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Key to Traveller Level

Key to Traveller B1+_WB

5. a 6. d 7. h 8. f C. 7. unique
Level B1+_WB B. 1. advice 8. refresh
d, c, b, e, a 2. a lot of money / it
Module 1 C. 3. chicken 2a/Student’s Book pp. 26-27
1a/Student’s Book pp. 6-7 at, to 4. is A.
A. build, building 5. glass 1. tourist
1. got engaged , it 6. experience 2. trips
2. graduating the, a 7. light 3. cabin
3. kept in touch I know, I knew 8. work 4. disco
4. e-mail/e-mailing somethink, something
9. believe 5. battle
, am
5. got a promotion 10. - 6. inhabitant
., ?
6. get married 11. is / it B.
You have got, Have you got
B. Writte, Write 12. much 1. landscape
1. f 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. d 13. a little 2. exhausting
C. 1b/Student’s Book pp. 12-13 D. 3. colleagues
1. awkward A. 1. many / lots of 4. suite
2. recently 1. wander 2. much 5. active
3. problematic 2. resourceful 3. some 6. guests
4. nervous 3. respect 4. a C.
5. happily 4. independent 5. was 1. b 2. g 3. d 4. f
6. tender 5. honour 6. little 5. c 6. a 7. e
6. spiced 7. lots of / many D.
1a/Student’s Book pp. 8-9 7. herd 1. was walking / saw
A. 8. generations 1b/Student’s Book pp. 18-19 2. sold
1. depressed 9. hospitality A. 3. arrived / was wrapping
2. angry B. 1. Needless to say 4. wore
3. embarrassed 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. b 2. Although 5. was thinking / saw
4. frightened 3. unfortunately 6. was driving / ran
5. glad 1b/Student’s Book pp. 14-15 4. One more thing 7. was studying
6. shocked A. B. 8. was having / was reading
B. Adjective Noun 1. honeymoon E.
1. grew up kind kindness 2. seating arrangements 1. decided
2. fell out warm warmth 3. stressed out 2. offered
3. broke up patient patience 4. charming 3. was staying
4. brought up generous generosity 5. confirm 4. went
5. made up imaginative imagination 6. participants 5. visited
6. discuss hospitable hospitality
independent independence 7. preparations 6. drove
7. gossip B. 8. pick out 7. were walking
8. complained 9. wonder 8. passed
1. generous
9. lied 10.mention 9. were waiting
2. hospitality
10. nagging 10. was shining
3. kind
C. 1 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 20- 11. started
4. patience 22 A.
1. Are you going 12. spent
5. warmth
2. leaves 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. d 5. c F.
6. independent B.
3. goes 1. the 2. were 3. in
7. imaginative 1. most 2. on 3. the
4. you always leave / 4. take 5. of 6. While
you’re always leaving C.
4. from 5. as 6. up 7. most 8. did
5. is setting up 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b
7. say 8. than 9. and
6. don’t understand 6. a 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. a
10. is 2a/Student’s Book pp. 28-29
D. D.
C. A.
1. works 1. in 2. the 3. as
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. c 1. intriguing
2. is staying 4. most 5. are 6. than
7. and 8. is 2. elegant
3. is spending Module 2
3. fond
4. likes 2a/Student’s Book pp. 24-25
1b/Student’s Book pp. 16-17 4. stroll
5. finishes A.
A. 5. landmark
6. am having 1. outing
1. helpline 6. exceptional
7. is going 2. spacious
2. support 7. remarkable
8. lives 3. minimum
3. familiar 8. bustling
9. visit 4. indoor
4. volunteer B.
10. am actually meeting 5. discount
5. tend to 1. unique
11. takes part in 6. belongings
6. facing 2. surprised
12. speaks
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7. luxurious
7. callers 3. huge
13. is taking 8. priority
8. traumatic 4. amazing
E. B.
9. turn to 5. barren
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. c 1. features
10. annoying 6. spectacular
5. c 6. a 7. c 8. a 2. ideal
B. 7. absolute
3. consultation
1a/Student’s Book pp. 10-11 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. a 8. refreshing
4. fitness regime
A. 5. d 6. b 7. g 9. fascinating
5. book
1. b 2. g 3. c 4. e 10. unknown
6. instructor
Key to Traveller Level
B1+_WB Book pp. 30-31
2b/Student’s F. 2b/Student’s Book pp. 36-37 6. criminals
A. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a A. 7. convicted
1. b 2. f 3. g 4. d Suggested Answer 8. required
5. b 6. a 7. b 8. b
5. e 6. a 7. c 8. h This year for spring break, my 9. adrenalin rush
B. 2b/Student’s Book pp. 34-35 friends decided to go to Denver 10. opportunity
1. absolute A. and ski. They wanted me to go B.
2. concerned with them, but I had done a lot
1. suddenly / Luckily of skiing during the winter. So Down
3. heading 2. naturally 1. HIRE
instead, I decided that I would
4. bundle 3. possibly take a little road trip on my own 2. CREATE
5. barren 4. completely and explore the state of Tennessee, 3. COMMERCIALS
6. pathway 5. incredibly where I live. I hadn’t been to 4. RECORDING
7. companion the Smoky Mountains for years,
6. finally so I decided to start from there. 5. AUDITION
8. despair 7. probably Across
C. Unfortunately, this turned out to
B. be a really bad idea. 6. MIKE
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 1. troublesome B. 7. DEGREE
2. disappointment 4, 1, 3, 2 8. SATISFACTION
2b/Student’s Book pp. 32-33
3. strike Suggested Answer
4. ruin Well, in my excitement, I forgot 3a/Student’s Book pp. 44-45
1. optimistic to take a map and after a while, I
5. hassle A.
2. spectacular realised I was terribly lost. I
6. worry 1. f 2. d 3. e 4. a
3. hungry didn’t
7. Trekking have a mobile phone, so I couldn’t 5. c 6. h 7. g 8. b
4. custom
8. stress phone for help. It was starting to B.
5. magical
C. get dark, and I didn’t have a torch, 1. earn
6. site 1. Before I had children, I often so I decided to make a small camp 2. job
7. enormous used to go shopping with my for myself. I put my things down 3. resign
8. opportunity friends. and started looking for some wood
to make a fire. When I got back to 4. work
B. 2. In those days, my friends from
India would cook chicken my ‘campsite’ guess what I 5. involved
1. coracle
curry every other day. found? A bear, eating all my food! 6. financial
2. competitors Luckily, it wasn’t a Grizzly bear,
3. Did you use to go swimming 7. won
3. gather a lot when you were a so I was able to scare it off. 8. fortune
4. impressive teenager? C. 9. remains
5. careless 4. Suzie didn’t use to visit her Suggested Answer
grandparents a lot but now she 10. host
6. useful I finally managed to get a fire
does. C.
7. pale going, but I didn’t have anything
5. As a child, Monica would to eat and I didn’t sleep very well 1. has been learning
8. attractive spend many hours playing in because I was worried that the bear 2. has already cut
C. the park. might come back. Fortunately, in 3. has always wanted
1. disappointing 6. That singer used to travel a lot the morning I found some other 4. have been trying
2. amazed around Europe a few years hikers who helped me find my way
3 tired ago. 5. has never been
back to my car. 6. has / been
4. interesting 7. When she was abroad, Next time, I’ll think twice before
5. frightened Elena used to gossip with taking a trip like that on my own! 7. have just finished
D. her sister on the phone for 8. has been painting
hours. 9. Have you called
1. had left 8. Vicky didn’t use to cycle 2 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 38-
2. had finished to school; she started after 40 A. 10. have you been doing
3. had cleaned I bought her a bike. 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. a D.
4. had been working 9. Brian and Fay didn’t use to B. 1. been studying for three hours
5. had been travelling spend so much time together 1. mysterious 2. known Jackie for more
until recently. than three years
6. had bought 2. impressive 3. had this pullover since
10. During my summer holiday,
7. had been waiting I would sleep all day and do 3. colourful her birthday
E. absolutely nothing. 4. beautiful 4. not played the piano for five
1. had booked D. 5. attractive years
2. had been trying 1. Were you going to say 6. remarkable 5. has it been since you (last)
3. took 7. exceptional saw Milo
2. weren’t going to sell
4. went 3. was going to go 8. disappointed
C. 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. c
5. were walking 4. wasn’t going to ask /
6. visited was simply going to take 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. a 10. b
5. was going to tell F.
7. went 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. c
6. Were you and your friends 1. always
8. enjoyed
going to watch Module 3 2. them
9. had driven / drove
7. wasn’t going to say 3a/Student’s Book pp. 42-43 3. and / who
10. took
8. were you going to tell A. 4. about
11. ended
9. was going to reserve
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1. sketch 5. with
12. went
10. weren’t going to go out 2. identify 6. to
13. were strolling E.
3. fingerprints 7. for
14. realised
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 4. evidence 8. of
15. had
5. c 6. c 7. a 8. c 5. essential 9. are
16. had already packed
17. found 10. with
18. got

3a/Student’s Book pp. 46-47 1. application form 3. flexible e 5.majoring
A. 2. research 4. appreciat 6. dependable
Key to Traveller Level
7. make ends meet C. 2. should / ought to / had B1+_WB
4a/Student’s Book pp. 62-63
8. possess 1. who better see A.
B. 3. should / ought to / had better 1. bumped / into
2. who / that
7. I am writing in response to 4. shouldn’t have eaten / ought
your advertisement which 3. where 2. cope / with
not to have eaten
was published in ‘The 4. which / that 5. should / ought to / had better 3. protect / from
Daily News’ on 6th April. 5. whose 4. replace / with
6. should / ought to have studied
2. I am an 18-year-old student in 6. when 5. negotiate / with
my final year of D.
7. who / that Suggested Answers 6. combine / with
Senior High School. 8. where 7. mix / with
4. For this reason, I believe 1. You should / had better /
D. ought to start studying for 8. differs / from
that I possess the leadership
and organisational skills that open answers your exam. B.
you E. 2. You should tidy up your room. 1. improvement
mention in your 1. The book (which/that) Jack 3. You should be more careful 2. operation
advertisement. lent me had descriptions of when you write a composition. 3. connection
various occupations and the 4. You had better stop eating
5. I am thus confident that I so much chocolate. 4. arrangements
will be able to communicate necessary educational
requirements. / Jack lent me a E. 5. inventions
with foreign children 6. reduction
effectively. book (which/ 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c
1. Given my background, I feel that) had descriptions of F. C.
that I possess the necessary various occupations and the 1. shouldn’t eat / had better 1. b 2. e 3. c 4. a 5. d
social skills and qualities necessary educational not eat / ought not to eat D.
required for the position. requirements.
2. should have made 1. d 2. b 3. d 4. a
9. I hope my application will be 2. Jackie, who is very
intelligent, decided to go to 3. ought to call the police 5. b 6. b 7. a
taken into consideration. E.
Law School. / Jackie, who 4. shouldn’t have trusted
decided to go to Law School, 5. had better go to work 1. will be
3b/Student’s Book pp. 48-49 is very intelligent. 2. won’t have finished /
A. 3. The career-guidance officer won’t finish
3b/Student’s Book pp. 54-55
1. mass media (who/that) I met told me to 3. is going to take
take my personal values into A.
2. current affairs 4. won’t make
consideration when making a 1. overwhelmed
3. branch 5. will be flying
career choice. / 2. trend
4. Educators I met a career-guidance 6. will call, arrives
3. unemployed
5. curriculum officer who told me to take F.
4. submit
6. Course planners my personal values into 1. be
consideration when making a 5. adjust
7. Webpage development 3. more 4. on
career choice. B.
8. principles 5. with 6. which
4. Ben, whose father is an A. 2 B. 1 C. 4 D. 3
B. 7. will 8. when/if
engineer, is studying to be a C.
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. g 1. doctor.
a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 1. G 2. F 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. E 7. protect
Paragraph A: furthermore
5. c 6. h 7. f 8. a 6. The
5. a 7. b 8. c room
conference 9. c where / B.
Paragraph B: what is more 8. breakthrough
4a/Student’s Book pp. 64-65
in which the meeting was held 1. b 2. dC: apart
Paragraph 3. d from
4. athis B.
1. prevent was spacious and air- 5. c 6. bD: moreover
Paragraph 7. c 8. /b 2. programme
conditioned. / The meeting in addition THE
was held inBooka conference 2. impressive / exciting
2. optional 3b/Student’s pp. 52- room C. INTERNET
3. technical
3. lack 53that
A. was spacious and air- c 2. b 3. c Book
31.round-up/Student’s 4. d pp. 56- C.information
conditioned. 58 A. 5. exciting / impressive
F. 6. world

3. interact Module 4 regard the Internet as a necessary

3b/Student’s Book pp. 50-51 4. cell phone 4a/Student’s Book pp. 60-61 tool, I think there are more
A. 5. special needs A. dangers involved in surfing online
1. subject than we like to believe. It might
6. effective 1. congested be true that it has changed our
2. teacher 7. fall 2. remarkable lives to an amazing extent;
3. appealing 8. pace 3. simultaneously however, after a few years of
4. professor 9. vacation 4. inevitable Internet excitement, it has become
5. grants obvious that we should be extra
Copyright © MM Publications

10. sidewalk 5. optional

6. confess careful when connecting to the
B. 6. altitude worldwide web.
7. course 1. focused 7. flexible D.
B. 2. sweater 8. considerably 1
1. scholarship 3. store B.
2. instructor 4. garbage 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b 4b/Student’s Book pp. 66-67
3. suitable 5. apartment 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. a A.
4. earnings 6. line C. 1. reality
5. convinced C. 1. e 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. f 2. medical
6. occupation 1. shouldn’t / ought not to / £
had better not eat
3. distract 6. aim 1. operation 4. surgeon
4. ambitious B. 2. scan 5. anxiety
5. investigate 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. f 6. e 3. engrossed 6. procedure
Key to Traveller Level
7. treatment 2. must not speak to him 5. habitat 4. Furthermore, field trips are
8. lessen 3. needs to study harder 6. truly fun because they give
4. did not have to wait students an opportunity to be
4b/Student’s Book pp. 68-69 with each other in an
5. does not have to wake 5a/Student’s Book pp. 80-81 environment other than that
A. A.
4. uncomfortable
criticise 6.1.must wear / have to wear
elevator 5. a 6. a 7. d 8. c of a dull Answer
Suggested classroom.
1. 7. do not need to come / need 1. humid 1. To sum up, field trips can be a
5. painful
2. access 2.not
come Although many people alternative
valuable educational today
2. thrill
3. helpful F. 3. trek for school children.
4. successful 1. for 2. of 4. scenery
5. careless 3. would 4. have 5. hooked 5b/Student’s Book pp. 84-85
6. rebuild 5. will 6. to B. A.
7. harmless 7. in 8. from 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. d 5. a 6. b 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. b
8. rewrite 9. be/become 10. In C. B.
B. 1. to go 1. react
1. f 2. c 3. d 4. e 5. b 6. a 4b/Student’s Book pp. 72-73 2. start 2. occupy
C. A. 3. inspire
3. to see
1. press / starts 1. include 4. crying 4. publish
2. would go / get 2. Presently 5. to play 5. appreciate
3. freezes / will go 3. advanced 6. to do 6. respond
4. call / will give 4. interact 7. to help C.
5. won / would buy 5. online 8. stay 1. so far
D. 6. deal D. 2. in order to
1. I knew how to change a tyre, 7. aspect 3. date back
I would do it myself. 1. drinking
8. guaranteed 2. to inform 4. similar
2. you do as I say, you’ll get 5. worth
into trouble. B. 3. to buy
3. I were you, I would study hard 1. to begin with 4. putting 6. sort through
for the test. 2. In fact 5. to tell 7. Instead of
4. I had enough time, I would 3. To be honest 6. to get 8. bunch
go out with you. 4. moreover / Finally E.
5. Jim loses a game, he gets angry. 5. actually 5b/Student’s Book pp. 86-87
6. he doesn’t hurry, he will miss 1. go
6. Furthermore A.
the bus. / If he hurries, he 2. getting
won’t miss the bus. C. 1. bunch
3. to make
1. a. Hello, Dear 2. foreign
4. feel
4b/Student’s Book pp. 70-71 b. is a joke, is misleading 3. pack
5. to sit
A. 2. a. Are you serious? 4. predict
6. doing
1. gadgets b. If not, I’ll make sure no 5. similar
7. sleeping
2. passport one ever buys anything from 6. Identical
you again. 8. talking
3. country 7. mention
3. I am a busy woman so I want 9. get
4. photograph 8. set
to be able to check my e-mails 10. to get
5. person fast and not waste time waiting. 9. strange
11. hanging around
6. money 12. to take part 10. ticket
B. 4 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 74- B.
13. to do
1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. b 76 A. 1. fond of
14. to try
C. 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b 2. proud of
15. saying
1. identity 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. a 3. fed up with
16. to describe
2. state-of-the-art B. F. 4. impressed with
Copyright © MM Publications

3. facilitates 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 1. I knew how to swim 5. tired of

4. privacy 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. A 2. suggest we (should) leave C.
5. physical / suggest leaving 1. can’t have been
6. compete Module 5 3. was no point in worrying 2. can’t have been
D. 5a/Student’s Book pp. 78-79 4. made me clean up 3. must be
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c A. 5. refused to help me 4. must have told
5. a 6. c 7. a 8. c 1. replicas 5. must be
E. 2. semi-precious 5a/Student’s Book pp. 82-83 6. must work out
1. had to attend 3. discount A. 7. can’t have
Ł 4. package 1. displaying 8. must have missed
5. workshops 2. rewarding 9. can’t be
6. cable car 3. vivid 10. can’t have seen
7. toddlers 4. valuable D.
8. senior 5. stimulate 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. f
9. seasonal 6. variety E.
10. vehicles B. 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. c
B. 2. Field trips can turn learning 5. a 6. a 7. a 8. c
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. e into a stimulating and
C. enjoyable experience. 5b/Student’s Book pp. 88-89
3. To begin with, there is a wide A.
1. re-energise range of locations that may
2. various be visited, both indoors and 1. director
3. combine outdoors, depending on what 2. performance
4. on site subject is being studied. 3. rehearsal(s)
4. production
5. stuntman 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. e 5. d 1. director 3. community
B. C. 2. convincing 4. boost
Key to Traveller Level
5. cast 5. facilitate 6. take / are taking B1+_WB
5. On 6. with
6. stuntman 6. annual 7. have tried / are trying 7. of
7. plot 7. appointed 8. have produced / produce / C.
8. outdoor 8. landscape are producing 1. for 2. of
9. academy award B. 9. are encouraged / are 3. to 4. to
D. being encouraged
1. came across 5. of 6. to
1. could I 10. continue
2. pick them up D.
2. aren’t I 3. closed down 1. is being built
3. shall we 6a/Student’s Book pp. 100-101
4. heading to A. 2. be called
4. will you 5. with 3. will be informed
5. am I 1. common sense
6. depended on 2. conservation 4. are never allowed
6. didn’t you 7. belong 5. Has / been sent
7. had you 3. man-made
8. into 4. fatal 6. was made
E. C. E.
1. will you / could you / can you 5. wildlife reserves
1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 1. is expected that Mary
2. is she 6. gap year will become a doctor. /
5. c 6. g 7. h 8. f 7. branches
3. aren’t I is expected to become a doctor.
4. shouldn’t they 8. miss out on 2. were bought new clothes (by
6a/Student’s Book pp. 98-99
5. is it B. Katie). /
6. doesn’t she b were bought for the children (by
1. inhabitants Katie).
7. was he C.
2. participation 3. is believed that he has
F. Suggested Answer
3. application The wildlife reserve is definitely committed the crime.
1. since 2.on 4. assistant /
worth visiting and we can arrange
3. not 4. of 5. protection to go there together; it’s a place I is believed to have
5. were 6. may / might always enjoy going to. I’m afraid committed the crime.
6. contestant 4. is thought that pollution
7. pay 8. as 7. creation I don’t know much about rock-
climbing in the area, but I will causes a number of health
9. did 10. get B. problems. / is thought to
find out which sports clubs
1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b organise things like that and I’ll cause a number of health
5b/Student’s Book pp. 90-91 5. a 6. b 7. b problems.
let you know.
A. C. 5. has been offered a higher
There is no need to bring position (by the manager). /
A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 1 1. The car was stolen while anything else, but thanks for has been offered to Carl (by
B. we were sleeping. asking; the sweets are more than the manager).
Suggested Answer 2. The report had been finished enough.
before Sandra came. F.
A. authentic
breathtaking 3. The damage will be paid for 6b/Student’s Book pp. 102-103 1. leaking tap is being fixed
fantastic by our company. A. 2. family had been trapped
brilliant 4. Measures must be taken 3. was said about the
(by the government) to 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a 5. b
B. exciting B. 4. will not be given permission
close prevent pollution. 5. hates being told what
C. moving 5. The plans for the house have 1. c 2. e 3. b 4. f 5. d 6. a
already been drawn up (by C. 6. has this book been written
D. fascinating
talented the architect). 1. bonds 7. project must be finished
6. These files should be put in 2. habitat
the drawer. 6b/Student’s Book pp. 106-107
5 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 92- D. 3. reputation
94 A.
1. is always served 4. former
1. avoid speaking to 5. captivity 1. destructive
2. choose 2. predictions
2. doesn’t let me stay 6. appetite
3. be cancelled 3. erosion
3. could have got killed 7. handsome
4. has cooked 4. eruption
4. really like my cooking, do 8. Nearly
5. was followed 5. instructions
5. can’t have failed 9. promotional
6. print 6. medical
6. is no point in talking E.
B. 7. financial
1. Will my car have 6b/Student’s Book pp. 104-105 8. psychological
1. c 2. b 3. e 4. a been/be repaired by
A. B.
5. h 6. i 7. d 8. g Monday?
2. The meeting must be attended 1. rights 2. jam 1. contain
Module 6 by everyone. 3. trail 4. town 2. defend
6a/Student’s Book pp. 96-97 3. English is spoken all over 5. park 6. march 3. injured
A. the world. 7. fire 8. centre 4. effect
4. Bob has not been promoted 5. rescued
1. volunteers
yet. 1. hometown 6. knocking
2. impact 5. Unfortunately, all the food
3. dedicated 2. protest march 7. belongings
had been eaten by the time we
4. mattress arrived. 3. nature trails C.
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F. 4. forest fires 1. Even though

1. will be made / will have 5. animal rights 2. Despite
been made 6. city centre 3. Although
2. have been destroyed 7. traffic jams 4. despite
3. has been caused 8. car park 5. Even though
4. was brought B. 6. Although
5. has contributed / 1. of 2. As D.
is contributing 3. with 4. for 1. not feeling well
2. spite of feeling disappointed
3. even though it started 5. spite of the fact that 7. having worked hard
4. it is not easy 6. even though he had plenty 6b/Student’s Book pp. 108-109
Key to Traveller Level
A. C. Also, even though your teammate D.
1. d 2. b 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. b 1. the following called you a name, I suggest you 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c
B. 2. told should apologise to him because 5. b 6. a 7. c
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. f 5. a 6. b what you did was wrong.
3. had gone Apart from that, if you are really E.
C. 1. wanted
4. rises serious about the hockey team,
Therefore 5. finished it would be a good idea to start 2. not
Actually 6. had acting more responsibly about 3. had / previous
On the other 7. of practice. In order to make 4. would
hand As a matter things up with your coach and
8. for teammates, why don’t you tell 5. to
of fact All in all 9. on F.
them you’re sorry about what
However D. happened and that you are going 1. when she was leaving for
D. 1. Linda said she would be to make an extra effort from now 2. asked / begged Tess not to
Suggested Answer working all day the on? 3. to stop talking and listen
I would like to express following/ next day. 4. where she had left her
my opinion. 2. Dan told me we / they were 7b/Student’s Book pp. 120-121
going to Jeremy’s house 5. if the children were going to
A. the cinema
the city centre has been neglected that night.
for far too long. 3. Brad said he had forgotten 1. set off 6. if I had seen
to buy milk again. 2. reckless 7. not to stay up
are not completely wrong. 4. Nick told his mother he had 3. turned out
already booked a plane 4. rely on 7b/Student’s Book pp. 124-125
without making it impossible for ticket. 5. knocked down A.
residents to use the streets and 5. Our teacher says / tells us 1. soy
we should always pay 6. took down
attention. 7. went after 2. Shrimps
6 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 110- 6. Angela said if she lived on an B. 3. in shape
112 A. island, she would go 1. sponsorship 4. spices
swimming all year round. 2. fitness 5. crisps
1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c 7. My father said some birds
6. a 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. b 3. determination 6. protein
fly south for the winter.
B. E. 4. creature 7. carbohydrates
1. Alice denied damaging / 5. repetitive 8. Nuts
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. c
5. b 6. d 7. b having damaged Liam’s/his 6. extraordinary 9. vegetarianism
camera. 7. relaxation 10. nutritional
2. My mother suggested C. B.
Module 7 going / that we go to the
7a/Student’s Book pp. 114-115 1. went after 1. so
cinema that night. 2. such a lot of / so much
A. 3. Mary advised me to see 2. privilege
1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b a dentist. 3. patience 3. so many
5. a 6. b 7. a 4. His boss apologised for 4. alert 4. such a
B. calling him so late at night. 5. motivation 5. such
5. My sister insisted on paying 6. seeking 6. so much / such a lot of
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c for the meal. 7. enhance C.
6. Kate reminded her husband 1. such an exhausting journey that
1. pointed out to buy some bread on his 8. exhaustion
I slept all day when I got home
2. luxury suite way home. 2. was making so much / such a lot
3. having second thoughts 7b/Student’s Book pp. 122-123
of noise (that) I couldn’t study
4. cater for 7a/Student’s Book pp. 118-119 A. 3. so many / such a lot of
5. blood circulation A. 1. for the time being mistakes (that) you should take
C. 1. figure out 2. in no time the test again
2. eyesight 3. time after time 4. was such a beautiful day (that)
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. c they decided to go on a picnic
3. accurate 4. on time
5. fog was so thick (that) Adrian
7a/Student’s Book pp. 116-117 4. surgeon 5. from time to time couldn’t see anything
A. 5. allergic 6. ahead of time 6. much traffic (that) we can’t
1. sight 6. mainly 7. behind the times move
Copyright © MM Publications

2. lying 7. disposable 8. just in time

3. improved 8. vary B. 7b/Student’s Book pp. 126-127
4. drop B. 1. gain A.
5. view 1. comon, common 2. mental 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c
6. laid 2. dissagreements, disagreements 3. infected B.
7. developed 3. bein, being 4. cured 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. e 5. a
8. lower 4. teem, team 5. raise
B. 5. stressfull, stressful 6. emotional 1. supervise
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. fasing, facing 7. poisoned 2. As a matter of fact
6 7. advise, advice 8. heals 3. willing
C. C. 4. cramped
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 1. dietician 5. fitness centre
D. 2. failure C.
Suggested Answer 3.pleasure Suggested Answers
First of all, you made a big 4. herbal Sports Facilities
mistake going to a teacher and 5. overdo Firstly, the gym needs modern
lying, so I strongly advise you to 6. illness equipment for the weight training
speak to the teacher and explain 7. weakness room. Secondly, our members
what you did.
constantly complain that the with artificial grass should staff at the Club, especially since increased membership. In particular,
surface of the football pitch is be considered. two instructors retired last year. It a request has been made for a
so hard that it causes injuries. Staff is necessary for new staff to be skateboarding instructor and an art
Replacing the present surface There has been a shortage of hired in order to cope with the instructor.
Key to Traveller Level
Lending Library 8a/Student’s Book pp. 134-135 8b/Student’s Book pp. 138-139B1+_WB
3. adolescents
Although the library has a large A. A.
collection of books, it does not 4. sponsor
have a wide selection of 1. cuisine 1. adjust 5. trends
magazines or DVDs. The 2. Ancient 2. contribution 6. constructive
possibility of offering a larger 3. old-fashioned 3. drastic C.
selection of these should be 4. offered 4. admit 1. table 2. fire
looked into. 5. popular 5. furious 3. date 4. stop
6. convenient B. 5. free 6. eyes
b B. 1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 7. foot 8. pressure
1. cater for 5. f 6. g 7. c 8. h D.
7 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 128-
2. cooker 1. painted
130 A. 1. hustle and bustle
3. cosy 2. to revise
1. know 2. saw red
4. common 3. assemble
2. so 3. tends to
5. supply 4. downloaded
3. on 4. upside-down
6. comfortable 5. prepared
4. and 5. warmed to
C. 6. to watch / engage
5. such 6. go wild
1. see E.
6. say/argue/claim 7. crank up 1. I have been having Jane teach
2. were
7. which me Spanish. / I have been
3. learnt 8. take advantage of
8. if getting Jane to teach me
4. go
9. must/should 8b/Student’s Book pp. 140-141 Spanish. / I have been having
5. came Spanish taught to me by Jane.
10. most A.
6. didn’t have 2. Jenny is having / getting her
B. 1. took the blame
7. gave hair cut by Frannie. / Jenny is
1. b 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. a 6. a 2. take it for granted having Frannie cut her hair. /
8. didn’t / wouldn’t complain
D. 3. take notice Jenny is getting Frannie to cut
1. I wish I knew how to play the 4. take pride her hair.
Module 8 3. My mum had / got her car
piano. / I wish I could play B.
8a/Student’s Book pp. 132-133 the piano. repaired by Jack. / My mum
1. green had Jack repair her car. / My
A. 2. Jane acts as if she were rich 2. pink mum got Jack to repair her
1. quaint but she’s not.
3. It’s (high / about) time 3. black and white car.
2. storeys 4. Kathy is having Zoë help her
Jack found a job. 4. blue
3. supervised with her project. / Kathy is
4. I would rather my husband 5. red
4. plunged helped me with the getting Zoë to help her with her
6. green project.
5. lounge housework. C. 5. Lara had had the house
6. appeal 5. If only I could attend my best 1. had known / would cleaned by Freddy. / Lara had
7. range friend’s wedding. have studied had Freddy clean the house.
8. host 6. I wish I were taller. 2. had completed / wouldn’t Lara had got Freddy to clean
B. E. have lost the house.
1. d 2. b 3. e 4. a 5. c 1. would 3. left F.
C. 2. on 4. hadn’t spoken 1. if I had known
Verbs/Nouns Adjectives 3. rather 5. were / would start 2. wish I had enough money
attract attractive 4. but 6. hadn’t taken 3. set eyes on that car
disappoint disappointed 5. which 7. had told / wouldn’t have 4. if I knew where
access accessible 6. was/were found 5. acts as though she knew
season seasonal 7. could 8. had / would buy 6. put a stop to
extend extensive 8. so 9. went 7. had new tiles put
boom booming 9. could 10. had known / would 8. got John to build me
10. time have bought
1. extend D.
11. Although 8b/Student’s Book pp. 144-145
2. access 1. I had known that my father had
an appointment at the A.
3. disappointed 8a/Student’s Book pp. 136-137
dentist’s, I wouldn’t have 1. luxury
4. attractive A. taken the car. 2. addictions
5. booming 1. bargain 2. my mother had told me that 3. anxiety
2. designer labels she would be home late, I 4. concern
3. credit card would have cooked dinner. 5. set limits to
4. affordable 3. I had applied for the job B.
5. department store sooner.
4. I hadn’t bought a second- 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. d 5. b 6. e
6. replace
hand car.
7. boarding 8 round-up/Student’s Book pp. 146-148
5. I had known that Jack was
Copyright © MM Publications

8. hike having financial difficulties, A.

B. I would have helped him. 1. had 2. would
1. Although E. 3. could 4. though/if
2. Let me begin 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c 5. got 6. only
3. In fact 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. b 7. If 8. would
4. but B.
5. It is worth mentioning 8b/Student’s Book pp. 142-143 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. a
6. What’s more A. 5. d 6. d 7. a 8. c
7. consequently 1. f 2. e 3. c 4. b 5. d 6. a
8. The way I see it B. 7
1. commercials
2. update

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