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Prepared for the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015


Prospects and Retrospect

Benigno C. Balgos
Loreine B. dela Cruz
Ven Paolo Valenzuela

Center for Disaster Preparedness Foundation, Inc.

21 February 2014
Table of Contents
Metro Manila: Risk, vulnerability, and exposure………………………………………………………………4

Risk Analysis Project for flood hazards………………………………………………………………..5

Risk Analysis Project for wind damages. ………………………………………………………….…5

Risk Analysis Results for Earthquake ………………………………………………………………….8

Enabling Environment: DRR and CCA policies in the Philippines ………………………………………9

Reducing Vulnerability and Exposure of Metro Manila ……………………………………………………10

From macro to micro: downscaling plans to component cities ……………………………..11

Bringing plans and policies to the commnunity level …………………………………………..15

Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16

In the bibliography …………………………………………………………………………………………………18

Image 1 : Severe Wind Risk Map……………………………………………………………………………….…6

Image 2 : Map of Peak Depth of Typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy) …………………………………………..7
Image 3 : Flood Map of Annual Exceedence Probability of 1/2000 …………………………………..8
Table 1 : Summary of Results of RAP for GMMA………………………………………………………......9
Image 4 : Evolution from the Old and New Disaster Management Paradigm …………………….9
Image 5 : MMDRRMC Interim Organisational Structure …………………………………………………11
Image 6 : Task Force Rainbow Organisational Structure ……………………………………………… 12
Image 7: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan of Pasig City …………………..13
Image 8: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan of Marikina City……………….14
Image 9 : CBDRRM Trainings in Communities ……………………………………………………………..16


The 2010 census of the National Statistics Office of the Philippines puts the population of Metro
Manila, the National Capital Region of the country, at 11,855,975 people (National Statistics Office,
2012). The census only indicates people who are living within Metro Manila. If the migrant worker
population from neighboring areas is put into account, the capital of the Philippines may be at
20,700,00 at its peak and well into the definition of a megacity (European Association of National
Metrology Institutes 2013) or hypercity (Davis 2006). This means that a minimum of close to 12
million people and a maximum of nearly 21 million people are at risk, given that the Philippines is the
third most vulnerable country to natural hazards (International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies 2012).

Learning from the onslaught of Typhoon Ketsana (local name: “Ondoy”) that flooded and crippled the
metropolis in 2009 and with the increasing severity of hazards exacerbated by changing climatic
patterns particularly in Metro Manila, disaster planning and preparedness are indispensable to be able
to strategically plan and carry-out initiatives aimed toward reducing the disaster risks. As a to
commitment to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), the Philippines ratified the Republic Act 10121
in 2010 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, which replaced the decades-
old highly reactive framework to disaster risk management. Corollary to the enactment of the said
law, it became imperative that disaster risk reduction plans and its corresponding contingency plans
have been formulated at the national, provincial, and community level. Also, the Republic Act 9729
better known as the Philippine Climate Change Act of 2009 was passed in 2009. Subsequently,
Republic Act 10174 was signed in 2011 as an amendment to the Climate Change Act of 2009 and
established the People’s Survival Fund, which aims to provide long term financing to enable the
government to address climate change. The city and community disaster prepapredness plans and its
correspoding contingency plans pursuat to these laws are expected to be products of risks
assessments, which are sound basis for disaster risk reduction and management planning in the
country. However, the long-term effects of the policies are yet to be assessed. Moreover, cutting
Metro Manila lays the Valley Fault System – a geological hazard that may cause a major earthquake
known as “The Big One” resulting to the loss of thousands of lives. This geological hazard needs to be
integrated in the planning and preparedness initiatives as well.

This paper intends to answer the following questions, namely: (1) are disaster risk reduction plans in
placed in the cities of Metro Manila and at the community level? Are these plans reflecting the local
level contexts? Do these plans embody the national framework for risk reduction?; (2) Are
corresponding contingency plans in place? To what extent are these contingency plans hazard and
context specific?; (3) Are simulation drills at different levels and communities regularly carried out? To
what extent is the community participation in this undertaking?; and, (4) what are the challenges in
disaster preparedness planning in the Philippines? What are concrete policy recommendations to
address these concerns?

The study is a qualitative study in nature. As an assessment study, there are three (3) primary
methods utilised in the conduct of the impact study, namely: key informant interviews, focus group
discussions, and review of secondary data. The key informant interview is a key method as it provided
avenue for more in-depth information gathering and reflects the experience of the
informants/respondents. Local government officials as well as community members have been
interviewed for the purpose of the research. In the same way, the focus group discussions served as a
good venue to identify the gaps and challenges in competencies, which is an important area of the
study. Local government officials, civil society organisations as well community members have been

invited for this purpose. Finally, the review of relevant documents have been carried out to review the
exiting contingency plans of various government agencies.

Metro Manila: Risk, vulnerability, and exposure

Urban areas such as Metro Manila have an increased vulnerability to disasters due to the number of
people that are exposed to hazards. The flooding of Metro Manila in 2009 due to Typhoon Ketsana
has caused alarm. The Philippine capital has seen its worst flooding in over four decades, killing
hundreds and displacing thousands (Tharoor 2009). A similar flooding event due to the annual
monsoon season occurred in 2012. A year after, the metropolis was again flooded due to the
monsoon. Comparing the numbers of total affected, including those outside of the capital, between
the 3 flooding events, the 2009 Typhoon Ketsana affected 4,901,763 persons, the 2012 Southwest
Monsoon (habagat) affected 4,236,151 persons affected, and the 2013 Monsoon affected 3,096,392
persons. The total amount of damage of the 3 events is equal to Php 14.69 Billion (,
2013). The staggering numbers simply indicate that Metro Manila, one of the most populated areas in
the world, has become a prime example on why urbanization can lead to higher vulnerability to

The increase of human settlements in an already vulnerable area due to rapid urbanization results in
higher disaster risk rather than the increased frequency of hazards experienced. Rapid uncontrolled
urbanization and increasing insecure economic conditions worsens the effects of disasters in
developing countries such as the Philippines (El-Masri and Tripple 2002). There is a link between
urbanization, poverty, and vulnerability. Opportunities in urban areas are generally perceived as
higher. The population of the world’s poor moving to urban areas has been increasing yearly and that
migration from rural areas to urban areas has significantly altered the demographic landscape. Dense
concentrations of people lead to potential hazards due to overcrowded living conditions (Bankoff
2003). Metro Manila has a population density has a population density of 19,137 persons per square
kilometer (National Statistics Office 2014).

Overcrowding drives poor people to live in the cheapest way possible such as dwelling on unsafe
housing. Rapid uncontrolled urbanization has also lead to strained environmental conditions and
negative health impacts. Increased population density also cause ecological deterioration due to the
pressure of survival. Survival in a highly dense urban area also leads ironic situation wherein poverty
is perpetuated due to diminishing returns to those who cannot take advantage of the economic
opportunities. This cycle of misery and poverty helps convey the notion that the urban poor remain
poor. (El-Masri & Tripple 2002).

It has been increasingly obvious that poor countries are experiencing higher vulnerability to disasters.
There is now a growing recognition that mortality is put at risk by factors external to a natural hazard
such as urbanization and increasing population density that lead to increased damages at times of
disasters. However, it is important to note that these factors are context specific. Improved economic
conditions and or effective prevention and mitigation measures play an important role in reducing the
effects of disasters (Mitchell et al., 2013). It is in this context that disaster risk reduction has become
a pivotal strategy to reduce effects of disasters in poorer countries with highly populated areas such
as Metro Manila. The World Disaster Report in 2012 has argued that disaster risk reduction a basic
precondition towards sustainable development (International Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies 2012).

The aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana in 2009 triggered a response from various government agencies
and international donors to conduct studies that would assess the risks present in Metro Manila.

The Risk Analysis Project (RAP) of Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA) was initiated in 2010 among the
Collective Strengthening of Community Awareness of Natural Disasters (CSCAND) agencies composed
of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), Philippine Atmospheric
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), Mines and Geosciences Bureau
(MGB), National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA), and the Office of Civil
Defense (OCD). This three-year collaborative project was in partnership with Geoscience Australia,
and the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). The RAP is part AusAID’s Building
Resilience and Awareness of Metro Manila Communities to Natural Disasters and Climate Change
Impacts (BRACE) Project. The main objective of the RAP is to have an assessment of flood, cyclone,
and earthquake hazards in in the Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA) through the development of
fundamental datasets and information on hazard, exposure and vulnerability (Solidum Jr. 2013).

Risk Analysis Project for Flood Hazards

Flood has been one of the major concerns in Metro Manila. The 2009 Typhoon Ketsana event was
about one in a hundred years event. The RAP for flooding simulated scenarios from 1/5 Annual
Exceedance Probability (AEP) to 1/200 AEP. Pasig-Marikina River Basin was the focus for the flood
hazard mapping.

Mr. Roy Badilla in a presentation during a workshop on Upscaling Community-Based Disaster Risk
Reduction & Management for LDRRMOs in the Urban Context discussed different scenarios on flooding
through the results of the RAP. Figure 1 represents the peak flood depth of Typhoon Ketsana
(Ondoy). Heavy flooding was experience during this time along the east of the National Capital
Region, particularly in the Pasig-Marikina River Basin and its exit point along Laguna Bay.

Figure 2 shows areas that will experience heavy flooding if a 1/200 year flood event occurs. This large
flood event shows intense damage around the areas of the Marikina River near Tumana, those along
the Mangahan Floodway, the banks of San Juan River, and other various locations near the lakeshore
and Taguig-Pateros areas. In comparison to Figure 1 which shows the flooding during typhoon
ketsana, the damages to be dealt with is around 40% greater and the population whose houses are
inundated is 20% more (Badilla, 2014). This 1/200 year event serves as a scenario backed with
scientific data to present the worst case to Metro Manila in terms of flooding.

Risk Analysis Project Results for Wind Damage

Typhoons also bring in strong wind along with flooding. While wind has generally been ignored,
several instances recently foresaw the problem of having strong winds. During strong typhoons,
billboards along the EDSA Ave presented what damages can wind do. Falling billboards presented a
hazard that may cause fatalities.

According to a presentation by Dr. Hilario
during a workshop on Upscaling
Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction
& Management for LDRRMOs in the Urban
Context, there are a high proportion of
buildings susceptible to wind damage in
the GMMA. Dense areas with a high
concentration of buildings with light frame
types such as those made of wood
commonly seen in informal settlements
are high risk. Examples of these areas are
in Payatas, Quezon City, San Antonio,
Pasig City, and Barangka Ilaya,
Mandaluyong. There is also a high
proportion of older structures in GMMA
that are at severe risk to wind damage.
Buildings built before 1972 when the first
building code was enacted are very
vulnerable to wind hazards. (Hilario et al.,

In the case of a major wind disaster, the

RAP results estimate that the damaged
floor area for GMMA is about 582 hectares. Image 1. Severe Wind Risk Map (Hilario et al., 2014)

The expected cost of damage is about PhP 67.88 Billion. (Hilario et al., 2014). The RAP results for
wind risk seen in Figure 3 shows that densely packed areas in Metro Manila are increasingly
susceptible to Wind Damage. It is also in these areas that the informal settler communities are

While flooding has been analyzed and planned for extensively, another major cause for concern is
earthquake. The damages brought to by the 7.2 magnitude 2013 Bohol Earthquake have caused
alarm in Metro Manila with regards to planning and preparedness. The RAP has given data on the
extent of damages that may occur.

Image 2. Map of Peak Flood Depth of Typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy) (Badilla, 2014)

Image 3. Flood Map of an Annual Exceedance Probability of 1/200 (Badilla, 2014)

Risk Analysis Project Results for Earthquake

Earthquakes have affected the GMMA in the past. In 2 August 1968, a Magnitude 7.3 earthquake in
Casiguran, Aurora has dealt significant damage to GMMA that resulted in 268 Casualties. Metro Manila
is now waiting for “The Big One” – an earthquake produced by the West Valley Fault System. The
fault has a 400-year interval and has last moved in 1658, making it ripe for movement (Solidum Jr.,
2013). It is expected to deal huge damages to life and property in the Greater Metro Manila Area.
Table 1 shows a summary of the results of the RAP.

Magnitude 7.2 Magnitude 6.5
Earthquake Earthquake
Total Floor Area in Collapsed Damage (sqm) 11,053,000 8,169,000
Total Floor Area in Complete Damage (sqm) 89,089,000 66,646,000
Total Floor Area in Extensive Damage (sqm) 70,490,000 57,083,000
Total Floor Area in Moderate Damage (sqm) 76,704,000 73,819,000
Total Floor Area in Slight Damage (sqm) 44,804,000 50,218,000
Total Fatalities 37,000 27,000
Total Injuries
Very Serious 16,000 12,000
Serious 132,000 102,000
Slight 456,000 359,000
Total Economic Losses (millions of PhP) 2,473,000 1,940,000
Table 1. Summary of Results of Risk Analysis Project for Greater Metro Manila Area (Metro Manila + 5 LGUs of Rizal –
Rodriguez, San Mateo, Antipolo, Cainta, Taytay) - Source: (Solidum Jr. 2013)

Enabling Environment: DRR and CCA policies in the Philippines

The discourse on disaster risk reduction and climate change has become intertwined over the years.
Sustainable development aims to address both climate change and disaster risk reduction. The
Philippine Government, in the aftermath of the 2009 Typhoon Season, has become increasingly active
in promoting climate change awareness and disaster risk reduction. Consecutive laws were passed
resulting in a comprehensive strategy to address the effects of increased intensity of natural hazards.

Image 4. Evolution from the Old to New Disaster Management Paradigm (Balgos 2013c)

The Republic Act 9729 or the Philippine Climate Change Act of 2009 was passed by then President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The act aimed to mainstream the discourse of climate change and has
established the Climate Change Commission. It also has closely linked climate change and disaster
risk. The Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
replaced the National Disaster Coordinating Council with the National Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council that aims to promote prevention, mitigation, and preparedness strategies as a
key components to disaster risk reduction. Moreover, the law also involves a bottow-up approach in
resolving disaster risk reduction. It mandates local government units to establish their own disaster
risk reduction and management councils from the provincial level down to the community level. In
2011, the Climate Change Act of 2009 was amended with Republic Act 10174 that establishes the
People’s Survival Fund wherein financial resources are now made available for climate change
adaptation and mitigation strategies. However, it took decades before the said laws have been
ratified. Figure 1 provides the evolution from the old to new paradigm in Philippine DRRM (Balgos
2013c). As highlighted in Figure 4, Typhoon Ondoy served as the policy window, reform conjucture,
and tipping point for the said policies to be realised (Balgos 2013c).

This trio of laws has made the Philippines a model in integrating Disaster Risk Reduction strategies to
policies. Comprehensive laws to address climate change and disaster risk reduction are a step
forward. To echo the conclusion of Silvia Llosa and Irina Zodrow’s (2011) article in the Global
Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2011, “Legislation is a key requirement for effective,
coordinated disaster risk reduction and for climate change adaptation. Both, disaster risk reduction
and the climate change actors should work closely together when developing new or revising existing
legislation (Llosa and Zodrow, 2011).”

Reducing vulnerability and exposure of Metro Manila

Prior to the enactment of the Philippines’ existing legislations on disaster risk reduction and climate
change adaptation, the country’s disaster management system prescibed to the Presidential Decree
1566 signed on 21 September 1978 by then President Ferdinand Marcos. Corollary to this, cities in
Metro Manila aligned their disaster management plans on this. However, the said law was focused
mainly on emergency response. In fact, the Disaster Risk Reduction Network Philippines (DRRNet-
Phils), an alliance of civil society organisations in the Philippines working on disaster risk reduction,
notes that there are three (3) main differences of the previous law to the new law on ridk reduction,
namely : (1) the PD 1566 was top-down in nature, while its management is highly centralised through
the National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC), while RA 10121 capitalizes in bottom-up and
participatory disaster risk reduction ; (2) the PD 1566 looked at disasters as merely a function of
physical hazards, while under the current laws, disasters are view as a reflection of people’s
vulnerability ; and, (3) the PD 1566 focuses on disaster response and anticipation, while the new law
emphasizes on an integrated approach to genuine risk reduction to sustainable development (DRRNet-
Phils 2011).

For three (3) decades, the Philippines disaster management and preparedness plans, including the
cities in Metro Manila had been very reactive. This means that city governments respond only
whenever disaster strikes. In the same way, as seen in the case of Typhoon Ondoy in 2009, Metro
Manila was not prepared for large-scale catastrophes.

As a consequence of the vulnerability and exposure of Metro Manila to various forms of hazards, and
as a committment to the RA 10121, the Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (MMDRRMC) was formed. In keeping with the Republic Act 7924, the Chairman of the Metro
Manila Development Authority sits as the chairman of the council. Concurrently, the National Capital

Region Director of the Office of Civil Defense serves as the 1st Vice Chairperson of the council. The
other members of the councils that acts as Vice-Chairpersons are : Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) –NCR for prevention and mitigation, Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG)- NCR for preparedness, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
–NCR for response, and the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) –NCR for recovery
and rehabilitation. In addition to this, excutive departnment of the Metro Manila Development
Authority, regional and field stations operating in NCR are members of the council. All local
governments in Metro Manila are likewise members of the council. The local governments form part of
the MMDRRMC interim organisation. Figure 5 underscores the interim organisational structure of

Image 5. MMDRRMC Interim Organisational Structure

Concurrently, given that Metro Manila is also vulnerable to earthquake, the MMDRRMC orgnanised the
Task Fore Rainbow specifically designed to respond to emergencies as a consquence of earthquake.
Figure 6 underscores the Task Force Rainbow organisational structure.

Similary, after series of consultations, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) in
partnership with various stakeholders came up with the Metro Manila Integrated Flood Risk
Management Master Plan. The said plan was deemed imperative given the vulnerability and exposure
of Metro Manila to flooding. In the same way, DPWH Secretary Rogelio Singson shared that there are
three (3) important issues why the master plan was produced, namely : (1) lack of integrated plan
and strategic program to address perennial flooding and other water-related disasters such as
landslides, lack of potable water, and siltation ; (2) massive urbanisation and lack of effected land use
plans in the Greater Metro Manila Area (GMMA), which has exacerbated the flooding ; and, (3) the
waterways of Metro Manila haves been encroached and constricted by illegal structures causing

massive flooding in Metro Manila (Singson 2013). Singson notes that due to the lack of the master
plan, the flooding in Metro Manila affected the economy ($160 million damaged annually to the
economy), claimed lives (640 lives lost annually), displaced people (3.4 million people affected
annually), and damaged houses of Metro Manila residents (71,000 houses totally damaged annualy)
(Singson 2013).

Image 6. Task Force Rainbow Organisational Structure

In the Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 under the Aquino Administration, among the policy
directions and programs in relation to addressing perennial flooding in Metro Manila are : (1)
preparation of flood control master plan for major river basins ; (2) priorisation of the construction of
flood control structures in high risk areas ; (3) application of CCA and DRRM strategies in the planing
and design of flood management ; (4) increasing the local government and community participation in
DRR and CCA initiatives ; (5) creation of a master plan for flood management and clearing of
waterways in Metro Manila ; (6) initiation of a water convergence program with various government
agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Agriculture
(DA), Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), and the Department of Enviroment and National
Resources (DENR) ; and, (7) allocation of funding of various flood control projects and eleven (11)
small water impounding projects (SWIPS).

Under the New Integrated Approach for Metro Manila, among the urgent measures identified
(structural and non-structural) are : (1) flood modelling, forecasting and warning system through
Project NOAH ; (2) enforcing the easement requirements and clearing of priority rivers and waterways
of informal settlers and obsructions ; (3) creating resettlement action plan and provision of housing
options (4) upgrading of pumping stations ; and, (5) widening the waterway channel, dredging and
construction of dikes and riverwalls (Singson 2013). On the other hand, the long term measures
include : construction of flood control dam upstream, use of natural flood plains near waterways, land
use ordinances, strict enforcement of waterway easement laws, and increase participation of local
government and communities (Singson 2013).

According to the Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines, DPWH, under the flood master
plan for Metro Manila, shall carryout eleven (11) strucutal mitigation measures until 2035. These are :
Pasig-Marikina River Improvement and Dam Construction, Meycauayan River Improvement, Malabon-
Tullahan River improvement, South Parañaque-Las Piñas River Improvement, East Mangahan
Floodway (Cainta & Taytay River Improvement), West Laguna Lakeshore Land Raising, Land Raising
for Small Cities around Laguna Lakeshore, Improvement of the Inflow Rivers to Laguna Lake, Manila
Core Area Drainage Improvement, West Mangahan Area Drainage Improvement, and the Valenzuela-
Obando-Meycauayan (VOM) Improvement (to be studied further). The estimated project cost for all
the initiatives is 351.718 billion pesos.

From macro to micro : Downscaling plans to component cities

Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plans (LDRRMP) are now in placed in 16 cities and 1
municipality of Metro Manila. The RA 10121 mandates the each local government unit (regional,
provincial, city, municipal, and barangay) to have a Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
Plan. The said plan will serve as the bible and the primary basis for the disaster risk reduction
inititiaves, programs, and activities at the local level. Generally, the LDRRMP includes the following :

(1) overview of the local government profile (i.e. ecological profile, risk profile, and the LGUs’
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges divided into the four thematic theme of DRRM –
disaster prevention/mitigation, preparedness, respone, and rehabilitation and recovery) ;

(2) disaster risk reduction plan and

vision of the local government unit
based on the four thematic theme of DRRM
– disaster prevention/mitigation,
preparedness, respone, and rehabilitation
and recovery. Each of this has the
following component, namely : goals,
objectives, outcome, programs/activities,
targets including gender concerns, key
outouts, responsible person, timeframe,
and the specific sources of funds ; and,

(3) monitoring and evaluation based on

the four thematic theme of DRRM –
disaster prevention/mitigation,
preparedness, respone, and rehabilitation
and recovery. Each of this has the
following component, namely : expected
results, baseline, assumptions/risk,
objectively verifiable indicators, targets,
sources of data, collection methods,
frequency and audiece of the report, and
resources needed.
Image 7. Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Plan of Pasig City

Figure 5 provides the LDRRMP of Pasig City, one of the component cities of Metro Manila. The
LDRRMP should also shows the DRRM council at the local level. Figure 6 provides the organisational
chart of the DRRM Council of the City of Marikina as written in their LDRRM Plan. It is imperative that
the LDRRMP to be approved by the local council or sangguniang bayan.

In relation to the access and use of DRRM funds, the LDRRMP is crucial because a local government
unit can only make use of such funds, which is 5 per cent of the internal revenue allotment of the
local government, once the LDRRMP is available and approved by the council. Furthermore, the
LDRRMP should carefully stipulate how the said funds will be disbursed and what specific activities it
shall be used.

Image 8. LDRRM Structure of Marikina City

Along with the LDRRMP are the city-level contingency plans. The contingency plans are needed to be
hazard-specific based on the risk exposure of the cities. The key components of a contingency plans
are hazards maps, families-at-risk, early warning system, flood markers, communication protocols
(both downstream and upstream), evacuation centre management, and the LDRRM structure.

As mentioned earlier, the LDRRMP are now in placed in Metro Manila. Also, given the rich experience
of Metro Manila in disasters, there are existing practices in each city and communities in relation to
evacuation, evacuation management, and information dissemination among others. However, the
existing practices have to be improved to ensure lesser or no casualties during disasters. In the same
way, there is a need to involve various stakeholders (i.e. non government organisations, people’s
organisations, business sectors, faith-based groups, and communities among others) in crafting the
contingency plan to ensure participation and ownership of the plan.

Bringing plans and policies to the community level

The promise of a better and improved living conditions have motivated people from rural areas and
nearby cities outside Metro Manila to dwell and work in its (Metro Manila) cities. The scale and the
velocity of urbanization worldwide is unprecedented in human history. The rural population,
particularly in developing countries is shrinking, while there has been a supernova growth of people in
urban areas. As a result, cities are exploding. The World Urbanization Prospects released by the
United Nations projects that by 2015, there would be 550 megacities worldwide. Davis (2006)
proposes to kinds of cities to describe this epochal transition. He notes that there are megacities
(population excess of 8 million) and hypercities (population of more than 20 million). Corollary to this,
According to the 2013 Demographics of World Urban Areas, there are 10 cities that fall to the
hypercities catergory. One of which is Metro Manila with approximately 21, 241,000 population.

With 94, 013, 200 people, the Philippines ranks as the 12th most highly populated country in the world
(NSCB, 2012). Concurrently, the urban population reached 66.4 per cent of the entire population
(ADB, 2010). This indicates that 6 out of 10 Filipinos live in urban areas. ADB estimates that by 2030,
the figure will reach to 67 per cent. The Philippine Development Plan 2011-2016 attributes the lack of
economic opportunities in rural areas as the culprit for the rise of urban population, which lead to
disasters. Gupta (2010) held that the Philippines is the most flood-prone country in the Southeast
Asian region. This is evident in the recent floodings in Metro Manila, which affected both rich and poor
families dwelling along the waterways. As part of the current administration’s goal to make Metro
Manila flood-free, President Aquino mandates to clear the waterways in which an estimated of
104,000 informal settlers families inhabit.

The DRRNet-Phils through the Technical Assistance of the Australian Aid to the Department of Interior
and Local Government (DILG) is implementing a project in relation to the capacity building of informal
settler families (ISFs) on community-based disaster risk reduction and management (CBDRRM). The
said undertaking is being carried out in 115 communities in ten (10) cities in Metro Manila – Quezon
City, Pasig City, San Juan City, Mandaluyong City, Manila, Pasay City, Makati City, Caloocan City,
Malabon City, and Valenzuela City. The cities are selected based on the dentified eight (8) priority
areas paralled to the integrated master plan for flooding management in Metro Manila. The said river
ways are as follows : San Juan River, Estero Tripa de Gallina, Tullahan River, Manggahan Floodway,
Maricaban Creek, Pasig River, Estero de Maypajo, and Estero de Sunog Apog. The project has four (4)
primary objectives, namely: (1) enhancing disaster preparedness and adaptive capacity of residents in
selected communities facing and responding to disaster events through the conduct of a series of
capacity building on CBDRRM; (2) installing an end-to-end community-based early warning system in
ISF communities and capacitate local communities in monitoring and maintaining them; (3) supporting
the communities in activating the Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee that
will facilitate disaster risk reduction work at the community level; and, (4) produce Barangay Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Plan (BDRRMP) formulated by the communities and ratified by the
Barangay Council with budget allocation for key activities and investments.

The project will be carried until May 2015. As of the moment, DRRNet-Phils had chosen thirty (30)
priority communities where the series of capacity buildings will be undertaken first. The selection was
based mainly on the vulnerabilty and exposure of the communities, available socio-economic and risk
assessment data, as well as the recommendations of DILG and the respective communities leaders.
The capacity buildling has three (3) components, namely : community risk assessment workshops (2-3
days), early warning workshops and BDRRM planning (5 days). Toward the end of the activities in
each community, a simulation drill, to test the feasibility and effectives of the BDRRM and contingency
plans shall be carried.

More pointedly, the priority thity (30) communities are : Barangay Balong Bato, Barangay Batis,
Barangay Kabayanan, Barangay Progreso, Barangay Rivera, and Barangay Salapan in San Juan City ;
Barangay Daang Bakal and Barangay Poblacion in Mandaluyong City ; Barangay Damayang-Lagi,
Barangay Dona Imelda, Barangay Roxas, Barangay Sta. Cruz, Barangay Sto. Domingo, Barangay
Talayan and Barangay Tatalon in Quezon City ; Barangays 602, 607, 894, 895, 195, and 135 in
Manila ; and, Barangay General Tiburcio de Leon, Barangay Malinta, Barangay Marulas, and Barangay
Ugong in Valenzuela City.

The process being employed in the project is participatory and empowering. In fact, in the entire
process, the communities are encouraged to actively share their experiences on previous disaster
events that occurred in the community as well as share their vision for their community toward a safer
future. In addition, to ensure that the informal settler families will have a comprehensive
understanding on the importance of CBDRRM, DRRNet-Phils prepared a module on the theme of
urban resiliency. More pointedly, the contents of the module include: Introduction to CBDRRM, basic
concepts of disasters, legal basis of DRRM and CCA in the Philippines, and the tools for community
risk assessments among others. Figure 7 underscores pictures of the CBDRRM trainings conducted in
the selected areas.

Image 9. CBDRRM trainings in communities


Given the previous disaster events that befall in Metro Manila, the people are now more aware of the
risks they are facing as well as the crucial things they need to carry out in order to ensure their safety.
In the same way, as the goverance level, policies, plans, and initiiatives toward urban resilinecy are

now in placed. On the other hand, there are challenges in disaster preparedness planning in the Metro
Manila. Also, there are concrete policy recommendations that can be undertaken to address these
concerns. Some of them are : First, upscaling disaster risk reduction measures to cope and adapt to
continued increase in frequency and intensity of hydro meteorological events occurring in the country.
From Ketsana to the latest Supertyphoon Haiyan, coping with floods, storms, and landslides is an
urgent concern. Relying only on historical data based on experience in the past has not been
sufficient. Scenario based risk prediction through modeling is now an important consideration.
Second, integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation initiatives in development
planning.Third, developing scenarios suitable to local contexts through climate change modelling.
Though scenario building is important, it is a specialised work that requires collaboration from
national institutions including regional and global stakeholders. Fourth, conducting research to better
understand vulnerabilities and possible adaptation measures. There are still lots of things that need
to be studied such as how food security can be ensured. Research is one of the key answers towards
coming up with solutions. There is a need to invest early in research considering the fact that it is a
long-term endeavour. Fifth, integrating psychosocial in preparedness planning. This includes being
ready with one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour to appropriately respond to disaster. Sixth,
establishing end-to-end early warning systems. Conditions can change fairly rapidly. Gathering and
analysing field situation is important to enhance early warning and make timely information
dissemination most especially to at-risk population. Lastly, seeking innovative funding mechanisms.
Funds need to flow to community-based organisations, women’s organisations and non-government

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