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Hael a So n Nwmffi tkwx* m NmfleeX {tt il:

An ionic model
1 Explain which of the following ions has the greatest ability to polarise an anion:
Na*, K+, Caz* or Ba2*.

(2 marks)

2 Which of the following compounds has the greatest ionic character?

E A NaT'
The Data Booklet has a table
I B NaCl of Pau tin g electronegativities
E C NaBr and a tabte to show o/o ionic
cha racte
EDNaI r.

>@ 3 The table shows the lattice enthalpies of some ionic cornpounds, given in kJmol-r

cl- Br- I-
Li* 848 803 159
Na+ 780 742 105
K+ 7I I 679 651

(a) Explain the trend in the l:rttice enthalpies from sodir-rm chloride to sodium ioclide.

Go\nq down GrovV 7^ Lhe \ontc radtt=

(b) Expl:rin the tre,d in the lattice enthalpies fro,r lithium Or"-,0. t" ;;;rr,;; ;;"*:::"O'

(3 marks)

4 Lattice enthalpy can be calculated using an iottic model involving electrostatic theory.
(a) Describe tr,vo ztssumptions of this model.

(2 marks)

(b) The experimentally determined lattice enthalpy for silver iodide, AgI, i5
-889 kJ mol-l, but its theoretically determined lattice energy is -778 kJ mol-1
Explain why the values differ so much.

(2 marks)


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