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English [ Footprints ]

L-4 ( A Question of Trust)

1. Why is Horace Danby described as good and respectable
but not completely honest?
Horace Danby was a good person. He made locks. He was very
successful in his business. He had engaged two helpers in his business.
But he was not completely honest because he robbed a safe every year to
buy rare and expensive books.

2. How did Horace Danby enter the house?

Horace Danby had been preparing for the theft. He studied the house
carefully for two weeks before committing the theft in the house at
Shotover Grange. He studied its rooms, electric wiring, paths and its
garden. He had seen the housekeeper hang the key to the kitchen door on
a hook outside. He put on a pair of gloves, took the key and opened the
door. Thus, he entered the house at Shotover Grange.

3. Why was it not hard to open the safe for Horace Danby?
It was not going to be hard to open the safe for Horace Danby. After all,
he had lived with locks and safes all his life. He made locks himself with
two helpers. The burglar alarm was poorly built and he cut the wires of
the burglar alarm. He knew about the safe and the key, and it was not a
difficult job for him to open it when no one was present in the house.
4. Who is the real culprit in this story, the lady or Horace?
How did he/she manage to rob the safe without leaving a
single fingerprint?
In this story, the real culprit is the young lady. She managed to trick
Horace for breaking the safe for her. She did not even touch the safe
herself. She managed to get all the jewels. She had to do no physical
exercise for this. In this way, she managed to rob the safe without
leaving a single fingerprint.

5. Why did Horace Danby prefer books to collect paintings?

Horace Danby had a passion for books. Collecting and buying rare and
expensive books was his passionate hobby. He resorted to robbing a safe
every year to buy them. When the preference between collecting books
and painting came, he chose the former. Paintings took up too much
space. In a small house like his, books were a better choice.

Long Question- Answer

1. Write a character sketch of Horace Danby.
Horace Danby was a good and respectable citizen. He was about fifty
years old but he was unmarried. He was a locksmith. He was very
successful in his business. Despite all these qualities, he was not
completely honest. He had been to jail once. So he hated the thought of
jail. He loved rare and expensive books. He broke a safe every year to
have enough money to buy books. He was a careful burglar. He planned
his work will. He was very careful while robbing a safe. He wore gloves
and never left fingerprint on the scene of the crime. Since he was a
locksmith so it was very easy for him to break any safe.
Once he was duped by a young lady. That young lady, who pretended to
be the owner’s wife, was also a thief. He gave all the jewels to the young
lady and left his fingerprints all over the room. Thus, he was arrested
and sent to prison. Now he did not like the thought of ‘honour among
thieves’ any more.

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