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Lessening Karmic Retribution

“Any hardship can serve to help us lead richer and

more profound lives.”
The potential to change our karma is enormously increased by our
Buddhist practice.
Think for example, of a water pipe. If it is not used for a long time, it will rust
the water which first runs through it will become turbid. In this example, the
turbid water is compared to the unhappy life-condition of the human being
which is bound by negative karma.
However, as you continue chanting to the Gohonzon every day with strong
faith, sending clean water into the water pipe, that is, your life, you will
eventually change your karma fundamentally without fail just as the water
comes clear.
Just as the water keeps flowing clearly, so will and does your life flow with
chanting Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo
In the course of practicing Buddhism and working for kosen-rufu, we will
inevitably face obstacles, negative influences and functions that attempt to
block our way or interfere with our efforts.Nichiren Daishonin taught that to
encounter such opposition is in fact a benefit. That is because by meeting and
winning over difficulties, we naturally carry out the process of “lessening our
karmic retribution.” The characters for the Japanese phrase tenju kyoju, often
translated as “lessening one’s karmic retribution,” can literally be read
“transforming the heavy and receiving it lightly.” Left alone, the bad causes we
have accumulated over many lifetimes reveal themselves as miserable results
in this and future lifetimes. But through the benefit of devoting ourselves and
leading others to the Mystic Law, the heavy consequences of our karma can
quickly be lightened.

That is, we can effectively rid ourselves of all our negative karma in this
lifetime by experiencing its results in a much lightened form as obstacles and
troubles we challenge for the sake of kosen-rufu. For this reason, Nichiren
Daishonin says that through the benefit of lessening karmic retribution, “The
sufferings of hell will vanish instantly” (“Lessening One’s Karmic
Retribution,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 199). Difficulties,
then, are important opportunities for ridding ourselves of bad karma and
developing and strengthening ourselves . . .
We can see facing problems as something we do to
fulfill our vow as a bodhisattva to save suffering

By persevering in faith despite hardships and thereby changing our karma, we

find deeper meaning in living. In its “Teacher of the Law” chapter, the Lotus
Sutra introduces the idea of “voluntarily assuming the appropriate karma.”

It explains that bodhisattvas voluntarily give up the good karmic rewards due
them as a result of their pure actions in past lives. Out of compassion, they
choose instead to be born in an evil age so that they can teach people the
principles of the Lotus Sutra and save them from suffering.

Such bodhisattvas experience suffering just as those who do so because of bad

karma they formed in the past. Viewing ourselves as having made this choice—
of voluntarily meeting and overcoming difficulties through faith out of
compassion for others—gives us a new perspective on problems and suffering.
We can see facing problems as something we do to fulfill our vow as a
bodhisattva to save suffering people.

Only by dealing with hardships in life can we come to understand and

empathize with people’s suffering. With every problem we overcome through
Buddhist faith and practice, we create a model for winning in life, a genuine
experience through which we can encourage many others.

SGI President Ikeda expresses this process as “changing karma into mission”
and explains: “We all have our own karma or destiny, but when we look it
square in the face and grasp its true significance, then any hardship can serve
to help us lead richer and more profound lives. Our actions in challenging our
destiny become examples and inspirations for countless others” (August
2003 Living Buddhism, p. 50).

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