Cullison Week3lp

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Loretto, PA 15940



Student Teacher Jordan Cullison Grade Pre-K

Subject Math _
Time Needed for Lesson 20 minutes Lesson Concept All About Me/Addition _

PA STANDARD(S) (Write out standards):

Standard - CC.2.4.PREK.A.4
Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.
Standard - CC.2.2.PREK.A.1
Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and
taking from.
Standard - CC.2.1.PREK.A.2
Count to tell the number of objects.


How can we use a tens frame to help add numbers?
What does add or addition mean?
What can I add together?

OBJECTIVE(S) (Be sure to include all four parts):

The students will be able to correctly add single digit numbers using a tens frame
The students will be able to classify their peers based on eye color
The students will be able to use their solved addition answers to create a class chart

 White board
 Dry erase markers (blue, green, brown, black, red)
 Dry erase board eraser
 Students
 Carpet squares
 mirror

ACTIVITIES (There are three sections here):

OPENING (Introduction, purpose, hook)

Hello class, today we are going to look at everyone’s eye color! How many of you know what color your eyes
are? Today we are going to explore the color of our eyes and create a chart.

BODY (Bulleted step by step/differentiation must be included)

Have each child sit on a carpet square, draw out a 3 column chart on the board, like you do with a KWL chart,
but each column is a different eye color. Have the children take turns using the mirror to look at their eye color.
Then have them come up to the board and write their name under the color of their eyes. Once all of the
students have done this, draw a tens frame on the board. One at a time have the class count with you the number
of names under each color. Start with one color at a time (count all the names under blue, if there are 7, have a
child use the blue marker to show 7 on the tens frame). You may need to draw several tens frames, repeat the
step for green and brown. Afterwards, count together the numbers in the tens frame to show how many of each
color eye and how many altogether.

CLOSURE (Wrap up and brief summary): How will you plan to restate the lesson objective?
Review the objectives and the big questions. Give the children a few simple addition problems to work through
together using a tens frame to determine if they have grasped or mastered the concept.

Accommodations vary based on need, if a child has a difficult time with fine motor, we may help him/her to
write their names, if a child is blind, we may add an additional column to the chart to include all students, or
refer to their seeing eye dog if one is present. We may use tangible manipulatives to aid in the addition of
numbers if the concept is not being grasped. There are many different ways we can make accommodations and
alterations to our lesson plans.

ASSESSMENT: (How you will determine that student has mastered objectives?): Consider formative and
summative assessment measures for all levels of differentiation.
To determine if a student has mastered the objectives, I would look at the partner work and see if they have used
the tens frame correctly and got the correct answer. Additionally, I will have the students provide me with
examples choosing objects around the classroom that they want to add together. If they are able to complete the
problem and get the correct answer, it will be viewed as a mastered objective.

SELF-ASSESSMENT/REFLECTION: (Complete this section if you have taught this lesson to peers or in
clinical placement):
After completing this lesson with my pre-k class, I found that they really enjoyed it! I was pleased with how
many of them easily grasped the concept and had little to no trouble with it. Much like all activities there were a
few who struggled a little more, so I changed the way I was teaching the lesson so that they were able to see it
from a different perspective. This helped and I was able to ensure all of my students grasped the concept. At the
end of the lesson, they wanted to go around and compare and add many different features of one another in the

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