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3 Phil.

[ G. R. No. 1415, December 02, 1903 ]



The defendants were  charged with  "robo en cuadrilla or bandolerismo" as follows:
That the said  accused, on the 9th of December, 1902, in San Pablo, of the Province of
Laguna, conspired together and formed a band of ladrones and robbed various persons by
means of force and violence, in an uninhabited place,  and went upon  the highways armed
with deadly weapons.
On the 10th of July, 1903, the judge of the Court of First Instance of the Province of Laguna
found the accused guilty of the crime of bandolerismo and sentenced each of them to be
imprisoned for a period of twenty years, to indemnify the persons robbed, and to pay the
The defendants demurred to the complaint filed in the said cause, alleging that it contained
allegations of two distinct causes.   The trial judge overruled the demurrer. The court held
that the complaint contained but one cause, and that the allegation robo en cuadrilla or
bandolerismo simply  set out the same fact in different aspects.  There was no error in
overruling the demurrer.
The proof taken in the trial of the said accused showed conclusively that they had joined in
robbing, with violence, Aurelio Rivero, Alejo Punto, and Gregorio Ilao, of personal property
belonging to  them of the value of 13, 6, and  4 pesos, respectively.  There was much conflict
in the evidence relating to the question whether the  accused  were armed, as charged in the
This proof was not sufficient to convict the said accused of bandolerismo under Act No. 518
of the Philippine Commission because it was not shown that the said accused were armed.  It
was  sufficient to convict them of the crime of robbery.  The said accused are therefore
hereby foutid to be guilty of the crime of robbery with force and intimidation.  The offense
proven  is punished under subsection 5 of article 503  of the Penal Code.
There were neither aggravating nor extenuating circumstances  proven.  Therefore the
medium degree of the penalty provided should be imposed.  By applying the rule laid down
in article 82 of the said code, the medium degree is found to be six years and ten months of
prision mayor.
The sentence of the court below is  hereby modified, and the said accused Anastasio
Mangubat,  Antonio Bondad, Prudencio Celino, and Esteban Guevara, and each of them, are
hereby sentenced to six years and ten months of prision mayor, to indemnify the said persons
robbed in the sum of $23, Mexican, and to pay all costs.
Arellano, C. J., Torres, Cooper, Willard, Mapa, and McDonough, JJ., concur.

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