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Introduction to Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Learning objectives
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By the end of this course, you will be able to:

Discuss the main capital Explain the process of Compare debt financing with
investment activities and mergers and acquisitions, equity financing and explain
valuation techniques and key considerations for the optimal capital structure
the deal

Outline the capital raising Explore various career paths

process in corporate finance

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Corporate finance overview

The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through
planning and implementing management resources while balancing risk and profitability.

Capital Investments Capital Financing Dividends & Return

of Capital
• Decide what projects / • Determine how to fund
businesses to invest in capital investments • Decide how and when
• Earn the highest possible • Optimize the firm’s to return capital to
risk-adjusted return capital structure investors

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Players in corporate finance – primary market

Bonds or shares

“Sell side”
Contacts Contacts “Buy side”

Corporations Investment Institutions

Banks Investors


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Players in corporate finance – secondary market

Wants to sell Wants to buy

Fund Manager exchange
Fund Manager

Investment bank Investment bank

Sales, trading Sales, trading
and research and research

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Types of participants

Retail Institutional Public Private

Investors Corporations

• High net worth • Mutual funds • Traded on stock • Owned and

individuals • Pension funds exchanges traded by a few
private investors
• Private equity firms
• Venture capital firms
• Seed / angel investors

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Types of transactions

Initial public Follow-on Private

offering (IPO) offering placement

Mergers & Leverage Divestiture

acquisitions buyout (LBO)

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Capital Investments

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What is a capital investment?

Any investment for which the economic benefit is greater than one year.

Opening a new Entering a new Acquiring another Research and

factory market business development of new

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Capital investment

Capital investments will increase the assets of a company.




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Techniques for valuing an investment

Whether such investments are worthwhile depends on the approach that the company uses
to evaluate them. A company may value the projects based on:

Net Present Value (NPV): The value of all future

cash flows (positive and negative) over the entire life
of an investment discounted to the present.

Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The expected

compound annual rate of return that will be
earned on a project or investment.

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Net Present Value (NPV)

Future Cash Flows $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 …
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 …

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Net Present Value (NPV)

Future Cash Flows $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 …

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 …

Forecast Period

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Net Present Value (NPV)

Future Cash Flows $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $1,200

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 - onwards

(terminal value)
Forecast Period

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Net Present Value (NPV)

Future Value $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $1,200

1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1
1.10 1.102 1.103 1.104 1.105 1.105

745 Net Present

Present Value 91 + 83 + 75 + 68 + 62 + = Value (NPV)
= FV x (1+ i)n = $1,124
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 - onwards
Discount Rate
(terminal value)
Forecast Period
(Cost of Capital)
i = 10%

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Terminal value

Terminal Value: Value of free cash flow beyond the forecast period

Growing perpetuity formula

Free cash flow x (1 + growth)

Terminal value
= Cost of capital - growth

Exit multiple formula

Financial Metric (i.e. Earnings,

Terminal value
= EBITDA, Revenue) x Multiple

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Terminal value

Terminal value $100 x (1 + 1.54%)

Perpetual growth = 10.00% - 1.54% = $1,200

Terminal value

Exit multiple = 12 x $100

= $1,200

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Unlocking the drivers of value

• Business strategy
• Revenue
• Cost structure • Organic growth?
• Asset utilization • What’s sustainable?

Free cash flow x (1 + growth)

Terminal value
= Cost of capital - growth

• Risk • Organic growth?

• Current capital • What’s sustainable?
• Macro factors

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Enterprise value vs. equity value

Enterprise value is the value of the entire business.

Equity value is the value shareholders would receive if the company is sold.

Market value
of net debt

=Equity Value + Debt – Cash Enterprise

=NPV of the business value Market value
of equity =Share Price x Outstanding Shares
(market =NPV of the business – Debt + Cash

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Internal Rate of Return

IRR = 22%

22% IRR is economically equivalent to earning a 22% compound annual growth rate.

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Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Mergers and acquisitions is the process of companies buying, selling, or

combining businesses.

Benefits: Potential drawbacks:

• Cost savings • Overpaying

• Revenue enhancements • Large expenses associated
• Increase market share with the investment

• Enhance financial resources • Negative reaction to the

merger or acquisition

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10 step acquisition process

9 Integration
8 Financing
7 Purchase &
6 Sales Contract
5 Diligence
4 Data & Detailed
3 Approaching Valuation
2 Targets
1 Acquisition
for Target

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Strategic versus financial buyers

Strategic buyers
VS Financial buyers

• Operating businesses • Private equity (financial sponsor)

• Horizontal or vertical expansions • Professional investor (non-operator)
• Involves identifying and delivering • Leverage for maximum equity
operating synergies returns

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Rival bidders

The vast majority of acquisitions are

competitive or potentially competitive.

• Companies normally have to offer more than rival bidders

• To pay more than rival bidders, the buyer may:
• Be able to “do more” with the acquisition
• Accept a lower expected return
• Have a different view or forecast for the future

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Acquisition valuation process

Strategic Buyer Scenario:

• Sales growth
1. Value the target • EBIT margin
as stand-alone
• Operating tax
• Working capital requirements
Enterprise value
• Capital expenditures

• Sales (volume & price) • Working capital

2. Value synergies • EBIT margin • Vendor relationships
• Product mix • Capital expenditures
• Overhead reductions • Efficiencies
Hard (cost savings) and soft
(revenue enhancements) • Operating tax
• Tax efficiency
• Tax losses

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Best practice acquisition analysis

1 2 3 4 5 6

Soft Transaction
synergies costs
Hard Net Value created
synergies synergies

Stand-alone Consideration
enterprise Stand- (price paid)
value alone value

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Issues to consider when structuring a deal

Market Environment

Contract Structuring Antitrust

law Environment rules

Strategic Competing
plan bidders

Accounting Deal Available

rules financing
Hostile vs Public vs
friendly private




Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Corporate finance overview

The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through
planning and implementing management resources while balancing risk and profitability.

Capital Investments Capital Financing Dividends & Return

of Capital
• Decide what projects / • Determine how to fund
businesses to invest in capital investments
• Decide how and when
• Earn the highest • Optimize the firm’s to return capital to
possible risk-adjusted capital structure investors

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Capital Financing

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What is capital financing?

Any type of funding that is used to finance the purchase of an asset/project (an investment).

Equity Debt

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Capital financing

Capital financing will increase the liabilities and/or equity of a company.

Capital Capital
investment financing
(spending Assets (where the
money to money
purchase comes from)
assets) Equity

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Capital financing

Capital financing will increase the liabilities and/or equity of a company.

Capital Debt Capital

investment financing
(spending Assets (where the
money to money
purchase comes from)

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Capital financing

Capital financing will increase the liabilities and/or equity of a company.

Capital Capital
investment financing
(spending Assets (where the
money to money
purchase Equity comes from)

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The business life cycle


$ Life cycle


Cash flow



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The corporate funding life-cycle



Debt funding

Business risk

Stage of the firm life cycle

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Capital structure

Capital Structure: the amount of debt and/or equity employed by a firm to fund its operations
and finance its assets. In order to optimize the structure, a firm will decide if it needs more debt
or equity and can issue whichever it requires.

Low Leverage High Leverage

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Optimal capital structure

The equity versus debt decision relies on a large number of factors:

The current economic climate

The business’ existing capital structure

The business’ life cycle stage

Having too much debt may increase the risk of default in repayment.

Depending too heavily on equity may dilute earnings and value for original investors.

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Optimal capital structure

Companies are usually looking for the optimal combination of debt and equity to
minimize the cost of capital.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Debt/Total Capital (Leverage)

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Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is the proportion of debt and equity a firm has,
multiplied by their respective costs.

Cost of Equity: Cost of Debt:

The rate of return a The rate of return that a
shareholder requires for lender requires given the
investing equity into a business risk of the business

The optimal capital structure of a firm is often defined as the proportion of debt and equity that result in
the lowest weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for the firm.

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

WACC formula

Net debt % net debt x Cost of debt = Contribution

value % equity x Cost of equity = Contribution
of equity
Cost of capital


$32bn 14%* x 3.5% = 0.5%


$193bn 86%* x 9.0% = 7.7%


*Rounded for ease of calculation.

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Capital stack

How to optimally finance the capital investments through the

business’ equity, debt, or a mix of both?

Senior debt

Subordinated debt


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Types of equity

Senior debt

Subordinated debt

S/holder loans S/holder loans Higher liquidation position; no dividend but pays interest

Pref. shares Pref. shares Higher liquidation and higher dividend priority (vs Common)

Common shares Common shares Last liquidation position and last dividend position

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Common shares

Terms Issues
Typically the majority of a • Last level of priority (highest
firm’s equity capital: risk) for investors
• Proportional share of
residual value of the business
• Proportional payment of
common dividends
• Voting rights (or not)

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Preferred shares

Terms Issues
The ‘norm’ is for private equity Preferred shares are
to subscribe for preferred becoming less attractive as:
shares which are: • More costly than Common
• Liquidity preference shares
• Have a fixed dividend • Even if company has cash,
• Anti-dilution rights payment may not be made if
lack of distributable reserves.

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Shareholder loans

Shareholder loans are a means for private equity houses to invest sufficient equity into a
buyout situation, whilst still allowing management a significant equity stake.

Max debt
$50m Shareholder
loan - PIK
Equity $16m

$20m Private equity $2m

Management $2m

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Sources of equity

Private Markets Public Markets

Founders Institutional

Venture Capital Retail

Private Equity

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Private equity and venture capital firms

Private equity firms manage funds or pools of capital that invest in companies
that represent an opportunity for a high rate of return.

Private equity funds invest for limited time periods. Exit strategies include IPOs,
selling to another private equity firm, etc.

Private equity funds are typically split into two categories:

Venture capital funds typically invest in Buyout or LBO funds typically invest in more mature businesses,
1 early stage or expanding businesses that have
limited access to other forms of financing.
2 usually taking a controlling interest and leveraging the equity
investment with a substantial amount of external debt. Buyout funds
tend to be significantly larger than venture capital funds.
• Sequoia Capital
• Blackstone
• Y Combinator
• Andreessen Horowitz
• Carlyle Group

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Typical exit routes for private equity

Total Exit Partial Exit

Private Corporate
Sale to Strategic Sale to Sponsor
Placement Restructuring


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Why use debt

Corporation: (1) to lower the cost of Investor: to increase their equity return
capital, and (2) avoid equity dilution
Weighted Average
Cost of Capital (WACC)

Senior debt

Senior debt Three to five years


Equity IRR = 28%

Debt/Total Capital

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Assessing debt capacity

General measures Balance sheet measures Cash flow measures

• Level of EBITDA • Debt to equity • Total debt / EBITDA

• Volatility and hence • Debt to capital • Senior debt / EBITDA
stability of EBITDA • Debt to assets • Net debt / EBITDA
• Capital expenditures • Etc. • Cash interest cover
• Cyclicality
• EBITDA-Capex / interest
• Risk
• Competition

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Senior debt overview

Revolver Revolver: Revolving line of credit facility from a bank

Term loan A
Senior debt Term loans: have a fixed schedule where they repay
Term loan B or are amortized, and have a final principal
repayment. Can be stacked.
Term loan C

Subordinated Senior Debt Capacity:

• Provide 2x to 3x EBITDA

• Require 2x interest coverage

Equity • Typically provided by: commercial banks, credit

companies, insurance companies

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Types of subordinated debt

Increasing Increasing
subordination return

Senior debt

High yield bonds Increasing

Mezz warrantless dilution
debt is used to fill Subordinated
Mezz warranted
the funding gap. debt
PIK notes

Vendor notes


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How much subordinated debt?

Subordinated debt holders will only supply so much debt.

Total debt / EBITDA ~ 5 to 6 times

xEBITDA / Cash interest ~ 2 times

Equity funding ~ 30% to 35%.

The appropriate financial structure has to be constructed

within these constraints.

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Credit ratings and high yield debt

Moody’s S&P Fitch DBRS


Aa1 AA+ AA+ AA (high)
Investment grade Aa3 AA- AA- AA (low)
A1 A+ A+ A (high)
• Low risk A2 A A A
• Low return A3 A- A- A (low)
• Low fees Baa1 BBB+ BBB+ BBB (high)
Baa3 BBB- BBB- BBB (low)

Ba1 BB+ BB+ BB (high)

Ba3 BB- BB- BB (low)
High yield B1 B+ B+ B (high)
• High risk B2 B B B
B3 B- B- B (low)
• High return
Caa1 CCC+ CCC+ CCC (high)
• High fees Caa2 CCC CCC CCC
Caa3 CCC- CCC- CCC (low)
- D D D

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Mezzanine debt characteristics

Mezzanine debt:
• Non-traded
• Subordinated to senior debt
• Repaid as a bullet (not amortized)
• Combination of cash and accrued interest
built into return

• Can have equity warrants attached

• Debt with warrants, convertible loan stock,
convertible preferred shares

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Mezzanine returns

3% to 10%
of post
exit value
Accrued Return


(IRR 14%
to 20%)

Cash pay

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Mezzanine returns

Senior Debt
Warrants IRR <10%
3% to 10%
of post
exit value
Mezzanine Subordinated
Accrued Return Debt

interest Mezzanine

(IRR 14%
to 20%)
IRR 14-20%
Cash pay
IRR 20-30%

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Debt repayment profiles

Mezzanine finance – high yield debt

Equal Balloon Bullet Bullet

amortizing repayment repayment repayment


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Capital Raising Process

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The process where a bank raises capital for a

corporation, or institution from investors in the
form of equity or debt securities.
Underwriting involves conducting research,
financial modeling, valuation, and marketing
and a deal.

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Types of underwriting

Types of underwriting commitment:

Firm Commitment Best Efforts

The underwriter agrees to buy Underwriter commits to selling
the entire issue and assume full as much of the issue as possible
financial responsibility for any at the agreed-on offering price,
unsold shares. but can return any unsold shares
to the issuer without financial

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Underwriting advisory services

Planning Issue Structure Timing and Demand

• Identify investor themes • Domestic or international • Hot or cold issue market

• Investment rationale • Institutional investor focus • Supported by positive news-flow
• Financial modeling & valuation • Retail investor focus • Investor appetite
• Is IPO the best option? • Offer for sale • Precedents and benchmark
• Size of float and lock-up issues • Intermediaries offer offerings

• Preliminary view on investor • Introduction • Pricing


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Underwriting - the book building process

Institutional Price is
Book of
Indicative price investor set to
demand Allocation
range commitment ensure
at firm price clearing

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Underwriting - the road show

The roadshow is an opportunity for management to convince investors of the

strength of the business cases.

Areas that are critical include:

Management structure, A thorough analysis of

governance and quality the industry/sector

Strategy, both tactical

Key risks
and long-term

Funding requirements and purpose:

Cash in versus cash out

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Pricing the issue

Key issues in pricing

Price stability

Buoyant after market

Depth of investor base

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Pricing the issue

After market price

performance Maximizing price

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There are two costs associated with a flotation:

• Direct cost / Fees
• Indirect cost / Under-pricing

There is a temptation for the advising bank to

underprice the issue — why?
• Reduces the risk of equity overhang

• Ensures after market is buoyant

• BUT this fails to make the best possible returns for
the current owners and could lead to profit-taking
and hence volatility

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The IPO pricing process



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The IPO pricing process

discount Indicative maximum
10 to 15%
pricing range
Indicative minimum
value IPO

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The IPO pricing process

discount Indicative maximum
10 to 15%
pricing range
Indicative minimum


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The IPO pricing process

discount Indicative maximum
10 to 15%
pricing range
Indicative minimum
You will be pricing the deal based on:
• Relative valuation
• Intrinsic valuation

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Dividends and Return of Capital

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Corporate finance overview

The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through
planning and implementing management resources while balancing risk and profitability.

Capital Investments Capital Financing Dividends & Return

of Capital
• Decide what projects / • Determine how to fund
businesses to invest in capital investments • Decide how and when to
• Earn the highest possible return capital to investors
• Optimize the firm’s capital
risk-adjusted return structure

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Dividends and return of capital

Corporate managers need to decide to:

Distribute the earnings to shareholders in the

form of dividends or share buybacks, OR

Retain the excess earnings for future

investments and operational requirements

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Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

Internal Rate of Return

IRR = 22% (based on cash flows)

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Net debt % net debt x Cost of debt = Contribution

value % equity x Cost of equity = Contribution
of equity

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

WACC = 28%

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Internal Rate of Return Cost of Capital

= 22% = 28%

Return Capital
(Dividend or Buyback)

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Retained earnings and excess cash

Balance Sheet

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Retained earnings / excess cash decision flowchart

Retained earnings /
Cash balance

Rate of return on capital Rate of return on capital

investment < WACC investment > WACC

Repurchase Pay cash Reinvest in

shares dividends other projects

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Dividend vs Share Buyback

Dividend Buyback (Repurchase)

• Can be one-time or ongoing • Reduces the number of
• Contribute to the “yield” on a shares outstanding
stock if ongoing regular • Increases EPS
• No impact on shares
outstanding or EPS

Corporate Finance InstituteⓇ

Corporate finance overview

The ultimate purpose of corporate finance is to maximize the value of a business through
planning and implementing management resources while balancing risk and profitability.

Capital Investments Capital Financing Dividends & Return

of Capital
• Decide what projects / • Determine how to fund
businesses to invest in capital investments • Decide how and when
to return capital to
• Earn the highest possible • Optimize the firm’s
risk-adjusted return capital structure

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Corporate Finance Careers

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Career map

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Roles in corporate finance

Banks (‘Sell side’) Public Accounting Institutions (‘Buy side’) Corporates

• Client facing / sales • Mix of client or inward • More internally focused • Internally focused
component focus • Hire from banks • Hire from banks, accounting
• Capital Markets hire from • Hire from schools or from • Hire grad school students firms, institutions and schools
schools other accounting firms • Hire across all entry points
• Long hours
• Retail hires at various • Long / medium hours • Hours vary
• Competitive
points • Competitive
• Quick career progression • Competitiveness varies by
• Long hours • Clear career path company
• Competitive • Career progression varies
• Quick career progression

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