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NOTE: NOTE: Write OMAD (One Meal A Day) or

INPUT: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY LOG (PA); Fasting if there is one/ no food intake on the
OUTPUT: FOOD ACTIVITY LOG (FA) specific Meal Classification.


METs (refer
Duration (in weight Meal Total Calories
Date Picture Physical Activity to the list of kcal/min Total (cal) Date Picture items Calories Total (cal) Date Output (PA Log) Intake - Output (in calories) Evaluation Remarks
minutes) (kg) Classification Intake (Food Log)

August Rowing (paddle The highlighted row (RED) serves as a The highlighted row (RED) serves as a August
45 77 4 5.13333333 231 Scrambled egg 203 999 231 768 High intake, low output Increase physical activity engagement
15,2019 boat) sample/basis only. sample/basis only. 15,2019
Breakfast 999
OCTOBER 9, 1738.19
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 I cup of rice 206 1160.466667 577.7233333 High intake, low output Increase physical activity engagement
Bicycling 60 52 4 3.46666667 208 2 hotdogs 590 OCTOBER 10,
October 1391 1032.633333 358.3666667 High intake, low output Increase physical activity engagement
9,2020 Feeding Hogs 90 52 2.5 2.16666667 195 1 boiled egg 78 2020
Sitting - Studying 300 52 1.8 1.56 468 1 fried milkfish 197.19 OCTOBER 11, Maintain low intake-output in calories to
An average woman needs to eat Breakfast 773.19 1252 1216.8 35.2 High intake, low output
sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 1 glass of milk 146 2020 maintain weight
about 2000 calories per day to
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 maintain, and 1500 calories to lose 1 cup of rice 206
Watering Plants 30 52 2.5 2.16666667 65 one pound of weight per week. An 1 piece atis 146 OCTOBER 12,
1490 1104.133333 385.8666667 High intake, low output Increase physical activity engagement
Sweeping outside average man needs 2500calories to 2020
45 52 4 3.46666667 156 1 piece banana 105
of House 8.66667 maintain, and 2000 to lose one pound
Sitting - Studying 300 52 1.8 1.56 468 of weight per week. 1 cups of rice 206 Increase food intake but negative
October 9, Lunch 453
October OCTOBER 13, result is still okay so that calories
2020 1 serve adobong 1298 1462.066667 -164.0666667 High intake, low output
10,2020 Playing with Dogs 25 52 2.5 2.16666667 54.1666667 142 2020 gained on the previous day will be
tangkong burned and weight will be maintained

OCTOBER 14, Maintain low intake-output in calories to

sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 1 1 /1 cup of rice 309 1327.19 1287.866667 39.32333333 High intake, low output
2020 maintain weight
1032.63 Dinner 512
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667
Bicycling 12-13.9 sinigang na OCTOBER 15,
203 1642 1077.266667 564.7333333 High intake, low output Increase physical activity engagement
mph, leisure, 45 52 8 6.93333333 312 bangus 2020
moderate effort
October Sitting - Studying 250 52 1.8 1.56 390 2 pcs banana 210
11,2020 Walking to and from
the house with my 40 52 2.5 2.16666667 86.6666667 1 cup of rice 206 582
1216.8 Breakfast
Sweeping Floor 40 52 4 3.46666667 138.666667 corned beef 106
sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 Pancit Canton 60
October 10,
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 1 cup of rice 206
General cleaning, Lunch 1 serve ginataang 353
120 52 3.5 3.03333333 364 147
moderate effort tambo

Sitting - Studying 300 52 1.8 1.56 468 1366.3 1 cup of rice 206
October Dinner 456
Planting shrubs 1 serve adobong
12,2020 30 52 4.5 3.9 117 250
and flowers baboy
Trimming Shrubs 15 52 4.5 3.9 58.5 1 cup of rice 206
Sweeping outside Breakfast 406
20 52 4 3.46666667 69.3333333 chopsuey 200
of House
sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 1 cup of rice 206
October 11, Lunch 416
Mc Donalds
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 2020 210
chicken nugget
Doing Laundry 180 52 2.3 1.99333333 358.8 1 cup of rice 206
Dinner 430
October 1 pininyahang
13,2020 Sitting - Studying 480 52 1.8 1.56 748.8 224
Watering Plants 30 52 2.5 2.16666667 65 2 cups of rice 206

sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 1 pc ham 30

Breakfast 503
Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 1 pc chorizo 100
Feeding Hogs ( AM 1 cup tinola
180 52 2.5 2.16666667 390 167
& PM) October 12, soup
14,2020 Sitting - Studying 330 52 1.8 1.56 514.8 2020 2 cups of rice 206
Lunch 1 sarsyadong 606
watching television 120 52 0.9 0.78 93.6 186
1287.87 giniling
sleeping 360 52 0.9 0.78 280.8 1 pochero soup 214

Making bed 5 52 2 1.73333333 8.66666667 2 cups of rice 206

Dinner 381
Playing Basket 40 52 4.5 3.9 156 Pinakbet 175
October sitting quietly and
180 52 1 0.86666667 156 1 scrambled egg 203
15,2020 watching television 1077.27
Breakfast 459
Feeding Hogs 90 52 2.5 2.16666667 195 2 cups of rice 206
Sitting - Studying 120 52 1.8 1.56 187.2 adobong okra 50
October 13,
sleeping 480 52 0.9 0.78 374.4 2 cups of rice 206
2020 Lunch 462
0 0 porkchop 256

0 0 3 pcs crab 171 377

0 0 2 cups of rice 206
0 0 2 cups of rice 206
Breakfast 453.19
0 0 1 fried milkfish 197.19
0 0 fried okra 50
0 0 2 cups of rice 206
October 14, Sauteed Bitter
0 0 Lunch 156 468
2020 Gourd With Egg
1 nilagang
0 0 106
baboy soup

0 0 2 pcs shrimp 200 406

0 0 2 cups of rice 206

0 0 2 cups of rice 206 401

0 0 bangus 195
0 0 1 cup or rice 206
sweet and sour
0 0 243 645
Lunch fish
0 0 October 15, tawge 86
0 0 pork 110
0 0 1 cup rice 206
0 0
0 0 1 serve fish
Dinner 210 596
0 0 soup
0 0 1 slice spam 180
0 0

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