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Prepared By Aladi Anyebe

Table of content 
Executive summary
Business concepts
Product or service
Market research and analysis
Market plan
Manufacturing and operations
Entrepreneurial team

Poultry is an emerging and important sector that has been contributing
progressively to our economy from the past decade. Poultry is one of the fastest
growing and most promising industries with the brightest future in our country.
Poultry sector are playing a very vital role in the reduction of poverty, malnutrition
and unemployment problem of our country. Venture category of our business will
be partnership. The partnership will be partnership-at-will where the partnership is
not for the fixed period of time and where no provision is made as to when and
how the partnership will come to an end according to partnership act 1932
(section- 7).The product will be chicken and its egg. It will be distributed by the
firm to customers. The most important requirement in any kind of business is
purpose. My purpose is to satisfy the customer by providing quality product. The
business will meet the demand of the restaurant, super shop, hotel, community
center, bakery and catering houses. Market characteristics of the poultry farm is
not very much competitive in that way the demand of the hens, eggs is very high
but the supplier could not able to satisfy the demand of the customers and

Purpose of the venture:
•To meet the demand of customer and built strong customer relationship.
• To create the employment opportunity for others.
• To contribute the economy of the country.

T h e m a j o r o b j e c t i v e i s r e d u c i n g p o v e r t y , m a l n u t r i ti o n a n d
unemployment problem of our country. Besides, to provide quality product to
customer and maintain the supply sufficiently.
Description of the firm:
T h i s i s a b u s i n e s s wh e r e t h e m a i n a c ti v i t y o f t h e fi r m i s t o
p r o v i d e q u a l i t y p r o d u c t t h r o u g h t h e F C T , Ab u j a . Chicken and eggs will
be distributed to restaurant, super shop, and hotel, community center, and
bakery and catering houses around Kurudu city. Prolong the sufficient supply to
the customer is one of our most important purpose. Also to supply extend area of
FCT, Abuja with affordable price.

NAME Aldi Anyebe

ADDRESS A 27 Faith Street, Army Estate, Kurudu,
VISION Providing quality product with
reasonable price.

The product is chickens and eggs. The farm will distribute these products
around the FCT, Abuja city. Quality assurance is paramount. Not
compromise in the questi on of quality. To ensure the quality do always
take high care of hens and eggs. Now days, from chickens and eggs
harmful diseases are spread out. But the supply of chickens and eggs with
ensuring that it is free from all kind of jorum, which can create harmful diseases.
C o s t o f p o u l t r y b u s i n e s s i s n o t s o h i g h . O n e c a n e as i l y s t a r t a
b u s i n e s s w i t h a minimum amount of money. But the cost of business is high,
because the business is highly future oriented. The primary cost is given below:


Farm 30,000
Warehouse 50,000
Transportation 20,000
Chickens 100,000
Egg 50,000

Food 50,000
Utility 20,000
Also to provide some additional facility to customers and consumers that are not
provided by other suppliers:
➢T o r e a c h e d o u t p r o d u c t ( c h i c k e n s & e g g s ) t o t h e c u s t o m e r s b y
m y o w n transportation with a low transportation cost.
➢If any dreadful products are identified by the customers always make it
➢Processed meat are also supply if customer feel need.
➢We also supply product by credit to a limited amount.P o u l t r y b u s i n e s s i s
f u l l w i t h c o m p e t i t or s . B u t t h e r e h a v e a g r e a t p r o s p e c t of   s u c c e e d ,
b e c a u s e m o s t of t h e s u p p l i e r s a r e n o t a b l e t o a d e q u a t e l y s u p p l y
t h e product

As we know, Bangladesh is a over populated country. So, there is no

equilibrium b e t w e e n d e m a n d a n d s u p p l y a n d m o r e o r l e s s
s u p p l i e r s f a i l t o s a ti s f y t h e customers. Most of all, in food business if it
is daily product there is no loss. So there is a great prospect being succeeded.
Each and every people need chickens and eggs. Eggs are the ingredients of cake,
bread, omelet etc. So, restaurant, bakery, hotel, community centers needs eggs
and chickens every day. As the diff erent customers have high demand of
chickens and e g g s i t h a s a h i g h p r o s p e c t o f s u c c e s s , a n d f o r
s u c c e s s n e e d c o n ti n u o u s marketing research.

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