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Mazda Motor Corporation

Technical Service Training
Automatic Fundamentals


Overview............................................................................................... 1
Audience and Purpose .................................................................. 1
Content and Objectives ................................................................. 2
How to Use This Guide ......................................................................... 5
Section Objectives ....................................................................... 5
Text and Illustrations...................................................................... 5
Review Exercises .......................................................................... 6
Introduction to Transmission Operation ................................................ 7


Objectives ............................................................................................. 8
Major Components ............................................................................. . 9
Torque ......................................................................................... . 9
Gear............................................................................................. 10
Hydraulic Control System ............................................................ 10
Basic Powerflow ................................................................................. 11
Review Exercise 1 .............................................................................. 12


Objectives ........................................................................................... 14
Overview............................................................................................. 15
Components ....................................................................................... 16
Impeller........................................................................................ 19
Turbine ........................................................................................ 20
Stator (Reactor) ........................................................................... 21
Construction ................................................................................ 22
Reversing Flow ............................................................................ 23
Multiplying Torque ....................................................................... 24
One-Way Clutch Operation.......................................................... 25
Review Exercise 2 .............................................................................. 27
Hydraulic and Mechanical Coupling – The Lock-Up Converter........... 28
Centrifugal Clutch (Pre-1987) ...................................................... 29
Hydraulically Applied Torque Converter Clutch
(TCC, 1987 and Later)................................................................. 30
Torque Converter Concerns ............................................................... 33
Review Exercise 3 .............................................................................. 35

page i
Automatic Fundamentals


Objectives ........................................................................................... 38
Overview............................................................................................. 39
Oil Pump ............................................................................................. 41
Types of Pumps........................................................................... 41
Pump Operation .......................................................................... 42
Pressure Regulation .................................................................... 44
Three Stages of Operation .......................................................... 46
Balanced Valve............................................................................ 49
Review Exercise 4 .............................................................................. 50
Oil Circuits .......................................................................................... 51
Flow Control........................................................................................ 52
Review Exercise 5 .............................................................................. 58
Valve Body.......................................................................................... 59
Governor Circuit.................................................................................. 62
Throttle Valve Circuit........................................................................... 64
Vacuum Modulator....................................................................... 65
Mechanical Linkage ..................................................................... 67
Throttle and Governor Pressures........................................................ 68
Shift-Related Problems (Hydraulic Automatic Transmissions)..... 69
Linkage Problems ........................................................................ 69
Vacuum Problems ....................................................................... 69
Fluid Level ................................................................................... 69
Pressure Test .............................................................................. 70
Review Exercise 6 .............................................................................. 71


Objectives ........................................................................................... 72
Overview............................................................................................. 73
Clutch Operation.......................................................................... 73
Band Operation ........................................................................... 73
Multiple-Disc Clutch ............................................................................ 74
Summary of Multiple-Disc Clutch Operation ....................................... 81
Review Exercise 7 .............................................................................. 82
Bands and Servos .............................................................................. 83
Accumulators and Modulators ............................................................ 85
Types of Failures ................................................................................ 87
Review Exercise 8 .............................................................................. 88

page ii
Automatic Fundamentals


Objectives ........................................................................................... 90
Planetary Gear Sets............................................................................ 91
Reduction .................................................................................... 93
Direct Drive.................................................................................. 94
Reverse ....................................................................................... 95
Advantages of Planetary Gear Sets............................................. 95
Simple or “Simpson” Gear Train (3-Speed) ........................................ 96
Neutral Powerflow........................................................................ 97
First Gear (Low) Powerflow ......................................................... 98
Second Gear (Intermediate) Powerflow...................................... 99
Third Gear (High) Powerflow ......................................................100
Reverse Gear Powerflow............................................................101
Review Exercise 9 .............................................................................102
Compound or “Ravenaux” Gear Train (3-Speed)...............................103
Clutches and Band .....................................................................104
Powerflow Build-Up ....................................................................104
Review Exercise 10 ...........................................................................116
Powerflow (3-Speed Automatic) .................................................117
Neutral and Park Powerflow .......................................................118
Overdrive (4-Speed Automatic) ..................................................124
Review Exercise 11 ...........................................................................125


Objectives ..........................................................................................128
Transaxle Theory ......................................................................... .....129
Idler Gear System.......................................................................129
Chain Drive System ....................................................................131
Transaxle Final Drive .........................................................................132
Final Drive Components (Idler Gear) ..........................................132
Final Drive Components (Chain Drive) .......................................133
Differential Assembly Components (Idler Gear and Chain Drive) ....134
Differential Assembly Operation – Wheels Straight ....................136
Differential Assembly Operation – Wheels Turned .....................138
Review Exercise 12 ...........................................................................139

page iii
Automatic Fundamentals


Objectives ..........................................................................................141
Electronics ..................................................................................142
Control System Inputs........................................................................144
Non-Transmission Inputs............................................................144
Review Exercise 13 ...........................................................................146
Transmission-Related Inputs .............................................................147
Review Exercise 14 ...........................................................................151
Control System Outputs.....................................................................152
Solenoid Types ...........................................................................152
Solenoid Operations ...................................................................154
Review Exercise 15 ...........................................................................157

9 – GLOSSARY.................................................................................159

page iv
Automatic Fundamentals


Welcome to the Mazda self-study guide Automatic Transmission Fundamentals. Before you
begin, please read the following information.

Audience and Purpose

This guide is designed for entry-level automotive technicians. It introduces the basic
principles of automatic transmission operation and describes major transmission

The guide assumes that you have little or no knowledge about automatic transmission
operation. However, it does assume you have a working knowledge of basic automotive
electrical terms. The information covered in this guide is required for more advanced
transmission courses offered by Mazda.

Automatic Fundamentals

Content and Objectives

In addition to this Introduction (Section 1), this guide includes seven major sections and a
glossary. The objectives for each section follow:

2 – Operation

• Identify the primary purpose of the transmission.

• Describe the functions of the three major transmission systems: torque converter, gear
train, and hydraulic control system.

• Describe powerflow through the transmission.

3 – Torque Converter

• Identify the major components in a torque converter and explain their functions.

• Describe how the impeller and turbine provide a fluid coupling between the engine and

• Describe the operation of the stator and its one-way clutch.

• Explain how the stator, impeller, and turbine multiply torque.

• Describe the purpose of a lock-up converter.

• Explain how a centrifugal converter clutch provides a direct mechanical link between the
engine and transmission.

• Explain how a hydraulically applied piston clutch provides a direct mechanical link
between the engine and transmission.

• Identify common problems with torque converters, and describe how they are

Automatic Fundamentals

4 – Hydraulic Principles

• Identify the components in a transmission oil pump and describe how they provide fluid
flow and pressure.

• Describe the three operating stages of the pump.

• Describe how the pressure regulator valve operates to maintain a desired system

• Describe how pressurized fluid can be used to transfer motion to moving parts.

• Describe a spool valve with multiple lands and explain how it opens and closes various
hydraulic passages.

• Describe how the governor circuit operates to send vehicle road speed information to
the valve body.

• Describe two ways the throttle valve (T.V.) can be connected to the engine to read
throttle position or engine performance.

• Describe common shift-related problems and the tests used to troubleshoot them.

5 – Clutches and Bands

• Identify the components in a hydraulic multiple-disc clutch and describe their functions.

• Identify the components of a band and servo assembly and describe their functions.

• Describe the purpose of accumulator and modulator valves in the hydraulic control

• Describe problems that can cause failures of clutches or bands.

6 – Planetary Gear Sets and Powerflow

• Identify the components in a basic (3-speed) planetary gear set and describe their

• Describe the basic differences between a simple (Simpson) gear train and a compound
(Ravenaux) gear train.

• Describe powerflow in a simple (Simpson) gear train.

• Describe powerflow in a compound (Ravenaux) gear train.

Automatic Fundamentals

7 – Transaxle Overview

• Identify the components of a transaxle final drive unit and describe their functions.

• Describe the differences between idler gear systems and chain drive (in-line) systems.

• Describe how the transaxle differential assembly operates with the wheels straight and
with the wheels turned.

8 – Electronic Controls

• Describe how an electronic control system directs the operation of an automatic


• Describe the difference between a powertrain control module and a transmission control

• Identify the input sensors used in an electronic control system and describe how they

• Describe the three types of solenoids used as outputs.

• Identify the output solenoids used in an electronic control system and describe how they

9 – Glossary

• Define terms used throughout this guide.

Automatic Fundamentals


To get the most benefit from this guide, complete the sections in order,
from 1 through 8. Allow enough time to complete each section, and
don’t try to complete the whole book in one sitting. You will retain more
of what you learn if you split up the reading and review exercises over
several days.

Section Objectives

Each section begins with a list of learning objectives. These objectives

tell you exactly what you will learn in the section. Read these objectives
before you begin a section. When you have completed the section, go
back and review the objectives to make sure you have learned the

Text and Illustrations

Each section includes text and illustrations that explain important

concepts and terms. Read the text carefully and study the illustrations.
You may also want to take notes as you go along.

Each illustration includes numbered “callouts” that identify parts or

processes described in the text. The numbered items beside the
illustration identify the parts that are called out, as shown in the
following example from Section 2.


OF ENGINE crankshaft

Rear engine
cover plate

Flex plate


Automatic Fundamentals

Review Exercises

This guide includes 15 sets of Review Exercises, which appear at various points throughout
the guide. These exercises are designed to check your understanding of the material. Make
sure you answer the questions in each Review Exercise. Then check your answers with the
answer key.

If you’re not sure about one or more of your answers, go back and read the material again.
Make sure you understand the previous material before you move on to new material.

Automatic Fundamentals


When a vehicle is towed into your shop, and the owner describes a “no-drive” condition, the
first diagnostic step is to confirm the customer’s concern. With the engine running, you
move the transmission selector lever through reverse and the drive positions. The vehicle
does not move in any range.

You now suspect a transmission problem, and you begin a visual inspection with a fluid
level check. After removing the transmission dipstick, you examine it and find no fluid level.
You suspect a fluid leak, so you raise the vehicle and inspect the transmission case for
signs of fluid leakage.

Your suspicions are correct. The pan gasket has been leaking, and the fluid has leaked
from the transmission.

After installing a new gasket, you lower the vehicle, fill the transmission fluid to the correct
level, and then check to see if the no-drive problem has been corrected.

This time you move the transmission selector lever into a drive range, and the vehicle
moves. You have just discovered a basic principle of automatic transmission theory – an
automatic transmission must have fluid or it will not function.

The hydraulic application of the fluid in the torque converter, clutches, and servos is what
makes the vehicle move. This guide will show you how the engine is hydraulically linked to
the automatic transmission, eliminating the need for a driver-operated clutch.

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S

The purpose of a transmission is to modify the engine’s rotational force, or torque, and
transfer it to the vehicle’s drive axle. Through its torque converter and gear sets, the
transmission provides the force to move the vehicle. It also allows the vehicle to operate in
reverse. This section introduces the basic operating principles of automatic transmissions.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the primary purpose of the transmission.

• Describe the functions of the three major transmission systems: torque converter, gear
train, and hydraulic control system.

• Describe powerflow through the transmission.

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S


The automatic transmissions used in Mazda vehicles have many design

variations. However, they are all similar in that they use three basic

1. Torque converter

2. Gear train

3. Hydraulic control system

Torque Converter

The torque converter, shown in Figure 1, provides a fluid coupling that

links the engine to the transmission gear train. (In a fluid coupling, the
spinning motion of the transmission fluid transfers rotational force from
the crankshaft to the transmission.) At low speeds, the torque converter
multiplies the engine torque when operating as a fluid coupling. When
equipped with a torque converter clutch, the converter also provides
direct mechanical drive under certain operating conditions.
FIGURE 1. The torque
converter couples
the engine crankshaft REAR VIEW
to the transmission OF ENGINE
gear train.


Rear engine cover


Flex plate

Torque converter

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S

Gear Train

The gear train includes the input shaft, planetary gear set, and output
shaft. Two different types of gear trains are used. Figure 2 shows a
simple, or “Simpson,” gear train. A compound, or “Ravenaux,” gear train
is also used in Mazda vehicles. (These two types of gear trains are
explained in detail in Section 6.)

simple, or
“Simpson,” gear
set has a single
sun gear and two
pinion (planet)

Ring gear

Sun gear

Pinion carrier

Pinion (planet)

A planetary gear set has three members: the ring gear, the sun gear,
and the pinion (or “planet”) gears. These members are driven or held by
friction(hydraulic) clutches, one-way (mechanical) clutches, and brake
bands. The gear train provides the reduction gear ratios, as well as
direct drive, overdrive,and reverse.

Hydraulic Control System

The hydraulic control system controls the clutches and bands needed to
provide gear ratios and shift from one gear to another. This system also
distributes oil to operate the torque converter and lubricate and cool the
transmission. The hydraulic control system includes a sump (oil pan), oil
pump, valves to regulate pressure and redirect flow, and pistons to
actuate the friction clutches and/or bands.

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S


Figure 3 shows how power flows through the transmission. The letters
FIGURE 3. Power
flows from the in this figure match the descriptions that follow.
crankshaft through
the torque converter,
which turns the
transmission input
shaft. The planetary
gear set transfers ENGINE
power from the input
shaft to the output

Oil pump

Sump (oil pan)

Valve body


Input shaft

Friction clutch 1. The torque converter impeller , which is attached to the engine,
spins at engine speed and drives the oil pump .
Planetary gear
set 2. The oil pump pulls automatic transmission fluid from the sump and
Output shaft sends pressurized oil to the valve body and torque converter.

3. The pressurized fluid inside the converter forms a fluid coupling,

which turns the transmission turbine and input shaft .

4. The input shaft is connected to a friction clutch hub or drum .

5. The clutch drum transfers power to the planetary gear set .A gear
set member can be coupled to (driven by) the input shaft through a
friction clutch. In some cases, a gear set member is held to the case
by a friction clutch, one-way clutch, or band.

6. The output member of the planetary gear set transfers engine power
to the output shaft .

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S


Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences.

1. The _________________________________ provides reduction gear ratios, as well as

direct drive, overdrive, and reverse.

2. The _________________________________ system provides the fluid pressure

needed to control the clutches and bands in an automatic transmission.

3. The _________________________________ provides a fluid coupling between the

engine and transmission.

4. The _________________________________ system lubricates and cools the


Place a number on the line in front of each transmission component to show the order that
power flows through the transmission. Since powerflow begins at the torque converter, we
have placed a “1” on the line next to the torque converter.

5. ______ output shaft

6. ______ input shaft

7. ____1__ torque converter

8. ______ planetary gear set

Check your answers with the answer key on page 14.

Automatic Fundamentals
2 – OPERATION TC050-05-02S

Answers to Review
Exercise 1
1. gear train
2. hydraulic control
3. torque converter
4. hydraulic control
5. 4
6. 2
7. 1
8. 3

Automatic Fundamentals

The torque converter transfers the engine’s rotational force, or torque, to the automatic
transmission. This section describes how torque converter components provide a fluid
coupling, multiply torque at low speeds, and establish a direct mechanical link to the engine
at high speeds.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the major components in a torque converter and explain their functions.

• Describe how the impeller and turbine provide a fluid coupling between the engine and

• Describe the operation of the stator and its one-way clutch.

• Explain how the stator, impeller, and turbine multiply torque.

• Describe the purpose of a lock-up converter.

• Explain how a centrifugal converter clutch provides a direct mechanical link between the
engine and transmission.

• Explain how a hydraulically applied piston clutch provides a direct mechanical link
between the engine and transmission.

• Identify common problems with torque converters, and describe how they are

Automatic Fundamentals


The torque converter provides a fluid coupling between the engine’s

crankshaft and the transmission. As Figure 4 shows, a flex plate is
bolted to the rear of the crankshaft, and the torque converter is bolted to
the flex plate.

The automatic transmission fluid (ATF) in the torque converter transfers

the spinning motion of the crankshaft to the transmission’s input shaft.
Whenever the engine is running, the torque converter is spinning.


torque converter OF ENGINE
transfers the motion
of the crankshaft to
the transmission
input shaft.


Rear engine
cover plate

Flex plate


Automatic Fundamentals


Figure 5 shows a torque converter with the input shaft inserted. With the
engine running and the torque converter empty of fluid, the input shaft
will not turn. However, when the torque converter is filled with fluid, the
shaft will not only turn, it will turn with enough force to drive the
transmission’s internal components, which drive the vehicle. Therefore,
the fluid in the torque converter makes the connection between the
engine and the transmission.

Fluid in the torque

converter couples the
crankshaft to the
input shaft.



Input shaft

Automatic Fundamentals

Figure 6 shows the internal components of a torque converter. This

illustration shows what the converter looks like if you cut it open and
remove the various components.

torque converter
assembly includes a
cover, turbine, input
shaft, stator, and

Cover, turbine,
and stator

Input shaft


Cover At the left edge of Figure 6, you can see the impeller assembly being
removed from the cover, turbine, and stator. In the middle of the
illustration, the stator is removed. Finally, on the right, the turbine and
Stator input shaft are removed from the cover.

Input shaft

Automatic Fundamentals

Figure 7 shows how the turbine and impeller operate inside the torque
converter cover. As you can see, there is no mechanical connection
between the engine- driven part of the converter and the transmission’s
input shaft. Only the fluid in the torque converter couples the engine to
the input shaft. The paragraphs on the following pages describe each
torque converter component and explain how the engine and
transmission are hydraulically coupled.
FIGURE 7. In the
torque converter,
there is no
connection between
the turbine and

INPUT OUTPUT Spinning fluid



Automatic Fundamentals


If you are familiar with the design of water pumps, then you already
know what an impeller is. The impeller on a water pump is a round
component with vanes that turns on a shaft. When the engine is running,
the spinning impeller vanes force coolant to circulate through the
coolant passages and radiator, as shown in Figure 8.

FIGURE 8. Impeller
vanes in a water
pump force coolant
outward through
centrifugal force


Impeller shaft

Impeller vane.

Coolant Thrown
outward by
centrifugal force

The impeller vanes on a torque converter work in a similar way. The

spinning impeller forces hydraulic fluid to circulate via centrifugal force.
The fluid is carried in a circular motion by the vanes, and, as speed
increases, the fluid flows away from the center of the impeller.

Automatic Fundamentals

As the fluid flows outward, the vanes carry it toward the upper edge of
the impeller, as shown in Figure 9. As impeller speed increases, the
fluid gains enough momentum to flow off the edges of the vanes and
out of the impeller. The fluid comes out of the impeller with enough
force to drive the transmission input shaft if the force is directed

FIGURE 9. Fluid
flows away from the
center of the impeller
in the torque


As you may have noticed, the turbine in a torque converter is similar in

construction to the impeller. That is, the turbine also has vanes, or
This construction makes sense when you consider that the turbine
catches the fluid thrown off by the impeller.

As the fluid is thrown off the impeller, the blades on the turbine capture
it, forcing the fluid to the center of the turbine, as shown in Figure 10.
This force turns the turbine before the fluid flows back through the
center of the turbine to the impeller.

FIGURE 10. The

turbine blades
capture the fluid from
the impeller and
force it toward the
center of the turbine.

Automatic Fundamentals

The force of the fluid striking the turbine blades is related to engine
speed. The faster the engine turns, the more force the fluid transfers
from the impeller to the turbine. This relationship explains how the
engine can idle without stalling when the automatic transmission is in
gear. When the engine is idling, the fluid does not have enough force to
turn the turbine against the holding ability of the brakes. The fluid is
merely circulated from the impeller to the turbine, and back again.

Notice that the fluid leaves the impeller in a clockwise direction and
returns from the turbine in a counter-clockwise direction. This fact will
become important when we discuss the function of the stator.

Stator (Reactor)

The stator, or reactor, is positioned between the turbine and impeller, as

shown in Figure 11. The purpose of the stator is to change the direction
of fluid flow as it moves from the center of the turbine to the center of
the impeller.

FIGURE 11. The

stator changes the
direction of the fluid
flowing from the
turbine to the


Stator one- way




As mentioned previously, the fluid flows from the impeller to the turbine
in a clockwise direction. However, as the fluid flows through the turbine,
its direction is reversed to a counter-clockwise direction.

If the fluid returns to the impeller in a counter-clockwise direction, it

would enter the impeller as an opposing fluid flow. This would reduce
the pumping efficiency of the impeller. The impeller would have to
spend part of the rotational force, or torque, it receives from the engine
to redirect the fluid flow.

Automatic Fundamentals

When the stator redirects the fluid to enter the impeller in a clockwise
direction, no torque is wasted. In fact, the redirected fluid actually helps
push the impeller, thus multiplying torque.


The stator consists of several blades attached to a hub, which is

mounted on a one-way clutch. See Figure 12.

FIGURE 12. The

stator is made up of
several blades and a
hub mounted on a
one-way clutch.

Spring and roller


Stator hub

Stator blade

Stator support


Outer race

Inner race

One-way clutch
The clutch assembly has an inner and outer race, or ring, with
the two races separated by spring-loaded rollers . The inner race is Oil pump

mounted on a splined, or grooved, stator support , which extends

from the transmission into the torque converter. Because the inner race
is splined to the stator support, it is fixed and cannot turn.

The outer race is placed over the inner race and is separated from it by
spring- loaded rollers. The rollers are positioned against the low end of
ramps machined into the outer race. When the springs are installed,
the rollers are held against the ramps.

Automatic Fundamentals

The rollers, ramps, and races allow the outer race to turn in only one
direction. When the stator turns clockwise, each roller moves down the
ramp against the spring, allowing the stator to turn. If the stator is
rotated in the opposite direction, the spring pushes each roller up the
ramp, where it becomes wedged between the two races. With the
rollers wedged, the stator is locked to the inner race and cannot rotate.

Reversing Flow

The counter-clockwise flow of fluid leaving the turbine passes through

the stator blades before reaching the impeller. The curvature of the
stator blades reverses the direction of the fluid, as shown in Figure 13.

FIGURE 13. The

curved blades in the
stator reverse the
direction of fluid
flow (called vortex
flow) between the
turbine and the

Stator fin
reverses flow

Vortex flow

This change of direction allows the fluid to enter the impeller and join
the fluid flowing along its blades. This is the first advantage of a stator –
engine torque is not wasted by having the impeller redirect the flow. A
second advantage is that the fluid enters the impeller in a direction that
applies a “helping push” along the impeller blades.

Automatic Fundamentals

Multiplying Torque

The influence of the stator means that the fluid entering the impeller is already in motion; it
does not have to be accelerated from a standstill. The fluid moves into the blades, where
its momentum is accelerated in a “slingshot” effect. This effect whips the fluid through the
impeller and throws it toward the turbine with greatly increased force.

Through this efficient management of the fluid, the turbine torque actually becomes greater
than the engine’s torque. In effect, the torque is multiplied.

This torque multiplication by the stator is only possible when there is a great difference in
speed between the impeller and the turbine. The greater the speed difference between the
two, the greater the torque multiplication.

Automatic Fundamentals

One-Way Clutch Operation

The stator’s one-way clutch plays an important role in multiplying torque.

The fluid circulating between the impeller and the turbine is called
vortex flow. This flow exists only when there is a difference in rotational
speed between the impeller and turbine.

The greatest speed difference between these two components occurs

when a vehicle first accelerates from a stop. At this point, the impeller is
spinning, but the turbine is not. Because of the great difference in speed,
vortex flow and torque multiplication are at maximum. The vortex flow
passing through the stator blades tries to turn the stator
counter-clockwise. When this happens, the clutch rollers move down
the ramps and lock the stator to its support, as shown in Figure 14.
FIGURE 14. When
vortex flow occurs, TURBINE IMPELLER
the stator clutch SIDE SIDE
locks, and torque is

Vortex flow

Rollers wedged
between ramp
and inner race
(clutch lock- up)

Direction of
force on stator

As the vehicle accelerates, the turbine gradually gains speed in relation

to the impeller. Eventually, the turbine speeds up to the point where the
fluid begins to flow in one direction (clockwise).

As centrifugal force reduces vortex flow, torque multiplication is also

reduced. Finally, when the turbine’s speed reaches about 90 percent of
the impeller’s speed, the torque converter reaches “coupling” phase. In
this phase, the torque converter simply transmits engine torque through
the fluid coupling to the input shaft.

Automatic Fundamentals

Coupling does not necessarily occur at a specific road speed. For

example, a vehicle may be moving at a steady speed with the torque
converter coupled to the transmission. If the driver suddenly accelerates
– to pass another vehicle, for example – the higher engine rotation will
increase the speed of the impeller, causing it to turn faster than the
turbine. With a significant speed difference between the impeller and
the turbine, torque multiplication (and vortex flow) will again occur, until
the turbine “catches up” with the speed of the impeller.

As turbine speed increases and vortex flow decreases, the rotational

force acting on the stator is reversed. The clutch rollers move away
from their ramps, unlocking the clutch and allowing the stator to turn
freely (clockwise). The direction of the fluid striking the stator blades
also changes. Instead of flowing against the front of the stator blades,
the fluid strikes the rear of the blades, as shown in Figure 15. If the
clutch did not release the stator, its blades would generate turbulence in
the flow, which would greatly reduce the torque converter’s efficiency.
FIGURE 15. In the
coupling phase, the
TURBINE stator clutch unlocks,
SIDE IMPELLER allowing the stator to
SIDE turn freely. The fluid
strikes the rear of the
stator blades,
turbulence in the

Fluid striking
back of stator

Rollers moved
away from ramp

direction of force
on stator

Automatic Fundamentals


Match each torque converter component in the left column with a functional description from
the right column. Write the letter of the correct functional description on the line next to the
component name.

Components Descriptions

1. Input shaft _____ A. Prevents the stator from rotating when

counter-clockwise force is applied.

2. One-way clutch _____ B. Receives fluid from the driven member of the
torque converter and transfers the rotation to
the input shaft.

3. Stator _____ C. Is splined to the turbine and passes

rotational force to the transmission.

4. Turbine _____ D. Installed between the impeller and turbine to

change the direction of fluid flow.

Match the numbered items on the stator illustration to the definitions below.

5. _______ A. Inner race

6. _______ B. Stator

7. _______ C. Spring and roller

8. _______ D. Outer race

Check your answers with the answer key on page 31.

Automatic Fundamentals


Because the torque converter lacks a direct mechanical link to the engine, it loses some
engine torque to fluid slippage. The speeds and loads imposed on the fluid cause the
impeller and turbine blades to shear, or slip, through the fluid to a certain degree.

This fluid slippage causes some inefficiencies, especially at higher vehicle speeds. The
engine can run faster than the turbine or output shaft, thus wasting fuel. To eliminate this
inefficiency, many torque converters provide a direct mechanical link(called lock-up)
between the engine and transmission. At lock-up, the turbine and impeller turn at exactly the
same speed. There is no fluid slippage.

A lock-up converter is one of the most common ways of providing this mechanical link. A
lock-up converter mechanically links the turbine to the converter cover at various operating
speeds, depending on vehicle model and driving conditions. The cover is bolted to the
engine. At lock-up, the converter cover drives the turbine. The hydraulic link is eliminated,
and the engine and turbine are mechanically locked together, directly driving the input shaft.

A lock-up converter requires a clutch to engage and disengage the mechanical link between
the engine and the torque converter cover. Two major types of converter clutches are used:
the centrifugal clutch (used prior to 1987) and the hydraulically applied torque converter
clutch (or TCC, used in 1987 and later model years).

Automatic Fundamentals

Centrifugal Clutch (Pre-1987)

A centrifugal clutch is splined to the turbine by a one-way clutch, as

shown in Figure 16. As vehicle speed increases, the hydraulically driven
turbine and the lock-up clutch splined to it turn with increasing speed.
The centrifugal force on the clutch shoes increases as the clutch
assembly turns faster and faster.
FIGURE 16. The
centrifugal converter
clutch is splined to
the turbine by a one-
way clutch.
Centrifugal force
causes the
centrifugal clutch
shoes to contact the
inside of the
converter cover,
which creates a
mechanical link
between the cover
and the turbine.

Pilot hub

Converter cover

Thrust washer

Clutch and

Centrifugal When the turbine and lock-up clutch are turning fast enough, centrifugal
clutch shoe force causes the clutch shoes to move outward until they contact the
inside surface of the converter cover. The face of each shoe “grabs” the
Coasting one-
way clutch cover and locks it to the turbine.

Clutch splines As vehicle speed drops, turbine speed and centrifugal force are reduced.
The return springs retract the clutch shoes, the cover is released, and
Turbine the turbine again becomes hydraulically driven.
A one-way clutch drives the damper assembly. With the damper
Thrust washer assembly clutch engaged, the driver may release the accelerator pedal
slightly, allowing the vehicle to “coast.” This allows the engine and input
Impeller shaft to turn at different speeds.

Automatic Fundamentals

The friction shoes cannot release during coasting because centrifugal Answers to Review
force holds them against the cover. Instead, the damper one-way clutch Exercise 2
releases so the input shaft can turn faster than engine speed. When the 1. C
driver accelerates, the damper one-way clutch again locks the turbine to 2. A
the clutch and damper assembly. 3. D
4. B
The damper assembly one-way clutch ensures smooth operation of the
torque converter. The dampener springs also contribute to smooth 5. C
operation by absorbing engine vibrations and cushioning the shoes as 6. A
they engage the converter cover. 7. D
8. B
When torque demand during acceleration exceeds the holding ability of
the friction shoes, some slip occurs. This slippage reduces vibration
during higher engine load.

Hydraulically Applied Torque Converter Clutch (TCC, 1987 and


Another method of connecting the engine and transmission directly is to

use a torque converter clutch (abbreviated as TCC; sometimes called a
lock-up piston) with torsional dampening springs attached to the hub.
The hub assembly is splined to the input shaft or turbine assembly.

Signals from the on-board computer control the application and release
of this type of converter clutch. The powertrain control module (PCM)
applies and releases the hydraulic clutch by turning the converter clutch
solenoid on or off.(A solenoid is a type of electric switch that includes a
wire coil. When current is applied, the coil is magnetized. The magnetic
field moves a rod that opens and closes a hydraulic passage.)

Automatic Fundamentals

Converter Clutch Released

Figure 17 shows how the TCC operates when it is released. Hydraulic

pressure is applied to the area between the converter cover and the
clutch piston. A converter feed circuit in the valve body provides the
hydraulic pressure.

FIGURE 17. When

the converter clutch
is released,
hydraulic oil
pressure is applied
to the front chamber,
between the
converter cover and
clutch piston.

Rear chamber


Front chamber

Clutch released


Passage A

Clutch control

When the converter clutch solenoid is not activated by the powertrain

control module, the solenoid remains open. Control line pressure
passes through the solenoid into Passage A . The fluid is routed
through the front chamber , between the TCC and the converter
cover . Line pressure does not increase enough to overcome the
converter clutch control valve against the return spring.

Automatic Fundamentals

Converter Clutch Engaged

The converter clutch engages only when the PCM energizes the
converter clutch solenoid, as shown in Figure 18. The solenoid seals
the bleed passage, allowing line pressure to build in the circuit.
FIGURE 18. When the
converter clutch is
applied, hydraulic
pressure forces the
torque converter
clutch to contact the
cover, creating a
direct mechanical
link between the
engine and

Rear chamber

Converter cover


Front chamber

Clutch applied

Passage A

Drain to sump

Converter apply

Clutch control
Eventually the line pressure builds enough to overcome the spring valve
tension in the clutch control valve . Fluid is routed to the rear
chamber , and Passage A drains the fluid from the front
chamber. Hydraulic force pushes the lock-up piston against the
converter cover . This coupling directly transfers the engine
torque through the damper assembly to the input shaft. Since the
impeller and turbine are turning at the same speed, torque
multiplication is canceled, and the converter is in lock-up.

Automatic Fundamentals


Because the internal components of a torque converter operate in ATF,

failure of a converter is rarely caused by excessive wear. If a torque
converter does fail, the failure usually results from contaminated fluid,
overheating, or improper running clearance.

One potential problem area is the stator one-way clutch. This clutch
should unlock when the stator is turned clockwise, and lock when the
stator is turned counter-clockwise, as shown in Figure 19.

one-way clutch
unlocks the stator
during clockwise
rotation, and locks it

Clockwise rotation – Counter-clockwise rotation –

stator one-way clutch unlocks stator one-way clutch locks

If the stator does not lock, the vortex flow will not be redirected as it
enters the impeller. The smooth flow of fluid will be disrupted, and the
impeller’s rotation will slow. On the other hand, if the clutch does not
unlock and allow the stator to freewheel, it will create fluid turbulence
when the converter reaches the coupling phase.

While both conditions severely affect the efficiency of the torque

converter, each will be apparent at opposite ends of vehicle
performance. A stator clutch that will not lock affects low-end
performance because it disrupts vortex flow and eliminates torque
multiplication, causing a low stall speed. A vehicle with this problem will
accelerate sluggishly, but it will perform as expected at high speeds.

Automatic Fundamentals

A permanently locked stator clutch will provide good low-end performance and acceleration,
but poor high-end speed. It will also cause the ATF to overheat. In either case, a
malfunctioning stator clutch will seriously affect fuel mileage.

One way to test a torque converter’s performance is to do a stall test. In this test, a
tachometer measures engine revolutions per minute (rpm) while the torque converter
turbine is held in a stall position. If the torque converter and transmission are operating
properly, the engine will reach a specific rpm (stall speed). This stall speed is the maximum
engine rpm possible while the turbine is held.

A stall test is performed by holding the throttle wide open (WOT) while simultaneously
pressing the brake pedal. When the brakes are applied, the turbine stops spinning. The
input and output shafts are held by applying the brakes.

If the tachometer shows an engine speed below the specified rpm (low stall speed) or above
the specified rpm (high stall speed), the problem may be in the transmission or torque
converter. The stall speed is typically high when hydraulic clutches slip (a common problem).
Stall speed is low if a slipping stator clutch allows the stator to freewheel during the stall test
(a rare occurrence). If the torque converter is suspected, it can be removed and replaced
without disassembling the transmission.

Automatic Fundamentals


Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences.

1. The purpose of a lock-up converter is to mechanically link the

______________to the
____________________________________ at various speeds.

2. A converter clutch that uses shoes and friction pads to link the
turbine to the torque converter cover is called a
_____________________________ clutch.

3. A ___________________________________ uses a hydraulically

applied piston controlled by a clutch converter bypass solenoid.

4. If the stator one-way clutch does not lock as designed, the vehicle
will probably perform poorly at ______________ speeds, and
have a______________ stall speed.

The following illustration shows a hydraulically applied converter clutch.

Study the illustration, and answer the questions on the next page.
Rear chamber

Front chamber

Automatic Fundamentals

5. Is the converter clutch in this illustration applied or released? ______________

6. Is line pressure higher in the front or rear chamber? ________________

7. When the converter clutch is positioned as shown in the illustration, are the engine and
transmission linked mechanically or through a fluid coupling?

Check your answers with the answer key on page 38.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review
Exercise 3
1. turbine, torque
converter cover
2. centrifugal
3. TCC, or torque
converter clutch
4. low; low
5. released
6. front
7. through a fluid

Automatic Fundamentals

Hydraulics is the science that deals with the behavior of fluids. In the automatic transmission,
we are specifically concerned with the behavior of fluid under pressure. This section
describes the basic hydraulic principles at work in an automatic transmission.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the components in a transmission oil pump and describe how they provide fluid
flow and pressure.

• Describe the three operating stages of the pump.

• Describe how the pressure regulator valve operates to maintain a desired system

• Describe how pressurized fluid transfers motion among moving parts.

• Describe a spool valve with multiple lands and explain how it opens and closes various
hydraulic passages.

• Describe how the governor circuit operates to send road speed information to the valve

• Describe how the throttle valve (T.V.) can be connected to the engine to read throttle
position or engine performance.

• Describe common shift-related problems and the tests used to troubleshoot them.

Automatic Fundamentals


When pressurized fluid is properly controlled, it can be used to transmit

motion. For example, Figure 20 shows two pistons enclosed in a
cylinder, with the area between them filled with fluid.

FIGURE 20. Fluid

under pressure can
be used to transfer
motion from one
piston to another.

Applying piston
Fluid 8″

Output piston

When the applying piston moves within the cylinder, its motion is
transmitted through the fluid to the output piston, which moves the same
distance as the applying piston.

Of course, a mechanical link could be used to perform this simple task,

but using fluid has a very big advantage; the two pistons do not have to
be enclosed in the same cylinder. In fact, they can be widely separated
in individual cylinders. All that is needed is a connecting tube to confine
the fluid as it moves from cylinder to cylinder.

Automatic Fundamentals

For example, in Figure 21, the applying piston in cylinder A transfers its
motion through the fluid to the piston in cylinder B.
FIGURE 21. With a
connecting tube for
the pressurized fluid,
motion can be
transferred from one
piston to another
even when they are
CYLINDER A CYLINDER B enclosed in widely
separated cylinders.

Applying piston


Output piston

The ability of a fluid to transmit motion comes from its incompressibility.

That is, when a fluid is squeezed, or compressed, its volume does not
shrink. So, for example, it would take 32 tons to compress one cubic
inch of water by 10 percent, as shown in Figure 22.
FIGURE 22. A cubic
inch of water
requires 32 tons of
pressure to be
compressed by 10
32 TONS percent.

10% One cubic inch

of water

Automatic Fundamentals


Because an automatic transmission requires pressurized fluid, it must

have a pressure source – an oil pump. The oil pump is driven by the
engine and provides a source of fluid flow.

Types of Pumps

Three styles of pumps are used in Mazda automatic transmissions:

1. Rotary type (no crescent, used in FA4A-EL)

2. Gear type (crescent, used in A4LD)

3. Vane type (all aluminum, used in RA4A-EL)

These three types of pumps are shown in Figure 23.

FIGURE 23. All three

types of pumps
have an inlet port
connected to the
transmission oil
sump and an outlet
port that leads to the
pressure regulator
valve and valve



Fluid squeezed

pressure from
pressure All pumps have an inlet and outlet port. The inlet port is attached to the
regulator valve transmission oil filter, which is submerged in the oil pan. Oil is pushed
into the inlet port by atmospheric pressure and by the vacuum created
by the rotating rotor, gear, or vane in the pump. The outlet (or discharge)
port leads to the valve body.

Automatic Fundamentals

Rotary Type

A rotary-type pump uses inner and outer rotors to create a vacuum. As fluid is drawn into
the pump, it is squeezed between the rotor lobes, which carry the fluid around the pump
housing to the outlet port.

Gear Type

A gear-type pump uses a large gear with internal teeth – called the driven gear – mounted
over the drive gear on the hub. This larger gear is off center, so the teeth on the two gears
only partially mesh. As the gears turn, a progressively wider gap is formed between the gear
teeth. The gap creates a vacuum, which draws the fluid into the pump.

Because this gap must be filled with fluid, another component, called the crescent, is added
to the gear assembly. The crescent prevents the fluid from leaking back to the inlet port. As
the gap between the gear teeth narrows, the fluid is squeezed out between the teeth and
forced through the outlet port.

Vane Type

A vane-type pump uses centrifugal force to push fluid through the pump. As the fluid enters
the inlet port, it is picked up by the rapidly spinning vanes. Centrifugal force slings the fluid
off the end of the vanes and through the outlet port.

Pump Operation

The inlet of the oil pump is connected to a sump, or oil pan, in the bottom of the
transmission case. As the fluid is drawn up from the sump, it passes through a filter, which
removes particles and debris.

Fluid enters the pump inlet because air pressure pushes down on the surface of the oil, as
shown in Figure 24. At sea level, air pressure is about 14.7 pounds per square inch (psi).
This pressure cannot actually push the fluid up through the strainer into the pump. The
pump first has to create a vacuum, or void, at the inlet port opening. Then atmospheric
pressure can push the fluid into the pump to fill the void.

Automatic Fundamentals

In a gear-type pump like the one shown in Figure 24, the pump creates
a vacuum through the action of the gear teeth. The teeth are tightly
meshed, but as they rotate, they begin to separate. This separation
creates a vacuum between the gear teeth, and atmospheric pressure
pushes the fluid in to fill this void.

FIGURE 24. The

vacuum created by
the pump allows
pressure to push
fluid through the
inlet port into the



Driven gear

Drive gear

Fluid squeezed
out INLET (fluid suction)
Pump outlet

Oil sump filter

Sump (oil pan)

pressure Once in the pump, the fluid is trapped between the gear teeth, which
carry it around the pump housing toward the outlet port. As the gear
teeth approach the outlet, the gap between the gear teeth begins to
narrow. The fluid cannot leak back toward the inlet port because the
crescent blocks its path.

The gap continues narrowing until the gear teeth begin to mesh. At this
point, the fluid is squeezed between the teeth until it reaches the outlet
port. From the outlet, the fluid is discharged into the transmission
hydraulic system.

Automatic Fundamentals

Pressure Regulation

Transmission oil pumps are classified as positive displacement or variable displacement

pumps. Mazda uses both types.

Rotary- and gear-type pumps are positive displacement pumps. This means that the pump
must force out all the fluid that enters it. There is no other escape for the fluid except the
outlet port. A positive displacement pump will continue to pump out fluid even if the pressure
on the outlet side is extremely high. In fact, if the outlet port is blocked, a positive
displacement pump will continue to operate until it eventually stalls from extremely high

To prevent this, a positive displacement pump must have a method of rerouting the fluid
flow if pressure becomes too high. As pump pressure builds, a pressure regulator valve
opens and closes to maintain system pressure at a safe level.

A vane-type pump is a variable displacement pump. This means that it supplies a fixed
quantity of oil once the engine reaches a specific speed. “Feedback” pressure from the
valve body return circuit keeps the vane-type pump from producing more output than is
required. This features helps conserve engine power by reducing the amount of horsepower
required to drive the pump.

Automatic Fundamentals

Movement of the pressure regulator valve is controlled by a calibrated

spring, as shown in Figure 25. The spring tension determines the
opening pressure of the regulator valve.

FIGURE 25. The

pressure regulator
valve opens and
closes to maintain
system pressure at a
safe level.

To system

regulator valve


PUMP (line pressure)



Automatic Fundamentals

Three Stages of Operation

The pressure regulator valve has three distinct stages of operation:

1. Filling the lines – Immediately after the vehicle is started, the lines
are filled with fluid. At this stage, there is little resistance to flow in
the system, so pressure does not build up. The spring below the
regulator valve holds it in the up (or closed) position, as shown in
Figure 26.
FIGURE 26. In stage
1, the lines are filled,
and little pressure
build-up occurs. The
pressure regulator
valve remains

To system

regulator valve


PUMP (line pressure)


Automatic Fundamentals

2. Converter supply – As pressure begins to rise in the system (about

60 psi), the regulator valve is forced down against the spring, and
another port is uncovered, as shown in Figure 27. Fluid from the
pump flows through this port into the torque converter circuit.
Since the torque converter is kept under constant pressure,
another fluid outlet is required to prevent excessive pressure
FIGURE 27. In stage
2, the valve is forced
open to allow oil to
flow into the torque
converter circuit.

To torque

To system

regulator valve

PUMP (line pressure)


Automatic Fundamentals

3. Sump supply – Pressure continues to build, and the regulator

valve is forced down further against the spring, as shown in Figure
28. Another oil port is uncovered, connecting to the sump in the
bottom of the transmission case. All excess oil is returned to the
sump, where it can be recirculated through the pump inlet. This
final stage is the normal operating condition when the engine is
FIGURE 28. In stage 3,
the pressure
regulator valve is
opened enough to
allow excess oil to
flow back into the
sump, where it is
recirculated through
the pump inlet.

regulator valve

PUMP (line pressure)

Automatic Fundamentals

Balanced Valve

Once the pressure regulator valve has reached stage 3, the pressure in the main control
system is regulated by balancing the pressure against the force of the valve spring. The
spring controls the pressure, and the valve adjusts itself automatically so that the spring
force acting upward is equal to the hydraulic pressure acting downward.

If the pressure drops, the spring moves the valve up and cuts off part of the flow to the
sump – and to the torque converter, if necessary – to maintain the regulated pressure. This
type of valve is called a balanced valve, and the pressure it regulates is called control or line

Automatic Fundamentals


Study the following illustration of a transmission oil pump. Then fill in the name of each
numbered item in the illustration on the lines below the illustration.

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences

6. When a pump operates, it first creates a vacuum that allows

___________________________________ to push fluid through the inlet port.

7. The opening pressure of the pressure regulator valve is determined by the

___________________________________ .

8. During the second stage of pump operation, the pressure regulator valve opens a port
to the ________________________________________________ .

Check your answers with the answer key on page 52.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review OIL CIRCUITS

Exercise 4
1. crescent In an automatic transmission, fluid is routed through passages and
2. driven gear bores. Although many of these are located in the case and pump
3. drive gear housing, most bores and passages are in a master flow control
4. oil sump filter or
component called the valve body. Fluid flow through these passages is
screen controlled by either a single valve or a series of valves working in
5. pump inlet
6. atmospheric
With the exception of two valves, all the control valves in the valve body
operate automatically to direct the fluid to perform certain functions. For
7. tension of the
example, the shift from first to second gear, called the 1-2 shift, is a
specific hydraulic function. When this shift happens, the fluid flows
8. torque converter
through specific bores, passages, and valves. This fluid flow is called an
oil circuit.

An automatic transmission has an oil circuit for each hydraulic function.

In fact, the pressure regulator valve described in the previous section is
an oil circuit that controls pump pressure.

When you study an oil circuit, you are looking at a hydraulic schematic,
or kind of map, that shows the fluid path and valves for performing a
specific function.

Automatic Fundamentals


To demonstrate basic principles of flow control, we will examine a

hypothetical valve bore. This bore is connected to the fluid flow from the
pressure regulator valve, as shown in Figure 29.

FIGURE 29. With the

single- land valve
closed, fluid flows
from the pressure
regulator circuit and
stops at the valve.

regulator valve

Valve closed

Piston at top of


Outlet port

Valve bore


Inlet port
Within bore is a single-land valve connected to a rod that
extends through one end of the bore. (A land is the round sealing
surface of the valve.) On the sides of the bore are two ports – an inlet
port joined to the fluid from the pressure regulator , and an
outlet port joined to a passage leading to a cylinder . Within this
cylinder is a piston at the top of its stroke.

With the engine running, fluid flows from the pressure regulator circuit
to the valve bore and stops. It cannot pass through the bore because
the valve is blocking the inlet port.

Automatic Fundamentals

If this valve is manually opened, as shown in Figure 30, fluid flows into
the inlet port, through the bore, and out the outlet port on its way to the

FIGURE 30. When the

valve is opened, fluid
flows through the
bore to the cylinder,
where it pushes the

regulator valve

Valve open

Pressurized fluid
in cylinder



When the fluid reaches the cylinder , it pushes on the piston

surface , forcing it to move the length of the cylinder bore. The
force generated by the pump is transferred to the piston.

Automatic Fundamentals

This sample oil circuit is functional, but it lacks one important feature –
automatic reset. When the pressure is released, the piston will not
automatically return to the top of the bore, ready for another stroke. To
make the piston reset automatically, a spring can be added behind the
piston, as shown in Figure 31.

FIGURE 31. The

pressurized fluid
holds the piston in
place against the
pressure of the


Valve closed

fluid trapped in



With the valve closed and the fluid flow stopped, the spring tension
should push the piston back to the top of the cylinder. However, the
spring cannot move the piston as long as pressurized fluid is trapped in
the cylinder circuit. The spring cannot move the piston until the fluid is
drained from the cylinder.

Automatic Fundamentals

To provide an outlet for draining the pressurized fluid, the circuit must
be reworked. Adding an exhaust passage to the sump and offsetting the
cylinder passage allows the inlet port to be sealed without trapping fluid
in the cylinder, as shown in Figure 32.

FIGURE 32. With an

offset cylinder
passage and an
exhaust port, the
valve can open the
cylinder passage and
seal the exhaust port.
When the valve
moves to seal the
inlet port, the
exhaust port is also

regulator valve

Valve closed,
fluid exhausted,
and piston

Exhaust port to
Now the valve can open the inlet port from the pump, as well as the
outlet port to the cylinder. At the same time, the valve seals the exhaust
port to the sump, preventing any pressure loss.

When the valve closes the inlet port, it also opens the cylinder passage
to the exhaust port. The fluid drains out of the exhaust port as the
spring pushes the piston back through the cylinder.

Automatic Fundamentals

By reworking the sample valve again, we can examine the operation of

a different type of valve, a spool valve. This valve has two or more
lands, or sealing areas, connected by a rod, giving the valve a spool
shape. The area between the lands allows fluid to flow through the
valve bore, as shown in Figure 33.
FIGURE 33. In this
spool valve, the
upper land opens the
inlet port, while the
lower land seals the
exhaust port. Fluid
flows through the
bore into the cylinder

regulator valve

Spool valve

Valve land

To cylinder

To sump


When a spool valve moves, the lands open and close various ports to
direct fluid flow. For example, in Figure 33, the upper land is at the top
of the bore, opening the pump inlet. The lower land seals the exhaust
port, allowing fluid to flow through the center of the cylinder bore.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 34. In this Figure 34 shows the spool valve closing the pump inlet port and
spool valve, the opening the exhaust port. This releases pressurized fluid from the
upper land seals the
cylinder and allows it to drain through the exhaust port back to the
inlet port, while the
lower land opens the sump.
exhaust port. Fluid
flows from the
cylinder passage,
through the bore, and
out the exhaust port.

regulator valve

Spool valve

From cylinder

To sump


The valves described in this section illustrate the hydraulic principles

that apply to the control valves in an automatic transmission. Pressure
can be used to move:

• valves against spring pressure

• valves back and forth in a bore

• pistons in a cylinder

All of these operations occur in an automatic transmission to control

fluid flow and maintain line pressure.

Automatic Fundamentals


Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences.

1. The flow of fluid to accomplish a specific function, such as a 1-2 shift, is called an oil
_________________ .

2. A ___________________ is a type of map that shows the fluid path and valves
needed to perform a function.

3. A hydraulically activated piston can be automatically reset by using a

________________ .

4. The large round sealing surface of a control valve is called a _________________ .

5. A valve with multiple sealing surfaces connected by a rod is called a

_________________ valve.

Use the following illustration to answer items 6 - 8.

6. Item in the illustration is called the __________________________________.

7. Item in the illustration is a ___________________.
8. The hollow area identified by item in the illustration is called a

Check your answers with the answer key on page 61.

Automatic Fundamentals


The valve body, shown in Figure 35, is the master flow control
component for an automatic transmission. It contains a complex pattern
of passages called worm tracks, as well as several bores containing
multiple-land valves. Each passage, bore, and valve forms an oil circuit
for a specific function.

FIGURE 35. The

valve body contains
oil passages (worm
tracks), bores, and
valves that make up
specific oil circuits.

Valve body



Retaining clip

Bore plug

Line pressure
boost valve


Spring seat As you can see from the illustration, the construction of the valve body
appears complicated. However, to trace an oil circuit, you do not
Worm tracks actually have to follow the flow through the maze of passages and
bores. Instead, you can use a hydraulic schematic.

Automatic Fundamentals

Using a hydraulic schematic, you can trace an oil circuit and determine
exactly which valves and passages are used to accomplish a specific
transmission function. For example, Figure 36 is a hydraulic schematic
of the pressure regulator valve oil circuit.

hydraulic schematic
of the pressure
regulator valve
shows where the

regulator valve




Notice that the pressure regulator valve is shown in both the assembly
drawing(Figure 35) and the schematic (Figure 36). In the schematic, Answers to Review
Exercise 5
though, you can see where the fluid pushes on the valve lands and
which fluid passages are used. 1. circuit
2. hydraulic
3. spring
4. land
5. spool
6. pressure
regulator valve
7. valve land
8. valve bore

Automatic Fundamentals

If you follow the pump flow away from the pressure regulator, you will
find the manual valve shown in Figure 37. This valve is connected
through a mechanical linkage to the shift selector in the vehicle’s
passenger compartment. The manual valve moves in or out of its bore
depending on the position of the shift selector (for example, “P,” “R,” or
FIGURE 37. Linked
to the shift selector,
the manual valve
redirects hydraulic
flow to various
valves, clutches,
and servos,
depending on the
gear range selected
by the driver.

regulator valve

Manual valve

Trapped fluid

Valve lands

P R N D 2 1

Notice in Figure 37 that the line pressure stops at the manual valve
because it is trapped between two lands. In other gear ranges, the
valve lands will move to redirect the flow to various valves, clutches,
and servos. (These components are described in detail in Section 5,
Clutches and Bands.)

Automatic Fundamentals


When the driver moves the shift selector lever to one of the drive
positions, another important oil circuit becomes active. This circuit –
called the governor circuit – is used to time the shifts in an automatic

The governor circuit takes the line pressure directed from the manual
valve and transforms it into a pressure signal. This signal tells the
shift-control valves how fast the vehicle is moving. (The shift-control
valves direct the fluid flow that shifts gears, for example from first to
second gear, or from third to second gear.)

In most cases, the governor circuit is mounted on the output shaft,

where it rotates with the shaft, as shown in Figure 38. (In front-wheel
drive vehicles, the governor is usually driven by gears at the final drive.
Front-wheel drive is described in Section 7, Transaxle Overview.)

rear-wheel drive
vehicles, the
governor circuit
assembly is usually
mounted on the
output shaft.


Valve body




Counter- weight



Automatic Fundamentals

The governor assembly includes a separate small valve body with three
passages: one for line pressure, one for governor pressure, and one for
exhaust to the sump. See Figure 39.

FIGURE 39. The

valve body in the
governor circuit
assembly has a
passage for line
pressure, governor
pressure, and
exhaust to sump.
(Front-wheel drive
type is shown.)

Primary weight

Exhaust to

pressure out

Line pressure in

Inner land

When the vehicle is stopped, the fluid directed to the governor is
Governor valve blocked. As the vehicle begins to move, the governor rotates, and
Outer land
centrifugal force causes the weights to move outward. Depending on
the rotation speed, the outward movement of the weights pushes the
Valve spring valve, allowing regulated pressure to enter the governor circuit, where it
is directed to the shift-control valves.

Automatic Fundamentals


To properly time a shift, the automatic transmission has to “know” more

than just road speed. It also has to know what load the engine is under.
Load refers to the amount of force the engine must overcome to
generate power. For example, a vehicle going up a steep hill at 40
miles per hour places a heavier load on the engine than the same
vehicle going down the hill at 40 miles per hour. In addition, running the
air conditioning system at full power can also place a heavy load on the

In an automatic transmission, the throttle valve (T.V.) circuit, shown in

Figure 40, determines the engine load, transforms it into a pressure
signal, and directs the signal to the shift-control valves. Governor
pressure could be used to signal all shifts, but the shifts would always
occur at the same road speed and would not vary according to engine
load. FIGURE 40. The
throttle valve
determines engine
load and transmits
pressure signals to
the shift-control
valves so that shifts
are timed to match
engine load.

Stopper pin

Stopper plug

modulator valve


Throttle lever

Throttle plug

Throttle spring

Throttle valve

Throttle assist

Throttle adjust

Automatic Fundamentals

For example, during rapid acceleration, the engine is under a heavy

load, and the transmission should remain in first gear longer to take
advantage of the extra pulling power available in the lower gear ratio. If
the governor circuit alone were controlling the shifts, the transmission
would shift into second at a pre- determined road speed, and
acceleration would slow dramatically. With the throttle valve and
governor circuits working together, the transmission matches gear shifts
to engine speed and load.

Throttle pressure also modifies line pressure. At idle, pressure is

minimal to reduce “shift shock” when the gears engage. At full throttle,
pressure is maximum so clutches are squeezed tightly, preventing

Two types of throttle valve circuits are used in Mazda vehicles. The first
type “reads” engine load via a vacuum modulator. Vacuum is “negative
pressure” generated by the engine when the pistons move down in their
cylinders during the intake stroke. Vacuum decreases with the load
placed on the engine. The second type of throttle valve circuit
determines engine load through a mechanical linkage to the accelerator

Vacuum Modulator

When vacuum is used to determine load, a vacuum modulator is

mounted on the valve body case, as shown in Figure 41.

FIGURE 41. The

vacuum modulator
transfers changes in
engine vacuum to
the throttle valve
circuit by using a
connected to the
intake manifold.

Main case

To engine



Automatic Fundamentals

The vacuum modulator contains two chambers separated by a

spring-loaded diaphragm. A hose or tube connects one side of the
diaphragm to the engine’s intake manifold. The other side of the
diaphragm is connected to a rod that extends into the valve body case.
See Figure 42.

FIGURE 42. The

diaphragm in the
vacuum modulator
responds to changes
in engine vacuum.
The rod connected to
the diaphragm moves
a valve in the throttle
valve circuit, which
redirects pressure to
the shift- control

Throttle pressure


Manifold vacuum

To engine
As engine load varies, so does the vacuum in the intake manifold, and
the diaphragm moves in and out with these variations. The movement Atmospheric
of the diaphragm is transferred to the rod, which moves a valve in the pressure
throttle valve circuit. This valve constantly alters the pressure in the Control pressure
throttle valve circuit, which redirects pressure to the shift-control valves.

Automatic Fundamentals

Mechanical Linkage

In a throttle valve circuit controlled by a mechanical linkage, a throttle

cam transfers the motion of the accelerator pedal to the throttle valve,
FIGURE 43. As the as shown in Figure 43.
accelerator pedal
moves, the throttle
cam pushes against
a spring, which
opens and closes
the throttle valve,
regulating pressure
to the throttle
modulator valve.

Throttle cam


Throttle valve

Line pressure
(from pressure
regulator valve)

pressure (to
throttle pressure
The throttle cam is mechanically linked to the accelerator pedal.
valve) When the pedal is pressed, the cam turns, moving the spring . The
spring pushes the throttle valve to the right, opening the line
pressure passage . This increases pressure to the throttle
modulator valve .

As throttle pressure rises, the spring compresses, moving the throttle

valve back to the left. The line pressure port is closed, and throttle
pressure drains. When throttle pressure falls, the spring again pushes
the throttle valve to the right, opening the line pressure port and
increasing throttle pressure. By repeating this cycle, the throttle valve
constantly adjusts throttle pressure.

When the accelerator pedal is released, the cam turns in the opposite
direction, releasing the spring. The throttle valve moves back to the left,
closing the line pressure port, which decreases throttle pressure.

Automatic Fundamentals


Pressure from two separate circuits influences shift timing: throttle pressure, which is based
on engine load, and governor pressure, which is based on road speed.

Each of these circuits receives line pressure from the pump and modifies it into a pressure
signal. The modified pressures developed in the throttle and governor circuits exert force on
the shift-control valves, just as fluid forced the piston to move in the sample circuit
described earlier in this section.

The modified pressures from the governor and throttle circuits control the valves that
automatically shift gears to match engine load and road speed. The valves in the valve
body control fluid flow through circuits that connect line pressure to the various bands and
clutches. These bands and clutches, which are described in Section 6, connect the
turbine-driven input shaft to the transmission gear train.

Automatic Fundamentals

SHIFT-RELATED PROBLEMS (Hydraulic Automatic Transmissions)

In hydraulic automatic transmissions (HAT), most of the flow-control problems associated

with shift timing are related to valve bodies, linkage components, vacuum, or fluid level.
(Mazda vehicles also use electronically controlled transmissions, known as ECAT. The
following discussion applies only to non- ECAT, or HAT, transmissions.)

Linkage Problems

Linkage components, such as levers, rods, and springs, have to be properly adjusted,
undamaged, and free to move as intended. For example, if the manual valve linkage cannot
move properly, circuits may be opened or closed at the wrong times, which can affect shift
timing and line pressure.

In addition, the throttle linkage or vacuum modulator must transfer accurate information
about engine load to the transmission. If the linkage is damaged or misadjusted, the
resulting throttle pressure may not match engine load, causing improper shift timing, shift
shock, or clutch slippage.

Vacuum Problems

Similar problems can occur if the engine vacuum signal is incorrect due to a poorly
performing engine or a damaged vacuum system. Since the vacuum modulator “interprets”
vacuum as a measure of engine load, an incorrect vacuum signal will cause a mismatch
between throttle pressure and the actual engine load.

Fluid Level

Another common problem related to flow control and transmission operation is an improper
amount of fluid in the transmission. A transmission that is low on fluid can experience a
variety of problems, including “no-drive” conditions(transmission won’t go into any drive
gear), shift “hunting” (transmission constantly shifts up and down, trying to find the right
gear), or poor shift timing(transmission shifts up too soon or stays in a particular gear too
long). The nature of the problem depends on how low the fluid level is.

Automatic Fundamentals

An overfilled transmission can also experience problems. If there is too much fluid in the
transmission, the fluid can aerate, or mix with air, which causes the fluid to lose some of its
incompressibility. This means that the fluid will lose some of its volume when compressed,
causing valves to move late or not at all. In addition, aerated fluid tends to foam, and foam
does not lubricate or cool the transmission properly.

Check the transmission fluid level regularly, add fluid only when indicated, and add only
enough fluid to bring the level up to specifications.

Pressure Test

If the linkage, vacuum system, and fluid level are all correct, a pressure test can help you
diagnose hydraulic problems in the automatic transmission. The outside of the transmission
case includes many pressure ports. When the plugs are removed from these ports, you can
connect pressure gauges to various hydraulic circuits.

With the gauges connected, operate the engine and transmission under a series of
conditions specified in the workshop manual and take pressure readings in each circuit. By
comparing these readings to normal pressure readings in the workshop manual, you can
isolate a problem circuit or component.

For example, if line pressure is below normal, look for a clogged filter, a damaged pump, or
a sticking valve at the pressure regulator. In other cases, the governor pressure may be too
high. Look for a stuck valve in the governor body, which can allow excessive line pressure
in the governor circuit.

If you suspect a problem in the hydraulic system, use the pressure test and hydraulic
schematics to diagnose the condition. These diagnostic tools will direct you to the problem
circuit and allow you to quickly identify the faulty valves and components that may be
causing the problem.

Automatic Fundamentals


Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences.

1. The master flow control component of an automatic transmission is called the

________________________ .

2. The ________________________ valve is connected through a linkage to the shift

selector located inside the vehicle.

3. The governor circuit modifies line pressure to the shift-control valves based on
information about ________________________ .

4. The governor valve body includes three separate fluid passages for
____________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________ .

5. The throttle valve circuit modifies line pressure to the shift-control valves based on
information about ____________________ .

6. A vacuum modulator has a spring-loaded ____________________ that moves in and

out with variations in engine vacuum.

7. Too much fluid in the transmission can aerate the fluid, which causes it to lose its
_________________________ .

8. To conduct a pressure test, attach gauges to the _________________________ built

into the transmission case.

Check your answers with the answer key on page 74.

Automatic Fundamentals

When an automatic transmission shifts gears, various gear train components must rotate,
while other components are prevented from rotating. This section describes how clutches
and bands drive and hold gear train members in an automatic transmission.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the components in a hydraulic multiple-disc clutch and describe their functions.

• Identify the components of a band and servo assembly and describe their functions.

• Describe the purpose of accumulator and modulator valves in the hydraulic control

• Describe problems that can cause clutch or band failures.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review OVERVIEW

Exercise 6
1. valve body Clutches and bands perform opposite but complementary functions in
2. manual an automatic transmission. Clutches drive gear train members, forcing
3. road speed them to rotate. Bands, on the other hand, hold gear train members,
preventing them from rotating.
4. line pressure,
governor pressure,
and exhaust to
5. engine load Clutch Operation
6. diaphragm
Like a manual clutch, the clutch in an automatic transmission connects
7. incompressibility
and disconnects the engine from the transmission. If you turn the input
8. pressure ports
shaft on an automatic transmission with the clutch released, the output
shaft will not turn. But if you apply the clutch and turn the input shaft,
the output shaft will turn because the clutch forms a mechanical link
between the two shafts.

Band Operation

Instead of connecting two rotating parts, a band holds a drum and

prevents it from rotating. When a band is hydraulically applied, it clamps
around a drum and keeps it from turning. The band is anchored to the
transmission case, and its clamping force is strong enough to prevent
the drum from rotating.

A band operates like the brakes on a vehicle. Both are hydraulically

applied, and both stop rotation. When a brake is applied, the brake
shoe presses outward against the drum, slowing and stopping the
wheel. A band, however, clamps around the drum instead of expanding
like a brake shoe.

Automatic Fundamentals


Automatic transmissions use a multiple-disc clutch. The clutch

assembly is made of several discs that work together to connect and
disconnect the engine from the transmission.

Since the multiple-disc clutch is hydraulically operated, it includes a

piston that moves back and forth in a clutch housing, or drum, when
pushed by pressurized fluid. The piston and clutch housing, shown in
Figure 44, are protected by seals that provide leak-proof surfaces
between the piston and housing. A snap ring limits the amount of piston
travel. Without the snap ring, the pressurized fluid would “blow“ the
piston completely out of the clutch housing.

multiple-disc clutch
includes a piston
sealed in a clutch
housing, with a snap
ring to restrict piston

Clutch housing

Piston seals

Snap ring


Automatic Fundamentals

To provide hydraulic flow to the clutch housing, a passage connects line

pressure from the valve body to the housing, as shown in Figure 45.

FIGURE 45. Line

pressure from the
valve body is routed
to the clutch

Piston seal

Clutch housing


Piston seal

Manual valve

Line pressure

The valve body controls fluid flow to the clutch housing. When the
engine is running, fluid from the pump flows through the valve body into
the clutch housing, where it pushes on the piston.

Automatic Fundamentals

To automatically reset the piston, the clutch assembly includes return

springs, as shown in Figure 46.
FIGURE 46. The
piston return springs
push the piston back
into the clutch
housing when fluid
flow is cut off.

Clutch housing


Snap ring

Piston return
spring assembly

Piston seals

When fluid flow is cut off to the clutch housing, the springs push the
piston back into the housing, and the fluid exhausts back through the
circuit, as shown in Figure 47. Movement of the manual valve applies
and releases the clutch piston.
FIGURE 47. The
manual valve applies
the clutch piston by
routing fluid into the
clutch housing.
When the valve cuts
off flow, the springs
push the piston back
into the clutch

Piston return
spring assembly


Manual valve

Automatic Fundamentals

To make the clutch functional, a clutch pack is installed behind the

spring assembly, as shown in Figure 48. A clutch pack is a set of two
different types of plates. One set of plates is made of steel, with tabs on
the outer diameter. The other plates are covered with a friction material
similar to brake lining. These friction plates also have splines on their
inner diameters.

FIGURE 48. Steel

plates and friction
plates are alternated
to form the clutch

Clutch housing

Return spring

Snap ring

Steel plates

Snap ring The tabs on the steel plates fit into grooves machined into the inside
diameter of the clutch housing. So when the clutch housing rotates, the
Pressure plate
steel plates also turn. The friction plates, on the other hand, are not
Friction plates directly connected to the clutch housing. They do not rotate with the
clutch housing unless they press tightly against the steel plates.


Automatic Fundamentals

As Figures 48 and 49 show, the clutch pack alternates steel plates and
friction plates. The top plate in the clutch pack is the pressure plate. It is
thicker than the other steel plates so it strengthens the clutch pack. The
pressure plate also keeps the clutch pack from bending when the piston
is applied. The snap ring on the end of the clutch pack holds the plates
in the clutch housing.

FIGURE 49. The snap

ring and pressure
plate hold the clutch
pack in the clutch

Steel plates

Clutch pack

Snap ring

Pressure plate

Friction plates

Manual valve

The clutch assembly mounts on the input shaft, where splines on the
inside diameter of the clutch housing mesh with splines on the input
shaft. Since the input shaft is linked to the crankshaft via the torque
converter, the clutch housing rotates when the engine is running.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 50. The The final component required to make the clutch functional is the clutch
clutch hub fits hub. The clutch hub fits inside the plates in the clutch pack. The hub
inside the plates in
has both external and internal splines, as shown in Figure 50. The
the clutch pack. The
external hub splines external splines on the clutch hub match the splines on the inside
mesh with the diameter of the friction plates. (The internal hub splines connect the
splines on the hub to the gear train, which is described in Section 6, Planetary Gear
friction plates. Sets & Powerflow.)
Clutch housing

Piston seals

Return springs

Steel plates

Clutch hub

Snap ring

Pressure plate

Friction plates


Automatic Fundamentals

When fluid flow to the clutch housing is cut off, the piston moves back in
the clutch housing and the clutch releases. The friction plates do not
rotate since they are not connected to the clutch housing. Because the
hub is splined to the friction plates, it also remains stationary, as shown
in Figure 51.

FIGURE 51. When the

clutch is released,
the friction plates
and clutch hub
remain stationary.
When the clutch is
applied, the steel
plates press against
the friction plates,
forcing them to rotate.
The rotation of the
friction plates turns
the clutch hub.

Steel plate,
Clutch hub,

Friction plate,

Clutch hub,

Manual valve

Automatic Fundamentals


When the manual valve allows fluid into the clutch housing, the fluid pushes the piston
against the clutch pack. The steel plates push against the friction plates, which begin to
rotate. Because the friction plates are splined to the clutch hub, the hub also rotates.

The material on the surface of the friction plates allows the plates to lock the clutch and hub
into a single rotating unit. This material grips the steel plates tightly enough to transmit
engine torque to the clutch hub.

The clutch in an automatic transmission is similar to the frictional clutch in a manual

transmission. In a manual transmission, the friction material on the clutch disc grips the
flywheel. In an automatic transmission, the multiple friction plates grip the steel plates
attached to the clutch housing.

The most important difference between the two types of clutches is the way they are
released. Before shifting gears in a manual transmission, the driver must disengage the
clutch by pressing on the clutch pedal. In an automatic transmission, the clutch engages
and disengages automatically as the transmission selects the right gear ratio to meet driving

Automatic Fundamentals


Fill in the words that correctly complete these sentences.

1. In an automatic transmission, ______________ are used to drive gear train

components, and ______________ hold them.

2. ______________ plates have internal splines that mesh with splines on the clutch

3. ______________ plates are connected to the clutch housing by tabs.

Study the following illustration of a multiple-disc clutch. Then fill in the name of each
numbered item in the illustration on the lines following the illustration.

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

7. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

9. ______________________________

Check your answers with the answer key on page 84.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review BANDS AND SERVOS

Exercise 7
1. clutches, bands The hydraulic system either holds or drives gear train components to
2. Friction provide the different gear combinations required in an automatic
3. Steel transmission. While clutches drive gear train components, bands are
4. clutch housing used to hold them.
5. piston
The held member of a gear set is mechanically connected to a drum,
6. steel plates
with the band surrounding the drum. Friction material covers the
7. pressure plate
inside surface of the band, allowing the band to grip the drum
8. clutch hub surface and prevent it from turning.
9. friction plates

FIGURE 52. The One end of the band is anchored to the transmission case, while the
servo assembly other end connects to a hydraulic device called a servo. A servo is a
includes a piston, hydraulically applied piston, as shown in Figure 52.
seals, and springs
mounted in a case. A
piston rod connects
the piston to the BAND SERVO ASSEMBLY



Piston rod

Cushion spring

Return spring


Piston seals

Servo cover

Cover o-rings

Retainer snap


Drum and gear


Anchor strut

Automatic Fundamentals

A case contains the servo, its springs, and hydraulic passages. A rod
extends from the servo piston to the free end of the band, as shown in
Figure 53. To squeeze the ends of the band together, hydraulic
pressure pushes the servo piston through the bore. This motion forces
the piston rod against the end of the band, squeezing the band around
the drum. When pressure is released, the return springs move the
piston back into the bore, and the band releases the drum.
FIGURE 53. When
hydraulic pressure is
applied to the servo,
the piston moves
forward in the bore,
Apply pushing the piston
rod against the end
of the band. The
band tightens around
the drum and holds

Piston rod

Return spring



Servo assembly


Anchor strut
When the band has to provide an extremely tight grip on the drum, the
hydraulic system opens an additional passage on the applying side of
the piston. This additional force, or boost pressure, holds the drum
against the stronger torque generated by lower gears.

To release the band quickly, hydraulic pressure and spring tension work
together. A shift valve in the valve body moves to open a “release” port.
This port allows fluid to push against the release side of the piston while
fluid is also present on the apply side. Because the release pressure
side has a larger surface area than the apply side, it can overcome the
apply pressure.

Automatic Fundamentals


Figure 54 is a hydraulic schematic for an automatic transmission. If you trace the various oil
circuits in this diagram, you will find accumulator pistons, modulator valves, and
accumulator valves connected to the clutch and band circuits. These hydraulic controls
“fine-tune” fluid flow to the various circuits so the amount of apply pressure matches the
amount of torque directed through the transmission.

When the engine is operating with light throttle, a small amount of torque passes through
the transmission, so the apply pressures can be reduced. With heavy throttle, engine
torque increases greatly, so the hydraulic apply pressures are also increased.

If apply pressure does not match engine torque, the transmission will not operate smoothly.
For example, high apply pressure at low torque causes harsh shifting, which may damage
transmission components. On the other hand, low apply pressure with high torque causes
slow engagement and slipping of transmission components. Excessive slipping produces
heat, which can burn the friction material applied to many transmission parts. Burned
friction material will cause excess wear and poor transmission performance.

The transmission regulates apply pressures in three different ways. First, modulator valves
control, or modulate, line pressure by restricting flow (and pressure) through their outlet
ports. Second, accumulator valves “cushion” the amount of apply pressure. Finally,
accumulator pistons absorb some of the fluid pressure applied to servo pistons.

Accumulator and modulator valves are located in the valve body. Accumulator pistons may
be part of the servo piston assembly, or they may reside in their own bores.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 54. Hydraulic schematic: accumulator pistons ( ), modulator valves ( ),

and accumulator valves ( ) control the amount of apply pressure used in various
oil circuits.

Automatic Fundamentals


When bands and clutches slip, the result is burned friction material. Slipping occurs when a
clutch or band is partially engaged. This generates heat strong enough to damage the
friction material on clutch discs and bands.

Partial engagement, or slipping, can be caused by many problems, including:

• Leaking seals – If fluid leaks through a seal, some of the apply pressure is lost, and the
piston or servo moves only part way through its intended distance of travel. As a result,
the band or clutch only partially engages, and slipping occurs.

• Low fluid – When the transmission is low on fluid, the pump may “starve,” causing line
pressure to drop. The clutches and bands apply and release very quickly, without
smooth, controlled movement. If the fluid level is very low, pressure in the entire system
may drop, causing extreme slipping in nearly every component.

• Overfilled transmission – If there is too much fluid in the transmission, the fluid can
become aerated. Fluid mixed with air is compressible, causing low apply pressures and
extreme slipping.

• Low line pressure – Any problem that lowers the main line pressure in the transmission
can cause slipping. These problems may include a clogged pick- up screen, a faulty
pump, or a damaged pressure regulator valve.

In some cases, a clutch may fail to release properly, which has the same effect as low apply
pressure. Improper clutch release can be caused by damaged return springs or clutch

In addition, some clutch pistons contain a check ball to prevent vacuum. The ball seats
when the clutch housing is pressurized and unseats when the fluid exhausts. If the ball
sticks in its seat, fluid exhausts slowly, causing the clutch plates to release slowly. Slow
release can cause slipping and excessive heat.

Automatic Fundamentals


Study the following illustration of a band servo assembly. Then answer the questions below
the illustration.

1. Which letter identifies the component that transfers piston motion to the end of the
band? ____________

2. Which component anchors the band to the transmission case? ____________

3. Which component is lined with friction material on its inside diameter?____________

4. If the servo requires additional force to hold the drum, which oil passage supplies the
additional pressure? ____________

Automatic Fundamentals

Fill in the words that complete these sentences correctly.

5. Accumulators and _________________ match hydraulic apply pressure to the torque

supplied by the engine.

6. Using high apply pressure with low torque causes _______________________.

7. When clutches and bands fail, the most obvious symptom


Check your answers with the answer key on page 92.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

The gear train in an automatic transmission transmits engine torque from the input shaft to
the output shaft. The gear train includes a planetary gear set that provides the gear ratios
required to move the vehicle. This section describes how planetary gear sets work using
two different types of planetary gears.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the components in a basic planetary gear set and describe their operation.

• Describe the basic differences between a simple (Simpson) gear train and a compound
(Ravenaux) gear train.

• Describe powerflow in a simple (Simpson) gear train.

• Identify the components in a compound (Ravenaux) gear train.

• Describe powerflow in a compound (Ravenaux) gear train.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Exercise 8
1. B
2. A
3. H A planetary gear set gets its name from the arrangement of the gears in
4. E the set. The gears revolve around a central gear in the same way that
5. modulators the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. In fact, the
6. harsh shifting revolving gears are called planet gears (or pinion gears), and the central
7. burned friction gear is called the sun gear.

planetary gear set
includes a sun gear
mounted inside an
internal (or ring) gear.
The planet gears
(pinions) are
mounted on shafts
connected to the
planet carrier.

Planet gears

Sun gear

Internal ring gear

Planet carrier

Figure 55 shows a typical planetary gear set, with the sun gear at the
center. Around this gear is a ring with gear teeth cut into its inside
diameter. This ring is the internal (or ring) gear.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

The planet gears connect the sun gear to the ring gear, as shown in
Figure 56. The teeth on the planet gears mesh with both the sun gear
and the ring gear. The planet gears are mounted on shafts that are
interconnected through the planet carrier.
FIGURE 56. The teeth
on the planet gears
connect the sun gear
to the ring gear.

Internal (ring)

Sun gear

Planet gears

Planet carrier

Therefore, a planetary gear set includes three members: the sun gear,
the planet carrier, and the ring gear. By holding or driving the members
in various combinations, a planetary gear set can produce three basic
types of gear ratios:

1. Reduction (low gear)

2. Direct drive (high gear)

3. Reverse

A compound, or Ravenaux, gear set can produce an additional gear

ratio called overdrive, which is described later in this section.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Reduction refers to the operation of lower gear ratios, where the output
shaft turns slower than the input shaft. A vehicle accelerating from a
stop begins in low gear so that engine speed can be transferred
smoothly to the drive wheels of the vehicle. Figure 57 shows how a
planetary gear set achieves reduction.
reduce the speed of
the output shaft, the
sun gear is held, and
the planet gears drive
the ring gear by
“walking” around the
sun gear. HELD

Planet gears
“walk” around
sun gear

Ring gear is

Planet carrier

As Figure 57 shows, the sun gear is held, and the planet carrier drives
the ring gear. Rotation of the ring gear makes the planet gears “walk”
around the sun gear in the same direction the ring gear is turning.
However, the planet gears turn slower than the ring gear, reducing the
rotation speed of the output shaft.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Direct Drive

In direct drive, the input and output shafts turn at the same speed. To
achieve direct drive, any two members of the planetary gear set are
held, forcing the set to turn as a single unit, as shown in Figure 58. In
this illustration, the ring gear and sun gear are held, and the planet
carrier applies direct drive to the output shaft.

FIGURE 58. With the

sun gear and ring
gear held, the planet
HELD carrier applies direct
drive to the output
Planet carrier

Sun and ring

gears are locked
together and

Output shaft

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


To produce reverse output, the planet carrier is held and the sun gear is
driven. In this situation, the planet gears simply turn on their shafts,
acting as idler gears. An idler gear reverses the direction of rotation.

For example, in Figure 59, the sun gear rotates clockwise, while the
planet carrier is held. This forces the planet gears to turn
counter-clockwise, which also causes the ring gear to turn

FIGURE 59. When

the planet carrier is
held and the sun
gear is driven, the
planet gears reverse
the ring gear’s DRIVEN
direction of rotation.

Planet gears
turn counter -

Planet carrier is

Ring gear turns

counter -

Advantages of Planetary Gear Sets

When the planetary gear set members are driven or held, the gears are
always in mesh. Therefore, they never “clash” or “grind” as gears
sometimes do in a manual transmission. In addition, the arrangement of
the planetary gear set allows several gear teeth to be in contact at any
time. This means the gear set distributes torque loads over a wider area,
resulting in a stronger gear set.

Another advantage of the planetary gear set is the compact size of the
gear train. Unlike a manual transmission, which uses a cluster gear and
separate shafts, the automatic transmission has planetary gear shafts
mounted on a common center line.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Two different types of planetary gear sets are used in Mazda vehicles –
the simple, or Simpson gear train, and the compound, or Ravenaux,
gear train.

The simple gear train, shown in Figure 60, contains two separate
planetary gear assemblies – one for forward motion and one for

FIGURE 60. The

Simpson gear train
contains two
separate planetary
gear assemblies –
one for forward and
one for reverse.

Input shaft

Forward clutch

Front planet

Input shell

Reverse planet

Output shaft

Low and reverse


Output shaft ring


Sun gear

Forward clutch
hub and ring

Reverse and
high clutch

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Figure 61 shows an assembled simple gear train.

FIGURE 61. The two

planetary gear sets
in a simple gear train
are mounted
between the input
and output shafts.

Input shaft

Forward clutch

Forward clutch
hub and ring

Sun gear


Output shaft ring


Reverse planet

Front planet

The simple gear train produces the following gear ranges:

• Neutral

• Reduction (first and second gears)

• Direct drive

• Reverse

Neutral Powerflow

In neutral, the converter turbine drives the input shaft, which drives the
clutch housing. Because no clutch is applied, there is no further transfer
of engine power.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

First Gear (Low) Powerflow

In first gear, powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 62. The numbers

in this illustration match the numbered descriptions that follow.

FIGURE 62. In first

gear (low), gear
reduction is typically
about 2.5 to 1.


The converter turbine drives the input shaft clockwise.

The input shaft drives the forward clutch housing clockwise.

The forward clutch is applied, locking the input shaft to the front
planetary ring gear. The input shaft drives the forward ring gear

A one-way clutch holds the reverse planet carrier stationary.

The forward clutch ring gear drives the front planet gears clockwise.

The front planet gears drive the sun gear counter-clockwise.

The sun gear drives the reverse planet gears clockwise.

The reverse planet gears drive the output shaft ring gear clockwise.

In this example, first gear reduction is approximately 2.5 to 1. This

means that for every 2.5 rotations of the input shaft, the output shaft
rotates only once.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Second Gear (Intermediate) Powerflow

In second gear, powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 63.

second gear
(intermediate), an
intermediate band
drum is held, which
also holds the sun
gear and input shell.


The converter turbine drives the input shaft clockwise.

The input shaft drives the forward clutch housing clockwise.

The forward clutch is applied, driving the forward ring gear


The intermediate band holds the intermediate band drum. This drum
connects to the sun gear and input shell, which are also held.

The forward ring gear drives the front planetary gears clockwise.
The planetary gears “walk” around the stationary sun gear.

The front planet gears force the front planet carrier to turn

The front planet carrier turns the output shaft clockwise.

Second gear reduction is approximately 1.5 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Third Gear (High) Powerflow

In third gear (high), powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 64.

FIGURE 64. In third
gear, the forward ring
gear and sun gear
both drive the
planetary gears,
which lock the
planetary gear set
into a single rotating
unit. The result is a
gear ratio of 1:1
(direct drive).


The converter turbine drives the input shaft clockwise.

The input shaft drives the forward clutch housing clockwise.

The forward clutch housing also forms the hub of the reverse-high

The forward and reverse-high clutches are both applied.

The forward clutch drives the applied reverse-high clutch clockwise.

The reverse-high clutch drives the input shell and sun gear

The forward clutch drives the forward ring gear clockwise.

The forward ring gear drives the front planet gears clockwise.

Because the front planet gears are being driven by both the sun
gear and the forward ring gear, a “lock-up” occurs. The front planet
gears drive the front planet carrier.

The front planet carrier is splined to the output shaft and drives it

Third gear (high) produces a 1 to 1 gear ratio, which is called direct

drive. The output shaft rotates once for each rotation of the input shaft.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Reverse Gear Powerflow

In reverse gear, powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 65.

reverse gear, the
reverse planet carrier
is held, so the
reverse planet gears
change the rotation
direction from
clockwise to


The converter turbine drives the input shaft clockwise.

The input shaft drives the forward clutch housing clockwise.

The forward clutch housing also forms the hub of the reverse-high

The forward and reverse-high clutches are applied. The forward

clutch drives the applied reverse-high clutch clockwise.

The reverse-high clutch drives the input shell and sun gear

A one-way clutch holds the reverse planet gear carrier stationary.

The sun gear drives the reverse planet gears counter-clockwise.

The reverse planet gears drive the output shaft counter-clockwise.

Gear reduction in reverse gear is approximately 2 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Fill in the words that complete these sentences correctly.

1. ______________ gears are also called pinion gears.

2. The ______________ gear is installed at the center of a planetary gear set.

3. The ______________ gear has teeth on its inside diameter.

Select the gear ratio that fits each numbered description.

4. Two members of the planetary gear set are held, and the output shaft turns at the
same speed as the input shaft.
A. Reduction
B. Direct drive
C. Reverse

5. The reverse planet carrier is held, and the planet gears act as idler gears.
A. Reduction
B. Direct drive
C. Reverse

6. An intermediate band holds the drum connected to the sun gear and input shell. The
front planet gears “walk” around the stationary sun gear.
A. First gear
B. Second gear
C. Third gear
D. Reverse

7. With the forward clutch applied, the input shaft drives the forward ring gear clockwise.
A one-way clutch holds the reverse planet carrier stationary.
A. First gear
B. Second gear
C. Third gear
D. Reverse

Check your answers with the answer key on page 104.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


The second type of planetary gear set used in Mazda vehicles is the
compound, or Ravenaux, gear train. A compound gear train uses two
planet carriers and two ring gears with a common sun gear, as shown in
Figure 66. Each planet carrier contains several pairs of planet gears.
One gear in each pair is the long planet gear; the other is the short
planet gear.
Ravenaux gear set
uses a common sun
gear with two planet
carriers and two ring

Front planet

Rear planet

Long planet

Short planet

Ring gear

Sun gear

Answers to Review
Exercise 9
1. Planet
2. sun
3. ring
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Clutches and Band

A compound gear set uses several clutches and an intermediate brake

band to lock gear set members together. Figure 67 shows these

compound gear set
uses several clutches
and a band to lock
the members
together in various


Forward clutch


One-way clutch

brake band

Powerflow Build-Up

To describe the operation of the compound gear train, we will “build” a

transmission, starting with simple components and working up to the
more complex. This way, you will be able to see how each component
operates in combination with other components.

The order in which we assemble this sample transmission is for

demonstration purposes only. It is not the order normally followed to
assemble a transmission. We will begin with the input and output shafts.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Input and Output Shafts

Figure 68 shows the transmission case with the torque converter

FIGURE 68. The
input and output housing, oil pump, and extension housing attached. The input and
shafts are supported output shafts are “dropped into” the transmission assembly.
independently in the
transmission case.
The input shaft
never touches the
output shaft.


Input shaft


Forward clutch
housing splines

Sun gear journal

Case bushing

Parking gear
and oil

Output shaft The input and output shafts each have their own independent supports.
Extension The input shaft (also called the turbine shaft) is supported by the
housing bushing in the stator support (oil pump body) and the splines
Slip yoke in the forward clutch housing hub. The turbine splines at the front of
the input shaft connect the shaft to the torque converter turbine hub. As
Slip yoke you can see, the input shaft does not connect directly to the output shaft.
In fact, the two shafts never touch.
drive gear
The output shaft is supported by the case bushing , and by the
clutch ring gear slip yoke bushing in the extension housing . The output shaft
has four sets of splines that connect it to the:
• planet carriers
Planet carrier
• low-reverse clutch ring gear
Oil pump and
stator support • parking gear
• slip yoke
Turbine splines

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Input Drive – Forward Clutch Housing

The forward clutch housing , shown in Figure 69, is the input drive
member of the gear train. It is splined to the input shaft .

FIGURE 69. The

forward clutch
housing is the input
drive member of the
gear train. The sun
gear rotates freely on
the output shaft.

Stator support

Input shaft

Clutch plate

Planet gears

Sun gear

Snap ring

Sun gear

Notice that the clutch housing has external teeth cut into its rear Front planet
portion. These teeth hold the externally splined clutch plates. The
splines on the front part of the clutch housing hold internally Forward clutch
splined clutch plates for the reverse - high clutch.
Splines for
clutch plates

Thrust bearing
The clutch housing hub is installed on the stator support hub. Seal Seal rings
rings on the stator support hub seal the passage into the clutch
Pilot hub
housing. To limit front to rear movement of the clutch housing, a thrust
bearing is installed between the clutch housing and the stator
support hub.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Sun Gear and Front Planet Carrier

As Figure 69 shows, the sun gear and front planet carrier mount on the output shaft.
The front planet carrier is splined to the output shaft so that it can either drive the shaft or be
driven by it, depending on the clutches and band. The planet gears mesh with the front half
of the sun gear.

Bushings inside the sun gear allow the gear to turn freely on the output shaft. Two
snap-ring grooves in the center of the sun gear hold the driving shell.

At this point, the transmission has an input member – the forward clutch housing –
splined to the input shaft . The output member – the front planet carrier – is splined
to the output shaft. In addition, the common sun gear for both planetary units turns
freely on the output shaft. We will continue assembling the transmission by adding drive
connections from the input member to the output member.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Forward Clutch Operation

Figure 70 shows the transmission with a ring gear assembly

installed on the front planetary unit. In addition, the transmission now
includes the forward clutch pack and piston. The forward clutch
pack alternates steel plates and friction plates. The first part in the FIGURE 70. The
forward clutch pack
clutch pack is a dished cushion plate . The last plate is the pressure and front planetary
ring gear connect the
plate , held by a snap ring in the clutch housing. input member to the
output member.

Forward clutch

Thrust bearings

Front planet

Sun gear

Ring gear

Ring gear

Splined hub

Snap ring

Pressure plate

Friction plates

The steel plates connect to the clutch housing via splines. The Steel plates
clutch housing always turns when the engine is running. The friction
Cushion plate
plates are splined to the hub of the ring gear .
Spring retainer
and snap ring
When hydraulic pressure is applied to the clutch piston , it forces
the plates together so they turn as a unit. In this way, the plates
connect the input shaft to the front ring gear. When pressure is
released, the springs return the piston, releasing the clutch plates and Piston seals

disconnecting the ring gear from the input shaft. Forward clutch

The forward clutch is applied in first, second, and high gear (all forward
drives). The clutch is released in reverse, park, and neutral.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Ring Gear Operation

As Figure 70 shows, the ring gear assembly consists of a ring gear, a splined hub ,
and a snap ring to hold the hub flange in the gear. Thrust bearings at the ring gear
hub flange keep the flange in place between the forward clutch housing and the front planet

The ring gear constantly meshes with the front planet gears. When the forward clutch is
applied to drive the ring gear, it will either carry the planet gears in rotation with it, or it will
force them to “walk” around the sun gear.

At this point, though, the sun gear is still free to turn on its bushings on the output shaft. The
planet gears will walk only if the sun gear is held stationary.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Reverse-High Clutch and Input Shell FIGURE 71. With the

reverse - high clutch
and input shell
To provide input drive to the sun gear, we have added the reverse-high installed, the
transmission can
clutch and the input shell to the transmission, as shown in provide input drive
Figure 71. via the front
planetary ring gear
and the sun gear.

Seal rings

clutch pack

Friction plate

Input shell

Input shell lugs

Clutch housing
and intermediate
brake drum

Thrust washer




Spring retainer
and snap ring

Cushion plate
The clutch pack in the reverse-high clutch resembles the pack in the
Steel plates
forward clutch, and it works the same way. The clutch housing
mounts on the stator support, where it engages the input shell lugs . Friction plates

The steel plates are splined inside the reverse-high clutch Snap ring
housing . The friction plates connect to the splined outer hub of Pressure plate
the forward clutch housing. Therefore, the friction plates always turn
with the input shaft.
Snap ring

An oil passage through the stator support supplies pressurized fluid to Splines on sun
the reverse-high clutch. The passage is sealed by seal rings on the
Thrust Washer
stator support hub. A thrust washer between the clutch housing and
stator support flange holds the clutch housing in place. Snap ring

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Input Shell

As Figure 71 shows, the input shell fits over the forward clutch and planetary unit. This
shell is splined to the sun gear . Snap rings on either side of the sun gear , hold it
to the shell. Lugs on the shell engage the reverse-high clutch housing, so the shell
turns the sun gear whenever the clutch is applied.

Input Drive Options

At this point, the gear train is built up enough to provide three ways for power to flow into the
1. When the forward clutch is applied, the front planetary ring gear turns with the input
2. When the reverse-high clutch is applied, the sun gear turns with the input shaft.
3. When both clutches are applied, both the ring gear and the sun gear turn with the input
shaft. This is high gear.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Intermediate Band and Servo

To lock the sun gear to the case for gear reduction, we have added the
intermediate band and servo , as shown in Figure 72.

FIGURE 72. The

intermediate band
and servo hold the
reverse - high clutch
housing, allowing the
transmission to
operate in second
(intermediate) gear.

clutch housing

Forward clutch

Apply strut




The intermediate band fits around the outer “brake drum” surface of the Servo
reverse - high clutch . A servo controls the application of the band.
When hydraulic pressure is applied to the servo piston, it pushes the Piston

piston rod against the apply strut on the band. The band Adjusting nut
tightens around the drum and locks it to the case. The servo piston rod Servo cover
has an adjusting nut that sets the clearance between the band and
Apply pressure
This servo is pressure-released, as well as pressure-applied. To release
Piston rod
the drum, pressure pushes on the opposite side of the piston. The
combination of release pressure and spring force pushes the piston
back in its bore, loosening the band and releasing the drum to rotate Piston seal

with the reverse-high clutch . Seals

At this point, the gear train has enough components to operate in
second (intermediate) gear, as described later in this section.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

FIGURE 73. The rear Rear Planetary Unit

planetary unit and
low - reverse clutch
allow the To provide low and reverse gears, we have added the rear planetary
transmission to
operate in low and unit and a low-reverse clutch , as shown in Figure 73.

Sun gear

Thrust bearing

Low reverse

Rear planet

Rear ring gear



Rear ring gear


Rear planet

Ring gear

Drive flange The planet gears in the rear planet carrier mesh with the sun
Snap ring gear . A thrust bearing between the carrier and the input shell
Low-reverse holds the assembly in place. Lugs on the rear planet carrier engage lugs
clutch housing
on the low-reverse drum . When this drum is held, it holds the rear
Snap ring
planet carrier stationary.
Pressure plate

Friction plates

Steel plates The rear ring gear assembly includes a ring gear splined to a
Cushion plate drive flange . A snap ring holds the ring gear to the flange. The
Inner race bolt flange is splined to the output shaft so that the ring gear can drive or be

One-way clutch
driven by the shaft. Another thrust bearing between the ring gear
inner race flange and rear planet carrier holds the ring gear in place.
Snap ring

Piston return

Support ring


6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Low-Reverse Clutch

The low-reverse clutch holds the rear planet carrier in reverse and first gear 1
range (manual low). Steel plates in the low-reverse clutch pack are splined to the
low-reverse clutch housing hub. The friction plates and pressure plate have lugs
that connect them to the case.

Pressure from hydraulic fluid applies the clutch piston , and a return spring releases
the piston. One side of the spring pushes against a snap ring on the one-way clutch
inner race . The other side of the spring pushes against a support ring on the piston.

Whenever the low-reverse clutch is applied, it holds the low-reverse clutch housing and
rear planet carrier , preventing them from turning in either direction.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

One-Way Clutch

The final component of the gear train assembly is a one-way

(overrunning) clutch, as shown in Figure 74. This clutch allows a
“freewheeling” first gear in D range. This means that when the vehicle is
coasting, the output shaft can turn faster than the input shaft, allowing
the vehicle to pick up speed even when the throttle is not applied. (In
contrast, manual gear 1 range – manual low – uses the engine as a
“brake” on the output shaft when the vehicle is coasting.)
FIGURE 74. The
one-way clutch lets One-way clutch operation
the output shaft Freewheeling
“freewheel” when Locked up
the vehicle is
coasting in first gear
D range (D1).

Inner race

Rollers and

Outer race


Outer race

Snap rings

One-way clutch

Ramps and
rollers The outer race of the one-way clutch splines to the low-reverse
drum , so it can hold the rear planet carrier. Inside the outer race is
Inner race
a one-way clutch assembly . The rollers and ramps in this clutch
permit the outer race and planet carrier to turn clockwise. However,
Thrust bearing if the outer race and planet carrier attempt to turn counter-clockwise, the
clutch locks up. Snap rings hold the outer race and clutch assembly
in the drum.

The inner race , bolted to the case, provides a stationary anchor

when the clutch is holding. The clutch rollers turn freely on the race
when it is overrunning. A thrust bearing is installed in front of the
inner race.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Match each drive train component in the left column with its description in the right column.

1. Input shaft ________ A. Engages the input shell and turns the sun
gear when applied

2. Forward clutch housing ________ B. Fits over the forward clutch and front planet
carrier, and is splined to the sun gear

3. Front planet carrier ________ C. Holds the rear planet carrier when applied

4. Reverse-high clutch ________ D. Is splined to the output shaft, and meshes

with the sun gear

5. Input shell ________ E. Provides low and reverse gears, and

meshes with the sun gear

6. Intermediate band ________ F. Allows freewheeling in first gear D range


7. Rear planet carrier ________ G. Holds the reverse-high clutch housing when

8. Low-reverse clutch ________ H. Connects to the turbine via splines and

transfers rotation from the torque converter
to the gear set

9. One-way clutch ________ I. Mounts on the stator support and provides

input drive to the gear train

Check your answers with the answer key on page 118.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Powerflow (3-Speed Automatic)

The following table summarizes the operation of a compound (Ravenaux) gear train in
various gears. Each of these gears is described in detail in the sections following the table.

Front Planetary Unit Rear Planetary Unit

Gear Holding Members Driven Held Output Driven Held Output

Neutral / Park none
First – 1 Range Forward clutch Ring gear Carrier* Sun gear Sun gear Carrier Ring gear
(manual low) Low-reverse clutch
First – D Forward clutch Ring gear Carrier* Sun gear Sun gear Carrier Ring gear
Range (D1) One-way clutch
Second (D2) Forward clutch Ring gear Sun gear Carrier Effectively in neutral
Intermediate band
High (D3) Forward clutch Sun gear none Carrier Turns as a unit
Reverse-high clutch Ring gear
Reverse Reverse-high clutch Effectively in neutral Sun gear Carrier Ring gear
Low-reverse clutch
*The carrier is actually turning with the output shaft, but at a slower speed than the input shaft.

Answers to
Exercise 10
1. H
2. I
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. G
7. E
8. C
9. F

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Neutral and Park Powerflow

In neutral and park, powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 75. The

numbers in this illustration match the numbered descriptions that follow.

FIGURE 75. In neutral

and park, all three
clutches and the
intermediate band
are released.

The reverse-high clutch, forward clutch, and low-reverse clutch are

all released.

The intermediate band is released.

Engine power flows from the torque converter through the input
shaft to the forward clutch housing. Input power ends at the forward
clutch housing; no power flows to the gear set.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

First Gear – Manual 1 Range Powerflow

The hydraulic members applied in first gear 1 (manual 1) are the

forward clutch and the low-reverse clutch. Both planetary units work in a
“double-reverse” arrangement to provide gear reduction, as shown in
Figure 76.

FIGURE 76. In first

gear, 1 range
(manual low), the
forward clutch and
low - reverse clutch
are applied. The
front and rear
planetary units work
in series to achieve

The forward clutch is applied.

The input shaft drives the front ring gear clockwise (forward

The ring gear drives the front planet gears clockwise.

The front planet gears drive the sun gear counter-clockwise.

With the rear planet carrier held by the low-reverse clutch, the sun
gear drives the rear planet gears clockwise.

The rear planet gears drive the output shaft ring gear clockwise at a
reduced speed.

The output shaft ring gear drives the output shaft clockwise.

The low-reverse clutch prevents the rear planet carrier from turning
in either direction, so the engine “brakes” the vehicle when it is
coasting. Engine braking means that the speed of the output shaft is
not allowed to overrun the speed of the input shaft.

The combination of two planetary units working in series results in a first

gear ratio of approximately 2.5 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

First Gear – D Range Powerflow (D1)

In first gear, D range, the holding members are the forward clutch and
the one - way clutch. Powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 77.
Powerflow in first
gear, D range, is
identical to manual
low, except that the
one-way clutch
freewheels when the
vehicle is coasting.

The forward clutch is applied.

The input shaft drives the front ring gear clockwise (forward

The ring gear drives the front planet gears clockwise.

The front planet gears drive the sun gear counter-clockwise.

With the rear planet carrier held by the one-way clutch, the sun gear
drives the rear planet gears clockwise.

The rear planet gears drive the output shaft ring gear clockwise at a
reduced speed.

The output shaft ring gear drives the output shaft clockwise.

The one-way clutch prevents the rear planet carrier from turning
counterclockwise, so no engine braking occurs when the vehicle is
coasting. The speed of the output shaft is allowed to overrun the
speed of the input shaft.

The first gear, D range, ratio is approximately 2.5 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Second Gear – Intermediate Range Powerflow (D2)

The hydraulic members applied in second gear are the forward clutch
and the intermediate band. In second gear, powerflow proceeds as
shown in Figure 78.

second gear, the
intermediate band
holds the
reverse-high clutch
drum. The sun gear
is held, and the front
planet carrier drives
the output shaft.

The forward clutch is applied.

The intermediate band is applied, holding the reverse-high clutch


The input shaft drives the ring gear clockwise.

The input shell engages the clutch housing, which is held by the
intermediate band. Since the sun gear is splined to the input shell,
it is also held.

The ring gear drives the front planet gears clockwise. Since the
sun gear is stationary, the planet gears walk around the sun gear
in a clockwise direction.

The front planet carrier rotates in a clockwise direction at reduced


Since the planet carrier is splined to the output shaft, the carrier
drives the output shaft clockwise.

The reduction ratio in second gear is about 1.5 to 1, as the planet gears
walk around the stationary sun gear.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Third Gear Powerflow (D3)

The hydraulic members applied in third gear are the forward clutch and
the reverse-high clutch. In third gear, powerflow proceeds as shown in
Figure 79.

FIGURE 79. In third

gear, the ring gear
and sun gear are
locked together and
driven. The front
planet carrier drives
the output shaft at
the same speed as
the input shaft.

The forward clutch locks the forward ring gear to the input shaft.

The reverse-high clutch locks the sun gear to the input shaft via the
input shell.

With two members of the gear set locked together and driven, the
transmission provides direct drive. The forward gear train rotates as
a unit, and the front planet carrier drives the output shaft at the
same speed as the input shaft.

The gear ratio in third gear is 1 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Reverse Gear Powerflow

The hydraulic members applied in reverse gear are the reverse-high

clutch and the low-reverse clutch. Only the rear planetary unit is
involved in reverse gear.
In reverse gear, powerflow proceeds as shown in Figure 80.

reverse gear, the
rear planet carrier is
held, and the planet
gears reverse the
direction of rotation.

The reverse-high clutch is applied.

The input shaft drives the input shell and sun gear. The sun gear
turns clockwise at the speed of the input shaft.

The front planet and ring gears turn freely with the sun gear, but
they are not locked into the input drive. They are effectively in

The low-reverse clutch is applied.

The low-reverse clutch holds the rear planet carrier, so the sun gear
drives the rear planet gears counter-clockwise.

The rear planet gears drive the output shaft ring gear
counter-clockwise at reduced speed.

The output shaft ring gear drives the output shaft counter-clockwise.

Reverse gear has a reduction ratio of about 2.2 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Overdrive (4-Speed Automatic)

All Mazda automatic transmissions built after 1987 have a fourth gear, called overdrive. In
overdrive, the output shaft turns faster than the input shaft. This saves fuel, especially at
high speeds.

To achieve overdrive, 4-speed transmissions have an additional gear set. This set includes
a sun gear, ring gear, planet gears, a connecting shell, a direct/3-4 clutch, and an
overdrive/2-4 brake band.

In gears 1-3 and reverse, the overdrive unit is essentially inactive. The direct/3-4 clutch is
applied, and the connecting shell, sun gear, and ring gear are locked together. This causes
power to flow through the unit unchanged.

At higher speeds, though, the overdrive/2-4 brake band is applied. The connecting shell and
sun gear are held, while the planet gears rotate, transferring power to the internal gear. As a
result, shaft rotation is increased as power flows to the other two planetary gear sets. The
net result is a gear ratio of about .7 to 1.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S


Select the gear that matches each numbered description.

Gear Choices
A. Neutral/Park
B. First, 1 range (manual low)
C. First, D range (D1)
D. Second (D2)
E. High (D3)
F. Reverse

_____ 1. The forward clutch and intermediate band are applied. The front ring gear
drives the front planet carrier.

_____ 2. The forward clutch, low-reverse clutch, reverse-high clutch, and intermediate
band are released.

_____ 3. The front planetary unit is effectively in neutral. The sun gear drives the output
shaft ring gear in the rear planetary unit.

_____ 4. The forward and reverse-high clutches are applied. The sun gear and ring gear
drive the front planet carrier.

_____ 5. The forward clutch and one-way clutch are applied. The front ring gear drives
the sun gear, and the sun gear drives the output shaft ring gear.

_____ 6. The reverse-high and low-reverse clutches are applied.

_____ 7. Engine powerflow stops at the forward clutch housing.

_____ 8. The forward clutch and low-reverse clutch are applied.

_____ 9. The front ring gear drives the front planet carrier. The rear planetary unit is
effectively in neutral.

_____ 10. The rear planetary assembly rotates as a unit.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Fill in the words that complete these sentences correctly.

11. The overdrive gear in a 4-speed automatic transmission causes the output shaft to turn
_____________________ than the input shaft.

12. In gears 1-3 and reverse, the overdrive gear unit in a 4-speed transmission passes
power through the unit ____________________.

Check your answers with the answer key on page 128.

6 – PLANETARY GEAR SETS Automatic Fundamentals
& POWERFLOW TC050-05-02S

Answers to Review
Exercise 11
1. D
2. A
3. F
4. E
5. C
6. F
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. E

Automatic Fundamentals

A transaxle is a transmission for a front-wheel drive vehicle. Most of the principles that
apply to rear-wheel drive transmissions also apply to transaxles. This section describes the
differences that are unique to transaxles.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Identify the components of a transaxle final drive unit and describe their functions.

• Describe the differences between idler gear systems and chain drive (in-line)systems.

• Identify the components of a transaxle differential assembly and describe their


• Describe how the transaxle differential assembly operates with the wheels straight and
with the wheels turned.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review TRANSAXLE THEORY

Exercise 8
1. B In a rear-wheel drive vehicle, power flows from front to rear – from the
2. A engine to the torque converter and input shaft, through the gear train to
3. H the output shaft, and through the rear axle to the rear wheels.
4. E
In front-wheel drive vehicles, however, power must be redirected to the
5. modulators front wheels. To accomplish this, a transaxle has a final
6. harsh shifting drive/differential built inside the transaxle case. Placing the final drive
7. burned friction unit in the case allows for a smaller package, which fits in the limited
space of the engine compartment. In addition, an internal final drive
allows the rotation of the transaxle planetary units to match the rotation
of the wheels.

By definition, transaxles must change the direction of powerflow inside

the unit. In most transaxles, either an idler gear system or a chain drive
alters the direction of powerflow.

Idler Gear System

In an idler gear system, the final drive is parallel to the planetary gear
train. The idler gear system changes the direction of power output as
shown in Figure 81.

If the planetary gear train and final drive were directly connected while
parallel, the final drive would rotate in the opposite direction. To solve
this problem, an idler gear is placed between the planetary gear
train and final drive, allowing the two gears to rotate in the same

Mazda-built transaxles have an output gear attached to the

planetary gear train. Power from the gear train flows through the output
gear, to the idler gear, and then to the final drive ring gear .

The final drive ring gear is the same as the ring gear in a rear-wheel
drive differential.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 81. An idler

gear transfers torque
from the output gear
to the final drive,
keeping the direction
of rotation the same.
Output gear

Idler gear

Side gear

Pinion gear

Pinion shaft

Differential gear
Final drive


Automatic Fundamentals

Chain Drive System

In a chain drive system, the transaxle’s final drive is in line with the
planetary gear train, as shown in Figure 82.

FIGURE 82. A chain

drive system uses a
drive chain and
sprockets to supply
torque to the final
mediate planet

mediate ring

drive sun gear

Low one-way

drive ring gear


Torque A chain drive transfers torque from the planetary gear sets to the final
drive. The chain drive includes a:
housing • Drive sprocket

Final drive and • Driven sprocket

• Silent-type drive chain.
drive planet The reverse/overdrive ring gear is an integral part of the drive sprocket.
assembly The final drive sun gear and parking gear are integral parts of the driven
Note: The chain drive automatic transaxle described here is used only
on the Mazda 626/MX-6 with 2.0L engine and LA4A-EL transmission.

Automatic Fundamentals


A transaxle final drive serves the same purpose as the rear axle
differential assembly in a rear-wheel drive vehicle. That is, the final

• Allows the output rotation of the planetary gear set and the final
drive to remain in the same direction

• Supplies the vehicle’s final gear reduction

• Compensates for differences in axle rotation speeds when the

vehicle is turning

Final Drive Components (Idler Gear)

Final drive components vary with the type of transaxle drive. A typical
idler gear final drive assembly is shown in Figure 83. It includes the final
drive output gear, differential case, side gears, and pinion gears.

FIGURE 83. A typical

idler- gear final drive.

Output gear

Idler gear

Ring gear

Differential case

Automatic Fundamentals

Final Drive Components (Chain Drive)

Figure 84 shows the final drive of a typical in-line chain drive system. It
includes a planetary gear set that transfers and multiplies torque from
the drive chain to the differential.
FIGURE 84. The final
drive in a chain drive

Driven sprocket

Final drive sun


Final drive ring


Final drive
carrier (part of
differential Case

Final drive
pinion gears

The final drive includes a:

• Sun gear (integral with the driven sprocket)

• Carrier (integral with the differential case)

• Ring gear

Automatic Fundamentals

Differential Assembly Components (Idler Gear and Chain Drive)

The components of a front-wheel drive differential assembly, shown in

Figures 85 and 86, are similar to those in a rear-wheel drive differential.

FIGURE 85. The

differential assembly
uses pinion gears
and side gears to
transfer torque to the
drive wheels.

Final drive ring


Side bearing

drive gear

Pinion pin

Pinion shaft

Gear case


Thrust washer

FIGURE 86 Pinion gear

Side gear

Thrust washer

A differential case holds the side gears , the

governor/speedometer drive gear , and the final drive pinion
gears .

Two differential pinion gears (and washers) mount on the pinion

shaft . A pinion pin retains the shaft in the differential case.
Two side gears (with washers) mesh with the differential pinion
gears. The right gear is splined to the right half-shaft assembly, and the
left gear is splined to the left half-shaft assembly.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 87. When the

wheels are driving
straight ahead, the
differential splits the
torque equally
between the two

Automatic Fundamentals

Differential Assembly Operation – Wheels Straight

When the vehicle is driven straight ahead, power flows through the
differential as shown in Figure 87. The numbers in this illustration match
the numbered descriptions that follow.

FIGURE 88. During a

turn, the outer wheel
must travel a greater
distance than the
inner wheel.
Therefore, the outer
wheel must rotate

Rotates slower

Rotates faster

The final drive ring gear turns the differential case.

The pinion shaft and differential pinion gears drive the side gears.
The side gears do not spin when the vehicle is driving straight
ahead, but move as a unit. (The side gears spin only when there is
a speed difference between the left and right drive axles.)

The side gears drive the output shaft and right half-shaft at the
same speed. The output shaft is splined to the left half-shaft. Each
half-shaft drives its own wheel.

Automatic Fundamentals

Both wheels receive the same amount of torque, about half the torque
that is transmitted to the differential case.

FIGURE 89. When the

wheels are turning,
the differential
supplies more torque
to the outside wheel
and less torque to
the inside wheel.

Automatic Fundamentals

Differential Assembly Operation – Wheels Turned

As Figure 88 shows, when a vehicle is turning, the outer wheel must rotate faster than the
inner wheel because the outer wheel has to travel a longer distance in the same amount of

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review
Exercise 12
1. smaller or more
2. idler gear
3. chain drive
4. faster
5. side
6. planetary gear set

Automatic Fundamentals

When one wheel is DRIVER’S SIDE

turning faster than the
other, power flows Line pressure
through the differential as
shown in Figure 89. Component

The final drive ring

gear turns the
differential case.

The pinion shaft and

differential pinion
gears drive the side

The side gear driving the inner wheel rotates slower than the outer
wheel(or not at all).

The differential pinion gears “walk around” the slower moving side
gear,rotating on the pinion shaft.

The pinions drive the side gear on the outer wheel faster than the
inner wheel side gear.

The torque is split proportionally between the two wheels. For example,
the inner wheel may rotate at 80 percent of the speed of the differential
case, while the outer wheel rotates at 120 percent of case speed.

Automatic Fundamentals

The automatic transmission electronic control system reads information supplied by vehicle
sensors and translates the data into output signals. These signals operate solenoids that
control shift timing, shift feel, and torque converter clutch operation. This section identifies
the parts of the electronic control system and describes how they operate.


After completing this section, you will be able to:

• Describe how an electronic control system directs the operation of an automatic


• Describe the difference between a powertrain control module and a transmission

control module.

• Identify the input sensors used in an electronic control system and describe how they

• Describe the three types of solenoids used as system outputs.

• Identify the output solenoids used in an electronic control system and describe how
they operate.


Up to this point, we have described the basic theory and operation of hydraulic automatic
transmissions (HATs). Because of improvements in technology, the governor and vacuum
modulator systems used on HATs have been replaced with electric solenoids, switches,
and sensors. In 1987, Mazda’s first electronically controlled transmission (ECAT) was
introduced on the 626.

The benefits of ECATs are:

• Increased fuel economy and performance

• Improved shift quality

• Reduced noise and vibration

• More driver control

• Self-diagnosis

Let’s begin by looking at the basic components of the ECAT control system.

Automatic Fundamentals


The electronic control system is a computer system that reads input signals from various
sensors located in the vehicle. Based on the information provided by these sensors, the
electronic control system sends output signals that operate various solenoids. (A solenoid is
a type of electric switch that includes a wire coil. When current is applied, the coil is
magnetized. The magnetic field moves a rod- shaped component that opens and closes the
switch.) These solenoids control the hydraulic and mechanical functions that make the
transmission operate. The electronic control system specifically directs shift timing, line
pressure adjustment, and converter clutch operation.

Control Module

The “brain” of the electronic control system is a module that contains electronic circuit
boards, microprocessor chips, and input and output connectors.
This module is called by one of two names, depending on how it functions. If the control
circuits for both the engine and transmission are in the same module, it is called the
powertrain control module (PCM). If the transmission control circuits are housed in a
separate module, it is called the transmission control module (TCM). The control functions
are essentially the same, regardless of how the circuits are packaged. So, for convenience,
we will use the term PCM exclusively.

Using the information it receives from the input sensors, the PCM computes engine load,
vehicle speed, and transmission conditions. The PCM then controls the output solenoids by
selectively grounding or applying voltage to certain electrical circuits.

Automatic Fundamentals

Input and Output Signals

Figure 90 shows typical input and output signals that the PCM
INPUTS OUTPUTS reads input signals
Electronic Pressure
Transmission Range (TR) Control (EPC) from various sensors
Sensor Solenoid on the vehicle,
processes the
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) information, and
Solenoid sends output signals
to activate solenoids.
Throttle Position (TP) Sensor

Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor Shift Solenoid #1


Electronic Ignition (EI) System

Powertrain Shift Solenoid #2
Control Module (SS2

Transaxle Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor

Turbine Shaft Speed (TSS) Sensor

Optional Clutch
3-2 Timing/Coast
Economy/Sport (E/S) Switch Solenoid(3-2T/CCS)
Transmission Control
Indicator Lamp TCIL)
Air Conditioning Clutch (A/C)

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor

Transmission Control Switch (TCS)

Some input signals come from engine-related sensors, such as the

mass air flow sensor, intake air temperature sensor, and engine
coolant temperature sensor. These sensors give the PCM information
about the engine’s current operating state.

Other inputs are based on the driver’s demands. For example, the
throttle position sensor relays information about the position of the
accelerator pedal.
Still other inputs come from the transmission itself. For example,
sensors provide information about output shaft speed, transmission
fluid temperature, and gear range selection.

Automatic Fundamentals

Using all these input signals, the PCM determines when the time and conditions are right
for a shift or a converter clutch application. The PCM also determines the line pressure
needed for the smoothest shift operation (also called shift feel).

To accomplish these functions, the PCM typically controls four electronic solenoids: two for
shifting, one for modulating the converter clutch, and one for controlling line pressure.


There are two basic types of PCM input signals:

1. Inputs related to items outside the transmission, such as the engine coolant and air
conditioning clutch; these inputs include sensors that measure engine and driver

2. Inputs related to the transmission itself, such as output shaft speed and transmission
fluid temperature.

These input signals are described on the following pages. The descriptions assume you are
familiar with terms related to automotive electrical systems.

Non-Transmission Inputs

Figure 91 shows typical non-transmission inputs in an electronic control system.

Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor

The mass air flow (MAF) sensor measures the amount of air entering the engine. In
addition to calculating fuel intake for the engine, the PCM uses this signal to adjust line
pressure, schedule shifts, and control converter clutch application.

Air Conditioning Clutch (ACC) Sensor

The air conditioning clutch (ACC) sensor sends a signal to the PCM when the air
conditioning clutch is on. The PCM uses this information to adjust transmission line
pressure to compensate for the change in torque supplied to the transmission. When the air
conditioning compressor is operating, the transmission receives reduced engine torque.

Automatic Fundamentals

sensors relay
information to the
PCM about engine
and driver demands .

Mass air flow

(MAF) sensor

Air conditioning
clutch (ACC)

Intake air
(IAT) sensor on
air cleaner

Brake on/off
(BOO) switch
Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
Engine coolant
The intake air temperature (IAT) sensor sends information about the temperature
(ECT) sensor
temperature of the air entering the engine. The PCM uses this data to
control ignition timing and line pressure. IAT sensor data may be Throttle position
substituted if the engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor or (TP) sensor
transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor fails. Brake On/Off (BOO)

The brake on/off switch (BOO) is mounted on the brake pedal bracket.
When the driver presses the brake pedal, the BOO switch closes and
sends a signal to the PCM. The PCM uses this information to control
the converter clutch.

Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor

The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a thermistor that

measures engine coolant temperature and transmits a voltage signal to
the PCM. The PCM uses this information to determine whether or not
the engine is warm enough for the converter clutch to be applied. If the
temperature is too cold, the PCM will prevent the converter clutch from
being applied.

Throttle Position (TP) Sensor

The throttle position (TP) sensor is a potentiometer mounted on the

engine throttle body. This sensor uses a variable resistor to detect the
throttle valve opening angle (accelerator pedal position). The TP sensor
sends this information to the PCM as a varying voltage signal.

Automatic Fundamentals


Fill in the words that complete these sentences correctly.

1. The electronic control system for the automatic transmission directly controls
____________________________ , ____________________________ , and
____________________________ .

2. If the electronic control circuits for the engine and transmission are packaged in the
same module, the module is called the

3. Using the input signals it receives, the PCM outputs signals to

____________________________ .

Match the abbreviation for each input sensor to its description below.

4. TP _____ A. Measures the temperature of the engine coolant

5. ECT _____ B. Indicates whether or not the air conditioner clutch is on

6. BOO _____ C. Measures the amount of air entering the engine

7. MAF _____ D. Measures the throttle valve opening angle

8. ACC _____ E. Indicates whether or not the brakes are applied

Check your answers with the answer key on page 148.

Automatic Fundamentals


Figure 92 shows the transmission-related inputs in the electronic

control system.
related inputs
Engine/driver provide information
inputs about shift selector
PCM position, output
shaft speed, vehicle
speed, and
transmission fluid

range (TR)

Output shaft
speed (OSS)

Vehicle speed
sensor (VSS)

Transmission Range (TR) Sensor (TFT) sensor

The transmission range (TR) sensor, shown in Figure 93, is located on

the transmission case and is attached to the manual lever shaft. This
sensor includes a series of step-down resistors that act as a voltage
divider. The PCM constantly monitors voltage readings in the TR
sensor to determine the position of the manual lever (for example, P, R,
N, D, or 1).

Automatic Fundamentals


sensor tells the PCM
which gear shift
range is selected.


Manual lever

Adjustment bolt

Output Shaft Speed (OSS) Sensor

The output shaft speed (OSS) sensor, shown in Figure 94, is a

magnetic pickup. It sends a voltage signal to the PCM that is
proportional to the rotation speed of the output shaft ring gear. The PCM
uses this information to schedule shifts, adjust line pressure, and control
the converter clutch.


sensor tells the PCM
how fast the output
shaft is rotating.

Answers to Review
Exercise 13
1. shift scheduling,
converter clutch
operation, line
2. powertrain
control module
3. solenoids
4. D
5. A
6. E
7. C
8. B

Automatic Fundamentals

Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)

The vehicle speed sensor (VSS), shown in Figure 95, is a magnetic

pickup mounted near the rear of the transmission. Driven by a small
gear, the VSS sends a voltage signal to the PCM that is proportional to
the rotation speed of the output shaft. The PCM uses this signal as
auxiliary input for modifying upshift scheduling only. (The OSS sensor
provides the primary vehicle speed information to the PCM.)
provides additional
information about
vehicle speed that is
used to schedule

Automatic Fundamentals

Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) Sensor

The transmission fluid temperature (TFT) sensor, shown in Figure 96, is

a temperature-sensitive thermistor located on the transmission control
valve body and submersed in fluid. Its resistance value varies with the
temperature of the transmission fluid. The PCM measure the voltage
across the TFT to determine fluid temperature.
sensor measures the
temperature of the
transmission fluid.



Connector pins

The PCM uses the TFT signal to determine whether or not a “cold-start”
shift schedule is required. When the transmission fluid is cold, the PCM
modifies normal shift scheduling and prevents the converter clutch from

Automatic Fundamentals


Match the abbreviation for each input sensor to its description below.

1. TFT _____ A. Measures the temperature of the transmission fluid

2. OSS _____ B. Monitors the position of the shift selector lever

3. TR _____ C. Transmits output shaft speed information used only to modify

upshift scheduling (auxiliary input)

4. VSS _____ D. Transmits output shaft speed information used to schedule shifts,
adjust line pressure, and control the converter clutch

Check your answers with the answer key on page 152.

Automatic Fundamentals


Exercise 14
1. A Using input from the various sensors on the vehicle, the PCM outputs
2. D signals to solenoids that control transmission operation.
3. B
4. C Solenoid Types

Three different types of solenoids are used as output devices:

1. Pulse-width modulated solenoid – controls the converter clutch

2. On/Off solenoids – turn flow on or off to the shift valves

3. Variable force solenoid – adjusts shift feel by controlling line


Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) Solenoid

A pulse-width modulated (PWM) solenoid, shown in Figure 97, controls

the application and release of the torque converter clutch. When
applied, this clutch locks the turbine and converter cover together,
forming a mechanical link between the engine and the input shaft.

modulated (PWM)
solenoid controls the
operation of the
torque converter

The PCM signals this solenoid to allow an appropriate amount of fluid

into the converter clutch control valve. The amount of pressurized fluid
controls the movement of the clutch piston. This solenoid is also called
the torque converter clutch control (TCC) solenoid.

Automatic Fundamentals

On/Off Solenoids

Two or three simple on/off solenoids mounted in a single housing

control fluid flow to the shift valves, as shown in Figure 98. The
solenoids may be called shift solenoid 1 (SS1) and shift solenoid 2
(SS2), or shift solenoids A, B, and C. These solenoids do not regulate
the amount of fluid in the passages; they simply turn the flow on or off.

FIGURE 98. Shift

solenoids turn fluid
flow to the shift
valves on or off.

Shift solenoid #1

Shift solenoid #2

Variable Force Solenoid (VFS)

A variable force solenoid (VFS), shown in Figure 99, controls shift feel
by adjusting line pressure to match engine and transmission conditions,
as well as driver demands. By adjusting line pressure to match
conditions, the electronic control system provides smoother shifts. The
VFS that controls line pressure is called the electronic pressure control
(EPC) solenoid.
variable force
solenoid controls line
pressure for
smoother shifts.

Automatic Fundamentals

FIGURE 100. The Solenoid Operations

torque converter
clutch control (TCC)
solenoid can supply
full pressure, no Torque Converter Clutch Control (TCC) Solenoid
pressure, or varying
amounts of pressure. The torque converter clutch control (TCC) solenoid supplies the clutch
with full pressure, no pressure, or varying amounts of pressure. As
Electrical Figure 100 shows, when the ball valve is closed, no pressurized fluid
flows to the clutch control valve, and the clutch is released. When the
Coil ball valve is fully open, full pressure flows to the clutch, and it applies.


Armature push

Ball valve

Fluid flow

Variable fluid
output to
converter clutch

The TCC solenoid can also supply partial flow to the clutch for slip lock.
During slip lockup, the PCM rapidly turns the solenoid on and off for
varying lengths of time. The ball valve opens and closes, sending fluid
in brief pulses to the clutch control valve. In this way, the TCC solenoid
modulates pressure to the clutch, which enhances transmission
smoothness and fuel economy.

Automatic Fundamentals

Electronic Shift Control Solenoids

The PCM controls automatic shift points by sending signals to the on/off
shift control solenoids, as shown in Figure 101.
FIGURE 101. The
Solenoid off shift control
solenoids work in
combination to
direct fluid to the 1-2,
2-3, and 3-4 shift



Exhaust to

Solenoid on Ball valve open

Fluid from
regulator valve

Reduced fluid
pressure to shift

Ball valve

Full fluid
pressure to shift
The solenoids can be turned on or off in different combinations. These
combinations determine which shift valves operate. For example, on
the LA4A-EL transmission, SS1 is on and SS2 is off in manual first gear.
In second gear, only SS2 is on.

The shift control solenoids are normally off unless electrically activated
by the PCM. When the solenoid is off, the ball valve opens and fluid
flows back to the sump. When the solenoid is on, the ball valve closes,
and fluid flows to the shift valves. Unlike the TCC solenoid, the
electronic shift control solenoids have only two states, open or closed.
They cannot provide partial flow.

Automatic Fundamentals

Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) Solenoid

The electronic pressure control (EPC) solenoid is a variable-force

solenoid containing a spool valve, as shown in Figure 102. To control
line pressure, the PCM sends a varying amount of current to the EPC
solenoid. When no current is supplied, the spool valve in the EPC opens
all the way, and maximum line pressure flows out of the valve. As the
PCM increases current to the EPC solenoid, the spool valve closes
proportionally, reducing line pressure.

FIGURE 102. The

pressure control
(EPC) solenoid
uses a spool
valve to control
line pressure for
smooth shift


Exhaust to sump

controlled line


Line pressure
from pump/
regulator valve

Spool valve



Automatic Fundamentals


Match the abbreviation for each output solenoid to its description below.

1. EPC _____ A. Controls oil flow to a shift valve

2. TCC _____ B. Adjusts line pressure

3. SS1 _____ C. Applies the torque converter clutch

Answer the following questions.

4. Which output solenoids have only two states, on and off?


5. What are two advantages of converter clutch slip lockup operation?

1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________

6. When the PCM supplies maximum current to the EPC solenoid, is line pressure high
or low? ________________________________________________________

7. What is the advantage of controlling line pressure electronically?


Check your answers with the answer key on page 158.

Automatic Fundamentals

Answers to Review
Exercise 15
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. electronic shift
control solenoids
(SS1 and SS2)
5. enhances
smoothness and
fuel economy
6. low

7. enhances smooth
shifting (shift feel)

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

accumulator valve – “cushions” the centrifugal clutch – a type of torque

amount of hydraulic pressure applied to converter clutch used in Mazda
components. transmissions prior to 1987. Centrifugal
force causes the centrifugal clutch shoes to
aerated transmission fluid – fluid mixed move outward, contacting the inside of the
with air; aerated fluid tends to compress, converter cover.
and it does not lubricate or cool the
transmission properly. chain-drive system – transfers torque from
the planetary gear set to the final drive using
air conditioning clutch (ACC) sensor – a chain.
sends a signal when the air conditioning
clutch is on. This signal is used to adjust clutch (multiple-disc) – an assembly made
transmission line pressure to compensate of several circular plates, a piston, and
for the change in torque supplied to the return springs, used to connect two rotating
transmission. components. When the clutch is
hydraulically applied, the piston presses the
atmospheric pressure – force exerted by plates together, causing them to turn.
the weight of the air in the atmosphere. At
sea level, atmospheric pressure is about cushion plate – the first disc (next to the
14.7 pounds per square inch (psi). piston) in a clutch pack. The cushion plate
protects the clutch pack from the force of the
automatic transmission fluid (ATF) – piston; also known as a wave plate.
type of oil used to operate the hydraulic
system and lubricate and cool the differential – in a rear-wheel drive vehicle,
components in an automatic transmission. the component that transfers powerflow from
the gear set to the rear axle. The differential
balanced valve – automatically balances also compensates for differences in axle
hydraulic pressure against spring tension to rotation speeds when the vehicle is turning.
maintain a constant pressure.
direct drive – gear arrangement in which
band – a metal strap lined with friction the transmission input and output shafts turn
material that clamps around a drum or at the same speed.
clutch housing to prevent a transmission
component from turning. electronic control system – transmission
system that reads information supplied by
boost pressure – additional force applied vehicle sensors and translates the data into
to a band servo so it can hold a drum tightly output signals. These signals operate
against stronger torque generated by lower solenoids that control shift timing, shift feel,
gears. and torque converter clutch operation.

brake on/off (BOO) switch – indicates electronic pressure control (EPC)

when the brake pedal is pressed. This solenoid – controls line pressure to match
information is used to control the torque engine and transmission conditions to driver
converter clutch. demand.

bushing – a hollow, cylindrical bearing

surface for a rotating shaft.

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

electronically controlled automatic governor circuit – oil circuit that reads line
transmission (ECAT) – transmission that pressure, determines road speed, and
uses electric solenoids, switches, sensors, outputs a modified pressure signal to the
and an electronic control module to control shift-control valves. Governor circuit
shift timing, shift feel, and torque converter pressure determines shift timing.
clutch operation. hydraulic automatic transmission (HAT) –
a type of transmission (usually found in older
engine braking – an arrangement in which vehicles) that uses hydraulic pressure
the speed of the output shaft is not allowed signals exclusively to control shifting. Newer
transmissions use electronic control signals.
to overrun the speed of the input shaft.
hydraulically applied torque converter
engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor clutch (TCC) – a type of torque converter
– a thermistor that measures engine coolant clutch used in Mazda transmissions from
temperature. 1987 to the present. The hydraulically
applied torque converter clutch, or TCC,
exhaust port – an opening in a valve bore uses a hydraulically applied piston controlled
that allows pressurized fluid to drain from the by a clutch converter solenoid. This solenoid
bore. responds to signals from the transmission
control module.
fluid coupling – a link between the
idler gear system – changes the direction of
crankshaft and transmission input shaft that
rotation from the gear set to the driving
is accomplished by rapidly spinning wheels.
transmission fluid between the torque
converter impeller and turbine. impeller – torque converter component that
is mechanically connected to the crankshaft
gear ratio – the relationship of input shaft and rotates at engine speed. The impeller
rotation to output shaft rotation. For example, has blades that catch and spin transmission
a gear ratio of 2.5:1 means that the input fluid that drives the turbine.
shaft rotates 2.5 times for each rotation of
incompressibility – the tendency of a fluid
the output shaft. to maintain its volume when it is squeezed,
or compressed.
gear train – the input shaft, planetary gear
set, and output shaft of an automatic inlet port – oil pump opening that is
transmission. The gear train provides connected to the transmission oil filter
reduction gear ratios, as well as direct drive, submerged in the oil pan. Also an opening in
overdrive (if equipped), and reverse. a valve bore that allows pressurized fluid to
gear-type pump – type of oil pump that
uses a large gear with internal teeth - called
the driven gear - mounted over a drive gear
on a hub. As the gears turn,the gap between
the gear teeth creates a vacuum, which
draws fluid through the pump.

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

input shaft – component attached to the manual valve – a control valve connected
torque converter turbine that transfers through a mechanical linkage to the shift
rotation via a clutch to the transmission gear selector in the vehicle’s passenger
train. compartment. The manual valve moves in or
out of its bore depending on the position of
input signals – electronic signals sent by the shift selector (for example,
sensors in the vehicle to the transmission “P,” “R,” or “D”).
control module (TCM) or powertrain control
module (PCM). mass air flow (MAF) sensor – measures
the amount of air entering the engine.
intake air temperature (IAT) sensor – Signals from this sensor are used to adjust
sends information about the temperature of line pressure, schedule shifts, and control
the air entering the engine. This data is used converter clutch application
to control ignition timing and line pressure.
modulator valve – controls, or modulates,
intermediate band – holds a drum to permit line pressure by restricting flow (and
second-gear powerflow. pressure) through outlet ports. Modulator
valves “fine-tune” fluid flow to various circuits
line pressure – fluid flow that is controlled so apply pressure matches the amount of
by the pressure regulator valve and routed to torque directed through the transmission.
various components in the hydraulic control
system. neutral – gear arrangement in which no
powerflow is passed through the
line pressure test – a diagnostic procedure transmission.
in which pressure gauges are connected to
various ports on the outside of the on/off solenoids – two or three solenoids
transmission case. Pressure readings taken that turn on or off to control fluid flow to the
on the various oil circuits can help pinpoint shift valves. These solenoids do not regulate
transmission problems. the amount of fluid in the passages; they
simply turn the flow on or off. Also called shift
load – the amount of force the engine must solenoids or electronic shift control
overcome to generate power. solenoids.

lock-up – a direct mechanical link between one-way clutch – an overrunning clutch that
the torque converter and the engine that locks up in one direction of rotation and
occurs via a converter clutch. At lock-up, the freewheels in the other direction.
impeller and turbine rotate at the same
speed, eliminating slippage. Lock-up typically outlet port – oil pump opening that leads
occurs at higher operating speeds. from the pump to the valve body.

output shaft – transfers torque from the

transmission gear train to the vehicle’s drive

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

output shaft speed (OSS) sensor – a powertrain control module (PCM) –

magnetic pickup that measures the rotation an assembly containing electronic circuit
speed of the output shaft ring gear. This boards, microprocessor chips, and input and
information is used to schedule shifts, adjust output connectors. The PCM reads signals
line pressure, and control the converter from various sensors and outputs control
clutch. signals to solenoids that control engine and
transmission operation.
output signals – electronic signals sent by
the transmission control module or pressure regulator valve – opens and
powertrain control module to various closes to constantly maintain transmission
solenoids that control transmission operation. fluid pressure at a safe level.

overdrive – gear arrangement in which the pulse-width modulated (PWM) solenoid –

transmission input shaft turns slower than the controls the application and release of the
output shaft. All Mazda automatic torque converter clutch by allowing an
transmissions built after 1987 have appropriate amount of fluid into the converter
overdrive. clutch control valve. Also called the torque
converter clutch control (TCC) solenoid.
park – gear arrangement that locks the
output shaft, driveshaft, and rear wheels reduction – operation of the lower gear
when the gear shifter is in Park position. ratios, where the output shaft turns slower
than the input shaft.
planetary gear set – a gear assembly that
includes a sun gear, a ring gear, a set of reverse – gear arrangement in which the
planet gears, and a planet carrier. By holding planetary gear set reverses the direction of
or driving various members of the planetary rotation, allowing the vehicle to back up.
gear set, the transmission produces low gear,
high gear, and reverse. rotary-type oil pump – type of oil pump that
uses an inner and outer rotor to squeeze
positive displacement pump – a type of oil fluid through the pump housing to the outlet
pump that pumps out all the fluid that enters port.
it; fluid is not allowed to circulate within the
pump. A positive displacement pump will schematic – a type of map that shows the
continue to pump out fluid even if the fluid path and valves for performing a specific
pressure on the outlet side is extremely high. hydraulic function.

powerflow – the transfer of rotational force, servo – a hydraulically applied piston that
or torque, from the engine crankshaft through operates a band to hold and release a
the transmission and output shaft to the transmission component.
vehicle’s drive wheels.
shear – slipping of the turbine or impeller
blades through the fluid in the torque

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

shift “hunting” – a condition in which the sump – the oil pan attached to the bottom of
transmission constantly shifts up and down, a transmission case holding transmission
trying to find the right gear. fluid for recirculation.

shift “shock” – an abrupt, often harsh, gear throttle cam – transfers the motion of the
shift or engagement in an automatic accelerator pedal to the throttle valve.
throttle position (TP) sensor – sensor that
shift timing – the point when an automatic detects the accelerator pedal position. This
transmission shifts gears to match engine information is used to schedule shift timing
load, road speed, and driver demand. and adjust line pressure.

shift-control valves – valves that direct the throttle valve circuit – oil circuit that reads
fluid flow that shifts gears, for example, from line pressure, determines engine load, and
first to second gear, or from third to second outputs a modified pressure signal to the
gear. shift-control valves. Throttle valve circuit
pressure controls shift timing and line
splines – lengthwise grooves machined into pressure. The throttle valve circuit
a rotating shaft that allow the shaft to be determines engine load either through a
connected to another component. vacuum modulator or a mechanical linkage
to the accelerator pedal.
spool valve – has two or more lands, or
sealing areas, giving the valve a spool torque – rotational force, usually measured
shape. The area between the lands allows in foot-pounds.
fluid to flow through the valve bore.
torque converter – links the engine
SS – shift solenoids, often designated by crankshaft and the transmission input shaft.
number (e.g., SS1, SS2, and so on). At low speeds, the torque converter
multiplies engine torque when operating as a
stall speed – the maximum speed the fluid coupling. When equipped with a torque
engine reaches when the torque converter converter clutch, the converter also provides
turbine is held and the throttle is wide open. direct mechanical drive under certain
Each vehicle has a specified stall speed, operating conditions.
which can be checked via a stall test.
torque converter clutch (TCC) solenoid –
stall test – a diagnostic procedure A pulse-width modulated (PWM) solenoid
performed by pressing the throttle wide open that supplies the torque converter clutch with
while simultaneously pressing the brake full pressure, no pressure, or varying
pedal. amounts of pressure, based on signals from
the PCM or TCM.
stator – torque converter component
positioned between the impeller and turbine torque multiplication – an increase in
to change the direction of fluid flow as it torque that occurs under certain conditions
moves from the center of the turbine to the when the fluid in the torque converter passes
center of the impeller. from the turbine through the stator to the
impeller (vortex flow).

Automatic Fundamentals
9 – GLOSSARY TC050-05-02S

transaxle – system in a front-wheel-drive variable displacement pump – a type of oil

vehicle that modifies the engine’s rotational pump that supplies a fixed quantity of oil
force, or torque, and transfers it to the output once the engine reaches a specific
vehicle’s front axle. speed. Vane-type pumps are usually
variable displacement pumps.
transmission control module (TCM) – an
assembly containing electronic circuit boards, variable force solenoid (VFS) – controls
microprocessor chips, and input and output shift feel by adjusting line pressure to match
connectors. The TCM reads signals from engine and transmission conditions, as well
various sensors and outputs control signals as driver demands.
to solenoids that control transmission
operation. vehicle speed sensor (VSS) – a magnetic
pickup that detects the rotation speed of the
transmission fluid temperature (TFT) output shaft. This signal is used as auxiliary
sensor – a thermistor that measures the input for modifying upshift scheduling only.
temperature of the automatic transmission
fluid. This information is used to determine if vortex flow – the flow of rotating fluid
a “cold-start” shift schedule is required. between the impeller and turbine in the
torque converter. Vortex flow exists only
when there is a difference in rotational speed
transmission range (TR) sensor – sensor between the impeller and turbine.
that detects the position of the manual lever
(e.g., P, R, N, D, or 1). This information
determines the available gear ranges.

turbine – torque converter component

attached to the transmission input shaft. The
turbine has blades that catch the spinning
fluid from the impeller, which causes the
turbine to rotate. The turbine passes the fluid
back through the stator to the impeller.

vacuum modulator – determines engine

load by using a diaphragm to measure
engine vacuum in the intake manifold. The
vacuum modulator sends a pressure signal
to the shift-control valves through the throttle
valve circuit.

valve body – a master flow control device

consisting of various valves, bores, springs,
and oil passages (“worm tracks”).The valve
body directs fluid to specific oil circuits to
perform hydraulic functions.

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