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Famous Illustrated

Akbar and Birbal

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1. Sharing of Reward
2. The Fake Lion
3. Turns in a Street
4. The Real Mother
5. The Magic Sticks
6. Owner of the Money Bag
7. Dishonest Judge
8. Miser Merchant
9. Birbal’s Journey to Heaven
10. Story of a Smart Cheat
11. Counting of Crows
12. Birbal and Three Dolls
13. Mother Tongue
14. A Matter of Devotion
15. God Saves His Devotees
16. Greater than God
17. Unlucky Face
18. Birbal’s Cooking of Khichdi
19. Most Foolish Person
20. Most Beautiful Child
21. Strange Invitation
22. Sweet Punishment
Sharing of Reward
mperor Akbar was very fond of learned and gifted men. Often when a
E gifted man would come to the emperor, he would appoint the man as
one of his ministers. Akbar’s court was full of intelligent and wise
men. Out of them, nine men were known as the nine gems of Akbar’s
court. They were exceptionally talented and accomplished men in their
Once, a young man called Mahesh Das lived in a small village in Akbar’s
kingdom. Since he had spent his entire young life in this village, he now
wished to travel the world. He had heard many stories about the big city
and the emperor’s palace. It sounded like an exciting place to be in and he
decided to pay the emperor a visit and see if he could get a job.
He travelled through many crowded bazaars and towns. Finally, he
reached the city. Mahesh Das went up to the palace gate. But he could not
enter. The gatekeeper caught him. He asked, “Where do you think you are
Mahesh Das replied, “I am going to see the emperor.” The guard burst
out laughing. “He has personally invited you to have dinner with him in
his dining chamber I suppose,” the guard said. Mahesh Das remained
quiet. The guard continued, “It is not possible for you to see the king. He is
a very busy man. I have orders from the king not to let anybody in.”
Mahesh Das pleaded with the guard to let him in. The guard said, “I told
you I can’t let you in.” Mahesh Das said, “But why?” The guard said,
“Because you are poor. Everyone whom I allow to see the emperor pays
me something like a cow, a goat or embroidered slippers. What can you
give me?”
Mahesh Das said, “I don’t have anything now. But I can promise you that
I will give you half of what I get from the emperor as a reward.” The guard
knew the emperor was a generous one. He often gave expensive gifts to
people who came to see him. So the guard quickly agreed.
Mahesh Das entered the palace. He was amazed by the richly
embroidered golden curtains and carpets. The palace was made of red
sandstone and was lavishly decorated. Emperor Akbar sat at the middle of
the court. Mahesh Das bowed to Akbar. Akbar said, “I am very pleased
with the respect you have shown me. What do you want from me in
return?” Mahesh Das said, “Jahanpanah, if I may, I shall ask that you grant
that I may receive one hundred lashes on my bare back.”
The emperor was surprised. He said, “That is a very strange request. Why
do you want me to give you hundred lashes?” Mahesh Das said, “Your
majesty, when I was coming to see you, the gatekeeper told me to give him
half of what I get from you.”
Akbar laughed. Then he said, “This is a serious issue. This means the
gatekeeper accepts bribes for doing his job. He should be punished.”
The gatekeeper was brought in and given hundred lashes as a punishment
for accepting bribes. Then Akbar said to Mahesh Das, “You are a very
clever man. Why don’t you stay at my court as my minister?” Mahesh Das
was happy to accept the offer. From that day, he came to be known as
Birbal as stories of his wit became famous far and wide.
The Fake Lion
he emperor of Persia and Emperor Akbar were very good friends.
T They would often send jokes and riddles to each other. It helped them
to maintain a good friendship as they enjoyed receiving parcels from
each other.
One day Akbar received a large cage from the emperor of Persia with a
fake lion inside and a letter. The letter said, “If there be a wise man in your
court he should take out the lion without opening the cage. If the cage
could not be emptied the Mughal territories would come under the
sovereignty of the emperor of Persia.”
Akbar cast an anxious glance over all his courtiers one by one, then said,
“I know all of you are learned, intelligent and expert in your fields. Can
anyone take out the lion without opening the cage. Can anyone do it?”
He again looked at his courtiers expectantly. Everyone sat frozen in their
seats. All of them looked amazed and embarrassed as if it was beyond their
understanding. They were looking at each other. They disappointed the
That day, Birbal was absent in the court. He was engaged in some official
work elsewhere. Akbar wished Birbal had been there in the court at that
moment. He ordered his messengers to look for Birbal.
The next day Akbar was sitting on his throne rather relaxed. All the seats
were occupied by the courtiers. One was unoccupied as Birbal hadn’t yet
arrived. Then Birbal entered the court. He bowed and said, “Jahanpanah! I
am here present in your service. What are the orders for me?”
Akbar briefly told him the whole matter and handed him the Persian
emperor’s letter. Birbal read the letter and cast an eyeful glance at the
Birbal called a servant and ordered a heated iron rod to be brought. The
servant instantly obeyed. Birbal touched the lion with the heated iron rod.
The lion melted slightly at that place. He continued touching until the
whole lion melted.
The Persian courtier was greatly impressed by Birbal’s brilliance. Akbar
asked, “How did you know that the lion was made up of wax.’’
“Huzoor,’’ replied Birbal, “According to the letter the cage was to be
emptied without opening it. It said nothing about the lion being kept intact.
I just tried an idea that it might be made of wax.’’
The Persian courtier returned to his country to tell one more story of
Birbal’s brilliance.
Turns in a Street
nce, the emperor of Persia sent Akbar a strange letter. In that letter
O he asked Akbar to tell him how many turns each street in his
kingdom had. Akbar was shocked by the question. His kingdom was
a large one. How would it be possible for him to send his ministers to
count the number of turns in all the streets?
Nevertheless, the emperor called his prime minister, Todarmal and asked
him to take the project. Todarmal in return sent his men to count the
number of turns all the streets in the kingdom had.
Next day Birbal noticed that Akbar was waiting anxiously for something.
Birbal asked, “Jahanpanah, is there something wrong? You look so much
Akbar said, “Yes, Birbal I am waiting for Todarmal to report the number
of turns all the streets in my kingdom had.” He then told Birbal about the
letter that the emperor of Persia had sent him.
When Birbal heard of it he laughed out loudly. Akbar was puzzled when
he saw Birbal laughing. Birbal said, “Your majesty, I know the exact
number of turns of each street not only in our kingdom but in any city of
the world.”
Akbar’s eyes grew wide. He said, “I hope you are not joking. I have sent
so many men to count the number of turns and here you say you know it
Birbal said, “I am not joking my lord. All the streets of the world have
only two turns, a left turn and a right turn.” At this the emperor burst out
laughing. It was an easy answer and he had not thought of it. He rewarded
Birbal handsomely and called the royal poet to send the reply to the
emperor of Persia.
The Real Mother
s the ‘shadow of God on earth’, so it was the emperor’s duty to
A establish peace and order in his kingdom by protecting the weak and
punishing the wicked. Akbar took pride in his fairness. After all he
was jahanpanah, the refuge of the world.
One day in his royal court came two women with a little boy. Both of
them were crying bitterly.
The first woman said, “Jahanpanah, this little boy is my son. I had left
him with my friend because I was very sick and I could not take care of
him. But now when I am well again, she is refusing to give my son back to
At this the second woman wailed before the sultan, “She is a liar, my
lord. This is my son. I am his mother. This woman wants to take my son
away; that is why she is telling you such stories.”
Akbar could not decide how to bring justice to the women. He called his
most wise minister Birbal to the court. Birbal listened to both the women
one by one and nodded his head. Then he bowed to Akbar and said,
“Jahanpanah, both of these women claim to be the mother of the child. So
it is best that we give the child to both of them.” The court including the
sultan looked at Birbal in surprise. Birbal continued, “Let us cut the child
into two equal halves and give each part to each woman. That way both
shall have the child.”
Birbal asked the guard to take the child to the royal butcher and have him
cut into two halves. The guard took the child by his arm when the first
woman wailed and fell at the sultan’s feet. She begged, “Mercy my lord,
do not harm my child. Let the second woman keep him. I withdraw my
complaint. I love my child. I cannot bear to see any harm done to him.”
Birbal smiled and said to Akbar, “Your majesty, this is the real mother of
the child. A mother will bear anything but she cannot bear to see her child
come to any harm.”
Everyone present at the court applauded Birbal’s wit. Akbar gave Birbal
a handsome reward for solving the problem.
The Magic Sticks
nce upon a time there lived a rich oil merchant in the great city of
O Fatepur Sikri. He had gifted a diamond necklace to his wife which
made her very happy. The necklace was very costly and the woman
loved it very much. She would often wear it to attend the parties and
special occasions when her friends came to visit her. So the necklace
became famous as many women admired it.
But one day when the wife woke up in the morning, she could not find
the necklace anymore. She searched and searched for it but the necklace
could not be seen anywhere. Thus, it was concluded that the necklace had
been stolen.
The merchant sent his guards to find out who had stolen it. Then the
guards searched for the thief but whoever had stolen it was very clever. He
had left no clue for the guards. The guards could not find out who had
stolen the necklace. It made the wife very sad.
The merchant began to worry about his wife’s health. Left with no
option, he called upon Birbal to solve the case. Birbal was a good friend of
the merchant’s. One day, he came over for dinner. He said, “The diamond
necklace was in the lady’s cupboard at all times. It was stolen; it must be
done by some of your servants. Call all your servants here. I must talk to
The servants were called to the dining hall. Birbal said to the servants, “I
have some magic sticks here. I will give two sticks to each of you. Give it
back to me tomorrow.”
One of the servants said, “But how would you find out who is the thief by
using these sticks?”
Birbal said, “These are no ordinary sticks. The sticks of the thief will
grow two inches overnight. So when I measure all your sticks tomorrow, I
will know who the thief is.”
The merchant was surprised but he did not say anything. The next day the
servants brought back the sticks to Birbal. Birbal measured the sticks, one
by one and said to the merchant, “Your cook is your thief.”
Everyone was surprised. The merchant said, “How can you say that?”
Birbal replied, “The sticks I gave him are short by two inches. He thought
that since he is the thief, the stick would grow by two inches. So he has cut
them two inches so as not to get caught.”
The merchant laughed. The cook had to give the necklace back and he
lost his job. Everyone praised Birbal for his intelligence.
Owner of the Money Bag
nce in the city of Agra, there lived a butcher. He was an honest man
O who never set high price or adulterated the meat he sold. So he had
many customers for he sold the finest meat in the city. Everyone in
the city knew about his shop and they often recommended the shop to their
friends and family. On festivals his shop would be flooded by people and
the butcher would be busy all day serving them.
On one such a day a grain merchant came to the butcher’s shop. The
butcher was counting his money then. The merchant asked for a kg of
meat. The butcher placed his money bag on the counter and left to get the
meat from the store. But when he returned, he was surprised. He saw that
the money bag was now with the merchant and he was paying for the meat
from it. The butcher was very angry. He said, “Excuse me sir, I think you
have stolen my money bag. I had left it on the counter before I went to get
the meat.”
The merchant said, “How dare you call me a thief? This is my money
bag. I brought it with me to the shop.”
The butcher said, “How can I believe you have not taken my bag from
the counter?” The merchant replied, “How can I believe you had left your
bag on the counter? You might be making it up so that I am forced to give
my bag to you.”
A fight broke out between the butcher and the merchant. Many people
gathered around them. Finally, someone suggested that they went to
Birbal. He would find a way of solving this problem. So the merchant and
the butcher went to Birbal.
Birbal carefully studied the money bag. Then he asked the merchant, “Do
you deal in blood?” The merchant was puzzled. He said, “No sir, I deal in
grains. I am scared of blood so much that it makes me feel dizzy. I try to
stay away from it as much as possible.” Birbal smiled and handed the bag
to the butcher. Birbal said, “The bag has blood stains on it. Some of the
coins are also stained with blood. If you are so afraid of blood the bag
can’t belong to you. Can it?”
The merchant was punished for stealing. The butcher thanked Birbal and
went back to his shop, happily.
Dishonest Judge
kbar’s kingdom was very large. So he appointed judges who would
A help the people who faced various problems in the city.
One day a woman went to one such judge with a bag of gold coins.
She said, “Sir, this is my life’s savings. I am going on a pilgrimage and I
can’t carry so much money with me. Please keep this bag safely with you
until I return.”
The judge kept the bag and bade farewell to the woman. After a month
the woman returned. She went straight to the judge and collected the bag.
But when she went home and removed the seal, she saw that the bag
contained flat stones. Her gold coins had vanished.
She went to the judge and started arguing. The judge said, “Wicked
woman. You had filled stones in the bag and now you want me to pay
you?” She had no other way. She ran to the emperor’s court for justice.
When Akbar heard her story, he was puzzled. The judge was an old and
powerful man. Akbar could not punish him without a witness. So he called
Birbal and explained everything to him. Birbal thought for a while and
said to the emperor, “My lord, tear your bed sheet today before you go to
bed. I shall solve the case tomorrow.”
The next day, Akbar told Birbal that he had done exactly as Birbal had
asked him to but before he got up he saw that the bed sheet was like new
again. Birbal smiled and said, “Jahanpanah, give me ten minutes, I will
bring your witness to you.” After ten minutes Birbal brought an old tailor
to the court. The tailor said, “Yes, your majesty. The old judge had
brought a bag for me to sew. I didn’t understand why he needed to put flat
stones in it before having it sewn.”
The woman brought out the bag and asked the tailor, “Was this the bag?”
The tailor nodded.
Akbar called for the judge and asked him to return the money. He then
ordered fifty lashes to be given to the judge for cheating.
Akbar asked Birbal, how he found out about the tailor. Birbal said, “My
lord, when you said that your bed sheet was as good as new in the
morning, I asked the maid who cleaned your room about the tailor she had
gone to get the bed sheet stitched. I found that this old man was the only
tailor in the city who could stitch and make the thing as good as new. So I
guessed he must have stitched the bag of coins which the judge had ripped
apart to take the coins out.”
Akbar praised Birbal’s wisdom when he heard this story.
Miser Merchant
n Akbar’s kingdom lived a man called Harinath. Harinath was a gifted
I painter. He would make portraits and earn his living. Because he was
very good at making portraits, he was very popular in the city. Rich
people from far and wide would request him to make portraits for them.
But Harinath would take a long time to make a portrait for he was very
careful with the details. Thus, though his portraits were very life-like, he
could not earn enough money for them. Also the money earned would go
into buying of raw materials for the paintings.
One day a very rich merchant invited Harinath to make a portrait of him.
Harinath went to the merchant’s house hoping that he will be paid well for
his work. He stayed there for days, working hard to satisfy the merchant
with the painting.
But the merchant was a miser. When after days of hard work the portrait
was complete Harinath brought it to the merchant.
But the miserly merchant thought to himself, “This painting is indeed
very good. But if I appreciate its beauty, I will have to pay hundred gold
coins to Harinath.” So the merchant began to find faults with it. He said,
“You have shown grey hair and made me look like an old man. I am not
going to pay you.”
Harinath was surprised for he did not know that the merchant was finding
faults with the painting so that he would not have to pay Harinath.
Harinath said, “My lord, I will retouch the painting if you want.” So he
worked at covering all the grey hair in the portrait. But when the merchant
saw the painting after the retouching he found more faults with it. He said,
“One of my eyes is smaller than the other. I will not pay you for this
Harinath offered to retouch the painting further. This went on for quite
some days. Every time Harinath took the painting to the merchant he
found more faults with it. Finally, Harinath grew tired of the merchant. He
went to Birbal for help.
Birbal asked Harinath to invite the merchant to Birbal’s house. Birbal
said to the merchant, “This man says he had drawn a life-like portrait for
you exactly the way you wanted, but you did not like it.”
The merchant said, “That’s correct my lord. The portrait did not look like
me at all.”
Birbal said, “Fine. Harinath, make another portrait of this man and make
it look exactly like him.” He then turned to the merchant and said, “Please
come and collect it tomorrow. But you will have to pay one thousand gold
coins for it because I will be watching Harinath while he makes it so that
there are no faults.” The merchant thought, a portrait made in a day will
have many faults. I will not have to work hard to find those faults.
Next day when he came, Birbal took the merchant to a room. A portrait
stood in the room. It was covered by a cloth. When the merchant removed
the cloth he was astonished. It was not a portrait at all, but a mirror. Birbal
said, “This looks exactly like you, doesn’t it? I hope you will not find any
faults with it.”
The merchant realized that Birbal had won. He had to pay the hundred
gold coins for the portrait as well as one thousand gold coins for the
Birbal’s Journey to Heaven
hen Birbal joined Akbar’s court, some of the ministers at Akbar’s
W court were not happy. Akbar had begun to favour Birbal more.
This made the ministers very jealous of Birbal. They decided to
take the help of the royal barber.
The barber was a poor man. The ministers presented him with a bag of
gold which he could not resist. So he agreed to help. One day as he was
giving the emperor a hair cut he said, “Jahanpanah, I had a dream last
night. Your father came in my dream and said that he was doing well in
heaven. He has asked you not to worry.”
The emperor became sad when he heard this. His father had died when he
was very young.
He asked, “What else did my father say. Tell me everything.” The barber
said, “Jahanpanah, he said that he was fine, only a bit bored. He said, if
you could send Birbal to him, it would make him very happy. He watches
Birbal from the heaven and praises him for his wit and humour.”
Akbar called for Birbal at once. He said, “Dear Birbal, I am really very
fond of you. So it makes me very sad to send you to my father who is in
heaven. But he has asked for you. You must go to heaven and entertain
Birbal was very shocked when he heard this. Later he learnt the servants
that it was a plan by the minister and the barber. He dug a grave near his
home and from the grave he dug a tunnel which led to his living room.
Then he went to Akbar and said, “Your majesty, I am ready to go to
heaven. But we have a family tradition that we are all buried outside our
home. I have already arranged for the grave. I request you to have me
buried alive there.”
Akbar granted Birbal’s wish. Birbal was buried alive. He escaped from
the grave through the tunnel and came home. After three weeks he went to
Akbar’s court. Everyone was surprised to see Birbal. Akbar said, “When
did you come back from the heaven? How is my father? And why do you
look so shabby?”
Birbal said, “My lord, your father is fine. He has sent you his blessings.
But jahanpanah, there are no barbers in heaven. That’s why I look so
shabby. If you would be kind to send the royal barber to your father it
would make him very happy.”
The emperor at once ordered the barber to be buried alive and sent to
heaven. The barber fell at Akbar’s feet and begged, “Oh no, I don’t want
to die! I don’t want to die! I was tricked into this wicked plan.” He
confessed everything.
Akbar banished all the ministers who tried to trick Akbar into killing his
favourite minister. The barber got ten lashes as a punishment. As for
Birbal, he continued to live in the court as the emperor’s advisor and
closest friend.
Story of a Smart Cheat
nce there lived a man in Akbar’s city. He had a very strange way of
O making a living. He would cheat people and made them pay him a
lot of money. One day, he met a very rich merchant at the market.
The merchant had travelled from a foreign country. He was new in the
city. So when the cheat invited him to his house for dinner, the merchant
accepted it hoping to make some friends in the new city.
That night, they had a delicious dinner and talked for a long time. Then
the merchant and his host went to bed. Next morning, the cheat said to the
merchant, “I had invited you to dinner. I played such a good host and this
is how you have paid me back?”
The merchant was totally confused. He said, “I don’t know what you are
talking about!” The cheat said, “You have stolen my diamond. I want it
back!” The merchant said, “Friend, I don’t know what diamond you are
talking about. I have absolutely no idea.”
They began to fight. Finally, they decided to go to the court to sort it out.
Emperor Akbar was puzzled when he heard both their stories. He asked
Birbal to solve the case.
The cheat said, “Jahanpanah, I have witnesses who have seen the
merchant stealing my diamond.” Birbal said, “Please call upon your
witnesses. I would like to ask them about it.”
A barber and a tailor were the cheat’s witnesses. Birbal gave each of
them a lump of clay and asked them to shape it as a diamond. They were
taken to different rooms to work on the clay.
The barber had never seen a diamond in his life. His father told him that
to a barber a razor was what a diamond was to a diamond merchant. He
molded the clay into a razor.
The tailor’s mother too, had told him that a needle must mean to a tailor
the way a diamond means to a diamond merchant. He molded the clay in
the shape of a needle.
When Birbal saw what the witnesses had made, he said, “Jahanpanah,
none of these men have ever seen a diamond, so how could they have seen
the merchant steal the diamond? The story is a lie. The merchant is
It was proven that the cheat had bribed the barber and the tailor to be
false witnesses. He was jailed for cheating, while the merchant happily
went back home.
Counting of Crows
nce a very famous scholar had travelled from the neighbouring
O kingdom to Akbar’s court. The man bowed to the emperor and said,
“Jahanpanah, I have heard a lot about Birbal’s intelligence. People
from far and wide often enjoy the stories about his wit. Your highness, if
you allow, I would like to test his talent.”
Akbar called upon Birbal and introduced him to the scholar. The scholar
said, “Tell me how many crows live in your city?”
Birbal heard the question calmly and said, “My friend, I shall surely give
you the answer tomorrow.” Everyone at the court was surprised at the
conversation between the scholar and Birbal. Emperor Akbar called Birbal
aside and asked, “This man seems to be mad. How is it possible for a
person to count the number of crows living in this city? It will take days
before you find the right answer. You will never be able to count all of
them in a day.”
Birbal smiled and said, “Jahanpanah, this man is trying to outsmart me.
But do not worry. He will get the taste of his own medicine.”
Next day Birbal came to the court. The scholar was already seated there.
The scholar said, “Have you found out the answer?” Birbal said, “Of
course. There are exactly forty seven thousand eight hundred and thirty
five crows in this city.”
The scholar was very surprised at the answer. He said, “How can you be
so sure?” Birbal bowed to Akbar and said, “Jahanpanah, I have counted all
the crows in this city including the ones that have migrated from the
neighbouring kingdoms. If anyone doubts my answer, it is only fitting that
he should count them himself for his satisfaction.”
Akbar burst out laughing. The scholar was very ashamed of himself when
he heard Birbal. He left the city that day itself promising that he would
never challenge anyone again.
Birbal and Three Dolls
nce, a very famous artist came to Akbar’s court carrying three
O beautiful dolls. The dolls looked exactly same. They were so similar
that it was difficult to tell the difference between them. Akbar loved
the dolls. He said, “Sell me the dolls and I will give you a handsome
The artist said, “Jahanpanah, these dolls are not for sale. However, I shall
give them to you as a gift if anyone from your court can tell which of the
three dolls is the best.”
This was a strange puzzle. Akbar took the dolls and looked at them
closely. But the three dolls were so similar that Akbar could not say which
was the best. Then each of his ministers tried to solve the puzzle but they
Akbar called Birbal, “Dear Birbal, why don’t you try? I am sure you will
be able to solve the puzzle.” Birbal bowed to Akbar and went up to the
dolls. He took each doll in his hand. He observed them very closely. Then
to everyone’s astonishment, he blew into one doll’s ear. The wind came
out of its other ear. Then he blew into another doll’s ear. This time the
wind came out of its mouth. When Birbal blew into the third doll’s ear, the
wind did not come out at all.
Birbal said, “Jahanpanah, the third doll is the best out of the three.”
Akbar was surprised. He said, “How did you know that?” Birbal said, “My
lord, the three dolls are like three kinds of men. When I blew into the ear
of the first doll, the wind came out of its other ear. Just as when we tell a
secret to some men, they forget it the next minute. When I blew into the
second doll’s ear, the wind came out of its mouth just as some men who
speak out what they have heard. Such men cannot keep a secret. But when
I blew into the ear of the third doll, the wind did not come out at all. These
kinds of men are best for they can keep a secret. You can tell them about
any secret matter.”
The artist said, “I had only heard about Birbal’s wisdom, but today I have
seen it too. Jahanpanah, these dolls are yours.”
Akbar said, he was very proud of Birbal.
Mother Tongue
nce, a strange man came to Akbar’s court and bowed respectfully to
O the emperor. He said, “Jahanpanah, I can speak many different
languages. I can be of great service to you if you let me stay in your
court as one of your ministers.”
Emperor decided to test the strange man. He asked his ministers to speak
to the man in different languages. In Akbar’s court, there were people from
many different parts of India. All of them spoke different languages. Each
minister came forward and spoke to the man to which the man replied in
the same language. Everyone praised the man for his skill with languages.
Akbar was very impressed. He offered the man to be his minister. But the
man said, “Your majesty, I have spoken in many different languages
today. Can anyone in your court tell what my mother tongue is?”
Many ministers tried guessing his mother tongue. But they failed. The
man began to laugh at the ministers. He said, “I have heard that the
ministers here are the best brains of the kingdom. But I think I was
wrongly told.”
The emperor was embarrassed. He looked around for Birbal for help. He
said to Birbal, “Please do something to save me from such humiliation.”
Birbal said to the man, “ My friend, you look tired. You must have
travelled a long distance to come to the court. Please rest for today. I shall
answer your question tomorrow morning.” Indeed, the man was tired. He
took the emperor’s leave and left to have some dinner. He was given a
warm welcome by the emperor. He had a delicious dinner after which he
was taken to the royal guest room where he went to bed.
After all the ministers had left, Akbar asked Birbal, “How will you be
able to answer the man’s question?” Birbal said, “Jahanpanah, do not
worry. I have a plan.”
That night when everyone in the palace was fast asleep, Birbal wrapped a
black shawl around himself and quietly crept into the strange man’s room.
With a twig of hay, Birbal tickled the man’s ears. The man soon woke up.
But when he saw a black figure in the dark he thought he had seen a ghost.
He screamed and began to shout in Oriya language, “Oh lord Jagannath,
save me! I have been attacked by a ghost!”
Suddenly the emperor entered the room along with his ministers. Birbal
threw the shawl on the floor and lit the lights. He said to man, “So, you are
from Orissa and your mother tongue is Oriya. Am I right?” The man
realized that Birbal had very cleverly tricked him. He told Birbal that he
was right.
Akbar said, “A man can speak many different languages but he will
always scream in his mother tongue when he is scared.” Birbal had solved
the puzzle and the emperor praised him for his cleverness.
A Matter of Devotion
mperor Akbar was well known for his love of arts and religion. One
E of the arts that he was fond of, was music, and just like Birbal who
was considered as one of the nine jewels of King Akbar’s court,
Tansen was one of the jewels greatly known and respected for his singing.
It is said that there was none better than Tansen for no one could compete
with him when it came to singing.
Once, Akbar was much pleased with Tansen’s music. He praised Tansen.
He said to Tansen, “You are the best artist in the world. Your music is so
great that it has no comparison.”
Tansen was overwhelmed with gratitude. But he was a simple man. He
said, “Your majesty, this is only your opinion. There are artists in the
world, who are better than me.”
Akbar said, “Come now Tansen, you are being modest. I have heard
many singers. But your music is the best amongst all of them.”
Tansen said, “Then your majesty, you must listen to my master, Guru
Swami Haridas. He is way better than I am. His music is really very
Akbar was curious. He said, “Is it so? Then I must hear your guru sing.
Surely you can request him to sing for me.”
Tansen said, “Your majesty, Swami Haridas would never come to the
court and sing for you. But if you come with me to his house, you can hear
him sing.” Akbar was very eager to listen to Swami Haridas sing. He
agreed at once and along with his favourite minister Birbal and Tansen, he
reached Swami Haridas’ house.
Akbar stayed at Swami Haridas’ house for couple of days but the guru
never sang. Akbar was getting impatient. He called Tansen and asked,
“When will Swami Haridas sing? I have been here for four days now but
he has not sung a syllable. If this goes on I would have to return to the
palace without having heard him sing.”
Tansen said, “My lord, guruji would sing only when he thinks the time is
right. We must have patience.”
Then one morning Akbar was woken from his sleep by a very melodious
voice. Swami Haridas was singing. His voice was so deep and beautiful
that the emperor was mesmerized completely. He said to Tansen, “You
were right. Indeed Swami Haridas is better than you.” Tansen bowed to the
Akbar decided to return to the palace now. He felt very satisfied after
hearing Swami Haridas sing. On the way back, he asked Birbal, “Birbal,
Swami Haridas is a brilliant singer. Why is Tansen’s music not so good as
his master’s?”
Birbal said, “Jahanpanah, it is because Tansen sings to please you. But
Swami Haridas sings to please God. It is a matter of devotion.” Akbar
remained silent until they safely reached the palace.
God Saves His Devotees
hough Akbar was a Muslim ruler, he respected all religions equally
T and was ever curious to know more about God. One day he asked
Birbal, “Birbal, is it true that one of Gods in Hindu mythology rushed
to rescue an elephant who prayed to him for help?”
Birbal said, “Yes, my lord. When Gajendra the king of elephant’s was
grabbed by a crocodile who wanted to kill him, he prayed to lord Vishnu.
Lord Vishnu answered his prayers and he came to Gajendra’s rescue.”
Akbar said, “Why did God come to rescue Gajendra himself. He could
have sent his servants. He has many servants, doesn’t he?”
Birbal said, “I shall answer this question in a few days.”
The prince would often go for walks in the evening with his servant.
Birbal cleverly befriended the servant and asked him not to tell anyone that
they were friends. Then he got a wax statue made, which looked exactly
like the prince. One evening when the prince was sleeping, Birbal asked
the servant to take the statue for a walk instead of the prince. The servant
did as he was told.
Soon after the servant came running to Akbar saying, “Jahanpanah, come
quickly, the prince has fallen into the pond. He does not know how to
When Akbar heard this he leapt from his throne at once and ran towards
the pond. When he reached the pond he jumped into it to rescue the prince.
Akbar was very relieved when he did not find the prince in the pond.
Instead, he found the statue which looked like the prince. Birbal was
waiting for the emperor to come out of the water.
Akbar asked Birbal, “What kind of joke was this?” Birbal said,
“Jahanpanah, why did you jump into the pond yourself? You could have
sent a servant to save the prince. You have many servants, don’t you?”
Akbar remembered the question about God he had asked Birbal. Birbal
continued. “God loves his devotees in the same way as you love your son.
It is because of this love that he himself rushes to rescue them. The other
day you inquired why lord Vishnu himself went to rescue Gajendra from a
crocodile. Now you have the answer.”
Akbar said, “No one could have explained it to me better. I understand
Greater than God
ne day Emperor Akbar had invited some close friends over for
O dinner. Birbal was also there. Many delicious dishes were served
and the party enjoyed it very much.
After dinner the guests requested to be entertained. A famous storyteller
was called. He began to tell funny stories. Akbar and his guests laughed
heartily at the stories. Akbar was so happy with the story teller that he
offered the man a bag of gold coins. Indeed, the emperor loved to hear
stories and this man was very good at telling stories.
The man was very pleased at the emperor’s gesture. He took the bag of
gold from the emperor and bowed respectfully. Then he said, “You are the
greatest king that ever was. In fact, you are greater than the God.”
No sooner had the man said this, there was a silence in the court. The
ministers thought, “Greater than God? How can a man be greater than
God?” Akbar was very pleased to hear what the story teller had said.
Though he too knew that the storyteller had gone a little overboard with
the praise, he found it very funny to see the surprised faces around him. He
decided to have some fun.
When the storyteller had left, the emperor turned around to his guests and
ministers and asked, “Do you agree with what the man just said? Do you
think I am greater than God?”
The guests and the ministers remained quiet. They did not know what to
say. Surely, the emperor was not greater than God. But to say that would
offend the emperor and he might punish them. Akbar kept teasing them.
He said, “I am happy you think I am greater than God. Now tell me why
am I greater than God?”
The guests and ministers looked at each other. They were truly lost for
words. Akbar looked at Birbal. He said, “Tell me Birbal, why do you think
I am greater than God?”
Birbal said, “Jahanpanah, you can do something which God cannot. You
can banish a wicked man from your kingdom. God cannot do so. Since he
owns the universe, where could he send the man? So you are greater than
Akbar burst out laughing. Even he had not thought of such an answer. He
said, “Dear Birbal, your wit has no match.” The guests and the minister
heaved a sigh of relief. They too laughed at Birbal’s answer.
Unlucky Face
nce there lived a young man in Akbar’s city. He had no friends for
O people hated him. They would make fun of him and throw stones at
him whenever he was out in the streets. Yusuf’s life was miserable,
for everyone thought that he was unlucky. People would say that a glance
at Yusuf’s face would bring bad luck to the person.
Thus, even though Yusuf was hated, his story was famous far and wide.
The rumours reached Akbar’s ears. He wanted to test if what people said
was true. He invited Yusuf to the court and spoke to him politely. But just
then a messenger came running to the court and informed Akbar that the
queen had taken seriously ill. The messenger said, “Jahanpanah, you are
requested at the queen’s chambers urgently. The queen has fainted and the
physicians are unable to understand why.”
Akbar rushed to his queen. He sat by her bed all afternoon. When the
queen was feeling better again in the evening, Akbar returned to the court.
Yusuf was still waiting for him.
But on seeing Yusuf, Akbar got very angry. He roared, “So the rumours
are true. You are indeed unlucky. You have made the queen ill.” He
ordered the prison guards to take Yusuf away.
Poor Yusuf had no option. He wailed aloud and begged the guards to let
him be free. The decision of the emperor was so unfair. But no one at the
court dared to say anything in protest for they feared the emperor.
Suddenly Birbal walked to where Yusuf was standing and whispered
something in his ear. Yusuf bowed to the king and said, “Jahanpanah, I am
ready to go to prison, but after you have answered my humble question. If
the queen is ill because you saw my face, then is it not possible that I am
being sent to prison because I saw your face?”
Akbar realized his mistake. He let Yusuf go and granted him a bag of
gold from the treasury. Once again, the people in the court praised Birbal’s
wisdom and intelligence.
Birbal’s Cooking
of Khichdi
kbar’s city of Fatepur Sikhri would get very cold during winters.
A Once, the emperor announced that he would give a thousand gold
coins to anyone who would dare to stand all night in the cold lake
just outside the royal palace.
For many days, Akbar received no volunteers. Then one day a poor
brahmin came to the court. The emperor was amazed when he saw the
poor man. He was thin and sickly. The emperor asked, “You are so thin
and sickly. Why do you want to take up this difficult challenge?”
The brahmin said, “My lord, I am a poor man. I have little children to
feed. I need the money.”
Akbar agreed and the brahmin was led to the lake by two guards. The
brahmin took off his clothes, stepped into the water and stood in the ice-
cold water for the whole night as the guards watched him. The next
morning the guards brought the brahmin back to the court. Akbar was
amazed at how brave the brahmin was. He asked, “How did you manage to
stand in the cold water all night? Didn’t you feel cold?”
The brahmin said, “Yes, my lord, I was feeling very cold but then I
looked at the lamps that were glowing in the palace towers. I kept looking
at them all night and that kept me warm.”
When Akbar heard this he was very angry. He shouted at the brahmin,
“How dare you? The lamps have kept you warm all night. That is cheating.
You shall not get any gold.” And he asked the guards to throw the brahmin
out of the court.
The poor brahmin was very upset. He knew that the emperor had been
unfair to him. But who could argue with an emperor? Sadly, he went back
home. Now, Birbal was present at the court when this happened. He
thought, “The emperor is being very unfair. I must tell him that, so that the
brahmin receives the gold that he deserves.” Birbal walked to Akbar and
bowed respectfully. He said, “Jahanpanah, I am arranging a party for my
friends. I would like to invite you and all the ministers. Please come to my
house today evening for dinner.”
Akbar was very happy to know this. In the evening, he along with the
ministers reached Birbal’s house. But when they saw Birbal in his
courtyard, they were very surprised. Birbal was sitting near a small fire
while the pot which should have been on the fire, was hanging high up on
a branch of a tree.
Akbar asked Birbal, “What do you think you are doing?” Birbal said,
“Your majesty, I am making delicious khichdi for all of us.” This made the
emperor laugh out loud. He said, “You fool, how do you think will the
heat from the fire reach the khichdi if the pot is hung up so high on that
Birbal said, “Just the way the heat from the lamps of the palace towers
reached the poor brahmin that day.” Akbar stopped laughing. He had
realized what Birbal was trying to say. Next day he called for the brahmin
and gave him the thousand gold coins as he had promised. The brahmin
thanked and blessed the emperor. Akbar looked at Birbal as Birbal smiled
Most Foolish Person
he emperor Akbar had many hobbies. He liked playing chess and
T flying kites. He also liked listening to stories of other lands. But his
favorite hobby was collecting horses, good horses.
One day a horse dealer came to the palace. He had a team of horses to
sell. The emperor came out and looked at the horses.
“They are very fine horses,” said Akbar. “I’ll buy them. Have you got
any more?”
“No sir,” said the dealer. “But if you give me some money, I will go to
Afghanistan and buy some more.”
Akbar gave the horse dealer two hundred gold coins for the team of
horses, and two hundred gold coins to bring more horses from
Afghanistan. He gave him the money but he did not ask him any questions.
He did not ask what his name was, where he came from, or where he lived.
The horse dealer took the money and went away.
Many days passed but the horse dealer did not return. Akbar was growing
A few days later, Akbar asked Birbal to make a list of the ten biggest
fools in India. Birbal made the list very quickly, and took it to the emperor.
As Akbar began to read it he was first surprised, then very angry. Birbal
had written Akbar’s name at the very top of the list.
“What’s this, Birbal?” the emperor shouted. “Why is my name at the top
of the list?”
“Jahanpanah, it is because you are the biggest fool of all people,” Birbal
“How dare you?” Akbar said, being very hurt by Birbal’s words. Birbal
was calm and continued, “Your majesty, you gave such a large sum of
money to a stranger, and you didn’t ask who he was or where he came
from. Isn’t that foolish?”
Akbar said, “What if the man returns with the horses?”
“Your majesty, if he returns with the horses, I’ll remove your name from
the top of the list, and write his name there instead,” said Birbal.
Akbar realized he had indeed been foolish.
Most Beautiful Child
nce, Emperor Akbar declared in the court that his grandson was the
O most beautiful child in the whole land. He was very fond of his new
born grandson. Akbar loved his grandson so much that after the
child was born Akbar could hardly concentrate on his duties as the
emperor. He would play with the child all day. This made the ministers
So when Akbar said, his grandson was the most beautiful child in the
land. Birbal said, “Jahanpanah, please do not be offended. The prince is no
doubt a beautiful child but I think there are children more beautiful than
Akbar was very angry when he heard this. He said, “How can you say
that? I order all the ministers to bring a child they think is the most
beautiful. If those children are more beautiful than my grandson, I would
agree with what Birbal has said.”
So the next day each minister brought a child to the court. But Birbal was
nowhere to be seen. Then after some time Birbal came to the court. He was
drenched with sweat. Akbar asked, “Where is the child you said was more
beautiful than my grandson?” Birbal said, “Your majesty, I tried to bring
the child to the court but his mother wouldn’t let me. If you can dress like
a commoner we can go to see the child.”
Akbar and some of his ministers dressed as commoners and went with
Birbal to see the child. After a long walk they came to a hut. A child was
playing on a heap of dirt outside the hut. He was covered with dirt. One of
its eyes was smaller than the other and streams of water ran from its nose.
Akbar said to Birbal, “You think this child is more beautiful than the
prince? He is so ugly!”
But as Akbar said it, the child’s mother came out of the hut. She was very
angry at the men who were standing and looking at the child. She said,
“Who are you? How dare you call my son ugly. Get out of here!” And she
picked up the child, wiped his face with the end of her saree and kissed
him. She said to the boy, “Don’t listen to these men darling, you are the
most beautiful child in the land.” She them took the little boy inside.
Akbar understood what Birbal wanted to say. He said, “Every child is the
most beautiful in the land for their parents.” Birbal smiled and said, “And
at times for their grandparents.”
Strange Invitation
mperor Akbar would often lose his temper with Birbal. On one such
E occasion, he asked Birbal to leave the royal court and never return.
This hurt Birbal very much and he left the city one night without
letting anyone know.
After a few days, Akbar began to miss Birbal very much. He realized he
had been a little too harsh on poor Birbal. So the emperor sent his
messengers to look for Birbal in the neighbouring towns and cities. But
alas! None of the messengers could find Birbal.
Akbar thought, “Birbal must have disguised himself. That is why the
messengers have not been able to find him. There has to be some other
way of finding out where Birbal is hiding.”
Akbar ordered his ministers to send invitation cards to all the kings of the
city. The invitation card was very strange for it and read, “The sea of my
kingdom wants to get married. All the rivers of your kingdom are invited.
Please send them as early as possible as the marriage will take place next
All the kings who received the invitation were very puzzled. They did not
know what to write in reply. So they decided not to reply to the invitation
and pretend as if they had not received it. But after some days, Emperor
Akbar received a reply from one of the kings. It said, “Thank you very
much for your kind invitation. We shall be happy to send our rivers for the
wedding but they have requested that your sea must come halfway to
receive them.”
Akbar laughed very hard for a long time when he read the reply. Then
with his guards, he went to the city of the king to request Birbal to return.
Akbar had guessed it right. Indeed, Birbal was living with the king who
had sent the reply. Akbar was very happy when he found Birbal. He said,
“I knew only you could have written a fitting reply to my invitation. I am
really sorry for hurting you. Please come back to my court.”
Birbal too was glad to see that the emperor himself had come to take him
back. He bade farewell to the king and left the city with Akbar.
Sweet Punishment
ne day, Akbar came to court in a very thoughtful mood. He looked
O around at all his ministers present at the court and said, “My dear
ministers, tell me, what punishment should I give to the one who
dares to pull my beard?”
The court was alarmed at such a strange question. Everyone began to
discuss amongst themselves about how usual the offence was. Who would
dare to pull the emperor’s beard?
One of the ministers said, “My lord, someone who dares to do such a
deed must have his hands chopped off!”
Another minister said, “Yes, my lord, he deserves nothing less than
Then another rose and said, “Your majesty must punish such an evil-doer
with life imprisonment. He should be thrown in the dungeons with the
The ideas for a fitting punishment came pouring in. The ministers got
more and more creative as they went on discussing. Akbar was listening to
all of them with great relish. Finally, he turned to Birbal and said, “Why
dear Birbal, why are you so quite? What do you think should be a fitting
punishment for the one who dares to pull my beard?”
Birbal rose and bowed to the emperor. Then he said, “Your majesty, he
should be showered with kisses and hugs and given lots of sweets to eat.”
At this the court broke out into a surprise, again. A minister said, “My
lord, it is nothing less than a crime to pull the emperor’s beard and Birbal
wants the person to be given sweets?” Akbar was smiling. He asked
Birbal, “Why do you think it is a fitting punishment?” Birbal replied, “My
lord, who else will dare to pull your beard but your own grand children?”
Birbal was right. That morning, when the emperor was playing with his
grandson, he had mischievously pulled his grandfather’s beard. Akbar had
thought it was a good idea to test his ministers, so he had put the strange
question to them.
Only Birbal had been able to answer the question correctly. Akbar
presented Birbal with a bag of gold for his intelligent thought.

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