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The History of National Service Training Program (NSTP)

In 1935, the President Manuel L. Quezon established the National Defense

Act or Commonwealth Act No. 1 which obliged student in college to undergo a
four semesters of Military Training to prepare for National Defense.
Commonwealth Act No. 1 requires College Students, specifically males and
Finish 2 years or 4 semesters of Military Training to be reserved cadets of the
national defense of the country.
In 1980, the President Ferdinand E. Marcos has announced the National
Service Law or Presidential Decree No. 1706. It mandates compulsory national
service to all citizens of the country. It also allowed students to have a freedom to
choose between the three main components to comply as a requirement of
tertiary education. This are the the three main components: Civil Welfare Service,
Law Enforcement Service and Military Service.
Moreover, in 1986 due to the Martial Law, the President Corazon C. Aquino
has announced a Presidential Memorandum Order No. 1 (1986-1987) which
tackles about the suspension of Civil Welfare Service and Law Enforcement
Service except the Military Service and it became Basic Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC).
In 1991, the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 7077
modified the Basic ROTC Course to Expanded ROTC Program as mandated.
The modification is composed of military subject in the first year and any of the
following components: MTS, CWTS, and LES in the second year curriculum.
In 1995, President Fidel V. Ramos extended the Reserve Officers’ Training
Corps (ROTC) Program and was categorized into two curriculums. In 1st
Curriculum Year, the student are still ought to undergo the Military Service while
the 2nd Curriculum Year would be optional (whether to continue Military Service
or other components).
In 2001, the President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has suspended the ROTC
Program for temporary due to the protest about irregularities in ROTC particularly
the death of Mark Welson Chua, 19 years old and an Engineering Student from
University of Santo Tomas (UST). He was found wrapped in a carpet and floating
in the Pasig River. His face was wrapped in packing tape and the face were
bounded. He was reportedly a victim of illegal ROTC practices lead to a massive
protest of the college student and concerned parents against the ROTC program.
Furthermore, in January 23, 2002 the Expanded ROTC Program morphed
into National Service Training Program (NSTP) or Republic Act (RA) 9163 and
was signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It was an Act
Establishing The National Service Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary Level
Students, enabling the government to create a program that will encourage the
youth to actively participate in civic welfare and literacy initiatives as well as
defend the country in times of war. It comprises of three program components:
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), Literacy Training Services (LTS) and
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
which designed to provide military training to tertiary level student in order to
motivate, train, organize and mobilize.Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
which consist of projects and activities designed to encourage the youth to
contribute in the improvement of general welfare and the quality of life of the local
community and its various institutional components, more particularly in terms of
health, education, safety, recreation and morale of the citizenry. Literacy Training
Services (LTS) which is designed to teach literacy and numeracy skills to school
children, Out-of-School youth and other segments of society need of their

Background of National Service Training Program (NSTP)

National Service Training Program is the meaning of NSTP. ROTC, CWTS
and LTS are some of its programs. It aims to promote and integrate values
education, transformational leadership, spirit of patriotism, nationalism and
sustainable social mobilization for youth development, community building and
national security. National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a program aimed
at enhancing civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of
its three program components. These various components are specially designed
to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare. It is a curriculum
requirement for all college students under Republic Act (RA) No. 9163. the law
provides an opportunity for the youth to directly contribute in nation building.

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