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Basics of Chemistry

The specific abbreviation used to denote the name of an element is called its symbol.

Significance of a Symbol
A symbol represents a short form of an element.
A symbol represents one atom of the element.
It indicates the atomic weight of an element. The quantity of the element is equal to its atomic mass or
gram atomic mass or atomic mass unit (a.m.u.).
For example, the symbol C
o Stands for the element Carbon
o Represents one atom of Carbon
o Indicates the atomic mass of Carbon, i.e. 12 a.m.u.

In 1807, John Dalton, a scientist, tried to name the various elements based on pictorial symbols.
Symbols of some elements as proposed by Dalton are shown in the diagram.

In 1814, the Swedish Chemist Jöns Jakob Berzelius devised a system using letters of the alphabet. He
put forward certain points for presentation.

In most cases, the first letter of the name of an element was taken as the symbol for that element and
written in capitals.
Name Symbol
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Hydrogen H

In some cases, the initial letter of the name in capital along with its second letter in small was used.

Name Symbol
Calcium Ca
Aluminium Al
Silicon Si 2

The symbols for some elements were derived from their Latin names.

English name of Latin name of the Symbol

the element element
Sodium Natrium Na
Potassium Kalium K
Iron Ferrum Fe
Copper Cuprum Cu
Silver Argentum Ag
Gold Aurum Au
Mercury Hydragyrum Hg
Lead Plumbum Pb
Tin Stannum Sn

The symbols of elements used today are those as first suggested by the Swedish Chemist Berzelius.
The method suggested by Berzelius forms the basis of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry) system of chemical symbols and formulae.
The names and symbols decided by IUPAC are used all over the world for international trade.

Modern Symbols of Elements

The modern symbols of elements are derived from their English or Latin names which are made up of
either the first letter or a letter appearing later in the name.

Name of the Symbol Latin Name Name of the Symbol Latin Name
element element
Hydrogen H — Nickel Ni —
Oxygen O — Manganese Mn —
Boron B — Calcium Ca —
Carbon C — Chlorine Cl —
Fluorine F — Bromine Br —
Iodine I — Chromium Cr —
Nitrogen N — Cobalt Co —
Phosphorus P — Lead Pb Plumbum
Sulphur S — Mercury Hg Hydrargyrum
Barium Ba — Phosphorus P —
Iron Fe Ferrum Sodium Na Natrium
Gold Au Aurum Potassium K Kalium
Silver Ag Argentum Tin Sn Stannum 3

Tungsten W Wolfram Uranium U —

(German name)
Lithium Li — Zinc Zn —


Valency is the combining capacity of an atom or a radical.

For example, valency of carbon is 4 because it combines with four atoms of hydrogen to yield methane

Valency with Respect to Hydrogen Atom

The number of hydrogen atoms that combines with or displaces one atom of that element or radical. The
valency is taken to be 1 and is considered as standard.

Modern Definition of Valency

The number of electrons which an atom can lose, gain or share during a chemical reaction to attain the
stable configuration of the nearest inert gas element is called its valency.

Valance Electrons

The electrons present in the outermost shell or valence shell are known as valence electrons.

Definition of Valency with Respect to Valence Electrons

The number of electrons donated or accepted or shared by its atom during a chemical reaction is called
valence electrons, and the number of these electrons is called the valency of that element.

Variable Valency

Sometimes, the same element may exhibit one valency in one compound and another valency in other
compound. This property is called variable valency.

If an element exhibits two different positive valencies, then for lower valency, use the suffix –ous at the
end of the name of the element, and for higher valency, use the suffix –ic at the end of the name of the
element. 4

Example: (a) Iron shows two valencies.

Fe2+ or Fe (II) is ferrous.
Fe3+ or Fe (III) is ferric.
(b) Mercury also shows two valencies.
Hg+ or Hg (I) is Mercurous.
Hg2+ or Hg (II) is Mercuric.

Examples of variable valencies

Element Symbol Valencies exhibited

(variable valencies)
Copper Cu 1, 2
Mercury Hg 1, 2
Silver Ag 1, 2
Gold Au 1, 3
Tin Sn 2, 4
Manganese Mn 2, 4
Platinum Pt 2, 4
Iron Fe 2, 3
Sulphur S 2, 3, 4
Lead Pb 2, 4
Phosphorus P 3, 5 5

Ions or Radicals

An ion or radical is an atom or a group of atoms of same or different elements that behave as a single unit
with a positive or a negative ion.
Radicals have their own combining power based on which they form chemical formulae.

Classification of ions or radicals depending on their number of charges

The number of charges indicates the number of electrons lost or gained by the atom or group of atoms.
Depending on the number of charges, 1, 2, 3 or 4, the ions or radicals are described as monovalent,
divalent, trivalent and tetravalent, respectively.

List of common Electrovalent Positive Ions or Radicals

1. Monovalent electropositive ions
Ammonium NH4+
Cuprous Cu+
Mercurous Hg+

2. Bivalent electropositive ions

Argentic Ag2+
Ferrous Fe2+
Stannous Sn2+
Cupric Cu2+

3. Trivalent electropositive ions

Aluminium Al3+
Chromium Cr3+
Arsenic As3+

4. Tetra positive ions

Plumbic Pb4+
Stannic Sn4+ 6

List of common Electrovalent Negative Ions or Radicals

1. Monovalent electronegative ions

Acetate CH3COO− Permanganate MnO4−
Bisulphite HSO3− Cyanide CN−
Bisulphate HSO4− Hypochlorite ClO−

2. Bivalent electronegative ions

Carbonate CO32− Silicate SiO32−
Oxide O2− Chromate CrO42−
Sulphate SO42− Oxalate (COO)22−

3. Trivalent electronegative ions

Arsenate A5O43−
Phosphide P3−
Phosphate PO43−
Borate BO33

4. Tetravalent electronegative ions

Carbide C4−
Ferro cyanide [Fe(CN)6]4−

Molecular Formula or Chemical Formula

A molecular formula, also known as chemical formula, is a combination of elemental symbols and
subscript numbers that is used to show the composition of a compound.
Silica is represented as SiO2.
Marble is represented as CaCO3.

Writing the Chemical Formulae

Step 1: Write the symbol of a basic radical (element with positive valency) to the left hand side and that
of the acid radical (element with negative valency) to the right hand side.
Step 2: Write the valency of each of the respective radical at the right hand top of its symbol.
Step 3: Divide the valency by their highest common factor (H.C.F.), if any, to get the simple ratio. Ignore
(+) or (−) symbols of the radicals.
Step 4: Cross the reduced valencies. If 1 appears, then ignore it. If a group of atoms receives a valency
more than 1, then enclose it within brackets. 7

Example of magnesium chloride and ammonium sulphate (Refer to the diagram given below)

Magnesium chloride Ammonium sulphate

Significance of Molecular Formula

The molecular formula of a compound has quantitative significance. It represents
The name of the substance.
Both the molecule and the molecular mass of the compound.
The respective numbers of different atoms present in one molecule of a compound.
The ratios of the respective masses of the elements present in the compound.
Example: The formula CO2 means that
Formula CO2 represents carbon dioxide.
The molecular formula of carbon dioxide is CO2.
Each molecule contains one carbon atom joined by chemical bonds with two oxygen atoms.
The molecular mass of carbon dioxide is 44, given that the atomic mass of carbon is 12 and that of
oxygen is 16.

Rules in Naming Certain Chemical Compounds

1. A metal and non-metal 2. Two non-metals 3. Two elements and oxygen

Rule: Rule: Rule:
Metal – is written first. Non-metals – written side by Two elements – written side by
Non-metal – given a suffix – side and given a prefix mono, side.
ide di, tri, tetra etc., indicating the Oxygen written after it.
number of atoms.
(1) The prefix hypo is used
Example: Example: when the number of oxygen
Compound containing Formula Oxides of Oxidation atoms is less than 2.
potassium and chlorine. nitrogen number Example: Potassium hypo-
of chlorite – KClO
Potassium + Chlorine nitrogen
Potassium chloride (2) The suffix '-ite' is used if the
N2O Dinitrogen +1
(metal) (non-metal) number of oxygen atoms is 2.
Example: Potassium chlorite –
Formula: NO Nitrogen +2 KClO2 8

Potassium chloride monoxide

(3) The suffix –ate is used if the
N2O3 Dinitrogen +3
number of oxygen atoms is 3.
Example: Potassium chlorate –
NO2 Nitrogen +4 KClO3
N2O5 Dinitrogen +5 (4) The suffix per- is used when
pentoxide the number of oxygen atoms is
more than 3.
Example: Potassium per-
chlorate – KClO4

4. Nomenclature of acids
Binary acids
The names of binary acids are given by adding the prefix Hydro– and the suffix –ic to the name of
the second element.
Example: HCl – Hydrochloric acid
HF – Hydrofluoric acid

Acids containing radicals of polyatomic groups

The names of acids containing radicals of polyatomic groups such as sulphate SO 4, nitrate NO3
etc. are given on the basis of the second element present in the molecule, and the prefix Hydro– is
not used.
Example: H2SO4: The second element is sulphur; thus, the name sulphuric acid.
HNO3: The second atom is nitrogen; thus, the name nitric acid.

5. Trivial names
Names of certain compounds do not follow any systematic rule. Such names are called trivial names or
common names, and they are widely accepted.

Formula of a Name of compound Trivial name or

compound Common name
NH3 Nitrogen trihydride Ammonia
H2O Hydrogen monoxide or Water
dihydrogen oxide 9

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