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Lesson Plan for Grade 3

I. Objective
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a) Identify the singular and plural nouns,
b) Distinguish the singular and plural nouns, and
c) Classify the singular and plural nouns.

II. Subject Matter

Subject: English 3
Specific Singular and Plural noun
Reference: English for You and Me language textbook Grade III, pages55-58, Miranda
Materials: pictures, visual aids
Values: Cooperation

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings of the class
3. Checking of attendance
B. Developmental Activity
1. Review of the past discussion
2. Unlocking of difficulties
a. Knives
b. Leaves
c. Groceries
C. Motivation
 The teacher will post two groups of words.


cart carts
box boxes
match matches
leaf leaves
shelf shelves

D. Activity
The students will group into two. In group 1 they will assigned
into the plural form and in group 2 they will assigned into
singular form. I will give pictures and strips to pat your answer.
Plural form Singular form
E. Analysis
 The teacher will ask questions to the student.
1. What do you notice about the two groups?
2. Which words mean only one? Which word mean many?
3. How do you make words mean many?
4. Are there other ways we can make words mean many?

F. Abstraction
 The teacher will tackle about the singular and plural nouns. She
will post a words together with their picture and she will teach how
to changing the words from singular to plural noun using the
guidelines that will follow.
A. We form the plural of most nouns by adding –s to their singular
cart – carts
box – boxes

B. We form the plural of most nouns ending in –y by changing –y to

–i and adding –es to them.
baby – babies
grocery – groceries

C. We form the plural of most nouns ending in –s, -x, -ch and –sh
by adding –es to their singular forms.
bus – buses
match – matches

D. We form the plural of most nouns ending –f or –fe by changing –f

to –v and adding –es.
leaf – leaves
knife – knives
E. Some singular noun form their plural by changing their spelling.
foot – feet
man – men

G. Generalization
Singular noun denoting only one person or thing while the plural noun
denoting more than one or more than two persons or thing.

H. Application

-s –es –ies –ves change in spelling.

baby grocery
knife box
bus car
potato wolf
hero queen

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Make this words mean more than one.

1. Lady
2. Bag
3. City
4. Car
5. Dog
6. Cat
7. Guy
8. Radio
9. Book
10. Leaf
11. Dish
12. House

IV. Assignment
Write the correct plural form of the words in the parenthesis to
complete the sentences. Write your answer on your paper.

1. Wash your (foot) before going to bed.

2. Eating (candy) is not good for our teeth.
3. There are (mango) sold in the canteen.
4. Milk and (egg) are good for growing boys and girls.
5. Fruit (juice) are good for our health.
6. Taking a bath keeps our (body) clean.
7. Kangkong and pechay are green leafy (vegetable).
8. Go to bed early. (Child) need ten hours of sleep daily.
9. The vegetables planted in the garden are (tomato) and okra.
10. Fruits like (orange and guava) help make our teeth strong and

Prepared by:
Tudtud, Riggie May G.

Submitted to: Dianne Marie F. Pingcas

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