County Council For Montgolviery County, Maryland

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Resolution No.

: 16-1570
Introduced: October 5,2010
Adopted: November 30, 2010


By: Council President at the Request of the County Executive

SUBJECT: White Flint Sector Plan Implementation Strategy and Infrastructure

Improvement List


1. . On March 23,2010, the County Council, sitting as the District Council, adopted the
White Flint Sector Plan, which approved a long range vision of transforming the
Sector Plan area into a pedestrian-friendly transit-oriented urban setting.

2. The White Flint Sector Plan envisions conversion of Rockville Pike (MD Route 355)
into a walkable boulevard with bus rapid transit along with road networks to the west
and east of Rockville Pike that will provide effective alternatives to the highly
congested Rockville Pike and connected blocks for development and connectivity.

3. The Plan's focus on access to Metro transit and redevelopment of the extensively
built environment make White Flint a priority smart growth area.

4. The White Flint Sector Plan Area is expected to be a leading economic engine for the

5. To provide greater assurance of achieving this vision, the Plan identified a need for a
public financing mechanism to fund a portion of the transportation infrastructure.
This public financing mechanism anticipates assessments against property or other
means of revenue generation and is intended to replace payments that projects
redeveloping in the plan area would have to pay under current adequate public
facilities requirements for local area transportation and policy area mobility reviews
(LATR and PAMR).

6. The Council enacted Bill 50-10, creating the White Flint Special Taxing District to
raise revenues to fund certain transportation improvements. The White Flint Special
Taxing District will provide greater assurances of reliable and consistent revenue
generation and materially greater funds for transportation improvements than would
be anticipated from combined payments under otherwise applicable transportation
development impositions, including LATR, PAMR, and transportation impact taxes.
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7. The Council pursued certain goals in enacting Bill 50-10, including (a) creating a
mechanism that will produce a reliable and consistent source of funds to secure debt
service and pay for specific transportation infrastructure items; (b) imposing a
manageable and sustainable payment for transportation infrastructure associated with
new development in the White Flint Sector Plan area without unduly burdening
property owners; and (c) setting and maintaining a tax rate that will allow
development and businesses in White Flint to be competitive in attracting businesses
to the area.

8. County Code Chapter 68C, enacted in Bill 50-10, establishes the White Flint Special
Taxing District, authorizes the levy of an ad valorem tax to fund transportation
infrastructure improvements in the District, and authorizes the issuance of bonds to
finance the transportation infrastructure improvements.

9. Chapter 68C-4 requires a resolution that lists each transportation infrastructure

improvement that is to be paid for by the District special tax, and the estimated costs
of each improvement, which must include a contingency amount.


The County Council for Montgomery County, Maryland approves the following

To comply with the requirements of Chapter 68C and to successfully implement the
White Flint Sector Plan, the Council takes the following steps and adopts the following
implementation strategy to maximize acceptable growth in the Plan area and to move
from Stage 1 to Stages 2 and 3 of development envisioned in the Plan.

1. The County's goal is that the White Flint Special Taxing District special tax rate
must not exceed 10% of the total tax rate for the District, except that the rate must be
sufficient to pay debt service on any bonds that are already outstanding.

2. If the revenues from the special tax at the level in the preceding paragraph are not
sufficient to afford additional infrastructure improvements as are necessary and
ready for implementation to execute the White Flint Sector Plan, the County
Executive, before recommending any increase to the tax rate above the level in the
preceding paragraph, must consider alternative approaches, including the timing and
scope of each infrastructure item and the structure of the financing plan to pay for it,
and alternative revenue sources.

3. Without limiting the specificity of the preceding paragraph, before issuing debt
secured by or intended to be paid by the White Flint Special Taxing District, the
County Executive must carry out a feasibility or other study to assess whether
repaying the debt will require a district tax rate that will exceed the 10% policy goaL
If this analysis concludes that a rate higher than the 10% policy goal would be
Page 3 Resolution No.: 16-1570

required, the Council intends that either (a) the debt will not be issued at that time;
or (b) the County will manage the debt issuance or repayment in a manner that will
have the White Flint Special Taxing District rate stay within the 10% policy goal.

4. For the tax year that began on July 1,2010, the total base real property tax rate in the
White Flint Special Taxing District is $1.027 per $100 of assessed value.

5. For the tax year that begins on July 1, 2011, the rate of the White Flint Special
Taxing District special tax is estimated to be $0.103 per $100 of assessed value. The
Council will set the actual Special Taxing District tax rate when it sets other
property tax rates in May 2011.

6. The specific transportation infrastructure improvements that will be financed by the

White Flint Special Taxing District are listed in Exhibit A, along with an estimated
cost for each improvement, including a contingency amount. The District will
remain responsible for the actual cost of each designated infrastructure
improvement, including any future cost increase.

7. If a gap results between the White Flint Special Taxing District revenue generation
and the aggregate cost of those transportation projects to be funded by District
revenues, and to assure adherence to the 10% policy rate goal and the prompt
building of necessary infrastructure in the Sector Plan area, the Council policy is
that, to promptly implement the Sector Plan, the Capital Improvements Program for
this area will include forward funding or advance funds to design and build the
(a) that portion of Market Street from Old Georgetown Road to Woodglen
Road, including a bike lane;
(b) realignment of Executive Boulevard from Marinelli Road to MD Route
(c) the redesign of Rockville Pike (these 3 items collectively may be referred
to as "forward-funded items"); and
(d) up to $15 million for other items assigned to the District in Plan stages 1
and 2.
Any forward funding or advance payment must be structured so that it does not
count under applicable spending affordability guidelines.

8. As used in the preceding paragraph, forward fund or advance funds means

(a) For items 7(a), (b), and (c), the County would include these items in the
County Capital Improvements Program and fund them accordingly, and
the District, subject to applicable provisions of Chapter 68C, would, on a
dollar for dollar basis, without any interest accruing during the first 10
years after that Capital Improvements Program is approved, repay the
County when every District improvement listed in Exhibit A has been
Page 4 Resolution No.: 16-1570

funded either directly or through debt secured by the District. However,

the District may repay the County earlier for any item to the extent that
revenue generation exceeds the funds· needed to pay for other
improvements assigned to the District and no stage of development under
the Sector Plan would be delayed; and
(b) For item 7(d), the County would coordinate with planned private
development and include infrastructure items necessary for that
development to proceed in a timely fashion in the County Capital
Improvements Program, and the District would reimburse the County for
all costs incurred in connection with any advance, including interest costs.

9. The specified items subject to forward or advance funding have estimated costs
shown in Exhibit A as follows:
(a) The realignment of Executive Boulevard and Market Street from Old
Georgetown Road to Woodglen Road is estimated to cost $24.8 million, not
including right-of-way which is assumed to be dedicated by affected property
(b) The redesign of Rockville Pike is estimated to cost $7.7 million.

10. The County Executive will include the projects comprising the forward funding in
his January 2011 Capital Improvements Program Amendments, with initial
expenditures in fiscal years 2015, 2016, and beyond until completed.

11. Two items have been removed from District funding and must instead be paid for
by County or other sources of public funds. These items are:
(a) the second entrance to the White Flint Metro Station, which is estimated to cost
$35 million; and
(b) the Nebel Street bike lane, which is estimated to cost $9.2 million.

12. One item has been modified for District funding: Market Street between MD Route
355 and Station Street (bridge across White Flint Metro station), at an estimated
added cost of $5.2 million and a total cost of $7.2 million.

13. The County Council intends that the annual joint State-County transportation
priority letter would include a request to the Maryland Department of
Transportation that the White Flint Sector Plan Area should receive a Transit
Oriented Development designation, but also note that granting this status to the
White Flint area does not mean that transportation infrastructure items in that area
would supersede any other items in the priority letter.
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14. The Council intends to amend the law authorizing the County transportation impact
tax to create a White Flint impact tax district and to set the tax rate in that district at
$0. The Executive intends to submit a Bill to the Council to do this. The Council
also intends that the transportation impact tax rate for the remaining buildings in
LCOR Inc.'s North Bethesda Center development be set at $0. This development
had been approved under the former County Growth Policy's Alternative Review
Procedure for Metro Station Policy Areas, under which its transportation impact tax
rate is 75% of the applicable County-wide rate. This action would also be included
in the transportation impact tax amendments bill.

15. The Council intends to fund, in the White Flint Special Taxing District Capital
Improvements Program referred to in paragraph 10, to the extent legally allowable,
personnel costs and other expenses of the development coordinator for the White
Flint planning area that the Executive is required to designate under County Code
§2-25(c), enacted in Council Bill 1-10. State law (including Maryland Code Article
24, §9-1302(a)(2), incorporating §9-1301(a)(3)(viii), and §9-1303(a)(2) and §9­
1303(e)) authorizes funding of these costs by the District.

This is a correct copy of Council action.

Linda M. Lauer, Clerk of the Council

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Improvement Description Estimated

Old Georgetown Road (MD 187): Nicholson La.lTilden La. to Executive

Old Georgetown Road (MD 187): Hoya St. to Rockville Pike (MD 355) 1,789,000
Hoya Street (formerly Old Old Georgetown Rd.): Executive Blvd. to
Montrose Pkwy.
Rockville Pike (MD 355): Flanders Ave. to Hubbard Drive 66,961,000
Nicholson Lane: Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187) to CSX tracks 12,942,000
Executive Blvd. Ext.: Marinelli Rd. to Old Georgetown Rd (MD 187) 23,500,000
Main St.lMarket St.: Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187) to Executive Blvd.
Extended (Bikeway)
Main St.lMarket St.: Old Georgetown Rd. (MD 187) to Executive Blvd.
Main St.lMarket St.: Executive Blvd. to Rockville Pike (MD 355) 4,661,000
Market Street from Maryland Route 355 to Station Street 7,200,000
Executive Blvd. Ext. (East): Rockville Pike (MD 355) to Nebel St. Ext. 16,700,000
Nebel St. Ext. (South): Nicholson La. to Executive Blvd. Ext. (East) 8,200,000
TOTAL 181,717,000

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