dressed and say… {Go to Mercedes Date}


68. Go to the dining room.


Note: If [D3MercStrip] & [Dom] >=1 you will obtained [D3PenSpank].

69. Finish dinner/Finish you dinner/Finish meal.

The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Note: #70 is only for those who obtained [D3PenSpank].

70. Choose one:
A) Go and watch. {Go to #72}
B) Stay and finish washing up.
• Go to your bedroom. {Go to Wife Night}


71. Go to your bedroom. {Go to Wife Night}

72. Choose One”

A) Penelope is Jane’s daughter, she can… [Wife+5] [Penelope-1] [Dom+5]
• Follow her. {Go to Wife Night}
B) Jane, stop it! [Wife-5] [Penelope+5] [Dom=0]
• Go sleep on the couch. [D3Couch]
o Go to sleep. {Go to Day 4}

Wife Night

73. Do as she says.

74. Choose One:

A) Do we really need them, we’re…
B) No, let’s just do this another time. (Bail out choice on WifeBaby)
• Go to sleep. {Go to Day 4}

75. I want you to get pregnant. [Wife+2]

➢ It would be like the first time.
➢ You’d never be a burden. [D3WifeBaby]

76. Cum Inside her.

• Go to sleep. {Go to Day 4}

Mercedes Date

77. Compliment her.

78. Order the Seafood Risotto. [SR]

79. Lead the way. [MercedesPreg] [D3MercFuck] [MercSex+1] [MercPreg=1]

80. Choose one:

A) Cum inside her.
• Say goodbye and take your…
B) Pull out.
• Say goodbye and take your…

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Miss Miller

81. Knock on the door. [Miller+1] [D3MillersMet]

82. Show me the way. [Miller+1]

83. Help her change into her clothes. [D3AlyssaNude]

84. Choose one:

A) Help Natalia [D3HelpedNat]
B) Help Chantelle [D3HelpedChan]
• Peek
o Finish unblocking…
85. Pull her into a hug.

86. Choose one:

A) Enquire about drugs.
B) Do nothing. [Miller-1]
• Say goodbye and go home. {Go to Day 4}

87. Choose one:

A) You’re right, I’m out of here. [Miller=0] {Go to Day 4}
B) No, you’re not, come here.

88. Choose one:

A) No, sorry.
• Leave. {Go to Day 4}
B) Agree. [Miller+10] [D3MillerNight]

{Dark Scene 3}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 4

Miller Wake Up Note: If you obtained [D3MillerNight]. {No} {Go to #92}

89. Wait like Miss Miller asked. [D4WifeCar]

90. Go home. [Wife-5]

91. Call Jane.

Couch Wake up Note: If you obtained [D3Couch]; [D4Bike] by default. {No} {Go to #93}

Note: If you obtained [D3MercDate].

92. Choose one:
A) Text her. [D4MercText] {Go to #94}
B) Or maybe not. {Go to #94}

Bed Wake Up

93. Thanks, I’d rather use the car today. [D4WifeCar]

• Use the shower.

94. Eat Breakfast.

Late Morning Note: If you obtained [HannahLesson]. {Yes} {Go to School}

95. Spend the morning watching TV.

Note: If you obtained [D3WifeBaby]. {Yes} {Go to Wife Sex} {No} {Go to Home Afternoon}

Wife Sex

96. Undress. [Wife+3] [D4WifeSex]

97. Choose one:

A) Touch her asshole.
• You promised you’d do… [Sub+1] [D4WifeAnal]
• I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking.
B) Do not touch it.

{Go to Home Afternoon}


98. Park and enter Manston High.

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

99. You look amazing. [Hannah+1]

• Get changed.

100. Follow her into the…

101. Kiss her. [Hannah+2] [HanShowerKiss]

• Quickly Leave.

102. Stop and listen.

• I should probably leave now. [D4AnaMet]

103. Turn around and look from behind.

104. Leave the school.

105. Go inside.

Home Afternoon

106. Answer it.

• I’m on my way. [D4Call]
o Go to the Police Station.

Police HQ

107. Walk around the entrance.

108. Try and peak.

• Go to reception.

109. Follow Lt. Mckenna.

110. Call Jane to let her know you’ll be late. [Wife+2] [D4CalledWife]


111. Suit up.

112. Wait for Katherina to arrive.

{Dark Scene 4}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 5

113. Yep, third house on the right. [Wife-1]

{Dark Scene 5}

114. Kiss her [Wife+2]

Note: You will obtain [CourtneyNumber] & [ReMap].

115. Change some of the ECU settings. [Wife+1]

• No problem, see you later. [Wife+1]


116. I’d like to make a payment please.

117. Go and get a coffee.

118. Go back to Courtney

• Let’s go.


119. Race.

120. Rev the engine.

121. Keep accelerating.

122. Shift now.

123. Keep accelerating.

124. Keep accelerating.

125. Shift now.

126. Keep accelerating.

127. Shift now. [RaceWin]

128. Why not I’ll take you. [Carmeet] [CourtneyCarMeet]

129. Drive back to Courtney’s garage.

130. Drive home.

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

131. Go to Manston high.

132. Go inside.

133. Go back to parking lot.

Note: You will obtain [VolleyNude] by default. Choose path Beach Mercedes OR Beach No
Mercedes choose Label.

Beach No Mercedes Path

134. Bet’s a bet.

135. We’ll take it back to school. [Mercedes-2]

136. Drive to Manston High.

137. Put your feet down. {Go to #143}

Beach Mercedes

138. Bet’s a bet.

139. Lead the way.

140. Have unprotected sex. [MercSex+1] [MercPreg+1] [D5MercFuck]

141. Choose one:

• Cum inside her. [MercPreg+100]
• Pull out.

142. Drive to Manston High.


143. Go to the Hospital

144. To see you.

• Visit Jessica.
• Leave. {Go to #148}

145. Got to Jessica’s Room. [D5JessVisit]

146. I’m sorry for everything I put you…

147. Leave before Samantha arrives.

• I love you Jessica.
• I’m sorry.

148. Great thank, how are you? (Your Choice)

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

149. Finish driving home.

150. Choose one:

A) She’s a pain in the ass. [TanyaP+1]
B) She’s no bother at all. [Wife+1]

151. Choose one:

A) Hang on I’m busy tomorrow.
B) I’d be glad to. [Wife+5] [TanyaP+10]

Note: #152 is only for those how obtained [D3PenSpank] & [D3Detention].
{No} {Go to #154}

152. Choose one:

A) She is a trouble maker. [Wife+3] [Penelope-10] [Dom+5] [D5PenSpank]
B) It wasn’t her fault.
• I don’t know but she isn’t a [Wife-3] [Penelope+2] [D5WifeHatred]
o Apologize. [D5PenDinner]
o You should have…
• It was my fault, I gave it to… [Wife-7] [Penelope+5] [D5WifeHatred]

Note: #153 is only for those who obtained [D5PenSpank].

153. (Your Choice)

154. Look at the police files …

• Choose All [DuskChkd] [FlyingSquadChkd]
o Log off.

155. Just wait.

Note: If you obtained [Wife] <=10 OR [D5WifeHatred]. {Yes} {Go to #156} {No} {Go to #157}

156. Choose one:

A) Go after her. [D5FakeNTRTrap] [D5FakeNTR]
B) Oh well. [D5FakeNTR

157. A) Go out with Police {Go to Police Night}

B) Go out with teachers. {Go to Teachers Night}
C1) Watch TV. [NeEveSecret]
Note: Will show if you obtained [D5PenDinner]. {Go to Day 5 End}
C2) Go out with Jane.
Note: Will show if you didn’t obtain [D5FakeNTR].
If you obtained [D5PenSpank]. {Yes} {Go to Wife Evil} {No} {Go to Wife Good}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Police Night Note: You will obtain [D5PoliceDinner]by default.

158. Sure, you can come with me.

159. Eat some pizza.

160. Go to the club. [D5PoliceClub]

161. Yes, sounds fun. [D5PoliceFuck]

162. Go home. {Go to Day 5 End}

Teacher’s Night

163. Choose one:

A) Toucher her ass.
Note: If you obtained [D3MillerNight], then [Miller+1] & [D5MillerSeduced]
If you did NOT obtain [D3MillerNight], then [D5MillerMad].
B) Just let her pass.

164. It’s going well. (Your Choice)

165. Choose one:

A) Kiss her cheek.
B) Kiss her lips. [D5Fields1]

166. Choose one:

A) I think you’re very attractive myself
Note: If you did NOT obtain [D5MillerMad], then you will obtain [D5MillerSeduced].
B) Say nothing.

167. Choose one:

A) Get a lift Mrs. Eliyahi. {Go to Day 5 End}
B) Walk Miss Miller home. [Miller+1]
Note: Will only appear if you obtained [D5MillerSeduced].

168. Kiss her [Miller+1] [MillerSex]

169. Go to sleep.

170. Go and get a glass of water.

171. Try and peek.

172. Go home. {Go to Day 5 End}

Wife Evil

173. Stare at her ass.

174. The Calamari please. [D5Calamari]

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

175. You developed quite a thing for … [D5WifeDom]

176. Eat your food. [D5Evil]

177. Leave a $100 tip and exit [Dom+5]

178. Go home. {Go to Day 5 End}

Wife Good

179. The Fish Cake Please. [D5FishCake]

180. I’ve always wanted a threesome. [Sub+10] [D5WifeSub]

181. Yes!
• Eat your food and leave.

182. Yes!

183. We’ve got a deal [LucyDeal]

184. Leave.

Day 5 End

185. Go to sleep. {Go to Day 6}

{Dark Scene 6}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 6


186. Choose one:

A) Yes. [Wife+5]
B) No. [Wife-10] {Go to Party}

187. Choose one:

A) Kiss her. [TanyaP+5]
• Go get Tonya’s bag.
B) Reject her.
• Go and get Tonya’s bag.

188. Investigate.
• Grab Tonya’s bag and run.

189. Drive home

190. Sit down and relax for the rest of…


191. Ok I’ll go [Wife+1]

• Go and get changed.

192. Choose one:

A) You look really pretty.
B) I’d love to rip it off and fuck you… [MercDom+1] [MercLove+1]

193. Check out one of the girls.

194. Choose one:

A) Mercedes. [Mercedes+1]
B) Emily.
C) Isabella.

Note: If [Mercedes+1] <=6.

195. Choose One:
A) Apologize to her. {Go to Mercedes}
B) No thanks. [Mercedes-2]


A) Go home with Mercedes. {Go to Mercedes}

B) Go with Emily and Isabella. [Mercedes-2]

19 | P a g e
The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

196. Stare at Emily’s ass.

197. Stare at Isabella.

198. Your Choice

199. Stare at her chest.

200. I love them.

201. Go to kitchen.

202. Peek up Penelope’s skirt.

203. Take Penelope home.}

Note: If [Penelope] >=5. {Yes} {Go to #204} {No} {Go to End Day 6}
204. Choose one:
A) Reject Penelope. {Go to End Day 6}
B) Kiss her back. [PenelopeBg]

205. Cum on her face (Your Choice) {Go to End Day 6}


206. Kiss lower body (Your Choice) [MercSex+1] [MercPreg+1]

207. Cum [MercPreg+100]

• Sleep with Mercedes. [Mercedes+5] [MercNight6] {Go to Day 7}
• Go home. [Mercedes-5]
o Go to sleep {Go to Day 7}

End Day 6

Note: #208 is for those who obtained [Wife] <=7 OR [D5FakeNTR] (If [Wife] <=5 you will
obtained [D6WifeMissing]). {Yes} {Go to #208} {No} {Go to Day 6 Wife).
208. Go to sleep. {Go to Day 7}

End Day 6 Wife

209. Choose one:

A) I want you ass tonight {Go to Wife Ass}
Note: This choice will only succeed if [Sub] >=3.
Else: •Go to sleep. {Go to Day 7}
B) Let’s do it.
• Get dressed and go to the … {Go to Couch}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2


210. Choose One:

A) Just get out of my way. [TanyaP-5]
• Go to Sleep. {Go to Day 7}
B) Kiss her. [TanyaP+5]
• Go to sleep. {Go to Day 7}

Wife Ass

211. Choose one:

A) It will get easier and I love you… [Wife+2] [Sub+5]
• Go to sleep.
B) Stop complaining, next time I… [Sub+10]
• Go to sleep.

{Dark Scene 7}

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 7

Morning Mercedes Note: Only for those who obtained [MercNight6]. {No} {Go to Morning

212. Go and listen.

213. Go back to Mercedes room

214. Stay longer with Mercedes.

215. Choose one:

A) Cum Inside her. [Mercedes+3] [MercPreg+100]
B) Pull Out. [Mercedes-3]

216. Kiss her goodbye. [Mercedes+1] {Go to Home Arrival}

Morning Home

217. Investigate.

218. Sure, I’ll come back in a second.

219. Get her clothes.

220. Look through it.

221. Choose one:

A) Send picture to yourself. [D7Photos]
B) Just put the phone down.

Home Arrival Note: Only for those who obtained [MercNight6]. {No} {Go to Shopping}

No choices. [Wife-1]

Home Bad Start Note: Only for those who obtained [MercNight6] OR [D6WifeMissing].
{No} {Go to Shopping}

222. Choose one:

A) Kiss her. [TanyaP+5]
B) Refuse. [TanyaP-5]


223. Continue driving.

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Version v.2.2

Shopping Wife Note: Only for obtained [D5Evil]. {No} {Go to Shopping Penelope}

224. Choose one:

A) Stop, we’re leaving. [Wife-1] {Go to Night}
B) Let’s go to the changing rooms. [Dom+5] {Go to Night}

Shopping Penelope

225. Try and look at them changing.

226. Choose one:

A) Check left door. (Penelope)
Note: If [Penelope] <=10, then [Penelope-3] & [D7PenBoothBad].
• Find Jane and drive home.
Else, [D7PenBoothGood]
• Go and wait for them to finish.
o Find Jane and drive home.
B) Check on the right door. (Hannah)
Note: If [Hannah] >=12, then [Hannah+2] & [D7HanBoothGood].
Else, [Hannah-2] [D7HanBoothBad].
• Go and wait for them to finish.
o Find Jane and drive home.

{Dark Scene 8}


227. What is it?

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Version v.2.2

Day 8

Note: If you obtained [D5MillerSeduced], then [MillerRomance]

If [D5Evil], then [DomWife]
If [D5WifeSub], then [SubWife]
If [MercPreg] >=1, then [MercRomance]
If [Hannah] >=12 OR [HannahLesson], then [HanRomance]
If [PenelopeBg], then [PenRomance]


Note: Based on what you previously obtained, you will see ALL, SOME, or NONE (default wife,
no choices) of these choices. Pick whatever one you want. Saving here is recommended.

228. A) Send Penelope a dick pic. [PenDickPic]

B) Send Hannah a dick pic. [HanDickPic]
C) Send Mercedes a dick pic. [MercDickPic]
D) Send Jane a dick pic. [WDickPic]
Note You will obtain [WDickPic], by default if not choices present.

Hannah Note: Only for those who obtained [HanDickPic]. {No} {Go to Mall}

229. Finish driving to the swimming pool.

Note: #230 is only for those who obtained [HanShowerKiss].

230. Follow Hannah into the showers. [D8HanShower]

231. Get changed and return home. {Go to Dom Wife}


Note: #232 is only for those who obtained [DomWife] & [MercRomance].
232. A) Get something for Mercedes. {Go to Mall Mercedes}
B) Come back with Jane. {Go to Mall Wife}

If [MercRomance], then {Go to Mall Mercedes} Else {Go to Mall Wife}

Note: If ONLY obtained [MercRomance], {Go to Mall Mercedes}, else {Go to Mall Wife}

Mall Mercedes

Note: You will obtain [MercToy].

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Version v.2.2

Mall Wife

Note: If you obtained [SubWife], then [D8WifeShop] & [D8SubGear]

If you obtained [DomWife], then [D8WifeShop] & [D8DomGear]

Dom Wife Note: Only for those obtained [DomWife] & NOT [MercToy]. {No} {Go to Sub Wife}

Note: You will obtain [D8WifePussy] & [D8WifeCreampie] by default.

233. A) You need to exclude Penelope from those…

B) Watching you spank her is kind of hot. [D8WifePenOk]

{Go to End Day 8}

Sub Wife Note: Only for those obtained [SubWife]. {No} {Go to End Day 8}

Note: #234-235 are only for those who did NOT obtain [MercRomance]. {No} {Go to Sub Merc}

Note: #234 A & B are only for those who obtained [PenRomance].
234. A) Check Penelope’s room. (Penelope Sex)
B) Just wait a few minutes and go back in.
C) Wait a few minutes and go back in.

Note: If you chose A you will obtain [D8PenSex].

Note: If you obtained [D8PenSex], then [D8WifePussy], you will ONLY obtain “Sub-Choices”
235. A) Anal. [D8WifeAnal]
B) Pussy. [D8WifePussy]
• Stomach.
• Pussy. [D8WifeCreampie]

Sub Wife Note: Only for those obtained [MercRomance].

236. A) Anal. [D8WifeAnal]

B) Pussy. [D8WifePussy]
• Stomach.
• Pussy. [D8WifeCreampie]

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

Day 9


Note: #237 is only for those who obtained [D8PenSex].

237. A) No, I don’t have a problem with that either. [D9PenSex]
B) Yes, I do. We’ve gone far enough… [D9PenSexCancel]

238. Drive to the mall.


239. A) You could start by going to the gym… [WifeHum+1]

Note If [SubWife], then [WifeCuckQ+1], else [WifeAnger+1].
B) Probably wouldn’t be wise to tell…

240. A) Stare at her boobs. [Katie+1]

B) Refrain yourself.

241. A) Check out Katie’s ass.

Note If [SubWife], then [WifeCuckQ+3] & [WifeHum+1], else [WifeAnger+1].
B) Refrain yourself.

242. A) Keep swiping. [Katie+1]

B) Put Katie’s tablet down. {Go to #245}

243. A) Put Katies tablet down and… {Go to #245}

B) Keep swiping through her pictures. [Katie+1] [KatieNudes]

Note If [SubWife], then [WifeCuckQ+3], [WifeHum+1] & [WifeAnger+1]

Else [WifeHum+1] & [WifeAnger+3].

Note: #244 is only for those who obtained [SubWife].

244. Why would I want a bimbo looking… [WifeCuckQ-1] [WifeAnger-1]


245. A) I’ll get it for her… [WifeCuckQ+1] [PaidForCamera]

B) You’d better ask you Mom…

246. Well, I didn’t know I had such an attractive… [Katie+2]

Note: If [D9PenSex], then [WifeAnger+1].

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2


Note: #247 is only for those who obtained [SubWife].

247. A) I haven’t bought you a gift… [WifeCuckQ+2] [Watch]
• Pay for the watch.
B) I’ll buy it for you if you let me fuck… [WifeHum+1] [Watch]
• Pay for the watch.
C) It would probably be best to wait… [WifeHum+1]

Note: #248 is only for those who did NOT obtain [SubWife].
248. A) I haven’t bought you a gift… [WifeCuckQ+2] [Watch]
• Pay for the watch.
B) It would probably be best to wait… [WifeHum+1]

Note: If you did NOT obtain [SubWife] & [WifeCuckQ] >=3. {Go to #252}


249. A) Can’t hurt to try it out?

B) I don’t really want to put you in… {Go to #252}

250. A) It is about time you started…

Note: If [WifeHum] < [WifeCuckQ] {Go to #252}
B) I’d imagine most fiancées would try…
Note: If [WifeCuckQ] < [WifeHum] {Go to #252}

Note: If you obtain #251 you will also obtain [Secret].

251. A) Cuck-Life. [MagCuckold]

B) High Society. [MagSadist]
C) Love and Magic. [MagLom]
D) Torment. [MagMaso]
E) The Taboo Diary [MagTaboo]


Note: #252 is only for those who obtained [MercPreg] >=1.

252. Go further than just a light kiss. (Your Choice)


253. A) Play with her boob. [WifeHum+1]

B) Refrain yourself.

Note: #254 is only for those who d obtained [Secret].

254. Turn around and spread your… (Your Choice)

255. Board the ship.

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The Manifest: Shadows Over Manston Retold Written by: Zoey Raven
Version v.2.2

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