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Managing a Diverse Workforce

The challenge for a manager is to recognize the ethical need and legal requirement to treat
human resources in a fair and equitable manner.
Human resources (HRM) procedures and practices that are legal and fair must be put into
● Macro Environment: Global
→ The international human resources environment or the environment in
multinational companies, where human resources from many different cultures
are involved. So, depending on people's perception of a different problem, there is
a conflict of ethical need and legal requirement.
● Making ethical decision to meet all respect of workforce
Conflict between colleagues is inevitable in the workplace. Imagine, for example, an
employee tells you that their manager, a high-level executive, has treated them unfairly. A
situation like this requires you to engage in tough conversations with everyone involved.
Being an ethical HR leader means being confident in your moral decisions and effectively
communicating them to employees. And, according to the Josephson Institute of Ethics at UC
San Diego, making an ethical decision requires three things:

1. Commitment: “The desire to do the right thing regardless of the cost.”

1. Consciousness: “The awareness to act consistently and apply moral convictions to
daily behavior.”
1. Competency: “The ability to collect and evaluate information, develop alternatives
and foresee potential consequences and risks.”

Understanding where you, and your organization, stand on important issues will be critical in
this process. Once you define these ethical standards, you can figure out how to respond to
any human resources ethics issue—and maintain your employees’ trust and respect.


● Build a good multinational working culture in the company

→ Before becoming a member of a global organization or a multinational
company, employees need to accept the culture of that company. This is the set of
rules from the outset and should force employees to comply.

● Build rules of fairness. The more you work, the better you have
→ In the employee's mentality when in the corporate environment, they often
want to be treated fairly with their colleagues, if they do more they want to enjoy
more. So as an administrator we should consider awarding and having awarding
for outperform staff. Therefore, we can increase our productivity and encourage
more results.

Đại ý: Công ty Trung Quốc sang Mĩ mở xưởng trong bối cảnh Globalization, họ thuê người
Mĩ làm, nhưng lại dùng cách quản lí đối với người TQ để treat với người Mĩ, cho nên họ bắt
đầu xung đột về lợi ích, vì nhà quản trị không quan tâm đến cách các người Mĩ nghĩ về
‘ethical need and legal requirement’ cho nên đối xử sai cách và vẫn cứ đặt mục tiêu lợi
nhuận lên hàng đầu. Do đó mâu thuẫn trở nên gay gắt và không thế giải quyết được cho đến
khi công ty thay thế nhân viên bằng máy móc
A typical example is in the actual case of the General Motor Company. After being acquired
by a glass manufacturing company Fuyao, and GM workers who were unemployed were
recruited back to work at the factory. But after the process of trying to please each other,
problems also arise.
The conflict between American workers and new Chinese managers is that in their
management, Fuyao's management fails because they pursue the goal of minimizing costs
instead of investing in innovation. . In such a situation people face trade-offs, when the
quality of the glass is not enough, they really have to sacrifice the costs of the protection in
the company to invest in what is most needed. But the management also wants to meet the
needs of the Americans, they have changed their management many times. Motivating spirit,
but too difficult to blend two cultures together.
of workers in the two countries is different. As for Americans, they work more for
themselves, for their families and for their children. Do not want unions to interfere in this
matter because they are not related to anyone. They want more family time. Want high
welfare and protection. On par with all opinions, self-confidence is too high, everyone wants
to stand up for their voice. As for Chinese workers, they work at the request of the employer
and do not wonder, work with the spirit of the company, because they simply do not have the
right to participate in the operation, so gradually creating job acceptance. They create unions
to work with the company more effectively. Overtime
a lot, a little going home. Even if the job is not protected they still do. The Americans have
the ability, experience, but not as flexible as the Chinese. In the end, the union's efforts failed
and the company's Chinese managers began to replace workers with machines.
Failure of Fuyao enterprise to build a corporate culture will lead to production stagnation,
prolonged tension conflicts, inability to focus on production, poor quality products, declining
revenue, causing managers treatment becomes difficult. As a manager, you should not just
ignore the aspirations of employees only for top profit purposes.

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Core Principle

HR professionals are expected to exhibit individual leadership as a role model for

maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct.


■ To set the standard and be an example for others.

■ To earn individual respect and increase our credibility with those we serve.

1. Be ethical; act ethically in every professional interaction.

2. Question pending individual and group actions when necessary to ensure that
decisions are ethical and are implemented in an ethical manner.
3. Seek expert guidance if ever in doubt about the ethical propriety of a situation.
4. Through teaching and mentoring, champion the development of others as ethical
leaders in the profession and in organizations.


Core Principle

As human resource professionals, we are ethically responsible for promoting and fostering
fairness and justice for all employees and their organizations.


To create and sustain an environment that encourages all individuals and the organization to
reach their fullest potential in a positive and productive manner.


1. Respect the uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every individual.

2. Treat people with dignity, respect and compassion to foster a trusting work
environment free of harassment, intimidation, and unlawful discrimination.
3. Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their skills and new
4. Assure an environment of inclusiveness and a commitment to diversity in the
organizations we serve.
5. Develop, administer and advocate policies and procedures that foster fair, consistent
and equitable treatment for all.
6. Regardless of personal interests, support decisions made by our organizations that are
both ethical and legal.
7. Act in a responsible manner and practice sound management in the country(ies) in
which the organizations we serve operate.

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