G2015 Adult Tachycardia PDF

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Adult Tachycardia (with pulse) Algorithm

Assess using the ABCDE approach

 Monitor SpO 2 and give oxygen if hypoxic
 Monitor ECG and BP, and record 12-lead ECG
 Obtain IV access
 Identify and treat reversible causes (e.g. electrolyte abnormalities)

Yes - Unstable Adverse features?

Synchronised DC Shock* 
Up to 3 attempts
Shock  Myocardial ischaemia
 Syncope  Heart failure

Seek expert help No - Stable

! Is QRS narrow (< 0.12 s)?
 Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 10-20 min
 Repeat shock
 Then give amiodarone 900 mg over 24 h
Broad Narrow

Broad QRS Narrow QRS

Is QRS regular? Is rhythm regular?
Regular Irregular

 Vagal manoeuvres Probable AF:

Irregular Regular  Adenosine 6 mg rapid IV bolus  Control rate with beta-blocker or
if no effect give 12 mg diltiazem
if no effect give further 12 mg  If in heart failure consider digoxin or
 Monitor/record ECG continuously amiodarone
 Assess thromboembolic risk and
consider anticoagulation
Seek expert help
! 
If VT (or uncertain rhythm):
Amiodarone 300 mg IV over 20-
Sinus rhythm achieved?

Yes No
60 min then 900 mg over 24 h
Possibilities include:
 AF with bundle branch block
treat as for narrow complex
If known to be SVT with bundle
branch block:
Probable re-entry paroxysmal SVT:
 Record 12-lead ECG in sinus rhythm
Seek expert help
 Pre-excited AF  Treat as for regular narrow-
consider amiodarone  If SVT recurs treat again and consider Possible atrial flutter:
complex tachycardia
anti-arrhythmic prophylaxis  Control rate (e.g. with beta-blocker)
*Conscious patients require sedation or general anaesthesia for cardioversion

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